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Tag "US war against Russia"

James Clapper Director of National Intelligence: “US Intel is at war with Russia 7/24 365”

This is the full text of the panel at the Aspen Security Conference 2016 in which the Director Clapper admitted that the US Intel community is at war with Russia: MR. SCIUTTO: So, let’s turn that around, if Putin sees himself as fighting this sort of low level war, in your job do you look at yourself as at war to some degree with Russia? MR. CLAPPER: Well, that’s the

Is the CIA Running a Defamation Campaign Against Putin?

Russia Insider interviews The Saker The latest hot topic in the Russian media. Russian politicians are talking about it. Historical precedent and behavior of Western media suggests that they are. A major topic in the Russian media is mystification with how Putin is portrayed in the Western media. Wildly popular at home, and seen as a decent, modest, an admirable person, and Russians don’t understand how there can be such

The Threat of War and the Russian Response

by Sergey Glazyev for Russia in Global AffairsHow to Lead a Coalition and Avoid a Global Conflict  Sergei Glaziev is an Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation, Full Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Summary: The world needs a coalition of sound forces advocating stability – a global anti-war coalition with a positive plan for rearranging the international financial and economic architecture on the principles of mutual benefit,
