I have been thinking about writing this post for several months now. But in a world were everything coming from the heart is misconstrued as some form of posturing, I was frankly afraid to do so. Also, writing that kind of stuff is not what bloggers do, much less so those who try to run a halfway credible blog. And yet, every time I got a kind email, a letter or even a gift, I felt that I have to write this. God knows I am opening myself up for even more misrepresentations as usual, but I think it is well worth it. My spiritual father always used to say “one soul is more precious than the entire universe“.
So I dedicate this post to that one soul.
My life has been one of ups and downs. Early on, after a pretty nasty childhood, it went up, rather rapidly. Then came the “fall from (pseudo-) grace” and I lost my career. It is still too early to go into all the details, but let’s just say that I used to be associated with a “three letter outfit” whose existence was not well-known by the general public and which has since been disbanded. In my field, I got to the proverbial ‘top’ pretty early on, but soon the war in Bosnia began to open my eyes to many things I had never suspected before. Then I found out about two things which got me blacklisted in my own, putatively democratic, country: I found out that a group of people had uselessly been murdered as a result of the criminal incompetence of their superiors and I found out that one guy had taken a long jail sentence while all this superiors had managed to walk away from a crime they all had committed. And even though I never went public, or even told my closest friends about it (to protect them), I was blacklisted and prevented from ever working again.
In those dark days my wonderful wife was always trying to tell me that it was not my fault, that I had never done anything wrong, that I was paying the price for being a person of integrity and that I had proven many times over how good I was in my field. I always used to bitterly reply to her that I was like a “submarine in a desert”: maybe very good at “something somewhere”, but useless in my current environment (I always used to visualize a Akula-class SSN stranded smack in the middle of the Sahara desert – what a sight that would be! I wish somebody would use a Photoshop-like software to create that pic). What I have found out since, is that our planet is covered with deserts and that there are many, many submarines in them, all yearning for the vastness of an ocean.
Modest beginnings at first
I came to the USA in 2002 with only one desire: to leave my past on the other side of the ocean and to disappear, to become an anonymous ‘nobody’ who would be left alone. More than anything else, I needed time to recover, to lick my wounds and to spend time with the only people who had stood by my without every doubting me: my wife and my kids.
The French have a very good saying:”chassez le naturel et il revient au galop” which can roughly be translated as “try to suppress your nature, and it will come back with a vengeance”. This is what happened to me. While in 2002 I had promised myself to never analyze anything more complicated that a fiction book, by 2007 I suddenly decided to start a blog. This blog. My goal? Very, very primitive: to write whatever the hell I wanted. I had spent so many years writing for “big people” who had very narrow limits of what they were willing to read that I decided to indulge in the joy of writing whatever I wanted with no concern or regard for anybody’s opinion. I had an itch to scratch I decided to scratch it.
You can still parse the archives of 2007 or 2008 and you will see that I really was making no efforts to reach anybody, make a difference or become popular. A short and ill-fated contact with (which ended up in disaster), gave me a few more readers but my readership was still tiny.
My choice of topics did not help. Years before, I had literally “bumped” into the topic of Hezbollah and, my curiosity picked, I spent a decade studying this movement and its amazing leader. By 2007 I was an unrepentant Hezbollah-groupie and Nasrallah fanboy and most of the blog dealt with the Middle-East. The other topic was Russia, simply because this was the country my family came from and which I had professionally analyzed for years. As for the Ukraine, I don’t think that I ever mentioned it at all. While I was disgusted with the ignorance and hatefulness of Ukrainian nationalists, I did not care about the Ukraine: “let them soak in their own ‘independent’ and yet pathetic and clearly sinking statelet if they want – I have more inspiring things to look at” was my philosophy at the time. Sure, I kept an eye on events there, but to me this reminded me of Russia in 1993 – I was disgusted with all the actors and with the entire situation. Besides, what could happen there which would be worthy of interest?
And sure enough, life proved me wrong (-: again :-)
The big wars of 2013
First, there was Syria and the Russian role in stopping Uncle Sam. Oh yes, there were the political efforts of the Russian diplomats, and they were ‘bad’ enough. But less noticed what the fact that Russia sent a hastily assembled but capable naval task force to the Syrian coast. Not a task force big enough to fight the US Navy, but a task force capable of providing a full view of the skies over and beyond Syria to the Syrian military. In other words, for the first time the US could not achieve a surprise attack on Syria, not with cruise missiles, not with airpower. Worse, Russia, Iran and Hezbollah embarked on a covert and overt program of material and technical assistance for Syria which ended up defeating the Wahabi insurgency. The AngloZionist were absolutely *livid*. So to teach Putin and those damn Russkies a good lesson, they blew up the Ukraine and, again, Putin did two things they had never expected and which they could never forgive: he did sent forces Crimea but he did not do so in Novorussia: there he helped covertly. There was no doubt possible: Russia had committed the “Crime of Crimes” of openly defying the will of our planetary overlords. The Empire’s response was predictable: a full-spectrum ‘war’ on Russia and Putin, albeit not an overtly military one (yet).
For me and my blog, the consequence of this mega-crisis was immediate: the readership literally exploded and, at the suggestion of other (it was not even my idea!), more Saker blogs suddenly began popping up. From a unknown one man anonymous blog the Saker blog morphed into a global community, and that over less than one year.
[Sidebar: if often fell like a war profiteer. The worse the situation in the Ukraine, the more readers I get, the calmer, the less. On a really quiet day I get as little as 20’000 hits, on a really bad day, up to 69’000. I estimate my more or less regular readership at no more than 30’000]
I am outlining all this to truthfully explain to you that this was never the plan for me. Not only was this completely unplanned, it even took me by surprise. In fact, I was so surprised that I could not honestly make sense of it. Think of it.
Here is a one-man blog, written by some anonymous dude with a silly alias, who repeatedly engages in all sorts of crimethink (like the day when I wrote – to a mainly Arab readership – that I believed that Hamas ought to unconditionally release Gilad Shalit, LOL!) who is neither from the Left, nor from the Right, whose writing is chock full of typos and, frankly, very poorly written sentences and yet this blog suddenly takes off like a rocket. And you can tell by my writing style that I don’t even take myself too seriously. But so what in the world has happened here?
Sure, I am a decent analyst, I know Russian and a few other languages, I have studied Russia for all my life and the Middle-East for, well, a little over a decade. This is not bad, but hardly a reason for such a success.
Then I understood:
It was never about me, but always about you
Along with more daily visitors, I began receiving more and more emails and letters. And presents. Often very touching ones. Just look at the absolutely beautiful drawing of a Saker Falcon I got yesterday (thanks SO MUCH “S.T.”! I will frame and posted it on my wall)
People who had never met me and who really knew nothing about me were literally pouring kindness over me. Most emails and letter centered on political issues, but a big minority were expressing much deeper feelings such as gratitude and a desire to morally support. I was amazed, really. Then my readers began suggesting that I should place a donation button on the blog. Many may not believe me here, but that idea had never even crossed my mind. Eventually, I did (God knows I needed the money) and to my absolute amazement people began donating. Why? Why would anybody in our cynical word filled with crooks donate some hard earned and always scarce money to a guy he/she has never met? Was that just because I was posting materials about Syria or the Ukraine? Or my oh-so-good analyses? Hardly.
And then there was also the rage. Many, many letters were literally oozing with rage. Rage against the government, its media, the Empire, the lies and the dishonesty. Rage at having been lied to. Rage at the humiliation of being treated like a serf or a slave. Rage at our dysfunctional and self-destructive society. Before that, I had no idea that so many people were so mad.
