The number of well-informed commentators, politicians, blogger and observers who are predicting a war – or at least of a serious risk of war – between Russia and the USA is sharply rising. Though I myself am rather inclined to believe that the US will use the Ukrainian junta to attack Russia rather then risk a direct confrontation, I would not go as far as saying that I find a direct US-Russian war impossible. If only because many wars are not deliberately started, but rather stumbled into. For all these reasons, it is, I think, high time to look at the historical record of Russia in wars.
It turns out that a military historian in Russia already did all the work for us. Nikolai Shefov is the author of 10 books about Russian history including one entitled “The Battles of Russia” in which he not only looks at each war, but actually at all the major battles fought in all the wars of Russia between 1700 and 1940 (he stops at the Soviet-Finnish war and does not include WWII). Here are his findings:
Between 1700 and 1940 Russia/USSR fought in 34 wars and won 31 and in 392 battle and won 279. We could say that Russia won 91% of her wars and 71% of her battles. Russia’s opponents included: Swedes, French, Germans, Turks, Poles, Tatars, Finns, Caucasians, Japanese, Chinese, Austrians, Hungarians, British, Italians and Central Asians.
In the author’s opinion Russia lost only three wars: the Crimean one, the Russo-Japanese one and the one against Poland in 1920. He considers that Russia won the first world war because no enemy ever stepped on any part of the Russian land (If you are interested, here is a link to an the original book in Russian, to an article summarizing the book, and to a machine-translation of this article into English).
I would just add that Crimea was fought against what I call a “great ecumenical coalition” (including Anglican British, the Latin French and the Muslim Turks) which outnumbered the Russians by over 200’000 people (there was almost a MILLION “ecumenical attackers” for just over 700’00 Russian defenders. But yes, Russia did lose this one.
Did Russia lose the war against Japan? I would argue that the Russian Fleet sure was defeated by the Japanese Navy, but Japanese historians have a very different view of what happened and consider that Japan’s military was spent by the time the peace treaty was drafted (by the Russian side, by the way) and that Japan had been forced to accept very bad terms. At the very least, I would call this one a draw.
As for the Russian-Polish war, yes, the Soviet’s lost this one badly. But look at the kind of Soviet Union we had in 1920: a country in the midst of a civil war, with many uprising taking place, with a “worker-farmer” “army” with no real officers and let by clueless commissars. So while the outcome was a defeat, the circumstances of that defeat are, I think, so unique as to be irrelevant.
But whatever the fine print and different views of the significance of individual outcomes, I think that these figures strongly suggest that attacking Russia is an exceedingly bad idea, even when only conventional wars are considered. Attacking Russia while she has the powerful nuclear arsenal on the planet is utter lunacy.
Let’s hope that this short reminder will reach at least one of the crazies who think that playing a game of chicken with Russia is a sound policy and that the Russians will “blink first” impressed by the US/NATO military prowess.
The Saker
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Remarkable NH17 news.
On 17 may the MH17 airliner was downed, as we all know.
Kiev and Washinton always said that a Buk did it.
On may 14 an Antonov AN-26 freight carrier was downed by the separatists, with a manpad, as we were told. So from the non civil planes had to stay above 10.000 meters.
But new information is coming in.
It now turns out that on december 6 Poroshenko said to the widow of the Antonov pilot that his plane was downed by an air-to-air missile.
And now we hear that on may 16 an Ukraïnian fighter was shot down, also by an air-to –air missile.
Remarkable: The big fuzz is Not that Russian fighters were engaged in war-like fights above UkraIne, downing Ukrainianan planes. No, the discussion is about “ Why did Ukraïne not close her air-space?”
Mr . Boerbak, who was minister of Transport in july defends himself: “OK, Russian fighters may be shooting at Ukraïnian transport planes or we may find out that Russia has a Buk in the area, but how could we foresee that these would also target civilian airoplanes ? That is why we did not close our air-space for civil planes.”
What is happening here?
Was Russia at war with her planes in Ukrainian airspace, and did the Ukraïnians forget to tell us about it ? That is what we are supposed to believe. Not credible at all.
One possibility: maybe the JIT (joint investigation team) is convinced that MH17 was hit by an air-to-air missile, and refuses to tell otherwise. Then Ukraïne must introduce ‘Russian fighter planes’ in the area. But this new and very remarkable news cannot be brought as ‘the main news’, because then it will be discussed fully and everybody will ask: why was this not told before?
So now this ‘fact’ is casually dropped a few times, while the discussion focuses on “Was Ukraïne wrong when it did not cloese her air-space ?”
Has anyone seen this video? It is kind of old (Oct 20), but Glazyev makes some interesting points about the fact that Russian Central Bank is conducting a policy more dangerous to Russia than Western sanctions and proposes alternative measures. Those of you with expertise in economics, who is right – Glazyev or the Central Bank bigwigs?
Just to follow up, an English Prince has been caught in pedophiliac sex slavery coven directed by Jewish Billionaire with legal support from Alan Dershowitz.
This may seem like trivial tabloid stuff, but for Putin and Russian patriots, it offers a central insight into just who they are dealing with. One hopes they already “get it”, but one can’t be too safe these days. One must be prepared to use every weapon in the arsenal to prevent these people from taking full control.
Death and Hell would probably be preferable to life on Earth for anyone not in the “in” crowd if they do.
It would not be outlandish to assert that 25% of the New World Order are pedophiles.
Check out the article below. Under “Corporate benefit #4”, it mentions that the recently passed Omnibus spending bill provides aid for Ukraine – $175M “emergency” military aid & unspecified other to assist its collapsing economy. Looks like the Ukie regime may last awhile yet…
However, I have another comment: this official aid does not take into account the illicit profits / slush accounts of US military & intelligence agencies. If prolonging the Ukraine conflict is high enough on the empire’s priority list, I think they may very well use those illicit funds as well, perhaps providing much more than the official $175M, which is only the cover story. That $175M may go a mighty long way, in fact a lot longer than $175M should. Or, the illicit funds may be counted toward the “unspecified” economic aid. After all, there can be no economy to speak of until the war is over, so the economic aid likely means more guns & mercenaries.
What are the sources for those illicit funds? Well, the best known are drugs & weapons traded by the CIA & co. An Iraq vet told me that the US military in the ME is actually protecting the poppy fields and using the enormous US military logistics network to distribute the drugs worldwide, including US and EU. In other words, Iran-Contra was not an isolated incident, but an ongoing policy.
@Dutch said ….03 January, 2015 21:26
“My source was indeed Suvorov,…Stalin was indeed present, but refused to head the parade himself… because he was not happy over the result of WW2. According to Suvorov.”
….”The main points remain unchallenged:
– USSR had at least 7 times more thanks than the Germans
– Stalin did not like the result of the outcome of WW2″.
Look, who cares the number of tanks? It won the Red Army and point, to the glory of Stalin and the Russian people (Soviet in this case).If, as you say, Stalin had fallen from a horse, it is normal to decide not ride, with such a responsibility above him, would have been unwise. (I came today driving to home after a bad fall and it was foolhardy, but had no choice and I’m not in front of a huge nation at war).
Finally, why do you insist on ensuring that Stalin was not satisfied with the outcome of the war, based on the testimony of that Suvorov…and, who is this,…oh wait… a traitor spy? So for me has as much credibility as Ksenia Sobchak criticizing Ramzan Kadyrov, that is, zero ranker.
It fell or not from the horse, or was more or less satisfied with the result, the really true is that people loved him as shown in this video that I put below. What is also seen in this video and in others of the era was the standard of living in the USSR, so healthy looking people, how they were dressed at that time … ( Unimaginable in Spain, for example ) And people seemed happy …
Ukie nuke blows
And bye bye Nazis.
@Anonymous said…03 January, 2015 15:43
Thanks a lot for your tríptico “How Russia Lost the War”.
The Russian people have a lot to be angry and bitter about, since both Stalin and Hitler were creatures of the Tavistock Institute.
@вот так
“The Soviet war declaration in 1945 is what caused the Japanese capitulation, not the nuclear attacks by cowardly Ami.”
