Dear friends,
I will spend most of the day tomorrow on the road. God willing, I will be back tomorrow evening. In the meantime, please feel free to discuss anything except the topic of global warming which (by popular demand) I am banning just because it would really burden this blog. I will try to moderate the comments as often as possible from my van.
Also, one reader told me that the stupid CAPTCHAs now feature some kind of advertisement. If so, sorry about that. I ask for your patience just a little longer, the new server in Iceland should be ready soon, at which point I will move the entire blog.
Have a great day and “see you” tomorrow evening,
The Saker
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@Where-Wolf: Your faith in something other than the Koran has led you astray, as it is likely to do for the whole human race.
Dearest Where-Wolf,
Islam differs from Christianity that there is no Devil in Islam. No Fallen Angel in Islam. And, in Islam God is not in Perpetual War with Devil.
You see God and Devil on a straight line, perpetual tug of war, perpetual confrontation rather than cooperation. And, when two elephants fight the ants get crushed.
I see God on the circle basis (round like a clock), where is always harmony and cooperation. Day merges into night with varying shades and night merges into day with varying shades. Everything is in harmony.
I remember you once talked about combined consciousnesses. I tried to get you interested in Wahdat al-Wujud, “One in Existence”. Where God and All His Creation are One in Existence, including humans, dogs, rocks, black holes, planets, mountains, seas, …… You name the Creation.
The World Population is ever increasing and World’s Consumptions of Goods is ever increasing, so there will be always more and more demand for Oil and Gas.
I see a Gas Cartel like the Oil Cartel. I see cooperation, where Russia, Iran, Qatar and others forming a Gas Cartel.
Take for example the incident of MH17, where both Russia and The Empire knows who did it. Why they are both quiet if not for being in cahoots. What about the relatives of the people who died on MH17, the Lockerbie folks are still screaming.
Best regards,
Will the people of Ukraine blame Russia for their troubles this winter? I think not. I think they see the Kiev government for what it its – and this is how they see it:
@AGS: Dearest Mohamed — My Brother-in-Truth — I have never left you. Just quieter these days. Taking time to do more metaphysical work and not so much bitching about evil-doers. Being overwhelmed by evil is boring and pointless. So I stop and count my blessings and see where God leads me.
Dearest sister,
Thank you for being there providing the Spiritual and Moral support for all these crappy atrocities taking place on a daily basis. And, you are absolutely right that, “we should stop being overwhelmed by evil and count our blessings”. This is the only way to survive and not hurt our loved ones.
@AGS: In a strange way I feel rather encouraged lately. I sense an awakening in others — as well as my own. And see patterns of good emerging in spite of so much effort to create upheaval.
I am with you and you are right the awakening is there and getting bigger everyday. The things have to get so much worse, for the masses to act.
Best regards,
Could not agree more with Larchmonter445 @ 22 August, 2014 01:27. Victimized myself by it repeatedly when Saker was away, inter alia by a frequent poster evincing a kinder, gentler bigotry. (An absolutely unfounded canard in my case – I’m of an entirely different ethnicity and religion.) Consequently I no longer post by (pseudo) name – generally only news items related to the topic, sometimes with a modest suggestion, labeled as such. (What do I know ? I’m a retired computer specialist, after 44 years in the USG and MIC, trained in Russian in the Army, not a military or geopolitical strategist of any kind, as many of the posters seem to be.)
@AGS: He IS a pragmatic leader after all — not a saint. No doubt Russia was wheeling-and-dealing their relationship with Iran for all it was worth over the past years too. None of that bothers me in the least — as long as Russia is focused on de-clawing the hegemon, building their own economy and supporting cooperative peaceful human advancement. Putin seems to be working in that direction. So, in that sense I am a supporter of Putin.
Dearest AGS,
I fully agree with you and I am a supporter of Putin too. He is a very moral, kind, religious and compassionate human being. As a President of Russia, his first priority is to do the best for Russia. And, you are absolutely correct that, “Russia is focused on de-clawing the hegemon, building their own economy and supporting cooperative peaceful human advancement. Putin seems to be working in that direction.”
Nash has mathematically proven that cooperation is better than confrontation. Confrontation destroy resources, whereas cooperation hopefully put the resources at their optimal use.
And, for the above reason I strongly believe that Putin is genuinely trying to help the Empire. The downfall of the Empire will have repercussions worldwide for all the masses.
Best regards,
Anonymous 22:02,
I realized this morning that Mr. Nora overlooked a pretty important point right in your first paragraph, and that’s that science really doesn’t deal in abstractions per se, or simply ignores stochastic variables. Researchers don’t generate theories or models, they examine very particular details and try to pin down exactly how they fit together: nothing abstract about that! Eventually, yes, well-validated hypotheses can get combined into larger theories and the lay descriptions of, say, string theory or chaos theory can sound very abstract indeed — but to the people who work in those fields, they’re very, very precise and specific. It’s just that we mere mortals don’t fully understand either the math or the underlying reality behind it! I can maybe parrot the words but make no claim whatsoever to truly understand them on any kind of profound, detailed level. It’s kind of like the difference between being presented with something very qualitiatively in an introductory course, as opposed to really digging into all the underlying details in graduate school — but then add another layer of detail and complexity for a cutting-edge research scientist working on expanding our understanding of one particular part of the same thing. They’re all focused on the same thing, but it’d be the difference, maybe, between looking at something with your bare eyes, a regular microscope and an electron microscope — same stuff, but with ever-increasing granularity. And what working scientists do is just so damned specific and requires so much knowledge of the particular subject at hand to even discuss, that generally, they don’t. To all of our detriment, frankly.
