The big news of the day is that the Russian forces finally decided to, shall we say, change pace, and by all accounts the intensity of the artillery, aerial bombing and missile barrage which hit the Ukie forces in the town of Avdeevka was absolutely unprecedented and following this barrage the LDNR forces broke through 8 kilometers of just about the most heavily defended sectors in the entire theater or operations. The Ukrainian 95th Airmobile Brigade (one of the most combat capable unit of the Ukrainian Army!) was defending this sector. According to reports, this entire brigade was basically wiped out.
Here is what you need to know about Avdeevka: this is the very heavily defended location from which the Ukronazis could unleash their terror against the civilians in Donetsk. Now that this entire town has been flattened, the people of Donetsk can now finally hope to live in relative (Ukie Smerch MLRS and Tochka-U missiles can still reach Donetsk!) peace.
So, not only did Russia encircle the entire Ukrainian forces in an operational cauldron, she then proceeded to cut that single force into two smaller cauldrons (but both still contained in the bigger, operational, cauldron) and now as a show of force, she destroyed the most combat capable Ukrainian unit in the most heavily defended town.
The “message” here is clear: we strongly encourage you to lay down arms or else…
One Ukrainian blogger even believes that there will soon be (or already are!) three mini-cauldrons (see map with cauldrons in blue).
However, as I mentioned before, we should not make too much of these or any other maps. We can use them to get a general sense of what is going on, but we should not use any of them to substantiate a conclusion, especially if that conclusion clashes with what we otherwise also know.
In the case of this map, what we see is a concerted effort to close down the entire Donbass cauldron and then move westward.
I won’t discuss what is happening on other part of the “front” (not an appropriate term for this type of conflict) but I might post one more map tonight if I come across an interesting one.
What about the informational war?
Well, inside Russia it is going rather well. Check out this (machine) translation of a recent article about public opinion by two different organizations:
The VTsIOM and FOM published regular surveys that demonstrate a confident increase in the support of all power institutions. Indicators of the approval of the activities of the President, the Government and the United Russia and confidence in them go to the transcendental subsidiaries. Since the starting point for the growth of optimism is in February 24, it can be said that military special operation in Ukraine continued within Russia in special operation of sociological. And the dynamics of its implementation is so great that the goal should be understood quite quickly. In the surveys of the VTsIOM, the level of approval of the actions of Vladimir Putin, last week rose highly, and therefore in a new study digit moderate – just 74.2%. Prime Minister Mikhail Mishutin has grown up to 48%, but the government’s rating took off immediately almost 50%. The direct question about the trust brought these results: the president has exceeded 77%, the head of the Cabinet of Ministers approached 60%. the party United Russia, according to the VTsIOM, now has a rating of 39.4%, which is 3.4% more than the previous value.

Modern Germany’s hero: a Nazi Jew (got to love that!)
So it appears that at least INSIDE Russia the Empire of Lies has lost the first PSYOP battles, but there will be many more to come, and the objective reality the government is dealing with (The Empire of Lies wants to totally “cancel” Russia by any and all means) is tough. The economic decisions of the government in particular (we will have a translation about that soon) leaves a lot of very unpleasant questions, at least in my mind. But more about that later.
Outside Russia, the PSYOPs of the Empire of Lies did to Russia what the Russian military did to the Ukies in Avdeevka: comprehensively beat the crap out of Russia’s rather clumsy PR efforts. As a direct result, we now have Ze on the cover of magazines and 100’000 Brits volunteering to house Ukrainian refugees.
How noble indeed!
Too bad that the same generosity was never shown to the Russian people in many centuries of anti-Russian warfare…
I do not recall such noble feelings from ANYBODY when the Nazis were shelling the LDNR and when Poroshenko PUBLICLY promised that the kids of the Donbass would go to school not in Kindergartens, but in the bomb shelters. No, for some reason those 100’000 Brits did not offer to house them.
Clearly, Russian lives do not matter one bit. Not one.
I have to share with you that I am convinced that most people in Zone A truly and sincerely couldn’t care less about Russian lives, even innocent civilians can be murdered, tortured and otherwise disappears but that triggers no “teary eyes” in the West, not even from many Orthodox Christians.
As I have mentioned several times, this war has been a HUGE “coming out” for the West which now has shown its true face.
Putin put it best when he called it the Empire of Lies. But it is even more than that, it is also an Empire of Indifference. And, finally, the Empire is truly and really an Empire of Hypocrisy.
That is what Russia and all those Russians who refuse to condemn their President, country and people (who were forced into this war!) need to accept: while Russians have had no hostility towards the West until now, at least: this is now quickly changing according my contacts in Russia. Even when the Soviet Communist system was battling AngloZionist imperialism worldwide, the Russian people always knew that the enemy is a ruling cast, an ideology, and some specific segments of society.
But never the people of the West.
Stalin once famously wrote the following words:
“Some people in the foreign press say that the Red Army aims to exterminate the German people and destroy the German state. This, of course, is stupid nonsense and stupid slander against the Red Army. The Red Army does not and cannot have such idiotic goals. The Red Army has its own the goal of expelling the German occupiers from our country and liberating the Soviet land from the German fascist invaders. It is very likely that the war for the liberation of the Soviet land will lead to the expulsion or destruction of the Hitler clique. We would welcome such an outcome. But it would be ridiculous to identify the Hitler clique with the German people. The experience of history tells us that the Hitlers come and go, but the German people, but the German state remains“.
And that was, again, the hyper-villain and Uber-butcher Stalin! He said that in an official order dated February 23, 1942, while the German forces were engaged in truly genocidal mass murder all over the Nazi occupied Soviet Union.
In contrast, the Nazis not only wanted some areas to be declared Judenfrei/Judenrein while their modern-day heirs clearly want the world to be Russenfrei/Russenrein. And its not only the Poles who like to say “Poland up to the Urals, after that – China”, this profound acceptance of the total lack of value of any Russian life is now something very common in Zone A, and it will only get worse since “Biden” will now explain away all his (long list) of failures on Russia, Russians and personally Putin (the “new Hitler”, of course!).
In other words, Russians everywhere should fully expect to be shown less mercy by their Western neighbors than the mercy the German people could expect from Stalin during WWII.
To give you an idea, here is what a red-blooded Romanian warrior tried to post in the comments section:
What can one add to such a lyrical statement? Maybe that Romanians left a “truly unforgettable legacy” in the Ukraine during WWII and the same spirit lives on in modern Romania? Or maybe that folks coming from a country with exactly ZERO agency would do well not to try to roar like a lion, but maybe squeaking like a mouse would make a better fit?
As for Russia and Russians, we will survive modern Nazis just like we survived their previous iteration. By then Russians will hopefully be a little more mature and a little bit less naive about our Ukronazi “brothers” or their masters from the Empire of Lies.
And, no, we will never surrender. Ever :-)
Speaking of surrender, here is a nice photo of some Russian soldiers with lots of Western weaponry:
Finally, the “obligatory” maps! Today I won’t wait for Readovka, so here is an animation of the move of the frontline from RIA Novosti. Again, it is just a map which should NOT be trusted, but I think that it shows us something of value: how the front moved from day 1 to today, day 19.
What about the Nazi volunteers?
Turns out that one of them, something of a hero in Zone A, died within 20 mins of his first contact with the Russian forces (see here and here for details). The fact that Russia destroyed the NATO base in Iarovov probably does not help.
Which really leaves the Empire of Lies only one option: false flags.
Here is a good explanation from a guy in Kharkov:
Please watch the full video and listen to Lira’s arguments, he spells it out very well.
I will just add these simple comments one thing:
- the last time that the Urkonazis were losing badly, they did MH-17
- They are losing even much MUCH worse now than they did then
- Past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior
Do I really need to add anything?
PS: FYI – Readovka just posted their “red” map
I seriously doubt NATO will get involved in case of a false flag chemical attack by desperate banderites, unless they want a nuclear war. Something tells me they do not. But the banderites sure will shell cities and kill ukrainians and blame it on Russia.
I wonder if the Russians have already been tipped off about at least one chemical false flag that we don’t know about because they caught it and put it down. Wouldn’t surprise me.
Those in power in the west politically and the corporatocracy of course are pushing the hate Russia mania. Lots of people see through it and understand what is happening. The criminal oligarchy in the west were experiencing a backlash for the covid policies. Look at Canada with Trudeau and Biden has 35% approval rating but probably even lower. They forced Russia to act but could be another distraction for the disastrous policies in the US. The elections are rigged. It’s clear Biden was installed to continue Obama policies and people know how corrupt these people are and that they were involved in the 2014 coup in Ukraine. I’m disgusted with the over the top reaction by some of the people such as taking Russian products off the market like Vodka. However, these people are misinformed or you can sum it up to just plain ignorance. They couldn’t find Ukraine on a map but are now ready to fight for former comedian/actor who is just a puppet acting his part. All one big theater but some are just blinded. What a farce, then sending Kamala to meet with allies when she is a complete moron. Some people just like to virtue signal like putting BLM signs on their front lawn with no idea who is behind BLM and it’s Marxist ideals. Pathetic but Ron Paul called it right when he said truth is treason in an empire of lies. The blowback on this is going to be huge politically and economically.