The most gut-wrenching letters were often from US servicemen. They often began with “I consider myself a patriotic American and I love my country which I served for many years in the military but….” and here it inevitably turned into a painful admission that this country was lead by evil crooks, occupied by parasites, owned by a 1% of SOB whom everybody else despises. And you would simply not believe the kind of stuff these correspondents, including former servicemen, would write about Putin. It was amazing – I regularly joke that if given a chance to run, Putin might be elected as President of the US of A.
[Sidebar: By the way, I will not post these letters here. Not even excepts. First, I want to protect the trust of those who wrote to me. Second, some of these letters are so amazing and moving that I will inevitably be accused of making them up. So I will simply forgo presenting any ‘proof’ for my statements. Believe me or not – makes no difference to me. And if you don’t – then I guess that yours is not the soul I dedicate this post to anyway]
So there I was trying to figure out – why such an outpouring of kindness for a total stranger (and an anonymous one at that!) and such an outpouring of rage against the society we live in. And then, I think that I figured it out.
The deserts are filled with submarines (but they are breaking free!)
That’s it. I had mistakenly believed that I was the only one feeling like a submarine in a desert, but in reality the deserts of our society were filled with people who felt completely alienated. Several times in the past I posted here the beautiful song by David Rovics “We are everywhere” because with each passing month I began to realize that he was literally right – we are, indeed, everywhere.
What society had done to me – made me completely powerless – it has also done to you. And just the way it had made me feel like a single lonely nutcase, it made you feel like you were the only one. I most sincerely believe that the real reason for the success of this blog, its global community, its vibrant discussions and the amazing outpouring of kindness towards me is in the following simple fact: I inadvertently made it possible for many thousands of people to realize they they were not alone, not crazy, not wrong but that quite literally “we are everywhere”!
The second thing that I did, again quite inadvertently, is to empower those who felt powerless to do something, to make a change, to really have an impact.
Our societies are designed to make us feel like prison inmates, serfs or slaves. We all know that voting is a useless joke, that our rulers don’t give a damn about us, that political dissent is frowned on when it is real, that revolts are crushed in violence, that pluralism is viciously repressed by the prevailing ideology, that our schools brainwash and stupidify our kids and turn them against us, that the home brainwashing appliances like the Idiot-Tube, the radio or the papers are here to do only three things: entertain us, get our money and zombify us. We know that, but we feel powerless to do anything about it.
By asking for help in my work on the blog and, especially, by allowing for what I call “spontaneous self-organization” (something which I had directly taken from how the Debian community functions) I had given those who shared my goals a readily available means to take action. And I have to say that the result exceeded my expectations by many order of magnitude (and made me realize that some “amateurs” are at least as good as, or better, then “pros”). Treat people with respect, give them a chance, and they will do miracles for you!
[Sidebar: if you are interested in how big complex projects can self-organize, please read – online – chapter 2.4 “The Debian Community” pp 46-57 in this book. Of course, I did not deliberately try to copy the Debian model, but I did apply the “just do it” principle and I let each Saker Blog self-organize in a completely independent manner. I also see my own role in the Saker community as one of a “benevolent dictator“, another free software phenomenon, though, so far, I have only had to act in this capacity once].
Thanks to my inadvertently stumbling into the fantastic and yet untapped potential of so many good people our community began to grow almost spontaneously (several Saker Blog Team Leaders have also expressed to me the same amazement I was feeling).
Suddenly many “submarines” had found their oceans to show what they were really capable off!
Do you know about the Asch conformity experiment? [If not, take a quick look here before reading on]. Well, I think that my oppositional-defiant personality inadvertently crashed at least part of the gigantic Asch conformity experiment our society has become. I was calling it as I was seeing it and to hell with the consequences (I had so few readers anyways…). Then, in 2010 I decided to really give a good kick into the sandcastle of our delusions and posted an article entitled “Why am I not hearing the endless rumble of jaws dropping to the floor?”. In this post I basically repeated something which anybody could verify and which was undeniable: NIST had, by direct implication, admitted that WTC7 had been brought down by controlled demolition. Furthermore, and contrary to popular belief, NIST has simply no explanation at all for how the WTC1 and WTC2 had fallen. And yet, this amazing fact was completely obfuscated by the collective Asch experiment being imposed on us. But the reality is that the 911 issue is just a tip of an iceberg. Our entire society is one big, long and neverending Asch experiment and most of us, at least on some level, know about it. We all feel what the Matrix series calls the feeling like a “splinter in our mind”.
I suppose that for types like myself (disrespectful of social dogmas and norms, oppositional and defiant towards authority, rebellious and aggressive by nature, deeply contrarian on an almost knee-jerk level, libertarian in outlook) the outcome of the tension between what I feel and what I am told to feel results in a long battle against the established order and dominant ideology (no wonder another two of my favorite songs of David Rovics are “Burn it down” and “We will shut them down“). But once a bad guy like myself decided to yank the splinter out of my mind – others decided to give it a try too and that is how it all began.
My gratitude to you
And here is what I wanted to say through all of the above: I know that I personally do not deserve such kindness and gratitude. In reality, the very fact that you have shown me so much kindness also shows that you are truly the one deserving gratitude and praise. I am just the very very lucky one – you are the kind and generous one. And, please believe me, this has nothing to do with me engaging in some kind of false modesty – I truly believe it, this is the conclusion I have come to from your letter and your emails.
In conclusion, I want to share a special song with all those of your who have “poured out their souls to me” (Russian expression). It is from the Russian bard Vladimir Vyssotskii and it is called “Song of the Earth”:
Here are the lyrics (translated by George Tokarev)
Is the earth, as they say, burnt and dried?
Will a seed, as they say, never sprout?
Has the earth, as they say, really died?
No! It’s taken a lengthy time-out!
Mother Earth will forever give birth,
Its maternity isn’t a fiction!
Don’t believe that they burnt down the earth,
No! It’s blackened from grief and affliction.
Trenches, running like scars back and forth...
Bleeding guts black shell-craters expose...
They are open nerves of the earth,
Which unearthly unhappiness knows.
It will stand wars and grief - any thing!
It’s not crippled, though booted and looted...
Don’t believe that the earth doesn’t sing,
That it’s quieted down, diluted!
No, it’s singing as loud as it can
From a trench, from a wound, from a hole!
Since the earth is the soul of Man,
Boots cannot trample down the soul!
This last sentence, “boot cannot trample down the soul!”, speaks, I believe, not only of physical boots, though these are also meant, but also about psychological, ideological, social boots who, no less than the real thing, try hard to trample down on our souls.
Remember the last sentence of Orwell’s 1984? “He loved Big Brother”. I always absolutely hated that sentence. Yes, for the purpose of the book, this was the correct ending being, as it was, a warning. But I always though “hell, no I will always hate Big Brother”, “boots cannot trample down souls”.
What you all, my friends, have proven to me is that there are many of us who will not love Big Brother and that Big Brother has not trampled down our souls. 20 years ago I used to feel like the most lonely man on the planet. Now, thanks to you, I feel like we are everywhere and I have friend, free fellow humans, all over the planet.
