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Tag "Ramin Mazaheri"

Once China got off drugs: the link between opium and ‘liberal strongman’ Macron

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog The link between Chinese opium money and rich Western families and monarchies (Astor, Forbes, Kerry, Delano, Roosevelt, etc.) is already well-known, though it’s not publicised enough in the Mainstream Media. What is even less publicised is how in 2018 the drug trade creates a country – Columbia, Mexico, even Afghanistan, certainly the United States, etc. – which becomes so socially, culturally, financially and

Cuban sonic attacks: Likely winner of ‘US Lie of the Decade’

by Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker Blog I can’t think of another story I’ve reported on which was so completely, 100% devoid of facts…. The allegations of Cuban “sonic attacks” are a complete and total joke. If you believe one iota of this scandalous insult to human honesty and decency – you are dangerously gullible. Why are only White workers in the US and Canadian embassies reporting health problems, when

Sweet Cuban sugar, bitter French whine

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog I have no idea why the French are such a very bitter people. Americans, I could understand: Their people are absolutely thrown to the wolves in just about every societal way possible. Half of every one of their cities are “no-go zones”, at this very moment some schoolkid is oiling up his automatic rifle and tightening up his assault plans of Mr. O’Grady’s

The Cultural Revolution’s solving of the urban-rural divide

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog If there is one thing the election of Donald Trump showed the United States it’s that there is an enormous urban-rural divide. That’s not true at all…. The US “discovered” this exact same problem following the elections of Bill Clinton and Dubya Bush: rural voters found Clinton immoral, urban voters found Bush immoral – open support for either president made one immoral. Both

Reporting from Cuba: The world awaits a ‘Cuban RT’ or ‘Cuban PressTV’

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog Cuba seems to be the natural spokesperson of the global left. Just 100 kilometers from the US, everybody knows they have bravely stood up to the murderous bully that is the United States for nearly 60 years. Pound for pound, who else has such an exemplary record of internationalism? Cuba gives until it hurts, and we all know it. South Africa would certainly

Mao’s legacy defended, and famous swim decoded, for clueless academics

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker blog Part 4 will take a very different tack…. There is a great and hilarious story about Mao during the Cultural Revolution, which is relayed in the Western university-standard textbook, China: A New History by “the West’s doyen on China” – John King Fairbank. In late 1965 the rumblings of the Cultural Revolution had begun, due to grumblings over corruption, revisionism (“taking the capitalist

When Chinese Trash saved the world: Western lies about the Cultural Revolution

by Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker blog Of the West’s the three main “Reasons Why Red China is Evil and the West is Morally & Ideologically Superior” propaganda campaign, the Cultural Revolution outranks the Great Leap Forward and the legacy of Mao for being far and away the most difficult for non-Chinese to truly get a handle on. Most leftists won’t even touch it, much less defend it an inch…and

Daring to go beyond Western propaganda on the Great Leap Forward’s famine

by Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker Blog Between 108 BC and 1911 AD there were no fewer than 1,828 recorded famines in China, or nearly one each year. Since 1962 there should have been in China – if their historical average remained unchanged – 50 serious famines. Instead there have been zero. When one discusses “China” and “famine” – how often do you hear this totally valid point of view? I

Old vs. new scholarship on the continent of China: an 8-part series

by Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker blog Europe is a continent and China is not only because the winners write the history books. There is no scientific reason Europe is a continent: Europe is not a separate land mass, nor does it even sit on its own tectonic plate – we may as well call Canada a continent. China’s land mass area is nearly identical with Europe’s. What makes West

Reader mail: ‘I am more dangerous than a Russian!’

by Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker Blog (and for those, shall we say, cognitively challenged the following is a satire; the Saker) As a daily journalist covering a wide range of fields, I get a lot of unsolicited emails which give me news tips, unique outlooks and recommendations. This email below came with so many threats and oaths against my person that I almost didn’t publish it, but I think

Damascus & Northern Syria will unite to promote leftism, if they embrace political Islam

by Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker Blog This is the final part of a 3-part series which examines the leftist project of Northern Syria In the first article of this series, “Stop confusing Kurdistans! Syria’s leftists must turn home to Assad”, I discussed how the Turkish invasion of Afrin should provoke the immediate reconciliation of the self-proclaimed Democratic Federation of Northern Syria and Damascus. In the second article, “Northern Syria’s

Northern Syria’s leftism explained: a response to Socialist Arab Nationalism

by Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker Blog This is the 2nd part of a 3-part series on Northern Syria The success of Rojava seems to imply that Syrian Baathism needs an ideological updating. After all, not a single nation supports Rojava, yet their ideology has been so unifying and inspirational that they have been able to fight off ISIL, the mercenaries of rich countries like the US, UAE, Qatar, Saudi

Stop confusing Kurdistans! Syria’s leftists must turn home to Assad

by Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker Blog As Assad-backed troops enter Afrin to fight Turkish invaders, the Syrian conflict has entered its decisive crossroads: Will Northern Syria cooperate with Damascus, or not? This is the key to Syrian peace and territorial unity. It’s also the question which will make or break claims that a Northern Syrian enclave which refuses to help expel uninvited Americans can somehow be a “leftist project”.

Iran at 39 years old: drones in Israel (?), trade with Europe, calm on the streets

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog The Iranian Revolution turned 39 on February 11. It’s about time to get married! At least that’s what people tell me – I recently turned 40. “Married to the revolution” is indeed a good description for Iranian society at 39…but the fullness of Iran’s marital bliss is a 100% domestic issue – after all, nobody knows what goes on behind a couple’s closed

What is Venezuela’s Petro? It’s socialism to bitcoin’s rescue

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog The simplest way to answer that question is: The Petro is a bond sale for foreign investors, with the proceeds going to pay the infrastructure costs required to implement the first-ever mass national adoption of crypto-currency. Now that is a government taking on “good debt”, unlike the West’s banker bailouts…. It should be no surprise that Venezuela will be the first to unleash

Eurozone officially achieves ‘Lost Decade’ – media refuses to admit it

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog With the recently released data that the Eurozone’s 2017 growth rate was 2.5%, the Eurozone has officially achieved a “lost decade”: its average annual growth rate from 2008 to 2017 was 0.6%. Wow…that’s bad. That’s even worse than “Japan Lost Score” bad. Japan’s two “lost decades” both actually surpassed the Eurozone’s recent performance: Japan 1991-2000: 1.4% growth rate. Japan 2001-2010: 0.7% growth rate.

The end of French artistry: ‘Labor capitalism’ comes to France in 2018

by Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker blog The French don’t want to think of themselves as miniature capitalists: they want to think of themselves as artists. Or at least artisans. And many of them are, but the calculating technocratic mindset cannot even conceive of what it means to truly be an “artisan” at anything. The calculating capitalist mindset might be capable of thinking of what art he or she could

Iran protests: Reply to the WSWS response to my critique

by Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker blog I would like extend my thanks and appreciation to the World Socialist Web Site for publishing a response to my critical analysis of their coverage of the recent economic protests in Iran. I think readers appreciate open dialogue between journalists. Open dialogue is the foundation of diplomacy, and thus also the foundation of politics. Dialogue means increasing understanding – not bickering – and

WSWS on Iran protests: Good leftists going bad at the worst time, again

by Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker blog When perhaps the top daily-news leftist website – the World Socialist Web Site – has the phrase “brutally exploited Iranian working class” in their first sentence, something is clearly out of balance. Because if Iran’s working class is “brutally” mistreated, then what is the working class in, say, the United States? Do they call it the “astronomically, incredibly, stupendously, racially exploited US working