According to the CNN/BBC/Fox cable and all the digital “news” of the West’s megaphone meme production services, The Ukrainians are making such startling gains that the war is almost over.
So, I guess, getting 150-200 men killied, an equal amount wounded each day is “gains”. We also know that they are losing 5-10 major vehicles of armor in good condition to the militia (which is losing, according to the meme machine).
Then if you take notice that whole battalions and many brigades of Ukies have been liquidated in the boiler, around the key locations between the border and Lugansk and Lugansk and Donetsk, you can grasp the meaning of “gains” in Ukeanese, translated by the Ukelator meme machine in Washington.
If the Kiev regime of psychopathic whack jobs achieve any more gains, they will need to call up NATO’s clandestine “Rent-an-Army” to keep filling the ranks.
The Ukes are making gains the way a tree trimmer induces branches and leaves to make gains in his wood chipper.
The sawdust pile is growing larger in the gains configuration of Kiev.
However, comedic sarcasm aside, the horrors of massive artillery and bombings rains down on innocent civilians each day and night. The infrastructure is destroyed so water and electric are cut off. Homes are blasted and burnt. And churches are targeted, along with schools for good measure so gains can be secured.
I hope the war crimes are still being documented in Moscow and the prosecution begins with some of the commanders captured. A program of rendition should begin to move prisoners to the docket and demonstrate to the world the enormity of the crimes against humanity by this “new democratic junta”.
We shouldn’t have to wait for justice until the end. Start the process now while the cluster bombs and white phosphorus and GRADS are tearing limbs and heads from children and women and old folks.
Russia must leading the way with the new rules of law it wants to live by. Begin now. Extract the criminals, the colonels and generals and put them into the spotlight.
From the day the riots started at maidan,I could sense trouble coming.I knew about the Orange Revolution” and felt this would be that bad.And it turned out much worse.Through years of propaganda all Ukrainians have been bombarded with “everything is Russia’s fault”.Now with the loss of Crimea and the war in the East that propaganda has tripled and many hate Russia,Putin,and all Russians even or especially Russian speaking Ukrainians.But having laid the groundwork.I’ll say how I believe Ukraine is structured today politically.
1.The largest number are people that wanted democratic change.An end to corruption.But while the largest they are the weakest in power.
2.The oligarchs and their supporters,with their private armies.Smallest in number.But the most powerful.
3.The neo-nazi RS,Fascist Svoboda,and authoritarian Liasko.They are all ultra-nationalists and the difference’s would be if you think of Hitler,Mussolini,and Franco.Similar ideologies,but not quite the same.Those people are gaining daily in support.In the coming elections.I’d be surprised if together they get less than 25-30% of the Rada.They are the worse danger Russia and Russians face in Ukraine.Unless they are eliminated from Ukraine.Russian and Ukrainian Russian speakers can never be safe.
Right now the Oligarch groups are allied to the Ultra-Nationals.And while they despise each other,they need each other.The Oligarchs provide the “face” to the West for Western support.And the money for men and armies.While the Right supporters the men to use those arms.They can’t survive without each other for now.Unless we can defeat those killers Russia has lost Ukraine.And the West gains another base to attack Russia from.
@Nora: Mohamed, The only way Gaza can stop being a prison at this point is a one-state solution — and how on earth, even an earth minus Netanyahoo, will Israel accept that without infinitely more bloodshed, and not just of Gazans or by Israelis. You don’t really think that will happen peacefully any time soon? Forget the leaders, the Israeli public will go berserk (well, okay, more berserk).
Dearest sister,
You are absolutely right that “One State” will take years, not even in our life time. The State has to be “Secular” and not for “Jews Only”.
But the seeds are sowed and you are right until that happens, “infinitely more bloodshed”. However, when that happens the True Semite Jews will learn again to leave with Palestinians.
The non-Semite Jews with “dual citizenship”, most probably will migrate back to their home countries. I am pretty sure that Americans will be waiting with open arms and garlands in their hands to receive them back. ~:) lol
Best regards,
I’ve seen several people posting the video on the “83 out of 4700 returning”.And while its a great video.I don’t read that as many here have.They aren’t saying the others are dead.Some of them did get captured.But I haven’t seen numbers yet or videos of them.And some were killed (not enough).But most either escaped or are still encircled.They just haven’t reported back yet.Hopefully those encircled will surrender or be killed soon.But until then,I’m not counting my chickens.
Point of information Re: J Edgar Hoover. He was a drag queen, lived with a man his whole life, so he was clearly fond of butt rape/affection.
He was also a gambler of great losses that were forgiven by the Mafia who carried his bets. This compromised his work on organized crime.
Other than that, he was a general blackmailer who had something in the file on everyone. If he was an East German, he would have given Marcus Wolf a run for his money. Maybe Marcus would have had tapes of J Edgar’s trysts. Now that would have been something to nauseate old Wolfman.
Then they named the FBI building for this swine.
In the US, if a building or airport or such is named after a guy, he’s usually been a public gangster (hero to the flag wavers). I am sure McCain will get a few edifices named for him. I have a sewer treatment plant that would be perfect.
However, I have a jaundiced view of most authority figures, so take what I say with a caution.
@ProPeace: “Excerpt: “…During the last months of the Bush administration, a Secret Shadow Government (SSG) was created to sabotage President Obama, politically, economically and, in particular, on issues of foreign policy. “Transition conferences” were held, procedures enacted, roadblocks created.
Dearest ProPeace,
Thanks for posting the above. Yes, when I say that both Deep State (Obama) and Putin are in cahoots, they are both trying to destroy the Secret Shadow Government (SSG). They both see the SSG as an existential threat to all mankind.