And for that you have my eternal and most heartfelt gratitude,
The Saker
PS: note to the Saker-haters: I am fully aware of how easy it is to distort and “rephrase in other words” what I wrote above, and how many ugly and nasty conclusions you can come up with. At the very least, you will call me either a hypocrite or delusional. Fine. You have shown me over and over again that this is a price to pay for honesty. I did not try to make this text slander-proof and if you want to use that to trash me further – fine. I just want you to know that I accept that and that I don’t fear you one bit :-p
December 2015 addendum from the Saker:
[Note: I decided to post this addendum following the events described here]
I consider that the “Submarine in the desert” text above really says everything relevant about me. I also believe that you can tell a tree by its fruits – so my blog is really what people ought to judge me by. However, since others apparently want to know a little more about my past life, I can add the following:
I was born in Zurich, Switzerland, from a Dutch father and Russian mother. My father left us when I was 5, so my mother and my Russian family raised me and this is why I took my mother’s last name. I lived most of my life in Geneva, Switzerland. In 1984 I did my military service in electronic warfare and I was later transferred to the military intelligence service (UNA) as a language specialist where did some work with the Swiss Air Force. I then traveled to the USA where I got a BA in International Relations from the School of International Service (SIS) at the American University and a MA in Strategic Studies from the Paul H. Nitze School for Advanced International Studies (SAIS) at the Johns Hopkins University. Upon my return to Switzerland, I worked as a civilian consultant for the Swiss Strategic Intelligence Service (SND) writing strategic analyses, primarily about the Soviet/Russian military. In the military, I was given the Major-equivalent rank of “Technical Officer”, which is a fancy way of saying that I was an analyst. I also worked as an “enemy operations” (“Red Team” in US parlance) specialist for the operational-level training of the General Staff of Swiss armed forces.
[Special note for some alternatively gifted folks: no, I never worked/served a single day in NATO. At the time of my work for the Swiss military, Switzerland was still a neutral country whose military doctrine was purely defensive in nature and was still non-aligned country. In other words, I was willing to serve and, if needed, defend, my country of birth without in any way hurting the interests of my “historical motherland”, that is Russia.]
I then accepted a position for the UN Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR) where I specialized in peacekeeping tactics and operations. This gave me the opportunity to co-author a book on Russian peacekeeping operations with the Major-General I. N. Vorob’ev, of the Russian General Staff Academy. My last work at UNIDIR was about psychological operations and intelligence in peacekeeping which can be downloaded here. At the same time, I also wrote an evaluation of the performance of the Russian military during the first Chechen war for the Journal of Slavic Military Studies which somebody has since uploaded here. The wars in Bosnia and Chechnia really opened my eyes to the real nature of the Empire. Since I thought that I was living in a democracy, I did voice my opinion on these topics and I soon ended up being viewed with suspicion by my former bosses. I quit the UN and took up a position at the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) which was probably the worst mistake of my life and which I shall never discuss publicly. By the time I got out of that job, I was basically blacklisted as a “dangerous element” (meaning “disloyal”) by my former bosses (my regular contacts with Russian diplomats and my efforts at providing aid to the Bosnian Serbs probably did not help). In total disgust, I abandoned my career as a military specialist and re-trained as a software engineer. When 9/11 crashed the IT sector I was unemployed again and I left Switzerland for the USA where I homeschooled our 3 children while doing odd jobs, mostly as a translator (I am fluent in Russian, French, English, Spanish and German) while my wife worked as a veterinarian (now, that our kids have grown up, my wife and I work together). In 2007 I decided to start an anonymous blog, mainly as a psychotherapy for myself, and I called it “Vineyard Saker” – a simple machine-generated anagram of my full name :-)
Finally, and just for the record, a few points: I never did any intelligence gathering for anybody, though I was approached by the Americans, the Russians and the Swiss do to exactly that, but I turned them all down (just not my cup of tea at all). While my maternal family are all from the Russian nobility, my Dutch DNA is 100% proletarian, and I am quite happy with that mix. To my great regret, I get no help from Russia at all – not money, not information (I would *love* to be a paid “Putin agent” but VVP has not made any offers yet). All my info is 100% “open source”. My past experience with classified data tells me that it is either highly technical or time-critical but not otherwise better than open source information: 80% of all the good info is out there, in the open, it is just a matter of putting it together correctly. I get a regular trickle of donations from the blog, but nothing major, and only 2 private donors (thanks guys!!) provide most of it anyway. If making money was my big goal, then I assure you that I had plenty of much better opportunities. Oh, and if you still wonder, no, I am not a Muslim nor am I on any Muslim (or other) payroll.
I am a “proud card carrying member” of the FSF and the EFF, Political Compass ( scores me as a “Left Libertarian”:
Personally, I reject the Left-Right reference system and consider myself an Orthodox “People’s Monarchist” (народный монархист) in the tradition of Lev Tikhomirov, Feodor Dostoevsky, Ivan Solonevich and Ivan Ilyin. Just like the Russian philosopher Berdaev, rather than looking left or right, I rather look *up*!
I also recognize myself in the notion of “Left of labor, Right of values” (Gauche du travail, droite des valeurs) of Alain Soral. My economics are: laissez-faire capitalism for the family and small business level, socialism for the corporation level and communism for strategic/national level sectors of the economy.
My favorite authors are Alexander Solzhenitsyn and Sergei Lukiianenko.
I play acoustic jazz guitar and my favorite guitarist are Philip Catherine, John McLaughlin, Vicente Amigo and Angelo Debarre. My favorite composers are J.S. Bach, Astor Piazzolla and Roger Waters.
I have over 45 years of freediving experience (which I began long before the Big Blue movie made that lifestyle popular), but now, at 58, I mostly kayak and hike the Florida wilderness.
Now that I wrote all of the above, I still think that it is largely irrelevant. Judge me not by what I say about myself, but by my blog or, better, my book. All of the above is true, but these are my *external life circumstances* and they do not say much about who I really *am*. My writings do. Study them (if so inclined) and you will know who I am.
The Saker
I once told [to Eustace Mullins] how much respect I had for George Orwell’s daring to write 1984 — to which he sharply replied: “It’s a great piece of pro-government propaganda — they win in the end.” Mr. Mullins is of course right: Orwell’s Big Brother is always one step ahead, almost omniscient — and therefore invincible.
– Beatrice Mott. This Difficult Individual Eustace Mullins — and the Remarkable Ezra Pound. March 20, 2010
Re: “I had mistakenly believed that I was the only one feeling like a submarine in a desert, but in reality the deserts of our society were filled with people who felt completely alienated.”
It must be a generational thing. Your descriptions of failing the criminal ‘mendacity’ test and being sent to Coventry resonates here as well — and I’m sure in many cases. It is only a matter of the scale at which it occurs at. However, the principle is the same. You are appreciated and certainly not lone. Keep up the good work and take care of your health.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” (Margaret Mead)
I appreciate your efforts and your drive Saker and that you feel it is a calling to show integrity when all about crumbles with corruption is a fine thing to do.
Keep up the good work and don’t mind the haters. It is always easier to hate than it is to understand. Just the way humans are.
It is very heartwarming to me to know that you are out there in cyberspace. I have felt very lonely. I live far from my home country, as it has been destroyed- both as a country and as a society.
Regarding US servicemen, I am sorry not to share your feelings. They knew what they signed up for when they joined the army. They are responsible for the murder of innocent civilians.
“Bagdad was lit up like a Christmas tree” gleefully proclaimed a US marine during air raids on that city. I will never forget this footage from CNN. He had a big smile on his face..
They are monsters.
After reading Chomsky it’s pretty obvious why he won’t even touch the 911. His main sources are highly impeccable and he relies mainly on official/declassified documents and the narrative in the media as a baseline, afterall he practically wrote the book on the propaganda system.
Should we get official/declassified documents or even confessions he will surely change stance. But as he said even if it is true , it changes nothing since to him killing millons of people in Vietnamn is right up there with 911. And a lot of other atrocities as well, and that thas been highly visible for multiple decades.
The Empire has brought what the former white colonial world was all about and reinstated it in one ultimate hegemon, that is modeled after its precursor; The Brittish Empire, but really has nothing like it in history. There are no precedents, every single day is dealing with forces that has (and have had) the power to warp and brainwash the human psyche. Intellectual defence is protection and should be taught and praticed by everyone.
