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Tag "riots"

How Russians would handle ethnic riots

I was recently asked how Russians would handle ethnic riots.  Normally, the regular police would be the first level of defense, but pretty soon the Mobile Special Militia Detachment (OMON) would be called in as they are the regular riot police.  I recently came across a video showing how special riot-suppression forces of the Federal Penitentiary Service (FSIN) train for that kind of events.  Though the OMON deal typically with

What is really happening in Europe?

Londres flambe, Londres flambe, Quelle affaire, quelle affaire, Au feu ! Au feu ! Pas d’eau, rien à faire. French children’s song First, there were the riots in France.  Then the riots spread to other countries, Spain, Greece, and now the Britain.  As I sit and watch the various news reports I am amazed to see to what degree they are all missing the point and misreading the nature of
