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Tag "Ruslan Ostashko"

The West Turns A Blind Eye To Actions of Saudi Arabia And The British Court, by Ruslan Ostashko

Translated by Scott Humor and captioned by Leo   “Double standards,” practiced by the West towards Russia, once again came out thanks to the sentencing by the British court an eighteen-year-old resident of London, and an expulsion of the Canada’s Ambassador from Saudi Arabia. The “incorruptible” Western media did not brand these two states “totalitarian regimes.” Do you recall squealing of the liberals in Russia and leading Western publications in

Madness in Ukraine: Kiev wants to cut off railway traffic with Russia, by Ruslan Ostashko

Translated by Scott Humor and captioned by Leo. The issue of termination of railway traffic with Russia once again raised by Ukrainian authorities. This time “Ukro” madness was voiced by Ukrainian Minister of Infrastructure, Volodymyr Omelyan. Apparently, the infrastructure in Ukraine is all right – bridges are not collapsing, roads are smooth like German autobahns, and so on. Isn’t it true? Otherwise, why should the rulers of “It’s Europe” [Post-Maidan

Post-Soviet limitrophes are haunted by the existence of Russia, by Ruslan Ostashko

Translated and subtitled by Scott Humor Sometimes, reading news makes you think that post-Soviet limitrophes see “totalitarian Russia” even in their dreams. Upon waking up, they write about their nightmares in blogs.   Sometimes, reading news makes you think that post-Soviet limitrophes see “totalitarian Russia” even in their dreams. Upon waking up, they write about their nightmares in blogs. A recent example of how ruling classes in Russia’s neighboring countries

Secrets of Russian hypersonic weapons were leaked to Americans, Ruslan Ostashko

Translated and subtitled by Scott Humor A criminal case under article 275 of the criminal code — “treason” — was initiated by the Federal Security Service against employees of the Central Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering. Security officers have accused some scientists from the famous TSNIIMASH in transferring secrets of the Russian hypersonic weapons to Americans. Five and a half years have passed since Vladimir Putin famously uttered the “This is not the

The Deputy Prime Minister of Italy called Maidan the “fake revolution” Ruslan Ostashko

Translated and subtitled by Scott Humor A new pain is brought to the Ukrainian “patriots” by the wind of change in shape of Italian euro-sceptics who support the restoration of normal relations with Russia. Italian Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini called Maidan the “fake revolution.” This zrada or treason was voiced during an interview to the Washington Post, when the PM was asked about legality of the Crimean referendum. “Journalist:

Poroshenko’s Dictatorial Laws by Russlan Ostashko

  Translated and captioned by Leo Among the fairy tales of the Kiev Maidan there is this one; striving to be in Europe, Ukrainian citizens couldn’t wait for their march for freedom from the previously accepted Viktor Yanukovych. This talk is in reference to the so-called “dictatorial laws” from January 16, 2014. And here now, pro-European Petro Poroshenko is getting ready to surpass them. But as for a new Maidan,

Latvians recall better Soviet times, by Ruslan Ostashko

The myth of the” Soviet occupation” began to show cracks at the moment when Euro-integration has depopulated Latvia by half. And it’s not even ethnic Russians who are eager to destroy the myth, but Latvians. Recent debates among Latvians on the Facebook were set off by Inara Ballade’s post in which she blames the Latvian “patriots” for brainwashing the population. “It’s disgusting to read this fictional and strained nonsense of

Estonians curtsy to their white overlord, Ruslan Ostashko

Translation and subtitles by Scott Humor   After the US Ambassador to Estonia James D. Melville Jr. resigned due to disagreement with the policies of Donald Trump, Tallinn rushed to curtsy. However, not before the US President, but before the Ambassador himself, who was appointed to this post under Barack Obama. The honor of showing Estonian servility to the American diplomat went to the Minister of Internal Affairs Andrés Anvelt.

White people only: Russia’s football team accused of being racist, by Ruslan Ostashko

Translation and subtitles by Scott Humor Edited by Edvin Buday     The ‘alternatively talented’ European media, affected as it is by the Bacillus Tolerantis, has decided to show us some new wonders. Unable to find something to build complaints about the World Cup, they started spinning a myth of racism in the Russian team. “Russia’s World Cup Team Bucks Multiethnicity Seen On Swiss, other Teams,”; so read the captions

Ukrainian Infrastructure Sees Its Last Days, by Ruslan Ostashko

  Translated by Scott Humor, editing and subtitles by Leo With every new day we get news from Ukraine reminiscent of a plot sketched by some drunk Hollywood screenwriter of “disaster movies.” Every day we hear that something else fell, exploded, collapsed and derailed. Where is it all going, given the presence of several nuclear power stations? I don’t even want to think about it. A few years ago, one

Does Belarus need an independence? by Ruslan Ostashko

On July 3rd, the Republic of Belarus once again celebrated an anniversary of its independence. Or rather, given an economic situation, would it be justifiable to put the word “independence” in quotation marks? We already talked about this in June, let’s continue the topic. On July 2nd, on the eve of the holiday celebrating Belarusian statehood, Alexander Lukashenko spoke at a solemn meeting on this very occasion. This is what

North America is a land run by Galician zombies

  Scott Humor Galicia – The Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria, also known as Galicia or Austrian Poland. For a historical background see an excellent essay of Oleg Yakovenko How Rusyns disappeared and Ukrainian chauvinism was born, originally published by Regrum new agency. If you can’t open the link, here is the mirror Instead of the epigraph: “We (Poland-IA REGNUM) could find a place as the Reich’s allay almost the

Warsaw changed her mind and let the US to bend her over, by Ruslan Ostashko

Translated and subtitled by Scott Humor Life has once again confirmed the validity of assessment given by a former Polish foreign minister Radoslaw Sikorski.     This long gone former minister once said that the Poles “gave the Americans a blowjob for nothing in return. Suckers. Total suckers.” This time Warsaw got on its knees in the matter of punishment for the accusations of Poles in participation in the Holocaust.

The Era of domination: a new weapons in new Technopolis, by Ruslan Ostashko

Translated and subtitled by Scott Humor   On June 25, Vladimir Putin signed a decree giving a green light to the creation of a new military innovative Technopolis in Anapa. (Anapa is a resort town on the Black Sea coast. S.H.) The object has been dubbed the “Era.” What kind of era awaits Russian military technology in the near future? A conversation on this topic might be interesting.   Original

Why do we need the World Football Cup? By Ruslan Ostashko

Translation and subtitles by Scott Humor Edited by Leo original video I have read many articles, social media posts, and readers’ comments  searching for answers to the question: “Why do we have to do this World Cup? This, pardon my French, Mundial?” Let’s talk about this. I want to discuss this issue in a context of which little is being said. To begin with, I disagree with those who claim

Putin’s secret weapon (hilarious, must read!)

source: translated by Scott for the Saker blog Have you ever wondered why in Sherlock Holmes stories the famous Scotland Yard detective Lastred has been portrait as an idiot? Honestly, I always thought this was a literary technique allowing Holmes’ intelligence to shine brighter and brighter against a backdrop of a policeman’s stupidity. After Skripal’s case, not only I don’t think so any longer, but I’m almost 100% certain
