Introduction: the proverbial “fog of war” vs the Internet
Listening to all the innumerable opinions and news (the latter mostly fake) about what happened in the past days in the Ukraine, I am getting the feeling that I am observing to quasi non-connected worlds. The first world is the purely military world and in that world a rather minor incident happened. In this world, it is even possible that the Russian executed a crafty feint (Kiev op revisited). In the second world, let’s call it the “information space” Russia has suffered a crushing defeat and the entire SMO is about to collapse. These two worlds are so far apart that it is hard to compare them. So the first thing which I will try to today is to use common sense to try to tackle this issue.
So the first Big Question is: did the Russian General Staff conduct a brilliant feint to force the Nazi forces out from their dug in positions or did the General Staff totally fail to see the signs of an imminent Ukronazi attack, then screw up in a hasty retreat which left plenty of pro-Russian civilians in the hands of Nazi death squads?
How do we answer that? Well, one approach is that we have a massive screaming contest in the comments section and the social media, where some scream A! A! A! while other scream non-A! non-A! non-A! That is not very helpful. Why? Two key reasons:
- Nobody (that I know of) has access to the Russian General Staff (RGS) plans and intel and
- There are almost no verifiable facts on the ground (yet!) to base an opinion on
So this entire “he said, she said” might feel good, but it is useless.
So, what would solve the two problems listed above? Simple:
- Access
- Consequences
So, the “access” thing won’t change, even most Russian military commanders do not know the real plans of the RGS. We will never know the full truth, at least not from the Russian officials.
But consequences is the key here: from a purely military point of view, what happened is a minor incident, but if this was a huge mistake of the RGS soon we will see major military consequences, including a successful development of the Ukrainian offensive on the operational and (possibly) strategic levels.
Again, whether this was a brilliant RGS plan or an abject failure by the same RGS will probably never by clarified by the RGS itself for all sorts of reasons, both military and political.
So right now, we need to simply wait and, with time, we will find out.
That being said, we can use our heads a little bit while we wait and ask ourselves an interesting question: would there be signs which could help us, at least indirectly, guess whether this was a feint or a disaster. In fact, there are plenty, but I will suggest only three:
- Did the Russians fail to detect the Ukrainian force concentrations?
- Did the Russian organize an orderly retreat (including the evacuation of pro-Russian civilians) or was it a chaotic run for safety?
- Did the Russians bring in reinforcements in and orderly and planned manner or did they rush their forces towards the general Kupiansk area with clear signs of problems (road jams for example)?
I will try to suggest some answers to those three questions next.
- The entire Russian Internet was buzzing with rumors of a Nazi attack even while the latter were attacking in the direction of Kherson. To assume that the RGS missed these signals would be to assume that the RGS is less informed that most social media users. Some will say that this is possible. I have to disagree.
- The retreat. Now that is an interesting issue which we will discuss in more details below, but I think that it would be fair to say that the Russian military forces suffered very few losses during this retreat.
- The reinforcements. Here, rather than to repeat it all, I will yield to Larry Johnson’s superb analysis entitled “Understanding Planning, Orders and Troop Movements in Ukraine“.
[Sidebar: I discovered Larry Johnson’s website Son of the New American Revolution rather recently through my friend Andrei Martyanov’s blog and I have to say it is superb. I highly recommend it to all my readers! Also, check his latest analysis posted yesterday]
Of course, all of the above looks at things on the theoretical “purely military world” I mentioned above. However, to pretend that something huge did not happen in our theoretical “information space world” would be simply silly because in that world a huge INFORMATIONAL EXPLOSION happened, that is undeniable, even if we don’t like it. So let’s look at it even if we don’t like what we see.
Modern PSYOPs are more powerful than ever
Here, before I continue, I am going to post a document mentioned by Andrei Maryanov in his latest video, the
This is a very interesting, if somewhat complex, read, and I do recommend you read the full thing. If you cannot, at least read the abstract. This will give you a good idea of the magnitude of the current information operations against Russia by the united West. Without an awareness of how huge this strategic PSYOP is you will never understand the true nature of what is taking place.
Now I don’t have the time to go into a detailed discussions of PSYOPs, but I want to mention just one thing here: in the distant 1980s I distinctly remember a US general on TV discussing PSYOPs and declaring that “we have not won until CNN says we won“. I am sure of the quote (I was very impressed by its implications) but, alas, I don’t remember who said that. But my point is simple: US military commanders already understood how important PSYOPs are, especially to the Western way of warfare.
Furthermore, it is not only about what theses a PSYOP campaign promotes, it is also about all the information which successful PSYOPs can obfuscate by drowning them in an informational tsunami made so much easier by the fact that the Neocons control both the Western media AND the key Western IT companies (YT, Google, etc.).
One example of the latter: the legendary LDNR commander Khodakovskii has been warning about large Ukrainian force concentrations near the city of Ugledar. That is exactly what many others have been saying about the Kharkov area, but now that the PSYOP focus is on Kharkov, this piece of news is basically buried under what Martyanov aptly calls “white noise”.

Trans.: it seems that a tactical nuclear strike was executed in the Kharkov oblast. The TG channel name is “Soloviev” referring to a well-known TV personality, and it is fake.
But there is much more to this: Western PSYOPs are not only directed at the Western audience, they are also very much directed at the Russian general public. They even include the creation of fake Telegram channels to announce plenty of fake news ranging from the hasty evacuation of the leaders of the LDNR to, I kid you not, the use of nuclear weapons (see image)!
This is just one, admittedly extreme, example, but there were many, many more.
And, of course, this is all made much worse by the absolutely TERRIBLE PR coming out of the Russian MoD: first General Konashenkov remained totally silent, and then he made a sudden announcement that all this was a super-dooper feint. The reaction to that on many (if not most) Russian Telegram channels was “well, thank God, at least this time he did not say that “it was an act of good will by Russia” (remember that idiotic statement by Lavrov iirc?).
So while the enemy says A, the Russian MoD first saying absolutely nothing, and then is forced into a clumsy and utterly unsubstantiated declaration which only makes things worse.
And it is not like the Russian general public watches CNN or the BBC! This is a video which was shown in Russia, and which is now very successfully used to a) discredit Russia and b) to frighten pro-Russian Ukrainians, see for yourself:
Here is what this military official was declaring in Kupiansk last July: “It is a fact that it is obvious that Russia is here forever. Russia will never leave from here. And all the needed aid will be delivered according to the terms we have discussed with the head of the local administration. Russia is here forever“. This video was shown yesterday by the Ukrainian blogger Anatolii Sharii.
There are also some disturbing facts which cannot be denied. For example, by pulling out from Izium, the Russians have now opened the road between Kharkov, Izium, Slaviansk, Kramatorsk and Bakhmut/Soledar. This makes no sense, as Big Serge correctly pointed out on his blog, Izium is the “gateway to the Donbass” and not only did the Russians know that, they also knew that could have defended Izium. Yet, instead, they deliberately withdrew from it.
They better had a very good reason and I tend to think that they did (see below), but the official Russian verbiage does not address this question.
It gets even weirder. It was also evident that the town of Balakleia would be amongst the very first ones to be attacked by the Nazis, yet it was initially defended by a small force composed mostly of Russian Guards which fought truly heroically, but who were only reinforced by a relatively small force of paratroopers which eventually had to retreat.
As I said above, it is too early to come to any conclusions, but I will at least mention one possibility.
A deliberate withdrawal? A possible explanation of the why and the how
Okay, first, a caveat. I am NOT saying that this what happened. I am ONLY presenting a hypothesis which goes as follows:
Oskol river near Kupiansk
The RGS did not want to attack the 2nd line Nazi fortifications which roughly goes, well, along the axis shown on the map above: Kharkov, Izium, Slaviansk, Kramatorsk and Bakhmut/Soledar. Doing so would have cost way too many Russian lives.
- There is strong evidence that the Russians did not seriously try to defend Balakleia, Shevchenkovo and even Izium. They only “dug in” once across the Oskol river near Kupiansk.
- While the initial Ukrainian force was relatively small (initial estimates spoke of 3 BTGs and special forces only), a much larger force (3 brigades according to some sources) soon poured into the terrain abandoned by Russia. This made it possible for the Russians to inflict huge losses on that force, its supply lines and even its headquarters.
- If the Russians had heavily and statically defended Balakleia and Izium, the enemy forces could have shown much more caution and not exposed themselves the way they did.
- If the Russians had organized an major evacuation prior to the enemy attack, that would have tipped off NATO (which, of course, is the real enemy here!) about the Russian plans.
- Leaving a token force could have been a bait. Yes, this is horrible, because if that was really the case, the soldiers in Balakleia or Izium were basically sacrificed. However, that happens in ALL wars. Does anybody see a difference between a false attack as a feint and leaving a token force behind? Either way, the chances of such forces are bad, but they are accepted for the greater good, in this case one could argue that leaving an exposed token force was infinitely better for the Russian plan than to have to take on the NATO forces along their fortified lines. Frankly, I am surprised at how well and for how long this tiny force fought!
What about the civilians in all this?
Truthfully, I don’t know.
In one of his videos Gonzalo Lira said that all the pro-Ukrainian population of Kharkov has long left and that only pro-Russian people stayed. Lira is in Kharkov, so who am I to argue?
However, Andrei Martyanov said that in reality, most of the pro-Russian civilians were evacuated and that this argument about “sacrificed civilians” is basically a canard and another NATO PSYOP talking point.
Again, who am I to say?
I will say this: from a purely military point of view, if you are willing to sacrifice your own soldiers you must also be willing to accept the loss of innocent lives, especially if this loss of innocent civilian lives prevent a much bigger loss of civilians lives.
However, if that was the calculation, I think that it was a mistake or, should I say, it was the correct decision, but poorly executed. Here is why
Where the Russians failed (again)
One word – PSYOPs. For all the military rationale hypothesized above, this does not address the absolutely terrible effects of the current PR disaster. Why do I call it a PR disaster? Two reasons:
- First, the undeniable and successful execution of PSYOP operation by NATO
- Second, the fact that even a lot of pro-Russian people believed the NATO talking points
It is all fine and dandy to separate military and civilian “worlds” like I did in the introduction, but in the real world they are forever intertwined.
To fully understand this, we need to look at how the Russian 6th column operates or, rather, how NATO PSYOPs use the Russian 6th column.
I defined the Russian 6th column as a mix of ultra-patriots, emo-Marxists, folks who are angry because they are not needed by, or even cared about, the current Russian leadership, “allislosters” (folks who mantrically repeat “all is lost! all is lost!” and “Putinsoldouters” (folks who mantrically repeat “Putin has sold out! Putin has sold out!”).
