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Tag "Maidan"

Israel in Ukraine is entirely out of control Uman August 2016 Video, by Scott Humor

The Israelis use their tactic of taking over the occupied territories in Ukraine. Whatever crimes they conduct in Palestine, they do the same in  Ukraine: war on the local population, ethnic cleansing, takeover of the state power, lands, territories, banks, businesses and buildings. Previously, we met these dirty characters here Uman Ukraine Israeli Hasids attacked journalists, Police, fires shots, threw stones glass bottles and prior to Euro-Maidan here Nittel Nacht:

Sermon In memoriam of Boris Nemtsov, by Scott

All accross our mother Russia, and far beyond its borders, powerful heartfelt prayers are being read around the clock asking God for the defeat of Russia’s enemies. Prayers so powerful, they lift up and spiritually transform the natural world. Just look at those squealing in anguish, rage, fear, and hate in response to this transformation, and being unable to bear the presence of God. Dostoevsky called them “demons,” and Mikhail