I am inclined to agree with this, so I am curious about your sources. Could you paste a reference for this in your next post? Thanks!
please can you a little less tabloid about this?
1: there is no such thing as collective guilt
2: pedophilia ia sexual attraction to pre-pubescent children
3: laws in various countries set out the age at which that country considers someone old enough to consent to sex;having sex wit someone younger is,with some conditions, called ‘statutory rape” ie rape by law even if the person consented
4: having sex with someone say 17 where the law says 18 is NOT pedophilia
5: I wonder how “forced” someone is flying all over the world for months in private jets and staying in mansions and 5 star hotels? all that time she couldn’t get away? puhleese..
and then you take a guess of 25% ????????? of an unknown number???
Did you know in the US there is a big range of consent ages, varying by State? that there is one where the age is (frm memory) 15 but you can get married at 13 with parental consent????? that the legal age has been gradually raised, although for centuries it was normal for a girl to get married within 2 or 3 years of reaching puberty??
The trouble with the people you refer to is not pedophilia. It is the abuse of their power, their position, their money, the feeling they’re entitled to “buy” people for their own amusement.
Be ware!
This thread seems to have attracted a whole shit load of zionazi hasbara trolls, trying to poison the conversation.
You seem to think that China isn’t free. It seems freer than most Western countries to me. In any case, what do you mean by freedom? This is not meant to distract; it is meant to say that there really are radically different visions, to use the other word you think is important. I have met Japanese who moved to New York because it was “free”. If you talk to them, you will discover that they were shocked by the police brutality and petty laws. What they mean by free is the lack of social pressure, especially from their families. They would be free in 90% of the countries on Earth by their goals.
As for vision, there is a Chinese Dream, so that is not the issue. You mean internationally. The sacred point for China has been non-interference. Along with that comes anti-colonialism and accepting the outcome of WWII. But I think you are missing the overarching picture in this. China doesn’t want to fight and destroy America or the City of London. China wants to build a world of alternatives, so those older systems can fade away. Thus avoiding a big war.
Can you suggest a vision they could have that would make sense?
The Anglo Americans are many things–devious, ruthless, avaricious, and filled with false Christian piety and self-righteousness.
They should never be underestimated as civilizational threats.
Most dangerous of all is this: the Anglo Americans are the greatest liars and deceivers on the planet.
The Anglo Americnas instinctively project their own crimes onto their adversaries or victims– accusing other nations of what they are guilty of, while wrapping themselves in noble-sounding rhetoric about equality, freedom, justice, Christian values, etc.
Whatever comes about of the mouth of an Anglo-American, disregard it–no matter how appealing or “inspiring” it may sound.
It is deception, pure and simple.
When the Anglo Americans speak, you can hear a snake hissing–if you listen carefully.
I think now we are living in the atomic age and with the bombs that create depleted Uranimum that past history doesn’t even apply.
Look how the US was able to defoliate Vietnam.
We are in a whole new era of chemical weapons, nuclear power and nuclear bombs.
Pushing Russian nationalism and acting like Russia is invincible is pure dangerous and reckless.
Instead, we need a strong international peace movement rather than fostering delusions and confusion.
I don’t think people really understand that we are approaching the brink. Nuclear weapons could not possibly be used by Russia without dangerously impacting Russia itself.
And war conducted near nuclear reactors could lead to similiar efforts of nuclear war with terrible Chernobyl type of poisoning.
It really depends on whether the US ruling class will come to their senses or will their reliance on the MIC finish us all off.
Lots of discussion about WW2 … interesting articles and videos can be found here:
And here:
Even if the USSR did plan to attack Nazi Germany (which is patently not true) would that be any grounds on which to criticize the old USSR?
Quite the opposite I would imagine.
“Also, while I am making unsubstantiated claims (I don’t have the time to substantiate them), I think that Suvorov/Rezun was basically correct.”
Not really. David Glantz’s “Stumbling Collossus” examines Rezun’s claims in detail and finds em wanting, as does Gabriel Gorodetsky’s “Grand Delusion” Gorodetsky shows that Stalins desperate appeasement of Germany in the Spring of 1941 was driven by the need to delay the German attack until 1942, when the Soviet Army would not only have more of the new tanks, artillery, and combat aircraft then entering production, but a year of training on it, and a completed Molotov Line system of fortified regions at the 1941 border.
“Stalin was planning an attack on Germany,”
Stalin was hoping to put off war until 1942, or even better, 1943. Who would attack whom would depend on circumstances.
The French and British did declare war on Germany after the invasion of Poland but in actuality did next to nothing to harm German interests.
The USSR invaded and captured the eastern part of Poland that basically was Western Belarus and western Ukraine. It was Germany that invaded Poland proper (Warsaw and all)
Another thing. It was Nazi Germany that was by far the most willing to change borders in Europe, not the USSR.
May I also ask why you seem so sympathetic to the Nazi cause? I mean, what is it that you find redeeming about the Nazis?
//Only Mongols got Russia, and they did not attack from the West//
Indeed they did not, but from the East as we well know, and great hordes of them, and would have moved further into Europe had they not been finally overcome and repelled by Russia.
This is the truth of what happened in that great invasion.
Never mind about cheap history and superficial conjecture.
Russia saved Europe at the time.
We will see blood being spilled again in Europe.
Those who attacked Russia did not take into consideration “that fighting with Russians resembles the classic contest between Hercules and the Hydra.” You destroy them in front of you and they appear in full strength behind you, and this is exactly what happened to Napoleon and Hitler. Kutuzov like Zhukov cut the Hydra’s heads one at a time. Hitler should have heeded his idol Fredrick the Grate’s warning “he who defends everything defends nothing”. However, in the case of Russia the warning should have been he who attacks everything attacks nothing. Is there a lesson in this for the new Hydra called NATO If someone wishes to institute political change, particularly if one wishes to witness that change, he had better try some other means than war against Russia.
Thanks to “Dutch” for quoting the propagandist’s material here (03 January, 2015 21:27):
“From Suvorov’s book: Rudel also mentioned the “Martin” bombers. Indeed, military supplies from the United States and Great Britain began to arrive in the Soviet Union long before June 22, 1941.”
The Soviets did not operate Martin bombers. They did not recieve any Martin bombers. Rezun is practicing the usual western propaganda of the cold war: IE: using WW2 nazi propaganda as “fact”. This sort of rubbish makes up the bulk of western “historical” work on the Soviet-German theater of the war, written during the cold war. Nazi absurdities were rightly rejected when writing about American or British aspects, but somehow, the nazis got it right in their propaganda in their toss about the USSR. Yeah, right.. :D Many of these western propagandists parroting nazi rubbish kept it up post cold war.
Rezun never produced any solid evidence for his claims and admitted so eventually. He used rediculous “reasoning” to sell his propaganda, really pathetic stuff one would expect from a John McCain or Jennifer Psaki in a press conference. In reality it’s the same sort of propaganda, only of an earlier generation of it. Example of this Rezun rubbish:
The Soviets had paratroopers, so they were intending to wage offensive war. Reality: everybody had them or was developing the concept. Paratrooper were the latest “rage” in the 30’s – like drones are now.
The Soviets developed a “flying tank”, so obviously they intended to invade Germany using this. :D That one shows how rediculous the propagandist is. The tank was a light tank slung under a large bomber. The idea was to have the bomber fly slow and very low and drop a T-40 light tank. Yeah, one can guess the result. :D It was a crackpot idea that quickly failed at the experimental stage and never went anywhere. That Rezun would use these experiments as “evidence” of Soviet aggressive intent show the level of dishonesty the propagandist went to sell his rubbish. The Soviets were running small scale experiments with all sorts of new military ideas and so was everybody else. Rezun, attributing what he did to it, is simply being dishonest and Goebbelsian, and his rubbish is no different than what comes from the ziofascist/fascist propagandists about Russia now.
One of my favourite Rezun wankeries, and very typical of the sort of hypocrisy inherent in these propagandists for hire, is he chided Soviet Jews who changed their names to more Russian sounding ones, while he renamed himself after a famous Russian general. Can one be more pathetic?
