Dear friends,
It has been almost a month since you heard from me, so I decided to post a short update.
As I indicated in my initial post, I had to take time off for health reasons. I don’t think I have any obligation, even implied, to go into details, but just to reassure you, I can promise you that my problems were a common but painful combo of GI issues made worse by simple cumulative exhaustion: fifteen years of non-stop blogging (all on my so-called “free time”) without any real break was not reasonable, and I frankly neglected to take care of my own health. Anyway, I FINALLY found a competent MD, we did the needed tests, gave me some good advice and I am already on the mend.
Frankly, at 58 I have to be kinder to my body than I was at 20, or else things could get much worse (of course those who hate me would hope me to do the opposite and keep draining myself into the grave).

A happy Saker and his beloved wife :-)
I also decided to take that time off to spend more time with my wonderful family, something I also needed a lot and which I am enjoying every day! Not only that, but I also do a lot of hiking, biking, swimming, free diving, playing guitar, kayaking, reading and all the other things which I love and which are, as the expression goes, “exactly what the doctor ordered”.
I now realize that during the past 15 years I was like the proverbial “frog in slowly boiling water”, and only “jumping out” of this “pan” made me realize two things: how precarious my position was becoming and how much I needed to “get out” back into some “cool water”.
And I am happy to report that I am already feeling much better than a month ago, so this “therapy” is working miracles :-)
Also, I picked my time very carefully. Rather than spend HOURS replying to all sorts of emails and questions about the official and terminally idiotic US narrative(s), I just realized that by my planned date of return (August 1st) the reality of things in the Ukraine will be much clearer (except for the truly hopelessly brainwashed folks whom I never considered as my target audience anyway). Mariupol was only the first big crack in the Western wall of lies. Now the process has begun.
I don’t want to comment about the war itself until my return, but I will just recommend that you listen carefully to what Andrei Martyanov, Bernhard and Gonzalo Lira have to say. Yes, they all are very different personalities, with very different areas of expertise and even more different styles and personalities. That is precisely why I recommend this “combo”, because they represent three different but all honest views of this war (which nowadays is an extremely rare phenomenon!).
And, of course, I recommend the guest posts and analyses posted on the Saker blog while I am on break :-)
But there is one REALLY important which this war has already shown: the true faces of governments, organizations, interests groups and even individuals!
Sadly, most of what we discovered (at least I did) is that the West is far more evil, hypocritical and, frankly suicidally stupid then I ever imagined. Now if you want to call me blind, naive, stupid, pollyannaish or delusional – fine, I will plead guilty as charged: even in my worst nightmares I did not expect such level of truly demonic evil. I have been saying that the AngloZionist Empire and Russia were locked into an existential war since at least 2013, but I did not expect that the Empire would be hateful and stupid enough to choose to hurt itself much, much more than it would ever hurt Russia. Now I see that Bertolt Brecht was absolutely correct: “The belly is still fertile from which the foul beast sprang” and Russia will have to denazify not only the Ukraine (which will break up, also exactly as I predicted many years ago), but also the entire West and that means that the entire planet. I am totally confident that she will succeed, by the way, as many Russians say “we need to truly finish WWII“.
On a personal level, I found out that some of my supposed “friends” were no friends at all: far from showing any sympathy or even understanding for the reasons for my break, they chose to offer their “remote pseudo-diagnostics” and frankly stupid rumors, which used that against me personally and the blog. Now they have to live with themselves, and I don’t envy them as they barked up a caravan which has long passed them: enjoy the dust!
But much more important, to me, was the real outpouring of kindness and support from many HUNDREDS of people, under my original post, by email and even by wonderful letters and cards, sometimes from people who wrote to me for the first time! I cannot put in words who touched I am by such an outpouring of kindness, all I can do is thank you from the bottom of my heart. I wish I could do that personally to each one of you, but I physically can’t.
As the French say, “it is in shitty situation that you see your true friends“. Only one month has passed since I took my break, but I am already much “richer” for discovering that I had many more friends and supporters than I ever imagined. I am deeply grateful for that!
