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Search Results for "fifth column"

The Balkanization of South America – and the Role of Fifth Columns Throughout the World

by Peter Koenig for The Saker blog During the recent meeting in Caracas of the Venezuelan Presidential Economic Advisory Commission, in mid-June 2018, President Maduro said something extremely interesting, but also extremely disturbing – nonetheless highly important for the region to be aware of. Mr. Maduro mentioned Yugoslavia, the foreign induced local conflicts, the breakup and dismemberment of Yugoslavia, starting with the “Ten Days War” on Slovenia in 1991, the

Pension reform as a fifth column tool to overthrow Putin

By Vadim Potapenko/Mikhail Khazin Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard cross posted with Source: Original title: “About a fair pension system” The full version of this study authored by Vadim Potapenko that this article is based on can be read here (in Russian only) The pension system can be considered fair when it can maintain an acceptable standard of living for pensioners and at the same time

Politico: Veterans Today and SouthFront turn American servicemembers and veterans into a fifth column Politico, the most read “Capitol Hill” publication online, has released an investigation arguing that Veterans Today and SouthFront are shaking pillars of American society, foremost among them the military. From our own point of view the article written by Ben Schreckinger provides another evidence of a high evaluation of our collaborative effort by mainstream media outlets and think tanks funded by corporates and governments. It explains why more and

Revisiting Russia’s 5th and, especially, 6th columns (UPDATED)

First, the easy one.  Russia has a typical 5th column: pro-western “liberals”, assorted agents of influence, nostalgic of the 90s (when they could plunder Russia as much as they wanted), Washington Consensus types, folks who hate Russia (for whatever reason) and dream of the day Russia will break apart, etc. etc. etc.  They are, objectively, agents of influence for the western PSYOPs.  I coined the term “Atlantic Integrationists” because, at

No 5th Column in the Kremlin? Think again!

[This analysis was written for the Unz Review] Following the re-appointment of Medvedev and his more or less reshuffled government, the public opinion in Russia and abroad was split on whether this was a good sign of continuity and unity amongst the Russian leadership or whether this was a confirmation that there was a 5th column inside the Kremlin working against President Putin and trying to impose neo-liberal and pro-western

The Crusades of the Virtuous

By Nora Hoppe for The Saker Blog The culture and arts of a society, of a civilisation can be seen as a barometer of its development and the quality of its statehood. Confucius, who saw music as the noblest of all the arts, said: “If one should desire to know whether a kingdom is well governed, if its morals are good or bad, the quality of its music will furnish

The Oldest Lie and Why the End of the American Empire Was Delayed

By Batiushka for the Saker blog Robbers of the world, having by their universal plunder exhausted the land, they rifle the deep. If the enemy is rich, they are rapacious; if he is poor, they lust for control; neither the east nor the west has been able to satisfy them. Alone among men they covet with equal eagerness poverty and riches. To robbery, slaughter and plunder, they give the lying

Operation Gladio: NATO’s Secret War for International Fascism

By Cynthia Chung for The Saker blog You may be asking the question what on earth is “international fascism” and how could NATO be in support of such a thing?! Well, the ugly truth is that what took over world policy in our post-WWII era was in fact a continuation of a fascist outlook for a new world order. Fascism, contrary to what we were told, had not in fact

The Real Global Agenda Pushing for War with China

By Cynthia Chung for the Saker blog “We have no eternal allies, and we have no perpetual enemies. Our interests are eternal and perpetual, and those interests it is our duty to follow.” Henry John Temple, aka Lord Palmerston (Britain’s Prime Minister from 1855-1858, 1859-1865), oversaw Britain’s First Opium War (1839-1842) as Head of Britain’s Foreign Office and the Second Opium War (1856-1860) as Britain’s Prime Minister against China. Snow

Unbelief or Real Belief: Johnsonland or President Putin

By Batiushka for The Saker Blog Introduction: Going, Going, (and Nearly) Gone Great Nations are born in real belief and enthusiasm. They die in unbelief and cynicism. Speech to Students in 1939, by Alfred Noyes, English Writer (1880-1958) Bojo the Clown has resigned – though he has not quite gone. Even so, only three days before his resignation on 7 July, this self-deluded figure had stated that he would still

The Third Patriotic War

A St George’s Day Contribution by Batiushka for The Saker Blog Introduction: War I am not a technical-military man, but I have very strong military connections and a keen interest in military history, both Russian and Western, and also in geopolitics, having lectured on it. I lived in Soviet Russia in the 1970s, experienced its weaknesses, its strengths and also its hollowness, understanding that it would eventually fall, for even

What is the Collective West?

