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Tag "Constitution"

Putin’s Address to the Nation Ahead of the Vote on Amendments to Russia’s Constitution – 77.92% support!

Putin’s Address to the Nation Ahead of the Vote on Amendments to Russia’s Constitution A quote from Andrey Martyanov:  “A really telling response projected at the facade of US Embassy in Moscow on the eve of July 1 voting for amendments to what amounts effectively new Russia’s Constitution. The text of the projection says, in addressing the US: 1993–it was yours (constitution), 2020–it is now our (constitution). I cannot emphasize

Don’t We Have a Constitution, Not a King?

By Marjorie Cohn, AlterNet As the nation focused on whether Congress would exercise its constitutional duty to cut funding for the war, Bush quietly issued an unconstitutional bombshell that went virtually unnoticed by the corporate media. The National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive, signed on May 9, 2007, would place all governmental power in the hands of the President and effectively abolish the checks and balances in the Constitution.