Some of them are undoubtedly agent provocateurs, but MOST ARE SINCERE! Why? Because of the awful Russian counter-PSYOPs combined with a superb multi-billion dollars Western PSYOPs industry.
Furthermore, I have come to the sad conclusion that many military arguments are simply too complicated for most people to understand. Not only are they often rather technical, but they are also much longer, meaning that it is impossible to defeat people who operate by slogans with long, detailed arguments. It simply does not work.
BTW – I know that what I am trying here is largely futile. I do it because my conscience dictates this and not for any other reason.
Adding to this is the illusion of expertise which so many non-experts have, quite sincerely so. They read about war (Clancy), saw it on TV (Hollywood) and are being literally *fed* talking points by NATO PSYOPs. There is only so long ANYBODY can resist this before becoming affected.
The superlatively important Asch conformity experiment
I will not explain it here, just read the Wikipedia article about it here: I could also add here the known dialectical principle that “quantity can aquire quality on its own“. The bottom line is simple: our brains are hard-coded to naturally side with the majority. So if enough people declare that, say, the Moon is triangular, then, eventually, folks will start believing it. They will even start SEEING it (read the Wikipedia article if you have not!).
Of course, here we also have a bell curve. Some will always believe the perceived majority, others will eventually believe it, and some will not. But the number of those who will “mentally cave in” will always be MUCH bigger than the number of those who will critically use their own brain to try to ascertain reality as best can be.
Now, with this in mind, we can now start to see why the Kremlin is deeply mistaken in its lackadaisical counter-PSYOPs. And it gets worse,
How NATO uses the Russian 6th column
The Neocons have long figured out that the liberal Russian 5th column is either dead, or hiding. This is also true of the Atlantic Integrationists in the circles of power who have either kept a hyper-low profile or even made a 180 and are now patriotic firebrands (I think of Medvedev here).
Truth be told, the worst 5th columnists have already physically left Russia for the Baltic statelets, Poland, Israel or the UK. And those who have stayed are so ostracized by the general public that they have basically given up, at least for now. At the most, maybe 1 or 2 percent of the Russian population still takes them seriously.
In sharp contrast, the 6th column is much larger, by at least one order of magnitude. And this is no wonder, the 5th column was rather homogeneous and while it had access to critical circles of power (Kremlin, government, Russian media, industry, finance, etc.) it never had any real traction with the 65-70% “stubborn” Russian “simpletons” (быдло) who continued to vote for Putin no matter what.
So some really sharp folks figured out that it was a waste of resources to accuse Putin of being an “Asiatic dictator” wanting to recreate a Stalinist “Mordor” and it was far, far more effective to accuse him of either being weak, or dumb, or corrupt or all of that wrapped into one. Remember, the Asch conformity experiment now.
Before the war, the 6th column was having very little success, the main reason was that Putin was having many more successes than failures. So, and that is crucial to understand,
The absolutely worst nightmare of the Russian 6th columnists and assorted ultra-patriots is to see Putin succeeding at anything. They would much rather see Russia defeated than a triumphant Russia led by their oh-so-hated Putin!
Of course, they would much rather have Russia win, but only if led by them (or leaders they would approve of).
There are quite a few such folks in Russia and, since they were not getting much traction with the Russian “simpletons”, they reached out to a much more gullible audience: pro-Russians in the West.
And that strategy worked.
Not totally, but MUCH better than trying to get anything done inside Russia.
The Western PSYOPs, of course, gave the 6th columnists a quiet and indirect, but devastatingly effective support. And that is the combo we are now facing. I will try to sum it up in a table:
Criteria | NATO+Russian 6th column | The very few |
Money | billions of dollars | donations |
Exposure | US run IT sector | bans everywhere |
Goal |
elicit strong emotions | understanding |
Argument | simple | complex |
Required level of expertise | none | high |
Intellectual energy and creativity required by proponents |
none, NATO PSYOPs supply all “arguments” in the form of slogans and talking points | demanding and exhausting |
Governmental support | high | inadequate at “best” (think RT here!) |
Corporate support | high | non-existing |
Career prospects for proponents |
excellent | suicidal |
Financial prospects for proponents |
excellent | very modest at best |
We can see that this is a totally unequal fight from the get go.
But there is more to it.
The proverbial pro-Russian Westerner
Egos. How do you feel the folks who caved to the Asch conformity felt after discovering that not only were they wrong, they we SO wrong that then even had hallucinations? Pretty bad, of course.
Which brings me to the proverbial pro-Russian Westerner who, quite innocently, fell prey to the combined efforts of the planetary conformity experiment executed by NATO and with full support of the Russian 6th columnists?
How do you think they will feel once they realize not only that they have been cleverly played, but that by their actions they have HURT, not helped, Russia? They will feel awful, especially if they have a notion that they are expert enough to comment on these issues.
The sad, but very human, truth is that
for many (not all, time will show) “proverbial pro-Russian Westerners” a Russian defeat is psychologically preferable to a Russian triumph IF Russia is led to that triumph by Putin.
Simply put, if “Putin” wins, then they were conned. This is especially devastating with folks who are insecure or have a big ego. In fact, if anything, insecure folks with big egos see this entire SMO as a fantastic opportunity to be accepted again in the “comme il faut media”, including RT.
There are also putatively “pro-Russian” websites and individuals out there who, basically, sold out to specific interest groups and the latter are very much on the fence about which side to support. At worst, they are Western funded (even when they deny it) agents provocateurs.
At this point, I have to apologize for the length of this text (already over 3250 words at this point!), but I am not even done yet!
This is the “power of FUD”: you cannot debunk slogans with other slogans, at least not when you are the infinitely weaker party in the informational space. That is why trolls are so effective, it takes them infinitely less energy to spread FUD than for us to debunk them.
That is a reality we won’t change and we have to accept.
[Sidebar: just to give you an idea of the vast the range of NATO PSYOPs can be, I will give you two extremes I personally observed: on one hand, we have bots who try to post comments every day in spite of the fact that they have been banned years ago already and that their comments (almost) never pass moderation. So these trolls don’t even *care* if anybody reads them, all they care is “fulfilling a quota of posts”, this is certainly true of AIs, but also some paid humans. On the other end of the spectrum, I now clearly see something rather interesting: there are a number of trolls who first tried to post a number of putatively pro-Russian and even pro-Putin comments, which they did, and who expected that to give them at least some degree of protection against bans, which it did not. This is a much more sophisticated approach, yet I have seen it personally in several cases. Yes, there are “pre-positioned trolls” just like we now can all see that there were “pre-positioned fake pro-Russian websites” out there. These were only “activated” on D day and hour H: the initiation of the SMO.]
I will now finally address my main argument:
Russian military victories are seriously undermind by the pathetic Russian PSYOPs
And just to clarify, I am not only saying that NATO PSYOPs are hurting the Russian society, I am also saying that they are now clearly hurting the Russian soldiers doing the fighting and the entire military effort!
It is often said that armies are the product of a specific society, and I agree with that. It I submit that it is clear that the Russian society is susceptible to FUD. I also submit that a lot of good people in Russia and in the West are fed up with the way the Russian government treats them and, frankly, I wholeheartedly agree with them.
It’s not “just” that RT online is clearly run by Atlantic Integrationists (at best!), but the mountain anger in the Russian society with the entire informational space. I am sure that we can find people out there who think that Konashenkov is an effective spokesman, but I am also sure of two things: they are in the minority and I sure disagree with them.
What I often read in the Russian blogosphere is this: “stop treating us as children, you can trust us with the truth!“. And while I totally understand that military secrets must be kept secret, I also believe that ONLY secrets should be kept secret. IF the Russian government, including the Russian military, want the support of the Russian civil society, they MUST stop treating that Russian civil society as if it was solely composed of enemies, imbeciles and children. If not – there will be consequences, possibly severe ones.
This is especially important if we realize that there are seven different wars taking place at the same time:
- The SMO to denazify and demilitarize the Ukrainian armed forces
- The war to liberate and protect the Donbass
- The war to defeat NATO in the Ukraine
- The (as of yet) unnamed but obviously existing strategic operation to defeat NATO, militarily and politically
- The war to remove the threat/risks of even more wars against Russia
- The war to liberate Europe from the AngloZionist yokes (yes, two separate yokes)
- The economic and political “war” to create a multinational and “multi-model” international world order in which all countries are accepted as fully sovereign and the relations between these sovereign countries are regulated by international law
The first phase was almost over in a few weeks, but then NATO began to print billions of dollars to inject into the war (reminder: the US alone is spending 228 million dollars PER DAY on the Ukraine!) Hence the “resurrecting” aircraft (rotary and fixed wing), artillery batteries, air defense systems, supplies, etc.
In terms of manpower, the Nazis can count on almost limitless “meat” to throw at the Russians, and they have successfully kept at least some well trained forces. The most dangerous development, however, is that it appears that NATO countries have run out of properly trained “Ukrainians” (many of them are not), and that they have now decided to operate a lot NATO hardware by sending PMCs (not really new) and even NATO forces disguised as PMCs and “advisors”!
Oh I can hear the choice of sweet voices singing to me “but Kiev threw all they had at these suicidal counter-attacks, the entire NATO military (because that is what this is now) will crumble in days or weeks!!!“. Hey, I SURE hope so. But can we or, for that matter, the RGS “bet the farm” on that?
I don’t think so.
Not only that, but all the evidence shows that the US and NATO are, indeed, “betting the farm” right now, and God only knows what these shaitans (literally) are capable of next!
There is no limit to their hate. And they know they are betting the farm.
Now is the time to be more cautious than ever and not make rosy assumptions.
True, militarily, the US and NATO don’t stand a chance. But is that good enough?
I don’t think so. While these two cannot “win”, they still can extract a huge price from the inevitable Russian military victory. Just look at the rumors about a possible mobilization in Russia. Short of a fullscale NATO intervention, Russia has no need for any mobilization: it would only create panic and chaos, while “plugging holes with meat” is a NATO tactic, not a Russian one. IF, and that is a big if, the RGS decides that it needs more forces (manpower and/or gear), it can get what it needs from the standing Russian armed forces. But think for a second in terms of not even PYSOPS, but simple clickbaiting. Which headlines will get the most clicks:
- Russia might mobilize, sources say (love that “sources say” thing)
- Russia currently has the manpower and gear needed for the current stage of the SMO
I think that the answer is obvious. And I am telling you something I know for a fact: many pro-Russian Westerners are only in this for the money (or visibility, which is the same). I won’t list them, on principle, but most readers already know who these guys are.
From the list of “seven wars” I made above, only the very first one was won. And it was a short lived victory.
