The number of well-informed commentators, politicians, blogger and observers who are predicting a war – or at least of a serious risk of war – between Russia and the USA is sharply rising. Though I myself am rather inclined to believe that the US will use the Ukrainian junta to attack Russia rather then risk a direct confrontation, I would not go as far as saying that I find a direct US-Russian war impossible. If only because many wars are not deliberately started, but rather stumbled into. For all these reasons, it is, I think, high time to look at the historical record of Russia in wars.
It turns out that a military historian in Russia already did all the work for us. Nikolai Shefov is the author of 10 books about Russian history including one entitled “The Battles of Russia” in which he not only looks at each war, but actually at all the major battles fought in all the wars of Russia between 1700 and 1940 (he stops at the Soviet-Finnish war and does not include WWII). Here are his findings:
Between 1700 and 1940 Russia/USSR fought in 34 wars and won 31 and in 392 battle and won 279. We could say that Russia won 91% of her wars and 71% of her battles. Russia’s opponents included: Swedes, French, Germans, Turks, Poles, Tatars, Finns, Caucasians, Japanese, Chinese, Austrians, Hungarians, British, Italians and Central Asians.
In the author’s opinion Russia lost only three wars: the Crimean one, the Russo-Japanese one and the one against Poland in 1920. He considers that Russia won the first world war because no enemy ever stepped on any part of the Russian land (If you are interested, here is a link to an the original book in Russian, to an article summarizing the book, and to a machine-translation of this article into English).
I would just add that Crimea was fought against what I call a “great ecumenical coalition” (including Anglican British, the Latin French and the Muslim Turks) which outnumbered the Russians by over 200’000 people (there was almost a MILLION “ecumenical attackers” for just over 700’00 Russian defenders. But yes, Russia did lose this one.
Did Russia lose the war against Japan? I would argue that the Russian Fleet sure was defeated by the Japanese Navy, but Japanese historians have a very different view of what happened and consider that Japan’s military was spent by the time the peace treaty was drafted (by the Russian side, by the way) and that Japan had been forced to accept very bad terms. At the very least, I would call this one a draw.
As for the Russian-Polish war, yes, the Soviet’s lost this one badly. But look at the kind of Soviet Union we had in 1920: a country in the midst of a civil war, with many uprising taking place, with a “worker-farmer” “army” with no real officers and let by clueless commissars. So while the outcome was a defeat, the circumstances of that defeat are, I think, so unique as to be irrelevant.
But whatever the fine print and different views of the significance of individual outcomes, I think that these figures strongly suggest that attacking Russia is an exceedingly bad idea, even when only conventional wars are considered. Attacking Russia while she has the powerful nuclear arsenal on the planet is utter lunacy.
Let’s hope that this short reminder will reach at least one of the crazies who think that playing a game of chicken with Russia is a sound policy and that the Russians will “blink first” impressed by the US/NATO military prowess.
The Saker
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Greetings from France:
After WWII the US designed and implemented their hegemony by re-industrialising Germany & Japan. A US Dollar hegemonic system could only work if additional two industrialized countries would support their system. The system was further enhanced by co-opting the ‘European Union’ idea of De Gaulle and ‘americanize’ the implementation, with full assistance of Germany. In other words: Japan & Germany are part of the fundamental, symbiotic block of US hegemony.
To assume that Germany, one day, might move out, is unlikely, unless you replace the entire German political class and their business partners.
Assume Putin is fully aware of this and his move towards including China is the first step towards creating an alliance of a multi-polar version, and which requires further additions, such as Iran, Brazil, India and others.
A currency block requires a strong industrial and financial base, diversified and with a system able to re-cycle those surpluses to avoid in-balances, in order not to finish like the US system (including Europe) which is a predatory design, dividing the world in winners and loosers.
More, to start with, at Prof Yannis Varoufakis.
Mario Medjeral
Anonymous said…
“But even the USSR lost WW2, not in territorial sense, like the eyes of modern people, but in the eyes of
Stalin himself, in the strategic sense. Stalin never appeared at the victory parades in 1945. Reason: in his own eyes he had failed to achieve his main objective of WW2, namely reaching the Atlantic coast, before the Anglos could set foot in Europe and meet him halfway. The establishment of World Communism, which from the early days had been the objective of the USSR:”
You Russophobes need to leave off revisionist history.There are video’s of the Victory Day parade and speech in Moscow.And “lo and behold” there is Stalin on top of Lenin’s tomb watching the soldiers dump the nazi banners in front of him.
As for the bs about Stalin being pre-empted by Hitler where does that even come from.The original nazi invasion date set by Hitler was I believe April.But the Yugoslav coup and the Germans need to secure the Balkans and Crete made them change the date to June.That was too late to avoid the Winter fighting.And most historians believe that was one of the main errors that cost Hitler the war.Had he stuck with April it would not have been Winter when he reached Moscow.The German invasion force was over 3 million men.The largest force in history.It took months to move that many men and equipment to get ready for that massive an assault.All that time spies reported on that to Stalin and he won’t believe them.He thought it was the British agents spreading disinformation to cause a war between the USSR and Germany.Even when his own chief agent in Japan (Richard Sorge) reported it he refused to believe it.It was a horrible error on his part.And only the bravery and sacrifice of the Soviet peoples saved the USSR from collapsing because of it.
Uncle Bob
It appears that Batmam wasn’t so clever. Wasn’t it he that was the recipient of that truck load of Javelins that can of the Canadian C-17 in June?
this business seems to be very complicated, 5th column and Kremlin involvement allegedly. I can’t follow it exactly. If you put this into Yandex or Google you may get some sense of it, but the participants themselves don’t seem sure what’s happening. Or different ones have differing views.
On one account, current Republic authorities are there to protect (Russian) oligarch interests and possibly to later cause reunion with Ukraine. [I’d say these two are contradictory aims, but there may be 2 ultimately different but currently related forces at work].
On another account, Russian forces (actual military) are on the non-reunion side [but then these would be under different control than the unionists].
Best not jump to conclusions in any direction until more comes out. It could be a Russian internal struggle playing out here, BY PROXY AGAIN.
** if using to read the Cassad blog, you have to click the “see more” and open it before putting into the translator; the button doesn’t seem to work once you’re translating it. Don’t worry about the wording, it is a button after the first few lines of writing under the image.
First off , I have to say I agree with Saker’s year-end analysis of the situation in Ukraine and the logic of where the various protagonists are headed in 2015.
Regarding the relative strengths of Russia vs NATO, that has changed dramatically since 1991. The USSR was the worlds second largest industrial power, surpassing in many spheres even the US, and had around 300 million inhabitants. Russia today is a largely de-industrialized country with less than half that population, no longer even manufacturing it’s own airliners. The complete shut-down and sell-off of Russian industry in the 1990’s was far greater than that of the “west” in the Great Depression of the 1930s.
With Russia reduced to a supplier of raw materials to the EU, the skilled engineers and workers also left to find better paying jobs in American and the EU. Despite a decade or rebuilding under Putin, Russia today is not even remotely the power the USSR was militarily, and economically is roughly on a par with Italy as a second-tier EU country, actually lagging well behind the reunited Germany, which now has over 80 million people.
Putin has wisely focused his limited resources on rebuilding the nuclear triad, the key to fending off yet another invasion through MAD. He has also been rebuilding the regular forces, but that is a longer term and more expensive task. With the limited industrial resources available at the moment (much of the USSR’s heavy industry, aviation, and shipbuilding was based in Ukraine) reconstruction is a slow process. RT recently reported on the commissioning of a nuclear sub that had been under construction for 20 years. Think about that. 20 years to build one submarine.
Almost all of the existing stock of military aircraft, ships, tanks and other weapons are more than 25 years old; built before the disintegration of the USSR. Even the more modern ones are essentially upgrades of the Mig 29 or SU 27, and the entire stock of ground attack aircraft and bombers are older than the pilots flying them. They only have 16 TU 160s, for instance, and the TU 95’s were designed in the early 1950s, 60 years ago!
Yes, they can beat Ukraine, and thanks to the rebuilding of the strategic nuclear forces, NATO won’t attempt an outright invasion, but Putin’s choices are very limited when it comes to protecting Syria, never mind Cuba or Venezuela.
At the moment, North Korea has a larger and arguably better trained army than Russia in terms of ground troops.
Many of the pieces Russia needs to become a great power again seem to be coming together around 2020. Putin’s job is to keep the country intact and stay out of any major engagements at least that long. So far he is doing an amazing job of re-constructing the Russian defences, and key industrial sectors. The economic union with China may well accelerate the process, particularly in regard to manufacturing their own civil aviation and consumer goods.
Mr Saker,
I really dont think they intend to fight the war in the military space, the empire will of course choose to fight at an advantage. Economic warfare, psychological warfare and cyber warfare will probably be the means with which they will confront Putin. It seems logical, dont you think? A couple of antediluvian M1 tanks roaring at the russian border will only impress the masses in the west. The real war will be played out on a different level, IMHO.
Best regards,
I had mentioned before how the consciousness of the universe aka GOD, like a printer printing an image on paper.. A hard concept to accept for sure.. Especially how we ourself by controlling conscious thought can affect the environment we live in to an extent.
Water Reads Your Mind, Does That Mean Water Is Alive?
Traditional Chinese View
Physicist Dr. Cheng Luojia told Pure Insight: “In Chinese tradition, people had a meticulous understanding of water. For example, in creating medicine one must choose water carefully. To make Aijiao (a Chinese traditional medicine), water from the Ai Well in Ai Village in Shandong Province must be used.
“Water for boiling tea was also carefully chosen. Some tea must be made with specific spring water, some must be made with dew from lotus leaves, some must be prepared with snow from plum blossoms, and some must even be prepared with the water from a certain segment of a certain river.