Cheers on the sentiment, not so much for more 9/11 nonsense.
The speculations on external factors besides the jet impact, fuel burning, and massive clouds of gigantic debris sound good, but there is nothing whatsoever implicitly impossible about the collapses of the 3 WTC buildings – especially if you consider the possibility of corruption leading to compromised building materials.
All 3 of the buildings were architecturally minimalist – the normal margin for structural integrity for them was far lower than average. Similarly structured buildings have collapsed the same way – note video of the building in Delft. WTC7 is used as some sort of exclamation mark – but the problem is that it is impossible for those using this example to demonstrate that there wasn’t structural damage caused by falling debris. A minimalist structure – you don’t need to do catastrophic damage, you only need to knock out one or two main load bearing supports.
I’m sorry to spoil the emotional mood, anon but your NONSENSE consists of a purported “specialist’s” review of 9/11 from only ONE “how” vantage point, which is investigative incompetence. And which hundreds of structural engineers around the world disagree with you on 100%, by the way.
What about the other vantage points, such as motive? What about the PNAC neocon creatures prescribing the need for “a new Pearl Harbor” to herd sheep like yourself into passivity?
What about the air defense being taken down for nearly two hours?
And it goes on and on and on. If I don’t see your response go get Tarpley’s 9/11 Synthetic Terror Made in the USA. The official view and your silly post are insults to people’s intelligence. Get out of denial. We were all children once and still may shed some tears and to show our feelings and to let them out is no disgrace but for Pete’s sake don’t appeal in a softer thread for people to stop thinking. Read Tarpley. Reality is coherent, up and down the line from EVERY perspective, not just one, or it’s not reality. That’s what I have to say about your nonsense opinion. And if you want to go a few more rounds, let’s go!
fm brazil my most sincere thanks.
You dont have to stand neither pose to being that heroic in this defiant resistance, i know, but don´t abandon us for further a while ahead. we need your presence.
@ Saker
Another comment to thank you for what you are doing for the world (us) and wish you a joyful birthday
@ Blue 00:59 14 Nov
First, thank you for sharing! I watched the video and I just wanted to make a comment. It is not a criticism but an observation.
There is an interesting contradiction when you say (paraphrasing) that science is the best option we have for studying the objective world.
Nevertheless, in your thinking and discourse you are actually using science but in a very different way than scientists do. You process this information on particle spins, relativity, and space-time continuum to build a unifying framework about existence that is relating to consciousness. Your science is not exactly accurate but nevertheless you build something in an effort for meaning. Yet, you criticize those ancestors who tried to do exactly the same with the means they had at hand as being irrelevant.
In another revealing contradiction you say that you cannot talk about these things but yet you criticize those (and yourself) who try to use the structure of language to parse reality.
This is perhaps why the effort is inconclusive. Deep and profound, yes – a critical realization that relationships are at the center of consciousness and being. That memory is a sine qua non of identity. That meaning itself is something that we co-create.
So here are some thoughts to spark further discussion:
Science and observation broadly are in fact altering the world as much as they alter the way we perceive the world. By focusing only on what can be rationally analyzed, science cuts off a multitude other ways of relating to the world.
And yet, our deep scientific thinking seems to come a full circle back to the original understanding of those crude ancestors. The importance of relationships in co-creating the world.
Perhaps this full circle indicates that at any age, humans can glimpse the fundamental realities through their relation to them – one that is in the end personal. A short step more to reach a personal relationship with a living God – one that you cannot put in words in the same way you cannot put in words what friendship and love mean.
Anyway, this are some thoughts as a response to your open dialogue. Maybe they are incoherent – as Saker says, take what resonates and leave the rest.
Balkan ID
dear Saker,
my consolidation every day is your blog.
My blog tries, to be same kind of thing to those, who sail the philosophical and mythological= astrological boat.
Tha logs of this kind of travelling
are perceiving the movement of the archetypes to be read by the constellation of our family-lights in the sky and their mirrowing on earth.
This week is special for everyone of us, being concious of it or not:
one day in each year two symbols/lights of the center in each of us are meeting: Sun (the star) and Saturn (the pole). Astrologers assort this day under the code of Sun/Saturn/Coniunction.
The meeting of last weekend of the “Kaiser of the Realm of the Middle” and the “King of the North” fullfills this constellation with pure life. Next Monday the approach has reached the crest. In Australia the step over the line is due on monday, the step over the line of the chain of world-orders.
This is, what I embrace mostly together with your blog and your (and my)auspicious readers.
Stay healthy and inspired
This is stargazers Window:
Dearest Saker,
Your heart is beautiful. I’m truly thankful for you and this vineyard. You create strength and courage in all who assemble here. The light you shine is priceless! Blessings!
Chomsky could easily just say the evidence is not all in. Same with JFK assassination, but instead, he plays the left gate keeper. He wants a total state as well, just one that accords with his views. He has a particular prism with which he views the world and politics and refuses to budge when that proms clearly fails him. Those writing on the ‘deep state’ tend to go much further down the rabbit hole than Chomsky.
On the plus side, I would say he is a good introduction to those who are blinded by the ZN propoganda. But one has to move on.
Thank you, soul mate :)
And thank you for the beautiful poem and song with a glimpse of Jacques Brel…
I’m a submarine in the desert too, but breaking free and craving for my blue ocean. You give me the momentum I need to get there!
I have been a regular reader and supporter of your blog for about a year now. I am greatly encouraged by your blog because finally here is someone who shares all of the following characteristics:
1) Your sincere and deeply-felt Christian faith keeps your moral compass functioning.
2) You have penetrated the fog of deception surrounding the events of 9/11.
3) You fundamentally disagree with the immoral rough-shod foreign agenda of the Empire.
4) Your language fluency gives you access to news and opinions that are denied to us living in the US.
5) You use logic and evidence to formulate your conclusions, and are unfraid to stand by them, even if they are unpopular.
Any one of these charactaeristic by itself would put you in a small minority of people living in the West. The intersection of all five makes you one in a million.
Anonymous Anonymous said…14 November, 2014 10:38
“I once told [to Eustace Mullins] how much respect I had for George Orwell’s daring to write 1984 — to which he sharply replied: “It’s a great piece of pro-government propaganda — they win in the end.” Mr. Mullins is of course right: Orwell’s Big Brother is always one step ahead, almost omniscient — and therefore invincible.”
To catalyse trancendence the lacunae in 1984 are the notions of time and interactive lateral change.
The probable catalyst for transcendence would likely have been the over extension of Big Brother in requiring to be loved – the dangers inherent in adherence to categorical imperatives.
Over extension is often a catalyst – the Greeks characterised it as hubris.
As to Orwell’s 1984 it was good integrationist propaganda, albeit in the opinion of some people who knew the man unintentional, a function of framing based on his experience and in the context that his most important source/counterweight, his first wife, was no longer available.
His wife was the one with more extensive “intelligence” experience through her censorship work, Orwell only working for the BBC.
The same could be said of Andersen’s Emperors New Clothes although many forget the ending, that the King pulled on his cloak and the procession moved on leaving the little boy behind.
Reliance on texts outwith context including time is a practice of precluding transcendence with similar lacunae as outlined above.
Metaphorically they are the threads with which the Lilliputians subdued Gulliver.
Why not test the hypotheses in conjunction with others?
it often seems to me the trick of good writing is to renounce the ego to the point where the good writer is perfectly aware the she or he is really the same as everyone else, and that there is no diffentiation between any walk of life be it taxi driver or farmer or king, but an unvented kind.