Russia still has to win the other 6, and that will take many months and, for some, years.
Could there be a sudden collapse of the West somewhere down the road? Sure. I personally cannot even imagine what the EU will look by next Spring. But we cannot simply assume that.
In other words, while US/NATO PSYOPs might not win the war for the Neocons, it might prove an absolutely phenomenal force multiplier (see here for a discussion) for the efforts of the combined West & associated colonies. In other words, countering the US/NATO ought to be a strategic goal for the entire Russian government.
Now, let me ask you – do you feel that the entire Russian government has set such a strategic goal?
I sure don’t.
What I can already submit now is that the well-known “fog of war” has been massively enhanced by the Internet and modern PSYOPs while, at the same time, military operations have become much more complex, especially one like the SMO.
By the way – have Russians made mistakes? OF COURSE they have, try assembling 100 equipped men somewhere and YOU will make mistakes :-) In the military, mistakes come with the territory, literally, and they include such things as friendly fire, poor planning, incompetent officers (they will always exist!) and even major miscalculations. The problem is not in making mistakes, the problem is when an incompetent Russian government does absolutely *nothing* halfway credible to prevent Western PSYOPs from blowing these mistakes out of any semi-reasonable proportion (my favorite are all the “strategic” this or that constantly spewed by ignoramuses!). By the way, one man tried: Ramzan Kadyrov. To those who speak Russian I recommend to listen his rather emotional message here: (it is small consolation for me to hear that he is as frustrated as I am).
There is even a few in Russia who want to replace Shoigu with Kadyrov. That is obvious overkill and quite silly, but I sure would advise the Russian government to accept Kadyrov’s offer to train those Russians who “don’t get” information operations in Chechnia. Absolutely! Send them, beginning with Konashenkov!
Conclusion – we are very alone
So here we are, quite alone. And by “we” I don’t mean some kind of royal (or academic) pluralis majestatis, I mean we who are trying hard to help Russia in what any moral person ought to see as one of the most “just wars” in history (if only because it is an existential war for the survival of the peoples of Russia). We are “psychologically shot at” (remember, Asch!) from all sides. Our enemies have means that we can’t even really imagine, many of our so-called “friends” are nothing of the sort, and the Russian government is very much part of the problem, not the solution.
Personally, I can hardly convey to you how frustrating it is for me to observe all this without having the means to do anything about it. Frankly, the trolls are not the worst of it. The worst is to think about Russian leaders (civilian and military), high ranking officials, decision-makers, corporate leaders, public figures and many others who do have the means to help, but who do absolutely nothing or, even worse, *pretending* do be trying.
In the Soviet times (which some are nostalgic for) there used to be a saying “the government pretends to pay us and we pretend to work“. Well, the Russian government sure pays all these powerful figures a lot, and they are *still* pretending.
And the price for that will be paid in Russian (and Ukrainian!) blood and tears.
That is all I had to say for today.
One of the submission guidelines of this blog read as follows: “please do not worry too much about your knowledge of the English language. English is my 3rd or 4th language (out of six) and I make tons of mistakes: grammar, typos, verb coordination, etc. Contents are far more important than form, so worry first about contents and second about form. After all, this blog is about ideas, not language. Try to make your text clear and understandable, but don’t try to sound like Shakespeare (it won’t work anyway).” Well, today I will apply it to myself. I tried to get as much info across as I had energy for. I don’t have the energy to edit such a long text for anything except content, and I may well have made silly mistakes anyway.
So I ask for your understanding.
Thank you!
PS: for other options take, please
Read Big Serge:
And watch Andrei Martyanov‘s latest:
And for those (few) who had the time, energy and courage to read it all, here is something to cheer you up:
Pro-Russian mass demonstrations in Serbia
A WWII war song with English subtitles:
First, thank you Saker for aupporting us the few. If it were nlt for you, and thise others you provide links to, I might have caved in myself!
Secondly, you are right about the apalling conduct invthe informtiln war. But this has only consequences in two ways. It will effectively obstruct any atempts on turning the general opinion in NATOstan. But there were not much hope of that anyway. But the cold, physical reality might change things there when the lights are out and food becones scarce. The other effect is much worse, the force mulitiplicator effect. This is what makes the Ukrainians fight so hard now, they have no reason to hope for a clear victory, and their best chanse of limiting the losses (to only Donbass and already lost Crimea) is through a settlement.
And you might have a point that the Russian soldiers also will be affected, at least by the 6th column. This might result in reduced moral and thus reduced fighting capabilities. But my impression is that they understand the existential nature ofbthis fight. I had the impression that their moral foundation is in the threat to Russia’s souvreignity, not their prowess in the battlefield. Thus, a set back, if that is what we are seeing now, could also have annpositive effect.
Third, the Kharkov offensive/retreat seem to be presented as either a Russian feint, where all was planned, or a failure, where all went wrong. What if there is something in between:
RGS observes the build-up of fresh troops in Kharkov oblast, and was taken by surprise: they did not have troops that could be deployed fast enough to defend the region, only enough troops to enshure an orderly retreat. U(S)kraine did outmanouver RGS, and forced them back. RGS did however exploit their air superiority and superiority in firepower to destroy the U(S)kro-nazi forces, which were done. -Russia lost territory, but also they lost face. Ukraina lost sorely needed troops and hardware and USA lost some of their investment, which means that they must print more money and send more hardware. This is actually the only way Russia inflicts some pysicalbdammage on its real adversary: straining their economy, adding to the strain from the energy amd commodity prices. It would have been much preferable both inflict these losses AND held their ground, but they were out-manouvered and had to fall back.
You could be right in that RGS should be more open about it, but then again, would it help, except that we, the sane living in Zone A, would not be so hard pressed? And after all, what could we do anyway, except to try to survive?
Thanks for the honest and professional article. It is difficult, but Russia will overcome these childhood diseases. When it’s hard, I like to look into the future a little further, and there I see the greater sweetness of victory against a cruel and corrupt enemy. In medieval Serbian poetry, we have a hero who regrets after a duel because he killed someone better than him. The Russia-NATO war is not that case. All the best!
The US and its allies are discussing the possibility of providing Kiev with air defense systems and fighters in the medium and long term – The Financial Times
❗️Ukraine’s counter-offensive against the Russian army is just beginning – Anthony Blinken
At the same time, he separately emphasized that the offensive was provided with significant support from the United States with the necessary means.
Just out:
The EU brought to its knees by the Straussians
by Thierry Meyssan
🇺🇸💰🇺🇦Politico: US may announce $600 million military aid package to Ukraine this week
I think the picture is now 100 % clear now for the RU leadership: declare full war on Ukraine
Decapitating the power centers, all infras before the winter.
Take the all Ukraine, otherwise if RU does not do it, they(nato) will, they can not lose they invested all their credibility on this.
No more hesitation.
One question for Saker: as we know there will be at least one massive counter offensive (if not two?) soon near zap + donetsk, maybe again Kherson (?) and the ‘Macron via Moldova we take Odessa for humanitarian reason’, why does Russia not carpet bomb the all thing before it is too late?
Odessa is not imminent but the rest is for next week-end maximum next week.
This is where the proverbial class hatred directed against the ruling class and its minions comes into force regardless of critical thinking or the like. This illustrates the very weakness of Western PSYOPS a ruthless economic reality that must be continuously denied under the rubric of a sclerotic democracy and woke equality.
This is the weakness of Western PSYOPS or PR and the strength of the anti-capitalist long term perspective. Any blow against the capitalist Western Elites must intrinsically be supported and this includes exposing the fascism of the MSM and the oligarchic architecture of the internet. It is this attitude that the ruling class BIG Brother fears most and will resort to totalitarian means to suppress at any cost.
As Russia continues to rain blows on the West economic principally and militarily in Ukraine this class antipathy will grow and eat away at the billion pounds propaganda industry deployed by the capitalist West to brainwash and demotivate its victims. There can be no departure from supporting this Russian project least of all the SMO in Ukraine.
Thank you so much for the wonderful song. As far as 6th column is concerned, take into account also that not all people outside Russia are idiots, they were already victims of a major psyop(the covid story) and they are already vaccinated against the BS being spread by westerners(mainly uk and usa). This is the reason why the americans and british are forced to change tactics: their BS does not work as expected.
Of course the current psyop is massive and powerful, but with all due respect, I suspect there are also risks to taking it too seriously. Internet public opinion is immensely volatile; its nature means that the more extreme the statement, the more it gets magnified. Even well-meaning and sincere people lack knowledge of military operations and governance, so their views are mostly based on emotions, which change from day to day and week to week. A few days or weeks later, it will shift again with fresh news.
Wading too deep into the psyop cesspool would mean that it becomes a real factor, able to influence actual military and political decisions. And that’s when it becomes a real “force multiplier,” in my view.
Can’t read through all the comments just yet, so others might have said what I’m saying now. Man is a social animal, he needs to feel the comfort of other humans around him. More specifically in this context, man needs to know that what he is thinking and feeling is congruent with others around him. And he gets this impression from the Main Stream Media (MSM) and the Social Media (facebook, twitter, whatever). However the MSM is controlled by a (((few))) and those few use the MSM to promote a certain viewpoint. On the Social Media side its bots and paid influencers which try promote a certain viewpoint as well. So your average person out there sees the majority view as being that what is being promoted by the MSM and Social Media, even though its artificial BS. And your average person, being a social animal, feels compelled to conform to this seemingly majority artificial BS thinking. So the majority of people out there simply adhere to the viewpoint being promoted by the MSM and Social Media, they are too stupid to think otherwise. This is true for people in the West and in Russia.
Then with regards to the SMO, though I haven’t read it anywhere yet, it looks like most non nomadic humans see a retreat as a defeat. Its just the way things are. Certainly the nomadic Mongols didn’t see no shame in retreating before a superior force, why waste their limited manpower on fighting a foe eye to eye when they could rather go around the enemy forces to wipe out the enemy cities, then the opposing armies just disintegrated because they had nothing left to fight for and no chance of catching the Mongols. Winning without fighting, what a pleasure. So maybe the Russians should have just bombed the smithereens out of the gathering Ukie forces, and not allowed them to concentrate in the first place by hitting the trains, bridges and roads bringing them to the front lines, and then just continuing with the slow and steady shell the enemy senseless is his trenches approach.