Best regards,
While it was good to see the article
on the French volunteers.I wish that there was a whole International Brigade like in the Spanish Civil War.It would muddle the MSM propaganda a bit.And put a cover on Russian volunteers going there to fight.I’d like to see anti-Fascists pouring in from Europe and North America to fight Nazism.Its our fight too.To stop that evil from coming back again.But it would need to be men in their 20’s and 30’s with a military background,combat if possible.Thrill seekers or onlookers wouldn’t be helpful.They could include Russian English-speaking ex-military to help fight and translate.And everyone would need to know English.But again it would need to actually be make up of men willing to fight and not sit around in camp.Novorossiya needs fighters if they are to have any chance in winning this war.
@Where-Wolf: This statement is a joke. Direct Russian access to European markets is blocked. Southstream is blocked. The Shia cresent is blocked. Ukraine is blocked.
Dearest Where-Wolf,
Do you really believe the above. These days Oil and Gas is required for all life necessities, including the production of food, let alone the luxuries of life.
BTW, Iran is still under sanctions. The nuclear negotiations are still going on. And, then to build the pipeline will take years.
Best regards,
Dear ProPeace — Thank you for your response to my Polish plane comments. Wasn’t necessarily blaming the crash on Putin or Russia. I don’t know who or what was the cause. Just that a lot of seemingly decent types were eliminated. Not sure the outcome was advantage-Russia. Cui bono? ZOGs no doubt. Same as ever. Patterns, eh…
It does seem there were regional carve-ups or allocated sphere’s of influence that ceded EE to Russia. Although Mossad/CIA/MI6 have their bases throughout the region. It’s a muddle.
Three years ago I paid little attention to these events. Americans were war weary and trying to stay afloat. There were kids to raise and families to support. We were hard-pressed to think our own gov’t — which comprises our neighbors and people we “know” — could be part of an inherently evil plan. 9-11 is key to everything in that regard. I have always considered myself an “everyman”. A bell-weather. Average taxpaying American. Not “exceptional”. Maybe slightly more “sensitive to consciousness” than most. If I see things changing — then others do as well.
Someone said here that Americans want to rule and subjugate Asia and all other regions. Not this American. Frankly, I’m sad that much of Asia is becoming “Americanized”. We tend to export the WORST of America — not the best. The only way I’d support the “subjugation” of Asia or anywhere in the world is if it meant that those who are wreaking such havoc here would leave permanently. But if I were Asian, I wouldn’t want those folks living in my communities either.
This morning I skimmed WaPo and my favorite CIA shill — David Ignatius — had another boffo Op-Ed. The sayanim have co-opted the phrase “Fighting Evil” as their rationale for boots in Iraq — once again — to fight ISIS. They LOVE co-opting the language of Truth to twist the meanings to fit their goals. For example: Zion once stood for spiritual foundation, inspiration, spiritual strength. It now stands for emptiness, degradation, unfaithfulness. And Israel meant “striver with God”. Well perhaps Zionists believe they are on par with God. Cause they tend to take those meanings literally, non? So now they’re using the term “evil” on those they need to create chaos against. To suck us into another war against the “evil” they created. If we want to destroy Evil, bomb Langley.
Onward and Upward!
Dear AGS, Let me re-iterate Smolensk crash was a terrible !_accident_! due to outrageous _negligence_ of many people over a number of years (apart from stupidity and arrogance of the Israel-loving president who perished), as well as stupidity of the Polish political class who allowed to pack many high-value officials into one plane and did not coordinate the Katyń memorial visits between the president’s and the PM’s offices. The investigation showed conclusively that a series of grave mistakes, starting even months before, led to that great tragedy.
Re: ISIS. A friend in the UK sent me this piece from Haaretz back in 2002. You will, erm, note the interesting coincidence in terminology… (Actually, your eyes will probably pop right out of your head in the very first paragraph — mine sure did!) Just another piece of corroborating data, but still…
Dear Mohamed,
thank you for your reply, i ma glad we see Obama’s role clearly. That’s why it is important to see through all that efforts to disable him, by impeachment or other means. Everybody should see that the trail from the most vicious attacks lead eventually to Israeli criminal cabal.
Obama is a GAMBIT man – he’s presidency is about gambits, sadly involving loss of innocent lives oftentimes…
I would appreciate a _lot_ if you could find some time to answer my other questions/comments also from other thread.
Stay well!
I just heard the European Space Agency launched a Galileo Satellite today.
So I watch the video replay and notice it was loaded on a Soyuz rocket…
No sanctions when it comes to important stuff heh ?
AFA Alex Jones is concerned – he was a “gate opener” for me, from his web sites I learned about 9/11 hoax, and alternative media like Global Research, Land Destroyer, Voltairenet, Russia today, Press TV.
Sadly in November 2012 I could clearly see that he’s a double agent playing for both sides. He’s been always sitting on the fence ready to jump on the winning side when the things are finally decided.
He’s shilling for that anti-human criminal Romney that November, despite pathetic attempts to cover that up, was really disgusting.
But him being a double agent still renders him very useful, especially as a measurement tool of who’s really winning at the moment.
@Anonymous: Mohammed, to say that God and creation are one is contrary to Islam see chapter al-Ikhlāṣ of the Quran.
Wahdat al-Wujud is a sufi concept that has no place in Islam.
Allah is transcendent and not comparable let alone one with His creation.
Salam brother/sister,
From your above posting, I can tell you are a Muslim, and not a Sufi.
