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Tag "Humor"

Reader mail: ‘I am more dangerous than a Russian!’

by Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker Blog (and for those, shall we say, cognitively challenged the following is a satire; the Saker) As a daily journalist covering a wide range of fields, I get a lot of unsolicited emails which give me news tips, unique outlooks and recommendations. This email below came with so many threats and oaths against my person that I almost didn’t publish it, but I think

There are no Nazis in the Ukraine! None! Never been any!! No such thing as a Ukie Nazi!!!

What you see in the footage below is the creation in Kiev of a new totally democratic militia.  Here is how this event was presented on the YouTube channel I grabbed it from: (my own – wholly unofficial –  translation from Ukrainian) About 600 members of the organization “National militia”, dressed in camouflage uniforms held January 28, marched down Khreshchatyk in Kiev held for a swearing in ceremony before the 

The AngloZionist family goes on a stroll

This fantastic cartoon was sent to me by a friend who saw it on Moon of Alabama.  I did some looking around and the original might well be from here, I am not sure.  Whatever may be the case, it gave me such a laugh (I love the little turd at the bottom) that I had to share it with you.  Cheers!  The Saker

A short commentary on Trumps latest SNAFU

Okay, I admit it: Trump is a Russian agent.   I tried really, really hard to deny it, but now I can’t continue anymore because I am presented with an absolutely incontrovertible truth: only a Russian agent infiltrated to the highest levels of power in the USA, the White House, could have done what Trump did a couple of days ago: recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.  That, truly, was

‘Transgender Bathrooms are the Selma of My Generation!’ – Reader Mail

by Ramin Mazaheri I must admit that I have only ever read just one article on transgender bathrooms – it seemed like such a minor issue that I didn’t see the need to follow it. There are only so many hours in the day, and I prefer to report on anti-imperialist and pro-socialist issues. It certainly seems like a fair assumption that many other journalists and activists in the West

Leaked email: CIA wants to end Russophobia campaign in favor of Iran war (<<== Fake news!)

by Ramin Mazaheri (Note: This leaked email has not yet been verified by WikiLeaks:) Date: 2017-07-31 Source: Langley CIA HQ Classification: SECRET/NOFORN/MLBNLCSWS S E C R E T SECTION 08 OF 1,843 WASHINGTON – AC0871108 SUBJECT: CIA Sub-Deputy says anti-Russia campaign detracting from war effort against Iran CLASSIFICATION APPROVED BY: CLASSIFIED REASON: 1.4 (a), (g) Since October 2016 CIA operatives have successfully stepped up operations both around and within Iran.