Allowing the Ukie forces to gather and then to advance to the front lines and then to penetrate far into Russian held territory and only then bombing the smithereens out of the enemy doesn’t seem to gel with the non nomadic, settled Russian people. To the people land must be held at all costs and is worth holding on to at all costs, its a serious shock to the system to retreat from Russian held land. Somehow the Russian people need to be re-educated that while Russian land and Donetsk and Lugansk land has to be held at all cost, other land out there is there for maneuvering and tap dancing, no need to hold it at all costs. There must be a distinction made between Russian land and buffer zone land so to speak, though the 2 land types are interchangeable depending on the circumstances. Russia, being the biggest country in the world, has lots of room to maneuver.
“man needs to know that what he is thinking and feeling is congruent with others around him.”
I disagree somewhat. I think man needs to know that what he is thinking is congruent with reality and truth. There is a subset who dont realise this, and need to feel that they are approved of by those around, them, because this means those around them will probably take care of them, realising they are not able to take care of themselves. These will to know if they are congruent with those around them.
But for those for whom reality and truth are the ultimate arbiters, there is no referral to others at all.
I am most concerned about the insecure “allies”. Unlike the USA, Russia has no vassals. What about Erdogan’s Turkey, what about India, what about China? NOBODY has really backed Russia so far. They all stay nice and neutral. Until Russia shows a sign of weakness. Then it could go the way it did in 1945, when everyone wanted a piece of the “victory over Germany” cake.
Great piece.
Many of us have been struck by Asch conformity during the global covid operation. We’re used to it. Great to see you put so much effort into breaking it down, the table is excellent. Basically paints my life, constantly fighting with the few.
It was important for the Nato-Nazis to get this psyops win because I’ve seen images of people marching against the Ukraine war in European streets. Because of power prices… these people needed delegitimising. Nothing is allowed in the West that supports or benefits Russia.
I’m not even religious, but God bless your effort, Russia’s, God bless us all.
Not worth the ink in it. For instance, social media doesn’t buzz because it’s heard rumours that the Russians should have detected. It does it because it is an official propaganda tool.
You can block “trolls” when you want to.
The following important points maybe worth considering with respect to the current situation on the western borders of the Russian Federation:
– No matter how much western powers want to portray it, Russia is not at war with Ukraine directly, which means she is not interested at all about grabbing territory in the classical sense like Chengiz Khan did. There’s a much much bigger parallel war happening on the global level mostly behind the scene involving – as the big serge explains very beautifully on the website – two sides, one with dollar and the other with resources. In all wars, there has to be a time frame where simply speaking things must ripen and with this in mind we have the very important time factor which must be applied.
– The big question is, the time factor favors which side of the equation? Zone A or Zone B? The answer to this question is evident. The time factor favors Zone B, i.e. the countries with natural resources, simply because their resources exist in Zone B territories including Russia, Brazil, Iran, India, etc. where it takes a whole lot of time for extraction/processing and so on.
-On the other hand the Zone A, with the dollar, is always in a hurry for greater profits therefore time factors in immensely as the west is always short of time. Western globalists need to topple their adversaries and grab their resources – the sooner the better. This explains why Russia, Iran or China are not in a hurry to finish off the global dollar hegemony. Their grand strategy is to allow the Zone A adversary to do it to itself as we can see taking place across Europe.
– Since the time factor favors the Zone B, Tehran, Beijing, Moscow… will try to micromanage the situation until the moment when an expected major event such as a huge market crash on the Wall Street… brings the Zone A economies to their knees.
– Russia has already won the war in Donbass. If this was a football match, Russia is 10 – Ukronazis 1. Unfortunately those in charge in Kiev have sold themselves out to the globalists. Once this war is over, the Anglosaxons will have very little use for Ukraine beside the role of a troublemaker against Russia. They definitely won’t shoulder all the reconstruction expenses for the whatever remains of Ukraine.
– All the western media propaganda narratives like Green Agenda, BuiltBackBetter, Democratic freedom, lgbtq world values, … are diversionary tactics used against the general public in order to buy time so that they will try implement their stupid agendas.
Excellent article!
My opinion is that NATO tried to force and escalation with this counter-offensive.
The russians cleverly dodged the blow and did not fall in the trap. Indeed they retreated with minimal losses and at the same time inflicted relevant losses to the advancing enemy.
The bottom line remains that Russia wants a long war of attrition in order to deplete western arsenals and to induce a economic/political collapse of the EU. So any attempt to escalate the war is against russian interests.
St. John Bosko had a lot prophetic dreams. One I remember very well which gives me a lot of comfort. In this dream he said that an army would come from the north with a black flag. When it was unfurled, it would turn to white.
Also a note to those who say that Russia is Magog. Ezechiel stated in both chapters of 38 & 39 that Magog would go up. This is impossible as Russia is as up as you can get. There is no country up after them.
This assumption by many that Magog is Russia is a contradiction to what Jesus said to the Jews in John 8:44. He said to them, “Your father is the devil. And the will of your father you will do. He was a murder from the beginning and stood not in the truth because truth is not in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own (his chosen people). For he is a liar and the father thereof.
Yes. It’s those psiops. That’s what it is.
If I remember correctly, Andrei, you wrote an article of similar mood a few months or so ago. Then things changed somewhat. Downs and ups, ups and downs, … such is life.
At that time, as you’ve done now, you lamented the Russian government, institutions, and elite’s incompetence at psyops. But even if they got much much better, no one can come close to matching the West, which for centuries has cultivated pliant masses, and in the last century or so perfected the art of propaganda! 1984 could not have been written by anyone outside the West!
On the one hand, were the Russian populace Fear Uncertainty Doubt – proof the psyop war would be over and Russia would be an unstoppable machine. On the other hand, such a single-minded blindly elite following population could easily and efficiently be used for nefarious purposes as world history and Orthodox ethos illustrate. Often it’s better to be slightly poor.
The gaping hole north of Balakleia is indeed mysterious. I agree that Russian command was not unaware of the Ukrainian forces built-up, it would be silly to think so.
However, I don’t agree that the purpose of the withdrawal was to “inflict huge losses on that force, its supply lines and even its headquarters”, as The Saker suggests here. There are several reasons why I consider it unlikely:
1, over the months and until the very last moments, units south of Izyum fought heavy positional clashes. Why would Russian command waste their manpower and equipment when their plan was to retreat ?
2, the lightning speed of Ukrainian advance makes it very unlikely that Russian defenders had chance to inflict huge losses on the enemy. Any losses (especially substantial ones) inevitably lead to dramatic slowdown of offensive operations. Nothing of the sort was observed.
3, The loss of Kupyansk and Izyum had immediate negative consequences on the Russian offensive effort in Donbass. Besides loss of some of the supply lines, Ukrainian rocket & barrel artillery has more chances to threaten the rear of the Donbass front. Why would Russian command accept such risks and negative consequences ?
4, Furthermore, the whole Izyum direction had an important place in Russian plan to attack Slavyansk and Kramators from several sides to improved the chances of eventual attack. Why would Russian high command give up their advantage ?
Occham razor leads me to third, much more plausible explanation of the Balakleia gaping hole: Russia has accute manpower problem. The Kherson region is of such a political importance, that Russians generals were simply forced to strengthen the defenses there, at the expense of Balakleia direction.
There may also be another aspect that goes together with the importance of Kherson, which is the Ukrainian attacks on the water supply of Donetsk city. Without water, the city will have to abandoned. Forcing Ukraine to cede the attacks is imperative. The generals may have had to put forces there in addition to the forces in Kherson.
And whatever the pysops, there can be no question that trust in the Russians has been greatly diminished whereever they wanted to hold referendums. Short of a victory, at present unlikely, no one will dare to vote. That will leave such referendums without any legitimacy. They can just as well be abondoned altogether. Yet Putin’s entire strategy must have been predicated on providing legitimacy to making liberated territories part of Russia. In this way, the reasoning goes, he wanted to circumvent the unwillingness of Russian society to be mobilized in their defense. That, together with the obvious manpower problem, paints a picture of a strategy in tatters. Attacks on Ukraine’s electrical grid appear to signal a turn in a more ruthless and realistic direction but, at the same time, they seem to be half-hearted especially as Kiev remains unaffected. And all of that is even before the Ukrainians have started their offensive in the Southern direction, which may come at any moment.
The question has to be asked whether Putin ought to make way for another figure. His legalistic ways and his
modus operandi of trying to fiddle his political projects through the needle’s eye of an infinitude of concerns and considerations have outlived their usefulness. Somebody has to cut the Gordian knot.
Has Medvedev foreseen all this, leading him to putting out all his bellicose tweets? A few things can be said against Medvedev but that would show strategic foresight.
“Not only are they often rather technical, but they are also much longer, meaning that it is impossible to defeat people who operate by slogans with long, detailed arguments. It simply does not work.”
Dialectic vs. rhetoric, and rhetoric always, ALWAYS wins, because it appeals to emotions, and all the pompous bluster one may hear to the contrary, humans are emotional critters.
By the way, I found the article at a very good explanation about the current situation.
Andrei, I suspect, as someone who knows a little about IT but nothing about the military, that the “computer” and “surveillance” part of the war is one of the key reasons for the ebb and flow. We don’t know who’s cracked the latest code, so to speak, or what is being held close to the chest. Thus things happen on the battlefield that are difficult to explain because the keys to the battle are hidden, so to speak.
@ arkx Brasil on September 12, 2022 · at 8:11 pm EST/EDT
The fog of war in the Instant Information Age?
1 – “He who betrayed Ukraine will not be in this land.”
Channel created on September 8.
2 -《You cannot leave people. Never, under any circumstances, abandon your people. The only valuable thing in Ukraine is the Russian people.
Agree with you 100%.
So far, I haven’t seen anyone willing to acknowledge Russia has to own the neglectful abandonment of the civilian population in areas under their control. The issue has been skirted around, spinned, twisted, and distorted.
There are plenty of testimonies coming from the areas now occupied by Ukronazis, about the atrocities they are committing with those who, for countless reasons, were forced to stay behind. Someone with a paraplegic relative, doctors, teachers, who could not just abandon their positions, elderly, the most vulnerable population, now victims of ethnic cleansing.
Those people are getting killed not for being Bandera supporters, as someone rumored were all those who stayed behind.
One of the goals of the SMO was to protect the people of Donbass, and in war, once a territory comes under anyone’s jurisdiction, they own it, with everyone and everything inside. No justification or military pretext would convince me, and so far all I have heard borders on cynicism, that abandoning the people in Kharkiv was inevitable.
So far, Konashenkov appeared a truthful man one could trust with reports, suddenly he transformed into a “Baghdad” Bob.
Protect the people, that is the main goal and objective of any just war, differently from wars of conquest, pillage, and ethnic cleansing, like US/NATO/nazis’ wars. If that is not the case, why fight a war?
Kharkiv’s setback and neglect of civilians deserves an investigation to deduce responsibilities, issuing recommendations that need to be added to the code of conduct of the Russian/Allies armies.