The US appears set to implode like the Soviet Union. This situation today may accelerate the unraveling of the petrodollar, and that ends this era of the US.
We’ve lost our way, and an implosion and fiscal collapse may be required to restore us. I can see no other way, as the globalists and financial types have a hammer lock on government, and media. They will never voluntarily let go, so collapse it is, sadly.
The Euros appear to be splitting with the US, so they may already see this, except for the UK. If Russia neutralizes ukraine, a big if as the US, will pay for years of bloody insurgency if they can, but a neutral Ukraine stops NATO, which will be a part of any unraveling.
My recommendation to the Russians is simple – to utterly neutralize the Nazis…and I mean that literally.
The Nazis must be rendered of no social significance at all…permanently. But like starting right now as he establishes military control, Putin must let loose the popular Ukrainian revolution if there is one even moderately ready to go…or create one the popular interest is always there for that ..and let it go, support it, protect it for the time and extent may be necessary, as it creates structurally as it goes ways or organizing and running the country the way the people want, from the interest of the people
That would be the development of a solid national vested interest that would be sane, takes care of the country so that the Russians would not have to, but can work with in the development of prosperity of the whole region…a national Ukrainian interest that would never be anti Russian, in any way at all…surely in no way that could not be discussed into routine settlement
Sorry for my idiot compatriot from Romania. Romanians trully hate russians for a number of reasons(almost all idiotic). Romanians forget that we owe Transilvania to the russians. In 1848 the hungarians want it but the russians said no. Thank to the russians(beating the otoman) in 1877 be became for the first time a modern state(Valahia united with Moldova). But the most important contribution happened in 1917 when the germans invaded Bucharest and the only free city was Iași, but the russians saved our ass. Without them the re wouldn t be România. Of cource the vast majority of romanians don t know this. They only know that the russians brought comunism, forgeting that România in 1945 was a shithole and comunism industrialized the whole country in mere two decades. The reason for the hate is because of the small penis syndrome. We know that we are a small country, a punny colony who answers dirrectly to Washington, with weak leaders who kiss the ass of whoever is în the oval office. We gave all our recources to Chevron, Bechtel didn t build shit but we paid 2bilion $ for a highway that doesn t exist, 30 years old F16 s that won t fly, shitty Patriot Systems which heaven t even arrived yet, on and on. So it s simple frustration to be in the vicinity of greatness. Sorry for my people, they are sheep with eyes glued to CNN. Cheers.
Sorry for the bad english.
I’m sorry you are in that position, being surrounded by glue eyed people. This is just one of the reasons why having the Saker is so important, it allows is to communicate and share thoughts with others who are also able to think outside the cult stream.
Must watch. First hand experience of a mercenary and what happens to them.
I am European (I live within 5km of NATO HQ), and feel an immense sense of shame, and despair, at the hateful behaviour of the West. I would point out, though, that the reporting in Western MSM, of the war in Ukraine, is completely untruthful; people believe what they see on the television, and read in the media. They question nothing. Our “friendship” with USA has cost us dear, and will continue to do so.
I no longer want to live in the West. It is dreadful, horrible, and deeply depressing.
Salut, I’ve been to Schaerbeek 10 years ago, and please forgive me, but I’ve seen enough. I live within 50 km around Ramstein Air Base, Germany, and knowing this area has a huge crosshair drawn over doesn’t make it better.
And I totally agree: I no longer want to live in the West. “Rules for thee, not for me” has become the daily norm, even down to local politicians.
Basic items such as sugar and flour now are already rationed in the stores. People try to save fuel on the Autobahn by slowing down. Banks shit their pants in the face of the sanctions and no longer do transfers to any Non-EU Ausland, saying it’s “too much work”. This only means that we’ve seen nothing yet when it comes to rising costs of living, and from a business point of view: risks of doing business.
We’re witnessing an increasingly massive breakdown of everything that has been left behind halfway decently by statesmen such as Kohl and Mitterand. The hastening pace of self-destruction is mindboggling. Censoring RT and Sputniknews! Even at the heights of the Cold War we could watch “East TV”, because “we” were “free”.
All this begs one question: When will Russia announce a solid Green Card Program for the coming economical-political refugees from the EU? Can you code, cook, weld, paint, lay bricks or pipes, repair cars, engineer things, do surgery or accounting? And are willing to learn Russian? Then you’re welcome!?
I’m getting more ready every day to withdraw my money, load my car and leave the rest behind.
“Banks shit their pants in the face of the sanctions” – I love it!
“I’m getting more ready every day to withdraw my money, load my car and leave the rest behind.” – Wait for the exodus.
Saker. please don’t watch the Western MSM too much. I am from Canada and my neighbor used to read the local paper everyday and he watched the news on TV and he was always looking, so nervous and tired. I told him I didn’t read the paper and didn’t watch TV and that is much better for my own health. I used to watch PBS News, CBC, CBS and NBC and I read Foreign Affairs. Now I know all their tricks.
Regarding the relation between Russia and the West. As you say hypocrisy, lies, deception have been endemic at the level of the elites. Democracy and the freedom of the press have been reduced to a trickle and the ordinary people have lost much of their spirit as they ran away from Christianity en masse.
I have been in China for nearly five months in 2012 and this is where I have met spirit again. I was there learning the language and my fellow students came from Belarus, Ukraine, Kasakstan, South-Korea, Japan and Thailand. No one from Europe or from America. I think Putin showed a lot of spirit by facing the whole Western world. This is the spirit of Asia.
Maybe the West will recover her lost spirit eventually but I would not count on that to happen soon. So if it were not for my wife I would have moved to China myself. And that is precisely what my roommate from Ukraine was intending to do.
Russia should be fine integrating with China and the rest of Asia, away from the Western noise. That’s my current view.
Unfortunately the Hegemon remain very dangerous.
Andrei, I’ve been following you and MoA, Martyanov for years now, from here in Canada. And though I have only a few hundred Twitter followers a great number of us are revolted, mortified and shamed by the sheer stupidity and brutality of the Russophobia.
Thanks. You got me laughing with the stories about the ‘celebrity sniper’ who apparently attracts an entourage. That is so the opposite of an anonymous sniper of history, who drinks his coffee and smokes his cigarette, and then fades into the terrain and spends days crawling into the position to take his/her shot. Isn’t there a story about a famous Nazi sniper who traveled to Stalingrad only to meet the same fate?
Bravo Saker, excellent analysis, the bill is coming due for the west and it’s a whopper, 🇷🇺 is the tool being used for collection (many Orthodox saints have prophecies on this).Watch what the west does in Turkey, the west is getting desperate, their great reset is being derailed.
A remnant exists in the west, but the bill is HUGE.
Kyrie eleison
According to the lying, sold out, morally bankrupt, criminally insane western Mockingbird media :
1. Russia is losing the war/ bogged down.
2. Russia is begging China for support and weapons.
3. Putin is Hitler reincarnated.
4. Zelensky is a hero.
5. The Easter bunny exists.
6. There are 32 + genders.
7. ‘Muracuns’ are exceptional.
” We’ll know our disinformation program is complete, when everything the American public believes is false ”
William Casey- C.I.A. Director
This is very strange. I’m an American. Not of Russian or Eastern European descent, so I have no emotional attachment to the area. Many people I know believe Americans are being lied to by our media. Zelenski one day is claiming victory is just around the corner. Other days he’s begging for help. It makes no sense. To listen to our news cycle, you would think Russia is being destroyed and Ukrainian troops are getting ready to take Moscow. It’s completely ridiculous. But then we’re dealing with a “President” who stole the election. I’m gonna have to believe Russia on this one.
To believe that Trump won the election is absurd. To believe that Trump would have made a difference is ridiculous, for Trump clearly stated that he “laments the fact that the Jews are loosing control over the Senate”.Your 2 choices have always been the same, for they always voted for wars against the rest of humanity. The domestic differences is just for you to swallow, as controlled the powers that reign.
America has always been a warring Nation unleashing hell on this planet. The “exceptionalism”that USA often refer to is based on the fact that after WW2, they took all the scientists from Europe, including Nazis. They die out, and hence the fact that Zion controlled silicon valley is made up of largely Indians & Chinese. Check the facts.
Putin took controll of Russia thanks to his success in the checnian war. Yeltsin, an illiterate drunk and a CIA lackey rewarded “quiet Putin”, and Putin went about creating Russia to the greatness that she will be again.
Zion America and their puppets are doomed, and I fully believe that when the ensuing chaos reigns over here; the rich Zionist oligarchs will have nowhere to hide.
