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Tag "Fundraiser"

Now it is my turn to ask for your help

Dear friends, I have been putting this off for as much as I could, but the truth is that I need to make a fundraiser again.  Sorry! This is the price we all have to pay for not having ads, subscription only content, pop-ups, etc.  This blog is 100% financed by 100% volunteer donations.  As for its contents, they are all licensed under the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA 4.0 International license

Spring fundraiser – an emergency on so many levels!

Dear friends, Today I am launching my Spring fundraiser because the current situation is an emergency on many levels. First and foremost, there is a very real risk of war.  Let me rephrase that, I think that we can say that we have a certitude that another war is imminent. The only question is where (Iran? Syria? the Ukraine? the DPRK?) and whether it will escalate to a direct nuclear

Winter fundraiser and important announcements (UPDATED 2x)

(SEE UPDATE BELOW) Dear friends, Executive summary: Help me work for you ‘Tis the season to be giving..” right? So here I am again asking you to help me continue my work for you.  Most of you know that, but for newcomers let me just stress the following: my blog is 100% ad-free, no obnoxious pop-ups, no paywalls, no special member-only content, not even copyrights!  Check at the bottom of


Summer 2016 fundraiser: I really hate doing this, but since so many of you have suggested it, and since, frankly, my “informational ammo stores”, in the sense of Cicero’s “Pecunia est nervus belli” (“money is the sinews of war” – that very much also applies to the informational war), are empty, I want to appeal to the Saker Community once again to provide me with the means to continue the struggle.
