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Search Results for "Ostashko"

Ukraine and Georgia publicly humiliated at the UN

by Ruslan Ostashko Translated by Nikolai Subtitled by Scott In addition to the impotence of the European Union and the crash of western unity, the coronavirus pandemic also clearly showed that the United Nations long ago became a hostage of political games. After the USA, Britain, the EU and their lackeys blocked the declaration that Russia had proposed, our Permanent Delegation in the UN publicly expressed their contempt to those

US in panic to obtain the Coronavirus vaccine. Updated

by Ruslan Ostashko Translated by Scott Subtitled by Leo   Under the Coronavirus pressure, the myth of superiority of the Western hi-tech and bio-tech is disintegrating. In Russia, liberal creakles had faith in existence, somewhere in California, of a magic “fountain of youth” pill. No doubts, ever, existed in the American ability to manufacture a vaccine against Coronavirus. In reality, the US is in panic mode and trying to pull

Poles Got Upset by Putin’s Words, Accusing Russia of Anti-Semitism

by Ruslan Ostashko Translated by Sasha and captioned by Leo.   Not only the Russian president’s speech at the Holocaust Memorial in Israel caused bad pain in the hinds of the Euro-Ukros and our native liberal wish washers, it also offended the Poles when Putin reminded the world of their nationalists’ inhuman policies. The Russian leader’s visit to Israel has now ended a few days ago but the behinds in

“The Eye of Moscow”: Russia’s new RDR equipment tracks NATO’s “stealth” vehicles

by Ruslan Ostashko Translated by Nikolai Captioned by Scott and Leo   You know these secret USA satellites, those that still haven’t presented the west with a single image of the moskal hordes in the Donbass? What do you mean you don’t know about the secret satellites and the total dominance of the advanced Pentagon over backward Russia? You are probably just cursed vatniks that do not pay due attention

The West Will Try Again to Blow Up Russia From Within – Year Results

by Ruslan Ostashko Translated by Sasha Captioned by Leo   The home front is the most complicated for Russia if only because it was by sabotage that our implacable partners destroyed the USSR in the previous century. This is why taking stock for 2019 on the home front is the most complicated. During the holidays our channel (PolitRussia) subscribers were able to see a series of episodes dedicated to the

Putin Steps on the Polish Elite’s Toes

by Ruslan Ostashko translated by Sasha and captioned by Leo.   The head of Russia treaded on Poland’s favorite toe, when he called a Warsaw official “a bastard” and “an anti-Semitic pig.” We was talking about Poles during the time of the Third Reich, about a historical character, but the assessment was made within a framework which is painful for Warsaw even now. “Pay and repent” – this notorious phrase

The Baltic states are horrified of losing the Russian transit

by Ruslan Ostashko Translated by Nikolai Subtitled by Scott Source The Balts with their typical sluggish thinking have started figuring out the consequences of losing the Russian transit. The horror of the realization forced the head of Latvia’s State Railway Administration to announce that the situation is close to critical. In September, when I posted a video on the Russian policy of removal of the last transit from the Tribaltic

 Ukrainians Came Up With Plan to Return Crimea in 3 Easy Steps

 by Ruslan Ostashko Translation and captions by Leo Three steps to “return Crimea” was thought up by a gloomy “Sumerian” genius. [Joke of Ukrainian invented ancient roots.] No, they do not imply a swift msrch of an ‘unbeatable’ Ukrainian Armed Forces through Perekop and Chongar. Everything is much funnier. Checkmate Vatniki! [Ed. – Ukrainian slur for Russians.] This expression was born at the start of Ukrainian crisis by couch-warriors obsessed

The Western propaganda of homosexuality and cannibalism

by Ruslan Ostashko Translated by Scott and captioned by Leo     The propaganda of perversions in the West has reached new heights. The British leading sports clubs promote the LGBT “values,” and their scientists drag cannibalism into the category of normal. No matter how much effort is made by the “normal countries” to promote degeneration, it never seems to be enough for them. In the course of pushing the