In regards to China, as per American threats about backing Russia; it is my belief that these countries are joined together in ways , nobody knows. China will milk the zion capitalistic system for what it’s worth, but then with Russia bring them down. China has never let down a dear friend, and for that matter a brother. Russia will rise up alone as their resources are endless, and their people much better than our Western garbage.
I am sorry that Russia had to resort to this but they really had no choice, but they will rise again to the greatness that they truly are.
P.S. Russia won WW2, after losing 27 Million Russians, and previous they destroyed Napoleon. The lesson is simple: Don’t mess with Mother Russia! I love them, and hope to live among them if permitted.
“To believe that Trump won the election is absurd”
To ignore the copious evidence of election fraud is absurd. To ignore the utter corruption of the US court system turning a blind eye to the evidence is absurd.To ignore the millions attending his pre-election rallies is absurd. To ignore Biden’s rally numbers in the low hundreds is absurd.
“To believe that Trump would have made a difference is ridiculous”
The emphasis placed on the us elections is an excuse for Americas tyranny. That one evil wins against the other is meaningless. The result is always more war.
After WWII America has been effectively controlled by Zionists and Europe to a large extent, but tell me why is this so ?
There’s no excuse for America guilty of so many crimes against humanity. It is facts , even though not taught in schools. The truth is that Zion America is a wannabe empire going to oblivion very soon.
Russia does not need military help from. China for they can destroy all with missiles alone every threat they face. America can only bomb defenseless people, but ” build back better”?
How? When all they know is to bomb! Trump promised to bring back manufacturing. But tell me where is that?
Trump was hounded for 4 years with Russia collusion and that he was a Putin puppet. That was all nonsense.
He probably would have had closer ties to Russia if not for all the back stabbers and disloyal staff in his administration. He did not start any wars, committed to bringing troops home from Afghanistan, Syria and got a lot of resistance from the unitary in Washington. He was focused on rebuilding the country and not foreign wars. He also was critical of NATO and seemed to want to cut the US loose.
Well, maybe Trump would have one difference. He is certainly a long way from perfect, and I don’t agree with him on many many things, but … Think about what warmonger Hillary would have done. Look at the extreme authoritarianism today. We might have been a radioactive waste today if 2016 had turned out differently.
there is no credible evidence of election fraud; Trump lost the head count and the electoral college; and good riddance to the fraud; he’s a yankee oligarch; when has that ever been a good idea? His foreign policy marked a bit of a break from the war party norm, but not a paradigmatic one, and just see the adulation with which he is greeted in israel to see where his real loyalties lie
No evidence of election fraud? Are you kidding me? Nonsense. They just happened to stop counting in the middle of the night in all the major cities of the battleground states. Trump was way ahead and miraculously overnight Biden who campaigned from his basement somehow was able to pull ahead.
Please, what do you think all the mail in ballots were and all in Democrat controlled shit holes. But, it’s establishment repubs and dems. The uni party. Like that snake Mitt Romney and Ms. Lyndsay Graham who hate Trump as well. I didn’t agree with all Trump’s policies but he faced fierce opposition from the dems and people in his own party.
He did say it would be a good thing to have good relations with Russia, but the globalist won’t allow this just like they won’t allow Germany and Russia to have normal trade.
Check out these Russian links from Telegram
Official Channel of Russian Foreign Ministry –
Intel Slava, a Russian news aggregator on geopolitics-
All RT content bypassing censors (suggested by RT, that’s how I found it) –
Basically with these, and your blog clearly, I have made sense of it all and followed more accurate events happening over there
Oh, by the way, “Pope” Francis intends to hold a global show making a consecration of Russia AND Ucraine to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Has all Western Catholics in a hoopla (except some traditionalist circles who see through it), that big bad Putin will be crushed by divine intervention and Ucraine saved and repell the hordes. Least optimisttic say bad Putin stopped but no return to status quo either.
No secret majority of Ucranian Catholics are on the Nazi side, but lobbying in the Vatican for a divine intervention seems a tad cynical if not opportunistic, don’t you think. How do orthdox Christians view all this?
An interesting development if true:
The US TACAMO system has been activated. That is the so-called “Looking Glass” airborne command and control center specifically for use in case of nuclear war.
I definitely am not any kind of military analyst, so all i can do is conjecture based on what i have seen and heard recently in the news.
Since there has been a lot of talk about a chemical false flag by the US in Ukraine or elsewhere, is the TACAMO system being pre-positioned for what happens next when they initiate the false flag and blame Russia for it? Is the US / NATO already planning to initiate some kind of military operation against Russia in Ukraine or elsewhere?
Since one of the first things that Russian forces did when they launched their operation in Ukraine was to destroy the VSU’s communication and command and control systems, is the US thinking that they can protect themselves against what Russia will do if US / NATO decide to go kinetic?
Sorry for so many questions.
I hope i am wrong and that this whole TACAMO business is only a smokescreen or gossip-type news.
This is for Israel to attack(nuke) Iran to destroy jcpoa deal.
Does did a search. Zero information. However a Twitter search shows these planes have been up for months on regular training flights. There was also one a little while back flying around near Ireland.
I call BS that there has been any special “activation.” The site referenced looks sketchy to me.
Dear Saker,
Thank you very this latest article, and I can see that the email received from that Romanian twit has cut you, but I’m certain that after a cup of, well tea for me, but coffee for yourself, that on reflection, it is simply a show that you are doing God’s work, and doing it well. And on this subject, I speak from experience.
On your next item of interest, that of the Canadian sniper, I believe that tells us a lot in regard to the Russian ‘intelligence’., and I wonder if he was one of those who died in the attack on the camp near the Polish border.. It doesn’t really matter when or where he was eliminated, the fact that he was monitored to such a degree that the Russians were able to take him out so effectively, tells us quite a lot.
And then we have the reaction to the bombing of civilians in the Donetsk which was the extermination in Avdeevka of the Ukrainian 95th Airmobile Brigade. I believe the old Scottish description of that event was ‘Belling the cat’.
But your agony in regard to the sympathy towards the Ukrainian refugees in contrast to the Ukrainian/Russian refugees of the 2014 extermination efforts tells us much more of the Nazi MSM, and though I loathe that term, it is highly relevant to their silence on the previous atrocities and their sobbing and wailing for their present predicament. I believe that the Christian Western attitudes would have been much the same back in 2014, had their Nazi media informed the west of the atrocities.
And now I come to the possibility of a ‘Chemical Attack psy-ops’ and again, I believe we should consider the recent history, especially in regard to the Russian Intelligence, which as just demonstrated with the Canadian sniper, is extremely competent.
The first ‘Chemical attack psy-ops’ in Syria was pretty much successful, but then the next, along with the ‘White Helmets’ was less so, and if I remember correctly the last psy-ops pretty much petered out. In other words, the Russians had enough understandings of these psy-ops and had learnt how to negate them.
So what do you think that the Russian Intel units would be doing once Biden and his geriatric mob start yelling ‘Chemical warfare’ et al? Well, I don’t think they’s be sitting on their arses drinking tea or coffee, do you? I think that the Russians would be extremely knowledgeable in every aspect within this sphere, and if perchance they had managed to at the very least disable such a psy-ops, do you think that they would boast about it? Not on your Nelly!
What I am seeing, and what we are all witnessing is a Russian army being opposed by not a second class or even a third class, but a fourth class opponent, whose best elements, that being the Ukrainian army being totally outclassed.much like the Scots at Culloden in 1745, and you know what happened after that. Come to think of it, Flodden in 1513 may be a better example ( And a king in all his prime like the beggar is at last, laid low) think Biden, think Selensky.
And now, think again of that little Romanian, gloriously armed with his ‘cow paddies’ trying to fling shite; and have a laugh
Fierce destruction by Russian Forces on Ukrainian Military fortifications in Kharkov — 1.5h ago
What weapon was that used in the video in Kharkov ?
either a large Grad / Uragon / Smerch MLRS shelling, or a cluster bomb attack. Btw many people cry that “cluster bombs are banned” and are a “war crime” but in fact Russia, as well as China and U.S. are NOT SIGNATORIES to the ban.
Check BLU-3b bomblets which we used in Vietnam…..they were stuffed into large bomb casings that split open in the air after being dropped from American aircraft ….the little bomblets (around the size of a basedball) spun while descending to be armed and were filled with steel-like bearings…they exploded when touching the ground……..massive killing power
Some more videos from today:
RT explores abandoned Ukrainian base (in Berdyansk):
A car rally in support of the special operation was held in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk:
Kiev region receives aid from Russian military:
Andrei, that didn’t sound like Romanian way of speaking at all. It looks like a strange intended mesage to make a conflict where there isn’t one. How many romanians think rusophobic? I don’t know… a small minority and not even an active one like the Ukraine has. Frankly, we realy don’t care politics (under 30% presence to vote is normal). We have so many problems with our corupt leaders, believe me Russia is not our priority. Yes, the media that is 100% corupted and payed by the groups of interest want to make the portrait that romanian people think in a certain way. In reality we don’t. Regarding the history of Russia vs Romania it looks like this: a war sometimes or a friendship othertimes between the leaders, the people never had a word to say. People don’t start wars, rullers do.
