Tag "Humor"
Leaked email suggests Russophobia campaign prelude to US invasion of Ukraine (<<== Fake news!)
Leaked email suggests Russophobia campaign prelude to US invasion of Ukraine (Note: This leaked email has not yet been verified by WikiLeaks:) Date: 2017-06-14 Source: Pentagon Classification: SECRET/NOFORN/BLTPBJ S E C R E T SECTION 03 OF 1,242 WASHINGTON – 314159265 SUBJECT: Major General protests decision to continue the Russophobia campaign CLASSIFICATION APPROVED BY: CLASSIFIED REASON: 1.4 (b), (d) I strongly urge those reading this email to finally acknowledge that
Trump *did* “drain the swamp!
E. Michael Jones – The Neo Con Song
This was just sent to me by a friend. I nearly died laughing when I listened to this. This E. Michael Jones guy is fantastic – love this song! I hope that it will brighten your day as it did mine. Enjoy! The Saker
Nikki Haley’s face of evil
Admission to Harvard University
BHL, the Ukraine and the Russian bear (priceless!)
What they want us to become
OSCE Mission in Donbass
Exclusive: Amelia Earhart shot down by Putin!
Spoof sent to me by an anonymous reader. The Saker
Vladimir Putin wishes you a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!
International martial arts :-)
The Doomsday Electoral College
Obama is one tough scary dude…
Yeah, and I imagine that Putin must have been totally terrified…
…and blame the Russians :-)
Putin laughs at US intel – “I read all of your instructions!”
Oh! Damn… we are doomed!
Battle Of Aleppo: According To NATO-GCC Media
I just found this masterpiece on Colonel Cassad’s fantastic website: http://colonelcassad.livejournal.com/ Brilliant, no?