Okay, that’s all on my end. I just want you to know that both me and the blog are doing fine, there is no reason at all to worry about either one. As for me, God willing, I will come back with my “batteries” fully recharged for the next phase of this war – the denazification of NATO and the EU (which I personally expect to probably begin even before that). That third phase will also combine elements of economic, informational and “kinetic” warfare, what the actual ratios will be is anyone’s guess and I won’t hazard one here (at least not now).
For those who have written to me to tell me that they miss my analyses, I want to say this: I ask for your patience as time will pass quickly and I will be back pretty soon already, and in much better shape than when I took my break.
Now I leave you in the kind and trusted hands of my small but wonderful “Saker team” to which I am also immensely grateful for everything they are doing (which is A LOT, more than you can imagine or I can say).
Hugs and cheers to all,
Dear Andrei,best wishes and health!! I am grateful for all you do for this like minded community!
All the best to you and yours, Saker!
Hi Saker, I understand the daunting battle you have been waging for YEARS. It is always a difficult art to be a sharp critic of the American society and foreign policy and not falling into childish Antiamericanism, and you mastered it.
Enjoy your new time with family and close ones.
I truly hope that you make a full, complete recovery, and return stronger than before!
Best wishes to you, and all involved with this amazing, insightful blog, from Northern Ireland.
(We know just how treacherous our Westminster cabal is)
Glory to Russia.
For several years have been following this wonderful Blog which is like a ray of sunshine.
Saker helps show readers the “high, white star of Truth” and bids readers to there “gaze and aspire”..
You have succeeded where MSM has dismally failed. Keep it up.
Andrei, if you ever travel to Mass. you are invited to a well deserved seafood dinner.
Nice to read you’re fine! As you suggest I started listening to Martyanov and Marcelo, great people and true experts. From Mexico, i hope you have a quick recovery and buenos deseos para ti y tu familia.
Hope to read you soon!
P.D: Thanks for all the effort you put into blogging in 15 years and believe me it helps me a lot in the development of myself.
Hello Andrei-long time lurker here just jumping in to say thank you for all your hard work and kudos to Amarynth, Herb and crew who are working so hard to keep things going. Best wishes on your recovery!
Very nice to hear from you, Saker! Glad you’re doing well and wish you a complete and speedy recovery. Enjoy the guitar playing. I’ve been a hack on the instrument for decades and love it despite my inability to play it well.
‘What is this life if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.
No time to stand beneath the boughs
And stare as long as sheep or cows.
Good to see you Andrei and good to know you’re keeping well! Best wishes to your better half :)
Enjoy your break.
Good to hear from you by reading this note, and to learn that your are on an ascending path while finally relaxing.
Your analysis should be razor-sharp after this break!
Thanks you, and thanks to all the Saker team.
Dear Andrei,
it’s so nice to hear the good news from your side. We all miss you. But health is more important. Enjoy every single minute with your family!
God bless you and your family.
I am a recent viewer of The Saker and appreciate the high quality of the content. The emphasis on seeking the truth by critical analysis is so refreshing in today’s superficial media. The only path to freedom is by seeking the truth regardless of preconceived opinions.
Body and spirtual state are related. Enjoy your rest. And good heath to you Inshallah.
Love the Imran Hosein reference in your text.(caravan)
Just one comment, if you think that before august there will be kinetic contact with Nato. That will mean that the blog will be temp suspended right?
Nice to hear that you’re doing well, Andrei.
Your writing illuminates much ugliness that needs exposing. That said too much time in the filth demands a respite. Glad you’re taking a break, reassessing your priorities might be wise.
All the best
I enjoyed your blog for a while by now. It took me a while to find it, but, now, I know there are other people on this planet similar to me, and my mother-ship didn’t left me here by mistake :].
Take care of yourself, and your family,
The beloved wife, the preciousness of family. God Speed my pal, in God we Trust🔥
I’m glad to hear that you’re feeling better. Gut issues can be seriously debilitating.