Regarding the “red-blooded Romanian warrior”, I notice a trend from some non-Russian Slavic nations regarding their deep feeling of hatred toward Russians. Most of them, if not all, are Western Slavics.
I think that it could be resumed in the following:
“Inferiority Complex”
Many Slavic nations envy Russia for its place in History: It’s clearly the most populated, most important Slavic nation in History. And above all, it has a great future supported by her vast resources.
Western Slavic, on the contrary, while having remarkable contributions to arts, science and culture, cannot brag about being independent for centuries. They were at some point conquered by empires (Austro-Hungarian, Prussian, Ottoman, etc) while Russians were always under their rule (autocratic czarist rule, but their own rule at least). And, above all, lack resources and development opportunities (everything is almost developed, thus lacking the multiplicative effect of new investments in infrastructure).
The future looks grim for non-Russian Slavics. Not having particularly highly advanced technologies and vast natural resources, and most of them not having easy access to the oceans, they are locked to the destiny of most Western Europe, which doesn’t look great.
Russia, by contrast, has great potential as a Euroasiatic nation.
Andres said: I notice a trend from some non-Russian Slavic nations regarding their deep feeling of hatred toward Russians. Most of them, if not all, are Western Slavics”.
I live in Slavic country of Slovenia, which is linguistically counted as South Slavic, although Slovenians are most westernized of all Slavs. I am otherwise of mixed descent (half Montenegrin, half Slovenian), which of course helps me to see “Eastern/Orthodox” point of view.
Hatred or at least distrust of Catholic (basically proxy for saying “westernized” )Slavs against Orthodox ones generally, and especially towards Serbs and Russians, exists. To some extent. It depends on place and time how intense it is. It is probably due to certain mental conflict in national psyche (soul). It is as if westernized Slavs were conditioned by foreigners (especially Austrians) to have to always distinguish themselves from “devious, Byzantine Easterners”, to prove they are “really European/civilized” and so on.
Bratjok Igor privet! Even our children are being washed with natzo propaganda.
Only minority are proRussian….of course ortodox and our lovely”red” Slovenes :)
My east Ljubljana nickname is Putin, so im not pretty popular last month..but when they hear the holy truth with so solid facts, they can only look down.
Washed, retarded, stinky sheeps!
Jebali ih jeans, coca cola i ahriman.
Good that you mention that. Slovenia is special. I remember that the country produced very good philosophers. Also, their national anthem is an example of humanist spirit (at least compared to other anthems of the regions, which speak about invaders and defenders).
I remember that its detachment from Yugoslavia was quicker and less traumatic than that for the remaining former members.
The traditional expression is “green like a fir tree”.
Too many baphomets. Jennifer Aniston is a man. High time to shutter that Window on the West; Russia can’t draw an iron curtain across it soon enough!! If Ukrainian youth prefer modern Western Civilization (Eurovision, etc., with all its baggage (NATO)) to Russian Civilization, then the only thing worse than occupying Ukraine–is not occupying it. Breaking up Ukraine into several separate statelets is no good alternative either–too many chess pieces. Dealing with one polity in Kiev would be headache enough. It may be a hot mess for a long time to come, but, obviously, the RF calculated that the consequences of not going in would be far worse than the consequences of going all in, so here we all are.
…here’s a fun fact to lighten the mood: from Russia’s coat-of-arms depicts a white knight wearing a white hat on a white horse trampling a Reptilian. Russia’s coat-of-arms is an X-File! Well, take what you can get, Benjamin Fulford is one of the few western journalists who has anything nice to say about Russia. You have to scroll down a bit to see it, but go ahead and take a look. Before they shut it down.
A good interview here of Colonel Douglas MacGregor. There are rational people in the U.S. and the chat indicates an overwhelming sympathy for the Russian cause in Ukraine.
Not all Americans are idiots. I tried to state that in a previous post but for reasons unknown to me, it was “moderated” into tiny little pieces. I still wonder why…. I’ve never had a comment denied here that I can recall.
Here is an interesting article entitled “Under the Wolfsangel: The uncomfortable truth about radical ideologies in Ukraine.” It provides excellent background information about the history of the Nazi in Ukraine.
Only an anecdote but still. Back in the day when I was in college I made a number of Chinese friends from SE Asia and later mainland China. I am an old dude now but they all are now telling me their fellow Chinese are totally supportive of the Russian people and nation (this is not just mainland). They don’t say much about the operation itself, but they ain’t engaging in the vicious xenophobia/racism of the West. In fact,they are going out of their way to buy Russian products where they can find them according to reports from my various buddies. It seems that the Chinese love Russian candies and chocolates which seem to be in many Chinese markets.
Having the regard of a billion plus people or so ain’t bad. The East looks to be embracing one of the most brilliant people and cultures in history.
Its sad the 2 are fighting.
We all understand UKN desire for their own national identity but they are integrally and historically tied to the old Russian empire.
But UKN needs to realize it has to abide by the 1991 deal which saw them given autonomy which as a core condition that there would be no NATO membership for it or to allow the EU to push east to cause security concerns for Russia.
UKN people need to be reminded of that because many of the ordinary UKN people – particularly young ones – will not even know about it. This is where Radio Moscow or PR campaign there is needed.
In all this the current situation also shows that Washington, Brussels and London cannot be trusted to abide by treaties and deals they make.
Saker, I understand your strong feelings about the anti-Russian sentiment but I think that you are missing an important factor, namely the susceptibility of most westerners these days to propaganda. Truly, it’s very much like the 2-minute hates in 1984. And if you recall, the authorities could literally change the object of hate in a matter of seconds. The Russians who are now being hated are abstractions. The hatred is being incited in a population that has been trained to respond to such incitement.
Personally, I don’t watch mainstream media. Perhaps it’s your job as a pundit to do so but I suspect you would do much better ignoring it. No doubt some of the Russian-side info is slanted but at least it is dignified and reasonable. For this war I only read your blog, Moon of Alabama, Southfront, the Duran videos and occasionally look at a few other sources like Doctorow or BNE Intel. I don’t watch video clips on Southfront. I think listening to too much propaganda from either side is unhealthy.
But again: the anti-Russian hatefest is the result of manipulation. The real story isn’t the hatred it’s the sorry state of western populations that they are so incredibly gullible. As someone who grew up in England and lived mainly in US and Canada as an adult, I am deeply ashamed. That said, I saw the writing on the wall years ago and so chose to spend retirement years in a very different culture, namely Mexico. If I didn’t need to pick warm weather I would have considered Eastern Europe or Russia because it seems to me that bedrock western culture is more to be found there than in the West, on whom the sun is clearly setting.
All best. And ignore the hatefests!
Dear Saker,
Just ignore the stupid rant posted by an illiterate “Romanian”! If indeed this guy is Romanian, he does not represent the majority of the Romanian people! Like everywhere else in the occupied nato territory, there are many people with their heads on their shoulders who realize exactly what is going on! Please keep up the good work and I congratulate you for your amazing website!
A huge fan
Dearest Saker,
My family and i truly appreciate the work you are doing and all our Russian brothers and sisters over the world!
As Saint Paisios of Mount Athos warned us “the western elite leaders will destroy the world!”. I believe him that these satanic psychopaths will try, but I hope the dragon and bear stop them!
Please know there are many peasants I have spoken too that don’t believe the MSM anymore and want us to use american troops to defend our southern borders and not Ukraine (404).
Thanks for all you do and for spreading truth in a world of lies!
The only way to stop escalation of the current situation geo-politically is for the US & EU military to arrest the provokatuers (politicians & bankers) who have caused the current situation.
It is not Putin and Russia who is the aggressor in this.
They are acting defensively.
Those elites is the west are enemy of mankind.
And to do so would be a wonderful thing, long overdue.
And the western puppet, the UN, must be dissolved too in its current form.
The very best propaganda seems to leave one feeling as if you are alone in a total illusion if you don’t buy it. Well maybe so but better to be right then gullible.
Please see this.
Illusion Warfare Report:
The Road to Ukraine.
“Humanitarian flights for Ukraine loaded with weapons, protesting airport workers claim”
‘ One of Italy’s largest trade unions has called for a protest outside the Pisa airport on Saturday, after receiving a tip from some employees that Ukraine relief flights were transporting weapons and ammunition, not food and medicine.
‘ Several workers at the Galileo Galilei airport refused to load one of the cargo flights advertised as carrying humanitarian aid to Ukraine. The crates did not contain food and medication but weapons, ammunition and explosives instead, the Unione Sindacale di Base (USB) said in a statement on Monday evening.