Here is a partial list of historians, and their material, who have debunked Rezun over the years:
Makhmut Gareev
Lev Bezymensky
Dmitri Volkogonov
David Glantz – The Journal of Military History 55 & Stumbling Colossus:The Red Army on the Eve of World War
Cynthia A. Roberts – Planning for War: The Red Army and the Catastrophe of 1941. Europe-Asia Studies 47
Teddy J. Uldricks – The Icebreaker Controversy: Did Stalin Plan to Attack Hitler? Slavic Review, Vol. 58, No. 3
Hugh Ragsdale – Grand Delusion: Stalin and the German Invasion of Russia. Slavic Review 59
Stephen Blank – Russian Review 59
Roger Reese – Slavic Review 59
Derek Watson – Slavic Review 59
Robin Edmonds – International Affairs (Royal Institute of International Affairs 1944–), Vol. 66, No. 4
Jonathan Haslam – Soviet-German Relations and the Origins of the Second World War: The Jury Is Still Out. The Journal of Modern History 69
вот так
@ Anon 04 January, 2015 04:22
I watched that video in Oct.
Glazyev & Kahzin are right,perhaps the foot draggers in the present government will be replaced soon.
To understand the setup of the Central Bank …
read Nocolay Starikov’s book
‘Rouble Nationalization:the way to Russias freedom’.
VL. in the video makes the point, which is so true of most countries,
that the politicians are just like beaurocrats with no experience of real life economics.
The Central Bank needs to quit the IMF system established at Bretton Woods and a large part of the government need to go.
While Rezun is a typical example of western cold war propaganda making use of nazi propaganda in order to further similar western fascist aims against the USSR, Weeks is an example of that “American exceptionalism” that has polluted and debased American based historical work to the point American historians can be considered no more reliable than nazi historians in 1930’s-40’s Germany were, and should be considered propagandists. By now, I think we all know what American exceptionalism is, so there is no need to define the mental deficiency further here. What I will do is take a section of Weeks’ work and show how he weasels in American exceptionalism concepts and propaganda throughout. As this sort of duplicitous sleight of hand rubbish is ubiquitous throughout American “historical” work, these examples of how propaganda is disguised as historical study can used to see through similar dishonesty in other works, as well.
From Russia’s Life-Saver: Lend-Lease Aid to the U.S.S.R. in World War II, cited from
Scroll up to page 25. Weeks says the lend-lease aide was $40.1 billion, the British share was $31 billion and the Soviet share was “over $12 billion”. 12+31=43, no? Apparently Weeks is weak on basic math. Did he exaggerate the amount to the Soviets, or to the British? The thesis of his book is America saved the Soviets, so it’s a pretty safe be he falsified the figure for aide to the Soviets.
A little further down the page, he describes the routes taken to deliver the lend-lease material to the Soviets. His description of the Pacific route as through a “Japanese pond” is accurate. He then states most of the ships carrying lend-lease materials were under US registry (IE: American merchant ships). A little further down he provided a table showing the tonnage of materials that was sent to the USSR through each route. One can see the most material went through the Pacific route. The gist here is that American ships traveled the Pacific, heroically dodging Japanese warship patrols to deliver aide to the Soviets. Americans save the day again. The reality is very different. The lend-lease sent by way of the Pacific went in Soviet bottoms, not American. I’ll repeat, American registered ships carried none of it. Furthermore, there was no danger from Japanese warships to this shipping route. Why? Because the Soviets and Japanese were not at war with each other and maintained strict neutrality with regard to each others shipping. The Japanese agreed to not interfere with Soviet shipping from the USA, provided non war materials were being transported. The bulk of the non war material was sent along this route due to this neutrality agreement. In fact, the Soviet ships carrying the lend-lease were in more danger from American forces than from Japanese. Though not intentionally from either. One Soviet ship was sunk by mistake by a Japanese sub, six were sunk by American subs. Weeks mentions none of these facts. There is no way Weeks did not know this information, his intentional leaving it out was deliberate because it would not support his American exceptionalist narrative.
Weeks also claims the lend-lease shipments were exclusively by sea. This is untrue, quite a few American and Canadian made aircraft were ferried from Alaska to Siberia.
A small sample of the American exceptionalism, works such at this by Weeks and their ilk, which make up the bulk of American “historical” work, especially that popularized, are infused throughout with that sort of propaganda.
вот так
Is Donbass Ukraine and Is It a “Deal”? Or No Deal? (Washington Feeds the Press with Leaks from the Inside)
@ Anon 04 January, 2015 04:22
I see on the lower thread that
ALIEN TECH put this link up's_freedom.pdf
from the excellent Fort Russ blog:
” There are reports, even photographs, on Polish nationalist web sites showing Polish fighters in Ukraine, fighting against Novorossiya militias. If true, it may be that Ukraine will do for the fascist movements of Europe what the war in Afghanistan in the ‘80s (or the war in Syria right now) has done and is doing for Islamic fundamentalism around the world. These “foreign fighters” in Ukraine no doubt want to return one day to their home countries and apply their experiences. Once they do, Europe may see a wave of fascism not seen since the 1930s.”
Not mentioned in article: Britain, France and America’s failed military intervention and abortive invasion of Russia in 1917, “to strangle Bolshevism at birth” as Churchill put it.
Czech President Says ‘Only Poorly Informed People’ Don’t Know About Ukraine Coup
U.S. President Obama is thus now pressing his pedal to the metal in order to achieve maximum destructive force against Russia, regardless of how many or what nations will follow him — perhaps even over the cliff, into a nuclear war. Obama is, in effect, now saying to each and every European head-of-state: Either you’re with us, or you’re against us. He’s George W. Bush II, only with regard to Russia, instead of to Iraq.
It’s “choosing up sides” time, yet again; and, this time, Obama and Putin are both waiting, no doubt each somewhat nervously, to see what his team will consist of, and what the opposing team will turn out to be.
However, there can be no reasonable doubt that Obama was the aggressor here. A coup followed by an ethnic cleansing is nazi, not at all democratic. That’s not opinion; it’s fact; and so it warrants to be noted in a news report, even though (if not especially because) others don’t report this fact, so that it’s still news, for long after it should have been reported as being “news.” Unfortunately, it remains as news, even today.
“The war is ever-present. We notice that financial resources are being used for it; many things in the social sector have been stopped. However, people are now doing a lot more on their own initiative, solidarity is growing among the people,” Bishop Skomarovsky said.
Warm clothing, among other things, has been collected because many soldiers in the East are inadequately equipped and feel as though they have been abandoned.
An assertive foreign policy, including annexation of Crimea and support of the rebellion in eastern Ukraine, serves these goals perfectly. The country is experiencing a spectacular rise of national unity and nationalism that would be typical for late 19th century Western Europe. As result, Russia will not be interested in making significant political concessions on Ukraine in exchange for lifting the sanctions. Whether sanctions are removed or increased will have limited effect on Russia’s economic situation. And demonstration of weakness could be politically suicidal.
That does not mean we will necessarily see a new round of hostilities in Ukraine in 2015. The military situation in the eastern Ukraine became a strategic stalemate after the Ukrainian Army was defeated in the battle of Ilovaysk in August. Ukraine is facing an economic disaster and new political instability, and the Army is in disarray, but rebel forces appear to be too poorly organized and controlled to take full advantage.
Russia is interested in freezing the conflict either by turning the current Donetsk and Luhansk republics into unrecognized states or by obtaining Ukrainian consent for the widest autonomy for these territories in the framework of the Ukrainian state. These would achieve Russia’s main policy goals in Ukraine, and Moscow then would be interested in complete military de-escalation.
At the same time, Russia will continue an assertive line in relations with the West because Russia does not feel it has much to lose. For Moscow, the Cold War has already started. It began when the US and EU supported a rebellion against a democratically elected government of Ukraine on the sole ground that the government chose a pro-Russian foreign policy.
The additional US deployments in Western Europe will be reciprocated by increased activity of the Russian Air Force and Navy along NATO borders; any tough statements from the West will be answered in kind.
Russia is preparing for a period of prolonged political confrontation with the West, and that pushes Moscow toward closer military, political and industrial cooperation with China. Next year we will see increased joint military activities, including a naval exercise in the Mediterranean, and new arms and high-tech trade deals.