“If we always keep kind thoughts, we will purify our own body, and thus become beautiful and healthy. If we always keep kind thoughts, we will also purify the environment and people around us. Our kind thoughts can improve everything in this world. It is mind-blowing to see this philosophy clearly in the water crystal experiments [of Dr. Emoto]. The most direct way to purify the world is to keep kind thoughts. It would have a tremendous impact on the world if the public could see that point.”
A Chinese proverb says, “Water is a mirror of the heart.”
Can Human Thoughts Physically Change Water?
Now this is more mainstream science and proven so it can not be considered pseudo science or nonsense.. Only that we have trouble conceptualizing it to our existence.
First, to remind everybody: we’re all made of atoms.
If you blew up an atom to the size of a football field, the nucleus of the atom would be the size of a marble. That’s how small the nucleus is! To get an idea of how many atoms there are, if you blew up all the atoms in a grapefruit to the size of a blueberry, then the grapefruit would be as large as the Earth … I will never think about grapefruits the same way again. Plus, aside from the nucleus and the few electrons in an atom, there is basically nothing but empty space.
Electrons act like solid pieces of matter and like waves of possibilities. When they are acting without anyone consciously observing them, they behave like waves in water. When their behavior is watched by an observer, then they act like solid matter.
In the quantum world there is no such thing as past, present, and future, they all are happening simultaneously.
Superposition: Particles can be in two places at once.
We are not made of “particles,” but are actually made of particle “waves” of possibilities. You can actually take a photograph of a single electron being in two places at once.
“When you are not looking, there are waves of possibility and when you are looking, there are positions of conscious experience,” said Amit Gaswami, Ph.D. in the documentary “What the Bleep Do We Know: Down the Rabbit Hole.”
“Your head is actually moving at a slightly faster rate than your feet,”
Try walking a bit and think about that for a moment. You would think that your feet move faster but, in fact, when either foot moves, so does your head.
We are all physically connected through an energetic field of potential electrons. Also, the idea of separatism, that we are all separate entities and not a part of each other, is actually wrong. That mentality holds us responsible for a lot of the problems we face in our world today, like pollution. We are connected to all living beings—plants, animals, humans, and all living matter.
RT joined Anglo-Nazi media in attacking the Hungarian president Orban…
Thousands of people have flooded on to the streets of Budapest to protest against the government of Prime Minister Viktor Orban. Protesters accused him of drifting away from the EU and strengthening ties with Russia.
Once Nazi, today Natoist
They are merely reporting it. It doesn’t mean that they are against Orban.
Russian-Polish war ended in Warshaw, why do you name it as bad?
Watched Kubrick’s” Dr.Strangelove” last night.Interesting how the madman featured was american and the brit second in command quickly spotted the yank’s lunatic tendancies.And with a sane USA president?! Would that this was the case NOW ,when we need REAL western sanity.
One typical zionazi-media myth people and Schlomo´s keep burping up here is the brainless “General Winter” meme.
Sure, Russian winters are among the harshest on the planet and Russians and their machines are very well adapted to the situation, their enemies, fuelled by the anti-orthodox hate of the Zionazi´s , usually from the “Drang nach osten” area, are not and will never be. But while Russia therefore could prefer it, they usually dont have the luxury to decide when to defend their country.
The battle of Kursk, among numerous battles, was fought in July and August 1943, just to name one. was it “General Summer” then perhaps? We never hear much about him…
My thoughts exactly.
The liberation of Eastern Ukraine and the passage of the dnieper also took place from summer to autumn.
Operation Bagration (the most crushing defeat for the Nazis in WWII by far) took place in the summer of 1944.
It seems that General Winter is all seasons guy after all.
“Failure of the liberal protest in Moscow, convened by twitter from an account in Washington”:
P.S:If it is the riot police in Moscow, compared to what we are used to in Spain, where people that came out to protest against the misery imposed by the Troika and the sale of state to “the market” has been beaten or lost an eye, could qualify them for “polite men in camouflage”.
@LJ said…
“Off Topic Question: I have a friend who has been to Estonia and has told me that “You wouldn’t believe what the Russian propaganda is like.” Very aggressive””
It´s probably the same as in Tel Aviv, Schlomo, you tell us…
Canada’s massively inflated and indebted economy is extremely vulnerable to the oil price.
This is the main reason why the Canadian political elite has been so vehement in its anti Russia rhetoric.
And lost 100% Against America… Cold War
US has got into wars when they believe they can win (last stages of 1rst 2nd world wars) when the Red Army had practically defeated the Nazis. In spite of this the US was not so successful in Korea, Vietnam (the US lost there), Iraq, etc. The US will never face Russia in a direct war unless they think they might win as I illustrated above.
@Kat Kan
About Batman, I think it is much more possible that is it Plotnitsky’s personal work, rather than involving the Kremlin. Especially after the recent capture of Леший by Ukraine…
He might be distrustful of Putin’s (Kremlin’s) support, and is playing the game both ways…
Putin and Medvedev’s actions nowadays, I think, has symbolized, to some extent, the “unification” of governmental forces…
@вот так who says “Obviously you meant the T-34, but are totally clueless about real history and simply parroting some Israelo-American crap you read.
The Soviets didn’t have 30,000 T-34s, either, not even close. They didn’t even have 30,000 tanks, unless one counts agricultural tractors as tanks. :D”
You attack me and call me ‘clueless’ but you are smart enough not to stick your neck out and come with another number.
“parroting some Israelo-American crap”
These people will go at great length to support the USSR and attack Germany.
According to Zionist-friendly edited Wikipedia, the USSR had no less than 35,000 T-34 tanks, among many other types.
Perhaps it is you who should do some reading instead of defending the largest enemy the Russian people ever had: ZOG-USSR.
Kind regards,
@Kat Kan
Also, a few jokes my friend told me, it is insightful and revealing.. but might be stupid and wrong, depends on what premises we have…
1. The fatter a person is, the higher in ranks he is in the mafia.
2. The higher rank he is in the mafia, the less (loyal) he is and the more money he will receive from interesting places.
It is a given that both Batman and Plotnisky were related to the mafia ~.~
Part 1:
@Uncle Bob says “You Russophobes need to leave off revisionist history.”
I’m not a Russophobe at all, but a Sovietofoob and Ziofoob/Neoconfoob.
“There are video’s of the Victory Day parade and speech in Moscow.And “lo and behold” there is Stalin on top of Lenin’s tomb watching the soldiers dump the nazi banners in front of him.“
Stalin did not participate in THE major Victory parade in Moscow that took place on June 24 1945:
“So in reality Stalin simply did not want to participate in the parade because he did not consider the outcome of the World War II as truly victorious.
When one American diplomat told Stalin about how grateful for him must be to know that Soviet troops are marching in Berlin, Stalin replied:” Tsar Alexander reached Paris.””
Uncle Bob says: “As for the bs about Stalin being pre-empted by Hitler where does that even come from.The original nazi invasion date set by Hitler was I believe April.”
You believe too much. The idea that an invasion could be unavoidable originates from the Molotov visit to Berlin, November 1940, where Molotov imposes impossible demands on Germany, like Soviet military basis in Denmark. Molotov mocks Hitler with the fact that they are forced to have their conversation in the cellar of the building because of British air raids. Hitler understands that he is trapped between Britain and USSR and orders to prepare for the POSSIBILITY of an attack, not the attack itself. That was a last minute decision, after the Hess peace mission to Britain failed in May 1941. It was Gorbatchev who indirectly killed Hess via his goodwill-proposal to release Hess, who was killed by MI6 to prevent the dirty secrets of WW2, carefully constructed at Nuremberg, from coming out.
“But the Yugoslav coup and the Germans need to secure the Balkans and Crete made them change the date to June.”
They needed to secure full supply in Romania, that’s why they had to invade yet another country. Norway same story. The German invasion of Norway was prompted by the British and French invasion at the very same day, who wanted to cut off iron ore supply. Norway (iron), like Balkans (Romanian oil) was a resource war.
Kind regards,
Part 2:
“That was too late to avoid the Winter fighting. And most historians believe that was one of the main errors that cost Hitler the war.”
Germany had never a chance to begin with:
It was not an error, it was an act of desperation, but you Americans and your Soviet palls had all the freedom to falsify history in that Nuremberg show trial of yours. And now Russia is in exactly the same position as Germany was. But where Germany had to rely on toddler allies like Japan and Italy, Russia has coming super power China, Turkey, Iran and European nationalists. This time you folks are dead meat. Russia is liberated territory and Europe is next.
“Had he stuck with April it would not have been Winter when he reached Moscow.The German invasion force was over 3 million men.The largest force in history.”
Again, Hitler needed to protect his oil resources first. Yes, it was the largest battle in world history between the two greatest peoples in Europe. Americans can’t even beat two bit nations like Vietnam or Afghanistan.
“It took months to move that many men and equipment to get ready for that massive an assault.”
Yes, preparations started as early as November 1940 and an invasion of Britain was called-off for that reason, because the Germans began to suspect (correctly) that the Ribbentrop-Molotov accord was worth shit.
“All that time spies reported on that to Stalin and he won’t believe them.”
Yeah, yeah, that’s the Nuremberg lie. Stalin was not surprised at all that the Germans attacked, he was merely surprised about the micro-timing. He had expected a German ultimatum first and thought that he had enough time to initiate hostilities first. The Germans used the only advantage they had: deal the first blow.
“He thought it was the British agents spreading disinformation to cause a war between the USSR and Germany.”
Neither, Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin were surprised, they all knew war was coming that summer. Again, it was only the micro-timeline that was a surprise (a few weeks).