So many succomb to the notion that we are individually “great,” and social systems delineate our personal unique greatness, and reward it, in so many ways that it is tempting to fall into that trap, if not entirely unavoidable at certain points in the timeline of our individual experiences. Even for our survival. Our personal experiences, not our social ranking, do indeed, provided we listen to them, become what we are.
You Saker have learned the humility to speak to yourself in all of us, and your unique experience puts you in a situation where you bring us together to a deeper understanding at this point in time. God willing we should all learn that trick, and not think ourself clever and special Thank you!
Personally, my eyes were opened by the Kosovo war. I came to realize that we were being lied to, and that many of our most respected institutions, the putatively liberal ones principally, function to deceive and subjugate us. I did not, however, connect that growing realization to the decline and perhaps inevitable destruction of our civilization. Did not, that is, until 2008 and Barack Obama.
Now, when election season comes around I feel like a Jew on Christmas morning. Family and friends break out the tired old homilies about voting, civic participation, etc., and I stoutly refuse to be bamboozled again. This attitude does not endear me to those around me, notwithstanding their education and fine liberal credentials. Or, because of their education and fine liberal credentials. Being a fan of Nasrallah does not help either, I guess, though thankfully none of my people are Zionists.
In response, my wife and I are making halting, uncertain moves toward self-sufficiency as a family. Things that used to seem second nature to me – like television advertising aimed toward children – are now revolting. The only real act of resistance that I can come up with now is to get away from THAT STUFF.
Thank you, Saker, for this space. I admire your efforts and your willingness to take a stand, to make your life mean something, even though our views on some matters would inevitably be at odds.
No Fear !
that’s the spirit Saker.
Mr. Saker,
Are you sure you have no partiality to the 19th Century? Your humanity & optimism is infectious. Thanks for all you have done.
As with Edward Snowden, you are bringing vital information to a poorly informed people. Have a whole crew (in our neighborhood) learning from your website
You have lived, and continue to live a most useful, learned, and learning life.
I am not sure we will prevail, but we will have fought the fight, and have become worthy of attaining the Right (of all people) to Life, liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.
Peter J. Antonsen
[from Blue]
You made a valuable response. Thing is, all we, mostly, is narrative — stories, we invent, share, and use as frames for our thinking and existing. Science is one, religion anther, culture, ideology, etc. — all stories, and systems of cognition. Some seem to be better and more reflective of reality than others, but we should recognize them as ‘myths’ and not reality. Yet each of them can express part of our being in unique ways.
We need to understand the plots and genres of the stories (as when we need context to understand paintings and art), and their modes of thinking and feeling, to understand what others are saying.
When I say the ancients didn’t know anything that’s not a criticism of them, but of the circumstances they had to live in due to lacking the knowledge and history, and instrumentation, we now have. It’s putting their stories into a proper context.
Perhaps in some future time people will see what I (and we) have said and remark ‘they made the effort and did OK with what they had, but of course they didn’t have our trans-multi-dimensional and semi-material science, time travel and temporal manipulation technology, access to the knowledge of dozens of extra-galactic civilizations [including Dr. Who, of Gallifrey]’.
We are still a quite primitive and ignorant species, even while knowing more than we did a few thousand years ago.
I wonder what would happen if I could go back and explain to the boy who I was 60 years ago the things I understand now — who would I now be, and how much grief to myself and others could have been avoided? Is that possible in the sense of contacting my ‘inner child’? I guess the most important thing I could say is ‘It’s OK to be whoever you are — and you don’t have to be always ‘right’ or perfect, or know everything. You don’t have to be like others, or try to make them as you are.’. Does that go for everyone?
Saker ,
I would like to offer you this video of Presto James from Veterans today fame . Towards the end he speaks about the taking over of Ucraine by the tribe from Hell , crimes against humanity and the taking of body parts of the dead people .
The theory seems to be that Israel could go bust soon because it is dependent of US funds for It’s survival . So the Khazars wants to take over Ukraine . The problem for Russia is that fact would be a terrible nightmare for Russia . The tribe from hell is suspected to have hidden in the USA 25 atomic devices . The Zionists could do the same trick with Russia . So those people should not ever be allowed to control Ukraine in my opinion .
Whatever that tribe touches it stuffs up . Germany
before 1933 and the war . Now is the turn of the USA another european culture destroyed and looted . I sent some money to Voice of Sebastopol . Cheers
Morte al Nuovo Ordine
Thanks for your greta efforts ,
Preston James – Veterans Today – The Alien Agenda
Thank you, Saker, for all your writing and this article in particular. I am, like you, an alien living in the West, and I share almost all your opinions. Your article is very russian, the idea of “soul” is very russian. I see that some commenters here did not understand or like this. But I did, of course.
Sadly to say, that unlike you, I am a coward and afraid to speak my mind among the society here. I admire you greatly for your courage.
Submarines in the desert:
Kind regards,
Saker – great article. I am sure a lot of us clicked with your explanation on “where we are/who we are and why we are”
I know I did :-))
Have you read this book on Putin
A very well written book about Putin. (only in RU sorry) Written after “The Orange Revolution” published 2006 …
My wife says its a must read and the author was very accurate with his prediction etc.
What is happening in Ukraine now – he was right on the button.
Oh yes the rabbithole goes deep, but Chomsky was analyzing the empire and the brittish empire, Russia etc long before most people here was born. He even was against a Jewish state before the english even created it!
” He has a particular prism with which he views the world and politics and refuses to budge when that proms clearly fails him. Those writing on the ‘deep state’ tend to go much further down..”
That is bs, he has been analyzing US foreig/domestic policy and if that’s “deep state” or not, no one cares. And he would be last person to care. Of course he will not stop anyone working on their theorie etc. Consider him a “gate keeper” of serious research and scholarship.
Also Chomsky may look “alone” buy he has always had an EXTENSIVE network of scholars/journalists/professionals/ you name it , behind him (some of which are among the best in their field) supplying him with first rate sources and of course their own comments/input translations etc.
He lets everybody else deal with factoids and various theories and has zero interest in jfk/911 etc. When it comes to rigour few people can match him, and he has everything to lose when it comes to the big conspiracies. Although he is known to have pointed out historical collusions and even some conspiracies , but these are things that he can backtrack to verified internal documents and planning or confessions in memoirs, declassified record etc, impeccable sources.
People get mad at him for not backing them in whatever way. His answer: get published and he might take a look.Of course he will not even lose face the slightest if 911 turns out to be orchestrated by CIA. It’s fairly plausible but he prefers to stay clear, afterall he and his network of friends/researchers etc have more than half a century experience in bringing out all sorts of information and analyzing it.,ht/
Yt said:
“That Saker picture is beautiful. If possible, this could be your blog logo. Because of the bird looking to the left and down it should be placed to the right and at the top.”
Absolutely! My thought as well. Logo problem solved. (Although I also like the photo.) What strikes me is this saker’s expression: attentive, thooughtful, and humble. The artist has not exploited the “idea” of falcon as a symbol of something removed from what a falcon actually is and does. OK, falcons do kill, but that is their evolutionary destiny and survival necessity, not their political choice. Unlike the use to which the American eagle has been put, as a symbol of the power of a particular group of humans, power whose deployment is ultimately militaristic and violent and overlordish.
This lovely saker is, in my mind, more akin to a totemic animal than a symbol, namely, a totem whose god- or nature-given powers inspire, guard, and spiritually empower the humans affiliated with the totem. The totemic qualities I ascribe to the falcon are watchfulness, farsightedness, taking in a a wide view but able to perceive minute disturbances in the field, on which it can then focus, laserlike, before executing a swift dive-bomb on the target. Does not attack merely for sport.
