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Tag "Ukraine"

How Kiev Takes Kurt Volker for an Idiot

by Scott Humor Regardless of what the US’s new envoy to Ukraine, Kurt Volker, thinks of himself, he arrived to Ukraine to buy a Brooklyn Bridge, whether he wanted it or not. Among the aboriginals populating Kiev-Dnepropetrovsk-Tel-Aviv triangle, the favored scheme is a real estate fraud. It generally goes like this: we show you a great property with a sea view, you pay us money; after taking your money, we disappear leaving you to take

SBU cleans-up after Ukrainian air force shoots down MH17

Featured image: Since Maidan in 2014, the SBU of Ukraine shares its main building with CIA headquarters. by Scott Humor Part I. SBU orders to destroy all evidence of the conducted special operation MH17 Part II. A few notes regarding the published materials: Upon release of these documents by the Sovershenno secretno newspaper, some observers  pointed out that these documents are most likely fake, because of the reference used in

SBU orders to destroy all evidence of the conducted special operation MH17

by Scott Humor If you want to know my opinion that hasn’t changed since 2014. The Boeing flight MH17 was shot down by the Ukrainian air force fighter jets, but not necessarily piloted by Ukrainian pilots. It was a CIA and NATO operation to frame Russia. Most likely the Dutch government was a part of this operation. Now, they are trying to hang all the dogs on Waltzman -Poroshenko, because

Meet employees of the SBU “Gestapo” for the “Luhansk oblast” Ukraine

A day before the Victory Day over the Western fascism, an adviser to the Minister of internal Affairs of the Ukraine Zorian Shkiryak reminded everyone that the police will react harshly against individuals that would wear the St. George ribbons, prohibited on Ukraine’s territory . According to Shkiryak, a refusal to remove the “provocative anti-state symbols” will be punishable by arrest and jail. “Wearing the St. George ribbon is a

Balakleya munitions depot disaster Ukraine SITREP

In Balakleya Tochka-U and Grad missiles explosions over the town, 24 hours of this On the night of March 23, a fire broke out on the territory of the military munitions depot of the Ministry of Defense, which is located near the city of Balakleya, Kharkov region, which led to the detonation of ammunition. The explosions are still ongoing.  An entire area has been evacuated, involving from 20,000 to 45,000

Russia, the EU and UN and a “Deep State” whistle blower SITREP

Ukraine One of the largest munitions depot near Kharkov is on fire. Thousands of people are being evacuated from Balakleya in the Kharkov region Anatolii Matios, a Deputy Prosecutor-General of Ukraine, posted on his FB account a message saying that the fire was the result of the sabotage and that the depot had about 138,000 tons of munition. Not to rain on his parade, but historically it’s an established practice

Give the falling CIA APUSH

“APUSH” is short for Advanced Placement United States History. It’s a class that many American high school students take. That moment when your paranoia turns out to be a perfectly tuned intuition. European ruling classes seriously miscalculated with Erdogan. They thought that he depends on them, turns out they depend on him. Just as seriously they miscalculated with supporting an anti-Russia project in Ukraine and the sanctions. Today people of

Here’s why Ukraine is suing Russia in the International Court of Justice

by Alexander Mercouris for The Duran Ukraine’s case in the ICJ looks like a device to avoid paying the likely High Court Judgment for payment of the $3 billion debt Ukraine owes Russia The case Ukraine is bringing in the International Court of Justice is attracting scant international attention and has been almost entirely ignored by Western governments and by the Western media.  Having said this it is an interesting

Behind Ukraine vs. Russia case in the UN International Court icj-cij

 Obama-Clinton’s Democrats in a legal war on Russia   In January 2017, the Kiev administration filed a lawsuit against Russia titled: “Application of the International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism and of the International Convention on the  Elimination of All Forms  of Racial Discrimination (Ukraine v. Russian Federation)” The International Court of Justice (ICJ) is the principal judicial organ of the United Nations (UN). Latest developments

