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Tag "Butchery at sea fallout"

From Goldstone to Uribe

by Stephen Lendman for the Steve Lendman Blog Despite a credible start, the fix is in. Expect justice again to be denied. After the Gaza War (Operation Cast Lead), the UN Human Rights Council (HRC) appointed Justice Richard Goldstone to lead an independent four-person fact-finding Commission to investigate human rights and humanitarian law violations committed on both sides, Israel doing everything possible to obstruct him in vain. The Commission conducted

Is Israel really cooperating?

First, I read this piece of “good news”: Turkey welcomes Israeli inquiry into flotilla raid.  But soon, it turned out that this “good news” had a perfectly simple explanation, and its Philip Weiss who provided it: Outgoing Colombian president Alvaro Uribe is to be the vice chair of the new U.N. panel looking into the flotilla raid.FYI, Uribe won an award from the B’nai Brith. “Past winners include first Israeli

Shooting and Sobbing

by Gilad Atzmon Hold your breath. This in not a joke, this is not a satire. It is real almost as much as it is pathetic. Israeli Ynet just reported that the images of captured Israeli commandos published in Turkish papers opened “…old wounds among those Israeli commandos involved in similar circumstances. Thus far, at least four combat soldiers have reported worsening of their (mental) condition” While the rest of

The Israel Lobby takes on Turkey

Ha’aretz reports: On the fringes of the Washington meetings of Turkish official delegations, there is usually a special place for outreach with the American Jewish community. But several Jewish groups intend to skip the meeting Wednesday evening with members of the Turkish ruling AKP (Justice and Development Party). The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), B’nai Brith International and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) have decided to decline the invitation to

Full Text of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s Speech!

From Palestine Think Tank: Translated and transcribed from Turkish by Güzin Bilgi for and Gulagnik Translators ( English editing by Mary Rizzo. It may be reprinted with full credits to the translators and source.——– Today I do not only want to speak to my dear people but to all of humanity. I want to call to the conscience and hearts and minds of the whole of humanity, I would

The Legal Position on the Israeli Attack

by Craig Murray (…) A word on the legal position, which is very plain. To attack a foreign flagged vessel in international waters is illegal. It is not piracy, as the Israeli vessels carried a military commission. It is rather an act of illegal warfare. Because the incident took place on the high seas does not mean however that international law is the only applicable law. The Law of the

Details about the official Turkish position

The spokesman for the Turkish Foreign Ministry, Selim Yenel, has just given an interview to al-Jazeera. In the course of the interview, he has detailed the official Turkish demands on Israel. Turkey demands the following: a) an international investigation into the eventsb) the punishment of those responsible for the operationc) an official apology from Israel This is interesting, as all three demands are unacceptable to Israel.

“Operation Justified Vengeance”: Israeli strike on Freedom Flotilla to Gaza is part of a broader military agenda

by Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, 31 May 2010 War Criminal Prime Minister Netanyahu, who directly ordered the strike on the international flotilla to Gaza was on an official visit to Canada at the time of the Israeli attack. The strike constitutes an act of piracy in violation of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. Netanyahu’s actions, which have resulted, in more than 10 deaths and

Some thoughts on the latest Zionist lunacy

I am working on a full-length analysis of the situation in occupied Palestine and the Middle-East, and I hope to have it ready for publication here in a couple of days. But in the meantime, I want to share some initial thoughts I have had after following the events in the eastern Mediterranean this night. * The Israeli government has, yet again, proven itself totally incompetent. The likes of Ayalon,

From Cynthia McKinney: Israel’s Latest Murder of Humanitarian Activists

I am outraged at Israel’s latest criminal act. I mourn with my fellow Free Gaza travelers, the lives that have been lost by Israel’s needless, senseless act against unarmed humanitarian activists. But I’m even more outraged that once again, Israel’s actions have been aided and abetted by a U.S. political class that has become corrupted beyond belief due to its reliance on Zionist finance and penetration by Zionist zealots for

Israeli Butchery at Sea

by Gilad Atzmon As I write this piece the scale of the Israeli lethal slaughter at sea is yet to be clear. However we already know that at around 4am Gaza time, hundreds of IDF commandos stormed the Free Gaza international humanitarian fleet. We learn from the Arab press that at least 16 peace activists have been murdered and more than 50 were injured. Once again it is devastatingly obvious

Butchery at sea fallout

Press Release 05/31/2010 Uri Avnery: this night a crime was perpetrated in the middle of the sea, by order of the government of Israel and the IDF CommandA warlike attack against aid ships and deadly shooting at peace and humanitarian aid activistsIt is a crazy thing that only a government that crossed all red lines can do “Only a crazy government that has lost all restraint and all connection to