@ Saker:
I’ve been reading your blog for ~5 months now – and I immediately felt a link to it because of my feeling of isolation. We just now had a 2-day breakdown of our internet connection and I must say that I felt that I was all alone on an island: now that I’m reading your blog plus the often very interesting comments again I feel that I’m back in contact with the world.
My reason to feel alone is probably the same as everyone else’s here: when I speak to my friends about “honest news” most of them think I’m a bit peculiar :-) and strangely enough education doesn’t make a difference at all. I can approach some subjects with about 10% of them but I still must be careful. The one that completely agrees with me is the least educated of them :-): that shows the worth of IQ doesn’t it?
Thank you for sharing your history and motivation with us – this blog is starting to feel like a blog of friends (even if we have different religions or political views).
Greetiings from the psychological desert of AZ-occupied central Europe.
“Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood, let alone believed, by the masse” – Plato
Caring enough to see through the lies can bring you to an isolated and frustrating place. I believe in deserts but unfortunately remain to be convinced off submarines. Yes, there are a few very very special ones but so few against so so many.
“In living through this ‘great epoch,’ it is difficult to reconcile oneself to the fact that one belongs to that mad, degenerate species that boasts of its free will. How I wish that somewhere there existed an island for those who are wise and of good will! In such a place even I should be an ardent patriot!” Letter to Paul Ehrenfest, early December 1914. Collected Papers of Albert Einstein
1914 ! – History does not inspire confidence. We can dig through it to pick out the bits we want to believe in, or dig through the million voices to find a sane one, but I suspect genetics is playing a game with us. If there is any hope its in breaking the propaganda machine.
I for one deeply respect the Sacker for what he has achieved. I don’t like to distract or waste space by posting, but this last article really hit home
Re Anonymous 15:37
“Cheers on the sentiment, not so much for more 9/11 nonsense.”
I don’t think your assertions regarding the construction standards of the WTC are correct. I have read in numerous places that the whole “pancake” scenario was BS and the towers, plus WT7, were built to extremely high/tough construction standards designed to prevent the possibility of failure of one support or element causing general destruction/collapse. Similar to bulkheads of a vessel providing independent spaces such that flooding of a compartment owing to hull damage is contained. The “pancake” view is,I believe, the nonsense here. I have never actually seen any assertions that debris brought down WT7. It is almost as though whoever is in charge of the 9/11 narrative doesn’t see any need or feel obliged to provide explanation of why that building came down, leaving unchallenged the obvious fact that that building was “pulled” in plain sight of millions.
[from Blue]
Regarding alienation, I can recommend the books of Erich Fromm, especially ~The Sane Society’ — and old but ‘timeless’ book which is very applicable to the current situation.
Of course Marx also dealt with some of this: the separation of work from meaning in capitalism and reducing workers to cogs in the machine — the whole industrial revolution problem.
But then, Fritz Lang touched on this long ago also. So did Abraham Maslov and Carl Rogers. One can find many references to it, and dehumanization, once one sees the context and perspective to apply: the divorcing of work and production from the person and human society, largely by evaluating everything in terms of money and power. These are people whose work one should be aware of.
In a strange way, Naziism, nationalism, and fascism, perhaps all extremism, are perverted reactions to being dehumanized and disrupted in the search for meaning. There is also some interesting material at .
@anon at 15:37
for a start get a name, dog, doodoo, dumass, dipshit, abracadabra, n e body. a name.
what desperate grasping, oh the concrete was bad? minimalist? I think that’s an interior decorator term. Oh yeah, and all those engineers and pilots just won’t listen to your expert views. pathetic.
Saker, I add my salute to you with all my fellows here. Today, what a beautiful post, in the tradition of “confessions” ala Montaigne et al.
Thanks for your comments. Look, don’t let the follies of our times bother you too much. Not worth it to lose your happiness and peace of mind. And yes, this gay agenda thing: it is very curious, very, very curious indeed. I am not talking about individual gays; I have nothing against them, even though their acts I would personally find revolting. But we are all different; I don’t have to do what they do, and they are welcome to do their own thing – in the decency of their bedroom, not on the streets a la gay parades.
Now, to get back to the point: why is big brother and his presstitude media pushing it down our throats? To atomize us all, as we indeed would be without functioning families, so as to better control us. There is some powerful social psychology of control underlying it. I am still trying to think through a scientific explanation of how human sexuality can be manipulated to increase political control. This is what is really going on. Of course, in the intellectually dysfunctional west of our times, people don’t have a clue. The usual rubbish talk is that it is about freedom. agenda
Not sure anyone still will read this thread, but “Where Did The Towers Go?” by Judy Wood…Dr. Judy Wood…is the most fantastic analysis by a PhD in Mechanical Engineering…over 500 analyzed photos of the buildings going down…or rather going up….they just turned into dust…all that was on the streets was dust and paper…
Lots of structures designed to be “strong enough” have failed, because something came along that was stronger. Sometimes unforeseen, sometimes totally unknown (eg wind effects bringing down bridges).
It also happens people make excuses for not believing something that is too horrible to accept and believe.
Having seen several building fires, some in films and some with my own eyes, where the building collapsed, I was not at all surprised to see the towers collapse. I said they would some 15 minutes before the first one went.
The reason? floors need support. If they’d stay up without support they’d be built that way, just floating. How much support can be removed is a factor of what area can be cantilevered before it starts to come away from the support.
I can’t see the logic in the explosives argument, anyway. If the point is to blow up the buildings, why bother with aircraft? if the point is the terrorism of flying hijacked aircraft into buildings, there is no need for collapse.
It would actually be a lot more terrorising to have the buildings STAND BURNING for weeks, underscoring the nation’s helplessness in not being able to extinguish the flames. Let them stand broken and blackened for the months/years it takes to work out what to do with them and how to remove them.
Anyway once the planes hit, no need for further action.
We ARE agreeing the planes DID hit, aren’t we?
Thanks Saker,
we need more of your kind, so that there will be more of ours.
Take care,
From Europ
Excellent -from-the-heart-Post- by Saker. Thank you. It was a Gem.
Tried posting several times, a few days back, but the browser blew-up each time.
Really appreciate you sharing this insight and describing the circumstances of your personal development and trials. It was valuable, inspiring and fascinating – don’t ever apologize for it.
I think your analysis (regarding your readers and the currency your blog has generated) is spot on. The “balls” you showed in calling a spade a spade (on several subjects that are suppressed by false political correctness), that many of us were feeling inside but could not articulate as succinctly as you, is another reason your blog has taken off.
Few of us can put into as succinct and accurate terms the true nature and identity of the destructive forces that are hurting all of our lives (destroying values, tradition culture, our health, our wealth and our security), as you’ve done in several of your epiphanies: This is a rare skill and you shouldn’t under-estimate it. You have an ability to coalesce several connected yet disparate ’causes’ or issues into a single concept which many of us struggle to articulate (but fully understand at an intellectual and intuitive level). In addition, because you freed your mind to confront the subterfuge and the censorship of political incorrectness, you provide some of the most solid and defensible arguments against the conventional geo-political narrative (i.e. MSM propaganda) and the social engineering lies being foisted on us. The fact that you do so aggressively is further liberating for the reader – you emancipate the mind when you do this. It’s a liberating experience to read some of your more insightful posts.
Many can relate to so much of what you experienced because we had analogous experiences (though not as serious as life & death as what you experienced). It is akin to relating to Cassandra’s Curse; i.e. predicting and warning of a disaster but watching the incompetent, the amoral narcissist and the criminal turn a blind eye –>part and parcel of being a submarine in the desert.
