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Tag "Pilban Syndrome (PBS)"

Do these countries really want to be respected?

Did they expect us to treat them with any respect? Roger Waters (The Final Cut) Long ago, I learned the hard way that what I call “professional ideologues” count every damn penny and I sure do NOT want you to post a full article of theirs, lest they threaten me with lawsuits (already happened twice): to them, money is far, far, more important than propagating any truths, believe me.  So

How Russia should deal with the “Pilban Syndrome” (PBS)

A reader, SunriseState, has recently posted the following question in the comments section: “what would you say is the most optimal Russian strategy vs Poland?“.  When I read it I thought “now that is an interesting question indeed!”.  Today I will try to answer it, going step by step. First, a diagnosis. There is a Polish syndrome.  We can ascribe all sorts of causes for it, some will describe the