Imam Ali (as) is considered the head of the Sufism. To understand this fully and understand Allah is Transcendent to read Imam Ali (as) : Nahjul Balagha (Peak of Eloquence). Especially, Sermon 185 and then Sermon 1. The Shia believe that each verse of the Holy Quran has 7 meanings, therefore the writings of Imam Ali (as) has multiple meanings too. It is the Shia who are real Sufi.
It was Ibn Arabi who started the concept of Wahdat al-Wujud. It was Mulla Sadra born in 1572, who extensively wrote about Wahdat al-Wujud. The late Imam Ayatollah Khomeini who was a Sufi is considered a student of both Ibn Arabi and Mulla Sadra. The Iranian Revolution is credited to the works of Mulla Sadra.
It is good that you brought Surat al-Ikhlāṣ. Ayatollah Kamal al-Haydari, who is another Sufi and student of both Ibn Arabi and Mulla Sadra is very much despised by “liver eaters” because his stance on Ibn Taymiyyah.
He bring the first verse of Surat al-Ikhlāṣ, where “Wahid” is not used for “One”, but “Ahad” is used for “One Unit”.
The same concept of “Ahad” is used in Shema Ya’ Israel in Bible, which negates the concept of Holy Trinity.
Best regards,
Dearest ProPeace,
Let me make a few points:
1. Meyssan is surprised because the deal between Obama and Putin should have been implemented in full much earlier, and McCain and his cabal has manged to inflict too much damage in the meantime (Ukraine)
McCain, Graham, Kerry, Obama are all in cahoot with Putin. However, if things are given so easily to Putin, then Obama will be impeached.
2. I believe Russia would have regained Crimea either way, without the Kiev coup and the following bloodshed.
True, but they won’t had it legally. Now they have it legally.
3. Please shed some more light on how Satanyahoo is cornered, we know they with Obama hate each other but that terrorist scum from Tel Aviv is doing to Palestinians whatever he pleases.
Netanyahu is still involved in Gaza. He would like it to be over, but it is not over. His downfall was planned long ago. Kerry negotiations for “Two State” were intentionally doomed to fail, and therefore they were all verbal and not written. Netanyahoo was given a long, long rope and he still is being given a long, long rope.
4. I know that some ISIS massacres are fake, as is the “beheading of Foley”, but which else in Iraq, and which in Ukraine (Odessa was 100% real)?
Not everything is fake, but most of it is illusion.
5. There is absolutely now way McCain and Clinton are from the same group as Obama – the president fired her and make her suffer a lot in public and in private for subverting together with Petreaus his deal with Putin on Syria in summer 2012. Bill Clinton has been very hostile towards Obama, McCain, Graham fight him every way possible.
Clinton is not part of them and she is very, very gunning for wars. She is thinking to run for President in 2016, but the American are very war weary. Her behavior doesn’t make sense. As I said earlier, maybe she too is giving Netanyahoo enough rope for her own personal grieving against him.
6. Good point on Russia’s part in UN unjust sanctions on Iraq – could you elaborate? (also about allegedly cancelled deal on S300). (BTW Whitney claim of backstabbing Russia is pure nonsense). Also how do you know Qatar is with Iran now?
Qatar is one of the six GCC, and I said earlier they have been isolated by the giant of GCC, Saudi Arabia.
7. The ISIS thing is a double-edge sword: 1) you collect all the scum in one place, easier to take out (like the ATO in Ukraine) but 2) they block now the Iran-Iraq-Syria gas pipeline and the Shia Resistance crescent?
Nothing to do with ISIS. It all has to do with the remnants of Saddam Hussein Baathists, who are carrying out daily suicide bombings in Iraq and killing 1,000 innocent civilians a month.
Anyway, there will be no regular presidential elections in the US in 2016
Well said! But we never know, as Karl Rove was thoroughly surprised with the 2012 results in Ohio. Check the story out about him and Fox news.
Best regards,
@Nora and Mr Nora 22 August, 2014 02:37
I thank you and Mr Nora for your kind reply.
We see things a little differently, but we also agree. That is how it should be and it is good for all kinds of research.
Social sciences are also called sciences in my language, that is the source of the confusion. The universe is, of course awesome. Beautiful and in order. We try to understand it and a little by little we will. When I say I see chaos, I see our whole reality and understand very little. That is why we start by studying a small part of it.
In the 20th century, science was partly commercialized, so we did concentrate on getting something to work. I think, though, that this was convenient for some of us.
Of course you are aware of the limitations, but many are not and that is why I posted.
We can use as many parameters as we want, but can we handle more than four variables? Five variables in an equation, can we handle them? Abel tried and partly succeeded. Then he showed us where he was wrong. It is possible mathematicians have gotten around the problem by now. I am not active anymore, so I am not sure.
Higher order equations are beautiful and absolutely necessary in your field. I mentioned them because I sometimes see for example economists clinging to static models. With these they “educate” politicians. After a couple of lessons, according to their varying ability, they have absorbed a small part of the theory, the one the economists wanted them to have. They start misinforming the masses, saying the most outrageous things. Politics and economics in a dysfunctional marriage can take down an economy,
You and I know correlation and causation are not the same, but I assure you I have heard some dumb theories where the two were confused, in my life. The storks
help people see the trap.
We seem to agree that science and religion are not in conflict. I want people to see that, too. Science, with all its limitations, can never replace religion.
Nora said…
…that science really doesn’t deal in abstractions per se, or simply ignores stochastic variables. …
Of course it does. Since Archimedes. Even earlier. Higher math (even not so high) must deal with abstractions or else it would be extremely limited. Science follows. It has no choice.