Your life is fascinating, the way you express yourself is very sincere, you capture emotion in a way that very few male writers are capable of. It’s the self-exposure of your errors and flaws that bolsters your credibility, it makes you human and real in comparison to the egotistical caricatures of infallible writers/bloggers, analysts, ‘experts’, etc.
At the right time, when your readership has reached critical mass, I think you should consider writing a book about life and career as well the wisdom you acquired.
When I was reading Katherine comment, above, I suddenly remembered two things that happened to me when I lived in the US (Chicago), between 1996 and 1998:
First, one day, I was given a leaflet by a man, in a fast food shop, that described, with drawings, the domination of the country by what was called ‘the Mafia’;
Second, probably in 1997, I heard in a speech in the university (I am an architect) that there had been discussions concerning the DEMOLITION of the Twin Towers because they were not working properly (they had functional and maintenance problems, that is, the architecture was bad and it was expensive to keep running).
When 9/11 happened, I thought that it had been very convenient for ‘the Mafia’ in power to put down those buildings the way they did (as ‘they’ wanted to demolish them, anyway!), and use it as a false-flag operation for a worldwide war against ‘terror’…
No, I did not ‘wake up’ at that time; I had ‘woken up’ earlier (I had a very hard childhood in a country controlled by the imperialists where a coup d’etat destroyed the democratic government and the lives of millions for decades). But, I still had a lot of hope, then. However, as I grow older, my hope is slowly vanishing…
Your blog is fantastic, Saker; thanks! I keep reading, yes, as you tell me that changes are happening, that hope is not totally lost – I just wish I could contribute somehow to the struggle as it would give meaning to my life.
The WTC towers had problems and they planned to demolish them but they could not. The structure contained asbestos and it would have cost more than double what it would cost to build them over all again. The company that bought the lease then took out insurance with some very specific clauses. And that is why they got twice the compensation so instead of having to spend over $10 billion to demolish them they got 8bil from the insurance.
Saying the towers were badly designed, well not structurally, they were designed to withstand the collision from a plane and could handle one side of the support structure collapsing and still stand. The load bearing structure at the center of the towers were then filled with concrete and covered with asbestos as fire prevention. A small steel structure itself could not withstand the heat from a fuel fire but this was not a small steel structure or unprotected.
They even had a plan to overhaul the towers and contain the asbestos inside. The claims from that would have cost a lot of money..
If nothing else, the criminal behavior and who stood to gain from it and the amount of money involved all point to the mafia. These guys are crooks and if they can make money instead of losing their shirts they care about the lives of others?
We have numerous unexplained incidents that all point to criminal behaviours at the heighest levels of the US government. The stand down that day.. Excuses for an exercise that turned into a real act. Investigations that went to the highest levels of the intelligence and government offices. A lot of documents on criminal proceedings that all got burnt up and destroyed. The ISI general who wired 100K to atta having breakfast with his chummy senators in Washington that very morning. Some of the hijackers having lived on US bases.
We dont know what happened or how, but we do know that crime does pay and it pays very very well.. and it did.. Pakistan got 100 bil for their help..
Mr. Saker,
A multitude of thanks for this post. While I admire your modesty, all of our paths through life are immensely important — they trace our upbringing, our constitution, and ultimately our trajectories — even for those who admirably seek no recognition. In short it is comforting to other desert subs.
Your words are inspiring to the utmost. The greatest trick the Empire ever pulled was convincing those with morals that they suffer alone.
Don Wiscacho
Saker, regarding your comments about the WTC disaster, I have looked into the NIST study. The problem of results interpretation lies in the use of supercomputer modeling (i.e., use of LS-Dyna in the 3-D finite element modeling). The complexity of such modeling far surpasses the analyst’s ability to 1) address all the assumptions needed regarding initial conditions, temperature-dependent material properties; and 2) select a wide range of appropriate parameter values, which are inherently uncertain. LS-Dyna is fine for small scale situations, such as modeling an automobile structure in a crash. For more complex structures, however, as in the case of the WTC, the solution becomes unstable as it evolves. The finite elements easily become entangled as the solution develops. NIST tried, but the analysts found it difficult to arrive at a fully defensible set of results. In addition, no uncertainty analysis was performed on the modeling, although such an uncertainty analysis would have its own problems. I am familiar with such modeling, and few analysts are willing to admit to the inherent, severe shortcomings of such modeling approaches. They begin to believe all the “pretty pictures”, and often miss the fundamental physics of the situation. The NIST modeling, however, did get it right with respect to structural weakening and failure of steel due to high temperature exposure.
A simple application of fundamental physics allows one to understand the collapse of the two WTC towers, and supercomputer modeling is unnecessary to arrive at the conclusions. The “demolition hypotheses”, is entirely false. Falling back on the fundamentals of physics, only three need be considered (equations are difficult to write in this format):
1. Weakening and failure of steel structures due to initial mechanical damage and high temperature exposure.
2. Potential energy of vertical mass elements as a function of height:
dV = (rho)(g)dx
where rho is the mass density, g is the acceleration ion due to gravity (9.8 m/sec2) and dx is an element of height in meters. Once failure begins and WTC floors begin to pancake, potential energy is transformed into kinetic energy (increased downward velocity) and additional damage. The potential energy of each element, dV, snowballs in the integration over height as structures fall downward.
3. Newton’s second law, but not in the usual form of F = ma (i.e., force equals mass times acceleration). The proper form is “Force equals the time rate of change of momentum”, where
F = (d/dt)(mv)
= m(dv/dt) + v(dm/dt)
= mg + v(dm/dt)
I have only shown “g”, acceleration due to gravity, as (dv/dt), but there is also a deceleration process as each collapsing floors back up on each other, which translates into additional downward forces. The second term, v(dm/dt) is neglected in most problems (i.e., mass does not change), but with the WTC collapse it is important because mass of upper floors are added to those below in the downward fall.
The three physical conditions above lead to an exponential runaway condition, leading to the collapse of the WTC towers.
“Chassez le naturel et il revient au galop” = a leopard never changes its spots … Bien Cordialement … PM
Whatever they paid you when you were an analyst it wasn’t enough. You are really good at it.
Everyone who can’t read Russian should read your site to get a broader look at what is going on. You have to have multiple independent sources of information as my old Austrian, ex-CIA, political science professor used to point out.
Your Orthodox faith adds to your credibility and also makes your site more interesting. Great icon of the archangel by the way.
[Note from Moderator: The Icon depicts St. George slaying the Dragon. The Archangel Michael is depicted differently.]
Our hearts and souls are warmed and inspired by your writings. Thank you for being so thoughtful and insightful and connecting with others who try to be likewise. Quantum physics tells us we are all connected to everything. If only we all felt that connection. Keep writing with that as our goal.
Saker, in a word…thanks.
Without blogs and websites, like yours and others (PCR, Global Research etc), one can only imagine the greater mess areas such as the Donbass would be in now. Mind you, yesterdays (most likely) false flag in Karkhov only shows that those who don’t want peace will stop at nothing to get war.
Will continue to follow daily, will continue to (at least attempt to) inform those around me, all of whom still rely on MSM stenographers posing as journalists for their news…and will probably still continue to be ignored. But hey, if just one listens, bothers to dig deeper, and scrapes away the layers of bullshit, then I’ll feel I have done something to assist change. Sadly, the fact the rest will sit with their popcorn and cups of coffee, ingesting a diet of American Sniper, NCIS, State of Affairs etc….but what can I do? Maybe ignorance really is bliss.
From NZ,
Just to say I’m not the only reader of you here in Brazil. And for begginers about the US foreign policy I’d like to suggest the great work of Mr. William Blum ( I’m still a rousseaunian man and I do believe the good will prevail. (not in the Hollywood manicheistic way). The truth comes in simple and unadverted ways like it has happened with you, but it spreads and, soon, it will start to challenge the media Asch logic. Hope so. We keep crossing deserts ’till we can swim all together. best.
