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Tag "counter-propaganda"

Re-visiting Russian counter-propaganda methods

This article was written for the Unz Review A special ‘thank you!’ to my Director of Research, Scott, for providing me with the background info for this article   Everything we were told about the Soviet Union turned out to be a lie, but everything we were told about the West turned out to be true Russian joke In May of 2016 I wrote an article for the Unz Review

US propaganda on Russian TV

Quite a while ago I wrote an article entitled “Counter-Propaganda, Russian style” in which I tried to show that far from censoring the russophobic propaganda of the AngloZionist Empire, the Russians try hard to give it as much visibility in Russia as possible.  The reason for that it very simple: by showing the Empire’s propaganda the Russian media provides incontrovertible evidence of the hatred the Empire has for Russia and

Humor against disinformation

A couple of days ago I was watching Russian TV news when I came across this absolutely hilarious segment.  I asked the “Russian Team” to subtitle it for my English speaking readers and here it is, thanks to “AE”!This war is truly one of constant and systematic disinformation and one of the many lies spread by the Empire’s corporate media is that the Russian media was “toning down” it’s criticism

John Kerry and the “last resort” rule as a cause for optimism

[First a small announcement: I will contact the “Saker correspondents” over the week-end with details about how we will get organized and the kind of stuff we will do.  Over 40 people have responded to my offer and I am happy to announce that we got all five continents covered.  Another seven candidates have not answered my request to confirm their desire to participate: “fsd”, “cc”, “sl”, “y”, “aa”, “ov”

The smartphone as a weapon to defeat the Empire’s propaganda

Tonight I was watching the latest video footage of the bloodbath in Egypt – this time infantry fighting vehicles using their guns to shoot at demonstrators.  What caught my attention was that in the corner of the video you could see two Egyptian men standing with smartphones making their own video recording of the massacre taking place under their window.  See for yourself: And I thought to myself “at least
