Dear friends,
It has been almost a month since you heard from me, so I decided to post a short update.
As I indicated in my initial post, I had to take time off for health reasons. I don’t think I have any obligation, even implied, to go into details, but just to reassure you, I can promise you that my problems were a common but painful combo of GI issues made worse by simple cumulative exhaustion: fifteen years of non-stop blogging (all on my so-called “free time”) without any real break was not reasonable, and I frankly neglected to take care of my own health. Anyway, I FINALLY found a competent MD, we did the needed tests, gave me some good advice and I am already on the mend.
Frankly, at 58 I have to be kinder to my body than I was at 20, or else things could get much worse (of course those who hate me would hope me to do the opposite and keep draining myself into the grave).

A happy Saker and his beloved wife :-)
I also decided to take that time off to spend more time with my wonderful family, something I also needed a lot and which I am enjoying every day! Not only that, but I also do a lot of hiking, biking, swimming, free diving, playing guitar, kayaking, reading and all the other things which I love and which are, as the expression goes, “exactly what the doctor ordered”.
I now realize that during the past 15 years I was like the proverbial “frog in slowly boiling water”, and only “jumping out” of this “pan” made me realize two things: how precarious my position was becoming and how much I needed to “get out” back into some “cool water”.
And I am happy to report that I am already feeling much better than a month ago, so this “therapy” is working miracles :-)
Also, I picked my time very carefully. Rather than spend HOURS replying to all sorts of emails and questions about the official and terminally idiotic US narrative(s), I just realized that by my planned date of return (August 1st) the reality of things in the Ukraine will be much clearer (except for the truly hopelessly brainwashed folks whom I never considered as my target audience anyway). Mariupol was only the first big crack in the Western wall of lies. Now the process has begun.
I don’t want to comment about the war itself until my return, but I will just recommend that you listen carefully to what Andrei Martyanov, Bernhard and Gonzalo Lira have to say. Yes, they all are very different personalities, with very different areas of expertise and even more different styles and personalities. That is precisely why I recommend this “combo”, because they represent three different but all honest views of this war (which nowadays is an extremely rare phenomenon!).
And, of course, I recommend the guest posts and analyses posted on the Saker blog while I am on break :-)
But there is one REALLY important which this war has already shown: the true faces of governments, organizations, interests groups and even individuals!
Sadly, most of what we discovered (at least I did) is that the West is far more evil, hypocritical and, frankly suicidally stupid then I ever imagined. Now if you want to call me blind, naive, stupid, pollyannaish or delusional – fine, I will plead guilty as charged: even in my worst nightmares I did not expect such level of truly demonic evil. I have been saying that the AngloZionist Empire and Russia were locked into an existential war since at least 2013, but I did not expect that the Empire would be hateful and stupid enough to choose to hurt itself much, much more than it would ever hurt Russia. Now I see that Bertolt Brecht was absolutely correct: “The belly is still fertile from which the foul beast sprang” and Russia will have to denazify not only the Ukraine (which will break up, also exactly as I predicted many years ago), but also the entire West and that means that the entire planet. I am totally confident that she will succeed, by the way, as many Russians say “we need to truly finish WWII“.
On a personal level, I found out that some of my supposed “friends” were no friends at all: far from showing any sympathy or even understanding for the reasons for my break, they chose to offer their “remote pseudo-diagnostics” and frankly stupid rumors, which used that against me personally and the blog. Now they have to live with themselves, and I don’t envy them as they barked up a caravan which has long passed them: enjoy the dust!
But much more important, to me, was the real outpouring of kindness and support from many HUNDREDS of people, under my original post, by email and even by wonderful letters and cards, sometimes from people who wrote to me for the first time! I cannot put in words who touched I am by such an outpouring of kindness, all I can do is thank you from the bottom of my heart. I wish I could do that personally to each one of you, but I physically can’t.
As the French say, “it is in shitty situation that you see your true friends“. Only one month has passed since I took my break, but I am already much “richer” for discovering that I had many more friends and supporters than I ever imagined. I am deeply grateful for that!
Okay, that’s all on my end. I just want you to know that both me and the blog are doing fine, there is no reason at all to worry about either one. As for me, God willing, I will come back with my “batteries” fully recharged for the next phase of this war – the denazification of NATO and the EU (which I personally expect to probably begin even before that). That third phase will also combine elements of economic, informational and “kinetic” warfare, what the actual ratios will be is anyone’s guess and I won’t hazard one here (at least not now).
For those who have written to me to tell me that they miss my analyses, I want to say this: I ask for your patience as time will pass quickly and I will be back pretty soon already, and in much better shape than when I took my break.
Now I leave you in the kind and trusted hands of my small but wonderful “Saker team” to which I am also immensely grateful for everything they are doing (which is A LOT, more than you can imagine or I can say).