Item 1
Ukie Azov battalion claims that Ukie saboteur groups are operating on the territory of Russia in the Rostov region
Item 2
Interfax Ukraine is reporting that travel between the Donbas region and Ukraine is being tightly restricted henceforth. The move will discourage travel and will place greater economic and social pressure on Donbas, where the Kyiv government has already cut the funding and supplying of pensions and social services.
Item 3
TV Vezda Russian Armed Forces
Soldiers of the National Guard of Ukraine have begun to patrol the streets of Odessa. Authorities say the move is “to prevent terrorist attacks in the city”. But many bloggers in the city are writing that the move is in response to rising social protests.
Anyone name the ‘prince’ that post mentions now in the news?
it’s not like there’s thousands of ’em, like the saudis!
i think there’s maybe 4?
here’s recent news who knows whether any of it’s true:
The bones of the king under the car park have delivered further shocks, 527 years after his death and more than two years after his remains were discovered in Leicester: Richard III was a blue-eyed blond, and the present Queen may not be descended from John of Gaunt and Edward III, the lineage on which the Tudor claim to the throne originated.
AirAsia dec 28
this specific action i see made news many places, but it’s all the other findings make it worth a read.
“Tony” dumped nearly a million shares of his own company less than a week before Flight 8501 disappeared into the Java Sea. Would you call that “luck”? Same kind of “luck” that allowed him to buy an airline for 26 cents?
REminder: jan25 greece election
Both Chancellor Angela Merkel and Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble believe the euro zone has implemented enough reforms since the height of the regional crisis in 2012 to make a potential Greece exit manageable, Der Spiegel reported.
The American Liberty was lost on November 22, 1963, which is the day the Oligarchs Murdered American President John F. Kennedy, in what was called by two authors, “The coup d’etat in Dallas.”
The American Republic was overthrown, and replaced by an Oligarch controlled Police State. At first, many of the structures of Democracy, and even many of Kennedy’s Cabinet were retained in their positions.
As the years (and decades) passed, the difference between the before – and after became ever more evident. The assassinations of political figures did not cease with J. Kennedy. His brother Robert Kennedy was eliminated (shot) one hour after he won the California (the most important) Presidential electoral Primary.
Martin L. King, Malcolm X, and Fred Hampton, were assassinated in an effort (successful) to control the African American population.
John Lennon’s assassination (by the Oligarchs), silenced the author of the international anthym, IMAGINE. Lennon, the courageous and influential musician and author, was residing in New York City, and had become an American citizen).
Each succeeding (since 1963), American government has become weaker and more corrupt. Obama (often called Obomber), is but a powerless actor, placed by the Oligarchs in a powerless position, to placate the powerless Liberals, and pretend ‘Democracy’ to the rest of the world.
Former President Jimmy Carter, said last year that the United States is no longer a Democracy. His political comments are blacked out from the US Media. He was not allowed to speak at the last Democrat gang political convention. At least he is still breathing. Another courageous fighter for liberty, former Congressman Ron Paul, was also silenced by not being allowed to speak at his Republican gang political convention.
Yes, our Liberty was lost on November 22, 1963. It has not been regained. However, our national poet, Bob Dylan, reflected much optimism.
For the Democratic Republic!
Peter J. Antonsen
Pat, US military is indeed formidable force, well fed, armed, pampered, insureď, housed in the comfortable and all that…
It is also an Imperial army, designed for conquest. It figths against week, poor, ususaly helpless countries. It is used to have an overheming technological and complete air superiority, undisturbed comunication, observation, navigation/targeting radio – electronic – satelite systems. It depends on the an enormus, complex, vunerable and expensive support system, consisting of very long supply lines for huge volume of fuel, machinery, spare parts, technicianc e.c.t.
Last but not the least – US troops are acastumed to a very few casulties.
Figthing against Russian armed forces would be a completly diferent experience. First of all US service man would have to get used to dying in huge numbers. Russian armed forces are more then capable to deny all of the advantages that US troops normaly have on the battle fields…
Anonymous asks about the alliesd relation to the attack on Poland.
I agree with David Chu’s answer. There is more meat in Harry Elmer Barnes ‘Perpetual war for perpetual peace’ from 1954 containing material from several authors.
FDR and his helpers were deeply involved in causing the war both in Europe and against Japan. Dont miss that source by Barnes et al.
Russia suggest that a free trade zone between Europe and Russia’s Eurasian bloc would be better for Europe than free trade with US:
A respectful suggestion; could we have a daily open topic post here so that we can post without having to scroll past 200+ posts?
The Soviet Storm series is the best video portrayal of WWII in the east.
Great series, a must watch if you haven’t seen it!
Anonymous said…04 January, 2015 06:20
“@вот так
“The Soviet war declaration in 1945 is what caused the Japanese capitulation, not the nuclear attacks by cowardly Ami.”
I am inclined to agree with this, so I am curious about your sources. Could you paste a reference for this in your next post? Thanks!”
Sure, this is probably the most thorough source I can recommend:
Racing the Enemy: Stalin, Truman, and the Surrender of Japan
The author condenses the research used in the book in this article:
The Atomic Bombs and the Soviet Invasion: What Drove Japan’s Decision to Surrender?
вот так
Anonymous said…04 January, 2015 06:20
“@вот так
“The Soviet war declaration in 1945 is what caused the Japanese capitulation, not the nuclear attacks by cowardly Ami.”
I am inclined to agree with this, so I am curious about your sources. Could you paste a reference for this in your next post? Thanks!”
Sure, this is probably the most thorough source I can recommend:
Racing the Enemy: Stalin, Truman, and the Surrender of Japan
The author condenses the research used in the book in this article:
The Atomic Bombs and the Soviet Invasion: What Drove Japan’s Decision to Surrender?
вот так
many interesting comments indeed..
The one I prefer is
“How Russia lost the war, part I – III”,
which provides a lot of insight into the power structure of contemporary Russia.
It appears to me, that in Russia of today, the real power lays with the very same oligarchs as in the Western countries. Could it be, that these powers are playing again a game of cat and mouse with the Goyim. (Ken O’Keefe said it clearly: do no look for a savior Putin, all the politicians on the TV screens are only pawns of the Zio-Masonic-Matrix.
The strategy of tension is a wonderful tool to manipulate the average citizens, during wars people critical of the system can be jailed/silenced or sent into deadly combat…
This would also explain the question of a commenter, on why the allies didn’t declare war to the USSR after it invaded Poland in 1939..
part 1
вот так says: “While Rezun is a typical example of western cold war propaganda making use of nazi propaganda in order to further similar western fascist aims against the USSR”
What proof do you have that Suvorov’s work is ‘western cold war propaganda’.
The West, until today, is protecting all the lies concerning WW2. Western officialdom never embraced Rezun. No official western source ever deviated from the official western party line, lied together in Nuremberg, that ‘evil Nazi Germany was attacking peaceloving USSR for no other reason than Lebensraum acquisition’. After all, had not Hitler announced himself in his Mein Kampf blog that he planned to do so?
About these Lebensraum plans… yes he naively penned them down for everybody to read in 1925, when he was merely a local Munich figure, doing time for a failed Putsch. He came up with this plan to find a solution for the problem that Germany was unable to feed itself, as was shown the hard way during the Anglo food blockades of WW1, where up to one million Germans were starved to death:
These plans were written during a time when the USSR was very weak and recovering from a devastating civil war. The USSR was so weak that even a country like Poland, that had not existed for more than 100 years and was reborn again in 1918, was able to invade the USSR, deep into Ukraine. It was in these circumstances, that Hitler could contemplate the possibility as acquiring colonies in the East, where are the western European powers had already snatched away every thinking colony on the planet.
This of course is no excuse for Hitler, but it was not exceptional either and the last people in a position to judge were the French and British, who both had huge colonial empires.
But the point is, this Lebensraum dream was never more than a dream and was NEVER actively pursued from the moment when Hitler came to power in 1933.