“And only the bravery and sacrifice of the Soviet peoples saved the USSR from collapsing because of it.”
Fascinating all these American fans of the USSR. They can’t wait to become one themselves, under the brave leadership of NSA and the neocons, of whatever that eternal DNA is called these days. Most Americans are Soviet material, not worthy of the constitution.
Kind regards,
Until Putin established capital controls and a moratorium on debt payment outside Russia linked to sanctions as well as taking control of the central banking system, we have to assume Putin is being controlled by those who control global central banking.
How Russia Lost the War Part One
London’s ‘Our Men’ in Moscow Keep Poisoning Russian Policy
The London Trainees in The Gaidar Government
The British Imperial Plot To Destroy Russia
Plundering Russia: Time To Open the Gore Impeachment File
The looting of post-Soviet Russia
Kim Philby, the famous British Intelligence “defector” to Moscow in 1963, was a part of that configuration. Philby’s status as a “triple” agent, continuing to represent British interests throughout his career, was discussed by LaRouche in a ground-breaking series of articles starting in 1979. In 1988, just weeks before his death, KGB Gen. Kim Philby gave a series of interviews to Philip Knightley for the London Sunday Times.
“Andropov was a fine man and a fine leader—a tragedy he died so soon,” Philby opined, “and in Gorbachov, I have a leader who has justified my years of faith.”
Behind the rise of Gorbachov was his predecessor, Yuri Andropov, who was identified by EIR in the 1980s—besides his ill-starred role in rejecting the Strategic Defense Initiative for U.S.-Soviet strategic cooperation—as having initiated Soviet experimentation with free-trade economics. In 2002, for the first time in the Russian press, a veteran of Soviet intelligence identified in print the grouping and relationships, named by Lyndon LaRouche as “Andropov’s Kindergarten,” as the force behind the liberal economic reforms that wrecked Russia during the 1990s.
That exposé, written by an author identified as “Vyacheslav K.,” appeared in the February 2002 issue of Stringer magazine, founded by President Yeltsin’s one-time security chief Alexander Korzhakov. It zeroed in on the nexus of Andropov’s grouping in the KGB (the State Security Committee, which Andropov headed in 1967-83), as being rooted in the patronage of Andropov’s Communist Party career by Finnish Communist International leader Otto Kuusinen, and in the International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) in Laxenburg, Austria. IIASA was an arrangement, deadly to Russian economic planning, which was built up after U.S. National Security Advisor McGeorge Bundy (senior figure of the Anglophile U.S. financial establishment, architect of the Vietnam War, and overseer of the cover-up of President John Kennedy’s assassination) reached an understanding with KGB figure Dzhermen Gvishiani in 1967.
How Russia Lost the War Part Two
“Vyacheslav K.” described Andropov’s strategy, which occurred in the setting of economic hardship and food rationing in the Soviet Union after the late-1970s plunge of oil prices…
The Stringer article then characterized the recruitment of the Kindergarten: “Andropov made a decision to develop economists for ‘Corporation S.S.R.’from scratch, and outside the country. The function of ideological control was, definitely, assigned to the KGB apparatus. … As a base for the foreign training of economists, Andropov selected IIASA [in Vienna]. No wonder the young cadres, deployed to Vienna, immediately came under influence from well-trained foreign intelligence ‘specialists in management.’. .. As a result of strict selection, during which some of the students left the experiment on ethical grounds, getting bored with constant manipulation, the team of those who completed their education on the base of IIASA [and its Moscow branch], included persons such as Pyotr Aven, Anatoli Chubais, and Yegor Gaidar. . . . The resulting team ruined the Russian economy. … That was a direct result of Andropov’s personal influence: Andropov was a pupil of Kuusinen, who was supposed to become the leader of Soviet Finland after the planned victory which did not happen.”
Both of the highlighted aspects of Andropov’s orientation—his political descent from the so-called “right-wing” Soviet and Comintern circles of Nikolai Bukharin, Eugen Varga, Otto Kuusinen, and others, and his interest in systems analysis point to one of the great secrets of 20th-Century history: the special relationship between the upper echelons of British Intelligence and a layer within the Soviet leadership..
1991: The week of Aug. 19 marks the end of the U.S.S.R., as Ukraine declares independence after the abortive State Emergency Committee coup attempt against Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachov.
Russian President Boris Yeltsin emerges as the key figure of the transition. At the end of the year, he forms a cabinet dominated by London-schooled adepts of the Mont Pelerin Society, the organization of Friedrich von Hayek and Milton Friedman, purveyors of the most radical “neo-liberal” ideology of economic deregulation and diminution of the nation-state, which is being implemented in the West as “Thatcherism” throughout the British Commonwealth, and “deregulation” in the United States. Among the Russian Hayekians are Prime Minister Yegor Gaidar, privatization chief Anatoli Chubais, Finance Minister Boris Fyodorov, and Konstantin Kagalovsky, soon to be Russian “director” at the IMF.
1992:Price decontrol and inflation. Many prices are freed from regulation on Jan. 1, 1992, after 70 years of a state-run economy in which the artificial suppression of prices was a major mechanism of administrative control. For the year, inflation runs at 2,600%. The savings of Russian citizens, on deposit in the state savings bank (Sberbank), are vaporized.
How Russia Lost the War Part Three
IMF membership: In March, Russia’s first policy pledge to the IMF is announced by Kagalovsky. He vows austerity to fight inflation, and promises mass privatization of state and collectively owned property, including land. In June, the Russian Federation becomes a member of the IMF. Privatization: In August, Yeltsin announces “voucher privatization,” whereby each Russian citizen receives a voucher with which to purchase shares in state-owned companies as they are privatized. For a population whose savings have been wiped out by inflation, pressure to sell the vouchers is great.
The secondary market in vouchers becomes the venue for the accumulation of privateer fortunes, for the acquisition of choice properties. In 1995, Academician V.A. Lisichkin will report on the “avalanche-style” privatization of 70% of the small firms in Russia and more than 14,000 medium and big companies, by Jan. 1, 1994. By the end of 1993, official sources estimate that more than 60,000 Russian enterprises are controlled by organized crime.
According to Lisichkin, “the treasury of Russia received an average of $2.48 million for each of 87,600 privatized enterprises,” among which were jewels of the Soviet economy, sold for a tiny fraction of the real worth of their plant and equipment and their products. On the list of 500 largest enterprises privatized under Chubais, were the Russian Joint Stock Society (RAO) “Unified Power System” (the entire power grid of Russia), for $649.6 million; RAO Russian Nickel, for $468.6 million; the Gorky Automobile Factory, for $26.6 million; the Port of Novorossiysk in southern Russia, for $22.5 million; the Murmansk Trawler Fleet, for $3 million; and so forth.
In sum, “Detailed analyses of the list of 500 major Russian enterprises privatized by Chubais’s agency, yields the following conclusions:
“1. The real value of the enterprises sold is more than $1 trillion, based on the market value of similar firms in the United States and western Europe. On orders from the overseas gentlemen, shock therapists sold them for a mere $7.2 billion.. etc
A March 3 article in the St. Petersburg newspaper Nevskoye Vremya reported that, “by conservative estimates, 90% of Russia’s major [privatized] companies
belong entirely or partially to offshores.” The article cited a number of famous cases in point: the Alfa Group of Mikhail Fridman and Pyotr Aven is registered through companies in Gibraltar, Luxembourg, the British Virgin Islands, and the Netherlands; Oleg Deripaska’s Basic Element, the holding company for Rusal (aluminum), the GAZ auto complex, and a major insurance company, is registered through a holding company in the British Crown dependency called the Bailiwick of Jersey, which holding company, in turn, belongs to a firm registered in the British Virgin Islands; Roman Abramovich’s Yevraz steel empire is registered as a Cyprus company; the NLMK steel complex, property of Russia’s richest man, Vladimir Lisin, is run through the offshore Fletcher Holding Ltd.; and Victor Vekselberg’s Renova is registered in the Bahamas.
In The Anatomy of Russian Capitalism, Professor Menshikov detailed how this pattern developed, with the ill-gotten fortunes of the 1980s Gorbachov perestroika era passing over into still more ill-gotten fortunes of the 1990s Gaidar-Chubais privatization. It was profitable for the new “oligarchs” to keep their money offshore, avoiding various Russian taxes.
Nevskoye Vremya quotes Kudrin, one of the key members of the Gaidar-Chubais clique still in power today, covering for these practices: “Our budget loses
from optimization [tax evasion—NV editors] through offshores, but it’s not illegal.”
At the same time, Kudrin is cutting funding to Russian Railways and other national infrastructure projects, in pursuit of his avowed goal of outdoing the European Union’s Maastricht conditionalities by a factor of three: Kudrin wants Russia’s budget deficit to be no greater than 1% of GDP.
@EVERYBODY: Guys, please let’s keep this discussion civil and even friendly, okay? No aggression, finger-pointing or personal attacks.
FWIW – I think that the theory of “General Winter” is a cop-out invented by defeated western generals to explain their defeats. Utter nonsense. BIG NEWS!: Russians are not really ‘bears’ and the winter is the same for Russians as it is for non-Russians.
Also, while I am making unsubstantiated claims (I don’t have the time to substantiate them), I think that Suvorov/Rezun was basically correct. Stalin was planning an attack on Germany, but that in no ways exculpates Hitler. Both of these guys were plotting against each other and Hitler simply stroke first. But yeah, the Soviet military was about to attack, I think that Suvorov/Rezun’s evidence is overwhelming (even if *some* of it is nonsense). Stalin desperately needed more time to prepare as did Hitler, by the way, but the latter felt that time was running out.
Anyway, these are my 2cts just for the record. If one day I have the time I will write a full post about that. Right now, I simply cannot deal with historical issues.