As for stochastic variables, no one is ignoring them. Au contraire, mon ami. There is an entire sector in mathematics devoted to stochastic calculus, integration, matrices, ODE, PDE, etc, etc. Some of them are my friends. In fact, quantum mechanics, genetics, signal engineering, and other sciences do deal/model probabilistic (random, stochastic) phenomena, on a daily basis, mostly linear, few nonlinear as well.
Regards, Spiral
@Anonymous 09:05
“The Universde is anything but chaotic..”
Agreed, but we learn about it very slowly. In the beginning we don’t understand a thing and so we look at chaos. It took our best minds some time to figure out how best to measure the distance to the Sun. Knowing this distance makes it possible for us to calculate other distances. We had to start by solving one problem to be able to expand our knowledge – and it still expands.
Hannes Alfven, the Nobel prize winner, said the big bang theory was probably a catholic idea. That does not mean the theory is wrong. I would prefer continuous creation, but I leave this matter to the experts.
@Nora 22 August, 2014 14:39
I see it differently, as you know. I say the written language is an abstraction. It is a bleak copy of communicating face to face with someone. Hands, eyes and much more are used in a personal conversation. However, written language is a good functional abstraction. It is perfect for analysis since it makes us stick to the issues, but an abstraction it is.
Every time we measure a distance we produce an abstraction. We get a measurement that is good enough, but it is never completely perfect. The error is so small it does not matter, but it is there. A mathematician once said his main task was to minimize errors. When you study mathematics on a higher level, you leave this material world and live in a beautiful abstract world. That world is a very good tool, but an abstraction it is.
Anonymous 17:04,
You’re quite welcome, and thank you for your thoughtful replies. We’re glad, and very relieved, that we pretty much see eye to eye! ;~) It’s a slog, sometimes, getting some of this stuff through to people. And again, it’s not helped by most hard scientists really shying away from talking about their work too much with people who don’t really understand it bc their audience’s eyes either glaze over in boredom when they try to explain something, or elsethey get so much hostility from folks who simply won’t listen at all to what they’re trying to say. The news media really don’t help either, bc they always sensationalize even the smallest results — and the whole thinking behind genuine science is an almost compulsive awareness of not being able to say more than your results will bear! So yes, politics and any kind of science really don’t meld well (I could tell you stories…).
But I’d like to point out that, in the hard sciences at least, there is a very big difference between basic research (poking into stuff just to learn more about it), and applied research or engineering, where various results of that basic research are put to use. Maybe that’s part of the confusion, because certainly here, back in the day, we did a lot of basic research, but beginning maybe in the 1990’s, perhaps a bit earlier, the focus changed/the pendulum swung way towards applied stuff, partly bc the funding for basic research just kept drying up. And since there’s always a time-lag between basic research and putting it to good use, we’ve been cutting off our own future.
We are not sure we understand your concern about using four variables, though. Certainly in some instances, such as multivariate regression analyses, you can have as many variables as you like: it depends on the strength of your data. In physics, however, there are generally three spatial variables and one time variable, functioning independently. So yes, although it depends on what you want to do, it is quite possible to deal with four variables.
And we’re both utterly delighted that you likewise see that science and religion are not at all in conflict and would also like to help others understand that! We hope things are better in that regard in your country, because they’re actually quite grim here. The US needs science — all societies do — but the general hostility among the non-scientifically-inclined here bodes quite ill for our future.
You see God and Devil on a straight line, perpetual tug of war, perpetual confrontation rather than cooperation.
No but your explanation comes perilously close to the Masonic view.
I do, however, see evil and strive to work against it. When you suggest evil is just “co-operating” with good you are opening a space where people who do evil can claim they are just acting according to God’s plan. Victims of evil never use this justification or see it as truthful.
I can’t speak knowledgably about Islam but I have a lifetime of experience witnessing Christians, sincere believers and good people, demonstrate a complete inability to recognize and address it. From what I’ve gathered, it is imprinted into the DNA of their beliefs, unlike in Judaism.
In Western civilization there are two primary cognitive types: master and slave. The master is taught to use ‘evil’ wisely while the slave is pushed to remain ignorant. I believe those who follow Brotherhood teachings have deluded themselves into believing they are agents of historical change, i.e. doing God’s will. If this is so then you are the one who confuses ambition for yourself with ambition for God.
Partly on the strength of some of your previous recommendations, I am currently comparing the story of Yusuf in the Koran with that of Joseph in the Torah/Bible. The differences are as suprising as they are informative. Recommendations are always appreciated. Thank you. I will make a note of Wahdat al-Wujud.
:) Funny.
Thank you.
Mohamed, at 15:16 you say:
“…{when) I say that both Deep State (Obama) and Putin are in cahoots, they are both trying to destroy the Secret Shadow Government (SSG). They both see the SSG as an existential threat to all mankind.”
I wouldn’t dream to question your knowledge of the intricacies of Islam, but the statement here about Obama’s collusion with Putin is simply wrong.
He has continued the destruction of the Bush presidency (if you can call it that – I don’t.) He has increased all of the punitive powers against the people by executive decree (his own doing). He has destroyed or subverted the social programs put in place by FDR and has toadied to Wall Street, increasing the chasm between rich and poor, and so many other atrocious acts of nonleadership that I am truly aghast such a pleasant fellow as yourself would continue to maintain this delusion.
Fortunately many in the United States and in the world now know his true ambitions, and ambitions they most certainly are. He quite simply wants to be one of them, the oligarchs, the very very obscenely rich. That’s his goal in life. What they ask, he does.
How is that ‘trying to destroy them’?
He’s a wannabe. Sorry to say that – I voted for him the first time, realized my mistake and voted Green the next. But the machines are fixed, I truly believe, and not fixed in a good way, or you would have seen evidence that many, like me, had the scales fall from their eyes in that first term. We in this country woke up before the world did, but even that is happening now.