Reason: in the meantime the USSR had developed into a military powerhouse and easy German acquisition of territories at the cost of the USSR was completely out of the question. There is not a single German document that hints that Germany was after Lebensraum in the USSR, ever after 1933.
Don’t believe me. I might be a child-beating, chain-smoking neo-nazi, with swastika tattoo’s all over and at 11:00 a.m. drinking my third beer of the day. I am not, but there is no way for you to know this.
kind regards,
part 2
Why not listen to the notoriously noble people who organised the Nuremberg trial. The minutes are online for everybody to see:
That link contains a very interesting admission. I advise you to slowly let the meaning of this small piece of text to sink in:
“MR. JUSTICE JACKSON. I really think that this trial, if it should get into an argument over the political and economic causes of this war, could do infinite harm, both in Europe, which I don’t know well, and in America, which I know fairly well. If we should have a prolonged controversy over whether Germany invaded Norway a few jumps ahead of a British invasion of Norway, or whether France in declaring war was the real aggressor, this trial can do infinite harm for those countries with the people of the United States. And the same is true of our Russian relationships. The Germans will certainly accuse all three of our European Allies of adopting policies which forced them to war. The reason I Say that is that captured documents which we have always made that claim-that Germany would be forced into war. They admit they were planning war, but the captured documents of the Foreign Office that I have examined all come down to the claim, “We have no way out; we must fight; we are encircled; we are being strangled to death.””
The context is this: this is a meeting held in London before the actual trial would begin. Date July 19, 1945 (the actual trial would begin on 20 November 1945).
Imagine this: the new Masters of the Universe, the USA and USSR and their little sidekicks Britain and France are deliberating how to tackle the upcoming trial. One thing is already certain; Jackson, a mediocre lawyer, from New York, who did not even graduate from any law school and who knew on which side his bread is buttered, knows what is expected from him: an outright condemnation of Germany. Like in post-WW1 Versailles, all the blame needs to be put again on the vanquished nation.
But Jackson has to admit he has a little problem, read the quote above. He has been delving in all the German archives, to which he had unlimited access, but he could not find a single piece of evidence that Germany had aggressive intentions *** AGAINST ANYBODY ***. Not Poland, not Norway, not the Low Countries, not the USSR.
All he sees is a Germany in a state of panic that feels itself surrounded by almost everybody and that they need to fight to defend themselves.
How did the lying allies deal with this little inconvenience? Simple. They came up with a long list of subjects that were considered to be “off topic”. Every incriminating fact for the allies was systematically left out and forbidden to be discussed, like for instance the secret annex of the Molotov-Ribbentrop accord.
In Nuremberg the seeds were planted for the greatest demonization campaign in world history, including the holo-poison, the greatest smear of them all, acquired by systematic torture (America still applies torture), just to cover up for the far bigger crimes of the allies and create the moral pretext to justify the colonization of Europe.
Nuremberg is something to be puked upon.
Kind regards,
I’ve just read all the comments and I am a bit shocked by numerous Germany’s apologists regarding WW2.
I am personally not anti-German at all, my absolutely favorite philosopher is Arthur Schopenhauer, whom I consider to be the greatest genius ever to be born on this planet (the same description of him was made by Tolstoy).
But, regarding WW2, Germany did EVERYTHING wrong! Germans are responsible for unimaginable horrors, the genocide of 30 million Slavic people, 5-6 milion INNOCENT Jews (if they wanted to get things wright they could have killed the Rothschild family, not ordinary poor people) and they also killed unknown number of Romany (Gypsy) people, who are by the way, the pure Aryans from India.
Furthermore, it became obvious that Germans did not change a bit immediately after their reunification in 1990., because Germany did everything possible to destroy my country of Yugoslavia by giving unconditional support to Croatian neo-nazi regime in 1991. and also to Slovenia, who seceded illegally together with Croatia.
And if 2014. proved anything, it proved that Germany is again firmly and uncompromisingly anti-Russian and anti-Slavic, despite totally different expectations from most of us, including Putin.
I honestly blame Gorbachev for ever letting East Germany out of Russian orbit. It is, historically speaking absolutely SLAVIC land, and it was only after 12th century that Germans managed to ethnically cleanse Pommorania and Polabia from the Slavs.
If Germans ever again go against the Slavs, they will be crushed, but this time forever.
The Wend.
@вот так
Thanks much for the reference to Tsuyoshi Hasegawa’s book and article. Looks very good!
For anybody else interested, the site that вот так mentioned is a great resource for solid articles not just about Japan, but East Asian geopolitics.
Saker, regarding Rezun – please read Aleksey Isaev’s “Antisuvorov” or watch some of his numerous interviews. He’s incredibly meticulous and professional and dismantles literally everything that Suvorov has invented in his Ledokol etc books.
Don’t ferget the Frenchies!
they’re busy building Camp Dien Bien Phu II, like 60+ years ago.
France could launch a military intervention in Libya within three months, according to an Arab diplomat who spoke to Arabic-language newspaper al-Sharq al-Awsat.
The official, who asked not to be named, told the newspaper on Saturday that the question currently under discussion in Paris is not whether France will launch strikes in crisis-hit Libya, but when.
During the surprise visit, Jean-Yves Le Drian saw in the New Year at a French base being built 100 kilometres from Niger’s border with Libya with the aim of stemming a feared flow of weapons and fighters from war-torn Libya further into the Sahel.
We should not loose sight of the Ribbentrop – Molotov pact and the specter of a Russo-German alliance. The West, England especially, put all efforts to prevent and sabotage it. It was MI6 which managed to convince both Hitler and Stalin that they would be attacked by the other.
Some quotations from the forgotten book of John Wheeler-Bennett, “Brest-Litovsk. The forgotten peace”:
“German ‘colonization’in Russia
was proposed by Dr. Schacht at a conference in Rome in
November 1932, even before the advent of Hitler to power…
‘If the Urals with their incalculable wealth of raw-
materials, the rich forests of Siberia, and the unending
cornfields of the Ukraine lay within Germany, under
National Socialist leadership the country would swim in
plenty. We would produce, and every single German would have enough to live on’, he (Hitler) told representatives of the Arbeitsfront on September 12…
No purer example of Brest-
Litovsk psychology could be required than this virtual
incitement to plunder…
Europe has been treated to one display of the effects of this
psychosis, and, should Germany succeed in re-establishing
the situation which existed for a brief moment after Brest-
Litovsk, the results would be even more threatening than
they were then. For an industrialized Russia exploited by
the organizing genius of Germany conjures up a vision which
no Western European can contemplate with equanimity”.
If that vision could not heve been contemplated with equanimity, what to say about the infinitely direst perspective of a quadripartite Axis
(forerunner of Eurasia)?
“After Germany entered a Tripartite Pact with Japan and Italy, in October 1940, Ribbentrop wrote to Stalin about “the historical mission of the Four Powers — the Soviet Union, Italy, Japan and Germany — to adopt a long range-policy and to direct the future development of their peoples into the right channels by delimitation of their interests in a worldwide scale.” Stalin replied, referencing entering an agreement regarding a “permanent basis” for their “mutual interests.” Stalin sent Molotov to Berlin to negotiate the terms for the Soviet Union to join the Axis and potentially enjoy the spoils of the pact”.
If you have a really long presentation, 3-4 parter, try submitting it to Saker before you post. He may consider putting it up as an article, easier to read and deal with, and to comment thereon.
Just a suggestion.
Peter A:
Re: JFK. Correct.
Re: China leaders, wrong.
Most of the leadership’s fathers (princelings) and the sons (like Xi) were subjects of the evil of Mao and the Gang of Four during the Cultural Revolution. They lost their freedom and know the evil of government.
They understand the evil of Communism. They mouth fealty-like statements about the ideology, but they are not Soviet-style in any way, shape or form.
It is true the Party dominates the government. But if you read the speeches among the leadership inside the Party events, they are acutely aware that their rule will end if they fail the people’s progress and the nation’s development. It is that simple. They know the people will throw them out for cause.
Stability is the number one product of Party rule. Wealth is the number one product of state managed capitalism.
Pollution in the air and water are far more important than some liberties issue the West thinks interests these people.