Cheers to all!!
The Saker
The truth is that both America and USSR needed each other to annihilate Nazi Germany. Both would not have single handed beat Germans. What’s obvious America had much less divisions on combat/month than British Commonwealth and other non-American western allies during the war. Americans arrived amazingly late (most of their forces after June 1944, about 1/4 since spring 1945).
Losing 14 241 000 soldiers deceased during 1941-45 was not very impressive way to show the power of your military force. The price of victory was too high indeed.
“a “worker-farmer” “army” with no real officers and led by clueless commissars”
This is really not true. The Red Army had a competent officer corps – men like Tukhachevsky.
Large numbers of officers and NCOs of the Imperial army fought on the Red side – that’s why they defeated the White armies and their foreign allies.
Yes, Stalin arguably screwed-up by chasing glory and taking Lvov at the expense of real military objectives, but “professionals” do stupid things like that too.
In any case, the objective of the war was not territorial but to connect with Germany and spread the revolution. Once that ceased to be a possibility there was no point pursuing the conflict with Poland.
Beyond cartoonish that Lord O actually put this in a major speech recently, including sanctions, with of course zero evidence except the paid pimp hysterical hollywood crowd.
However, the Bureau is now looking into claims the hack was an inside job after new evidence from Norse Corp., a live attack intelligence company, revealed that “a group of six individuals, including at least one disgruntled ex-Sony employee, is behind the assault.”
And according to The Security Ledger, the Norse intelligence reveals that the Sony hack was pulled off by six individuals, including two in the U.S., one in Canada, one in Singapore and one in Thailand.
Attacking Russia IS a very bad idea, if for no other reason then because such war would be completely useless to the interests of any people, no more useful to the American than to the Russian people. Without even speaking of the risks of escalation to tactical nuclear use.
Making this point over and again IS a very good idea.
That being said, I am quite doubtful of the value of such “war lists”. Just looking rapidly the proposed list reveals a common structural problem of such lists, that they are very prone to subjectivity in how to split a war in different battles.
As an example, consider the Russian-Austrian-French War of 1805, which the author lists as “Russia won 5 our of 6 battles”. Yes, but the author includes 5 minor battles, and the 6th is Austerlitz, which gave Napoleonic France a major victory over the combined and numerically far superior Russian-Austrian forces.
Or consider the 1812 invasion of Russia, which the author lists as “30 victories out of 31 battles”… creating a little puzzle as to how French troops could go as far as Moscow, if they were defeated over and again along the way by Russian troops.
As for the idea of considering WWI as a Russian victory, or the Russian-Japanese war of 1904-1905 as a draw, sorry but that cannot be taken seriously.
Finally, including many battles won over insurgencies against Russian imperial rule, e.g. Polish uprisings, is a too easy way to add up to the list of Russian victories. If you use the same principle for victories of Britain or France against the peoples they controlled in their colonial empires, or the victories of Americans against Amerindians, you’ll also add up to a pretty high number indeed.
That being said, the author did forget a Russian victory… the one over Poland in 1939. The one which was ended by a combined victory parade in Brest-Litovsk, Nazi and Soviet troops parading together to celebrate the glorious victory of two very powerful countries over a middle-size one. Someone needs to tell the author! That’ll help him shore up his patriotism with one more victory… or ten, if he splits that war in as many battles ;-)
To make the crucial point of “attacking Russia would be a very bad idea” without letting History suffer in the process, I propose a much simpler, shorter truer way:
Since the times of Ivan IV:
– every attacker who tried to subdue the whole of Russia failed, and
– most attackers who won limited wars against Russia found themselves not in a better situation as a result
The latter including e.g. France, who as a result of the successful Crimean campaign found her army weakened, with no advantage whatsoever gained in exchange. Britain and Turkey had benefited, by contrast.
Sandy Hook, Pakistan
They were planning this little story and someone, some flunky somewhere, was tasked with picking out some stock file footage photos to use as the victims and they ran across “Noah” or whatever his name really is. So, he tossed that image in there with the rest and some upper level management type decided to go with him, because frankly, he’s white and cute.
Unfortunately, flunky forgot to check the background of the stock photos and didn’t realize “Noah” had already been used in another little episode of street theater back in 2012.
What do you expect from flunky? He’s in marketing.
Has NATO moved into Odessa?
Or has the new Pro-Kiev Conscript training worked?
Not forgetting this motley crew:
Terry said… – You are aware that Russia has the 2nd largest defence industry in the world. That the SU 35 is on all NATO countries must have list? that the F35 had been grounded at least 8 times, cannot even make it to air shows. Plus, they now have a computer problem and it will not be in service until at least 2019. The $40 billion missiles defence shield, over a decade later is still undergoing operational tests, owing to the fact that it has only passed on test? Russia and the UK started designs for new submarines in the early 90s. Russia has 3 active bombers, the Borei Class, Yassen and the new electro-diesel submarines, I believe 6 in total, and the two Astute submarines that British were drawing up, 1 in still undergoing sea trials and the other is coming to the end of her operational trials. Also, they are only baby, attack submarines, nothing like the Borei. Russia is seriously upgrading her military and the USS Donald Cook can confirm that they leave the USA sailors traumatised.
Good luck Russia and at the end of the day NATO has never had any success and the USA has only won a smaall war, since the end of WWII (not sure with regards Hollywood scripts and films) which took months, against the tiny Island of Grenada.
This is how the unipolar world will be broken and a multi-polar world with new institutions constructed.
No armies marching over borders, no Drone strikes, and no de-stabilizations and Maidans or Color Revolutions and Occupy movements.
Simply Capitalism with Chinese characteristics.
New Asian bank to go into operation by year end 2015-01-02 20:42:44 More
BEIJING, Jan. 2 (Xinhua) — The Asian Infrastructure Development Bank (AIIB) is expected to go into operation before the end of 2015, according to China’s Ministry of Finance (MOF).
MOF said that the founding nations of the bank are expected to complete negotiations over and subscription of the bank’s charter and regulations before June this year.
A MOF statement also said that the Maldives has become the latest prospective founding member of the bank after a consensus was reached among the 22 existing members on Dec. 31.
So far, the number of Prospective Founding Members of the AIIB has increased to 23, including Bangladesh, Brunei, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Laos, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Oman, Pakistan, the Philippines, Qatar, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, and the Maldives.
The MOF said any country interested in the AIIB is welcomed to join the bank.
The AIIB, an inter-governmental regional development institution in Asia, has an authorized capital of 100 billion U.S. dollars and the initial subscribed capital is expected to be around 50 billion dollars.
According to a memorandum of understanding signed in October 2014, Beijing will be the host city for the AIIB’s headquarters.
How Chinese use Capitalism to grow businesses.
Often unregulated, sometimes criminal, but on the whole, the Chinese go for whatever will get them started, restarted on the path to wealth.
Reforms are coming, new rules of law, but generally, the central government trails and does not precede activity. It has been that way since Deng Xiaoping exhorted the Chinese to go get wealthy!
NANNING, Jan. 2 (Xinhua) — The trading value of China’s booming Peer-to-peer (P2P) platforms hit 250 billion yuan (about 41 billion U.S. dollars) for the whole of 2014, doubling 2013’s statistics, according to the Internet Society of China on Friday.
P2P online lending uses the Internet to conduct daily transactions or finance businesses. P2P platforms of this kind exceeded 1,600 in 2014 in China. December 2014 alone saw 47 newly-registered P2P platforms.
The new financing channel has helped break the strangle state-owned finance once held on those looking to back new businesses. It was estimated that 290,000 private lenders had invested via the P2P platforms.
In addition to convenience in capital utilization and low trading cost, online wealth management products allow users to avoid tight interest rate controls. Experts warned that with no regulations, the P2P industry is experiencing wild growth, and risks such as fraud, fund flight and illegal fund raising have emerged.
Professor Huang Zhen with the Law School of the Central University of Finance and Economics, said some platforms are actually run by loan sharks, who have moved online. However, the industry lacks big data management measures to monitor customers’ credit and investors’ losses.
The China Banking Regulatory Commission in September 2014 vowed to tighten regulations on P2P businesses, which includes new registration rules, requiring third party funds trusteeship and external audits.
The year ahead will be a tough test for surviving P2P lenders as a large number of online borrowing projects will mature. The implementation of the new rules will also trigger the first round of reshuffling in the P2P industry.
Anonymous said, “Until Putin established capital controls and a moratorium on debt payment outside Russia linked to sanctions as well as taking control of the central banking system, we have to assume Putin is being controlled by those who control global central banking.”
Vladimir Putin said he will not isolate Russia from the world. I take it at face value when he calls the ‘imperialists’ of the West his partners. This does not mean Putin is controlled; but the EU, China, Russia, Iran, Brazil, etc. are demanding a New World Order(BIS + IMF + SDR); which is the Old World Order(BIS + IMF+ USD) with a new distribution of influence on the supra-international monetary system calibrated according to real production and service. The BRICS + EU are demanding a level playing field, with a neutral monetary hegemon. This revision of the BIS + IMF + USD will be the BIS + IMF + SDR where SDR is a basket of currencies reflecting a more just distribution of power from the bottom up, rather than the old BIS + IMF + USD which gave exorbitant privilege and power to the Anglo-Zionist Empire.
It is my opinion that when the branches move the wind is blowing, rather than some conspiratorial group shaking the branches. The winds of change and the iron law of the exponential function on USD are shaking the Old World Order! What and how will it be replaced? First…no one except mad men and dreamers want chaos and war, neither the oligarchs nor masses of people. The realists know civilization has always had a master/slave engine to power the assent of man. The engine of civilization is freezing up, because the monetary lubricant controlled by the master class is succumbing to the above mentioned iron law of the exponential function . The more aware of the master class are willing to give up monetary exorbitant privilege to BIS + IMF + SDR technocrats, rather than collapse the engine of civilization. The master elites know they have to protect themselves, not from the slaves, but from destroying the slave class on which their status depends. They realize they may kill the goose which lays the golden eggs!