It’s nice to see you back.
Some of your criticisms of the SMO have been vindicated, same with those of many others. Apologists without any sense of wrongness, living in permanent denial, are as much enemies of Russia as the Collective West and the Ukronazis. We don’t agree on all the points you criticize, but I always consider them when making my conclusions.
Lone Wolf
I talked to a woman from the city of Izyum. Her sister couldn’t leave the city when it got under the AFU. She has a paralyzed husband. Her story brings shivers! After the AFU came, violence is off limits. Search and seizure everywhere, terrible looting, murders. It’s the Zapadentsy who came, the Western Ukrainians, who are especially anti-Russian. They say it blatantly that all of us are Moskals and Vata. This means we get no mercy. We lived with Russians happily for three months so all of us are traitors, and now we are nothing! They take everything: TVs, smartphones, home appliances, food. They arrested dozens of people and took them away. They shot several people right on the spot, those who tried to stop the looting. Now they say they’ll shoot everyone who tries to pay with Russian rubles in shops. We asked where we could get grivnas and they told us: “Suck it! Now this is your main job!” Now those who were sitting quietly and waiting for the AFU to come, all of them are now out in the open. And they are settling scores with their personal enemies. They simply accuse them of cooperating with the Russians, and these people are taken away. Most likely to be shot. The city is paralyzed with terror. Now we are nothing! Cries.
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Lone Wolf:
I always appreciate your comments, so did I on this sad one. I agree with you, it is hurtful to think about those helpless people being persecuted by malicious authorities just because Russian Army had come and gone.
The Bucha massacre probably was from the same Kiev people. The hypocrisy of the west human rights claim can’t be more obvious through the optics of killing Russians through Ukrainian hands.
Have you ever wondered the feelings of those abandoned Afghans employed and left behind by the West in Afghanistan? How about the family of Zamarai Ahmadi, mistakenly killed by US last September by a Hellfire missile? They still have not received any apology or any compensation?
War is just like that. Hate to say it.
The people in Donetsnk and Lugansk suffered such indignities for 8 years, now the people in Izyum suffer those same indignities for a few days and they are complaining. What makes the people in Izyum so much more important than the people in Donetsk and Lugansk? In war people die.
The people in Donetsnk and Lugansk have their own militias to keep the Ukrainian soldiers and foreign mercs out in the parts the militias control, while these other places are pure defenseless civilians without any chance to fight off invaders.
But even the Donetsnk and Lugansk militias haven’t been given enough weapons and support by Russia and have had to rely on private organizations collecting money and then buying supplies and drones for them. Russia has only done a half-hearted defense of the people and attack on Ukraine, and seemed to gradually dial it down after the first couple weeks, even though there were constant warnings of lack of manpower to hold the lines over the last 4 months.
Correct, the people in Donetsk and Lugansk have their own militias. But the people in Izyum don’t, had they formed their own militias when the Russians were there then the Russians would never have abandoned them. Take note people from Kherson and Zaporizhzhia.
Hopefully, Brother Kadyrov would hurry up to get all these towns back, where Russian supporters are being tortured and killed, and school teachers that taught in Russian are getting 15 year prison sentences.
On another note, when would Spetsnatz or Comrade Iskander take care of Iryna Vereshchuk? She’s a rabid Russophobic hatemonger.
15 years in prison for teaching the Russian language.
Teachers working with the Russian program have been arrested in the Kharkiv region.
‘They committed a crime against our state,’ said Ukrainian Vice Prime Minister Iryna Vereshchuk.
In the country, children are taught other things instead. For example, to honour those who used to be considered traitors – collaborators and members of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army*.
During lessons, shell casings used to kill Donbas residents are handed out as souvenirs. There are also children’s camps in Ukraine where nationalists teach. What do they teach there? Find out in an excerpt from the film Fast Forward Fascism.
*recognised as an extremist organization and banned in Russia
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Lone Wolf
Dear Andrei,
I follow you since many years (on the French website and this one). I want to thank you for this long explanation about the fog of wars. I almost never comment an article because I know it is noise and it wouldn’t bring any light on the actual “global situation”. But I would like to ask you two questions. We know this “war” is a war on civilization and the conflict is far greater than the territory of Ukraine. Do you think that the collapse of European countries (economically speaking) will drain the world finances of this conflict? You cannot print money indefinitely without seeing your industrial capabilities being destroyed. Andrei Martyanov* said it in his last video. Destroying a military target (electrical substations, power lines, electrical equipment’s, etc., are military targets because they provide energy to build weapons) is necessary. People will realize soon that when they will be cut from any source of energy (electricity, gas, oil, etc.) because the infrastructures will have been destroyed, they will not be reconnected for a long period.
Electrical equipment’s, power plants (nuclear, thermal, hydraulic and even solar and windmills) are expensive and it takes a long process to produce them. You just cannot replace a 735kV/315kV transformer in a few days, especially if it is not produced! I worked for thirty-three years for Hydro-Quebec (the “national” electrical company in Quebec, Canada) and I saw my share of explosions and incredible damages to those gigantic infrastructures. Those equipment’s are expensive and you just cannot replace them easily.
Forgive me for this long comment. My second question is: Do you think Russia (and all the Federal government) will one day directly oppose to the World Economic Forum and all its western puppets by naming “The Beast”? It seems to me nobody wants to connect the global agenda (United Nations 2030) to the actual conflict between NATO and Russia. All governments of western countries are destroying their own economy, their own civilization. Can we at least acknowledge the fact that globalists (Klaus Schwab, King Charles III, Georges Soros, all those Jewish oligarchs who ran in Israel, the one you mentioned in your article and all those billionaires who lecture us about the climate change hoax) want to destroy the “old” civilization (defended and cultivated by Russia)?
Thank you again for the excellent article that brings hope to us. Finally, I read and listened to Ramzan Kadyrov. I understood he was right about many things. He is a colourful character and would make a great personage of a five acts tragedy!
Best regards to you and all your team…
André Meloche
* Andrei Martyanov: “Energy is civilization. Civilisation is energy.”
Since the collapse in 2000-2001, the West has been developing financial information gimmickry to hoodwink the public. To effectively promote false narratives, financial PSYOP specialists are getting more sophisticated and prosperous along the way.
Today’s “surprise” inflation readout is not a surprise, but reality trashes Wall Street’s false narrative of inflation dropping recently. US financial PSYOP trolls ignored (deliberately) the fundamental inflation pressures still residing in the US economy. Anyway, they already made their money in last week’s market rises.
These crooks have diversified into all corners of Western society now, in MNM, in Governments (US/EU/NATO), and even in academics.
The Ukraine war PSYOP adopted the SOP of Western financial PSYOP, plus, of course, the SOPs of the usual shadowy suspects.
Keep on, hold on, stay strong! I truely do share your emotional state, beeing a proverbial pro-russia westener myself. Your evaluation of the things is correct for me, but this is an understatement. I feel alone and desperate against the flood of bs, this torrent of self-proclaimed experts,who – in reality – don’t know sh*t. Your small and enduring echelon of You respectively, Mr Martyanov, Pepe Escobar, Gonzalo, the newcomer veteran Big Serge, Bernhard of MoA, the New Kremlin Stooge, Larry Johnson, Graham, Eva Bartlett, Patrick Lancaster, Poddubny, and more or less Batiushka: you keep me alive mentaly. Without these oasises of clear sight and analitycal thinking(with the trademark of good manners, wit and a pinch of sensei-like fun) I just don’t know where I would be. And this is so since 2014!
Never mind the grammar. Your message comes through!
Your cause is just, and victory will be yours!
Heaven help me to be there, and have a drink on that. But only then. All the best!
Hold on Andrei. The struggle against the hegemon and its servants is hard but the victory of truth and order against lie and caos is innevitable. I am following you from Mexico and believe me when I tell you that we know very well the hegemon because we have survived it. Many Mexicans understand and sympathize with Russia, its people and its struggle. Just remember that Mexicans in 1910 and Russians in 1917 fought great social revolutions and the regimes that emerged from them had great similarities for better and for worse. Then, Mexico in 1988 and Russia in 1991 were subjected to neoliberal projects from which we are step by step leaving. We are together in this.
Best regards
When Andrei brought up the idea that Russia was losing the information war back in March, I didn’t understand why it mattered. Now that he is convincing me of the importance of this, I still don’t know how Russia could do better in specific terms. What exactly should they be doing? I don’t understand how Russia could even begin to compete with the worldwide Western propaganda machine. Whatever they would say or do would just be belittled by the Western media and they would be laughed at for making excuses.
“Furthermore, I have come to the sad conclusion that many military arguments are simply too complicated for most people to understand.”
that’s why they shouldn’t bother. as far as quantity vs quality:
i know a lot of xtians aren’t fans of traditionalist conclusions but it’s all right there. in 1945.
the vast majority of people are followers and are enslaved because they WANT to be enslaved. pilger names it well in his latest:
these “people” are the Submissive Void. otherwise how could a banal failed artist command the loyalty and affection of an entire nation?
if it’s any comfort, other than the massive ukie population putting flags on their balconies and/or cars and the neoliberal vassal government, no one here in canada is following this anymore. staying power matters in the military sphere as well as the “psyops” (i prefer “propaganda”) sphere. i see way more interest and passion from the pro-russian side; the quote about CNN was telling in the pre-social media days but just look at their ratings lately. ditto anyone but fox news who counts on an ossified modernist cult of “conservatives” and is simply an echo chamber.
if it effects the russian public it’s because they LET it affect them. as someone once said, “there is no cure for willful stupidity”. it also tells me they’re afflicted with the very modern disorder of collective ADHD and instant gratification. if they’re felling impatient let them ask their great-grand parents about the siege of leningrad. or ask their parents about the lost decade(s) and the wild west of the 1990s.
another quote” “truth will out”. and if you’re feeling alone, welcome to the club. that’s a common ailment among smart folks. also, as a xtian i’m sure you can see how alone jesus was. he had his mum and his apostles but he was the one who got whipped, speared and nailed to a cross only to be buried behind a rock in a cold cave.
i’d also add that as “alone” as you may feel you’re on the same side as china, africa, india and the parts of south america that aren’t CIA puppet states.
IMO, the attacks against Kherson and Kharkov will be followed by a third one, from Zaporozhye towards Melitopol and Mariupol; this would be the main attack of Ukr NATO backed army. Perhaps the much announced Kherson offensive was to draw some Russian reserves, while the later to draw them away, towards Kharkov, leaving the main sector relatively defenseless. The terrain on this axis, Zaporozhye-Melitopol-Mariupol is well suited to the new tactics used by Ukr NATO backed army. Perhaps, this is the reason for the new 3rd Russian Army corp not been deployed yet to the front; it is a strategic reserve, much like the Soviet Tank Armies during the battle of Kursk, in 1943.