Two things that I believe are therapeutic are partially hydrolyzed guar gum (PHGG), trade name “Sunfiber”; a generally-well-tolerated prebiotic soluble fiber, and L. Reuteri DSM 17938; both of which are available on amazon.
Also, with regard to gut health, make sure to avoid ingesting (to the extent possible) any food, nutritional of pharmaceutical product that contains titanium dioxide and/or silicon dioxide (usually used as a colorant/opacifier and anti-caking agent, respectively) as these are gut and brain damaging toxins.
Well, it seems quite obvious. God is willing.
It is good to have you return from sickness to better health, dear Saker. Fly high and far, and lead my eyes into the horizon as they follow your trail with gladness.
Wish you good health and hope you find the good habits to maintain it! You have a decade on me but even now I see that in this marathon of life one needs to pace oneself to keep going strong. May you find your balance.
Great news that you’re building back/up those energy levels Andrei, recharging the batteries for the major offensive(s) ahead. UAF don’t have that luxury as most of the batteries in their US acquisitioned WMD’s just don’t work, are long past their expiry date after residing in some dusty Gulf bonded warehouse or perform poorly on the battlefield. Recharging an engine/general repairs is way above their capabilities, costing an arm and a leg having to send it hundreds of miles across borders for repair, the resulting delay and a life expectancy on return of days.
They say a TEAM is only as good as its weakest link, so you’re/we’re in safe hands with the Saker Crew.
Gosh! How I worried. I admit that I fell for a feeling that something sinister was “done to you”.
Your writing sir, is about the best news I red in a loong, loong month.
Guetti Besserig! ( I do lsten to Swiss radioustation – music welle and there is what I hear so very often.
Yes get well, from one of hundreds and thousands that read you wonderful honest page. Frank
Great to hear that you are feeling better. Keep resting up. The spring is always the best time of year to get out and enjoy nature. I have been fitting some of that into my schedule as well.
Health is the most important thing so I’m glad you are healing.
Take care and see you in August or whenever you get bored LOL
Glad to hear your recovery is progressing well. Godspeed
I am happy Saker that you are on the path of recovery. With the Internet it is too easy to get hooked on the screen. The Internet is the medium of our times but one needs to shut it up sometimes. Enjoy the great outdoors as long as you can, I am 74 and I am locked around my home by poor vision. So enjoy life and Russia with the help of China will survive and maybe inspire courage to the citizens in the Westto free themselves from the hypocrite autocrats who disguise themselves as liberals but who really serve their rich masters.
I hope your recovery continues. Good luck.
Best thing I’ve read in a long time. Glad to hear you are feeling better and look forward to your return.
Andrei My Brother,
God bless you and your family. I am glad you are getting some rest. I hope I can do the same this summer. Inflation is hitting my family hard. We’ve had to go into savings to cover debts and my union wage doesn’t go as far as it used to. I will have to find a second job. It’s just the economic reality of America in 2022. Thanks be to God everyone in my household is healthy.
I miss your analysis Andrei, but your duty is first and foremost to your wife and children and your health is a big part of that. May the Lord bless and protect you and your family.
PS: Andrei Martyanov and Ganzalo Lira have become regulars on my YouTube
Playlist. I really respect Patrick Lancaster as well and his reports in the ground in Ukraine.
It seems to me that you are already beginning to feel better both spiritually and physically but don’t rush it. Take the time you need. I for one miss your words and look forward to the comeback of a fully healthy and invigorated Saker. Enjoy the blessing of each day and the company of those that are near and dear to you. You deserve it!
This is wonderful news! I am so glad to hear your health and spirit improves.
Take all the time you need for full recovery. The Saker team is doing excellent work in your absence.
I’m sure the lord god most high will continue to guide you and keep you and thanks so much for all you do and are and may the all merciful bless your family.
keep healing! Best wishes!