Why Georgian Authorities Aren’t Admitting Guilt for the 08.08.08 War

by Ruslan Ostashko Translated by Scott and captioned by Leo Georgians are still feel burning in the rear when reminded about their responsibility for the 08.08.08. War. Eleven years have passed and many Tbilisi politicians admitted the truth about those events, but the official “Gabunistan” is still screaming about “Russian aggression.” Why is that? On August 8th, just like every year, our fellow countrymen remind everyone in social media what

Georgian MP Calls for Recognition of Genocide by Russia

by Ruslan Ostashko   Translated by Scott and captioned by Leo   If we got an impression that Euro-Georgian historical amnesia hit its limits, the next voice coming from Gabunistan proves us wrong. The head of the “Georgian Labour Party” Shalva Natelashvili called on the Parliament to adopt a resolution “On the historical and current genocide of the Georgian people.” Our previous material based on online comments left by Europe-loving

Ukrainians Upset With the Celebration of the Russian Navy Day in Sevastopol

by Ruslan Ostashko Translated by Scott Humor and captioned by Leo The Foreign Ministry of Ukraine issued a protest against Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev’s visit to Sevastopol. Euro-Ukrainians were so upset because of the celebration of the Navy Day in Sevastopol that they called the Black Sea fleet “occupational”. It’s fun to watch the phantom pains experienced by the bones coast of Svidomo (Ukrainian nationalists) over an actual loss

Russia and China Scare American Vassal States

by Ruslan Ostashko    Translated and captioned by Leo.     A series of high-profile statements broke out in Seoul after Russian and Chinese aircraft conducted joint patrols over the Sea of Japan. South Koreans, licking American boots, tried to pretend to be “tough guys,” but it didn’t work out very well. As the self-styled world hegemon weakens, the attempts of its vassals in depicting their geopolitical significance cause more

Georgian Rugby Players Kicked Out For Their Russophobic Gestures

by Ruslan Ostashko Translated and captioned by Leo. Into an exile from the Moscow club “Glory” turned for two Georgian rugby players a demonstration of “support for the people of Georgia.” Now Revaz Brodzeli and Saba Ioseliani will have to make a sporting career someplace else… An example of how to deal with the Euro-Georgians over Russophobia antics was shown by the leadership of the Moscow Rugby Club “Slava.” It

Debunking the LGBTQIAPK+ Lobby’s propaganda

[this column was written for the Unz Review] First things first: let get the obvious out of the way Homosexuality is a phenomenon which has probably always existed and which has often polarized society into two camps: those who believe that there is something inherently bad/wrong/pathological/abnormal with homosexuality (probably most/all major religions) and those who emphatically disagree. This is normal. After all, the issue of homosexuality deals not only with

Ukrainian Nazi State Drops Its Mask

by Ruslan Ostashko Translated by Scott and subtitled by Leo.   In Kharkov far-right extremists knocked down a monument to Marshal Zhukov illustrating a simple fact that the Nazi state of Ukraine no longer needs a mask. The election of an oligarch’s protégé for president marked the transition to an even more open brown dictatorship. Less than a month has passed since the day when the comic hetman Vladimir Zelensky

Zelensky Showed That He Doesn’t Care About Donbass Residents

By Ruslan Ostashko Translated and captioned by Leo. Make sure to press CC to turn on English captions. From the translator: “A very important debunker to anybody who still believes Zelensky is trying to stop the war in Donbass.” The disregard for the residents of Donbass was shown by the recently inaugurated president of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky. During the trip to the line of demarcation, the comic-hetman spoke with the

Putin Shreds Ukrainian Ultranationalists in a Powerful Press-Conference

by Ruslan Ostashko Translated by Scott, subtitled by Leo. During a recent press conference in China, president Vladimir Putin made a statement on the possible simplification of the issuance of Russian citizenship not only to residents of Donbass, but also to all Ukrainians. This news ripped Ukrainian ultranationalists to shreds. Having received a sword as a gift from Kim Jong-un [on April 25th], the President of Russia left the sword
