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Tag "Sects and Cults"

LGBT Goes on the Attack

by Ruslan Ostashko Translated and captioned by Leo.   The next award ceremony of the American Film Academy, commonly referred to as the Oscars, once again showed the power of pressure from sexual minorities. And so it coincided that at the same time with the ceremony, this power was manifested in something else.   “Best Film of the Year” – this is the title of the nomination, for which, according

Russia on the long and difficult path to true civilizational identity

This article was written for the Unz Review: By now you must have heard it – Putin is “persecuting the Jeohvah’s Witnesses” in Russia. Alas, this one is true. Well, this is maybe not nearly as terrible as the Ziomedia makes it sound, but still, a pretty bad and fundamentally misguided policy. Why did the Russian government take such a drastic decision? The Russian Justice Department has banned the
