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Tag "news update"

Day 2 of the Russian operation in the Ukraine – OPEN THREAD

Today is a major day in the Russian military operation.  Why? Because Russian forces are now on the outskirts of many major Ukrainian cities.  If yesterday was “standoff weapons” day, today is the first day when Russian forces can now begin to degrade Ukrainian artillery dispositions, engage Ukie armor and break through Ukrainian fortifications.  Today is also the last day for US PSYOPs to try to present a counter-narrative (Ukies

Background on USS Carl Vinson – Saga by LeDahu

Here’s a background info sheet: US Navy statement: “After departing Singapore on April 8 and cancelling a scheduled port visit to Perth, the Strike Group was able to complete a curtailed period of previously scheduled training with Australia in international waters off the northwest coast of Australia,” a U.S. Pacific Command spokesperson Actual story is PACOM said it was underway…but it wasn’t. The USS Carl Vinson group had been in

Quick update on Zakharchenko

He is doing fine. Here is a photo of him in the Lugansk hospital: He will, however, have to take three days off, not just one night as he had initially planned.   The Saker   [Note from webmaster: We are in the process of migrating the comments of the articles from blogspot to the new blog here. Due to technical reasons we’ll have to copy the remaining comments manually

Flotilla Welcomed by Israeli War Ships

(Cyprus, May 31, 2010) At 11:00 pm Cyprus time and in international waters off the coast of Israel, the boats were contacted by the Israeli navy. “Who are you and where are you going?” Our reply was that we were part of a flotilla and we were going to Gaza to deliver humanitarian supplies. On the radar, the boats could see three Israeli war ships shadowing us, and 15 minutes