The Chinese Dream, the New Silk Road, their Space program, another Olympics, getting another big basketball star into the NBA, learning to speak English and Russian, traveling, winning at some international contest—these matter to the Chinese.
Choosing between a Jeb Bush or Hillary Clinton cloned “democracy” is laughable. The Chinese are far too intelligent and aware that the US has no connection with the people, no love of its citizens and the Chinese don’t want to emulate that.
The Chinese want their sovereignty respected. They want to build Chinese brands that are number one.
President Xi is taking them into the future, into a world that China’s wealth will transform. China’s strategic partnership with Russia will work diplomatically and economically to reshape that world toward peaceful resolutions.
And both leaders have enormous public support.
And we will see the Hegemon do everything evil it can muster to stop that from happening.
Dutch says…
“Fascinating all these American fans of the USSR. They can’t wait to become one themselves, under the brave leadership of NSA and the neocons, of whatever that eternal DNA is called these days. Most Americans are Soviet material, not worthy of the constitution.”
Amerophobia is just as bad as Russophobia.only from the other side.Nor do I intend to tolerate it anymore than I do Russophobia.
I smell a pro-German bias in everything you write about WW2.Not really surprising since the Netherlands was full of pro-nazis during that era.Providing more volunteers for the German “crusade” against the Soviet Union than any part of Hitler’s Europe per population.And today the Netherlands elite and brainwashed public are some of the most loyal of the Empire’s helpers in this latest attack on Russia.From their diplomats willingly aiding NGO’s in Ukraine.Through the cover-up of the MH17 shoot day.They happily help out.Let “them without sin” cast the first stone is something you need to dwell on when attacking my people.
Your story on Barbarosa is interesting.False,but interesting.As much as the Western Allies hated the Soviet Union,during the Cold War period.If what you write was true they would have been the first to push a story to make Stalin look even worse,and whitewash the nazi invasion.By making it look like “poor innocent Germany was just defending themselves against the Russian beast” by invading them first.What you wrote is another of the failed attempts to blame Russia for the War in the East and make their defeat of nazi Germany look less of a tremendous achievement.Usually written by German ,pro-German,or at least anti-Soviet “historians”.And another more subtle part of Russophobia.Which many other posters here have already debunked I see.
Sometimes history isn’t manipulated,it is just,well history.Take for instances,the fact that while the British and later the US was busy building our Empires (and doing hideous crimes in the process).Our other European cousins were doing the exact same things in building their Empires.Such as Dutch settlers,stealing lands and killing Native Americans in the areas of North America they controlled (until the British turned around and stole those lands from them).Or the Dutch pushing the slave trade in the Caribbean to make the islands they controlled there and in bits of South America,rich slave colonies.And certainly lets not forget their abominable behavior and land stealing,native killing,behavior in South Africa and Indonesia.The last lasting until after WW2.So again we have a case of “let them without sin…” for you.
Next time you feel the need to rant on about the many crimes of Empire that my people commit.You can bet I’m more than ready to remind you of the crimes of your people in return.It’s best to remember that all peoples are easy to brainwash and that is what we write to correct here.In past centuries every Empire thought they were the “exceptional” ones.And as much as I despise idiots among my own people having foolish thoughts like that today.They are by far not “exceptional” in history with having those thoughts.No Empire,or the remains of Empires are “without sin”,live with it and stop the Amerophobia.Americans are as much victims of the Empire as others.In different ways true.But if we aren’t,neither are all the Dutch,British,French,Spanish,Germans,Portuguese,Italians,Russians,Poles,Turks,Chinese,Japanese,Arabs,etc,etc,that had Empires of their own at one time.
Uncle Bob
СБУ объявила в розыск певицу Юлию Чичерину (SBU was declared wanted singer Yulia Chicherina)
Чичерина: Власти Украины закрывают глаза на свои кровавые ошибки (Chicherin: Ukrainian Authorities turn a blind eye to their bloody errors)
The singer/musician Yulia Chichernia deserves recognition for her help. Seeing her getting involved was rather surprising since I had not seen her connected with any political events before. Her music is upbeat, her videos often humourous and she clowns around a lot on stage. Quite the opposite of that humourless drudge, Boris Grebenshikov, and his uninspired, monotonous dirges, who blames Russia for the ZPC/NWO terrorism in the Ukraine and recently told a concert audience to not get involved, but stick their collective heads in the sand (IE: don’t oppose the Israeli-American “master”).
Chicherina is one of many Russian celebrities who have got involved helping out Novorossia who before from what I noticed, were not particularly political before. This conflict is firing up the political interests in a lot of people who stayed away from political issues before. This is great news for Russia, bad news for color revolution planners.
I assume most people posting here probably had never heard of her before, so here are a couple of videos by Chichernia that I think express her very Russian style:
Чичерина – Ту-лу-ла
One of her earliest. Also part of the soundtrack of the film Brat 2.
Чичерина – Жара
вот так
Anonymous said…
“He then states most of the ships carrying lend-lease materials were under US registry (IE: American merchant ships). A little further down he provided a table showing the tonnage of materials that was sent to the USSR through each route.”
I’m going to guess he also didn’t mention the tons of rare minerals and industrial diamonds and gold shipped to the US to help the war effort and as partial payment for the Western war aid.Shipped on the same ships as they returned to the West.
Uncle Bob
Rossiya Segodnya, IRNA Sign Cooperation Agreement
“Russia’s International Information Agency Rossiya Segodnya and Iran’s Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) signed an agreement Sunday on creation of common information space and promotion of objective coverage of the two countries in the world media field…”
Russia and Iran are definitely moving closer together.
вот так
Dutch…04 January, 2015 22:10
“What proof do you have that Suvorov’s work is ‘western cold war propaganda’.”
Because you are promoting it still. ;D
Give it up, Dutch. This isn’t Freerepublic.
вот так
Joat said, “The Central Bank needs to quit the IMF system established at Bretton Woods and a large part of the government need to go.”
Here is Vladimir Putin’s answer to Nationalization of the Ruble; the quotes reaffirm Russia’s commitment to a multipolar world united by an international monetary system administered by the BIS + IMF + USD retrofitted to reflect the new economic realities as the BIS + IMF + SDR.
Russia is playing a key role in the transition from the unipolar USD world system to the multipolar SDR world system. The populist effort to derail Russia’s inclusion in a New World Order is a misguided effort playing directly into the hands of the Anglo-Zionist Empire’s efforts to derail the transition from USD unipolar system to the SDR multipolar international monetary system. The imperial oligarch’s are expert at guiding utopian dreams to divide and conquer realistic efforts to introduce a more diverse and just world system. Anyway….enjoy the words of Vladimir Putin’s real world views…..
“Another thing – handling crisis must not turn into financial populism, into rejecting a responsible macro-economic policy. Unreasonable expansion of the budget deficit, accumulation of the national debt – are as destructive as an adventurous stock market game.”(Vladimir Putin)
“One must not allow oneself to skid down to isolationism and unbridled economic egoism. … The second possible mistake would be excessive interference into the economic life of the country. And the absolute faith into the all-mightiness of the state.”(Vladimir Putin)
‘Something wrong with Ukraine, EU’: Czech leader condemns ‘Nazi torchlight parade’
“The chilling slogans and a flagrant demonstration of nationalist symbols during the neo-Nazi march in Kiev reminded the Czech President Milos Zeman of Hitler’s Germany. He said something was “wrong” both with Ukraine and the EU which didn’t condemn it.
Zeman was commenting on the appalling scenes, which showed thousands of Ukrainian nationalists holding a torchlight procession across the Ukrainian capital on Thursday to commemorate the 106th birthday of Stepan Bandera, a Nazi collaborator and the Ukraine nationalist movement’s leader during World War II.
“There is something wrong with Ukraine,” the Czech Republic’s leadertold radio F1 on Sunday. “Yesterday evening I was browsing the Internet and discovered a video showing the demonstration on Kiev’s Maidan on January 1.”
“These demonstrators carried portraits of Stepan Bandera, which reminded me of Reinhard Heydrich,” Zeman said referring to one of the main architects of the Holocaust and at the time a Reich-Protector of Czech Republic’s territories.