Education and propaganda is the most effective path to societal control. Second to this is coercion and force. Force and coercion occur when there is a contest for power between two or more parties but propaganda and education is always the preferred method to winning and stabilizing a conflict.
I believe there is a direct connection between modeling in the developmental psychology use of the term and conformity.
The control of information, censorship, filter bubbles, and bots to name a few are aimed at the production of conformity. This limits free thinking and even the thought of choice in individuals and produces group think environments.
In Jacques Ellul’s book “Propaganda: The Formation of Men’s Attitudes”,
Ellul noted that “The majority prefers expressing stupidities to not expressing any opinion: this gives them the feeling of participation…. The more complex, general, and accelerated political and economic phenomena become, the more do individuals feel concerned, the more do they want to be involved.”
I think this is visable on any forum on the internet, no?
The Russian military has taken a huge interest in PSYOPs according to some Western academics. Perhaps a good example, is this report for the National Defense Academy of Latvia, by Janis Berzins:
“Thus, the Russian view of modern warfare is based on the idea that the main battlespace is the mind and, as a result, new-generation wars are to be dominated by information and psychological warfare, in order to achieve superiority in troops and weapons control, morally and psychologically depressing the enemy’s armed forces personnel and civil population”.
Since the bigger tech companies are controlled by the West and they are not neutral perhaps Russia lacks in the technological area when it comes to its PSYOPs abilities. Changing this would be a huge project.
Thank You!
I sincerely appreciate your explanations and your frustrations.
Please continue and from time to time point us toward sources that you find appropriate.
I am in debt to you.
Russia should start by recruiting all Telegram Generals! I could do several BTG just with Generals to fight the ukrop hypes on social media. So many here to the good life, apparently tireless and without pain in their fingers, were very good at stopping any offensive! And apparently they don’t need a salary either!
When Russia began attacking civilian infrastructure in Ukraine, it gave a clear signal that it changed the nature of the SMO. That would never allow attacking thermoelectric plants. And I’m not talking about changing goals. That as much as it costs many Russians, they do not always coincide with the objectives of the DPR and LPR. Russia in addition to the liberation of Donbass is fighting on more boards. Like a new European security architecture and a multipolar NWO! The big picture!
But Russia is the most legalistic country in the world. Legalist and bureaucrat. Systems that always go together. It is impossible to have legality without bureaucracy. But there are countries where first they change the nature of the operation in the theater of operations and then they make the law. Others, like the US, always destroy civilian infrastructure on the first day and fuck populations!
But no two countries and no two conflicts are the same. The best thing to do to defend against Western propaganda and psyops that Russia will never be able to fight because the big media platforms are all Western is to never get hysterical about a tactical change in the theater of operations. That no one has yet realized the full scope. Not the Russian soldiers in Ukraine as Andei says.
What is known is that Russia, which has been beating the West in Ukraine for 6 months now, has already conquered more than 20% of Ukraine’s territory. Completely mastering the operational art! And now he withdrew from a certain territory he had conquered and the Ukrop advanced. Already with thousands of casualties! Nobody outside the Kremlin knows anything else today. As the reasons for the withdrawal of Russian forces.
We will see the full range of Russian and Ukrops maneuvers further on. And it is not uncommon in a military conflict for a conquered territory to cease to be strategic. Or a limited force is needed in more strategic territory. But as the stance of the two contenders in the media is once again completely different…
Today the EU energy ministers also gathered in a hurry very distressed!
Thanks Andrei for this deep article! You are one of the few writers/commentors I love to read when I’m of the same opinion as they are or when they give me something to chew on when I think they might not be right.
In this case it is that I think that this massive psyop clearly IS a hardship for thinking brains in the “West” but only a nuisance and perhaps even a bliss for the Russian war activities in the long run.
Let me explain: I’m from Germany – we are – at the moment – punished again for our WWII sins I think. With our own stupid government. I never encountered such a blatantly lying, stupid “reasoning” and utter incompetence.
In Germany, in the German elites the big psyop has the biggest effect.
Recently I was asked whether I was ready to freeze for Ukraine, to help the efforts to punish and contain RUssia. While I had to simulate that I didn’t knew enough about this conflict to have an opinion (I want to keep my job, I see what might be coming and I need every penny to prepare for it…) – my inner voice said : I am ready to freeze for Russia, but not for the Bandera scum!
But then it came: That’s exactly what we in Germany are forced to do.
We pay more and more for heating materials and Russia earns more than ever.
At the same time the German industry goes broke. And that’s the point. For Russia.
You Andrei and your friend Andrei Martyanov sometimes talk about “operational depth”. When I remember right, you both mean by that actions to disrupt the industry and transport of the enemy to be able to defeat him in the long run. Under normal circumstances Russia sooner or later would be forced to bomb European weapons manufacturers and heavy industry. But our industry bombs itself at the moment. Okay, one may say, they just let everyone freeze but they will cook steel for tanks. No they won’t. Today tanks need modern optics, communication devices, computers for target analysis….All this needs masses of ore, rare minerals, a lot of energy, whicht comes on long ways now and at unbearable costs, the engineers and very qualified workers have to come to work, and they better are well fed and their children do not freeze…..
Whole Europe is up against RUssia – who is in a de facto alliance with states like China or Iran. Sometimes I want to shout at people who talk bullshit about how they want to “defeat” and even “humiliate” Russia – “Look at a map you moron!” But I don’t do it.
At least since “Kinshal” USA has no chance to bring any decent amount of weapons and soldiers to Europe. So if NATO wants a war with Russia Europe has to do it. And she can’t.
They say, sanctions are an act of war. Rightly so. This time the “West” used is most beloved instrument to subjunct people unwillingly against itself. Russia doesn’t have to bomb shipment lines and harbors for years to disrupt our “defence” industry. We do that all by ourselves.
You see? This mighty psyop is so devastating regarding the intellectual abilities of Europe – against that some doubts about Putin, the general staff, the lazyness of some apparatchicks are almost nothing. Russian soldiers fight for Russia, to protect their people. When they have the feeling “We let some people behind near Charkov” – do you really believe they will fight less hard next time? They will know: We have to kill this fascist scum – so they will never torture anyone again – regardless wether we leave later or not.
1812 Napoleon came. And Russia pulled back. Pulled back further. Soldiers revolted. Bagration protested. Alexander had to change the very talented Barclay de Tolly agains Kutusov. So at least the soldiers could not say that a foreigner gives the invader their land without a fight. Kutusov let his soldiers fight at Borodino. Russians were heroes as almost always. And Kutusow pulled even further back….”gave” the invador even Moscow…..Can you imagine what our news-magazines would write today? How would WE argue, that Russia can win this?
After the beautiful book of Evgenii Tarlay about that war I read another one by Dominic Lieven “Russland gegen Napoleon” (Russia against Napoleon) – interesting read. He talks about the effect of generals in the first columns, about the plans Tolly and Alexander made, about the diffculties Russia had to overcome with 5 different makers of guns with different calibers, so soldiers didn’t get the wrong munition all the time… I don’t have the expertise to really judge about the quality. But he talks about the same things Andrei Martyanov talks about all the time: You need an industry and logistics to win a war. And a long term plan how to exhaust your enemy. Not some morons who say things like “here it seems Russia tries to encircle the Ukrainian troops by reaching a line along….bla bla….” – and then they look as if they were Napoleon….or Suvorov – but they don’t know this name :)
Fortunately all these dumb f* don’t know history. So they don’t know about the feints the Soviet Union made in the time leading to operation Bagration. They really believe their stupid sanctions will bring Russias industry to a halt. When you tell them that 1941 the Wehrmacht and their European hyenas destroyed about a half of the heavy industry in the Soviet Union and still the USSR was able to outperform the German industry a few years later, they answer: That may be, but I don’t have to know it because this time history will not repeat!
Dear Andrei, this psyop goes on for many years. One needs to prepare people for the propaganda of today. It needs time to bring the intellect of peoples full of philosophers and great scientists, poets and writers to todays levels.
Once we Germans had Karl Marx who said “Das Sein bestimmt das Bewusstsein” (reality forms conciusness) – many woke Europeans will have to learn that the VERY hard way – not by a nice discussion about science and materialistic philosophy. But by the fact that you need about 2000 kcal a day and more than 3000 if it is cold……And warm socks.
Can you imagine how harsh this awakening will be for them when the Russians win? – Again?
I was 18 years old when “the wall came down” – as Gobachev traded us for hollow promises. I grew up in the Eastern part of Germany. There was a joke I rember, perhaps I heard him around 1987/88, when the “successes of socialism” were mostly to see in newspapers and propaganda. But propaganda there was a lot!
Here it is: Karl Marx, Lenin and a steel worker sit on a cloud, playing cards, discussing dialectic. Suddenly they see a steam boat. The name of the boat is “GDR”. And they see a LOT of steam coming out of the chimney. So the machines were under full power. But the boat barely moves! So Marx goes down to see what’s the problem. He comes back, looks concerned: They know every economic law I ever wrote about…. But the 3 see: The boat doesn’t move. So Lenin goes down. He comes back: The working class on this boat knows everything about how to organize a revolution….But still – the boat doesn’t move. Still…lot’s of steam. So the worker goes down….. a few moments….and the boat accelerates, almost flies…..The worker comes back and the 2 great thinkers ask him: How did you do it? “I told them to put the steam on the wheel instead on the honk” the worker says…..
My point is……nobody in the West would be able to see the analogy with todays “democratic West”….rather they will think something like “…like in Putins Russia”. They really talk that way.
That’s why Russia will win. Industry and logistics will defeat propaganda. One day the lights will go out in Europe…. And people will be forced to learn to think again… it was made. The light, the warmth of houses, the cars they want to drive, the stupid cell phones they are addicted to……
Best wishes to you.
I dont know if this remark gets the maybe troll label or not. I do not care anymore to be honest. I am from zone A btw. This is a post about disappointment btw.
My ”political awakening” started with the 2nd Iraqi war. I thought it was bs. So did many, many others in my country and we demonstrated a lot. It forced our government to drop their plans to join the war and then take part of the occupation and reduced it to only politically support it. It felt like a great victory to us.
Sadly, slowly but surely the lies became more and more blatent and more and more people swallowed them lies and more and more my country started, in their limited way, to contribute to all kind of horrible crimes. I was disgusted more and more about firstly the leadership but also my fellow countrymen.