Glad to hear you’re getting your mojo back! Stay strong and considerate – always!
Best regards,
Nebula Nomad
Très content de vous lire et d’avoir donc de vos bonnes nouvelles Andrei.
Reposez-vous et profitez pleinement de la présence chaleureuse des vôtres et des espaces qui vous ressourcent.
Bien à vous
Very happy to read you and therefore to have your good news Andrei.
Rest and take full advantage of the warm presence of your loved ones and the spaces that rejuvenate you.
Good for you
Excellent news for me!
Best and warm wishes of peace, prosperity and health for a so needed warroir in this darkness times like YOU are, dear Andrei.
Much love and respect for you and family from Brazil!
I have been reading your blog for years, occasionally commented under a pseudonym, sometimes stupidly. I have o say that I was alarmed from time to time when from your remarks indicated the tremendous work load you were suffering under, especially the obligation you felt to answer what seemed to be many, many emails to you personally.
I have to say, selfishly, I miss your analysis of the situation, but I am so happy, so very happy to read this update, so see you reconnect with the things that are the most important in life. I hope and pray that as you rest and rethink, you will see how to more carefully pace yourself and how/if to come back.
You made this important decision at Pascha. May He who rose from the dead, trampling down death by death, restore you in soul and body and make clear your path.
Hi Andrei. Good to read that you are regaining your health. You’re still a youngster at 58!
I grew up in England, brain washed to believe the USSR and communism were evil. This was supported by Ian Fleming’s James bond books which I loved. There was a line in a Sting song that goes “The Russins love their children too” which, when I heard it, changed my way of thinking about Russia.
When the USSR collapsed I thought Europeans would celebrate the liberation of the Russian people and welcomed them into Europe. That may have been true of the people but not their governments.
I have been following your blogs for a number of years. They have given me a greater understanding of Russia and especially Mr Putin, who at first I
thought was over narcissistic but now I totally respect him. Oliver Stone’s docos also helped. Lavrov appears to be from the same mold. How come the West can’t produce statesmen/women of this calibre instead the juvenile thinking and behaving idiots they have now.
The Saker has been in greats hands whilst you have been away but I look forward to your future blogs.
Thank you for producing The Saker. I promote it to friends and acquaintances whenever I can.
Kind regards.
Dear Saker
Great to hear that you are out with nature and restoring your mind, body and soul.
Best wishes from downunder.
Good to hear from you, Saker.
I don’t know if you’ll read this far down into the comments, but I want to second your praise and thanks for the Team – they are truly wonderful and I can only guess how proud and grateful you must be.
So much good material passes through this place, from articles to comments. And although I wasn’t sure about some of the institutional policies you put in place here over the years, I reap the benefits of your wise decisions every day that the site remains safe from attack, moderated in its comments, and a magnet for deep thought.
The Vineyard is a beacon for all of us in the fog, a sanctuary in this world. Many thanks for all this.
Enjoy your recreation – see you in the fullness of time :)
Geat to hear about your health improvements and wise approach Andrei! Sending much Newen (Mapuche indigenous word = nature’s energy/strength). All the best to you, your partner in life and loved ones.
My best wishes to you!
Hugs and cheers to you too, good man. Health is wealth, and I am happy you are accumulating some.
Be blessed.
The blog is doing great, hasn’t missed a beat, so take your time, life is short, we are getting some great analysis over here on a regular basis, you can feel very good about that if this is what you have created, good job. Physician heal thy self, MD’s can point the way, but we are what we eat and what we eat makes us well or makes us sick. Good luck.
Saker, hace mucho que te leemos y nos alegra que estés recuperandote junto a tu familia, y tu equipo lo hace de maravillas, espero que el traductor refleje nuestras palabras, desde Argentina un abrazo y saludo.
Saker, we have been reading you for a long time and we are glad that you and your family are recovering, and your team is doing wonderfully, I hope that the translator reflects our words, a hug and greeting from Argentina.