“The parade itself was organized similar to a Nazi torchlight parade,” Zeman explained. “Participants shouted the slogan: ‘Death to the Poles, Jews and communists without mercy.’”…
Let’s hope this resistance to the ZPC/NWO is not just a few isolated flukes, but the beginning of serious rejection of their ziofascism/fascism.
But whether it is or not, the zio-media will be sure to smear Zeman in the future now, even if they don’t mention his criticism of their nazi friends. A quick look a [z]oogle news shows that the zio Jewish owned/run western media is not mentioning what the CZ president said. Earlier reports in that same zio-media referred to the nazis as simply nationalists.
It’s the “Stern gang” mentality with their alliance with nazis (well attempted alliance, as the nazis apparently ignored them) all over again with Jewish zionists. Nothing has changed in that deranged camp.
вот так
The French Mistral capitulation to Israel-America was predicted to have far reaching results with regard to French reliability as an arms supplier. Especially regarding their unfinalised sale of Rafale aircraft to India. Well, to borrow a phrase from the esteemed Native American historian, Ward Churchill, the chickens may be coming home to roost now.
Индусы умеют думать и сами (Indians know how to think for themselves)
” This is evidenced by the reluctance of India to depend on the supply of arms from France and the U.S.
Among routine message of the press service of the defense Ministry of India has just passed and quite important: the Minister Parrikar (Manohar Parrikar said about the “difficulties” in the negotiations with France on the purchase of a French multirole aircraft Rafale).
The reasons for this statement and details of the “difficulties” are not given, but easy to guess: France has lost the status of a reliable partner.
French manufacturer “tasso” (Dassault) won the Indian tender in 2012 (from Russia then exhibited the MiG-35), but the final signing of the contract has not yet happened. And, it seems, with this case the French will have to wait. But it’s us $ 15 billion. (maintenance, training and technology transfer). Much more than order “Mistress”.
Concerns of Hindus are easy to understand. The U.S. has repeatedly imposed sanctions on India in 1998, 2006, but at that time Russia and France to these sanctions were not joined. And what will happen now, if, say, it is quite probable conflict India with Pakistan? The US will almost certainly be on the side of Pakistan, and it is unlikely France will be able to escape from the system of American allies. This means a denial of service already delivered aircraft and termination supply (although the Assembly will be partly in India, critical components for a long time will be from France). Military capabilities of India will be at least reduced…”
вот так
Israeli citizen and economic “champion” Soros cheerleads war against Russia:
Сорос призвал Евросоюз помочь Украине для войны с Россией (Soros urged the EU to help Ukraine to war with Russia)
“… Businessman recommends Brussels to assume liabilities for the 20-billion loan from the IMF. He believes that “Russia’s attack on Ukraine – this is a direct attack on the EU.
Proceeding from this logic, Soros believes that the EU should be ready to go even on the budget deficit. “All available resources must be used in hostilities, even if this leads to a budget deficit,” said 84-year-old billionaire.
Businessman himself buys the government bonds of Ukraine and urged other investors.
“Member States of the EU are at war. This means that they have to change and recognize their commitment to fiscal austerity, and better for them, to help Ukraine to protect themselves, and not to wait until you have to fight directly on its territory,” said Soros.”
Again, with these zionist Jews/Israeli assets (with the emphasis on the 1st 3 letters), it’s the Stern gang mentality all over again.
вот так
Far from being ‘the end of the NWO’, the ongoing decline and coming collapse of the US Empire and its Petrodollar are the Money Power’s key goal in her age old drive to World Government. The BRICS Bank is a purely Globalist institution that paves the way for a new Currency Order after the Petrodollar has been done away with. But the ongoing equation of the New World Order with the US Empire is the sand in our eyes: the reality is that the US as the hegemon is dead. The United States has been eaten from within and its bloated military and overvalued Petrodollar are the only things keeping its emaciated corpse still looking somewhat fr The debate is far too much about people. Barack Obama golfing while the heroic Putin is doing so much good. This is not the kind of analysis that is very troubling for the Bankers. We need to focus on the larger picture. The who behind the scenes, instead of the puppets in the limelight. And, even much more important, understanding their strategies, their methodology, their main gun being Banking, institutionalized Usury.
Obviously a usurious BRICS Bank, that will undoubtedly be ready for a key role for Gold once the Petrodollar is resetted out of existence, is not in any way ‘threatening’ to the Globalist Bankers on their road to World Currency. No, it’s just the next step in an age old plan.
In fact: there is little doubt that the BRICS Bank will seamlessly transition to a larger role for Gold, once the inevitable ‘reset’ of the global financial system comes. Both Moscow and Beijing have been massively hoarding Gold and the Money Power has been preparing the transition to Gold after the Petrodollar era for decades now. A gold backed Yuan has been fevorishly anticipated and recently, when the US sprang their first sanctions on him, Putin was saying he would use his Gold reserves to back (and thus give ‘credibility’ to) his own payment systems, away from the US Banks.
French manufacturer “tasso” (Dassault) won the Indian tender in 2012 (from Russia then exhibited the MiG-35), but the final signing of the contract has not yet happened. And, it seems, with this case the French will have to wait.
Yes, sounds like the NSA knew about this even before the maladroit french, which is why Lord O has had a trip booked to india sometime this month for about a week now.
he will likely now strongarm india into (wink, wink) dumping the frenchies, & signing up to a multibillion$ contract for some hideously overpriced flying pig instead as a replacement.
in $USD, of course.
Contest: give 2 names as possibilities of what the french will rename those 2 mistrals, since i take it they will own them by default. we can keep a list here.
The Anglo Americans are many things–devious, ruthless, avaricious, and filled with false Christian piety and self-righteousness.
However, they should never be underestimated as civilizational threats.
Most dangerous of all is this: the Anglo Americans are the greatest liars and deceivers on the planet.
The Anglo Americans instinctively project their own crimes onto their adversaries or victims– accusing other nations of what they are guilty of, while wrapping themselves in noble-sounding rhetoric about equality, freedom, justice, Christian values, etc.
Whatever comes about of the mouth of an Anglo-American, disregard it–no matter how appealing or “inspiring” it may sound.
It is deception, pure and simple.
When the Anglo Americans speak, you can hear a snake hissing–if you listen carefully.
he will likely now strongarm india into (wink, wink) dumping the frenchies, & signing up to a multibillion$ contract for some hideously overpriced flying pig instead as a replacement.
in $USD, of course.
India was looking at French planes because they’ve had a join deal for about 10 years with Russia to develop some plane for themselves, and this has not been going well. I can imagine after 10 years some of what they were working on would be outdated, too. But they just signed a deal again with Russia, so Obama is a bit late about that. But if he wants to look silly by being rejected…let him go and try.
Mistral? bouffée
@ Dutch,
Q: …the Soviets 30,000 vastly superior T-30 tanks.
R: Make that Russia’s T-34 tanks.
Banned German satire Die Anstalt with English subs:
The scandal episode of the German political satire program ‘Die Anstalt’ about the media leaders’ ties to lobby organisations and their use of enemy images in the Ukrainian conflict.
The major German newspaper Zeit got an injunction against ZDF to prevent this episode of ‘Die Anstalt’ from being aired as it questions the impartiality of the publisher of Zeit.
We have seen from the Manufactured Incident in Ukraine by Anglo-America, that Every Country needs Public Ownership of their Essential Industries.
This is because the Anglo-American Sponsored Coup in Ukraine, and subsequent Malicious Slanders against Innocent Russia have been used by the Criminal Capitalists as a Pretext to Unjustly place Economic Sanctions on Russia.
This comment is Not Anti Jewish, but it is on how Countries can have an Economy for Full Employment, I am not advocating Marxism, because the English invented it for England to Secretly use their Jewish Allies to Control the Soviet Union, and Ukraine was Really a former Secret English Puppet Colony, and it is that once again a Secret English Puppet Colony.
Another Main purpose of Marxism and the Soviet Union was to prevent India from becoming an Empire, and to keep India as a Puppet Colony of England.
