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Tag "resistance"

“When the man comes around”: uplifting video about the Resistance to Empire in Syria

Well, normally I don’t like anything suggesting that war is triumphant and glorious – it is never – but in this case, considering all the misery and lies the Syrian people have had to endure, and considering the totally off-the-scale heroism of the Russian aircrews in Syria, I will make an exception and post this small musical homage to those fighting the Empire in Syria.  Besides, I really do like

Open letter to Putin (or the real face of the “other” West!)

We all know that the western corporate media lies, that western politicians lie, that a big segment of the population in the West has been zombified into terminal stupidity.  But there is another West which is very rarely mentioned, whose voice is systematically ignored, which is categorically opposed to what is being done in its name by the ruling plutocracy and which refuses to shut up and obey.  All of

Reply to a really important question

Today one person, Nora, posted a question which I think is so important that it deserves its separate post.  Here is what she wrote:Nora said: Saker, I get where you’re coming from. I’m truly scared to ask this but you know I’ve got to: what recourse do we have here in the US? What can we do to stop what’s going on in our name and with our tax dollars,

Today every free person in the world has won!

We feel that we won; Lebanon won; Palestine won; the Arab nation won, and every oppressed, aggrieved person in this world also won. Our victory is not the victory of a party. I repeat what I said in Bint Jbeil on 25 May 2000: It is not the victory of a party or a community; rather it is a victory for true Lebanon, the true Lebanese people, and every free

Is a new revolution quietly brewing in France?

Today I am beginning a series of articles about what I believe is the extremely deep crisis taking place in Europe and about the potential of this crisis to result in some cataclysmic events.  I will begin by taking a look at what has been going on in France, probably the country in Europe I know best, and also one which I think has be biggest potential to generate an

The real meaning of the West’s diplomatic defeat at the G8 summit in Lough Erne

Following the 08.08.08 war between Georgia and Russia and the crushing military defeat of the US-backed Saakashvili regime I wrote the following in this blog: The ugly attack by Washington’s Georgian puppet on the Russian peacekeepers combined with the absolutely amazing hypocrisy of the Western media and politicians who all fully sided with the aggressor turned into something of a “last straw” for Russia. This seemingly marginal development, at least

The Truth about School

As a father of three kids who never spent a single day of their lives in any school (my wife and I home schooled them from kindergarten to college) and with two kids already in college, I fully endorse the message in this video (but not the organization which produced it about which I know exactly *nothing*).It is my strong belief that the three main steps to liberate your children

Speech of Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah during the ceremony marking the Resistance and Liberation Day held in Bint Jbeil on May 25th, 2012

In the Name of Allah, The Compassionate, The Most Merciful. Peace be on the Seal of prophets, our Master and Prophet, Abi Al Qassem Mohammad and on his chaste and pure Household and on his chosen companions and on all messengers and prophets.Peace be upon you and Allah’s Mercy and blessings.First I would like to felicitate all of you, all the Lebanese in general, and our Arab and Islamic nation

The Papandreou regime must be overthrown

Having sold its country to the multinational banking cartel, the Papandreou regime has immediately obeyed yet another order from its puppet masters. Here is what the US boat for Gaza reports: The U.S. Boat to Gaza – The Audacity of Hope – was stopped by the Greek Coast Guard. After a stand off that unfolded over several hours a 2nd Greek Coast Guard boat arrived. This boat carried heavily armed

The Papandreou regime must be overthrown

Having sold its country to the multinational banking cartel, the Papandreou regime has immediately obeyed yet another order from its puppet masters. Here is what the US boat for Gaza reports: The U.S. Boat to Gaza – The Audacity of Hope – was stopped by the Greek Coast Guard. After a stand off that unfolded over several hours a 2nd Greek Coast Guard boat arrived. This boat carried heavily armed

Netanyahu, Obama and the rest of them are polarizing the world, and this is a very good thing indeed

Yesterday I watched with some amazement how the entire US Congress stood up and down and up and down and up and down again “interrupting” Netanyahu’s speech with obligatory standing ovations and thought to myself, is there any way at all a country could humiliate itself any more?  Keep in mind that the man for whom the US Congress folks were obsequiously hopping up and down is the same man

Please help David Rovics record the “Song for Bradley Manning”

Dear friends, I just got this email from David Rovics: ——- Hi folks, Since I recorded “Song for Bradley Manning” on my iPhone less than two weeks ago it has been viewed many thousands of times. This is a lot more than usual for a song that was recorded badly and has received no radio airplay or media attention aside from the occasional blog. I’ve been getting emails from lots

Iran bans “color-coded” organizations

You have probably already heard that Iran has banned a list of 60 foreign organizations. Here is a list of these organizations: 1. Soros Foundation — Open Society 2. Woodrow Wilson Center 3. Freedom House 4. National Endowment for Democracy (NED) 5. National Democratic Institute (NDI) 6. International Republican Institute (IRI) 7. Institute for Democracy in East Europe (EEDI) 8. Democracy Center in East Europe (CDEE) 9. Ford Foundation 10.

Report from Cop-enhagen

by David Rovics The signs up all over the airport and various places elsewhere in town are calling it Hopenhagen, but everybody I know is calling it Cop-enhagen, which seems far more appropriate. The international media has been giving this lots of coverage, and rightly so. Of course much of the media is unable to walk and chew gum at the same time, so other things, such as the reason

David Rovics – the beautiful voice of the American Resistance

In a country which has practically turned into a world-wide symbol of the pretend and fake, it is an amazing thing to discover something so true, so powerful, so genuine that it leaves your head spinning. Have you ever felt the exhilarating feeling of coming out from a deep long dive and taking a lung-full of fresh sea-smelling water? Have you ever had the chance to breathe some pure oxygen?

Dieudonne’s anti-Zionist campaign in full swing in France

(For those of you who do not know who Dieudonne is, or what he does, please check my previous article on this topic here). First, the big news is that the French government has not succeeded in outlawing Dieudonne’s Anti-Zionist Party or the list he has presented for the upcoming European elections. Official polls put the party’s estimated support at 4% which, considering who is running such polls in France,