You only have to read his Nobel Prize speech to know where this man is coming from. He even dissed Martin Luther King, for crying out loud!
Uh, I thought that was what I said. Either I didn’t say it clearly, or you misunderstood, mais oui, mon ami, ils sont nos bons amis aussi.
Anonymous 18:43,
Maybe its semantics, but to my way of thinking, when you use the word abstraction, I’d substitute approximation. Research really is always a process of approximation — and the finer (or more highly developed) the instrumentation, the closer the approximation. But words are too — I’ve thought for a long time that our use of language has actually robbed us of a lot (not that I’d have it any other way, but still…). I’m a quantitative type but hardly at Mr. Nora’s level or yours either, apparently, but I can still certainly see your point. And thinking in numbers, even at my level, is certainly more abstract than thinking in words and there is a true beauty in that, a true beauty indeed. It’s also kind of fun.
@Where-Wolf: Partly on the strength of some of your previous recommendations, I am currently comparing the story of Yusuf in the Koran with that of Joseph in the Torah/Bible. The differences are as surprising as they are informative. Recommendations are always appreciated. Thank you. I will make a note of Wahdat al-Wujud.
Dearest Where-Wolf,
True, the differences are profound. Where as, all the Prophets are shown in OT in bad light, in Koran the same Prophets are shown good and role models to follow, including the very first Prophet Adam (as).
Human beings are shown as the best of the creation and better than angels. In future, there might be better creations than human beings.
According to Roger Penrose, the two controlling variables out of 11 variables are Time and Space. He further states, as we go higher and higher, even Time and Space doesn’t exist, it is an illusion.
The Koran follows the same pattern, the stories are not in chronology. And, one story might be splashed here and there. In one verse it might change from the present tense to the past tense and then to the future tense. Add to that, the translations doesn’t do justice to the original Arabic language.
Imam Ali (as) Nahjul Balagha is considered a must for understanding Koran. To understand God according to him, please first refer to Sermon 185 and then to Sermon 1. Remember, not everything is literal. Also, the same site has many, many books on Islam.
Best regards,
@Nora and Mr Nora 22 August, 2014 19:49
I think this discussion brought us closer. Thank you for your input. I hope the readers of the blog got something to think about. Science is a powerful tool [Bill Clinton, an ignorant man, called it magic and made me suspicious], but those who know its essence, know its great capabilities and its limitations. There is a reason why terminally ill medical doctors turn to homeopathic remedies. They know what they do not know. You and I have had an extraordinary priviliege and it is only fair that we try to share and educate others.
When I was a teenager, the politicians told us that scientists and politicians were ready to replace the Christian religion. The situation is not better here than in the US.
If anyone on this blog has learned anything from our correspondence, we have not lived in vain.
@Anonymous: Hannes Alfven, the Nobel prize winner, said the big bang theory was probably a catholic idea. That does not mean the theory is wrong. I would prefer continuous creation, but I leave this matter to the experts.
Dear Anonymous,
Quran tells us two different method the Universe was created.
1. Six days/seasons which is understood by human being as it contains time. Of course, God didn’t rest on the seventh day/season.
2. God said, “Be!”. And, “it was”. Of course, one has again to remove the time period of that mil-second, as there is no time evolved between God’s Will and something to happen.
Quran also tells us that it is ever expanding universe. So far, human being is the best of creation, better than angels, but it doesn’t mean there won’t be better creation than humans in future in this ever expanding universe.
Imam Ali (as) tell us that since God is First and Last, therefore there is no Time and Space involved as far as He is concerned. Eventually, the Heaven and Hell including the angels will be destroyed too. And, then what will God do? He will start creating again by Willing, “Be!”.
Even Roger Penrose has changed his Big Bang theory. He now says, that the First Big Bang was very specialized and as it gets bigger and bigger, before it fades away, it triggers another specialized Big Bang, thus a never ending serious of Big Bang, thus an ever expanding universe.
He even goes further that there are 11 elements, and the two controlling elements are Time and Space. He goes on that as go deep and deep, the Time and Space doesn’t exist and it is an illusion.
Best regards,
@Anonymous: We seem to agree that science and religion are not in conflict. I want people to see that, too. Science, with all its limitations, can never replace religion.
Dearest Anonymous,
Why you think that some people consider science and religion to be mutually exclusive. Maybe, some religions do, but definitively all the religions are not the same.
In Islam God is considered Truth. If God is Truth, then Truth should never be scared of questionings. It is science which leads us to questionings and eventually leads us to Truth.
Best regards,
@juliania: I wouldn’t dream to question your knowledge of the intricacies of Islam, but the statement here about Obama’s collusion with Putin is simply wrong.
You only have to read his Nobel Prize speech to know where this man is coming from. He even dissed Martin Luther King, for crying out loud!
Dearest sister,
From day one of Ukraine and Crimea crisis, I have been saying that both Obama and Putin are in cahoots.
My stance hasn’t changed, and every day it goes on my stance becomes more hardened in stone.
As far as Obama is concerned, I have no respect for him. He is not running the Presidency, it is the Deep State who is running the Presidency, and it was neocons who were running the Bush Presidency.
The Deep State knows due to neocons ventures, the Empire is in dire straits and about to collapse. In the first term of Obama they continued on with Bush’s Presidency. In second term of Obama they changed course. Putin knows it too.
As per Putin, if the Empire fails, it will not be good for masses worldwide, therefore he is helping the Empire for a soft landing on its feet.
Putin is not doing this for the Empire but for the masses in USA and Worldwide.
