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Tag "Saker announcement"

Beware of sensationalism clickbaiting and crazy rumors: Beirut was NOT a nuclear explosion

Dear friends, As soon as I heard about the tragic explosion in Beirut I told my family “you will see, there will be some idiots who will say it was a nuke”.  Sure enough, today I already see nonsense posted about the usual suspects about the Israelis nuking of Beirut.  Some even claim this was a thermonuclear explosion! This just proves to me that I was right when I added

Hurricane Isaias coming: I might be out of touch for a while (FINAL UPDATE)

Dear friends As you might have heard, there is a hurricane coming very close to the Florida Atlantic coast: Hurricane Isaias The actual effects of the hurricane are hard to predict, since it depends on whether Isaias will turn to the right or to the left by just a few degrees.  This is especially true since Isaias is slowing down to take the right hand turn, which makes it hard

Saker announcement: a change of pace

Dear friends, For the past couple of years I had the following basic “rhythm” of work: once a week I would write an analysis roughly ranging from 1500 to 3500 words, typically around 2000-3000 words.  The rest of my work would involve research (especially parsing as much of the Russian blogosphere and news media as possible), contacts with my guest authors, collaboration with our translators, etc.  Please keep in mind

A quick message for “censored” crybabies

Dear crybabies, I think I need to explain a few things to you: First, the Saker blog is the Saker‘s blog and not your blog or a public blog.  So your First Amendment rights don’t apply here.  Cry me a river! Second, you are mistaken if you think you got “censored” for your views or ideas.  In fact, except for clear cases of racism (this is the only “view” I

Saker announcement: COVID19 and the Saker Community

Dear friend of the Saker Community and beyond, I have to tell you that the COVID19 crisis has hit the Saker Community pretty hard.  So far, I know of nobody who has a confirmed COVID19 infection (2 suspected and unconfirmed), but that is not the only way that this pandemic has affected us.  A lot of us are now under house quarantine or have already lost their jobs; other are

Quick update from the Saker

Dear friends, I am rather exhausted (not COVID10-related) and I will take a couple of days off to recuperate and think about a number of issues. I will let you know all the details in a couple of days. Finally, for the next couple of days, the moderator’s decisions will be final and I will not be involved. I ask for your understanding and patience. Kind regards to all, The

Announcement: COVID19 Cafe project cancelled

Dear friends, I have the painful obligation to let you know that “my eyes were bigger than my stomach” and that I am shelving the COVID19 Cafe project.  Simply put, I don’t have the energy, and we don’t have the manpower.  Furthermore, this might have been an ill-conceived idea to begin with, as this blog is really not a medical one. Anyway, first I want to apologize to all those

Saker message about viruses and trolls

Dear friends, I just wanted to share a quick update with you about our community and myself. So far, I know of no member of our community who would have contracted the SARS-CoV-2 and developed the COVID19 infection.  But *A LOT* of our members have been affected by the virus, many are in lockdown at home.  This situation also affects to 20 or so key-members of the various Saker blog

Saker on a short road trip

Dear friends, I am going to be on the road for 10 days or so, visiting a sick relative of mine and seeing some good friends.  I should have Internet, at least in the evenings, but please be patient with me if I am slow in answering emails.  I will be updating the blog as best I can, mostly in the evenings.   Hopefully, my short trip will therefore have little,

Saker Community Translations and new collaboration launched!

Dear friends, Excellent news!  First, I am happy to announce the official launch of the Saker Community Translations YouTube channel which you can find here: This project has been launched by three volunteers of the Saker Community and its main goal is to regularly post the insightful political commentaries of Ruslan Ostashko, one of the most insightful Russian analysts whose videos have been regularly translated and subtitled on this

A few personal notes from the Saker

Dear friends, After giving it a lot of thought, I have had to take the very painful decision to cancel my trip to Russia.  There are several causes which contributed to this decision, but the main one is my health and current inability to embark upon such a trip.  Also, the planned dates (July) were probably not the best ones possible, so this trip is probably going to have to

I will be out of reach just for a few days for a short but much needed break

Dear friends, I just wanted to let you know that I will be on the road for a few days and totally out of reach.  Specifically, I will be completely disconnected from the Internet from Saturday April 28th until Wednesday May 2nd. Please do not email me during these days. I will be meeting a friend in a remote location and I badly need this time off so, at the

Change of Saker snail mail address

Dear friends, For a few years I used a PO Box in Edgewater, Florida but after having an almost infinite amount of frustrating problems with the gross incompetence of the USPS, I have decided to ditch it.  This is the address I used in the past: The Saker PO Box 711 Edgewater Florida 32132-0711 USA PLEASE DO NOT USE IT ANYMORE!!! Instead, please send all snail mail to me at

The war on trolls, imbeciles and other pests is on! :-)

Wow, Eric Zuesses’ article really elicited a fury the like of which I have never seen, at least so far.  Right now there are seventy-fire (75!) intercepted comments sitting in my “trash bin” to review and either clear or terminate. And, just to add even more misery to an overworked Saker (and exhausted moderators!), I am about to post another article tomorrow which will, no doubt, infuriate the “other side”
