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Tag "GH Eliason"

LPR exhumes over 90 victims of Ukraine in Pervomaisk

by GH Eliason for the Saker Blog On August 11th, 2021, Lugansk People’s Republic (LPR) and Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) embarked on a historic endeavor that will become national benchmarks in their existence. Both countries began opening mass graves on their territories created by non-stop shelling and mortar attacks against their cities and people. They proposed to locate the victims and identify them through genetic testing. Samples could then be

Living in the Covid-19 environment

By G H Eliason for The Saker Blog You’ve heard the US Surgeon General saying, “We should be acting as if we have the virus” to flatten the curve? How is this simple statement hugely relevant to protecting your loved ones and other people, helping medical staff in Malaysia and other countries desperately short of necessary protective equipment, doctors forming Facebook groups on social media to exchange advice on how

LDNR State Building- An interview with Donetsk based journalist Christelle Néant

By GH Eliason for The Saker Blog Recently, I had a chance to meet one of my favorite journalists in Donetsk People’s Republic (DNR), Christelle Neant. Of all the English speaking journalists in the conflict, she consistently stands out for her courage and dedication to facts and evidence-based journalism. Originally, this was meant to be a written article with video follow-up questions, but due to technical difficulties (always blame the

Donald Trump’s Ukraine Server- How the FBI and ODNI hacked and influenced the American psyche

By GH Eliason for The Saker Blog Server, server, who has the Trump-Ukraine server? The answers won’t leave room for doubt on this question. This is part one of a 3 part series showing the FBI and US Intel agency heads are complicit in the DNC hack after the fact and 2016 election interference. Early on, the FBI and Mueller found the real hackers and worked to hide them from

LDNR State Building- Education Series- Interview with Donetsk National Technical University Deputy Director Sergey Dzhura

G.H. Eliason for The Saker Blog Recently, I had the chance to sit down with the Deputy Director of the Institute for International Cooperation at DonNTU (Donetsk National Technical University) and had a frank discussion about the state of higher education at the university today. This is the first interview in what will be an ongoing series covering all the different aspects of nation-building in both Lugansk People’s Republic and

The Terrorists Among US – Cyber Terrorists Publicly Expose Themselves

By GH Eliason for The Saker Blog What happens when Intel community figures decide to make you an enemy of the state? How about if they aren’t satisfied with the elected government? Dive in and let’s find out. Lawsuits and Jail Time  Take the clear examples shown below to heart. Your congressmen and senators hire cyber terrorists to manipulate their own constituents in ways that only benefit lobbyist’s clientele and

Why 2019 Ukraine Imports Terrorists and Exports Terror 1933-1991

by GH Eliason for The Saker Blog For the last 5 years, the world has gotten a glimpse of what Ukrainian nationalism is. “The Ukrainians” are never shy about claiming the right to murder their enemies. Since 2014, we’ve watched the entire government of Ukraine publically call for the murder of civilians in Donbass and Crimea as easily as the neo-nazi jackboots working for them murdered all those people in

Ukraine’s Ecocide in Donbass, 1991 to post-Maidan 2019

by GH Eliason for The Saker Blog On February 26, 2019, Lugansk People’s Republic hosted a roundtable entitled “Ecocide of Ukraine: Consequences.” This provided a forum for environmental experts from Lugansk People’s Republic (LNR) and DNR to formally start addressing the environmentally catastrophic situation both republics inherited from the post-Soviet Ukrainian government. Both fledgling republics have already started addressing the vast environmental problems outlined below. Even in the middle of

Bellingcat’s Kerch Gaff -Kurt Volker bought Ukraine’s Lie

by GH Eliason for The Saker Blog For 5 years Ukraine has bamboozled supporters by using” independent” researchers like Bellingcat that work with Ukraine’s Intel to fabricate its innocence. On November 25th, the Kerch incident happened, worsening the West’s relationship with Russia ahead of the G-20 Meeting in Argentina. Seemingly right on cue, Russian planners couldn’t find anything better to do than cause another major international incident right in front