Best regards,
@Mohamed:From day one of Ukraine and Crimea crisis, I have been saying that both Obama and Putin are in cahoots.
Indeed. And from day one you have been completely wrong. The fact is that nobody on this planet as done more against the Empire than Putin, hence the hatred which the AngloZionist have for him. Forgive me for saying so, but in this instance your position is a case of “don’t confuse me with fact, I have made up my opinion”.
My 2cts.
The Saker
@Where-Wolf: In Western civilization there are two primary cognitive types: master and slave. The master is taught to use ‘evil’ wisely while the slave is pushed to remain ignorant. I believe those who follow Brotherhood teachings have deluded themselves into believing they are agents of historical change, i.e. doing God’s will. If this is so then you are the one who confuses ambition for yourself with ambition for God.
Dearest Where-Wolf,
I am not sure what you mean with the above. No one knows God’s Will, and He knows every creation will.
Also, God doesn’t needs us to do His Will, as we cannot help God, but God helps everyone.
Sometimes, we see evil but we cannot recognize it then, but maybe later we can recognize it after doing some self thinking and self searching.
The Shia believe that it is in our instinct to know “Good and Evil”. The Sunni believe that God (religion) taught us what is “Good” and what is “Evil”.
Thus, all Muslims believe, all we can do is to do “Good” and avoid “Evil”, but we are humans and God is all Merciful.
The Shia believe in Freewill and the Sunni believe in Predestination. Therefore, according to Sunni all those corrupt Caliphs, Kings, Presidents … are appointed by God’s Will, therefore they have to live under these corrupt thugs without questionings. The Shia believe otherwise.
The Muslims Brotherhood believe that all those corrupt thugs were appointed by Master of the Colonies, and they question this might not be God’s Will. Therefore, an attempt to be made to remove them peacefully.
Best regards,
@Saker: Indeed. And from day one you have been completely wrong. The fact is that nobody on this planet as done more against the Empire than Putin, hence the hatred which the AngloZionist have for him. Forgive me for saying so, but in this instance your position is a case of “don’t confuse me with fact, I have made up my opinion”.
Salam brother Saker,
Haha, you might be right, only God knows, And, facts which appear facts might be illusions.
Only God has the knowledge of “hidden”. No human being is privy to this knowledge, not even the Prophets. The Prophets are told parts of it on a “knowing” basis.
However, there is no doubt in my mind that Putin has done more against the Empire and for the goodwill of masses. Even now, Putin helping the Empire against its downfall, he is doing for the masses too. If the Empire fails, the masses will be very badly affected Worldwide. The Empire has become “too big to fail”. By taking away most of the Empire’s Powers, maybe it can be reduced to normal level. And, then it fails, it won’t matter so much.
Best regards,
Anonymous 23:06,
God Bless you! And thank you, a lot. And yes, I hope so; we certainly tried. ;~)
I have a question. I’ve puzzled for some time now at your use of Bolshevik when referring to folks I think of as obnoxious, self-serving Neoliberal elites sucking the life out of not just the Ivies but schools all over the country. But it finally occurred to me tonight that maybe you don’t mean Bolshevik literally, (because they’re hardly Communist, and most of them aren’t even all that Liberal for that matter), but that by using that terms maybe you mean destructive parasites doing to this country now just what they did to Russia way back when. Am I right on that/have I got it? Because if so, I couldn’t agree more! ;~)
Dear friend,
You are wrong in respect to the devil (actually Islam is). The Devil exists! Who does the beheadings (of Christians mainly)?
Vinesaker 00:30
Thanks for your 2cts…
I remember from the NATO war against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY) that almost all the destroyed FRY tanks, artillery and planes reported by NATO were a lie. The Chief of the Yugoslav Air Force led a massive decoy strategy where a couple thousand pieces of decoy armor were bombed by NATO planes. He also deployed microwave oven arrays (with their doors removed and NATO bombed them as if they were portable radar installations. Sadly the air force chief of staff was one of the few FRY military losses during the war.
Unfortunately, few on the West know anything about the NATO big lie about their air war success. I mention this as there seems to be a bizarro world in the Western media over the success of the Junta forces over the Dombass defenders. This even shows up in some of the nominally Russian news such as RIANOVOSTI where the map overstates the territory controlled by the Junta forces and doesn’t mention the 24th, 25th, 30th, 72nd, 79th, and 95 brigades, although it claims the Junta forces still control the battle space they once occupied:–In-Ukraines-Southeast.html
@Anonymous 21 August, 2014 14:08, Wikipedia is NOT entirely compromised. Yes, its very nature means that all sorts of intelligence agencies can and DO influence it, but it is also edited by thousands and thousands of average people, and it has a complicated bureaucratic process that even the CIA spooks have to work within. If your assertion is that the PROCESS is a sham, then you must still WORK to show that it is a sham to the millions of average readers who believe in it. Just like Russia is doing currently, trying to work within international law and exposing, step by step, the double standards at work. Russia isn’t doing this for the benefit of the United States, it’s doing this to force the US into a catch-22: either obey their own laws (which probably won’t happen) or show to other potential allies around the world that the system is a sham.
Note that in the discussion I linked, the administrator Everyking went on the record as being in favour of including the US as a supporter of Ukraine. That pokes a bit of a hole in your theory of “every Wikipedia administrator is a CIA agent”, doesn’t it? What’s really happening is that you don’t know how it works, and that makes you uncomfortable, so you seek solace in articles like the one you linked which say that “there’s no point in even trying”.
@Nora: Bolshevik literally, (because they’re hardly Communist, and most of them aren’t even all that Liberal for that matter), but that by using that terms maybe you mean destructive parasites doing to this country now just what they did to Russia way back when. Am I right on that/have I got it? Because if so, I couldn’t agree more! ;~)
Dear Nora,
In my case you are absolutely right, when I earlier discussed the birth of USA.