‘ “We strongly denounce this outright falsification, which cynically uses ‘humanitarian’ aid as cover to fuel the war in Ukraine,” the USB said.
‘ The union said the workers refused to load the military supplies as that would lead to the deaths of their colleagues in Ukraine – namely, those working at the bases targeted by Russian missile strikes, where the weapons processed through US and NATO bases in Poland get delivered. …’
[I’m amazed I was finally able to link to RT today. It’s been DDOS hell for me for weeks! -JMF]
They should name the organisation doing the falsification, name publicly its top 50 Executives and call for them to have imposed upon them a lifetime ban on them ever working in humanitarian organisations ever again.
The Red Cross was busted in Syria doing this same sneaky tactic.
This was done in the Bosnian war. Many “humanitarian” organizations were covers for weapons smuggling, including TWRA which was financed by Osama bin Laden. The Red Cross also smuggled in weapons and fighters, or allowed its vehicles to be used by them, while the UN was compromised as well.
Day 20 Summary recently posted from SOUTHFRONT:
You see the dude at the end on the video? Any idea what he was saying?
Subtitles w/this video:
we all live in clown world. American’s should be worrying about a border closer to home
not on point but just because I think it needs to be stated
before the Ukraine conflict
during the conflict
and after the conflict
something to remember and place some emphasis on…
Dion Warwick – What the World Needs –
We all need Love. It has always been and still s the answer.
It seems like where things are heading is the slow drive towards consensus approval for NATO to create a coalition for some type of incursion / no fly zone attempt into Ukraine. Everything we’re seeing indicates that the powers that be are discussing this behind closed doors with increasing seriousness.
Here’s some recent examples:
At today’s meeting with Zelensky, the top Polish representative, who used to be Prime Minister, said that an armed NATO “peacekeeping mission was needed” in Ukraine.
Other countries are starting to slowly support the no fly zone idea:
Word from U.S. congressmen is they are still against it but today I saw the word “yet” because used, i.e. “they are not open to the idea “yet”.
I’ve already posted yesterday about how James Clapper stated on CNN that it’s only a matter of time before NATO is triggered and enters Ukraine. Since he was the head of the CIA it’s pretty much an endorsement of the fact that deepstate believes it to be a foregone conclusion that NATO will be activated soon.
And I posted the Mitt Romney speech where he also urged NATO, saying that NATO can catch Putin “at a weak point” because “Putin’s troops are bogged down” in Ukraine.
It’s becoming clearer and clearer that NATO is salivating and they see Russia as being bogged down and ripe for the picking for some type of infiltration.
Of course today Lukashenko of Belarus also made a statement that he will “Not allow Russia to be backstabbed” referring to sneaky attempts to attack Russia from the rear, so Belarus appears committed to helping protect Russian troops.
But with the drumbeats we’re hearing about the chemical falseflags and such, it does feel like it’s slowly going in that direction.
Today videos appeared of mass transfers of both American Bradley IFV’s and Abrams tanks from Germany to Poland (allegedly)
That video is of the Bradleys, there’s another floating around of the Abrams tank train.
Stoltenberg has announced “an extraordinary session” of NATO to convene soon to discuss the alliance’s posture towards this military operation.
If NATO was going to fight Russia , they would have done that already. This might be more threats and bluster, as in the past weeks, but Russia can and will destroy anything.
Maybe after Russia secures the east and take out most of Nazis & ammo in the west; they will allow a peace keeping force, and the west will be responsible for rebuilding the west.
The east will rise and the west will remain fallen.
Then it is on to the 1997 borders. This is only the beginning!
I didn’t realise just how close Donetsk was to the front line, or LOC. It’s right on the LOC and Avdeevka is only about 8 km away!
TV presenter calls for killing children, quotes Nazi war criminal
“Quoting Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann, Ukrainian TV presenter Fahruddin Sharafmal called for his countrymen to destroy the Russian nation by killing their children, and urged Ukrainians to “kill at least one Moskal” – a derogatory term for Russian – each.”
Very israeli/american of the thing.
It’s utterly despicable. Nothing has changed since the days of Volhynia massacres and days of Warsaw Uprising when the ukrops from Dirlewanger troops showing incredible cruelty slaughtered Polish civilians.
Can anyone doubt that Ukraine desperately needs denazification?…
That sounds very much like what happened in Uganda before the actual massacres. I remember. It’s very sad that my country Canada supports the current Ukraine government and contributes to extend the duration of the Russian operation. Canada’s General Dallaire was in Uganda at the beginning an during those massacres and he did nothing substansive.
The irresponsability of Canada and others threatens the life of civilians and the future of Ukraine. Western governments should be convincing Zelinskyy to end the military actions and to negotiate. Zelenskyy spoke about “hypocrisy” in front of the Canadian paliament yesterday; I agree with him on this if that applies to Canadian politicians.
I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that he is a refugee from Idlib.
One thing that came out recently was Poland suggesting “peacekeeping forces” with the “needed” military support. Sounds like a means to filter in arms and mercenaries without, as thankfully happened near Lvov, getting their asses blasted back to Hell.
Funny no peace keeping force was ever required for Donbass
Thnaks for telling truth in an ocean of disinformation
Relationships between people and Nations should be based on truth and genuine respect, not smartass lawfare neither on a sense of superiority. As a westerner, I lament my country’s international behavior.
Worst of all, the propaganda war machine is already the only source of information. Alternatives have been banned. Nobody knows about what happened in Donetsk on March 14th. Nobody knows what has been happening there for the last eight years. All those dead, more than 14 000, as if they did not exist.
Yesterday our Prime Minister was in Kiev (probably the same fake as Ze and his hospital visit). It’s fitting that this is on the anniversary of March 15th. It’s a very important date. On March 15th, 1939, the German army seized all that was left of the Czech Republic after Munich on September 30th, 1938. The Czech state ceased to exist and was replaced by the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia.
As I see it. Our Prime Minister has placed himself among the same people as Emanuel Moravec, one of the greatest traitors to the Czech state during the Second World War.
And guess what. There was no mention of March 15th, 1938 in the media either. It is incorrect to talk about World War II.
To be brutal, mate, most people in the UK couldn’t care about the lives of ANYONE, based on their actual feelings.
What you see every year is that people virtue signal in some way or other to solidify their social standing, their career prospects etc. The whole of UK working life is absolute phoney fakery and those who rise the the top are almost always obsessive-compulsive disorder control freaks.
It’s why they claim that ‘strategic thinking’ is so hard. It is for them, so focussed on minutiae that innnovative thought is beyond them. They crushed the strategic thinkers on the way up, so they have to buy external help to do the things they are supposed to do in post if they are competent at their jobs.
This is not new: I saw schoolboys in the 1980s who had never met an Argentine suddenly become rabid Argie-haters. It was entirely due to newspapers and the BBC. They were unthinking, racist dumbf**ks who no doubt now have respectable places in UK society.
There is one crime you cannot commit in the UK: you must never tell the truth about the USA. You cannot work in the UK telling the truth about the USA, so everyone lies about them.
We don’t have a ‘Special Relationship’, we have an abusive one to a husband who treats his servile wife atrociously. Our economy is there solely for US predators to rape. No other reason.
But don’t ever say that in public, or you can’t work.
The USA sent over one of its crime families to run the territory and no Brit had ever better forget that.
The reason the Brits now claim to ‘hate’ Russians and ‘adore’ Ukrainians is solely because Joe Biden et al issued the order.
It’s nothing to do with principles, free thought, ethics, religious doctrine or anything else.
It’s all about the US giving orders.
I’m Romanian. I’m reading you everyday from Bucharest. I’m ashamed of that idiot. Sorry. Russophobia is very rooted here, basically Russia has no friends and no PR in Romania. However polls constantly show that 20-30% Romanians aren’t russophobic at all. We – those who aren’t russophobic – know the disaster and the crimes that the army of Antonescu did in USSR during the WW2.
And one last word: Bassarabia ISN’T Romania. Bassarabia is Moldavia Republic and since 1991 they choose to stay independent from us. ‘Bassarabia e România’ is the slogan of the extremist AUR party – brainwashed, barely educated idiots.
When will they take Kiev?
I live in England. We are no longer a United Kingdom, so I don’t use those initials. I do not hate Russian’s any more than I hated Iraqi’s or Syrian’s or any other people, anywhere in the world, trying to live their lives, raise their children, and who love their community. The working people in England have been lied to, manipulated, controlled and are slowly being replaced, physically, politically and historically, by both migrant’s from across Africa and those who are home grown. Our culture, our faith, our values are all being undermined and quietly destroyed. Personally, I have always been grateful to the Russian people for their brave contribution and sacrifice in defeating European Nazism. If you can find it in your heart, not so much to hate us for the unforgivable criminality of our ruling elite, but to pity us for our inability, like the frog, to recognise that the pan is beginning to boil.