I, along with a little huddle of friends, pray for you, your family and the Saker team every day! Were you to get up my way, you would be given quarters with hospitality, and we could do some shooting since I live where the fox says “good night” to the hare.
Get well soon and have a blessed time dear Saker.
We pray for your speedy recovery.
Russia will have to denazify not only the Ukraine (which will break up, also exactly as I predicted many years ago), but also the entire West and that means that the entire planet. I am totally confident that she will succeed, by the way, as many Russians say “we need to truly finish WWII“.
In 2015 Sergey Glazyev (whom I greatly admire) published his book “The Last World War” It is unfortunately only published in Russian but without reading it I can safely assume that this is a book that needs to be published in every language. The concept reminds me of (the alleged) quote attributed to Einstein saying “I know not what weapons WWIII will be fought with ( he got that right!) but WW IV will be fought with sticks and stones”
Andrei’s place in the caravan is assured as humanity marches forward on it’s manifest destiny. Just look at the past one hundred years and the garbage that has been thrown on the road to stop the caravan and think of all that has been achieved in spite of it. This, I personally believe, in the end will be no different.
Glad to see you are on the mend and got a good doctor. Organic food and enough vitamins to be 200& over federal recommendations.
It is good to hear that you are doing well. May that continue, and may Allah preserve you and yours. I have been lurking on the blog without comment for most, maybe all, of the fifteen years that you have been operating it. Your voice of sanity and reason has been a real blessing to me.
Nice to see a photo of you with your smiling wife Saker. Glad to hear that you are on the mend. Thank you for the personal update!
Take care Saker.
This from a hardcore, right wing conservative American who realizes that our own government has become a far greater threat to our safety and freedom than Russia and the Islamic terrorists. The last three decades of turmoil could have been avoided if April Gillaspie of the US Department of State had not told Iraq that the US didn’t have a problem with Iraq invading Kuwait.
Hey Andrei…
You sound great. Very best wishes to your physical, mental, and emotional recovery. I read your blog everyday. Pepe Escobar is my favorite.
Warm regards…Maggie
Best wishes Andrei…
I love reading your blog…Pepe Escobar is one of my favorite.
I hope you get all better emotionally, mentally and physically.
Best regards,
We are with you all the way. Our Reset, the Great Cleansing, is under way!
Thank you for letting us know how you are doing, and that you are doing great is even better news. Do not feel guilty for taking time off, as I was unfortunately in my own stupid rat race.
Very wellcome, ,, some are missing you here.
Welcome back dear Saker! To your continued improving health. As you know, all ancient civilizations learned that most diseases originate from the GI system, so it can be a challenge to heal therefrom, especially if it becomes chronic. We need rest, patience and prayer. And like a mechanic or barber, if you find a good doctor who comes to understand your body, stick to him like glue! Consider a holster and not too tight belts (giving room to our expanding middle-age guts, lol), as well as keeping your phone/laptop/emitting gadgets some distance from your body; I have treated pelvic and abdominal issues due to these factors.
All I will add from personal experience is that intermittent fasting and a simplified unprocessed minimal diet does wonders not just for settling “the piping” but raising God-consciousness and clarity of mind. And you are already doing key activities – taking more time with your family and to reconnect with nature, which improves QoL, lowers stress, and thus helps heal any bodily ailment. Best regards
Glad to see you are happy and relaxed and recovering your health. Best wishes for everyone with you.
Just always remember that your health comes first. I enjoy your blog immensely, which means you need the best of health to continue. Plus you need to enjoy life. It is encouraging to hear that you are already seeing benefits. I think everyone will agree that if you have to have a reduced rhythm on your return, it will be fine. After all you have given to us, it is time to take care of yourself.
So good to hear you are being better Andrei! May the Holy Spirit be you comfort and your guide. All demonic forces are beneath the power of our Christ! He has trampled death by death!