Hugs and cheers to all,
We live in a time of profound changes in the world.
A very dangerous time. A time when we will have to decide who we are going to become: both as a society and as individuals.
We are all experiencing this change also in ourselves, in our lives: a tortuous crossing over an abyss.
Behind us lies a sick, unviable, unrighteous world. Ahead of us lies the challenge.
Keep singing in the sunshine, work when it is time to work with equal or greater qualities of rest. Good luck and thank you for the world you opened up to me all these years later!
It’s good that you can get the clutter out of your head in the fresh air. When too much builds up, it leads to blockages. As far as political work is concerned, the family is not so suitable for solving problems, but family is the anchor that grounds you again.
It’s better to take as much time as possible, your health is more important and if the captain is ill, the crew is in a bad way.
The best thing is not to really follow the daily developments, but to keep an eye on the overall development. I can imagine that it doesn’t go fast enough for you, but you can’t change it either, and that’s why I think it’s important to say that the West is far more evil, hypocritical and, frankly, suicidally stupid than you ever imagined.
It is not the West, it is these mafiosi who disguise themselves as experts, politicians etc. to protect those who pay them. That’s why these sponsors for the comedian in Kiev.
Perhaps it would have been more humane if the energy supply had simply been cut off. These greedy Western oligarchs understand only one language and that is direct confrontation. Every diplomacy is turned into a chamaelion by the subservient media industry.
First of all, become at one with yourself again and you know it yourself: in a few months, it will be about more important things than war, it will be about maintaining peace and not being constantly terrorised by Nazi jihadis. That’s when balance counts
Great to hear you are on the mend, sir! Excellent choice, to spend time with your family and the range of activities you listed.
Water fasting is an ancient cure, neglected today. I am on day five of my latest water fast. It allows your body to focus its energy — at times, 30% of your bodies’ effort is being used on digesting and assimilating food — on detoxing and repair of organs, etc.
You mentioned you were mending GI issues under the guidance of a good MD. Great to hear. The link below is to a free PDF of a book written by a physician who healed his terrible GI issues through extended fasting and a change in diet. Just food for thought, sir.
‘See’ you in August!
continue to follow your great kind doctors orders… :-)
You will come back with new energies, having learnt too not to burn you candle in both ends… again…
cheers and have a great recovery
Hi Andrei I don’t know you personally, but I wish you and your family all the best from Canada and thanks for all your posts.
Did you also decide to wear the Ukroflag in the pic?? 🤣😂
I am kidding. 🤣😂
All the best!!
I have been getting awfully confused between you and Andrei Martyanov, considering that your first names are both Andrei. :-)
In any event, I hope you are feeling better.
I had a terrible stomach disorder for 3 years back in the late 1990s from stress from my job in software engineering. After the first 5 months of feeling increasingly worse with it, I went to my doctor and he did probably similar testing to which you have recently undergone.
I was diagnosed with IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), which is a very common ailment from stress.
If you have been diagnosed with the same type of ailment, what I found really worked well was increasing my basic vitamin intake substantially, taking antacids when required, and taking a fiber drink 3 times a day.
It took a long time for me to overcome this GI ailment but I finally did with perseverance.
The hardest part was not being able to eat the foods I always enjoyed for quite a while since my system was rather raw even during the recovery period. Nonetheless, the two things I could eat with no problems were spicy Indian food and coffee. Go figure… :-)
As to your following statement…
“Sadly, most of what we discovered (at least I did) is that the West is far more evil, hypocritical and, frankly suicidally stupid then I ever imagined.”
I just wanted to say that I have known this for years. So what took you so long? :-)
Given our current situation here in the West, is there any possibility that the intelligent people living in this growing sewer of Human stupidity could get some of those Russian passports that are now available to those in the Donbas? :-)
First off, thank you for putting up this blog. It has been tough finding a source for thoughtful analysis about this “conflict.” Take care of your health, refresh, and recharge.
Kind regards from a small farm in the USA.
Hello Andre , I thank you most sincerely for your effort ( also you see clearly how evil the west and 5 eyes have become over the last 50 years ) the number of people who are now or becoming aware of the malfeasance in ihe Anglo-saxon World in particular (a misnomer) is cause for some careful. Optimisum , particularly in regards towards Russia and the Elite in control there .
I enjoy reading your reports and admire your staunch support of the Russian endeavours, Congratulations ,
Peace and ?ove abide in you always . CHEERS Keith Dales 9 In Australia but well travelled (Including 15 months in Russia , which I love .)
Selamat menikmati waktu Anda, Pak Andrei!
Enjoy your time, Mr. Andrei!