The major problem is to force recalcitrant elites to give up a portion of their exorbitant privilege so the slave class can continue a safe, productive, and healthy life. A healthy goose is to everyone’s benefit, even if the slaves do not understand and demand isolation or revolution and elites are recalcitrant to change the status quo and give up a majority of their privilege. Perhaps, we will see a return of ‘noblisse oblige’ which maintained order in old Europe.
BIS + IMF is implementing a structure which, with the threat of war and chaos, will dethrone the USD, so the BIS + IMF will become the BIS + IMF + SDR as a multipolar world order from the top down. We will experience a multipolar hegemony, rather than a unipolar hegemony. The war and chaos narrative will fill the minds of the masses with fear, so they will accept some real benefit from the New World Order, and the oligarch’s will pay a fair tax on their privilege so the master/slave engine of civilization can continue without thermonuclear war or collapse into a Mad Max World.
So, it is my view that Vladimir Putin is a realist about the engine of the world, and is willing to pay a price for a leveling of the playing field between currency blocks or multipolar centers of world civilization. He will represent Russia, its culture, its people(oligarchs and workers) at the table of the BIS + IMF + SDR
New World Order.
So, Anonymous is half right…Russia will live with the rules of the New World Order; but it will have a place of power at the table which makes the rules controlling the monetary lubricant of the world engine.
Energy must flow!
Russian Central Bank is managed by the US;
Original in Russian;
Shortened translation in English;
@Jade @ Kat Kan # Batman
Administration posted its version of events
According to this, their aim is to establish order, = centralized government, and laws (likely they go by criminal code of Ukraine).
There were cases of wrong treatment of prisoners by members of Batman battalion,namely Fobos and Maniac. One prisoner apparently was killed, others beaten.
On 30 of December Prosecutor office ordered special forces to deliver Batman to answer questions on pending criminal cases.
Something went wrong from that point, with known result
TV: Documents reveal radiation leak at world’s fifth largest nuclear plant — Reuters: Officials “could not comment” if documents are authentic; Claims “spike in radiation over past two days” exceeds limit by 16 times (VIDEO)
Published: January 3rd, 2015 at 12:12 pm ET
By ENENews
Email Article Email Article
Reuters, Dec 30, 2014: Ukraine denies radioactive leak on Zaporizhzhya nuclear plant — Ukrainian authorities denied on Tuesday a report in pro-Kremlin media… Life News newswire published documents which it said came from Ukraine’s emergencies ministry and showed that a leak at the power plant had led to a spike in radiation over the past two days exceeding permitted norms by 16 times… “there have been no accidents,” said an energy ministry official. The officials could not comment if documents published by Life News were authentic. Reuters was not able to verify the documents…
TeleSUR (TV network funded by Argentina, Bolivia, etc), Dec 30, 2014: Alleged Radioactive Leak at Biggest Nuclear Plant in Europe — Ukrainian authorities deny any increase radioactive levels… Reuters [has not] been able so far to independently verify the documents [which] stated that the radiation levels had significantly raised – over 16 times the permitted limit – one day after the incident… Another unit had also been switched off [at the] end November after a short circuit, leading to an intervention from the [IAEA]. Ukrainian authorities waited five days to disclose the information…
PressTV, Dec 31, 2014: A new report reveals that radiation from Ukraine’s Zaporozhye Nuclear Plant has exceeded the norm by 16 times. According to a leaked document by Ukraine’s State Service for Emergency Situations, Ukrainian nuclear scientists misinformed the public and the media about the real state of affairs.
PressTV, Dec 31, 2014: Radioactive leak alleged at Ukraine nuclear plant… amid an official denial. The leak at Ukraine’s Zaporozhye Power Plant was reported Tuesday by Russia-based LifeNews… a 24-hour television channel and news website.
Life News, Dec 30, 2014 (Google Translation): State Service for Emergency Situations… Dec 28… radiation background 4.90 mSv/yr… 16.3 times higher than the acceptable norm… Dec 29… 5.05 mSv/yr.
ZIK (Western Information Agency), Dec 31, 2014: Radiation leak at Zaporizhya NPP – another Moscow’s stunt… According to Putin’s docile mouthpiece, Lifenews Russia Today, the Ukrainian government is keeping the actual radiation level secret… Experts say the Moscow-generated stunt… was caused by the signing by Ukraine of a sales contract with Westinghouse…
TASS (Russian News Agency), Dec 30, 2014: Experts fear the sharp switch from Russian-to US-produced nuclear fuel as it… could threaten safety both at the domestic level and in Europe as well, the Russian Foreign Ministry said… “Consequences of possible accidents and meltdowns will be in the full responsibility of the Ukrainian authorities and US suppliers.”
Press Release, Dec 30, 2014: Westinghouse… agreed to significantly increase fuel deliveries to Ukrainian nuclear power plants… “secure nuclear fuel supplies for Ukraine’s reactor fleet.”
Watch PressTV’s broadcast here
@ Ann
“Where did the towers go?” by Dr. Judy Woods is one of those rare books that speaks the truth about pivotal events.
9/11 is one of those game changing black swans that separate the truthers from the liars, the wheat from the chaff, the men from the boys and the womem from the girls. Dr. Judy Woods is one of the womem.
Why bring up the missing towers in this discussion of Russia and war, war and more war. Because those towers turned to dust were the Empire’s ace in the hole by which they trumped truth the lies.
This signal event shows us up for what we are: lovers of truth or liars of terror. Anyone who is anybody on the pyramid of terror cannot tell the truth and keep his or her status, job or sometimes even their life.
911 is an emergency number here in the States which is like the crucifixion for Christianity. Did the Joker have that in mind when he planned 9/11?
As you pointed out, even truthers in the 9/11 truth movement are cowardly pigmies standing next to someone with the balls of Dr. Judy Wood. She speaks truth with logic, reason and evidence.
If only more of us would follow her lead, not just in the case of the towers (three, four and more) but in investigating the causes of war, war and more war.
Leave it to the womem to save us and speak truth to power; Ann, Judy and so on. I even heard that Saker the falcon, not Saker the man, is a female. Can’t quite tell from the pictures, but that bird is a mother, let me tell you. You can tell by the way she flies over her vineyard. She’s a mother all right or I’m not a father or even a man, which the last time I looked; at my son or at myself, I am.
from excellent Fort Russ blog:
It is a far from foregone conclusion that we have seen the last of the break-up of Ukraine. There is a growing anti-Kiev sentiment in the Western parts of the country (which is actually being reported on by the Polish media) due to Kiev’s mismanagement of the economy, the growing crisis, the influx of refugees from the Donbass who are not welcomed with open arms in the Galicia, and now the combination of tax increases and cuts in spending pushed by the Yatsenyuk government. Given the increase in prominence of Lvov politicians, one has to consider the possibility that, should Ukraine’s economic situation become dramatically worse, the West of the country will seek far-reaching autonomy if not outright independence.
But how that Stalin was not in the victory parade in 1945?
Come on, guys, do not be bad guys, he was there, right on the platform at the lenin´s tomb, all the time… in the rain ….
Come on, let alone Grandpa, it’s Christmas!
P.S: Let’s see, I just suffered a spectacular fall skating on the RH side, I think I’ve broken, do not make me write … it hurts.
Too funny–evidence is in plain site, yet with the 5 or 6 media mega-conglomerates owning everything and blacking out all but the bs they feed, check out this story nov/2014 a mere 6 weeks ago a local NBC news crew right in NY state yet!
go to 41 sec mark to see headline & story.
The American Army is African American’s who signed up to escape third world levels of poverty across America’s great Cities, and Hispanics who are doing One Tour for a Green Card.
Russia’s indigenous and ethnically pure soldiers are fighting for their blood and soil, I believe at the first sign of a Russian Tank these American soldiers will wet their pants and run home to mama.
To Anonymous L @ 05:35,
Your post is very comprehensive, and I cannot answer each of your points in the careful order in which you have presented them. However, an overriding fact stayed in my mind that may help dispel your pessimism.
That is, it is clear that the concept of a hammer that every problem to solve is a nail is clearly a very limited concept – limited to the thought processes of the hammer, that is.
That kind of narrow vision is the one presented of financial elites which are countryless but will float themselves to whatever country still can afford to have a happy lifestyle, (and I think you are correct that both Australia and New Zealand have presented that alluring vision to our oligarchical masters. Even rich Russians have sailed their yachts into southern harbours.)
The matter isn’t so simple, however. For the ‘natives’ in those regions aren’t quite as unaware as were indigenous peoples of past colonizations. No, they are very much aware of who and what truly threaten them. They are, if you like, Russians in miniature.
It may seem that they are pushovers for the current ruling class. I can assure you; they aren’t.
re: Jeb Bush and the final sealing of US fascism. The anti Russian hysteria and bizarre attacks on Putin to the point of comic book characterization, serve a domestic purpose of polarization perhaps more useful to the US elites than an actual attack on Russia.
Bumper sticker: Having a bad day? Blame Putin!
Saker what is going on in Novorossia, Batman is dead, they are saying that Plotnickiy is behind it.
Russia Moves Toward Increasing Economic Freedom
“I propose a full amnesty for capital returning to Russia. I stress, full amnesty. Of course, it is essential to explain to the people who will make these decisions what full amnesty means. It means that if a person legalises his holdings and property in Russia, he will receive firm legal guarantees that he will not be summoned to various agencies, including law enforcement agencies, that they will not “put the squeeze” on him, that he will not be asked about the sources of his capital and methods of its acquisition, that he will not be prosecuted or face administrative liability, and that he will not be questioned by the tax service or law enforcement agencies.(Vladimir Putin)
Does Vladimir Putin sound like a socialist to you….my socialist friends?
