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The Lobby is in a panic – look what they are sending out

Dear friends, Take a look at the email I just received: ******* Dear , With the Walt/Mearsheimer book, “The Israel Lobby”, attaining national bestseller status, and the simultaneous release of THE DEADLIEST LIES: The Israel Lobby and the Myth of Jewish Control, the national debate has begun. We have seen your review/mention of THE ISRAEL LOBBY, and we are writing to urge you to consider covering Foxman’s book as well.

US passes bill on Iran sanctions, IRGC

PRESS TV reports: The US House of Representatives has passed a bill that would tighten sanctions on Iran’s energy sector and recognize the IRGC as terrorists. According to US media, Tuesday the US House of Representatives passed a bill only hours before Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s UN General Assembly address. Prepared by Chairman of the US House of Representatives’ Foreign Affairs Committee Tom Lantos, the bill was approved by a

Tomgram: Tony Karon on Growing Dissent among American Jews

by Tom Engelhardt I often think of the letters that come into the Tomdispatch email box as the university of my later life — messages from around the world, offering commentary, criticism, encouragement, but mainly teaching me about lives (and versions of life) I would otherwise know little or nothing about. Then again, the Internet has a way of releasing inhibitions and, from time to time, the Tomdispatch email box

Lobbying for a Foreign Country

It is difficult to identify all the pro-Israel PACs because they fly under the radar with innocuous sounding names such as Metro PAC, Badger PAC, Pacific PAC, etc. By Ron Forthofer, Ph.DSpecial to In March 2006, two respected academics, John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt from the University of Chicago and Harvard University, respectively, wrote a paper that shook up the academic and foreign policy communities. These authors broke the

Nearly 10% of the House of Representatives visiting Jerusalem in the past two weeks

From the Jewish daily Forward: Jerusalem – The summer tour season to Israel for American politicians reached its peak this month, with nearly 10% of the House of Representatives visiting Jerusalem in the past two weeks. Forty Republicans and Democrats met with Israeli and Palestinian leaders in two separate rounds of intensive touring mixed with high-level policy meetings. This year’s tours came at a crucial moment, as Congress is considering

You thought that all ADL/AIPAC-type of crazies where in the USA? Think again!

Jewish outrage over Christian sisterly plan with Bethlehem-Palestine A SYDNEY council`s decision to form a sister city relationship with Bethlehem has outraged members of the Jewish community, who say the move is akin to supporting terrorism. Marrickville Council, in Sydney`s inner west, has had an in-principle agreement since 2001 with the Palestinian city believed by some Christian scholars to have been the birthplace of Jesus Christ. The agreement is due

The truly staggering costs of US unconditional support for Israel

An increasing number of US public figures are breaking the old taboo and openly discussing the huge cost the US is paying for its unconditional support of Israel. From Michael Scheuer, to President Carter, from John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt’s to Scott Ritter, to the recent Republican Presidential debate in which Ron Paul dared to openly say that US policies in the Middle-East had something to do with the “blowback”

Dissenting voices and delayed wars

Something very interesting is happening in the USA: two candidates for the next Presidential election (Ron Paul, R, and Mike Gravel, D) are running on an anti-war platfrom and they are speaking up in each debate (so far – soon they will be given the boot). They stand no chance whatsoever under the current political system. Just take a look the Washington Post’s truly orwellian editorial complaining that “Too many

The sad story the of AIPAC trial

The entire story of the “AIPAC trial” is yet another example of the fact that the “land of the free & home of the brave” and the “world’s only superpower” has become the subservient banana republic of a small country in the Middle-East. What is so amazing to me is that all the flag-waving “patriots” who thump their chests forcefully declare that they are so “proud to be an American”
