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Tag "Scott Humor"

The dialectic of the Moscow Protests Hoax

by Scott Humor for The Saker Blog Bureaucracy is not alien to democracy If compared to the Bolotnaya Square color revolution attempt in 2011-2012, the Moscow Protests Hoax 2019 had a sunnier disposition, and went on playfully. The powers to be showed sense of humor and refinement not seen prior. The similarities, however, remain. The US Ambassador was sacked, again, for crude attempt to instill a riot. Scores of demonstrators

Scott’s new book announcement Chaos and Fractals: an American mystery novel

  by Scott Humor   I present you with my new book. It is a mystery novel with no geo-politics, so it’s “safe” to recommend to your friends and family. The timing is especially significant, as it is a month before Christmas when we know people get stuck with seasonal depression. Mysteries are considered to be one of the best remedies for the holiday blues. P. J. James, a well

Scott Humor’s new book Hell and Israel: Après Lavrov le Déluge available at store

Dear friends, my new book Hell and Israel: Après Lavrov le déluge is now available at the store in PDF format and in eBOOK MOBI format. On September 17th, 2018, four Israeli military jets attacked Syria in the vicinity of the Russian Khmeimim Air Base, and port Tartus and shot down the Russian recognizance aircraft IL-20 with a crew of fifteen, killing everyone aboard. Similar but lesser known events

Roger Waters: “You want to start a war with the Russians? Are you crazy?”

Translated by Scott Humor Roger Waters – about his upcoming concerts in Russia, his humanitarian activities and conflict with the “White helmets.” source: An exclusive interview for the Izvestia newspaper. At the end of August, Roger Waters, one of the founders of Pink Floyd, will visit Russia as part of his Us+Them World Tour, and the audience in Moscow and St. Petersburg will be able to see his new show.

North America is a land run by Galician zombies

  Scott Humor Galicia – The Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria, also known as Galicia or Austrian Poland. For a historical background see an excellent essay of Oleg Yakovenko How Rusyns disappeared and Ukrainian chauvinism was born, originally published by Regrum new agency. If you can’t open the link, here is the mirror Instead of the epigraph: “We (Poland-IA REGNUM) could find a place as the Reich’s allay almost the

Saker book review: POKÉMON IN UKRAINE – Tactical War Game Introduction MANUAL

Dear friends, I thought I should take the time to sit down and draw your attention to a very interesting and original book written by my Director of Research, Scott Humor, entitled “POKÉMON IN UKRAINE: Tactical War Game Introduction MANUAL“.  The very first sentence is the book is a disclaimer: “This book is a work of fiction. This manual is for illustrative purpose only“.  Really? The book is an in-depth

Purge of ethnic mafia in Dagestan

by Scott Humor for the Saker Blog WHO WAS ARRESTED AND WHY It all started on February 5, 2018, with the simultaneous arrests of four high profile government officials in Mahachkala. The formal charges against them included theft of federal funds earmarked for the republic’s social services. What is most remarkable is how brazen these people were at first. They even tried to intimidate the arresting officers asking them: “Do

Scott’s answer to an email from a Grid Dynamics employee

by Scott Humor After my research Grid Dynamics connects wars in Ukraine and Syria with Soros’ Open Russia, Sobchak and snipers in Saratov was published, I received a reply from one of the company’s employees. We are withholding the name and occupation of the commentator. I can only say that it’s an employee, who has worked for the company for several years. ————————————————————————————————– I’m working at GD in Saratov and

Reviews of Scott Humor’s book The Enemy of the State

Ladies and Gents, I want to express my deepest gratitude to all the people who have bought my book, The Enemy of the State. Thank you for your support. I want to remind to our readers, we get about 1.5 millions unique visitors per month, and that we are not getting paid by anyone.  We are not sitting in some deep corporate pocket. You and only you, our readers,  support