Capital flees state employee shakedowns in Russia….Vladimir Putin is fighting the corruption of the siloviki who demand enormous bribes by abusing the power of the sovereign state. You find the same siloviki shakedowns in the USA IRS + DOJ +UST extortion of USA capital! So, my MMT friends….where do we find an incorruptible sovereigns?
Western intellectuals have never lost their penchant for central economic planning, presumably because they have never been personally exposed to what happens when it is implemented in full. By contrast, the Eastern Bloc was a laboratory for the Marxist doctrine, and its failure was acutely felt by everyone living there.
It is a phenomenon that Western media and academia have convinced many commenters that capitalism is the enemy of progressive justice and freedom! It is exactly the opposite…the state, media, and academia protect the monopolies of their crony corporations and favored voting blocks. Big crony capital is favored by the Western siloviki, hence the deduction that the West is a socialist oligarchy! We could even call it National Socialism….which is more accurate than railing about the chimera of Western capitalism.
“During the time of the Soviet Union the role of the state in economy was made absolute, which eventually lead to the total non-competitiveness of the economy. That lesson cost us very dearly. I am sure nobody would want history to repeat itself. We should also be aware that for during the last months, we have been witnessing the washout of the entrepreneurship spirit. That includes the principle of the personal responsibility – of a businessman, an investor or a share-holder – for his or her own decisions. There are no grounds to suggest that by putting the responsibility over to the state, one can achieve better results. Another thing – handling crisis must not turn into financial populism, into rejecting a responsible macro-economic policy. Unreasonable expansion of the budget deficit, accumulation of the national debt – are as destructive as an adventurous stock market game.” (Vladimir Putin)
It is a marvel to see the Free World and the Evil Empire reverse poles in one lifetime. I guess…
the good and evil narrative must go on for the ordinary man, it is a reflection and limitation of the ordinary binary mind!
Larchmonter, Thanks for the comments on my comments.
I certainly hope that you are correct about the Chinese leadership being able to review and correct themselves – all by themselves – without any direct involvement of their people.
I doubt it.
The Chinese leaders are the remnants/results of the Stalinist totalitarian political culture. Their resistance to imperialism, especially the imperialist US, has been positive. However, in order to defeat world imperialism, a VISION is needed.
That vision must help to awaken the peoples who reside in those imperialist nations, as well as to rally their own populations. China’s leaders resist imperialism with one hand tied behind their backs.
They can do a better job. They must be able to critique the Anglo American Zionist world Oligarchs. They do precious little critique – because they lack the VISION.
By way of example, the Cuban people are politically amorphosed. They have no practice of citizenship. As the Castro brothers fade away, there are no feisty active citizens to carry on the best parts of the revolution of 1959.
As with 1990 Russia, a generation will have to suffer before a political resistance (to the Oligarchs) will become possible.
Only free people can defend freedom.
Peter J. Antonsen
Anonymous said…03 January, 2015 14:28
“You attack me and call me ‘clueless’ but you are smart enough not to stick your neck out and come with another number.”
It wasn’t intended as an attack, but a rather neutrally frank, a little too frank, perhaps, appraisal of your abilities to judge historical material. Which incidentally, you have more than reinforced with this 2nd comment.
I did come up with another number. It’s right there in my original comment in black and white. Here, I’ll repeat it:
“There were 967 T-34 and 508 KV types”
I didn’t state specifically that the numbers I was quoting were those the Soviets had in their park as of June, 1941, but since that is the time we were talking about, that should have been well understood.
“According to Zionist-friendly edited Wikipedia, the USSR had no less than 35,000 T-34 tanks, among many other types.
Perhaps it is you who should do some reading instead of defending the largest enemy the Russian people ever had: ZOG-USSR.”
The wikipedia entry you linked is listing the number of T-34 tanks produced in total throughout the war with that 35k figure, not how many the Soviets had in their park when Germany attacked in 1941. It’s quite plainly labeled as such in several places there and no honest person could fail to understand what was meant.
That and your dishonesty regarding me not posting the 967 figure reveals either some serious comprehension problems or a total lack of honesty when representing what you source in a debate.
And there is more. You listed Suvorov and Weeks as sources for your claims the nazis attacked the USSR to preempt a planned Soviet attack on Germany in summer ’41. While Suvorov claims this, from what I’ve read of Weeks, he does not. He more or less claims the Soviets knew the Germans were about to attack and deliberately underplayed their hand, sacrificing blood, machinery and territory in a cynical ploy to influence the USA to join the war on the Soviet side.
Irregardless of their differences, neither Suvorov or Weeks has much credibility as far as I am concerned. Suvorov is simply a low level spy, not a historian, who once safely in the west, cherry picked facts, embellishing them with propaganda, much like the more recent Litvinenko and those he was associated with. Like with Litvinenko & co., it’s probable most of Suvorov’s material was produced for him by his western handlers. Weeks was typical of the sort of American exceptionalism found in most American “historical” work. I have a few errands to run, so that’s all I have time for right now, but I may deconstruct each those authors material more comprehensively later.
вот так
I think the longer the situation in Ukraine continues along with sanctions the weaker NATO and the WEST becomes regardless of what the media says about things and tries to manage perceptions-War mobilization and propaganda will also wake up and bring out anti-War mobilization and the people in the West are fed up with their governments. It is the West hoping to cash in on Nationalist feelings and war that needs this crisis not Russia. It is the West that operates from a position of weakness not Russia and certainly not Russia and China together. It is the balance of forces on the ground in Ukraine that will determine the outcome. I am sure all Ukraine they can now see the writing on the wall now with foreign carpet baggers being sworn into office and austerity what is in store for them and how WRONG things have gone. Mutiny in the REGULAR Army and the PEOPLE mobilized against the JUNTA which by definition does not have the blessing of the people is what wil save Ukraine. All propaganda diplomatic all efforts to this effect must be brought to bear on the situation on the ground. The fascist must be chased out of town. And anti fascism is a theme that cannot be trumped in the Western World either-we know it and are experiencing it althought the velvet glove has not yet come off. The EU is in shambles. Socialist Revolution not war is the solution to our economic problems-it is only a section of the elite that want war to solve the economic problem a minority even there. The Azov brigades and their twins need to be targeted for extinction the regular army needs the truth-How many left the army voluntarily at the beginning of hostilities thousands? I don’t know who is going to do this-leaflets, the internet blogs electronic media but all efforts in these directions need to be made within the Ukraine itself. And the people have to know their is a way out that is most important. The Donbass has to make all efforts to reach the man on the street in the rest of Ukraine. That is all I have to offer.
@ b: A masterful meta-analysis offering hope according to noblesse oblige. I think Russia would honor its obligations of the nobility but if Larchmonter 445 is right about China’s new found greed, I’m afraid the well will once again be poisoned.
I trust the ancients who more or less said the inordinate love of money is the root of evil. Rich and poor will die together under the power, money and profit system; if the proverb proves true: “What does it profit you if you gain the whole world but lose your soul?”
There is an alternative to the BIS, IMF, SDR system which our more sane ancestors called Truth, Beauty and Goodness which we might call “En Masse Oblige,” the obligation of all of us “hoi polloi.” Now that would make us noble.
Part 1:
@elsi said…
“But how that Stalin was not in the victory parade in 1945?
Come on, guys, do not be bad guys, he was there, right on the platform at the lenin´s tomb, all the time… in the rain ….
Come on, let alone Grandpa, it’s Christmas!“
OK, you made me have to look it up:
” Joseph Stalin, stood atop Lenin’s Mausoleum and watched the parade alongside other dignitaries present.
According to certain editions of Zhukov’s memoirs, Stalin had intended to ride through the parade himself, but he fell from the horse during the rehearsal and had to yield the honor to Zhukov, who used to be a cavalry officer. However, this story is disputed by former Soviet spy Viktor Suvorov. He claims that the story was inserted into Zhukov’s memoirs as a counterargument to his theory, (although it apparently was in circulation earlier)[2] that Stalin didn’t lead the parade because he considered the war’s results not worthy of the effort invested.[3] Suvorov notes several inconsistencies in the story, along with numerous evidence that Zhukov was intended all along for the role of leading the parade; for example, the memoirs of Sergei Shtemenko, the man responsible at the time for the preparation of the parade, state that the roles were decided from the start,[4] and Igor Bobylev (who took part in the preparations) claims that the story never happened and that Stalin never visited the Manege at that time.”
My source was indeed Suvorov, who I cited from of the top of my head (just like the T-30 which should have been T-34; I read Suvorov’s book ca. 3 years ago). Stalin was indeed present, but refused to head the parade himself… because he was not happy over the result of WW2. According to Suvorov.
The main points remain unchallenged:
– USSR had at least 7 times more thanks than the Germans
– Stalin did not like the result of the outcome of WW2
Kind regards,
part 2:
Here a few pointers towards the idea that Barbarossa was a preemptive strike:
From Suvorov’s book:
“A division marching in columns was a great target for air force raids. The entire Red Army presented one great target. In his memoirs, the German pilot Hans—Ulrich Rudel described the beginning of the war against the Sovier Union. He flew a and Completed 2,430 battle missions.
Rudel: “While flying over these numerous airbases and fortifications, We all had the same thought in our heads—how lucky we were to have struck first. It seemed that the Soviets were feverishly readying the groundwork for an attack against us… The highway [From] Smolensk [to] Moscow was the target of many raids; it was packed with huge amounts of Russian military equipment and supplies. Trucks and tanks were lined up one after another almost without any intervals, often in three parallel columns. If all this massive machinery had attacked us…. There were no difficulties in attacking so enticing a target. In a few clays, the entire road was transformed into piles of rubble.”
