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Tag "Ministry of Defense"

The Era of domination: a new weapons in new Technopolis, by Ruslan Ostashko

Translated and subtitled by Scott Humor   On June 25, Vladimir Putin signed a decree giving a green light to the creation of a new military innovative Technopolis in Anapa. (Anapa is a resort town on the Black Sea coast. S.H.) The object has been dubbed the “Era.” What kind of era awaits Russian military technology in the near future? A conversation on this topic might be interesting.   Original

Statement by the Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation General of the Army Sergei Shoigu

Statement by the Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation General of the Army Sergei Shoigu at the Extended Board Session of the Russian Defence Ministry (December 22, 2016)   This year has included a lot of large-scale events linked with security of the Russian Federation. The character and geography of challenges for our country has been extended, the role of the military force in international relations has been raised.

High alert: Russia tests army’s readiness in massive snap exercise in west & south

High alert: Russia tests army’s readiness in massive snap exercise in west & south Russian Army units as well as the Air Force, Airborne Troops and the Navy’s Northern Fleet have been put on high alert as part of a large-scale snap exercise which the Defense Ministry says will check troops’ readiness to tackle emerging crises. “According to the decision of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces [President Vladimir Putin],