Poroshenko doesn’t want another Maidan SITREP

Maidan has come full circle: masked protesters took down the EU flags in Kiev and Social Media exploded with the revelations that Maidan was Russia’s plan to push Ukraine into the EU to destroy them both. June 2015,  the EU flag raised over City Hall in Kiev.   March 2017, Extremists from the Right Sector took down all the EU flags outside of the administrative buildings in Kiev   “I

How Russia Implements the Minsk 2 Agreement, by Scott Humor

A few years ago, I was having coffee with my then-business partner. He happened to be in the middle of a process called “enrolling your child in a private school.” In my naiveté I thought that this process was a fairly straightforward one: you give them your application and a check, and they accept your kid. But apparently, there were more people with money that this particular school was willing to

New facts and rumors emerge after Givi’s assassination, by Scott Humor

On February 9th, the Donetsk republic authorities announced that the regime in Kiev was behind the assassination of Mikhail Sergeyevich Tolstykh, nom de guerre Givi. They also claim that  they know who were individuals, involved in this crime.   Igor Mosiychuk, a Rada deputy representing the “Radical party,” an ultra-radical nationalist known for his alleged involvement in intimidation of the fellow members of the parliament, kidnapping and other criminal activities.

Difficult Times for Globalists SITREP by Scott Humor

The German ambassador to Ukraine spoke to a Russia-based privately owned news source. He brought up the idea that in order to implement the Minsk Agreement  “local elections in Donbas could take place with Russian troops on the ground.” Thanks to the Kulak for the link. In his interview, the German ambassador is talking about a “new map” which means changing the way the agreement is implemented.  He says that

Political Breakups and Armed Tensions SITREP February 1st, 2017 by Scott Humor

  Providing correct and timely information and analysis is important to me as a journalist, but as a professor, I want to teach you a few simple logical skills, so you will be able to grasp the meaning of events through the thick fog of propaganda. I don’t ask you to believe me, because the skills of seeing through don’t require faith, but rather, understanding. Let’s talk about the temporary suspension of

Russia, Ukraine and Donbass republics SITREP December 24th, by Scott

Russian President Vladimir Putin says Russia is “stronger than any potential aggressor” because it has modernized its nuclear missiles and other forces. He also said the US withdrawal in 2001 from the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty had “created the conditions for a new nuclear arms race.” Putin: “Dear comrades,(Уважаемые товарищи) Russia is stronger than any potential aggressor” The US Department of State immediately went into an overdrive trying to proclaim

25 years after unlawful dissolution of the Soviet Union people are yearning for unity, by Scott Humor

25 years ago a gang of the Communist Party apparatchiks, enemies of people and traitors working for the foreign governments, got together, signed anti Constitutional Belavezha Accords and broke apart Russia, country that our people built and defended for centuries. They forced tens of millions people into territories illegally carved from Russia and separated by artificial borders, languages, and made up laws. These territories were immediately occupied by NATO armies,

From “grandmas separatists” in Mariupol to students in Donetsk the relay race of Russian patriotic songs keeps on, by Scott Humor

It’s almost impossible to explain to people who didn’t grew up in the Soviet Union, or in the 90s, how truly these songs bring people together. Performed by the Russian people living under an occupation by our historical enemies, these songs bring tears even to my eyes. Even though, I am not a sentimental person. A serious campaigns in mass media is on its way to discredit this singing movement.

People in Ukraine resist the occupation by singing Soviet wartime patriotic songs, by Scott Humor

Flash mobs performing Soviet Patriotic songs across Ukraine It’s all started in Zaporozhye with a song Spring on Zarechnaya street on November 13th. Next, it was a Soviet song Old Maple in Kharkov on November 21st. On November 27th 2016, people of Odessa came to the central train station to sing together Smuglyanka-Moldovanka And… On the same day November 27th, inside the Kievskaya train station in Moscow a group performed

Breaking news regarding armed conflict in Ukraine, by Scott Humor

On Monday November 28th, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation announced that they have initiated a criminal investigation of war crimes committed by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. RT has published a summary of the SK statement and the interviews of the attorneys and legal experts involved in this investigation. The Investigative Committee has established that from September to November 2016, the Ukrainian military and employees of the National
