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Tag "George Eliason"

LPR and DPR Repatriate Ukraine’s War Victims (graphic!)

By George Eliason for the Saker blog Working in close cooperation, Lugansk People’s Republic and Donetsk People’s Republic have set out to find and repatriate missing victims of Kiev’s war crimes buried in mass graves and return them to their families. The interdepartmental group responsible for the effort is called Without a Statute of Limitations (БЕЗ СРОКА ДАВНОСТИ). The official start of this project was August 11th in Pervomaisk and

Ukraine’s Zelensky- Honoring Hitler at Israel’s Holocaust Commemoration

By George Eliason for The Saker Blog To paraphrase a saying so relevant today it’s scary, those that don’t understand history are bound to be bitten on the buttocks by it. Do you hear that sound? That’s history running up behind you. Israel just had a Holocaust commemoration that featured celebrating the memory of unrepentant WWII murderers and torturers along with the memory of their victims. That’s a win, win

Adam Schiff Whistleblower Impeachment Based on a Tweet from Poland?

by George Eliason for The Saker Blog Look at the date in the above screen-shot. Read the summary again after you pick yourself up from off the floor. Adam Schiff and the Democratic Party are basing an impeachment of the President of the United States on…wait for it….a tweet? This particular tweet happened one day after the phone call between Donald Trump and Volodymyr Zelenskiy. So, quick question- how does

Bill Taylor’s Private War with Donald Trump Ukraine and Russia

by George Eliason for The Saker Blog John Solomon of the Hill just penned a seminal article for people who want to understand how widespread the hate for Donald Trump is inside the State Department. If it was one or two activist diplomats, the problem would be easy to remedy. Unfortunately, Ambassador Yovanovitch is a symptom of a much greater problem that spread like cancer inside the agency. With over

Alexander Vindman – Why Diaspora Ukrainians are Driving Sedition

by George Eliason for The Saker Blog When the Vindman story broke last week, we were pathetically reminded that there is a conspiracy against Ukraine and the Diaspora in America. Conspiracy theorists labeled the Ukrainian government integral nationalists plotting against the current President of the United States even before the final ballots were tallied 2016. Although this article will contain many of the elements of the still-developing Vindman story that

The Terrorists Among US11 Azov Battalion and American Congressional Support

by George Eliason, special correspondent for The Saker Blog in Novorussia On April 13, 2014, Ukraine launched its ATO against the people of Donbass. Since that time Ukraine has received billions of US dollars and EU euros to combat a Russian invasion. Ukrainian politicians stole and continue stealing the money as fast as it comes in, regardless of what it’s purposed for. But did Russia ever attack Ukraine? Will Russia

The Terrorists Among US10| The IO Echo Chamber Scott Shane Joel Harding

by George Eliason for The Saker Blog At the beginning of October, I was contacted by the New York Times, @ScottShane for an interview about US President Donald Trump. The biggest pressing question he had revolved around how (not if) I’m guiding US foreign policy and advising President Donald Trump on Ukraine and the deep-state war in the US from Donbass. Try reading that over your first sip of coffee.

The Terrorists Among US9|Hillary Clinton’s Democratic Coup Against the Presidency

by George Eliason for The Saker Blog Is there an ongoing coup against the president of the United States going on right now? Starting after the ODNI report, Joel Harding thought so. When you read this you will be forced to answer that question for yourself. It doesn’t matter what you think of Donald Trump politically or personally. The only question to ask if you answer the above affirmatively; what

The Terrorists Among US8- Trump Whistle Blower & the ODNI FBI CIA DOD NATO-COE

by George Eliason special correspondent of the Saker blog in Novorussia Let’s explore the top of the chain in the Information Operation and Intel community coup against the presidency. The same private contractors responsible for the 2014 coup in Ukraine brought it home to the US in time to get involved in the election. Losing that bid, they have been working to alter the fabric of the country forever. No

The Terrorists Among US – The Coup Against the Presidency

by George Eliason for The Saker Blog For the last few years, a deep state coup against the presidency has been in the media off and on. Starting in 2015 very serious efforts were made to put all the parts in place that guaranteed the 2016 US presidential election’s outcome. This went so far beyond every extraordinary measure that it deserves special attention. Before your eyes glaze over, this isn’t

The Terrorists Among US- Cyber War and Privateers are the true Domestic Terrorists

by George Eliason for The Saker Blog What are Cyber Privateers and should you be afraid of them? Cyber privateers and cyber bounty hunters are criminals that are not covered under international law as government agents. In reality, this almost nullifies the chance for war to start over any particular hacking or compromised data event. The problems hired or volunteer contractors create include a projectable legal attribution. You don’t have

The Terrorists Among US- Cyber Privateers are Domestic Terrorists 4

by George Eliason for The Saker Blog What are Cyber Privateers and should you be afraid of them? Cyber privateers and cyber bounty hunters are criminals that are not covered under international law as government agents. In reality, this almost nullifies the chance for war to start over any particular hacking or compromised data event. The problems hired or volunteer contractors create include a projectable legal attribution. You don’t have

The Terrorists Among US- Traitors and Terror 3

by George Eliason for The Saker Blog The second part in this series showed clearly that the US Intel community has been overrun by untrainable and undependable people. The more facts that come out, the worse the situation looks. We trust these people to dissect and analyze critical pieces of information and based on their experience advise the President of the United States whether or not diplomacy, spying, and covert

Victory Day 2019 in Lugansk People’s Republic (updated)

by George Eliason, Special Correspondent for the Saker Blog in Novorussia Victory Day 2019 in Lugansk People’s Republic For the last five years, I was given the opportunity to break a lot of news and human interest stories from Donbass. More specifically, I’ve lived in what became Lugansk People’s Republic since 2012 and I’ve been writing from there since the trouble started before the Ukrainian coup happened. The video from

Lugansk People’s Republic May 2019 AntiNationalist Roundtable

by George Eliason, Special Correspondent for the Saker Blog in Novorussia On May 2nd, the civic organization “Memorial” and the Federation of Trade Unions in Lugansk People’s Republic held an international roundtable at the Russian World Hall in Lugansk. It commemorated the 2014 tragedy at the Trade Union building in Odessa in which Kiev reported 48 people killed and over 200 injured and the genocide in Donbass that followed it that Kiev

How was it possible for a Jewish candidate to win the 2019 Ukrainian presidential bid if Ukraine is a rigidly nationalist country?

by George Eliason, Special Correspondent for the Saker Blog in Novorussia How was it possible for a Jewish candidate to win the 2019 Ukrainian presidential bid if Ukraine is a rigidly nationalist country? Although the investigation isn’t complete, I have uncovered all the working parts that make an impossible story not only plausible but show the election results as the only logical conclusion. As I was sorting through all the

Ukraine 2019 Election- Ukraine Rejects Maidan Bandera and Revolution

by George Eliason, Special Correspondent for the Saker Blog in Novorussia “Most previous ODIHR and Council of Europe’s European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission) recommendations that would bring the legal framework further in line with international obligations and standards, as well as good practice, including for the adoption of an election code that would consolidate and harmonize the various election laws, remain unaddressed.”- the INTERNATIONAL ELECTION OBSERVATION MISSION

Why 2019 Ukraine Imports Terrorists and Exports Terror 1992-2019

by George Eliason, Special Correspondent for the Saker Blog in Novorussia The shame of post 2014 Ukraine is that the only equivalent situation that could exist is putting the Ukrainian SS death camp guards, their families, and officers’ in charge of Israel. Would giving death camp torturers and lever pullers free reign to do what they want to an entire people have been the thing to do during or after WWII? As you’ll soon
