Dear friends,
Since several of you have expressed interest for this, let’s give it a try.
I invite you post your questions in the comments section below (on any topic) and I will try to record a podcast with my replies. Please do not send me questions by email (I have way too many emails to answer already!). Also – and just to make clear – I don’t promise to necessarily reply to all questions, but only those that will inspire me to reply. Any topic seems legit to me – feel free to ask any question you want. Also, if you have suggestions, comments or criticisms about the blog, our community, or anything I wrote or did – please feel free to post them here. I will try to answer the best I can.
Let’s see if you guys enjoy this. I think I might :-)
Cheers and kind regards,
The Saker
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The gas deal obliged the West to put the hand in the pocket and pay something. Amid Sanctions they will pay to Gazprom. It is a tactical success, not strategic.
In the elections of Ukraine the American embassy won and the pollsters lost. The Americans got rid of the “weights” Правий сектор, Yulia, «Свобода», and voted for democratic “Euromaintan” .The front of the war , took the upper hand.
Spiros Xatzaras journalist Greece
Dear Saker,
What do you make of ISIS? Is it what it claims to be? Is it what the Iraqis think it is? (i.e. a CIA pawn). Is it perhaps a mixture of both? Many thanks.
Saker .
First of all thanks for your work and thanks to your teams for the translations .
I like how Putin is managing the Crimes crisis . But from time to time there are things happening that make me suspicious . I sometime ask myself it is only a charade .
at about the 24.00( minutes mark Boyd Bushman says that Americans , Russians and Chinese are working in area 51 on reverse engineering of UFO . He says also that dozens of scientists have died trying to reverse engineering UFO .
IF that is so are we actually enmeshed in a charade to pretend there there is
dispute between the USA and Russia ?
Other things that surprise me . Russia sells to the USA rockets to help the space exploration .
Knowing the Russia and the USA are partners in space exploration is there a big secret that the two power do not wish to disclose ?
I would appreciate your comments on this
Morte al Nuovo ordine
Saker ,
Interesting video
Paul Craig Roberts opinion on the Gas deal
Fascinating commentary on Carpatho-Russiya and Hungary. When I asked our priest if
Ukraine was part of Carpatho-Rus, he adamantly stated no. As a lot of Americans and Canadians boast Carpatho-Rusyn heritage and belong to like societies with Russian Orthodox churches, is the U.S. fostering a schism here? What about the Vatican? Wasn’t unity the Vatican’s goal? Thank you for your meticulous insight.
Also a question about Paul Craig Roberts and why has Russia given such good terms to Ukraine over gas prices? He said that it Russia is losing out and he does not see why that should be.
An accurate assessment of the future? Thoughts?
Marin Katusa: Startling Rise of “The Colder War”
• “Instead, he’s orchestrating an ingenious yet devastating, decades-long plan to control the global energy trade—the largest source of demand for the dollar and bedrock of American might and prosperity.”
Well, maybe Puttin wouldn’t have if he weren’t attacked!
Thank you for all the excellent information and insights. Tomorrow I will be recording the second Historical Sketch of the series on the History of Ukraine. In this episode I covered the Union of Brest and the advent of the Cossack Leader Khmelnytsky who restored (I am concise for space) the Russian Orthodox Church. The poem spoke by the Russian Personality put “on the spot” throws a telling link with the history of Ukraine. The Historical Sketches are broadcast on local stations in 70 cities in the USA. And I upload them on my site