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Tag "Jimmie Moglia"

Quo Vadis Vatican?

by Jimmie Moglia for The Saker Blog The nature of the subject requires an introduction. A detective story does not require a murder, nor the events of a thriller need be fictional. Most detective stories include a murder because the gravity of the deed instills a sense of vicarious fear, triggers the pleasure of the riddle, and makes plausible the concealment that prompts curiosity. Ever since the Bible and the

From 1000 AD to World War 3

by Jimmie Moglia for The Saker Blog If, according to Oscar Wilde, truth is a matter of style, even more so history is a matter of opinion. An obvious and unnecessary remark, were it not for the anger of some when they dissent with the thoughts of others. To them I would recommend, with all the earnestness at my disposal, the recollection of Mark Twain’s topic and soothing ruling that,

Prisoners of Words

by Jimmie Moglia for The Saker Blog During his recent meeting with Putin in Helsinki, Trump, answering a question form a US journalist, said that there was no reason to suspect Russian interference in the 2016 US presidential elections. However, back on home soil, he said that what he meant was the opposite. In the circumstances, there is some difficulty in assigning to either of Trump’s statements the property of

Post Scriptum on Scripal

by Jimme Moglia for The Saker Blog The dust of time is settling on the Scripal affair, after the eruption of British anti-Russian bile, bursting out from the deep state, and scattered to the four winds by the deep-state’s minions. Bile converted into imaginative insults and tokens of contempt for which sometimes it is not easy to find a name – for they are real but escape an attempt to

Who Are the People in the Quiz?

Note by the Saker: I learned the hard way and have come to terms with the following sad facts: a) there will always be people who will deliberately accuse others of things they neither said nor meant and b) some people are simply to stupid to understand an argument.  The following article by Jimmie Moglia will be an ideal target for both of these categories. The only way for me

Meditations on Skripal

by Jimmie Moglia for the Saker blog Parisians, and those who roam the streets of Paris to take upon themselves the Frenchness of things, will no doubt know or remember the elegant, historic and fashionable Place Vendome. There is a history in all men’s lives and in what they built. In the instance, however, I only refer to the Duke of Vendome, (1654-1712), in whose honor the square is named.

The Founding Fathers and Other Tales

by Jimmie Moglia for The Saker blog The skeptics among my twenty-five readers may suspect from the title, that I am jumping on the bandwagon of our discontent, to direct cheap shots at a stale target. Perish the thought. Irreverence towards the actors excludes irreverence towards the myth, even if the actors were its fathers – for myths are the ground of civilizations and mythology is the song of the


by Jimmie Moglia for The Saker Blog On hearing the word ‘revisionism,’ suspicion lurks in the mind of some, and alarms sound in the mind of others. Suspicion is the elder sister of twins, credulity and incredulity. And of all kinds of credulity, the most obstinate and wonderful is that of zealots; of men who resign the use of their eyes and ears, and resolve to believe nothing that does

The Fraud of Freud

by Jimmie Moglia for the Saker blog I first read Freud’s writings when, probably unconsciously, I believed that if everybody says the same thing, it must be true. Freud’s extraordinary theories and mystifying lingo had many admirers and promoters. Just as one example, Eugene Goodheart, professor at Brandeis University, says, “Freud’s sheer power of narration provides a kind of emotional truth that we could ill afford to forego.” And, “Freud’s

“Is Communism Really dead?” – an Answer

by Jimmie Moglia After reading the Saker’s article, I had to walk back and forth for some time, partly to digest its content, and partly to determine why I found it so persuasive. My conclusion, however humble, is that the article is accurate because it tells us very clearly all we need to know on the subject, while leaving the reader to draw his/her conclusion. And I maintain that accurate

Democracy, Tortured Meaning of the Wrong Word

by Jimmie Moglia Politicians, much like advertisers, are ever ready to surprise the unawareness of the thoughtless. They must use language, the quintessential political tool, with a tone of deep-felt conviction and an air of solemn sincerity. And no politician, in his electoral language and speeches, could omit a panegyric of democracy and a declaration of his total commitment to it. Some readers may have since long concluded that “democracy”

After Charlottesville

by Jimmie Moglia In a previous related article, ( I said there were still some unclear issues about the events at Charlottesville, especially regarding the death of the 32-year old Heather Heyer. What I further found and here report is telling, especially considering that on September 13, 2017, the US Congress sent a “resolution” to Trump, who signed it, “SJ Resolution 49,” which says, “Condemning the violence and domestic terrorist

The Two Americas at Charlottesville

by Jimmie Moglia I wasn’t in Charlottesville during the upheavals in this summer of discontent, but I know some who were. They sent videos, photos and witness’ accounts – thanks to which, I followed those threads of reasoning on which truth is frequently suspended. That is, I formed an idea of what happened, and, perhaps more important, of what the event means, symbolizes, suggests and foretells. Given the turn taken

Remembering the Liberty

by Jimmie Moglia It is a property of the past to sink into oblivion, and of unpleasant truths to fade into evanescence. To this past belongs the attack on the USS Liberty. The annals of US history record that, on Jun 8, 1967, the Israelis mistakenly attacked by air, and torpedoed by sea, an unarmed US intelligence ship, killing 34 sailors and wounding 171 others. 2017 marked the 50th anniversary

Was Marx a Marxist?

by Jimmie Moglia Many confound what they think with what they know. With Marx, personal notions of Marxism often justify arbitrary conclusions, reflecting the perceiver’s prejudice, fancy or indoctrination. Any related discussion turns then into a vicious circle of arguments searching for proofs, and proofs that are but someone’s opinions. Furthermore, various currently-popular and alternative media sources, when referring to Marxism, utter remarkable nonsense, misrepresentation and even slander. All this

Don’t Cry For Me Venezuela

by Jimmie Moglia According to the great Dr. Johnson, “Men can be estimated by those who know them not, only as they are represented by those who know them.” An unavoidable universal contingency – for, indeed, we don’t know most of the people we judge. And the same, but for a few much-travelled individuals, applies to nations. We also know that “on the tongue of Rumor, continual slanders rise, stuffing

The Magnificent (G)Seven

by Jimmie Moglia Of course they are anything but magnificent. And I wonder how many have concluded that these high-profile meetings among potentates are but occasions for taxpayer-paid and unspeakably luxurious vacations. Lodgings suitable to gods host opulent guests, while epicurean cooks sharpen with cloyless sauce their appetites, and prepare pantagruelian dinners to solve the problem of poverty. Or rather, multitudes overwhelmed by abject poverty, may observe what is lavished

Saudi America

by Jimmie Moglia As a European commentator noted recently, it is symbolic that the president of the most advanced democracy in the world makes his first foreign trip to the most feudal among Arab monarchies. On the other hand, US citizens at large see happening what they vaguely expected, and probably wanted when they voted for Trump. Namely, that the curtain of elitist euphemisms and contrived metaphors masking the lying

Douce France

by Jimmie Moglia “Douce France, cher pays de mon enfance” – so goes the song [Sweet France, dear country of my infancy]. I did not grow up in France, but at times I feel as If I did, for I know her well. I can daydream about any town or village in the “France profonde”, and think of the lines, “On marche sur un mur de pierres, un petit pont

Trillary’s Victory

by Jimmie Moglia The Western media has launched a volley of sycophantic praise of Trump’s victory in the great American raid on a Syrian airport, which produced new dead, though fewer than what is now routinely accepted as a lugubrious normal. Nevertheless, it seems that the US has dropped the pretense and decided to intervene directly in the Syrian conflict. A conflict it wanted and prepared, while hiding behind the