I have a lot of respect for you. Great story, keep on…
Wow. Nice post. I am an American patriot who is incredibly disillusioned with what is now only a shell of the country that fought for independence from England. We didn’t listen to anything our forefathers warned us about and it sickens me. And yes, I did feel alone as you did, but outstanding blogs like Paul Craig Roberts and yours make me feel so not alone. Thank you for your service Saker. I’ll try to support you when I can.
PS By the way PCR referenced you in one of his posts.
Good stuff!
This was my first visit to your blog, but not the last…
Keep it up, for indeed you are not the only one…
Day by day more people are waking up to the reality of our world.
I can only hope the changes we desire will come soon, while working to make them happen…
Thank you Saker –
How appropriate to view us all as submarines in the desert. The only question is if we can break free enough to prevent a nuclear war and save not only Russia but humanity! Good luck to us all!
Peace to All,
Thank you Saker for your heartfelt words. You and others have given me the courage to shout from my submarine.
Hi Saker,
Reading your story it seems in some ways reminiscent of my own, (Ex Sandhurst, British Middle East Intelligence and a realisation of the huge con that is the western world and the evil that thrives in its leadership.) Disgusted with Thatcherism I left the UK for New Zealand in the 1980s.
Now in my seventies and on the point of retiring from the distillery I started out here, I have watched with increasing anguish as the US has increased its infiltration of our government. Six months ago, in an attempt (and with its current miniscule readership,highly uninfluential) I started a blog at in the hope of alerting my fellow citizens out of their innocent slumbers.
I have just read your interview with Craig-Roberts and hope you will forgive me if I publish it in a blog on Stratfor’s latest astoundingly crude ten year forecast. (I’ve subscribed to Stratfor for at least ten years and have to admit to being surprised by how poorly argued it was.) The blog is due to be posted Sunday week. If I don’t hear from you before then, I will assume it is OK. (I’m sure it will be; you wouldn’t post something like that and wish to hold it back from a few Kiwis who might benefit from it.)
Thank you for attempting the task you have set yourself. I have four grandchildren under the age of two – when I go to my grave I couldn’t bear the thought that I had done nothing in an attempt to alleviate their future. All strength to your arm – and to mine.
Hello my Friend
I immigrated to Canada from USSR in 1978(thanks to a beautiful Canadian woman). At the time I was naive believer about United States greatness. USSR octogenarian rulers of 1980s was no match to Carters sophistication or Regan’s common sense. As Paul Craig Roberts says Regan did not allow Wolfowitz type neoconservatives to influence White House policy. With advisers like Roberts Washington made series of international agreements guaranteeing world peace and restoration of American greatness.
What happened since?
Read Saker – Paul Craig Roberts interview.
BTH The term “Competitive currency devaluation” was coined and predicted back in late 90s on forum.
loved your Vysocky tunes
I’ve been drawn to your blog many times by Paul Craig Roberts, many of whose blog posts I’ve re-posted …together with some of yours. These things and the works of still others have all but blotted out my original postings, two of which I list below:
Hidden Nuke, Crashed Satellite
A 9/11 Truth: Evidence of Energetic Materials in the Debris of the Collapsed World Trade Center Towers:
Only today did I click on “About the Saker.” I love it! Keep up your good work.
Exactly how I feel.
Hi Saker. I started waking up in 91. Its quite a fog we have to see thru, but millions of us are doing it now. Lots of disinfo out there, but after a long time of Geo Political Analysis I know the good stuff when I see it. Your work is true, thanks for sharing. There will be open War soon. We are in fact in WW3 now. Its been Economic, covert, overt, trade, political etc warfare for years now since 9/11 at least. All are used by the corrupt elements of the 1% in their insane attempt at peak control. People try to help others wake up. We must keep fighting. – A Kiwi in Australia
Welcome “home” Dom. Use the view to see the latest news, as we try to clear each day’s fog as it happens.
Dear Saker:
Thank you for sharing your story! Thank-you for this blog! What you’re doing is beautiful and important because there are people who care about truth, are dedicated to truth, and who care about others. Your story and the blog born of such misery are a place where people who are not zombified and stupefied by the madness around us can find some sanity and companionship.
I myself am a submarine, so are my friends, few though they are, and we all visit here often and discuss what’s on the blog and what’s happening in our world.
I hope and pray your stick with it because the road you’re on is going to get more painful eventually. Never, never, never surrender. NEVER!
From one sub to another: God’s blessings upon you and fare forward voyager!
Yana Porter
Wow, I love your style of writing. You keep the reader engaged and wanting more.
(we all make mistakes in this life; we all have sins. As long as we are still alive, we can change and repent. Your way of speaking up against injustice is a struggle for truth (a kind of Jihad lol). I like Putin too (I appreciated his letter recently to Arab Nation during Arab League meeting, although, the traitor minister of foreign affairs of Saudi Arabia tried to interrupt and sensor it)
Those leaders don’t represent us, actually, they’re hired by the enemies of humanity!!!
May God almighty guide us all to the straight path. Thank you Saker for your efforts.
Thank you for this – especially for the recording of Vladimir Vyssotskii !
The valid questions from The Saker seem to reflect the essence embodied in a search for the ‘truth’ (note, Qur’ān, 12:7 as one example).This process of attempting to ascertain veracity of the ‘truth’ necessarily entails a considered as opposed to a haphazard stance and therefore could be said to benefit from a methodological approach as a starting point. Secondly, an analysis that marries a meta- with a micro- stance not only affords a comprehensive coverage of any subject but a level of credence. Indeed, it is this credence which is sought after by The Saker of the viewpoints espoused by Imran N. Hosein.
Credence can be measured in various ways. For example, as per the first question by The Saker, as measured in the question of whether or not Imran N. Hosein’s viewpoints are shared by other scholars. Here, implicit in this approach of a ‘number game’ is the belief that credence is enhanced and rendered more valid by any view being shared by a large number of people; (the converse being that it is reduced when a particular view is shared by a few people). I contend that the feature of a ‘number game’ is, in actual fact, a distraction for the very fact of being a ‘lone voice’ firstly, could be said to lend itself to a level of authority and secondly, engages the play of fortitude in standing up for what one believes – come what may!
I further contend that a ‘credential merit’ can be found on three counts that is, recourse to (1) a scriptural basis; (2) a manifest, geo-political analysis; and (3) an eschatological slant. Whilst (1) owns an authority in its ‘absolute’ basis, credibility of (2) and (3) is evident through the retrospective analysis of manifest historical events and, in itself, lends not only to an inherent robustness, but accounts for the absence of any knee-jerk reaction to the posed questions. These questions, in fact, embody much of the typical misunderstanding of the Islamic worldview. Where an emotional response is displayed by Imran N. Hosein, it serves to demonstrate anguish of a ‘wrong’ which is seen to lead to an injustice even when involved by a so-called Islamic Empire such as the Ottomans and, therefore, this discourse is not biased in confining itself to an Islamic stance, but is driven more by an ethical framework that has, as its prime antennae, an element of fairness. Altogether, not only does this approach lend a respectful tone but corrects previously held misunderstanding of the Islamic history and further contributes to forging a ‘space’ that potentially and ideally extends a friendly arm to those of the same bent.
The concluding appeal by Imran N. Hosein is aimed to, not only, demonstrate respect for this thinking population, but brings in the play the element of ‘onus’ which, when taken to its logical conclusion is really about ‘ownership’.
Should anyone wish to have a transcript for these two YouTube lectures, please contact me.
Sis shaheen