Ukraine sets up for a possible winter offensive in LDNR

by GH Eliason for The Saker Blog Everything is pointing to Ukraine starting a winter offensive in Donbass and the possible use of a chemical weapon false flag event to kick it off. The Ukraine of 2018 is far different than what Europe was expecting. Instead of economic and social reform that was promised at Ukraine’s 2014 Euro-maidan coup, the government of Petr Poroshenko is taking a brute force approach

Inside the LNR Elections – a Saker Blog exclusive report

Inside the LNR Elections- A Look through the Lens of the Russian Federation and the LNR Foreign Ministry by GH Eliason for The Saker Blog On November 11, 2018, along with people from twenty two countries, I was in Lugansk People’s Republic as an election observer for the national election. The elections in Lugansk and Donetsk People’s Republics was necessary because of the assassination of DNR Head of the Administration

Looking at the Lugansk People’s Republic November 11th Election

by GH Eliason in Novorussia for The Saker Blog For the November 11th election, I was asked to be a part of the International Election observer team Lugansk People’s Republic. It was an experience I won’t forget. Representatives from over 20 countries participated. Political views were represented across the spectrum from conservative to liberal to socialist to progressive. Although some of us were a little suspicious of others political views,

War 4 Years On – the Outlook for Lugansk People’s Republic

by GH Eliason for The Saker Blog Leonid Pasechnik, the acting Head of Lugansk People’s Republic (LNR)has been in office for almost one year. With the state of his reforms in LNR, you want to judge him against leaders of countries at peace, not as one that just formed in the middle of a war four years ago. For the last thirty years, Donbass was neglected in Ukraine. The infrastructure

War Crimes in LNR and DNR-The Unannounced War

by GH Eliason for the Saker Blog   On September 28th, Lugansk Peoples Republic (LNR)Deputy Foreign Minister Anna Soroka and Andrey Chernov gave a presentation unveiling a photo album entitled Unanounced war. This collection of 150 images details the war crimes by the Ukrainian government during the war from 2014-2018. Over the last 4 years, many journalists including myself reported on the war crimes committed by Ukrainian punisher battalions and sometimes

Ukraine’s Pending Disaster- Escalating in Lugansk and Donetsk

by GH Eliason for the Saker Blog The tragic murder of Alexandr Zakharchenko solidified Ukraine’s intent to retake the Donbass region by force. We know the attack on Donetsk Republic leadership was meant to throw the fledgling nation into an emotional and political turmoil and cause a crisis in succession for the Republic Ukraine gravely miscalculated the response Poroshenko received which was both deliberate and dignified by Donetsk Republic leadership

Democrat Says Americans Owe Nazis for Suffering and Gives ISIS Eulogy on C-SPAN

by GH Eliason for the Saker blog Can you believe it? 2018 is the year of the NAZI snowflake! They whine, cry, and they still kill innocent people. They also donate a lot of money to Congressional Reps who support their goals. When congressional leaders openly believe that it is your duty as patriotic Americans to support and ultimately die for the families of the lever pullers and torturers at

A Tale of two Ukraines- Health Care in War-Torn Lugansk and Peaceful Kiev Part 2

by GH Eliason for the Saker blog In 2014, villages, towns, and sections of cities were destroyed near the front line in LNR (Lugansk People’s Republic) and DNR. Early on, a lot of people were forced to stay because the banks disappeared overnight. Your savings was gone and the banks were closed. Starting from what you would consider a normal life, imagine waking up without any access to your own

Why Vault 7 Tools Used by Private Contractors Shows US Intel Needs a Ground-Up Rebuild Intel and News Building

By GH Eliason The Vault 7 exposé by WikiLeaks neglected to mention the most important part of the disclosure. Sure, the CIA has all these tools available. Yes, they are used on the public. The important part is; it’s not the CIA that’s using them. That’s the part that needs to frighten you. The CIA, by the definition of its mission, cannot use the tools in Vault 7, and definitely

American Fascists Co-Opt Trump Protests Hiding Inside Civil Rights Movement

by GH Eliason Over the last couple of years I’ve written volumes on fascists making inroads into American politics and civil life. With civil and human rights it starts with understanding a little about what’s known as the Four Freedoms. And there are many legitimate civil rights groups today that go under that banner. In 1941, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt gave what became known as the Four Freedoms speech. He