There are are a great many sympathetic and intelligent comments on all of these threads in connection to the war in the Ukraine, including yours, and I noted a steam of similar from Ireland a few days ago. Also valuable are the many video links and articles, the intelligent laterally-zany comments having other perspectives, and those with further analysis complementary to the Saker and other worthy news presenters and journalists.This site is truly a treasure trove!
All: there are too many comments to read all carefully, I only wish I had more time, why not sometimes post thoughts, observations, anything at all that has value, at the Cafe which is slower in pace.. .
“pity us for our inability, like the frog, to recognise that the pan is beginning to boil”
With all due respect, this seems like a typical Western, self-pitying response.
Instead of making excuses, it would be more manly and “conservative” to assume responsibility for one’s individual and collective mistakes, rather than blame leaders for exploiting one’s assumed gullibility (which I do not buy, given history). The government, however wicked, is ultimately yours, so act as though you, as a citizen, own it and are responsible for its actions.
The masses are to blame for their own lack of critical thinking (so-called “gullibility”), which all too often is resorted to as a means to disguise less honourable motives, including nationalistic bigotry, self-preservation, religiously inspired jingoism, materialism, and whatnot. The means to be informed have always been there for those who wish to put in the effort and understand.
By the way, I am a Westerner, albeit of the tiny minority that at least tries, however imperfectly, to be informed and face uncomfortable truths.
MSM Western News:
The Ukrainian 95th Airmobile Brigade in a stunning victory decimated all Russian invaders and their treasonous insurgents forces in a blaze of glory. Trusted news sources say that the Russian dictator Putin is close to surrendering.
Details on News At Six
You being serious?, as it was the other way around.. 95th decimated by RF.
@author, that’s pretty low to pick out a deluded comment and extend that to all romanians. secondly vast majority of romanians don’t trust russians leaders based on our history, and for some, on our grandfathers recollections about ww2 and after on how russians troops behaved during those times. While we do, or at least some, realise that are not the same people anymore, the memory remains. Not to mention that for most russians=bolsheviks, that is how it was for 40-50 years in our history, not fair I know but thats how it is and thats why us psyso has such success.
as for this so called special operation what is sad is that in best case scenario there will be a general multi generation hate between people who are not natzi ukies and speaking a language almost the same.
The “Catholic” LifeSiteNews, which has previously criticised Pope Francis (Bergoglio) for his policies on sodomy and vaccines, is now calling on Catholics to endorse Bergoglio’s consecration of Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary—as though all Bergoglio’s “sins” (apparently LifeSiteNews does not truly regard them as such, hence its response to the call) to date have been forgotten. At least one commentator has also pointed out that the original Fatima Prophecies called for the Roman-Catholic hierarchy rather than the laity to carry out the consecration, yet LifeSiteNews is calling on the laity to persuade bishops to participate.
We are now waiting more information of especially two Ukrainian battle units, namely that 95th Mobile Air Brigade but also 53rd Mechanized Brigade (likely having combat AFV’s? ).
According South Front:
“The 53rd mechanized brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces had been almost completely destroyed. There were reports that the AFU General Staff was considering disbanding the brigade due to its massive losses.”
Disbanding combat brigade likely reveals it was largely decimated already during last week.
OK. Sounds good but let’s be patient. More confirmed sources needed.
The 53rd and 95th were in the most vulernable area of the cauldron. If these 2 units are ‘gone’ then the Ukie’s only have 4 Brigades out of the approx. 14 brigades they started with in the area which become the cauldron. TBD
It is correct that zone A is invincible when it comes to propaganda. At the same time, zone B beats (or is in the process of overtaking) zone A on the battlefields that really matter: warfare, diplomacy, science, technology, industry.
The interesting thing about zone A’s mastery in the realm of propaganda is what it actually reveals about the social fabric which enables it. Zone A breeds vast strata of parasitic ”working” people, salaried to deliver ”information” and promoting outright pseudo-science such as economics and finance. In short: Lies and nonsense 100% in the service of global corporatocracy are what quite a few people in zone A make for a living. The abundance of experience and due training as compared to zone B speaks for itself.
I’d rather fascinating to watch how they will explain the final collapse of Ukrainian military power. Blaming NATO? The last thing media people do is admitting how dang stupid fools they themselves have been. 😂
“By then Russians will hopefully be a little more mature and a little bit less naive about our Urkonazi “brothers” or their masters from the Empire of Lies”.
Well noticed. Especially in light of Ishchenko’s recent article, where he writes about the national character of Ukrainians:
“Ukrainian corruption, like Bandera, must be led to the grave for a long time and gently. But if we bring it, we will find that Ukrainians themselves were buried with them, since modern Ukrainians are not an ethnographic circle of lovers of pysanka (easter egg) and vyshyvanka (national clothes with embroidery). This is an international association of thieves and bandits, for whom the Nazi ideology of Bandera is just a cover, allowing them to call the gang they created a state. Russian Russian, with its own regional peculiarities and its own (quite Russian) regional dialect, take out Bandera and corruption from a Ukrainian and get an ordinary Russian”.
The original source with machine translation:
On the issue of criminalization of Ukraine, I will add that “Country 404” is a haven for many Internet scammers. There are also false freelancers cheating on prepayment, telephone scams, scam projects of so-called “cryptocurrencies”, false reports of terrorist attacks. In confirmation of the article “Hunting for Russians. How Ukraine turned into a factory of telephone scammers” in the Russian weekly “Arguments and Facts” (use machine translation) –
I’m really afraid of a big False Flag. Like chemical attacks or maybe killing of politicians… Or, let’s say I’d be surprised if FF wasn’t used. There seem to be many politicians in the US who wish for a larger scale WW2 like conflict in Europe, as an option for a business restart.
Mitt Romney and Lindsey Graham are getting more hysterical:)
I think they are getting nervous.
ukr Danilov head of its National Security and Defence Council today says
“Ukraine needs to make a new defensive alliance, which must include a country with nuclear weapons. Today that is Great Britain,” he said.”
not sounding like a peace negotiation if
“President Biden is likely to discuss the $1billion defense package he plans to offer Ukraine on Wednesday, likely to include the Switchblade drones. Volodymyr Zelensky will also address the U.S. Congress on Wednesday, and is expected to ask for more weapons to fight Russia. Ultra high-tech drones could be on his list. The small, lightweight and comparatively cheap Switchblade weapons are designed by Washington DC-based AeroVironment. The most powerful of the two Switchblades, the Switchblade 600, weighs 50lbs and can hover over a target for 40 minutes before darting down at speeds of 115mph, piercing armor and destroying a tank. The lighter Switchblade 300 is intended to kill people in the open and passengers in a vehicle. It weighs only 5.5lbs but can travel for six miles, hover for 15 minutes, and then dive down to a target at 100mph. Both Switchblades are designed to be easily portable, fitting into a rucksack and fired from a tube set up in 10 minutes.”
uk Daily Mail
This seems to be confirmed by Ukie sources too:
“Nikolai Kravchenko, one of the founders of the Azov National Battalion, was killed in Mariupol
Two weeks earlier, his father had been killed in action.
Nikolay Kravchenko , with the call sign “Kruk” (“Raven”), was one of the main ideologists of the Azov National Battalion. His death is reported by regiment commander Andrei Biletsky .
“Yesterday, my close friend, legendary nationalist, comrade-in-arms, historian-scientist Nikolai Kravchenko “Kruk” died in battle. Two weeks before his death, his father died in the battle for Kharkov, ” Biletsky writes in his Telegram channel.
The Azov Battalion was formed back in 2014 in Mariupol from far-right nationalists, now it is a regiment, as well as a special forces unit.
Earlier, Readovka wrote that the DPR would cope with the liberation from Ukrainian nationalists without the help of volunteers.”
Source: Readovka
Clarin newspaper on the Iskander-M (missile) having never been seen before (deepl translator):
(deepl translator)
“Richard Stevens, who spent 22 years in the British Army as an explosives disposal soldier and subsequently worked as a civilian bomb technician for 10 years in southern Iraq, Africa and other regions, said he had been aware of “many Chinese and Russian munitions, but had never seen this.”
“Stevens posted photos of the munitions at a site for military and civilian bomb disposal experts he released in 2011 and found that no one else seemed to have seen these mysterious munitions before.
“That Russia is using weapons of that size — the Iskander-M — and quite a few of them, I think, is the reason we’re seeing this now,” Stevens said. “It’s just that, in the last 10 to 15 years, no one has had a chance to see this.”
Zelensky just ordered the 12th toddler shock panzer armee to move to Donetsk and kill all moskals.
These elite troops from Saxony will no doubt turn the tide and liberate Ukraine up to the Urals.
Western war propaganda lured thousands of little bit older than teenagers to believe in old fantasy that war might be “cool thing” :
“Lots of them were only 18 years old,” Füchsel said. “Some ran away from home. They wanted an adventure. They wanted to fight. Lots of them talked about Call of Duty”—the war video game—“they had no idea what was going on.” Some 20,000 fighters have traveled to Ukraine to fight against Russia.”
