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Search Results for "Rostislav Ishchenko"

The Value of Russia’s Contract Army in Modern Warfare (Rostislav Ishchenko)

Attacks on headquarters and “what did we do?” April 22, 2022 Translated by Leo V. Modern warfare is very difficult to wage. Especially a long war. On the one hand, the population of any country is easily excited and demands severe punishment for the insidious enemy, smashing his capital to rubble in response to the theft of a chicken from our territory. On the other hand, people like war

Rostislav Ishchenko on “will Poland invade the western Ukraine?”

Note: another very interesting translation from our new team of Russian translators (thank you!) Question: do you believe that Poland will send forces into the Ukraine? No, I don’t think the US is giving conflicting instructions to Kiev. The fact is that when we are negotiating with Ukraine, we are, in fact, indirectly negotiating with the United States. Because, it is clear that we are fighting not with Zelensky, but

Rostislav Ishchenko: The Recognition and Legitimation of Crimea – What Doesn’t Depend on Trump

By Rostislav Ishchenko Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard cross posted with source: When in Ukraine people fall into hysterics because of Trump’s “we will see” concerning Crimea, it is understandable. The US President publicly stated his intention to reach an agreement with Russia discounting Ukraine and at the expense of Ukraine. The stake on “the whole world is with us” and “The West will help us”

Rostislav Ishchenko – Seven Against Eight or 2+2=3

by Rostislav Ishchenko Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard cross posted with source: On June 9th-10th, the G7 summit was held in Quebec and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit simultaneously took place in Qingdao. For the first time in Qingdao, the SCO was represented by eight participants. India and Pakistan, which were added to the SCO at the last summit, were included in this summit. Another

Rostislav Ishchenko on the potential of the Ukraine in 1991 (MUST READ)

Note by the Saker: the following is a translation of a partial transcript of an interview given by Rostislav Ishchenko, arguably the foremost Ukraine specialist alive today, to Dmitrii Puchkov.  Thanks a lot to Eugenia for translating this for the blog.  I asked for this translation because it reminds us in just a few short words of what the Ukraine could have been had this country not been run by

Rostislav Ishchenko: The outcome of 25 years of the Ukrainian independence (MUST SEE!!)

Note: I consider Rostislav Ishchenko by far the best specialist on the current Ukraine.  This is why I requested a full length translation and transcript of his interview with Boris Kostenko, a very good journalist.  A huge “thank you!!” to Eugenia and Seva for their immense work and making this most interesting material available to us. The Saker Source: Translated by: Seva BORIS KOSTENKO, ANCHORMAN: Good day, dear viewers.

Rostislav Ishchenko interviewed on Syria and Novorossiya (MUST SEE!)

Video translated and subtitled by Alena Scarecrow Saker commentary: Along with Colonel Cassad, I consider Rostislav Ishchenko as one of the very best experts on the war in the Ukraine.  While Cassad and Ishchenko are very different in their styles, they share two things rarely found elsewhere: they have the intellectual honesty and the professional competence needed to avoid taking extremist positions or engage in the usual hyperbole heard from

What does Putin want? A major analysis by Rostislav Ishchenko (must read!)

Foreword by the Saker: The analysis below is, by far, the best I have seen since the beginning of the conflict in the Ukraine.  I have regularly posted analyses by Ishchenko on this blog before, because I considered him as one of the best analysts in Russia.  This time, however, Ishchenko has truly produced a masterpiece: a comprehensive analysis of the geostrategic position of Russia and a clear and, I

Very interesting interview of Ishchenko on the Ukraine, elections and sanctions

The Ukraine question: Elections, sanctions, shelling of Donetsk on 11-03-2015. Translated by Eugenia BORIS KOSTENKO: Dear viewers. This is live broadcast of the show “The Ukraine question” on the television channel “Spas” (Spas – Savior; refers to Jesus Christ – translator’s note). In this show, we are discussing the events in Ukraine, obviously, in a certain context; naturally, in a certain light, which is, for the most part, conservative,

The nightmare of “Russian Europe”

by Rostislav Ishchenko and machine translated with some edits. Our society shows tremendous unity in relation to current news from the fields of special operations. The actions of the army, navy, and aerospace forces, as well as the alleged plans of the Russian political leadership, are supported both in general and in particular by the overwhelming majority of the population, even though these plans are unknown to the overwhelming majority

At the peak of the Nazi terror in Ukraine, what should anti-fascists and Nazis dо? by Rostislav Ishchenko translated by V. What is bound to happen is bound to happen someday. In 2014, I wrote to appeal to the remaining anti-fascists in Ukraine, urging them to leave the country as soon as possible. I motivated this by the fact that sooner or later the Nazis will begin a complete sweep of the remnants of the pro-Russian asset There were few options: 1. Ukrainian provocations

The US is not giving up. What’s next?

by Rostislav Ishchenko for Note: this is a machine translation from the original Russian text Predictably, the United States rejected the Russian ultimatum. They couldn’t help but reject it, otherwise the Biden clique simply wouldn’t have stayed in power. The Democrats were pushed there not so that they would merge America, but so that the interests of bankers and stockbrokers would be a priority for the American government, and

Russian options in a world headed for war

The world is headed for war and has been headed that way for quite a while now.  Several times, just at the brink, the West decided to pull back, but each time it did that its ruling elites felt two things: first, the felt even more hatred for Russia for forcing them to back down and, second, they interpreted the fact that no shooting war happened (yet) as the evidence,

Post-American world

Rostislav Ishchenko develops his theme first posted here: Russian World as a global project into global multipolarity and covers why and how the West ran into a dead end, and where the multipolar situation may lead. Please note it is a machine translation with some human assistance, and it is not a perfect document.  It however makes his points clear enough, for the discussion on this massive global change. Today

Russian World as a global project

Most of us at The Saker Blog are involved in either understanding or have fully joined the Russian World as a global project.  In one simplistic sense, we still talk about the splitting of the world into Zone A (hegemonic) and Zone B (resistance and this is on various levels of maturity).  This is a fine new era model to start with but we are beginning to deal with the

Has the US begun its “great retreat”?

[This column was written for the Unz Review] I have to begin this column by admitting that “Biden” (note: when in quotation marks, I refer to the “collective Biden”, not the clearly senile man) surprised me: it appears that my personal rule-of-thumb about US Presidents (each one is even worse than his predecessor) might not necessarily apply in “Biden’s” case. That is not to say that “Biden” won’t end up

Buy a brick! The USA is selling Ukraine

by Rostislav Ishchenko Source: Translated by Eugenia As we all know, to sell soothing useless one first has to buy something useless. At some point, Washington bought Ukraine – for a high price. The process of buying took a long time, as Ukraine was bought part by part. When finally in 2014 all of Ukraine became the property of the US, White House quickly realized, to its horror, that

Quick news update from the Saker (July 15th, 2021)

Crazy times! It turns out that the Colombian thugs which killed the President of Haiti were linked to both the DEA and the FBI.  The former agency confirmed that the killers were, indeed, part of a DEA team, but they never got the order to kill anybody.  Right. [Sidebar for the alternatively gifted: if you are thinking “oh no!  The DEA is a respected branch of the US government, they
