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Tag "Peskov"

Full Interview With Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov

Compare Dimiti Peskov to his US counterparts (Kriby, Psaki, etc.) and you will immediately see what the main problem and weakness of the USA is. I noted that the questions asked where less rabidly hostile than what most of what the western media used to ask over the past years.  Could it be that NBC or US journalists in general “got the message” from Trump and are slowly changing their

Putin G20 Press Conference, Peskov interview on RT and the “Jews Petition Congress”

One more thing: the Ziocrazies are at it *again*!  They are now collecting signatures on for the “Jews Petition Congress” to convince Congress to attack Syria by using, what else, the “Holocaust” argument.  Your can read the text of their petition here.  All that’s missing is a “Syria’s blood on us and on our children!” slogan to make the picture complete.  And then they wonder about Anti-Semitism…The Saker