Free-diving coral seas, kayaking pristine waters, hiking, exploring other environs, swim laps, focus on what’s really important. Exercise, sleep well, engage, listen to your body. It has served me well these many years…you are on the right path. You can’t be everything to everybody…but you can to You and Yours. Welcome to a new reality…they might be more important than you and your perception of you. Light the fuse…you choose when to watch … and when to shift focus. You are a product of yourself limited only by your imagination… embrace You and Yours first, above all else, nothing else matters as much … perception just is..and matters naught.
Thanks for the Blog, your Team and that is everything is on track with you and your family. And your health care measures like kayaking sounds Great! Gteetings from a German Uboat in the desert.
Dear Andrei:
Thanks for the update. Is obvious that you love your family and I am glad that you also love yourself by taking care of your vital needs. Blessings to you…
In Christ.
Glad you are well and looking forward to your return. I’m very interested in how you look at Medvedev in light of his comments regarding the EU. I know how you feel about him but given his strong stance during the SMO have you re-evaluated? Were you wrong about him? Has he changed his mind given the naked hatred shwon by the West? Or is he just pretending to be something he’s not. Very interested to hear you thoughts on him now.
So happy to hear that you are feeling better and you are well on the road to recovery. Naturally we all miss you but you may be really proud that you have built a team that is first rate in providing us with updates and analysis and choosing such wonderful guest contributors. And I will take this opportunity to thank you all the outstanding work you have done and for the unveiling of reality which the West tries to hide.
Keep safe and may God bless both you and your family. As Savior, He is the Healing God.
One more piece of advise for your recovery. Stay away from computer and electronic devices. They poison if we do not limit the time of exposure.
Thank you Andrei,
It is always refreshing,and inside full to read your blogs.
Thank you for that.
Take it easy!!
That care Andrei, cheers from Brazil.
Appreciate your perspective. Most of all appreciate that you have published a rich variety of opinion. Followed my a couple of my long time favorites to your site–Michael Hudson and Pepe Escobar. Best wishes!
Greetings (from abroad) Saker. Longtime reader (tat tvam asi) since your WordPress (I think that was the platform) and “I am NOT Charlie Hebdo” days.
Sorry to hear of your health problems, but glad you’re getting better. I’m sure you’ve been swamped with suggestions & recommendations for your health. Nonetheless, if I might, I’d like to add to the list by mentioning the Ketogenic Diet ( and specifically Dr. MD Joseph Mercola’s book “KetoFast” – available on Amazon.
Best Wishes
Glad to see you doing better
Reading through detail so I know what I am copypasting when I post your links (and many other sources other than this blog) in the usual servers and other blogs day in day out can be a drain. The brain is an oxygen guzzler.
Enjoy the break.
Dear Sir,
Your true fans want you to get well, very well. I hope you take enough time. I am doing the same, ’cause I
have to. August 1 is rather soon.
God bless you.
Clay Hallmark
Divine Andrei & Wife!
Many thanks for all your hard work. Taking a break doesn’t “undo” that. Peace and love brother.
Never knew that my favorite Russian blogger is also a guitar player…awesome.
Be well
Glad you’re feeling better. Keep enjoying nature and family!
What you are doing is definitely worthwhile, and do not stop on Aug 1. Continue to take sacred time to your own well-being so as not to ever lose again what you have gained.
– Shyaku
Have a well deserved brake and get well Andrei.
I am a late arrival to your blog, basically catching your time-off message only… and it has become one of my beacons of reason in the sea of madness ever since. Thank you for that.
(Cracks are showing already. Phase 3 may easily be just a diplomatic and media mop-up, in order to prevent sheeples’ heads exploding. Somebody will have to work and pay the price for our governments’ stupidity after all.)
Friendly greetings to M. Andrei, all I can write is that health is very important, the rest can wait.
Very curious about what the “denazification of Europe” and “finishing WWII” (strong words) phase might turn out to be. Questions have been raised about a surviving “Nazi international” by many, for many years. That is one powerful entity if it truly is what they say it is.
I wish continued recovery and all the blessing of the Lord on you and your family.
It is necessary to rest and recuperate and calm the mind for the ‘ Satyagraha ‘ ahead , which means ‘ the struggle for truth ‘ or as Mahatma Gandhi said ” the force of truth ‘.
Niloufer Bhagwat
Dear Andrei: My name is Alejandro Salgó. I am a geopolitics professor in Mexico City. I am very fortunate to have found your blog many years ago. It has been a very insightful journey to have discovered the deep analysis that you offer. I wish you a prompt recovery and all the health in the world. Consider me a friend and I wish you all the blessings
“Sadly, most of what we discovered (at least I did) is that the West is far more evil, hypocritical and, frankly suicidally stupid then I ever imagined. Now if you want to call me blind, naive, stupid, pollyannaish or delusional – fine, I will plead guilty as charged: even in my worst nightmares I did not expect such level of truly demonic evil.”