Lieber Andrei, vielen Dank für dein Update. Ja, ich verstehe dich sehr gut. Ich bin 59 und muss auch mir klar sein, dass die Leistung des Körpers leider in keiner Weise so ist wie damals, als ich 20 war. Ich fühle es auch jeden Morgen. Auch ich musste kürzen, mehr Pausen einlegen, mich mit Aktivitäten entspannen, die mir viel Freude und Abwechslung bereiten. Sie tun also genau das Richtige. Nehmen Sie sich die Zeit, die Sie brauchen, passen Sie gut auf sich auf. Ich verfolge Ihren Blog seit Jahren und lese täglich alle Artikel. Eine der besten Seiten, die man heute lesen kann. Vielen Dank an alle für die sehr wertvolle Arbeit, die Sie leisten. Ich freue mich auf August, um wieder von Ihnen zu lesen. Genießen Sie jetzt die Freizeit mit Ihrer Familie, passen Sie gut auf sich auf. Ich denke, du hast viele Freunde auf der ganzen Welt, ich bin sicherlich einer von ihnen. Grüße Chris aus der Schweiz.
Dear Andrei, Thank you for your update. Yes I understand you very well. I’m 59 and I have to realize that unfortunately the body’s performance is nothing like it was when I was 20. I feel it every morning too. I too had to cut back, take more breaks, relax with activities that give me a lot of joy and variety. So you are doing the right thing. Take the time you need, take good care of yourself. I have been following your blog for years and read all the articles daily. One of the best pages to read today. Thank you everyone for the very valuable work you are doing. I look forward to reading from you again in August. Enjoy your free time with your family now, take good care of yourself. I think you have many friends all over the world, I am certainly one of them. Greetings Chris from Switzerland.
Andrei, you are a treasure to all who value accurate news. Please don’t ever compromise your health to provide this. History will grind on with, or without us. We are in for the long term. Take care of your health, enjoy your family, and attend to the blog only when you can enjoy doing so. We, your readers, are grateful for your efforts. None of us want you to burn out. We wish you the best.
I’m glad to hear you are healing well. Although I do miss your writings, I continue to check in here daily.
Hears to healthy living habits:)
Great to hear from you and that you are getting better and taking time to ‘recharge’ your battery system.
Rebuild yourself before considering returning to active work as we wish to have Andrei in the best form he can be.
Many thanks to you and the Saker family for all the work on this blog. It has been a great help to us.
We look forward to your return when you are feeling in the best of health. Take care,
Kind regards,
God bless
Christ has risen
Glad to read you again. Have a good recovery. And thank you for your site, thank you to your team and guests, whose posts are always very much appreciated. Greetings from Switzerland
You rest, you heal, you love and you are loved. That’s the most important point to me. I’m very pleased to read that you doing these things. Love and be loved is the most important part of it in my opinion.
I’ll welcome you return to the blog but now, the absolute priority is : rest, heal, love and be loved. Accepting love is a gift to you and the giver.
I repeat myself but it’s the only thing that matters in the end.
The Polish poet Czesław Miłosz wrote :
” There is a limit to human suffering behind which a cheerful smile begins. ”
Thank you Andrei for the beauty of your ” faith in oneself ” which enlightens us and gives us the strength to believe in a better world.
Andrei !
it is heart warming to have an update from you,
And to hear that you are doing better!
Much love and respect to you, your family, and the entire Saker team!
One love to you all!
and may the nazis be defeated b4 the summer’s end!
Much Much Respect to you Sir!
ps. Has anyone heard from night vision yet?
we sure do miss his sitreps, while simultaneously missing your own!
Hopefully he’s still out there and ok.
prayers 🙏 are with you all!
Bernard Alexander Victor Konkin
Crypto Alchemist youtube channel
Good to hear from you Andrei – an occassional line keeps we followers happy – glad the R&R is having positive results. Your team are doing good work, so don’t come back on deck until you really feel up to it, we wouldn’t expect anything less. A healthy happy Saker is much more important to us, than a burnt out husk. Take care
There are four seasons (in most parts) …
“Mari Samuelsen: Vivaldi – “Summer” from Four Seasons”
34-millions views since 2009 when that pretentious house negro and criminal head-boy, “Barack Hussein Obama II” bailed out the BIGs in Bank-Town rather than let the free market system fail, reform, and reconfigure on sound foundations.
