Tag "interviews"
Okay, this guy is not from the famous (and hyper secretive) Russian “Spetsnaz GRU”. But he is from the DPR’s equivalent and he most likely has had his training with the Russian GRU. Also, having met many Spetsnaz operators in the past, I can tell you that he is rather typical and representative of many of them. So when I saw this interview, I asked my friend and brother in
source: http://argumenti.ru/toptheme/n481/394395 by Alexander Chuikov, translated by “D” On the northern outskirts of Moscow, under the reliable protection of the Interior Troops, lies low a former secret Institute of the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR). Nowadays, on top of its front gate there flaunt golden letters: ‘Russian Institute of Strategic Studies’. But the peaceful name would not mislead the knowing, as more than two hundred employees are forging here the analytical
Important note: Since archive.org is not meant to be a streaming video site, more of a download repository you might get a choppy video due to the large number of connections. If that happens, please go to this page: https://archive.org/details/SoralRepond11jan15Part2engSubs and consider downloading this ogg video version: https://ia601505.us.archive.org/5/items/SoralRepond11jan15Part2engSubs/Soral_repond_11jan15_part2%5Beng_subs%5D.ogv Finally, here is the link to the first part of the interview: http://sakerlatam.blog/the-saker-files/alain-soral-answers-part-1/ I hope that this helps. Cheers, The Saker
Dear friends, It is truly a HUGE pleasure for me to present you today with the first part of an interview I did with the Islamic scholar Sheikh Imran Hosein. It is a pleasure because Sheikh Imran has agreed to reply to my questions in a video rather than a text, and I think that seeing him speak is a much more powerful experience than just reading his replies in
Dear friends, This is part one of three. The translation and subtitles were done by a group of volunteers to whom I am most grateful. Parts 2 and 3 will be finished soon, God willing. The Saker
I had been wanting to interview Paul Craig Roberts for a long time already. For many years I have been following his writings and interviews and every time I read what he had to say I was hoping that one day I would have the privilege do interview him about the nature of the US deep state and the Empire. Recently, I emailed him and asked for such an interview,
It has been already 6 years since I interviewed Gilad for the first time and when a friend recently suggested that it was time for a new conversation, I immediately agreed, as did Gilad who, in spite of his over-booked and hectic lifestyle took the time to reply to my questions. Gilad is, in my opinion, not only the most original and talented jazz musician currently composing and playing (make
Dear friends, Today I am truly delighted to be able to present you with an amazingly interesting video: an interview of the Ukrainian writer and historian Oles Buzina in which he (in 90 minutes or so) not only covers the key moments of the history of the land which today is called “the Ukraine”, but also explains where the modern Ukraine came from and what it is. To my knowledge,
Dear friends, I want to draw your attention to a very interesting interview of Paul Craig Robers with Ellen Brown. You can listen to it right here: By the way, I would like to get in touch with Paul Craig Roberts. If you have his email, please send it to me. Enjoy this most interesting interview, kind regards, The Saker UPDATE: got his email, thanks, and I emailed him today.
I want to draw your attention to a recent interview of Dmitry Orlov by by Chris Martenson from Peak Prosperity. I agree with every single word Orlov’s says during this interview, and I think that he did a fantastic job explaining many complex issues. Frankly, I consider that a *must listen*.Enjoy!The Saker
Dear friends, It is a huge pleasure, and honor, for me to present you today with the Q&A between Mikhail Khazin and the Saker Community. For those who might have missed it, here it is (including a biography of Mr Khazin): http://sakerlatam.blog/the-saker-files/exclusive-mikhail-khazin-qa-with-saker-blog-readers/ This was truly a massive effort, not only on the part of Mr. Khazin to whom I am immensely grateful for taking the time to reply in detail
Dear friends, I was recently contacted by Anacronista from the website Controinformazione in Italy and we agreed to do a short Q&A which was published today here in Italian. I am posting the original English text of our exchange below. Cheers, The Saker Anacronista: Today the contrast between Russian and US foreign policies is striking: on one side moderation, common sense, respect for sovereign states; on the other side coups
Note: Since the issue of Russian monarchy is, judging by the pre and post podcast questions and comments, clearly of interest to many of you I think that I need to explain something important here. The movie which Strelkov and host Krutov are mentioning at the beginning of the interview is about a very interesting Russian author named Ivan Solonevich and who was the chief ideologue of a movement originally
(please make sure to press the ‘cc’ button at the lower right to see the English subtitles) Transcription & Translation: “A”, Elena & Saker CollectiveEditing & Production: Augmented Ether
Russia Insider interviews The Saker The latest hot topic in the Russian media. Russian politicians are talking about it. Historical precedent and behavior of Western media suggests that they are. A major topic in the Russian media is mystification with how Putin is portrayed in the Western media. Wildly popular at home, and seen as a decent, modest, an admirable person, and Russians don’t understand how there can be such
The Ukraine, As We Know It, Is Gone Forever by MIKE WHITNEY for Counterpunch The Saker is an ex-military analyst who was born in Europe to a family of Russian refugees. He now lives in Florida where he writes the Vineyard of the Saker blog and is a regular contributor to Russia Insider. The international community of Saker Blogs includes, besides the original Saker blog, French, German, Russian, Oceania and
Dear friends,Today, thanks to the fantastic work of the Saker Community [English Transcription & Translation: Marina (Russian Saker), Katya (Oceania Saker) & CG (Russian Saker) Editing & Production: Augmented Ether (Oceania Saker)] I can share with you a most interesting interview of Dmitri Rogozin, Deputy Prime Minister of Russia, Head of the Military-Industrial Commission, Special Envoy of the President and one of the most interesting and influential representatives of the
Thanks to the superb work of the Russian Team, it is my huge pleasure to present you with one of the most interesting interviews about the war in the Ukraine and the global struggle for the future of the planet and the views of one of the best informed men in Russia: Sergei Glaziev.Glaziev is an advisor to President Putin and a close friend. I personally believe that the western
Video: Interview with Igor Strelkov, July 8, 2014translation by Gleb Bazov(three possible sources showing the same video)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0kqTrTjc1c https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zU30wrLrX-Y https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BfmjjR1Y04A Host: Good day, today, in the studio of our First Republican television channel, we welcome, for the purpose of making an address to the citizens of DPR [Donetsk People’s Republic], the Minister of Defence and the Chairman of the Security Council, Igor Ivanovich Strelkov … Igor Strelkov: Good day. Host: And the