Rudel also mentioned the “Martin” bombers. Indeed, military supplies from the United States and Great Britain began to arrive in the Soviet Union long before June 22, 1941. ”
For me personal this is one of the best testimonies that Germans never had a long term plan; here is a letter written by the supreme commander of the German Wehrmacht Keitel, directed at foreign secretary von Ribbentrop, date May 11, 1941 (this is not from Suvorov):
Scroll to post #41 for the letter in German. For those who do not speak German… this letter was written 6 weeks before the largest battle in world history would begin. In the letter there is zero sign that the leaders of the German Reich have decided upon executing a long in advance prepared battle. In fact there have still not taken the final decision. What Keitel describes to his great worry is that he sees that the Russians are busy with a massive troop deployment along the German-Russian border, that is going on for months now, since the signing of the Russian-Japanese non-aggression agreement. Basically all units from Siberia have been transferred to the European part of Russia. Airforce: same story. Additionally spy reports about Russian officers who are discussing an attack against Germany. Keitel concludes that the Soviets are mobilizing and preparing for an assault. Last sentence: we have to react.
Again, in the entire letter there is not a hint that the Germans are busy with preparing for an unprovoked attack against the USSR. It was a last minute decision. They are going to hit us, let’s hit them first.
Kind regards,
I apologise for saying you were a Russophobe.I didn’t notice who wrote the comments before posting the reply.I’ve seen your posts many times here and know your aren’t a Russophobe at all.Though I do think on this point you are mistaken.Hitler planned on invading at some point the USSR since his Mein Kampf days.He started planning it in the Summer of 1940 and approved the plans in December 1940 after Molotov’s visit.You are right that Stalin knew at some time he would have to fight Hitler.But hopped to put it off as long as possible.And wasn’t nearly ready at the time of the German Invasion.
” On 5 December 1940, Hitler received the final military plans for the invasion which were drawn since July 1940 already under the codename Operation Otto.[54] He approved them all, with the start scheduled for May 1941.[55] On 18 December, Hitler signed War Directive No. 21 to the German High Command for an operation now codenamed “Operation Barbarossa” stating: “The German Wehrmacht must be prepared to crush Soviet Russia in a quick campaign.”[55][56] The operation was named after Emperor Frederick Barbarossa of the Holy Roman Empire, a leader of the Third Crusade in the 12th century. The invasion was set for 15 May 1941.[56] The plan for Barbarossa assumed that the Wehrmacht would emerge victorious if it could destroy the bulk of the Red Army west of the Western Dvina and Dnieper Rivers. This assumption would be proven fatally wrong less than a month into the invasion.[57]”
Uncle Bob
Anonymous said :
“Russia’s indigenous and ethnically pure soldiers are fighting for their blood and soil, I believe at the first sign of a Russian Tank these American soldiers will wet their pants and run home to mama”.
Im sorry but what exactly has “ethnic purity” got to do with this? Are you in any way suggesting that because Russian forces are made up of ethnic Russians that makes them superior to an army made up of blacks and latinos ? because I don’t get your point otherwise. Russias superiority lies in the righteousness of their cause in defending their motherland against a rapacious and evil Washington administration that is totally out of control and not in the “ethnic purity” of the Russian army. This is an inherently racist comment on your part.
Perfect example why Russia is *** miles *** ahead of the PC Disneyland aka the West, is that Russian state television is at least willing to discuss the Suvorov hypothesis:
90 minutes professional dramatized documentary with argument for and against Suvorov.
Very good quality.
Most WW2 truths are hidden in the war archives of the allies, with zero intent to disclose them.
But now that Russia is under attack by the ‘AngloZionists’, Russia could be tempted to spill the beans.
Documentaries like the one above should be seen as a preparation of the Russian population for such an event.
Kind regards,
Russian opponents include the US Army, which fought as part of the “Allied Intervention” post WWI. About 13,000 US troops took part, invading Vladivostok and Archangel. A October 1919 report gives the casualties for the US “Polar Bear Expedition” as 553: 109 killed in battle; 35 died of wounds; 81 from disease; 19 from accidents/other causes; 305 wounded and 4 POWS. Approximately 125 US bodies were LEFT BEHIND in Russia, to be partially repatriated in 1929 and 1934.
Anymous: “Sandy Hook, Pakistan” is hilarious. I’m sure you know that Sandy Hook was a “phoney flag” (non-event) even in the US.
Thanks for posting. Really too much.
btw, Kiev has posted in their holodomar museum a famous picture of a woman in the Ozarks of America. I guess they couldn’t find any skinny people from their own alleged famine– or it wasn’t as severe as they say.
“after the officially reported transformer incident that a radiation spike was observed in Crimea, which is 140km away from the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant.”
Article includes hacked conversation:
“Krasnagorov- Things are not good. The casket on the upper unit cannot take the pressure. Seems we screwed around with this improper material long enough.
Tyshenko- Don’t whine. You need to understand that no one asked me about any of it.
Krasnagorov- Even back then I was saying that this is not going to end well. We needed to do testing first. Its not just the caskets that are the problem. Its with the fuel as well.”
[may mean gasket instead of casket]
Reportedly, Ukies are talking about false-flag bombing Chernobyl now, to mask their problem.
Russia has lost more than 3 wars to the UK alone. Here is a list of Russo-British wars since 1612. Times of alliance, generally more substantial than conflict, are not listed.
1612: Victory of the Orthodox Romanovs against other contenders as Tsar. Sponsored by the major Protestant countries; England (money and guns), Scotland (generals), The Netherlands and various Protestant German states (officers and specialists). Poland prevented from becoming a major Catholic threat (Spain #2) in the East. Outside the time period but hugely significant. From 1612 to the Crimea, England/Britain and Russia were on very friendly terms. Defeat of various anti English forces in Russia (Poland, Sweden, various Russian Boyars).
1801; Invasion of India. Russian army collapsed before leaving Russia’s borders. Provoked Great Game into life so major strategic error by Russia. See Crimea/Donbass 2014 for similar errors. Russian defeat.
1807-1812; The Anglo-Russian war. Russia in alliance with France against Britain. Neither side wanted this war. The Royal Navy won every engagement. Russia switched sides again and Napoleon invaded Russia in retaliation. Russian Defeat.
1853; Crimean war. Nicholas I was the worst Tsar in history (and there are many competitors). He managed to ally France with Britain and Austria with Turkey in an alliance against him which eventually included a large chunk of what is now Italy. He lost Romania which he had recently invaded. Russophobia begins. Nicholas had given it a lot of fuel. Great Game becomes real. Russian defeat. Consequences of Nicholas I’s errors are still felt in Euro-American attitudes to Russia.
1878; Expulsion of Russian mission from Kabul. Britain and Russia then fought separate simultaneous wars against the Afghans. Neither succeeded in occupying Afghanistan. Gosh! Russia did capture Merv and the North West Frontier of the British Raj now better defined, included cultural Afghans in what is now Pakistan. Oh dear. Draw or mutual defeat.
1917-1922; Russian civil war. Small British intervention in favour of the Provisional Government failed to achieve anything positive. Bolshevik victory but not a victory for Russia.
1939; Soviet invasion of Poland. Britain failed to declare war as required by treaty; only declaring war on Germany. British diplomatic efforts in the Baltics also failed. Russian victory.
1941-1945. Russia invasion of Europe. On 3 Dec 1941, before Pearl Harbour and US entry into the war; Hitler made a speech explaining his reason for invading Russia. He had no reason to say other than the truth. He invaded because Russia was already mobilizing to invade the Reich and the rest of Europe to spread Communism by force. Germany had already fulfilled its plans for territorial expansion (said Hitler) and had no plans for further aggression. Stalin failed to conquer the whole of Europe. Documentary evidence in all directions is not strong. Mark a draw for a, maybe, imaginary war of strategy.
1947-1991; Cold War. Russian defeat.
The Rift
Great(Super, excellent) blog Saker, must say I read and understand German and my girlfriend reads, understands and speaks over seven languages, and if in doubt she always finds a subject to test herself on, and she always is asked if she is born in country?….I, well not so lucky. She is Bulgarian and my girlfriend and can speak anything, in Scotland, where I come from and where she stayed with me, she was even asked if she worked in the sex trade?
Great Euro thinking it was for us, needless to say we left Edinburgh and headed inland. A much much better choice for us for many reasons including that she was not a prostitute. But it still took time in central EU to get rid of this myth, and 500-600 aplications with 2 masters degrees later she is employed part-time in the great(FU), we are happy. Excuse me, I need ot go outside and piss……
I know there’s alot of very intelligent people that comment on this site, so I would like your opinions on a subject that has perplexed me for a long time. Why do you think England and France, who had a defense pack with Poland, declared war on Nazi Germany and not on the Soviet Union, which invaded Poland from the east, a short time after Germany did. I would think a mutual defense pack covered all invaders. Your answers are much appreciarted.
As an aside on 1990’s privatisation, the RF government could have sold Russian enterprises to foreigners for something like their real value or sold/given them to Russians for nothing, as there was no money in Russia. As Eastern European (or even British) experience had already shown, there was no substitute for private ownership in converting an enterprise from a subsidy guzzler to a tax payer. The voucher scheme gave most of Russian industry to the workers, who did not value the vouchers. They were bought by managers using bank loans. Russian owned capital was created by establishing banks. The vast subsidies given by the EU, UK, Germany and the US $25Bn in total were placed in the private banks as were large accounts by state industries. These established some local ability to make large transactions, although nowhere close to the real value of the assets. Russian Jews were systematically excluded from senior government and administrative positions. They were concentrated in science, culture and business, especially as economists. They therefore appeared more often in the new banks. Hence the appearance of a Jewish takeover, actually the result of antisemitism. Gaidar and Chubais had to choose between foreign ownership or poor value. If they had chosen a less nationalist path, Russia would have been wealthier and more stable by now and the catastrophe of the 1990’s would have been much reduced. Yes. Really.
