Tag "ERTV"
Alain Soral answers! (part 2)
Important note: Since archive.org is not meant to be a streaming video site, more of a download repository you might get a choppy video due to the large number of connections. If that happens, please go to this page: https://archive.org/details/SoralRepond11jan15Part2engSubs and consider downloading this ogg video version: https://ia601505.us.archive.org/5/items/SoralRepond11jan15Part2engSubs/Soral_repond_11jan15_part2%5Beng_subs%5D.ogv Finally, here is the link to the first part of the interview: http://sakerlatam.blog/the-saker-files/alain-soral-answers-part-1/ I hope that this helps. Cheers, The Saker
Alain Soral answers! (part 1)
Dear friends, This is part one of three. The translation and subtitles were done by a group of volunteers to whom I am most grateful. Parts 2 and 3 will be finished soon, God willing. The Saker