I still could not give up on them. Since I am not a great writer or speecher the only thing I could try is influence my so called circle of control and circle influence.
Zone B came out more and more truthtelling and I loved it and what is more important is that more came to see things my ways as an alternative explanation and another point of view worth listening to. I am not important. In the last 20ish years I might have, at the max to be honest, around 100 people to consider seriously different views about zone B. The mostly truths and at max some small lies from zone B helped big time.
So now the Russian MOD coming out and saying to me, ha, we lied to you, you bought into it hook line and sinker and we got you is more then a smack in my face. Trust, once lost in my own government and fellow peoples over time is starting again it seems to me from zone B (especially Russia since I considerED mr Putin the best Statesman in the world for well over a decade).
Really, all I am is that I am really saddened. The tiny change I tried to make and invested many hours in over the last two decades (of course no way as much as the Saker did) felt to fall apart and I am sure the Saker, his team and others suffers more.
I have to reconsider my position in life once again like once I decided to never trust the leaders in the EU again including the so called leaders in my own country. Am I really sure I want to be lied to again on a massive scale and believe it for a while, defend the lie and then be betrayed?
Or is it better to withdraw from most of what is called society and try find a peacefull life in a small settlement, quite isolated with at max a few 100 people. At least then there can be no more big lies. I think now, let me remind you I am a bit emotional, if they want to blow up the world as a consequences of their lies to get a temporary gain. Let them. I dont care anymore.
If this is the impact on me, I cannot imagine the peoples in the East of Ukraine their feelings. If any local that is pro Russia that remained in the now reoccupied terretory of Ukraine (former Russian in this war) because they believed the Russian PR / PSYOP I am so sorry for them. They deserve all our help. I will manage. They might not.
I am so sorry for you abandoned people. sorry Russia. You fell a lot in my view.
Why where they abandonded I wonder? Russia held huge military gains in the east. If I understand it well, 50k troops there. If they were in the east of Ukraine they could have saved the civilians. Why are war games more important.
I dont expect any answers to this emotional rant. If it is posted. Or me might be considered a troll here. I am not all that smart. But I know something is very, very wrong and what I just ranted is my emotional take on it.
If you made to here, thanks for reading.
Whenever the government of the United States shall break up, it will probably be in consequence of a false direction having been given to public opinion. This is the weak point of our defences, and the part to which the enemies of the system will direct all their attacks. Opinion can be so perverted as to cause the false to seem true; the enemy, a friend, and the friend, an enemy; the best interests of the nation to appear insignificant, and trifles of moment; in a word, the right the wrong, and the wrong the right. In a country where opinion has sway, to seize upon it, is to seize upon power. As it is a rule of humanity that the upright and well-intentioned are comparatively passive, while the designing, dishonest and selfish are the most untiring in their efforts, the danger of public opinion’s getting a false direction is four-fold, since few men think for themselves.
—James Fenimore Cooper, The American Democrat, 1838
You know I’m not really worried about the psyops. We’ve been there many times. Remember Snake Island. What a glorious victory it was for Ukraine. That didn’t last too long and this psychological “victory” (which all it is) in Kharkiv region is now petering out. The withdrawal of Russian troops from there was planned out a long time before. The only question I have is what took Russia so long to leave. So the great victory of Ukraine was attacking basically empty territory. Big fuckin’ deal. This whole episode is a tempest in a teapot. BTW Ukraine pulled valuable troops out of Bakmut for the offense on Izyum thereby helping the Wagner group make advances into the city. Don’t worry about the psyops. They’ll be around forever. It did for a day or so scare into panic some good people but the good news is that good people like Bernard of MofA bounced back right away and shrugged it off. The antidote for fake news and psyops is continuous Russian victories. Reality has a way of making its presence felt and truth is very subversive. So Andrei just listen to the old proverb “the dogs keep barking but the caravan continues” and don’t worry.
Russia woll not loose, but it will be extreemly hard.
The other day I heard a very interesting theory. Here is it in a rough summary: USA is not a republic but a corporation with the Biden regime at its head, totally owned and controlled by China. Since the USA Inc. pretty much runs NATO and controls EU, one can say that China is behind all this. This means that it is China planning for world dominance, weakening as manny countries as possible through wars. The theory further states that small countries will cease to exist and only major super states will survive: China, Russia, India, and funny thing, a USA Republic with Trump as president.
Final point is a war between Rusia and China, and pray not to end up under the yoke of the Chinese.
The other strange thing is that such a theory somehow matches an Orthodox prophecy by Russian Youth Vyaceslav, passed away in 1992. He mentioned about a war between China and USA in the Pacific, USA will retreat defeated at first, then Russian Chinese war will break out with the Chinese reaching all the way to Moscow. Then Russia will defeat China with the help of the USA, what was left of it.
It’s a nice synchronicity, that on there is a fascinating video, which addresses this issue of the 20% of Russians who have been successfully brainwashed by western psyops – and what happened when one decided she simply had to see for herself.
I’d suggest watching it, to the end. I do not believe she is an actress, nor that this is Russia copying the Western trick of “I saw them take the babies out of the incubators”. I do believe this is very genuine, but you should decide for yourselves of course.
What it does confirm, is something we have seen for ourselves recently, after the Pandemic issue, after indeed so many mass hysteria’s, which is that there is a certain proportion of every society which for some reason easily believes, just as there are those of us who dont.
I might add, I was exposed to the experiment with lines, or similar as a school kid, and there are those of us who just are not susceptible. We see what we see and stick to it despite the social consequences. Why we are so, I’m not sure, possibly a few reason, and I am in the process of determining one theory.
But it’s interesting what the rest to do to us – the dislike verging on hatred, because we see things that the crowd doesn’t. And when we are proven right, the dislike becomes palpable. Why? Thats another issue, but it’s one reason we need to understand, because it is partly why psyops are successful.
Here is the article / video. Please watch, it’s not too long, but the revelation of someone brainwashed seeing the truth for herself is in itself very moving and very informative.
According to redacted there is a report from RAND corporation that that say the goal for USA is to destabilize and weaken Europe
I dont know what it is worth but listen to it
To add to this. You can listen from the beginning of the program.
The report was published in January, a month before the SMO started.
The goal was to Destabilize Europe via en energy crisis in Germany in the heart of Europe
> This is the “power of FUD”: you cannot debunk slogans with other slogans, (…)
> That is a reality we won’t change and we have to accept.
I’ve been looking at this for 20 years now. People holding and sharing stupid ideas. You debunk, but it doesn’t work.
It doesn’t work because that’s the bad approach. You’re being intellectual while they’re being experiential.
In case of war, the better thing to do is point out a logical fallacy in the slogan. Doesn’t matter what it is, or how important it is. The only thing that matters is that you strike back. Like in prison. If they hit you, you HAVE to strike back. Doesn’t matter if you win or lose. What matters is to do something – anything. They say “Russia is retreating”, you answer “in an orderly fashion”. They say “Russia left civilians behind”, you answer “didn’t Ukraine complain Russia relocated people into Russia?” Doesn’t matter what the content of the response is, the ONLY THING that matters is breaking the chain of though, and showing there is another option.
Kind of like how in crime movies, when the characters are about to commit a crime, they ALWAYS stop and point out to each other there is another option. This is to break the chain of thought in the audience and prevent the audience from committing crime.
Here’s more info that should help you: How to Argue with Conspiracy Theorists (And Win) by Zoe Bee
Energy is the control Russia holds over the EU she can leverage to hasten an end to the war NATO needs to wrest the control of Z nuclear power plant from Russia. All the other NATO feints are a distraction. The power plant is the prize they covet.
The newspaper reporting in the American Civil War and the current media/internet “news” about Ukraine have a great deal in common. If you read only the English and French newspapers, your first news that the Confederacy might actually be losing only appears in 1864 – 30 months after the war began. The fall of Atlanta led some people to think that the South might be in trouble; but even then most foreign observers still thought that Lincoln would lose the election and there would be a negotiated settlement between the two “nations”.
There was never any reason to expect Russia to have any chance of succeeding in winning the “media” argument. It may seem laughable, but the number 1 rule of the democratic political thinking in “western” countries is that people feel permanently comfortable taking the side of people who use the Cyrillic alphabet. Why don’t they just learn to spell like the rest of us? That difference does more than anything to explain why Croats, with their history of actual terrorist attacks on the United States, never became the pet villains of Hollywood movies the way the Serbs and Russians have always been.
CNN will always say that Ukraine won; so will the history books. But, the truth is that propaganda only matters to the people doing the fighting when they are already are looking for an excuse to quit.
The Russians’ real advantage comes from the fact that they have no permanently lost all hope of winning the non-combatant world’s good opinion. What “the home front” thinks has to be considered important because public media and all the people in government who get paid to shape public opinion have to believe that the pen is mightier than the sword. That allows them to stay out of harms way while, at the same time, claiming the rewards for all the “success”. It also means that all losses can be blamed entirely on the people who were foolish enough to be willing to actually go and fight. The greatest propaganda success in modern history is the fact that the war between the Union and the Confederacy continues to this day to be labelled as the “Civil War”. It had a very different name in the eye of the people who actually fought for the United States of America; it was the War of the Rebellion, which the Federal armies won.
Correction: “the number 1 rule of the democratic political thinking in “western” countries is that people feel permanently UNcomfortable taking the side of people who use the Cyrillic alphabet.
A very important message.
Important words of the Patriarch, spoken yesterday on the day of memory of St. Alexander Nevsky:
So today the time has come when we should especially pray for our Fatherland, for our President, for our army. So that the country has the strength to maintain its true independence from the most powerful forces that today dominate most of the countries of the world.
Our special prayer is for the head of our state, for Supreme Commander-in-Chief Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, who has a special responsibility, as well as for all military leaders and those in power. So that the Lord would give wisdom, strengthen, enlighten, protect from sins and mistakes and at the same time inspire actions that would bring protection to our Fatherland from external dangerous and terrible threats.
Lone Wolf
From Pepe Escobar @ Telegram
[Forwarded from Slavyangrad (Gleb Bazov)]
The Kharkov Partizan Underground Speaks Out
Sourced from @ordinaryczarizm Telegram Channel
The Russian underground in Kharkov was able to get in touch with us. Abandoned Russians. Theirs is not the most popular opinion among Russian pro-freedom activists.
However, while we don’t care about the turbo-patriots, we do care for the the abandoned Russians. To not publish this appeal would be an abomination on our part.
Hello, I’m a Russian partisan. That is my profession.
Idiots write about the rightness of bombing Kharkov because there are no Russians left here. Other idiots write that no sabotage in the rear of the Ukrainian troops is taking place, blaming this lack of activity on the Russian population of the city.