The other Main purpose of Marxism and the Soviet Union, was for England or Anglo-America to use Secret Jewish Rulers of the Soviet Union to use Soviet troops to help England conquer Germany in WW 2, and All of the Crimes against Humanity in the Soviet Union, which was Ordered or Approved of by Anglo-America would be Wrongly blamed on Russia and Russians.
I Ignore Karl Marx, and I speak of proper Economic Policies based on how the World Really is, rather than how it should be, because Anglo-America wants a Coup in Russia.
Stalin was definitely a Jew, and he was the illegitimate son Maurice Ephrussi who was a Jewish Banker at .
The English were Cunning to arrange to create the Jews as their Secret Allies, by means of making a Jew Deliberately become Rich.
The English told him that The English Empire needed the Jews to Rule Europe for England.
The English did this because it would have been Less Acceptable in Europe if Ethnic English were Effectively Governing White Continental Europe, and this way the Jews could take the blame instead of England.
England used the Privately Owned Federal Reserve of America, by using Proxy Jewish Bankers, because the American People would Not Blatantly once again become an English Colony.
The English used the Waterloo Battle, to make a Jew became very Rich, but the Cunning English that Planned this, and I know what the Official Story is, but Many of England’s Official Version of Events, are Disinformation and Lies.
The Jews were able to rise to positions of Great Influence in Europe and in America, because England used this method to make America as much of a Puppet Colony of England’s as they could, even though America is also an Independent Country.
Many of the Official Stories by the English Controlled Soviet Union, regarding the persecution of the Jews are Carefully Crafted Lies, and these were all Preparations for Zionist Jewish Stalin to help create the State of Israel, because they were made to look like they had been persecuted, and therefore their Solution to an Imaginary Problem was for Anglo-America, the Jewish Soviet Union, and the Zionist Jewish Leaders to commit Genocide on the Innocent Palestinians.
The Nazis did persecute and kill Jews, and there People who say that the extent is Greatly Exaggerated, and Secret Jewish Stalin followed England’s Cunning Plan, and created an Autonomous Jewish Oblast, which was Secretly used to Protect Soviet Jews, while making it look they were being persecuted and discriminated against, but they were sake and prosperous, and Preparing to commit Genocide on the Palestinians, and we need to look past the Expert Lies of England at , and the Video Titled: Anthony Lawson: Holocaust, Hate Speech and Were the Germans so Stupid (2011) at .
Every Country should set up a Committee of Experts to make a Plan for their Country, to have Regulated Free Enterprise for Agriculture and Non Essential Industries, and to have Public Ownership of Essential Industries.
I spent more then a half an hour going through all the comments, just reading and reading….
Lots of really good stuff but then there is this?
“The trouble with the people you refer to is not pedophilia. It is the abuse of their power, their position, their money, the feeling they’re entitled to “buy” people for their own amusement.”
The trouble with those people is BOTH pedophilia and their abuse of humans via their extreme wealth
These are NOT two separate issues
They are one and the same.
The pedophilia is real- Mr Epstein was BUYING children.
That is sex slavery. Mr Epstein bought children–
Is that too tabloid for you? That you even chose to used the word “tabloid” as a ridicule tactic is disgusting, particularly when it comes to other people’s children being bought and sold- imported and exported out of the US.. like so much chattel
And this comment?
5: I wonder how “forced” someone is flying all over the world for months in private jets and staying in mansions and 5 star hotels? all that time she couldn’t get away? puhleese..”
Blame the victim! Was this individual drugged? It’s entirely possible. Was this victim abused psychologically- stockholm syndrome?
Keep in mind some of these girls were as young as 12.
This blame the victim mentality appalling and looking at it in light of your other appeal to ridicule comment just turns my stomach.
When I think of other peoples children as young as 12 being purchased by a rich banking scum, being used as sex toys by the elites.. Because no ordinary joes flew around on Mr Epstein’s plane. It sickens me.
But KatKan prefers to use a ridicule tactic, deflect from the real issue and blame the victim?!!
Rather then acknowledge the fact that those “authorities figures” are sick,abusive b*st*rds!
Including Bill Clinton and Ehud Barak, Alan Dershowitz
Shakes head.
So it is confirmed, the “Dutch” wanker is a paid Schlomo…
This comment is my brief explanation of what a Socialist Economy, would be, but it far less Socialism, and much Better Socialism, than what has been thought of yet in my opinion.
We know that Marxism was designed to fail, and to make Capitalism look good, and in this Uncertain World, each Country has the Responsibility to Provide for their Own Essentials if it is Possible.
I will first mention what Regulated Free Enterprise will have, that is Agriculture which gas No Genetically Engineered Organisms, and Regulated Free Enterprise cab have what is considered to be Non Essential Industries.
I consider the Essential Industries to be those regarding Transportation, Health and Dental, Basic Clothing, and Everything to do with Most of what Houses and Housing is, with Most if not all of the things to do with the Construction of Buildings, and a Committee of Experts can add things that I have not listed here, but should be Owned by the Public.
There will some Exemptions from things having to do with Housing such as Chandeliers for Mansions.
The Workers who Work for Publicly Owned Industries, will be Casual Employees, who will be Mobile, and that means they can go to another Publicly Own Company if there is a Vacancy, if demand is insufficient for their Services at the Workplace they are Working.
They can go to Free Enterprise if there are No suitable or conveniently located positions in any of the Publicly Own Industries, and the other possibility is that they can go on Temporarily on Unemployment Benefits.
As Casual Workers, they will not be Permanent Employees, but they will be Paid 20 % more than the Free Enterprise Workers, but these Casual Workers will Not be paid annual leave, long service leave, sick pay, or public holiday pay, unless they work on a public holiday.
These Workers will be non smokers, responsible drinkers, and they will not have a Union, but they will have Workplace Conditions, which are in line with Proper Occupational Health and Safety Standards.
These Casual Workers will have Responsible Characters, and they will be sought after in Private Industry, but they can make more Money in Publicly Owned Industries.
This is because they will be Allowed to Work more weeks in the year, and they will be allowed to Work overtime if they want.
These People are considered to be Responsible, and they will save Money during the year, to have Money for their annual leave from Work.
Any Foods and Services Tax should exclude Food, Health and Dental, Building and Construction Materials, and anything that I have not mentioned, but should be exempt from Taxation.
The rest can be taxed, and the rest can be imported or locally produced.
This describes how Publicly Owned Companies should Work, and I have already Proven that as long as there is No laziness, No Corruption, and No Incompetence, then there is no difference as to Productivity.
The Car that I mentioned to be built,, should come in standard and 4 wheel drive models, and we have seen that because of the Unjustified Economic Sanctions by Capitalists, that each Country should not rely on Foreigners for their Essential Industries.
The idea that Stain wanted to attack Germany in 1941 is total rubbish and an old Nazi propaganda. I am surprised that some people here fell for it.
David Glantz completely and thoroughly refuted this lie in his works:
See also:
@Peter Vote says: “David Glantz completely and thoroughly refuted this lie in his works”
Glantz is an historian and high-ranking US military officer (colonel). Glantz could not afford Suvorov’s opinions, even if he wanted.
But tell me Peter, why do you think that Stalin needed 35,000 tanks for?
Why do you think that there were years when the USSR spend 40% of its gdp on military spending. The USSR was one gigantic arsenal.
Do you seriously want to deny that the official and real goal of ZOG-USSR (just like ZOG-USA) was any other than world conquest?
How do you think the USSR contemplated to achieve that goal? By sending everybody christmas cards?
Do you seriously want to maintain that Germany was contemplating to steamroll the USSR with 4000 lousy inferior tanks?
Have a look at this data:
Scroll downwards to see this table, 1940 global gdp distribution:
USA 29
British Empire 11
France 5
– –
Germany 11
Japan 6
Italy 5
Are you seriously suggesting that Germany, with merely 11% global gdp in 1940, was looking for a fight with Poland, Britain, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Norway, USA, Canada, Yugoslavia, Greece combined?
The allies had 58%, the Axis 22% global GDP. It was clear from the start who would win this fight.
Like in WW1…
… Germany was the hunted and Britain, France, Russia and USA were the hunters.
Kind regards,