” LVIV, UKRAINE—A Russian air strike on a military base in the far west of Ukraine on Sunday was Moscow’s closest attack yet to NATO territory. The International Peacekeeping and Security Center, near the town of Novoyavorivsk, is only 12 miles from the Polish border, and was hosting up to 1,000 foreign fighters, who had crossed the border to fight in the newly formed Ukrainian Foreign Legion. According to Ukrainian officials, at least 35 people were killed in the strike and some 134 were wounded. The Russian government says that, in fact, it killed 180 foreign fighters. “The destruction of foreign mercenaries who arrived on the territory of Ukraine will continue,” a representative of the Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement online.
The Ukrainians have vehemently denied the Russian reports that foreign fighters were killed. At a press briefing in the city of Lviv on Monday, Maksym Kozytskyy, the governor of the region, said, “There are no casualties among foreign fighters. These are fakes propagated by the Russian government.” According to him, Russian planes over the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov fired some 30 rockets at the base, and Ukraine’s air defenses intercepted all but eight.
But new statements from fighters present during the strike call into question this account of the attack. Two German volunteer fighters said many of their fellow foreign legionnaires, crossing the Ukrainian border into Poland in a tightly packed queue on Monday evening, had been killed in the strike, and estimated the death toll at over 200. “It was really hard, truly hard,” Peter Füchsel told me. He said gotten to know several of the dead in the two weeks or so before the attack. On Tuesday morning, the Daily Mirror of Britain reported that three former members of the British special forces were among the dead.
Füchsel, 55, is a driver for disabled children from central Germany; his fellow fighter, Andreas, did not give his last name but said that he works loading and unloading trucks in Münster and that he is 56 years old. Both men said two planes had carried out the attack. “One of the planes also fired on the base,” Füchsel said.
The two volunteers have military experience. Füchsel, a 25-year veteran of the German Bundeswehr, sported a short beard and silver rings, one adorned with a skull. He said he had arrived in Ukraine overland from Germany on March 3. “I went to fight in Ukraine, because I thought it was a just war, and I saw how bravely the Ukrainians were fighting,” he said. “When I saw that the German government was only giving the Ukrainians 5,000 helmets at the beginning of the war, I felt it was a joke, like I was reading an Asterix comic.” It wasn’t politics so much as a sense of outrage and injustice that drove them. Many of their friends told them it was “madness” to go and fight; others understood. Both of them have no immediate family.
Once in Ukraine, Füchsel went to Kyiv, the capital, which is under siege by Russian troops. “Everything was so chaotic there,” he said. “I stayed only for a couple of days.” He was sent back to Lviv, where he believed it would be safe, to train with other volunteers at the facility outside Novoyavorivsk. While he liked the other volunteers he met there, he thought they were not ready to fight in a war. “Lots of them were only 18 years old,” Füchsel said. “Some ran away from home. They wanted an adventure. They wanted to fight. Lots of them talked about Call of Duty”—the war video game—“they had no idea what was going on.” Some 20,000 fighters have traveled to Ukraine to fight against Russia.
Füchsel and Andreas liked life on the base. The fighters came from lots of different countries; they all got on well, and the food was good. Only 50 or so members of the unit had previously served in the military. Both Füchsel and Andreas, however, were critical of the training they received: At first, the Ukrainian officers on the base seemed to disagree on how to train the volunteers. “There was no comparison to the German army,” Füchsel said. “There you are in a proper unit. You train together.” They said their training consisted of a day of theory when they were shown Youtube clips of how to use a Kalashnikov, and then two days of weapons practice with minimal instruction. Füchsel said that after the attack the volunteers were told they would go on to fight at the front within a week.
In the early hours of Sunday morning, an alarm rang out in the barracks that the men were sleeping in, and then another. The second alarm stopped sounding, and then there was silence. The men at the barracks went back to bed. Shortly thereafter, around 6 AM, a series of explosions tore through the two barracks next door. “There were two minutes between explosions,” Füchsel said. (Double-tap airstrikes, which kill first responders, are widely considered war crimes.) The men streamed into the cold air. “The Russians knew exactly where to shoot,” Füchsel said. Footage posted to Telegram from after the attacks showed piles of rubble and craters around the base. The fighters were instructed to go into woods and to not light fires. “Some of the men were only in their underwear,” he continued. “It was minus 15 degrees Celsius”—almost minus 10 Fahrenheit—“in the woods. There
Most of the other volunteers, Füchsel said, are staying to fight. Indeed, on Monday a number were strolling around Lviv’s central square in the late winter sunshine. “Until the strike, I was sure that the Ukrainians would win,” Füchsel told me when we met at the border later that afternoon. “Now, today, I don’t understand how the Ukrainians have gotten this far and managed like this.” He added, “The foreign fighters—they are just being used for cannon fodder.”
Humanitarian flights for Ukraine loaded with weapons, protesting airport workers claim
“One of Italy’s largest trade unions has called for a protest outside the Pisa airport on Saturday, after receiving a tip from some employees that Ukraine relief flights were transporting weapons and ammunition, not food and medicine.
Several workers at the Galileo Galilei airport refused to load one of the cargo flights advertised as carrying humanitarian aid to Ukraine. The crates did not contain food and medication but weapons, ammunition and explosives instead, the Unione Sindacale di Base (USB) said in a statement on Monday evening.
“We strongly denounce this outright falsification, which cynically uses ‘humanitarian’ aid as cover to fuel the war in Ukraine,” the USB said.”
Despite all the propaganda and BS from the media, fog-of-war notwithstanding etc. there are some facts that can’t be ignored.
For one, Zelensky is feeling confident enough to be making demands about any peace negotiation while taunting the Russians. He surely feel (right or wrong) that he is not running any immediate risk whatsoever….
Which brings the question of Kiev and regime change. If Putin settles with anything less than a complete decapitation and regime change….. either that or it will be a very long-term occupation of Ukranine by Russia which is surely not the best scenario because then, the west will use this opportunity to weaken and drain Russia.
Again, discounting all the western media BS and propaganda, etc… should be clear by now the outcome of this operation and yet there’s lot of big-picture pieces missing from this puzzle.
The “peace negotiation” ruse (I hope it’s a ruse indeed) indicates that things may not what it appears to be, for both sides…
as a “westerner” from germany, I first want to thank you for reporting the other side of the story. I Consider the Seker a valuable source of information.
However, I think your current evaluation of the west lacks balance. The reaction of westen elites, hypnotized mass media Junkies and weaponized civilian institutional leaders is indeed shamful and absurd. But this doesn’t represent the entirety of western population. From my perspectice, at least 30% don’t follow the official narrative and are friendly towards Russia, despite media hystery. One example I want to share is the following: In som media channel, there was speculation, that russian truckers may be stuck, because there credit cards may be blocked. Within few hour, an initiative of 2000 – 3000 helpers formed and organized support, drove along highways and parking lots, to offer food and help all over germany. So, not all is lost in the west. However, media and elites are, no doubt!
I agree. I am English and live in London. Whilst the British Mainstream Propaganda, has been an atrocious mindwarp of evil lies for the last 2 years, currently reaching its zenith of absurdity re the war in Ukraine, the vast majority of British people are simply anti war death and destruction. Hardly anyone knows anything about different political views in The Ukraine, and almost everyone assumed, the NAZI’s all ended in 1945. There is no hatred of Russians, Germans, French, Americans, or anyone else.
Most British people have travelled extensively on holiday for the last 50 years, and we regularly meet people of all different Nationalities, and have always got on extremely well. In my experience The Russians, are the most generous and funniest in the bar. We bare them no malice. We even tolerate the Scots (who always support the Germans at football) and The Polish (the only people I have come across who don’t like Russians)
Whilst I accept many people have been brainwashed, that was primarily over Covid, from which many have still not recovered.
Sure, many British people are offering their homes for Refugees.
That is what we are like.
We have no control over these psychopaths in power. Most of us dislike them intensely, but can’t work out how to get rid of them.
I live on the West Coast of Canada. I just listened to an editorial on a local radio station that explained how the sanctions imposed are hurting the citizens of Russia. They even went so far as to compare what is happening in Russia to sanctions imposed on Iran for decades and how they were just as damaging to people as a military response (even spoke about the deaths of people due to sanctions). My mouth dropped open when they openly questioned the US line of wanting peace. Maybe there’s a ray of light in this part of the world? At least some of us care about the well being of Russian people!
Maybe I’m just getting too old and too dumb over the years, but I can’t see the difference between the March 11 and March 15 maps. Any hint? pls
Modern warfare isn’t about grabbing and holding land just for the sake of it. It’s about destroying the enemy’s capability to wage war against you. As Russia has decided to spare civilian infrastructure in Ukraine as much as they can (which is the prime enabler of the Ukraine military to perform its tasks, and the easiest to take out), they have to go after Ukraine’s armed forces directly.