Yosser …@02 January, 2015 22:46
has anybody ever considered that Christian and Jewish fundamentalists actually wish for the end times scenario to take place?
Yes. Stephen Harper is right in there. Marci McDonald wrote “The Armageddon Factor: The Rise of Christian Nationalism in Canada” a long time ago – perhaps there is something more recent. In his 2014 visit to Israel, Harper took a large number of people on his plane – including a bunch of fundamentalist preachers.
Anonymous at 19:03
The bleeding edge of the empire’s army is not make up of African Americans and Hispanics. At the heart of the Army and Marines, particularly the paratroopers and special forces are Southerners who have a lot of fight in them; it is in their blood. Southerners who serve in combat arms are the willing Janissary of the very empire which “drove Ol’ Dixie down.” There are no few of us who are attempting to turn the hearts of these good men away from severing the empire with their time, their blood and their souls. Pray that we succeed.
African Americans have, unfortunately, been fighting for Empire from the very beginning but they have rarely run home to mama. Nothing but hate and brutality driving them forward for much of their history. BUT when it comes right down to it the question is what are you fighting for and there is where the Russian will surpass US. Especially when the Academi mercenaries are making twice as much as the regular soldiers for less risk. The point is that the Hispanic and African American will not be nearly as committed as the Russian.
“The American army is African Americans who signed…and Hispanics who are doing one tour for a green card..”
C’mon anonymous, think a little deeper than appearances before you make a public statement like that. The Americans have always had their armies made up of these same elements, and they’ve been running the world for decades now without falling apart. Rome’s armies were always made up of their lower classes too, and they ran the world in their day. Even Russia’s armies are primarily made up of their lower classes, because the upper strata of every society are simply not motivated enough to take the risks that are integral to a soldiers’ lot. What army you know of is composed of the rich and wealthy of the society it defends? Name it and I’ll show you an army that’s guarranteed to get routed at every battle, if only for lack of motivation. Besides the American military is easily the most pampered and best insured military machine in the world, their soldiers are better fed and are more socially secured than the elites of most countries around the world, so they’re not the dregs and downtrodden lot that you imagine them to be. Visit an American base anywhere across the world and put that comforting fantasy of yours to rest.
And as far as ethnic purity, if that guarranteed success on the battlefield Japan would be the lone super power of the world today, not the Americans. What’s the sense in lying to yourself?
I’d like to thank Anon for posts labeled, “How Russia Lost the War,” parts 1-3. All I’d read about ’91 was little news briefs that wholeheartedly applauded “Russia’s successful transition to capitalism” which was “creating more millionaires faster than any other country.” Years lapsed before I’d encountered too brief descriptions of the absolute tragedy!! — and later asked myself, where was I? How in the world did I miss this? Answer: no internet back then + personal life upheaval at that very moment.
Since then I’ve collected some info, but not nearly so much as I’d like. I now see how AmeRICO experience “privatization,” too. It’s really terrifying and… well, someday the result will be millions dead for the same and other reasons. My heart pours forth silently for every populace so assaulted.
PS: RICO refers to a US Federal Statute, “Racketeer Influence Corrupt Organization” under which no one who really matters is prosecuted anymore.
@Stalin was planning an attack on Germany, but that in no ways exculpates Hitler.
The situation was more complicated than Suvorov/Rezun suggests. Stalin was waiting for an attack of the West (combined with a Japanese one) since (at least) the liquidation of Trotsky’s gang which was indeed conspiring to provoke a German/Japanese offensive.
Stalin was correctly interpreting the duplicitous position of the Western powers in regards to Nazi Germany. It is hardly deniable that they were contemplating favorably a German anti-Bolshevik crusade. The flight of Rudolf Hess to England only reinforced his suspicions. He most probably understood that the West would never permit a strengthening of the Russian-German pact (which could possibly evolve in the direction of an enlargement of the Axis by bringing in the USSR). The West was prepared to start the war with USSR, immediately after their common victory over Germany (Operation Unthinkable)
There are some other indications as:
“The third plan of the war against the USSR: ten days before 22nd of June
But even after the surrender of France, part of the British ruling class still continued to mature the plans of the attack against the USSR. In May-June, 1941 England managed to consolidate its positions at the Middle East. During the warfare against France — its former ally — Englishmen consolidated their grip over Syria and Lebanon. As a result of intervention, Iraqi government — that attempted to behave itself independently from England — was overthrown and the military bases of British air forces were reestablished at the north of Iraq once again. English historian J. Butler wrote that “in the end of May, 1941 a specific opinion emerged in London — the one expressing the idea that having created the threat to the Caucasian oil, it would be possible to exert the pressure against Russia in the most suitable way…On the 12th of June Heads of Staff Committee decided to assume the measures that would allow to conduct the strikes against the oil refining plants in Baku using the average bombers from Mosul in Iraqi Kurdistan without any delays”. It was just 10 days before Hitler’s offensive against the USSR…”
OR has edited an article by Yaroslav BUTAKOV published at the on April 7, 2010 (
@Only Mongols got Russia, and they did not attack from the West.
If only the “Mongols got Russia” was because they were belonging to the same geopolitical continuum – The Empire of the steppes. Before the Mongols were the Huns, Avars, Scythians, moving to and fro along the Silk Roads.
The string-pullers of the faces of leadership in this Anglo-Zionist empire are supremely adept at long range and long term strategic planning. Furthermore, they have access to most of the world’s resources and outright control over a considerable portion of them. As a life-long opponent of Zionism (the Jewish version of fascism), I am hoping that Russia can outwit and outmaneuver the Empire. But as a student of history, I understand that Russia is much weaker than the empire in a strategic sense. No matter how much better as tacticians the Russians may be, they have to play their hands better than the Anglo-Zionists at every turn, while the Zionists can afford to bumble and stumble for a while and still achieve their ultimate ends.
Developing a functioning military and economic alliance with China could very well create a strategic balance with the Anglo-Zionists. Eventually, however, Russia will become a junior partner, like Britain or Canada, or Japan are to the United States.
It will require a very bold move at just the right point in time, entailing a great deal of risk, for the Russians to turn the tables on the Empire and to gain strategic superiority. The turning points in history may have come at the end of macroeconomic and demographic shifts that evolved over decades; but those historical turning points have been punctuated by wars.
I am sure that the Russians are preparing for war. But the Russians must surely understand that there will be no outright military attack by NATO. The West will squeeze the Russians into making the first move. But as long as the Russians are thinking of “counterattack”, and of limiting their offensive to the eastern part of Ukraine, such military actions will have no beneficial strategic consequences for the Russians, and will bring as many problems to the Kemlin as they will solve. The vast space of the Russian landmass is of no consequence in a military-industrial conflict with the west. Russia will be attacked from a distance and from within, “death by a thousand cuts”, so to speak.
So, for the Russian military to achieve strategic superiority over the West, they must strike first and on a much larger scale. For such an attack to have strategic consequences, it must be a surprise attack. And it must also be done without nuclear weapons, which would leave the United States with the dilemma of accepting strategic defeat or bearing the responsibility for initiating nuclear war.
There appears to be an envelope -between 2020 and 2028- when the Russians may have a clear tactical military superiority. That is the period during which the U.S. Navy will have the fewest carriers and fewest submarines; and the U.S. Air Force will still be relying on wornout F-15s and F-16s, because it cannot afford to replenish their air forces with the super-expensive F-35s quickly enough (which -like the F-22- may not yet be ready for combat even then). Who knows what the condition of the American Army will be by then, after decades of fighting low-intensity “4th generation” wars all over Africa and Asia.
There is no guarantee of success, of course. And the destruction in human life and infrastructure could be enormous. So, the Russians are not exactly looking forward to such a war. But the Russians will not accept defeat without a fight this time, unlike 1989.
Apparently the Zionist strategic thinkers cannot imagine that the Russians would try a bold first strike. They believe that Russia will cry “uncle” rather than fight a “last great fight”. And, I am sure that they believe that the Russian leaders after Putin will not share his resolve nor match his intellect.
Time is not on the side of the Russians.
I just happened to read Shakespeare’s Richard III; Richmond’s speech before the final battle of the war of the roses, which was followed finally by peace.
I thought of Russia and the war of the bosses upon us. I pray that Russia does not suffer again. She is hoping for the best and preparing for the worst.
Here are a few of Richmond’s (Putin’s imagined words) to the troops:
“If you sweat to put a tyrant down,
You sleep in peace, the tyrant being slain;
If you do fight against your country’s foes,
Your country’s fat shall pay your pains the hire;
If you do fight in safeguard of your wives,
Your wives shall welcome home the conquerors;
If you do free your children from the sword,
Your children’s children quits it in your age: . . .
I do not mean to glorify war, but there sometimes comes a time when we either do or die.
The “worker-farmer” “army” may have stoped at the Vistula river in Poland but it was facing a “ecumenical-white” “army” and losing the batle there didn’t meant losing the war, the civil war that is(1917-1922), a war that the Soviet Union with its “worker-farmer” “army” won against the white traitors backed with foreign forces by the brithish empire, Germany, USA, Poland, Japan, France, Czechoslovakia, etc.. Be true to Russia great history, Saker and face the facts: your loved white traitors lost it in 1922 among with their massive foreign invader friends.