I’m sure many of us are in the same situation. I always expected the West to be corrupt, but not even to a fraction of the extent this conflict revealed. The proverbial black pill has been swallowed. A light in the tunnel for us Europeans is that our leaders are inconsistent enough to turn their back to the US now that they see the boat is sinking. Italy, Germany and France are already moving to more realistic positions, although Germany still clutch to hypocritical statements, understandably considering they’re under american occupation. The USA will crash eventually as will probably the UK, and the Eurasian alliance will become a reality. Although the corrupt unelected technocrates in Brussels will delay that inevitable development for as long as they can.
In any case the last modicum of trust in mainstream medias is definitively shattered. Even the most incompromising newspapers bent the knee and relayed the grotesque propaganda manufactured by the MI6.
Dear Andrei,
I’m glad you’re on recovery track.
Be sure that there are legion of us who follow your work with deepest respect. That being said, please, PLEASE, restrain yourself from even noticing hopeless western trolls and idiots who were de-brained by their masters. It is just loss oftime and loss of energy.
After allmost decade of following your on-line work, I decided to register here just to express my/our unvawering support for you and yourwork.
Stay well dear good man, and may Gode give you the strenght and patience and time to see the endgame of this Great Shift we are witnessing.
Whishing all the best for you and your loved ones, sincerely yours,
Padre Callahan,
I’m glad to hear you are resting and doing better. Sometimes dealing with these international tantrums of the west can be exhausting. Hope to see you blogging again as you see fit!
Some interesting comments here form Anna von Reitz (who knows about this stuff, believe me!!!) regarding the status of the Russian government, quote:
“So far, the only government on Earth to have itself together, standing ready to deal with the facts,
other than The United States of America, is Russia. Vladimir Putin has claimed his living status and is
now occupying the vacant Throne of the Czar.”
I Just want to say thank you to Andrei and its terrific Saker team!!!
You are fresh water in a dry, scorching, desert.
We Have Heard the Constant LIES; by the Insatiably EVIL Sadist Psychopathic Globalists, and their Corrupted Secretly Filmed in Acts of Bestiality and Paedophilia; who Are the Bribed/Blackmailed Puppet Politicians; want to “build back better”; But these Insatiably EVIL Psychopaths, Only Come to Kill and to Destroy (John 10:10).
There are a few Interesting Videos, and they are Titled: “Six Facts About Trudeau That Will Make Your Blood BOIL” at , and “GUN GRABBING | INTERNET SHUTDOWNS | HANGAR 18 | UFOS” at .
Be well, dear Andrei. You are setting a good example for the rest of us. Well done!
All the best!
I must say I did relax when I heard you were taking a break.
Thank you for the insightful explanation. God bless you, Russia, Russians and President Putin.
For GI, try cutting out all grains. Six months or so, then you can try stuff as you like. I did it, and I still do.
Get well. My recommendation, take a nice long walk along a beach or in the woods. Get back to reality and our natural surroundings. Turn-off all devices. Find a good book. Enjoy the sun rising over a nice cup of coffee. Walk bare foot in the grass – and get grounded. Allow yourself piece so to align yourself with the great power of the universe. Smile more, knowing that you have opened many hearts, minds, and eyes to a truth.
Get well soon.
Remember, what people say about you behind your back is non of your business.
Sometimes your own true worth is only measured by the people that hate you.
I believe that if the sun always shines you cannot know what darkness is. That is why God created Satan. Only by seeing evil in others or yourself, can you appreciate Gods light. It’s complicated.
Stay close to your family and you never know, you may live long enough to see the true light.
PS I am also hanging on, I almost lost the plot completely. I am on the “cardiac diet for life,” while waiting to see the true light.
Evil never wins.
We have all had our eyes opened to the pathologically evil nature of the West, a dangerous cancer on humanity and the planet.
Your work is very much appreciated in this respect.
Thank you.
Now THAT is awesome news, Saker!
Relax and keep working on yourself. In the coming crises, we’ll all need to tap into the reservoir of energy you’re now accumulating.
Dear Andrei,
I was sorry to hear that you were not well, and I tried to send you my good wishes, as well as reminding of the standing invitation to use our guesthouse in Arizona. But I am inept with messaging, and don’t know whether you got my good wishes.
Very well said sir. What is of true value is family and genuine friends. I am grateful for all you have done, as you say, in your spare time! A big thank you. It speaks volumes of you. This blog, especially since the end of February of this year, is much valued resource for the non Russian speaker. Thanks again and good health.
I don’t always agree with you politically, but I find you inspiring to read your analyses, both your military and political ones. Get well soon, BUT take your time. We can wait. This war will drag on for a long time, and Zelensky is under pressure from Joe Biden and NATO to keep on fighting until Ukraine is financially ruined. They are doing to Ukraine what they did to Russia during the Yeltsin regime: destroy the target country, then try to take it over. – As for you: Rest, recouperate, and return a new man!
Be comfortable and come back. Health is important.