To do that, you first have to locate them. Why the map has changed little is because virtually all of the main Ukrainian formations have been fixed in place by the Russians. That means they are more or less pinned down in their current general location with very little ability to freely move about.
In other words, Russia knows where they are, and they’re using their superior firepower to whittle down the Ukrainian forces. Why risk additional Russian lives pushing them out of this or that location if you can take them out right where they are now? It might take a little longer, but your own losses will be much lower this way.
That doesn’t mean that there aren’t advances or attacks, it’s just that there are many places where Russia doesn’t need to ‘attack’ (in the sense that we usually think of attacks, as in conquering terrain) to target and take out Ukrainian forces.
In fact, I’m pretty sure that that is one reason why the Russians didn’t close the ring around cities like Kharkov and Kiev early on. The Ukrainians have been feeding a lot of reinforcements into those (and other) cities. All those reinforcements are now tied down in those locations where they are sitting ducks for the Russian artillery and Air Force and have been forced in an almost exclusively defensive posture. And they’re running low on all sorts of supplies. Everywhere, not just on the Donbass front.
Think of it as deer hunting where the deer come to you of their own accord so you can shoot them at your leisure. Why go running around in the woods if they line themselves up to be shot?
Obviously, it’s a bit more complicated than this, but this isn’t a war of conquest. And what matters is how the map looks at in the end. Not at some specific point in between.
Oh, and i do expect it to have changed dramatically by the weekend’s end.
This article is not trustworthy. For example:
“… 1942, while the German forces were engaged in truly genocidal mass murder all over the Nazi occupied Soviet Union.”
No, silly, the German forces were NOT engaged in ‘truly genocidal mass murder’. Most wartime destruction in Russia was caused by the Soviet government itself, and blamed on Germany.
At the beginning of the war the USSR started a truly massive Scorched Earth policy against their own people. They stripped their western cities of workers, equipment, food, and shipped them to prepared sites in the east. They destroyed bridges, power plants, roads, factories, farms. The entire train rolling stock was taken east. Essentially anything that could be of value to the Germans. They left cities half populated and without food. It was probably the single most extensive Democide ever enacted against a civilian population.
Then Stalin issued his infamous proclamations 270 and 227, revealing the true moral bankruptcy of the Bolshevik Soviet military.
“…anyone attempting to surrender instead of fighting on must be destroyed and their family members deprived of any state welfare and assistance. The order also required division commanders to demote and, if necessary, even to shoot on the spot those commanders who failed to command a battle directly in the battlefield”
— Wikipedia
@Steve: “My mouth dropped open when they openly questioned the US line of wanting peace.”
These kind of exceptions are rare in my country (Finland) . And if there are some cases they some how have managed to hide their schadenfreude. Besides their humanism is mostly targeting pro-west Russians. Now i’m talking about media Neandertals. I don’t really know what ordinary silent majority is thinking. Except perhaps those understanding painful lessons of 1939-44. “Secret of politics: make a good treaty with Russia”.
I ask Andrei (and many of his readers) to resist conflating the words and actions of the Empire of Lies with the attitudes of MANY of its inhabitants. Those very same inhabitants have been subjected to very successful lies and psy-ops to teach them indifference and/or lies about Russia (a great many still conflate Russia with the USSR!!). The joke is told that Chinese dot not change their government, but change policy regularly. In the U.S. we change governments every four years but NEVER policy!
We despise the actions of “our leaders”, who have betrayed its people at least since 1963. Neither our “leaders” nor other serfs can hear our voice, since the Media is complicit with our “leadership” Please listen ALSO to those who have successfully informed ourselves–and seek peace and justice for Slav, Asian, Caucasian, African and any other uncategorized people!
You’re letting the Western Great Russia Hate push your button a bit, I think.
Just remember all that venom is from the owners and their overseer-class (and wannabes), with select public commentary and even open outright censorship of dissent, which has become so common in “the Free World” (remember that?) that it is developing its own jargon, eg “cancellation” and “deplatforming” (even my spellchecker knows that last one).
Just pretend you’re reading Pravda or Tass and you won’t be far wrong.
And the more rational Western readers know what they’re seeing.
Good news: even the west is forced to report that Russian youth back the military operation
HOLY CRAP. Big news: Russian Ruble is now down to 90 to 1 USD. Keep in mind it started somewhere in the 80’s before the war. That means the Ruble has already almost fully rebounded to its original position. It means the “sanctions” are completely and utterly failing.
Western ‘experts’ predicted a “catastrophic” death of Ruble to the tune of 200 rubles to 1 dollar. Ruble skyrocketed to 150 then slowly has been rebounding over the past week and now is down to a record ~90. Huge win for Russia. The West must be utterly despondent and desperate now. They absolutely need a falseflag at this point to regain any initiative.
Looks like its been going up and down in the 90s all day. It’s at 98 to 1 USD now.
Still, that it dipped below a hundred is remarkable. I hadn’t expected that. not so quickly. Then again, even before the intervention, at 85 or so to 1 USD, the ruble was seriously undervalued.
This was the west’s biggest financial weapon and it seems to have misfired.
Greetings and hugs to you, brother The Saker,
Very thankful for all you do. Congratulations. I just wanted to point out that many of us in Latin America stand with Russia. As for your pondering of how ‘Westerners’ do not value Russian lives, I would have to remind you that you are also reading what the Empire of Lies want you to read. Most ‘social media’ apps are populated by armies of bots spewing hatred. And yeah, some noisy stupid fucks who are paid actors working in CIA media.
But you cannot say that they represent Western peoples. This is not so. They, bots and idiots, are only doing the work from hell as ordered by their Rothschild/Rockefeller masters. Most of the people of the rest of the world have no real hatred for any other people. As for those fallen under the propaganda spell, alas, they are victims too, even if they oppress us as well. They are being lied to. Most, when confronted by truth, would think otherwise. But truth is hard to shine upon us all these dark days. I do not think there are 100,000 brits offering houses to Ukrainians. That sounds like a MI6 narrative. There may be a few dozens or some hundreds buying into the bullshit, and perhaps being offered money to do so. But my point here is that it is only human nature to pity the ones fleeing.
In this case, most Ukrainians are victims of their country having being invaded and taken over by an evil mafia on the 2014 Maidan event. Russians had to liberate them on 2022 from the scourge and things are tough and some of them are understandably fleeing as refugees, most of them to Russia, actually. So it is easy to make people fall for the narrative of pitying the ones fleeing a war.
That does not mean, however, that there would not be the same kind of reaction for Russians, if that was the case. Except that it is NOT the case. Russians stand proud, strong, able and triumphant. They need no pity, so none is offered. As for the people of Donbass, well, you just said so yourself, Russians are behind US Americans in the field of information war, so it was not easy to broadcast the realities, and a lot of people is actually hearing about Donbass for the first time in their lives and trying to take in the whole reality of the conflict and not just the CIA media lies.
And here I would like to point out that Russian outward media has done a very poor job all these years. And I would question Margarita Simonyan’s strategic decisions about RT’s role, which has for years been basically bullshit, an European, not even Russian, CNN.
I know, the idea was mimetic, to do appear as a kind of CNN showing that Russians were not very different and to penetrate audiences as possible. I don’t know about that. Seems to me the world needed more truth work and RT did not do it and was not able to make a real difference. We around the world do not need a Russian CNN.
What we need is Russian media. To make a contribution to the whole global conversation. From a Russian perspective. Not from a ‘trying not to be too Russian’ perspective.
Then, after RT, you have Ria Novosti’s Sputnik, which tried to be more incisive and brilliant. But on the whole it did not make real efforts to confront CIA media narratives. And I believe it is time to say clearly that Russians did not do well in this field for lack of effort, not lack of capabilities, perhaps because they did not think it was important enough.
As we see, IT IS MOST IMPORTANT and I can only hope Russians are willing to do a better job from now on.
Anyways, just a few thoughts, take care, brother.
Stop whining about anti-Russian propaganda. There are 3 regions where anti-Russian propaganda does not matter let alone work namely Asia, Africa and the Islamic Arab World. South America public opinion does not weigh in while the rest of the world, US/UK & western Europe, are themselves party to the conflict.
MOD Statement on Azov blowing up Drama Theater with civilians inside ( machine translation )
….According to reliable data, the militants of the nationalist battalion “Azov” committed a new bloody provocation and blew up the theater building, which they dismantled.
Previously, it was known from refugees leaving Mariupol that in the theater building the Nazis of the Azov battalion could hold civilians hostage, using the upper floors as firing points.
Taking into account the potential danger to the lives of civilians and the provocation that nationalists carried out already on March 9 with Hospital No. 3 in Mariupol, the theater building in the city center was never considered a target for defeat,” said the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation….