Dear friends,
I will spend most of the day tomorrow on the road. God willing, I will be back tomorrow evening. In the meantime, please feel free to discuss anything except the topic of global warming which (by popular demand) I am banning just because it would really burden this blog. I will try to moderate the comments as often as possible from my van.
Also, one reader told me that the stupid CAPTCHAs now feature some kind of advertisement. If so, sorry about that. I ask for your patience just a little longer, the new server in Iceland should be ready soon, at which point I will move the entire blog.
Have a great day and “see you” tomorrow evening,
The Saker
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83 out of 4’700: Fighters ask, why they were sent «into certain death» – ENG SUBS
(Sorry, not sure how to post link.)
Dearest Mohamed — My Brother-in-Truth — I have never left you. Just quieter these days. Taking time to do more metaphysical work and not so much bitching about evil-doers. Being overwhelmed by evil is boring and pointless. So I stop and count my blessings and see where God leads me.
Thank you for mentioning Nash and principle of cooperation. I too think these country’s are working cooperatively — and that its not a matter of one replacing another — but of making room for more participants. I have great respect for Persians. They are more than capable of working with more than one partner.
In the last few years I’ve stopped associating with people who operate as zero-sum. In a way, its why I stopped attending church. When Christians ignore the suffering in Palestine, it’s not Christianity. At least not that I recognize nor associate with my understanding of Christ. If the purpose of church is encouragement — then perhaps I don’t need what is being “encouraged” in most churches today. Then again — I was never one to confuse God and religion.
In a strange way I feel rather encouraged lately. I sense an awakening in others — as well as my own. And see patterns of good emerging in spite of so much effort to create upheaval.
Blessings to you!
Kiev in U-turn over claim that ‘Russian tanks, artillery and 1,200 fighters’ had been deployed in Eastern Ukraine as evidence fails to materialise
Read more:
This is the Daily Mail here. Basically saying the Junta has been lying and is untrustworthy, followed by a piece on the chaos in the East.
The Daily Mail is about as On Message as you can get. The Junta is getting abandoned. What we see is weeks behind the real changes in momentum that occur within governments.
▶ 83 out of 4’700: Fighters ask, why they were sent «into certain death» – ENG SUBS – YouTube
@15:15 Anon
Housing is up but new single family home sales are flat. The housing market is so cratered that the demand for rental housing is off the charts
It’s not the sign of a good recovery but evidence of the new diminished opportunity for people being able to qualify and afford new housing
Saker, hopefully you can pass this on for correction to the Oceania blog site – the comments section doesn’t seem to be accessible. I’ve tried all the ways I can think of to see what folk might be commenting, and partial listings are there to the left, but as far as I can see it isn’t possible to read, though the blank comment square does appear.
Are others having this problem? Perhaps I am just not seeing the link.
Mohamed — One more thought. My opinion is Putin was a junior partner with US Deep State for a long time. They promised him Eastern Europe, he promised to stay out of the ME. Then Deep State killed Kaddafi and Putin had a “road to Damascus” moment — literally and figuratively. Everything changed. That said — I have little doubt that Putin deals with ZIO Deep State when and where he can. His silence regarding Gaza is a piece of it. Maybe he traded for some benefit to Eastern Ukraine. He IS a pragmatic leader after all — not a saint. No doubt Russia was wheeling-and-dealing their relationship with Iran for all it was worth over the past years too. None of that bothers me in the least — as long as Russia is focused on de-clawing the hegemon, building their own economy and supporting cooperative peaceful human advancement. Putin seems to be working in that direction. So, in that sense I am a supporter of Putin. Without the ZIO Deep State starting wars to keep the petro-dollar alive — things will be MUCH better for all mankind. Then we shall see just how “exceptional” Americans are — when they are forced to become moral beings once again.
Cheers, AGS
To anonymous who said this: “as white cops execute black kids on the streets of St. Louis and the ‘black’ attorney general promises ‘justice’.” That “kid” (regardless of his skin color) was 18 years old – legally an adult – and 6’4″ 250 pounds (biologically an adult) and he attacked a police officer and tried to steal his gun after robbing a convenience store. I am not going to get into the details of why it was a good shoot, I will just politely ask you to refrain from dragging your racist politics into this forum as you are very likely going to start problems. If you want to talk about police militarization, that is fine – but trying to make this an issue of evil white people against innocent black people is a loosing proposition. Saker, I am sure you agree.
Are you aware that there is a Basque Country – Donbass Solidarity Committee? I got there through that site I told you about a while back but of course can’t read a word of it. ;~)
I want to thank you for your most interesting observations, and most especially the ones you posted here just now. I always learn from them, and these in particular have been most valuable indeed. Utterly chilling, as regards the coming economic collapse of Ukraine (Pavel Sheremeta just resigned — the first rat leaving the ship being an Economic Minister is a pretty ominous sign), and your last paragraph in that piece may be even more chilling. Divide and conquer indeed. But thank you for this (said she, shivering in the August heat); it makes all the sense in the world.
Oh fergawdsakes, give it up already. All books were not created equal: some even have facts in them. And, believe it or not, having read one book — or even two or three — does not an expert make. Au contraire, mon ami, au contraire. Learning to sift out the wheat from the chaff is not just an academic, but a pretty important life skill, actually.
The only way Gaza can stop being a prison at this point is a one-state solution — and how on earth, even an earth minus Netanyahoo, will Israel accept that without infinitely more bloodshed, and not just of Gazans or by Israelis. You don’t really think that will happen peacefully any time soon? Forget the leaders, the Israeli public will go berserk (well, okay, more berserk).
I’d sure like to see the perpetrators all tried and convicted though — from the bottom to the top. But Mohamed, even though more and more people know about AIPAC, it’s still pretty darned strong here — have you seen those recent votes in Congress? I’d hardly call that moribund, you know?
Hi Saker
thought you might find this a good read, Know your busy so thought I would bring it to you here
@ Nora,
Thank you very much, Nora. I had no idea. I missed that around here not organize something. People here are very supportive for these things, Sahara and Palestine, for example…
As I can, I take a look at all the material and I contact them if I can work something out.
The page is written in Euskera, do not know if your translators will give you the option in that language. I think there is nothing like this language in the world.
I learned a few years ago, being adult mature yet, and believe me, it is too much effort.
Old Ez said…
To anonymous who said this: “as white cops execute black kids on the streets of St. Louis and the ‘black’ attorney general promises ‘justice’ . . .
Hey man. Check out the execution of Powell, four miles outside of Ferguson, who was shot 9 times in cold blood – video released on Youtube last night. The pigs lied about that one too. Perhaps we’ll see some reaction to that event tonight across the country.
Pigs come in all colors – and I, as a white person, am just as vulnerable to the human weakness that translates into racist behaviour as anyone else. But nobody can deny that America, with the war on drugs, militarization of police, prison industrial complex, late stage capitalist crisis, etc. – is conducting a Slavery 2.0 policy. So when I talk about white pigs executing black kids on the streets (something that happens every week in the USA) I mean exactly what I say, do not apologize for it, and demand that it requires active armed resistance in order to stop it.
Check out Shaun Walker’s latest ‘dispatch’ at The Guardian. They never learn. Same BS, insinuations – I guess the experience of global disdain for the ‘Russian invasion’ story wasn’t enough for Shaun and his ‘editors’. Pretty funny. As the nuclear bombs drop, they’ll be writing the same shit. Well – at least it lets everybody know where it’s really at. Good luck, Shaun and your ‘editors’. You and your neofascist clique are on the way out. Will there be gas enough for your luxury car? To heat your gated complexes? Don’t let the fallout get you down.
@WestTX 11:55
“self-hating terrorists” (SHT)
You made me laugh. Thank you. I hope to hear from you again.
Q: as the US defeating Japan and Germany
R: Russia defeated Germany, not the US.
The US killed millions of Japanese in fire-bombing raids and 2 atomic bombs detonations. The [US] losses and number of wounded on Okinawa were horrendous [50,000] and the time it took to ‘defeat’ the Japanese island [80 some days] was a tad bit longer than anticipated.
But yeah, the US won WW II and the victims happily embraced the ‘victors.’ That’s why rape leads to so many happy marriages.
Looking at the Ukraine bloodshed, it seems the Apartheid State’s phenomenon of extreme violence must be inherent to either tribal/rabbinical guidelines or a viral concept of morality without borders; the end result is the same – many dead civilians.
Kiev is collapsing! Anyone seen this video yet?
-from Aztlan…
The budget is being squeezed to the max: from Kharkov to Donetsk -Lugansk, new trophies for the Novorossiya Army, well, give it a couple of days, including S-300.
Hi Saker,
Just found this interesting video of 83 out of 4,700 men returned. Families asking questions! Its not even winter yet! And Kiev is already collapsing!
Meanwhile, to support Saker’s view of New Zealand, here’s a race related interview with a very nice lady politician there:
Sakers, People need to see that video
Wow. Yes, to a lot of what you said. But what part of Eastern Europe was Putin promised? NATO sprung to life and took ’em all over, I thought. And Russia’s gas deal with Israel is probably a fairly big part of his silence on Gaza, regrettably. I’m somewhat concerned about our learning process though, once we’re face-to-face with just exactly how unexceptional we are — and how we can learn to become moral beings once again. Your thoughts, please, bc I really can’t figure that one out. I mean, some people will undoubtedly have moral reawakenings, but what about the rest? Haters is haters is haters and we’re so damned divided by it, and an incredibly violent society to boot. What les said about the effect of economic failure on Ukraine could just as easily apply here, no?
Hardcore et. al.,
No, folks, that kid did *not* attack a police officer. Sorry, that’s just another myth making the rounds, in certain circles. He was shot from 20 feet away — some kind of attack, or else real fancy footwork by that thug of a cop… Who, again, Had. No. Knowledge. of the robbery they now say he committed. Michael Brown simply didn’t follow (illegal) orders, which in civilized countries is not a summary offense.
Most everybody here keeps talking about the day the Emperor is found to have no clothes. In Ferguson, the US stripped itself naked, and its ugly, bloated body is out there for all the world to see. In that sense, the timing couldn’t be better… All the usual propaganda notwithstanding, innocent people are getting shot and dying in that Missouri hellhole and the whole world is watching in horror. Meanwhile. the usual folks scramble all over themselves to find decent enough reasons to avert their eyes.
Newsflash: there are none.
Walking while big and black and young and male really, really, really, truly is not a crime. Honest. Sorry it scares you so much though.
I would say that it is increasingly evident Ukraine is heading for an economic crash, and sooner, rather than later.
That’s why the Daily Mail, the FT, and Blomberg (to name three) are hedging their bets slightly.
To Nora and Mr Nora
I understand science as follows. When we look at the whole universe, we see only chaos. That is why we study only a very small part of it and even there we must simplify. A causes B, we often say, and that is good enough, though in reality A may cause C, which causes B, for example. As long as the thing works, we don’t mind and we disregard the stochastic [unknown/chaotic] variables. In other words, we work with abstractions. Science is not about truth. A good scientist is in the same class as a good stoneaxe maker in the past.
If I want to know where Mars will be one year from now, I can use different models. If I want to punish myself with a lot of work, I can use the old model with the Earth in the center, but I will get a rather good result. It is of course much easier, more practical and timesaving, to use the new model with the sun in the center. The point is, the model has nothing to do with truth, only with the result.
In the 19th century, we wanted to get something to work, but we also wanted to be able to explain what happens. In the 20th century, it was more important to create something that works and less important to explain what really happens. Take a look at some modern economic models. They work more or less, but we don’t always know exactly why and we don’t care.
Statistics is a beautiful discipline, but when you get to know it, you discover its limitations, just as any scientist does in his/her own field. We are satisfied with a 95 percent probablity and that is usually good enough, but truth it is not. What is safest, to go by airplane or drive by car? If you compare distances and accidents, you get one result. If you compare the number of rides and accidents, you get the reverse. Which comparison is best?
I suffer from seeing how science has been commercialized and how good scientists dare not speak out against the wrongs of society. I remember one who did and had his life ruined, so I understand the caution, but how sad it is.
We also must deal with math limitations. As best as I can tell, we can deal with four variables, not five, but not all of us have the mathematical skills. In some fields, we mostly work with static models because few of us learned how to deal with dynamic models. Equations of the second order [not to be confused by equations with two variables] is a special kind of mathematics. In my country, only a fraction of the students of economics study it.
Cause and effect. When there are many newborn storks in Denmark, there are usually also many babies. Does that mean the storks bring the babies? Of course not, but you can build a working model.
I am not trying to be Pontus Pilate here. I love science, but the only truth I recognize is Heavenly Truth, Revelation.
@Old Ez: I can’t let your comment about “a good shoot” pass. Sorry. The guy with the knife, the Gazans with their useless rockets, the Ukrainians with their kalashnikovs are all up against overwhelming forces. Knife vs guns, blowing up fields vs wiping out families; local militia vs national army. It is the strong who have to find some solution other than killing all who oppose them. Therefore, I see nothing “good” about killing anyone.
Forgive me but there is nothing to talk about with a man who brings a knife to a gun fight. A “good shoot” is one that qualifies as having been done in self-defense. An assailant welding a knife can kill you, it’s that simple. If the assailant attacks someone, say a police officer for example, armed with a gun then that’s his bad luck. This isn’t complicated.
Is there any source tallying Uki and DPR LPR casualties: killed, wounded and MIA with civilian deaths?
If only 83 make out of a 4500 battalion that is a loss rate of 98%. Has there ever been such a futile loss rate of a country’s army fighting against resistors/irregulars.
Will they study this battle in Military Academies as the worst managed fighting force in the history of modern/contemporary warfare?
Anonymous, 21 August, 2014 18:23,
There seems to be a sort of reverse discrimination on this blog. Every single post that is not interesting according to Saker, Larchmonter, Nora and a few others, is ignored.
Hmmm ?!
There are many, far more interesting people here from whom we can learn something new. For example: ProPeace, or Anonymous 18:23, than the same old, same old “boys talking war”.
Posted this on the other thread; meant to here, so here goes (yes, it’s obviously something I feel very, very strongly about — precisely bc I do still love this place despite its many flaws) :
Look. Stepan Bandera was a born psychopath, but we took him in and his followers too, and carefully nourished them all. The last of his original band only died in 2003, for gosh sakes, and the Dems and Repubs both supported them and grew them all these years, sent them back to Kiev and put them in power.
How did we know how to nurture them? We’ve had plenty of practice right here, Since. Day. One. As far as I’m concerned, there are two and only two kinds of people in this world: them what believes in equality and them what doesn’t. And them what doesn’t, at least here in the good old US of A, are right now more than halfway to Banderista-dom themselves whether they know it or not: just a little more propaganda from the gurus they still foolishly trust, and they’ll be doing the American equivalent of body-stitching et. al. Plus murder of course — who here really believes all those guns are really for Washington’s jack-booted thugs, instead of urban blacks these terrified souls really believe would be foolish enough to run out to the exurbs and steal their teevees.
Divide and conquer? What on earth do you think has been happening here? IF we all worked together, on the basis, you know, of all of us being American and all of us being in Precisely. The. Same. Boat., we might even get somewhere.
Otherwise, we’ll end up making Ukraine look like a church picnic.
The aggressor has been rewarded. The petrodollar will remain viable on the strength of US control of the Shia crescent. The Petro-Natgas dollar is born.
Russia’s access to European gas markets is now in serious jeopardy. The balance of economic power has swung decisively in favour of the Anglo-Zionists on Iran’s secret deal with the West.
According to your assessment, Putin has scored a victory by seizing Crimea because it is a life line for Russia to remain Super Power.
This statement is a joke. Direct Russian access to European markets is blocked. Southstream is blocked. The Shia cresent is blocked. Ukraine is blocked.
Should I also mention the price paid by millions of people killed or sent into flight?
Iran: Had to pay a very, very heavy toll in terms of economy, health and population due to sanctions. Population wise Iran is a dying country. Iran will have no longer sanctions imposed on it.
So the best response to blackmail is to give in, is that your conclusion Mohamed? Also, devastate the position of Russia, the only possible competitor to the AZ monopoly on transporting gas from the ME to Europe.
This is a disaster Mohamed. Obama and Putin are in cahoots to the extent that they need to be, no more. Beyond that the AZ monsters have scored an enormous victory because of the shortsighted betrayal of Iran’s long term strategic interests on the strength of undisclosed promises and threats made to the Iranian leadership. Thank you Mr. Rouhani.
The Dajal psyop can soon get underway. I can’t wait for the peace conferences with smiling world leader psycopaths. Your faith in something other than the Koran has led you astray, as it is likely to do for the whole human race.
@Old Ez 20:18
News. I am one of Saker’s alter egos, though he doesn’t know it. I wish to inform you that white cops do execute black kids in the US all the time, and keeps blacks in jail in astronomically disproportionate numbers, because the US is by far the most racist country on earth, from inception.
83 out of 4’700: Fighters ask, why they were sent «into certain death» – ENG SUBS
Global European Anticipation Bulletin No. 86, includes summary and analysis of how the Russian-Chinese gas deal changes Asia.
Also, No. 85.
False flag operations……….
James Corbett of The Corbett Report
takes the viewer on a whirlwind tour
of false flag history, from the Gleiwitz
incident and the Lavon affair to Operation
Northwoods and 9/11 and on and on and on…
Video (6 mins)
A Brief History of False Flag Terror
Re: messed up stats
My profound apologies to the readers here – when I wrote the stats on gas consumption, I went by memory and confused several different measuring techniques. Most of the error was me listing amounts per day instead of per year. let me correct them.
(billion cubic meters per year = bcmpy)
EU consumption 450 bcmpy, imports 420 bcmpy.
Russia via North Stream 50bcmpy (max 60)
Russia via Ukraine 35bcmpy
Yet Russia is said to provide Europe with 40% of its’ natural gas imports (which would indicate imports of 200 bcmpy) I assume they mean western Europe and not the European union.
Norwegian gas exports started a decline in 2010, spiked with an additional field in 2012 and have since been declining at about 5% per year.
Algerian gas is declining at a rate of 3% per year. UK production is declining at a rate of 7% per year.
In spite of the mistakes I made in the stats, my point remains. There is ample room for Iranian gas, and with close to 20% being supplied by LNG (a very expensive way to get gas – pipelines provide gas at half the transport cost) the only gas that Iran would displace is that being shipped in as LNG.
The Dajal psyop can soon get underway
In Egyptian mythology, ISIS gave birth to RA — a.k.a.
The Sun — of God.
Thanks for bringing up LNG gas delivery costs. compression of gas to a liquid adds about 50% to the cost of gas delivery over the same gas delivered via pipeline.
Currently the big player in LNG is Qatar and they currently charge $12- 16/1000 Cuft or $424-$565 per 1000 Cu meters.
As you can see Russian gas prices, including those for Ukraine, are less than Qatar charges.
The Guardian closes comments on Ukraine threads, desparately searching for a new narrative as the Kiev loss in the East cannot be concealed any longer . . . or preparing the script for the next MH17 event this weekend.
Vineyard of the Saker for Dummies
Write whatever you want and stop the whining.
It also would be nice to discourse without being attacked. Challenge facts, the idea, the notion but be on topic, not on target.
If your concept, presentation or opinion is challenged, as many are here, you need not call folks names or cluster them with others and charge them as a group with some offense.
It would be more civil if your thoughts, information or links to resources came without an ideologue’s instructions as to your superiority.
Meanwhile, people are dying (therefore, war talk is cogent).
Maybe we can all agree that the militia and the resistance is very relevant to our common aspirations for a multi-polar world not led by corrupt, demonic, greedy swine.
Since that commonality really hinges on the war, I suspect war talk will dominate until Saker opts for the Vineyard to be a wellness blog or a big circle of friends liking the same flowers and cats and sandals, or some such thing.
Toughen up. And have a sense of humor. There are some clever, witty folks who pass by here.
It isn’t the end of the world if thirty people in a row don’t agree.
If anyone disagrees with me, good. I’ve learned nothing in life listening to myself.
Summary of captured Ukraine hardware “Ukraine Forces Experience Significant Losses. Military Equipment Captured by Donbass Army”:
Figure that this is probably less than a third of the total Ukraine losses which makes this a big deal.
Sure hope the freedom fighters have trained enough crews to operate all this equipment.
I’m flummoxed how there’s any discrimination on this blog. People read what they want and write what they want, so I’m really not quite understanding what exactly you see as a problem. Otoh, I’m gonna bow out entirely from being any part of the “same old ‘boys talking war'” since a) I’m not; and b) I pretty much don’t. But also, I really don’t understand what you mean by a post being not interesting to Saker, since he’s the one who posts them. He’s also our host, so his interests should count for something, don’t you think?
@liana Hello, this may be of interest for you:
Excerpt: “…During the last months of the Bush administration, a Secret Shadow Government (SSG) was created to sabotage President Obama, politically, economically and, in particular, on issues of foreign policy. “Transition conferences” were held, procedures enacted, roadblocks created.
In every aspect of government, parallel command structures answerable to former officials and special interest groups were created. In many departments such as those tasked with enforcing laws, regulating financial institutions or even commanding nuclear forces, new positions were created giving not only broad and unaccountable authority to minor officials but new regulations protect them from oversight or even detection.
In some cases, State Department officials overseeing intelligence and policy functions report, not to Secretary of State Kerry but to private “think tanks,” many tied to extremist elements of the opposition party…”
Gordon Duff provides many more examples of how Obama was sabotaged by “war party” elements in the government and his actions and positions misrepresented by the treasonous mass media.
Read about 10-15 articles, it’s fascinating literature. Although recently Gordon has assumed desperate pro-Democrats stance.
Hi Nora,
My recollection is that a rather independent minded group of Polish government types died in a plane crash in 2010. It was rather convenient timing to those who wanted Poland to tow the line. And we’re left with Anne Applebaums husband — Mr. Zigorski. Poor Poles. Then again. I remember a Polish family moving in to my neighborhood as a child. The kids would chase me down the street yelling that I’d “die and go to hell” because I wasn’t Roman catholic. So I am somewhat sympathetic to Russians in this regard. Sigh.
I think Putin is playing 3-D chess. I’m not naive enough to think whatever he’s playing will help me or mine one little bit. I rather expect the opposite frankly. But in a somewhat perverse way I am ready to take a moral stand. Meaning I don’t want or need Putin to tell me what the “right” thing is to do for me, my family or my country. And I believe he and Russia want the same thing for themselves. And on this basis we can deal with anything that comes. Unfortunately, Putin has no one in US gov’t with which to make these negotiations. Except on blogs like this one. And many of us are listening and watching and hoping for honest engagement.
Yes, Fergerson is the tip of the iceberg here. My initial response was much the same as yours. Still is in terms of the militarization of police and shooting an unarmed 18 YO multiple times. I called the police to my home to report a fraud issue several weeks ago. They “confused” my house with another call — and sent 5 fully armed officers — a fuking swat team — to my home in a nice low-crime neighborhood. I was totally pissed — but VERY polite. They took my information and left. So over-the-top. I don’t see the police as ever “helping” me or my family. God help us if we were a black family. Or Palestinian.
I saw the video of Michael Brown in that convenience store. It was not a rationale to shoot him. But it does show such an awful disintegration of behavior that things may likely get worse. It’s pitiful what we’ve become.
I think we need to end DHS. The police militarization is directly linked to Chernoff and his sayanim — sending police departments to train with Israeli IDF — paid by US taxpayers. Then they push drugs into black communities and undermine what is left of black families.
The blowback from non-black Americans has alarmed the Deep State. In fact, everything points to them in high panic on many, many fronts. May they rot in the hell they’ve created.
Have heart Nora. Times, they are a changing. Next stop — false flag incoming per Chuck Hagel. Stay safe. And carry on! A
There are several issues with your view. One is that the Ukrainian government is not remotely in the league of the Nazis. There is no Autobahn coming next month. There is no Springtime for Ukraine; not now, not ever. Also, the Nazis may have demonized Jews and Communists, but those were a fairly manageable percentage of the country. Kiev is demonizing more like half the country, and a half with a big brother next door who is not happy.
You argue that the Russia haters will hate Russia even more. OK, but their infighting may do them in. And those in the country who are rather non-political may start to hate the new government a lot more than Yanukovich.
However, you may be right that peace and reconciliation are not possible. In which case, Russia can or should aim for a large Novorossiya, with the rest of the country broken into a few pieces.
On a lighter note that will appeal to most of the world:
No dictionary has ever been able to satisfactorily define the difference between “complete” and “finished.” However, during a recent linguistic conference, held in London, England, and attended by some of the best linguists in the world, Guisseppe Barsulia, an Italian linguist, was a presenter, when he was asked to make that very distinction.
The question put to him by a colleague in this erudite audience was this: “Some say there is no difference between ‘complete’ and ‘finished.’ Please explain the difference in a way that is easy to understand.”
Mr. Barsulia’s response: “When you marry the right woman, you are ‘complete.’ If you marry the wrong woman, you are ‘finished.’ And, if the right one catches you with the wrong one, you are ‘completely finished.’”
His answer received a five minute standing ovation.
Regards, Spiral
Larchmonter445 is a great contributor and I always look for his posts here.
Anonymous 22:02,
Since you addressed your comment to both of us, we’re going to respond kind of jointly, though you’ll probably be able to tell which of us is speaking at any given time. The first point to make is that faith, religion, is in no way incompatible with using science as a tool to try to understand the world around us.
Not all people see only chaos when they look at the universe as a whole. Instead, we see amazing and remarkable structure and interdependencies that scientists seek to understand. To a scientist, truth about the natural world is whatever accurately, reliably and reproducibly explains natural phenomena. Models as you refer to them are not meant to explain natural phenomena, they’re only meant to reflect a specific set of circumstances, which is more of an engineering than a scientific approach to dealing with the world.
I’m totally puzzled by your contrast between 19th and 20th century science. If anything, your contrast is perhaps more appropriate to our general cultural values, where non-scientists seek to use scientific knowledge to achieve goals. But modern economic models really have nothing whatever to do with science, other than the fact that we both utilize statistics and modeling.
You’re quite right about the limitations inherent in any field but the serious practitioners of a scientific discipline are well aware of the limitations; that’s part of the beauty of this approach. And yes, those who do not fully understand a disciple such as statistics can make the very mistake you outlined about 95 percent probability reflecting the truth. Someone who uses statistics properly, on the other hand, understands that there is still a 5% chance that a conclusion is wrong.
I am not sure what you mean by math limitations and only four variables, because in many branches of the hard sciences, and statistics, many more than four variables are in play and there are very powerful ways of sorting them out. I would just point out that in physics, chemistry and biology, higher order equations are very common indeed and the mathematics behind them is very well studied and understood. It appears that you are confusing the strong limitations of applied economic theory with the hard sciences. They’re really quite different, designed to do very different things.
And re: storks in Denmark, correlation is not causation and it does not mean you can build a working model — but what you’ve got there is a simple correlation, not a model. It’s worked for centuries though, so there’s nothing wrong with that! ;~)
Just wanted to address and add to the following comment by @Daniel Rich with a slightly different perspective of “who” was actually responsible for the Japanese surrender. These 2 TVO episodes (approx 30mins ea) may be worth a watch. Seems like timing and propaganda makes for great revisionist history…
Daniel Rich said…
Q: as the US defeating Japan and Germany
R: Russia defeated Germany, not the US.
The US killed millions of Japanese in fire-bombing raids and 2 atomic bombs detonations. The [US] losses and number of wounded on Okinawa were horrendous [50,000] and the time it took to ‘defeat’ the Japanese island [80 some days] was a tad bit longer than anticipated.
But yeah, the US won WW II and the victims happily embraced the ‘victors.’ That’s why rape leads to so many happy marriages.
21 AUGUST, 2014 21:15
Ward Wilson: The Myth of Hiroshima
The Agenda with Steve Paikin
Published on Aug 6, 2014
Historians have long debated the moral legitimacy of the nuclear attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the Second World War. But Ward Wilson, Author of “Five Myths About Nuclear Weapons,” Senior Fellow at BASIC, and Director of the Rethinking Nuclear Weapons Project, argues the Bomb didn’t force Japan to surrender, and that almost 70 years of nuclear weapons policy has been based on a myth.
Ward Wilson: A World Without Nukes
The Agenda with Steve Paikin
Published on Aug 7, 2014
Ward Wilson, author of “Five Myths About Nuclear Weapons,” Senior Fellow at BASIC, and Director of the Rethinking Nuclear Weapons Project, joins Piya Chattopadhyay to discuss how certain myths about nuclear weapons have shaped nuclear policy, and what steps can be taken to create a nuclear-free world.
There can be no doubt. The Americans are going to go for a nuclear false flag. It can be in Europe, Ukraine, the US . . . perhaps multiple false flags. They have prepared the ground with the Ebola bio-terror outbreak and MH17. They have raised the spectre of ‘ISIS’. Having ceased all anti-terror cooperation with Russia, Russia will be ‘linked’ to international terror. No evidence necessary, as with 911, as with MH17, as with every other operation. The American scum have now opened every front around the world in their new war. And back home in St. Louis and every other city, if you want justice, you’re going to have to take it by means of armed resistance.
@AGS Hello, to clarify about the Smolensk airplane crash – they were not “independent government types”, they were just delegates from various sides of the political spectrum, members of the parliament, the president and his staff, the heads of the armed forces, former president in exile, journalists. It was an _accident_ resulting directly from the stupidity and cowardliness of the pilots, who most probably yielded to the pressure from arrogant, idiotic president to land, whereas there were absolutely _no_ conditions even to attempt landing (heavy fog). There were many more technical, organizational and other mistakes made during the flight,and even days before it. Many great people perished. The group that has benefited the most from that disaster is the main opposition party led by the president twin brother. It helped them to avoid going into political non-existence, their numbers in polls were plummeting. Since that fateful day they grew much stronger with their fanatic catholic base and spreading lies, discontent, deception – that party has divided the Polish as never before, doing a great service to Israel, for whom they’ve been shilling for a long time.
@Dacian and M K Ngoyo,
Interesting thoughts about the Soviet “elites”. But it would be much more clear if we would not continue to shy to name those “elites” by their proper name. Berezovsky, Gusinski, Khodorkovski, Nemtsov, Gaidar &Co were all members of the chosen tribe, who never reconciled itself with the reduction (it was never a loss) of its power in USSR. This “elite” wanted to sing with Tevye the Dairyman: ” Wen ich bin a Rothschild hai didai di diedel diedel diedel dam. Ganse teg gewolt iezie diddel dam”!
Putin has put some spokes in their wheels. So he became Haman whose ears they want to eat!
Dear Mohamed,
thank you for all you insights. Let me make a few points:
1. Meyssan is surprised because the deal between Obama and Putin should have been implemented in full much earlier, and McCain and his cabal has manged to inflict too much damage in the meantime (Ukraine)
2. I believe Russia would have regained Crimea either way, without the Kiev coup and the following bloodshed
3. Please shed some more light on how Satanyahoo is cornered, we know they with Obama hate each other but that terrorist scum from Tel Aviv is doing to Palestinians whatever he pleases
4. I know that some ISIS massacres are fake, as is the “beheading of Foley”, but which else in Iraq, and which in Ukraine (Odessa was 100% real)?
5. There is absolutely now way McCain and Clinton are from the same group as Obama – the president fired her and make her suffer a lot in public and in private for subverting together with Petreaus his deal with Putin on Syria in summer 2012. Bill Clinton has been very hostile towards Obama, McCain, Graham fight him every way possible.
6. Good point on Russia’s part in UN unjust sanctions on Iraq – could you elaborate? (also about allegedly cancelled deal on S300). (BTW Whitney claim of backstabbing Russia is pure nonsense). Also how do you know Qatar is with Iran now?
7. The ISIS thing is a double-edge sword: 1) you collect all the scum in one place, easier to take out (like the ATO in Ukraine) but 2) they block now the Iran-Iraq-Syria gas pipeline and the Shia Resistance crescent?
Anyway, there will be no regular presidential elections in the US in 2016
Great story. Laughter is the vitamin of the day. Thanks for bringing us the gift.
Yes to all of what you said. sigh. But in addition to ending DHS (that police chief, btw, was in fact Mossad-trained), another great idea I read about somewhere is a petition with 100,000+ signatures to require police to wear a camera at all times. And yet, scanning the media for tone as well as content, I’m finding myself guardedly optimistic about Sunday’s meeting in Minsk — the Junta and all behind it are simply self-destructing and they can’t keep it secret any longer. Plus Europe really got hit hard by that food embargo. So I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if there weren’t some kind of “peace process initiative” feelers put out. The real kicker will be if a cease-fire is part of what’s on the table — now that would be cause for rejoicing! Not that Kolonoiskiy et. al. would necessarily adhere to it, of course, but still. And I’m back to wondering if Poroshenko will still be around (in any sense of the word) by the end of September…
This was written by a Brazilian.
“Or put “Past and Future” and you will see that Time doesn’t exist along with Space. All the exists is God, and the rest is illusion. Wahdat al-Wujud meaning, “Unity in Existence”. God and all the Creation are One-Unit in Existence.”
Mohammed, to say that God and creation are one is contrary to Islam see chapter al-Ikhlāṣ of the Quran.
Wahdat al-Wujud is a sufi concept that has no place in Islam.
Allah is transcendant and not comparable let alone one with His creation.
The WSJ shows its sense of humor;
‘Ukraine Suffers Heavy Losses in Counterattack by Pro-Russia Rebels
Separatists Still Pose Significant Threat‘
So, on the one hand the ‘separatists’ are loosing ground hand over foot, but they still manage to counterattack an official army and inflict heavy losses…
Pose away, guys!
An Explosive Night, Japan Style.
By Andrew Sirkis
August 22, 2014
“As I enjoyed my favorite alcoholic beverage along with the crowd of similarly imbibing adult spectators, unmolested by the authorities, I gazed up at the rockets red glare and bombs bursting in air. It was impossible to not think for a moment of the frightened people of Gaza or eastern Ukraine, terrified and huddling in their homes and basements as US government sponsored rockets and bombs destroyed their property, maiming and murdering thousands of innocent people.
The stark contrast between the joy produced by the rockets and bombs provided by our local businesses versus the death and misery that was produced by the rockets and bombs of the US government and its allies in Ukraine and Israel made me think of the grotesquely evil nature of America’s political leaders.
It was time for another, a large cup of Japanese sake. I swallowed the cool refreshing drink on a comfortable starry summer night and gave thanks that I was on the other side of the world from America and the psychopathic mass murderers, torturers, and molesters who run the US government. Harsh words, but I mean it in the most insulting way possible. They deserve to be insulted.”
Larchmonter 445 – you have made my day keep coming with your humor we need it so much in these terrible times of our history
There’s a really depressing article at ICH by Boris Kagarlitsky about the change of the guards in Novorossiya.
Here is a sample:
There might seem to be every reason to speak of positive prospects for the people’s republics of Novorossiya. But against the background of military victories a political and administrative crisis is unfolding, creating new dangers which, if they are not more perilous than those associated with the attacks by government forces, are no less serious either.
Over several weeks the entire leadership of the Donetsk and Lugansk republics has effectively been replaced. The most momentous, and unexpected, development has been the ousting of the military leader of the militias, Igor Strelkov. In the best Soviet traditions, the announcement was couched in terms of his “transfer to other work”. The decision was made at a time when Strelkov was in Moscow, far from his troops.
Strelkov’s removal from his post is an obvious act of revenge on the part of those very Kremlin forces on whom the leader of the militias had inflicted a serious political defeat in early July. Militia units, after conducting a heroic two-month defence of Slavyansk, had broken through encircling Ukrainian forces and made their way to Donetsk, where political figures linked to the Kremlin were already planning to surrender the city to the Kiev government. The arrival of the militias was accompanied by a radical purge in the structures of power. No one repressed the conspirators, but all were forced one after another to sign letters of resignation. They then left the city without excessive fuss, some of them setting off for Moscow and others for Kiev. This occurred against a background of growing political radicalisation within the movement. In August, a joint letter had been published by rank-and-file militia fighters demanding that the slogan of “social republics” that had been proclaimed in Donetsk and Lugansk should be put into effect, that the property of oligarchs should be nationalised and that reforms should be enacted in the interests of workers. The post of chair of the Supreme Soviet was taken by Boris Litvinov, a communist who had broken with the official leadership of the party. A law was adopted reversing the commercialisation of health care that had been initiated by the previous leaders, and recurrent, though somewhat timid, attempts were made at nationalisation.
From Donbass:
An appeal to the peoples of Europe (Australia). All of humanity.
I am sending this to my Politicians and begging them to watch.
Strelkov’s removal from his post is an obvious act of revenge on the part of those very Kremlin forces on whom the leader of the militias had inflicted a serious political defeat in early July. Militia units, after conducting a heroic two-month defence of Slavyansk, had broken through encircling Ukrainian forces and made their way to Donetsk, where political figures linked to the Kremlin were already planning to surrender the city to the Kiev government. The arrival of the militias was accompanied by a radical purge in the structures of power. No one repressed the conspirators, but all were forced one after another to sign letters of resignation. They then left the city without excessive fuss, some of them setting off for Moscow and others for Kiev.
This occurred against a background of growing political radicalisation within the movement. In August, a joint letter had been published by rank-and-file militia fighters demanding that the slogan of “social republics” that had been proclaimed in Donetsk and Lugansk should be put into effect, that the property of oligarchs should be nationalised and that reforms should be enacted in the interests of workers. The post of chair of the Supreme Soviet was taken by Boris Litvinov, a communist who had broken with the official leadership of the party. A law was adopted reversing the commercialisation of health care that had been initiated by the previous leaders, and recurrent, though somewhat timid, attempts were made at nationalisation.
For their part, political specialists close to the Kremlin unleashed a campaign against Strelkov in the Russian mass media. The bitterness of the Moscow bureaucrats and their propaganda assistants is understandable: while they were sitting in their cosy offices, drawing up plans and weaving intrigues, the people at the forefront of events were making history without asking their advice.
Paradoxically, it was Strelkov who did most to aid the radicalisation of the process, despite his sympathies for the pre-revolutionary monarchy and nostalgia for the Russian empire. The leader of the militias was not only famed for his honesty and openness (it is enough to recall his detailed accounts of his own difficulties and failures, accounts which contrast sharply with the propaganda from Moscow and Kiev). Strelkov’s political instincts drove him, to a large degree despite his own ideological leanings, to support social and political changes. He and his associates stressed repeatedly that they would not allow Novorossiya to be transformed into a second edition of pre-Maidan Ukraine, directly contradicting the strategy of the Kremlin, which sought precisely that
Calm down Poroshenko. That loud rambling sound you hear is not the Red Army approaching. Its just Polish indigestion from eating all those apples.
Saw a bumper sticker recently which said:
“I hear banjo music, paddle faster”.
It’s a reference to a famous film called “Deliverance” and basically to American redneck mentality.
The Israelis locked in to this basic ami redneck butt rape mental disease and created the neocons to make it legit and mainstream in the enlightened anti-commie “west”. In America, the difference between the 1950’s and 1980+ is back in the McCarthy/J. Edgar Hoover “good ole days”, butt rape was something the capitalist fascist right did incessantly, but behind closed doors. Their 80’s disciples made it mainstream and something to brag about and be “proud” of. In the rightwing, and now zionised “west”, it’s no longer a question of the morality of butt rape, but instead a false controversy between allowing the victim lubricant or not allowing it. How to make butt rape (physical and psychological/metaphysical) a moral and appealing act to the plebes. That is what philosophy, morality and culture has been reduced to in the zionist/nazi capitalist “west”.
вот так
Powerful piece by Russian strategist Boris Kagarlitsky on betrayal of Donbass by Moscow elements who pushed out Igor Strelkov, and who are shoving Donbass into the ‘deal’ with Ukraine oligarch Rinat Akhmetov, perhaps to be enacted at the meeting upcoming in Minsk between Putin and Poroshenko and the EU’s Baroness Ashton.
And how there is growing push-back not only by Donbass militia against this deal, but within Russia as well against Putin. A key quote:
« The militia fighters and activists who, beneath the bombs, are constructing a new state are no longer prepared to be docile agents of outside decision making, no matter where, in Moscow or Kiev, the decisions alien to their interests are being taken. In Novorossiya, the idealistic sympathies with an abstract Russia that characterised the first months of the uprising are now being replaced by a growing hatred for the Kremlin bureaucrats, whom supporters of the republics accuse of sabotage and treason. The same moods are growing, in the fashion of an avalanche, within Russia itself. »
‘Eastern Ukraine people’s republics between militias and oligarchs’ by Boris Kagarlitsky, translated by Renfrey Clarke, in Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal
Overall perspective on this from retired Indian diplomat M K Bhadrakumar, ‘Endgame begins in Ukraine’
21 August, 2014 22:02
“…When we look at the whole universe, we see only chaos..”
The Universde is anything but chaotic…It is a very,very,very…very complicate System-even the simplest systems in order to funciotn musn’t be chaotic.The problem is “us” or to be more precise the so called “science”, especially “astrophysics” and “cosmology”-it’s a Cabalistic(numbers,math) Religious Cult out there not “science”!The “Big bang theory” is a creationistic insanity of “Everything out of NOTHING”,”let there be light”…The “guru” Einstein and his “timespace” which is “bended” by mass”,”gravity” as the Driving Force of Everything”?!?…I’m not going to comment…”Black Holes”,”dark matter and dark energy”…It’s all math- abstraction,cabalistic numerology and outright manipulations and lies.Luciferian “science” baby.
link for a technical assessment of situation as regards control of the air, manpads etc.
The fight of the United States against a terrorist group Islamic State (IS) may require additional budget funds, Pentagon chief Chuck Hagel said at a press briefing. LINK to RIANOVOSTI
Cui bono, eh?
What is Wikipedia Anonymous up to? Once again, to support his argument, he refers us to what seems to be an official investigation – this time, “EU police files”.
But once again, it’s not. Dr Les Sachs wrote it, sending copies to the Finnish police, and to Finland’s Ambassador to Belgium. So while Finland’s police will have filed it, and Finland is in the EU, it’s not really an EU police file. Shades of Snoopy reading Miss Helen Sweetstory’s standard “Dear Sir” reply to his fan letter – “she called me sir! she called me sir!”
Les Sachs may not be the most impartial of investigators. He describes himself in that article as a “former USA resident who risked being tortured to death, facing down terrorist gangster lawyers in a US courtroom, alone because US lawyers cowered in fear, attempting defence of human and Constitutional rights inside the United States;”
D = Daniel Rich – Sorry, something went wrong [and most likely it’s my own mistake].
Ria Novosti: French Volunteers Join Donetsk People’s Army
Several days ago, several French volunteers contacted RIA Novosti. They’d just arrived in southeastern Ukraine and already felt compelled to tell their first-hand stories about the civil war there to the people of France. What other reasons led them to fight for the besieged people’s republic? They told Sergei Safronov, Head of the Security Agencies Newsdesk, their reasons for taking up the fight.
First of all, please introduce yourself and tell us what brought you to Ukraine.
Guillaume: My name is Guillaume. There are four of us from France; the others are Michel, Victor and Nicolas. We are French volunteers and basically the first wave of an entire group of our fellow citizens, who are either preparing for a trip to Ukraine or are already on their way.
Are there any more French people in Donetsk?
Guillaume: No, but I hear there are some Spanish people. We haven’t seen them yet.
Did you bring a weapon? Are you from the military or are you civilians?
Guillaume: Of course we did not bring any weapons, but we received some from the militia. These are personal service firearms. We are not servicemen at all; we are civilians – basically political volunteers.
Guillaume, you still haven’t mentioned your reasons for going to Ukraine. Why are you here?
Guillaume: We support the geopolitical idea of European unity. We are both revolutionaries and traditionalists. We came to Donbas, where civilians are being killed by agents from Kiev. Those who are conducting this terrorist operation in Donbas are the henchmen of the international mafia oligarchs.
You should clearly understand it is the third world war going on. It started in Libya then moved to Syria and now to Donbas. We can see that Russia is one of a small number of countries that challenged and is almost single-handedly fighting international globalism. It is some kind of a Reconquista. We are here to help Russia in this fight.
Do you get paid?
Guillaume: No, we are not here to make money; no one pays us. Moreover, we paid quite a lot to get here.
…continued (see link)
Ria Novosti: French Volunteers Join Donetsk People’s Army
Several days ago, several French volunteers contacted RIA Novosti. They’d just arrived in southeastern Ukraine and already felt compelled to tell their first-hand stories about the civil war there to the people of France. What other reasons led them to fight for the besieged people’s republic? They told Sergei Safronov, Head of the Security Agencies Newsdesk, their reasons for taking up the fight.
First of all, please introduce yourself and tell us what brought you to Ukraine.
Guillaume: My name is Guillaume. There are four of us from France; the others are Michel, Victor and Nicolas. We are French volunteers and basically the first wave of an entire group of our fellow citizens, who are either preparing for a trip to Ukraine or are already on their way.
Are there any more French people in Donetsk?
Guillaume: No, but I hear there are some Spanish people. We haven’t seen them yet.
Did you bring a weapon? Are you from the military or are you civilians?
Guillaume: Of course we did not bring any weapons, but we received some from the militia. These are personal service firearms. We are not servicemen at all; we are civilians – basically political volunteers.
Guillaume, you still haven’t mentioned your reasons for going to Ukraine. Why are you here?
Guillaume: We support the geopolitical idea of European unity. We are both revolutionaries and traditionalists. We came to Donbas, where civilians are being killed by agents from Kiev. Those who are conducting this terrorist operation in Donbas are the henchmen of the international mafia oligarchs.
You should clearly understand it is the third world war going on. It started in Libya then moved to Syria and now to Donbas. We can see that Russia is one of a small number of countries that challenged and is almost single-handedly fighting international globalism. It is some kind of a Reconquista. We are here to help Russia in this fight.
Do you get paid?
Guillaume: No, we are not here to make money; no one pays us. Moreover, we paid quite a lot to get here.
…continued (see link)
Let the Roman games begin. The Russian humanitarian aid convoy has entered the state formation known as Ukraine without the Red Cross, which bowed out citing ‘insufficient security guarantees’.
I look forward to the response of the ‘international community’.
Convoy moving to Luhansk, Story:
Russian language video, back road
Dummy ?! Hello, that’s really uncalled for. You should be flagged for that.
As far as taking everybody’s time for having an opinion on everything, why don’t you go with your own blog?
How about Soviet thinking for dummies? The Ukraine events are not about war, but about the end of the War Economy in the Soviet Union and the pursuit of Economic War in the global world, as I suggested already. That’s from someone directly exposed to over 60 years of this history.