By Batiushka for the Saker Blog Introduction Western State propaganda mouthpieces like the BBC or CNN, their journalists abundantly supplied and rewarded by their spy services, love to talk about ‘the international community’. They substituted this new phrase for the old one of ‘the free world’ in the 1990s. Of course, both phrases are nonsense. What did/do they actually mean? The Free World The 1740 Imperialist anthem ‘Rule, Britannia’ has

Does Paul Craig Roberts like Genocide?

By Dmitry Orlov for the Saker Blog Or maybe he, like Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz, grandson of Fritz von Scholz, SS lieutenant-general who supervised the slaughter of Jews in Poland and the Ukraine, thinks that genocide is a joke? Let’s explore… A reader has asked me to comment on a recent post by Roberts titled “The Kremlin Has Missed the Opportunity to End the Provocations of Russia that Are Bringing the

What is ‘The Russian World’?

By Batiushka for the Saker Blog Whenever empires crash, the question arises as to what can be saved from them. Thus, after the Second World War, all Western European colonial empires crashed. For example, the French Empire crashed, notably in Indo-China, which led among other things to the US invasion of Vietnam and to the no less tragic Franco-Algerian War, but also left a mass of African ‘independent’ dependencies and

Boris Rozhin – detailed discussion of the situation in the Ukraine

Note by Andrei: Boris Alexandrovich Rozhin blogs under the alias Colonel Cassad.  He is based in Crimea and reports about the events in the Ukraine on a daily basis.  I don’t necessarily agree/endorse everything he said here (or elsewhere) and I don’t share his ideological views (he is a Communist).  In in the interview he just gave to a Russian outlet he gives a lot of interesting information.  So what

Day 20, a few short updates

Putin made an important speech today which the Russians officials are in no hurry to translate.  So here is a machine translation from Boris Rozhin (aka Colonel Cassad): (only partial extracts from the full transcript, emphasis added by me, Andrei) The operation of the Russian Armed Forces in Ukraine is developing successfully, strictly in accordance with plans. The tactics of the Russian Defense Ministry in Ukraine have fully justified themselves,

President Putin: Meeting on socioeconomic support for regions

This was held by President Putin this morning, and contains important information.  At the Saker Blog, we will post it as it becomes available and as the Kremlin website is usable.  Snippets of this speech can be found on RT, on Sputnik and on Tass.  Mr. Putin is not only speaking to Russians, he speaks to the world.  A few quotes, gathered from various sources: “I want ordinary citizens of

To prevent the storm: Russian Operation in Ukraine

By Ljubiša Malenica for the Saker Blog Since the beginning of Russian military operation in Ukraine, Western countries and their elected representatives have been competing who will express greater disgust over violations of international law[1], as they call it, who will threaten Moscow more harshly and who will lament more mournfully over the fate of Kiev. At the same time, which of the Western powers can condemn Russia’s behavior from

The Saker interviews Ljubiša Malenica from Sarajevo

Note by the Saker: a few months ago I was contacted by Ljubiša who let me know that a number of very interesting documents have been made available to the public.  They are now all available on the bottom right of the homepage under the heading of “The Truth About The War On The Serbian People” and include links to all the documents we discussed with Ljubiša.  Considering the importance

Afghanistan: between pipelines and ISIS-K, the Americans are still in play

US trained and armed Afghan security forces are joining ISIS-K, which makes the US ‘withdrawal’ from Afghanistan look more like an American ‘repositioning’ to keep chaos humming By Pepe Escobar with permission and cross-posted with The Cradle Something quite extraordinary happened in early November in Kabul. Taliban interim-Foreign Minister Amir Khan Muttaqi and Turkmen Foreign Minister Rashid Meredov got together to discuss a range of political and economic issues. Most