We now have close to a 1/4-century of what the economists’ call “moral hazard” and if the Russian civilization (rising!) can help de-criminalise the infested domain some call the “west” then they have done the world (all of us in that decaying domain) a great service. And I’ll likely not be here for the end of the next 25-year arc of global destiny.
Manifesting their core values of warriorship, which the Russian civilization abounds in, is causing a self-organizing of the criminal and cynical political classes that feed on the blood and sweat and tears of the average man and woman in their daily living.
Maintaining a keen sense (and demonstration) of normality is the task du jour for most of us on the end phase of our lives. Already the young generations have largely lost and forgotten those times we took for granted. The war is on, but in so many subtle planes that no one in isolation can find the correct distance and perspectives for cool rational and wise action.
Your blog is one of those oasis in the desert so to speak — and whether you post directly or not, your effort to create the space (niche) for sound critical thinking and discourse is valued by many.
I’m about 8 clicks ahead of you on the clock. Late 50’s and early 60’s is not a trivial time for many. The body clock winds down and lurking serious issues manifest. Our futures are not certain even though our anticipations are still young and real. We need to pace ourselves more consciously or suffer serious consequences. Case in point: I work super hard in 2019 to get candidacy then found a small lump in 2020 and was given 9 months to live if the chemo didn’t work. It did, thank goodness, and now my last recent blood tests are 100%. But it required me to go through 2+ years of doing very little except light physical effort to give the body time and place to recover and reconstitute. I still have some issues with brain-fog concentration and focus but all is well really.
So, whatever the condition, take care, and send short postcards.
The global tipping point is now in progress.
Mr European Winter and Ms USA Mid-terms are just around the proverbial corner.
It is now largely time to eat popcorn and watch karma work itself out.
The Moon (of A) just posted a great photo of the Ukie flag upside down in a Pentagon talk-fest — the the frogs of war are in a distress of their own making. Their small pretentious “nato” pond (that Rules the World in their own imaginations) is soiled and toxic. And the majority of the “wheat eating” and energy-drinking world is simply moving on to the next phase of post-colonial living. The key core indicator is future “relevance”…
There are points of punctuation in long sentences — and even long blogs.
You’re obviously in one, atm.
Imo, judge what is right and wise by way of your physical and family vectors.
In the final analysis, time is all we really have.
And the sacred moment is always there whether we can appreciate it or not with all the worldy distractions.
The future will now likely emerge as civilizational re-alignments grounded on a plurality of “good governance” praxis situated in the local. Trans-national aggregations based on ideology are doomed — as the USSR’s fading away indicated back when. Russia is simply the enigmatic catalyst in a great socio-chemical solution: and all they have to do is be: RUSSIAN.
The rest will take care of themselves.
As the 5,000 year(+) Chinese dynastic cycles suggest: things change big-time when food runs out.
Grow wheat; sell gas and oil; and nail the domestic criminal elements. The job never ends.
Provide alternatives for others to escape their double-binds and the parasites will be de-wormed in due course.
Take care (of yourself and loved ones) and thank you for your efforts at sustaining a sound, sane, and sanitised worldview for critical discourse.
Just glad to know you are happy and doing well. Thanks to you, and your team, for all the great articles you have produced over the years.
Many thanks Andrei for keeping us so well informed in this time of information underload. You and your team continue to be a Godsend to those of us who have little faith in the western governments and the media.
May you and those dear to you prosper.
Hello friend
We do miss your astute analysis but we also understand the reasons for you to take a break. Take care of your body and mind and enjoy with your loved ones. See you in August. You have already provided some serious food for thought! De Nazification of NATO and EU! This is a fight between GOOD AND EVIL! And good shall prevail. Take care friend. Peace be upon you.