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Tag "Auslander’s refugees"

Situation report evacuees from Auslander

We received the first 5 evacuees who will be benefactors of our efforts. We have two adult women and three children. I will give no information about this group or how they came to us beyond these are special people whom no one else could help. When this war is over I will tell some details of the evacuees. This makes a total of 8 women and children we have

Update on the Ukrainian refugees by Auslander

Dear friends,I have been asked by Auslander to pass on the following information to the readers of this blog, especially those who have donated money to help Ukrainian refugees. The Saker——-Here is the cost at current exchange rate dollar to ruble and dollar to griven: Housing Per day:7 bed room with in room full bathroom, shower, sink, toilet. per person per day R 455 = $13.00 (New room, TV and