Best regards,
Well, in my research on Limonov / Dugin, for which I had really short time, I found this, maybe a few more around here you might be interested. It seems a very interesting novel, I do not have time now, but winter here is very long …..
“Just found this interesting video of 83 out of 4,700 men returned. Families asking questions!”
I have been pondering this issue of the treatment of Ukrainian conscripts. They are trying to force all Ukrainian men between 18 and 55 to the war zone. Also, it seems they do not want these men to return home alive. What are the possible motives? The question needs to be asked.
There are many reports that Ukie soldiers have no food and little or no ammo. It has been reported that after Ukie soldiers run out of ammo they are not allowed to withdraw, but are instead forced to stay in the war zone where they will be killed. Then there are the Ukie POWs who report seeing wounded soldiers buried alive in a mass grave, rather than sent home for medical care. Last night I read a report that fracking operations had started in some area in the Eastern region of Ukraine that has already been “cleansed” of people.
Is the West is planning to occupy Ukraine or do they have some other plan that would render these men inconvenient or do they fear revolution by the now-armed male population?
I have no answers, but believe it is important to think about the possibilities. Such thoughts are unthinkable and are often pushed aside as conspiracy theory, but I know the US to be fully capable of guiding such a scheme. These people have no regard for human life – American, Russian, Ukrainian or otherwise.
If they have a murderous intent against the nearly the entire Ukrainian population it is important to be willing to think about it, to be willing to “see” and acknowledge what they are doing.
Nora – Many American conservatives feel the elite scheme is aimed toward not only global dictatorship, but global communist dictatorship. The use of Bolshevik may come from that part of the political spectrum. Take a look at the New American, the magazine of the John Birch Society. This actually makes quite an interesting read, (probably surprisingly). There you will find very intelligent articles (again surprisingly) free of anything like racism that explain their view of an underlying communist plot. Their antipathy toward progressives stems from their belief that the left is working to bring such a plot to fruition. (Scrbd also has a good collection of JBS writing.)
The neocons, you know, have their ideological roots in Trotsky. Maybe there is a bit of truth in the conservative view. UN Agenda 21 also appears to aim to bring about a tyrannical global communism.
For my part, it doesn’t matter what you call it. Psychopathic evil will do… The people lose in any case.
Thank you for taking the time to tell me this. I haven’t read any John Birch Society literature for years, but now have a new addition to my (totally out of control) reading list, bc I really am curious! But, not being up to date on what’s in there, my own take is that Communism, as in state ownership of the means of production, is pretty well dead and even Scandinavian Social Democracy, which, I think, is as close to Socialism as anyone ever got, is pretty much a thing of the past. Neoliberalism is pretty much it nowadays, and that has more to do with corporate control of pols, and polities, anywhere and everywhere, plus an international banking system in which City of London gets a cut of every transaction made (including of course the Fed). I find that every bit as scary, maybe even more so. And actually, my very first thought after reading your comment was about all the doctors I’ve known who, in their hatred for Medicare and fears of Communism… ended up backing right into an insurance system that did the very thing they feared: take medical decisions right out of their hands and into those of the ubiquitous green eye-shades whose permission must almost be begged before you can take anything more than an aspirin. So right now, not having read the New American, I’m thinking we’ve all backed into Neoliberalism instead and that anyone truly worried about a Communist resurgence is either stuck in the past, or being encouraged to bark up the wrong tree. But I’ll check it out, and let you know. ;~) And yes, there is good in Conservatism, and none whatsoever in the Trotskyite version thereof: those folks are genuinely Evil, but I’d add in a whole bunch of Neoliberals as well, especially since there seems to have been a real melding of the two lately — to wit, the ongoing rape of Ukraine.
Nora – I agree completely, but have just one thing to add. It is their ongoing effort to reshape the US according to the blueprint of UN Agenda 21 that suggests to me the endgame may differ from the current stage of neo-liberal plunder.
A former candidate for the senate in Montana, Stan Jones, said publicly years ago that the constitution of the North American Union is to be based on the constitution of the Soviet Union.
This is a link to his speech (only about 3 minutes):
This is not exactly authoritative, but based on analysis I have read of Agenda 21 and on the fact that its implementation in the US is ongoing, I can only say the endgame might prove the JBS to be right.
I have to add that nothing is certain in any of this. They have spent years postponing these plans and may never be able to bring them to fruition. In the meantime, I think it is best to focus on their sins of the present, as you correctly point out.
Turned in our direction, the UN is toothless: never yet forced us to do anything we weren’t already doing. It was designed as a means by which *we* can control everyone else, and still is. Don’t forget, we’ve got — and use — a veto power. So all this fear the Right has had of the UN since its inception I do think is pretty silly — just like some dude in Montana talking about the North American Union being based on the constitution of the USSR. C’mon Pat, that’s just pure paranoia speaking — and a bit of a fixation with the past. Not even Russia is going back to the Soviet Union, and besides there were three separate constitutions — surely if he knew so much about this North American Union, don’t you think he’d know which constitution? What is much more genuinely worrisome is the banking system/petrodollar/MIC system, bc that’s real, and that’s the way the AZ Empire keeps its control — at our expense and everyone else’s. It’s not that some other power will overcome us, but that those on top here, London and Israel will impoverish and destroy all the rest of us, everywhere that really, really scares me. We don’t even have an agreed-upon name to call these people, and they’ve taken over and are running the show. Not a pol in DC that isn’t quite comfortably in their pocket, not one.