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Tag "Christianity"

Obedience in Christianity: a reply to an important question

Question: As an Orthodox Christian in America we are taught to almost worship our Bishops, and they can do no wrong. We are to strictly obey them unless they ask us to break the law, or hurt someone. However, what happens when they err? What is one to do? As a struggling Orthodox Christian in America I would appreciate advice from other Orthodox Christians. Iconodule (this question was originally posted

Christianity and Judaism

Dear friends, Today I am posting the full translation of an amazingly interesting text – Christianity and Judaism – on the issue of the historical role of the Jewish people written by a, now reposed, Archbishop of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad, Archbishop Nathanel (Lvov) [“Lvov” is his last name, no reference to the city in the Ukraine].  This has been made possible by the superb translation of this very

Ukraine: 10,000 marchers meet in Kiev for Russian Orthodox Procession for peace and unity

  Jul 27, 2016 Up to 10,000 participants of the Ukrainian Cross Procession for Peace congregated on St. Vladimir Hill and walked to the Lavra Monastery in Kiev, Wednesday, where a prayer ceremony was held. The procession started at the opposite ends of Ukraine, with one group beginning on 3 July from the Holy Assumption Sviatohirsk Lavra in the eastern Donetsk region and the second taking off on 9 July

Orthodox Christian Georgian Assyrian Church Chants 16 & 50 Psalms

It’s real! Christ our True God, touches our Hearts but we in our vanity don’t notice it. We call upon Him, only when we’re hurt. We offer to your attention a chant in one of the dialects of Aramaic. It is real, though many say that Aramaic language is dead, but it’s not. I very much hope that our songs touched your hearts for in them we Praise God! 16

Your thoughts on Israel’s threat to vaporize the holiest sites of Christianity, by Scott

Before the end of his term the President Barak Obama is determined to undo what many see as the greatest injustice of our time. He wants to bring Israel back to its 1967 borders according to the UN resolution and to make Jerusalem a capital of two countries, Palestine and Israel. As the Israeli media puts it: “Obama to use UN to divide Jerusalem.” Michael Bulgakov, an author of “Master

Joint Christian-Muslim resistance against the Empire (a quick reminder)

In a previous post entitled “Russia and Islam, part eight: working together, a basic “how-to”“, I have discussed in some details the basic principles which could be applied by both Christians and Muslims to jointly take a stand against the current Empire.  I don’t want to repeat it all here, especially since in that article I was discussing this issue specifically in the Russian context.  What I propose to do