Someday, I’ll go on the air of @ordinaryczarizm, where I’ll explain everything in detail. About Dolgov and Surkov, about the money promised, which never came, about the “handlers” and all the rest. Then you will fuck off and understand why Kharkov has become a sterile and dead city, sacrificed to Ukrainian statehood.
My words and authority will corroborate it, and I will present ironclad evidence. That’s when, if I survive, you will understand who is a paid pig and who is a real Russian man. It will be even harder than it is now, but Russians eventually will be hoisted as liberators.
Let me answer the question that people who have nothing to do with the Russians or partisanship are trying to answer. Why is there no resistance to the AFU in the rear?
In 2014 and 2015, a group of Kharkov activists were harassing all the Ukrainian scum – blowing up military enlistment offices, sawing down rails at AFU depots, and even beating up Ukrainian activists. And then a certain handler came along, offered money and ruined everything – ditched, cheated and sold out. Then the remnants of the guerrillas were forced to stop working with the Russian Federation, and without support the guys were scattered by life–torture by the SBU, beatings by the Azov youth (an organization banned in Russia – ed.), emigration, death or life in fear. I have not forgotten that, I remember the names and the methods too.
After the most passionate people were killed and intimidated, it was the turn of medium-sized Russian organisations–clubs, newspapers, parties, circles. All this was destroyed legislatively, institutionally, and radically.
I kept a small correspondence with Yegor Prosvirnin for a long time, and also wrote to Bulba Prestolov in the post just before the war. Then I got in touch with the Ordinary Tsarism guys. That is actually almost all that connects me to Russia now.
Now we are the eyes of the Russian army and intelligence for half a year, because we want to change our country and live in Russia.
We are under bombs, often without light, water, some of us have lost our homes. We go on because we believe in Russian people.
We have not risen up, not because “Odessa and Kharkov were silent”, but because the post-Soviet security services work for the enemies. We will not be silent because the war has taken away our relatives and loved ones, our prosperity and peace of mind.
We will destroy our enemies and we will get our Motherland. We will destroy the army that was killing the Russian people. We have nothing more to lose, so there is no reason for us to keep silent either.
Will the fact that we are sitting without electricity, communications and in the cold make you feel better? Will there be more intelligence? Will the AFU lose something?
No. The West has perfectly equipped them with generators, and they will make any building with independent heating theirs. By doing this you are making our lives harder, you are losing our last supporters. Why couldn’t it have been done in summer, when the AFU was preparing counterattacks, training at the training grounds, and in Kharkov itself was repairing equipment?
(continued in the next post: 1/2)
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(continued from previous post: 2/2)
The Kharkov Partizan Underground Speaks Out
Now there is so much new Western equipment that Ukrainians can afford to abandon the Kharkov military-industrial complex.
Why don’t you hit the Zhytomyr region, where there is a publicly known firing range? And on Kiev? There are already too many of these “why’s”.
However, I have not lost hope and faith in the Russian people. We will win sooner or later. And I am ready to lay down my life for the sake of it.
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Lone Wolf
Message from the Patriarch was longer than the abridged version I posted earlier. I found the Russian version, and here you have the Google translation. I am not sure this is the entire message, but it is longer than the previous one.
Important words of the Patriarch, spoken yesterday on the day of memory of St. Alexander Nevsky:
Today is a disturbing time, even very disturbing. And we must pray that all dangers will pass our Motherland, that those who dream of crushing Russia as an independent, truly independent state will be left with nothing. This is a great privilege, but it is also a huge cross, because there are always those who would like to bring such a rich, strong country as Russia into the orbit of their influence.
We know that the world is restless, while Russia continues its truly sovereign historical existence, and if we look at our history, we will understand that this sovereignty was largely determined by the strength of the spirit of the Russian people, the strength of the spiritual influence of the Church on our Fatherland.
We know what an enormous role the Church played in the liberation of Russia from foreign forces. We know that it was the Church that inspired the soldiers for the historical battles, as a result of which the Motherland remained sovereign and free. We know how the saints prayed for the country, for the army, for the Grand Duke, and then for the Tsar.
So today, the time has come when we should especially pray for our Fatherland, for our President – what difference does it make what the head of state is called! for our army. So that the country has the strength to maintain its true independence from the most powerful forces that today dominate most of the countries of the world.
Our special prayer is for the head of our state, for Supreme Commander-in-Chief Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, who bears special responsibility, as well as for all military leaders and those in power. So that the Lord would make wiser, strengthen, enlighten, protect from sins and mistakes and at the same time inspire actions that would bring protection to our Fatherland from external dangerous and terrible threats.
Lone Wolf
@ KitaySupporter on September 13, 2022 · at 12:29 pm EST/EDT
Lone Wolf:
I always appreciate your comments, so did I on this sad one. I agree with you, it is hurtful to think about those helpless people being persecuted by malicious authorities just because Russian Army had come and gone.
Thank you.
It makes you feel accomplice of the perpetuation of the genocide these people have been suffering for almost a decade, before the Russians got there, and now, because the Russians left.
The Bucha massacre probably was from the same Kiev people. The hypocrisy of the west human rights claim can’t be more obvious through the optics of killing Russians through Ukrainian hands.
The Bucha massacre were people like we are seeing in the pictures now, laying on the ground with a Ukronazi boot on them, and next to it a picture of them with a Russian flag on the streets of their town.
Have you ever wondered the feelings of those abandoned Afghans employed and left behind by the West in Afghanistan? How about the family of Zamarai Ahmadi, mistakenly killed by US last September by a Hellfire missile? They still have not received any apology or any compensation?
Why should they? Apologies or compensation means acceptance of blame, the US elite believes the niggers of the world, any niggers, snow, sand, or jungle niggers in Zone B are disposable, expendable, collateral damage, killable targets for whom there is no need to offer explanations.
What they did to the Afghans was a shame, their final retreat from Afghanistan a S.N.A.F.U. in steroids, they never cared about the people who hoped their collaboration with the invasion was their ticket out to a better life. For most of them, it meant prison and death.
In a small scale, what happened in Kharkiv was, in appearance, similarly callous. We don’t really know what happened there. Yet.
War is just like that. Hate to say it.
War is hell, we all know that.
However, there are wars and wars, and then there are just wars.
All wars require enormous sacrifices, particularly the wars we have witnessed after WWII, the empire/neo-colonial allies against peasants and poor countries, such as Viet Nam, Algeria, South Africa, Cuba, etc.
All these countries had in abundance was people, and they offered their youth in the altar of their liberation. Many a times they couldn’t protect their people, but civilians knew they were not pawns in a tactical retreat, the conditions were such their sacrificed was required.
It happened a lot in Russia during WWII.
Scorched earth was done as much by the Russians as by the Werhmacht, leaving nothing for the nazis while in retreat was widely used by the Russian army. Many a times the Red Army had to retreat leaving civilians behind, among them their own relatives.
When Mao Tse-Tung begun the “Long March,” he had 100,000 men, toward the end, 7,000 were left. He said then, “now we are stronger,” the survivors were hard-core soldiers, who eventually led China to her liberation.
The civilian population is condemned to suffer in any war, they are the first victims, and the last ones.
Hopefully lessons will be taken from the disarray we witnessed in Kharkiv, lessons that will be applied during the curse of the war as guiding principles to protect the people, first and foremost.
C’est la guerre.
Lone Wolf
At least my telegram wall got cleaner when i left a few fakes,, i have mainly given up on commenting on the intrwebz bc of disqus deleting comments and the insane amount of bots and trolls everywhere..
I just post stuff in the newsfeed here now and lurk around🙃,.-
@Lone Wolf
-> “So far, I haven’t seen anyone willing to acknowledge Russia has to own the neglectful abandonment of the civilian population in areas under their control.”
Besides the channel mentioned in my previous post (, this one coincidentally, or not, created on September 8) there are others also disclosing personal data of Russian “collaborators” (
And here ( is a call to denounce these channels and try to close them:
《In the Complaint field, you can enter the following text:
“Publishing personal data of civilians to coordinate politically motivated violence and repressions.”》
-> “Some of your criticisms of the SMO have been vindicated, same with those of many others.”
I hope you understand that I am not one bit pleased with this. On the contrary. It is with extreme sadness and concern that I follow the ongoing events, and not only in Russia and Ukraine.
In central China, for example, temperatures are already up to 6°C above the historical average.
The world we live in is collapsing, everywhere and in every way.
No, dear friend, I am not a catastrophist. I just have always followed data and facts very closely, as well as being tenaciously involved in generating alternative ways of living in the face of all these problems.
History, and even our lives, have a tragic component. It is impossible to escape it. Even more so those people with great power of direct intervention in the collective reality.
Mr. Putin and Russia are now at one of these tragic crossroads.
To exemplify, I relate the tragic crossroads at which Brazil lost its way in 2013.
Then Brazil had become the 6th world economy. It had gained relevance in global geopolitics.
But the internal problems were a ticking time bomb. Although until then it was kept under containment, it was impossible not to explode.
So the population took to the streets. Not against the then President Dilma Rousseff, on the contrary. The anger of the population was directed primarily against the plutocracy and the political bureaucracy.
Literally millions of people rose up, everywhere. From the megalopolis to the small towns in the countryside.
However, this was not lightning in a blue sky. It was quite predictable that it would occur, sooner or later.
At the same time, Russia and Edward Snowden informed the Brazilian government of the sophisticated espionage carried out by Imperium, affecting both our strategic companies and Dilma Rousseff herself.
After a brief moment of hesitation, the Brazilian government took a stand against the demonstrators. Repression and delegitimization imposed themselves. They assumed the narrative of it all being a “Colorful Spring”. But it was so obvious that it was not.
This was the serpent’s egg of the 2016 coup, just 3 years later. Instead of accompanying the people in the streets Dilma threw herself into the arms of the plutocracy, who ousted her as soon as the chance arose.
Life has tragic choices. It is true that we make history, but we do not choose our circumstances. And choices are imposed on us by this unavoidable dynamic.
The best way to counter the PR is to prove wrong its fake news and talking points. On the ground, that is.
The fact that the dry reports of Konashenkov quotes the name of the Ukrainian units suggests that Russians have extensive intelligence about the Order of battle of the VSU and their planning. Hard to think that Russians were taken by surprise, the more that the Ukrainians trumpeted their intentions month in advance.
The SMO is existential? Can Russia afford to loose ? Did they see it coming ? Where was the airforce to destroy the buildup of troops if they knew in advance ? The orderly retreat with minimal losses and the orderly relocation of troops to the front together with some limited evacuation is no proof that this was pre planned before the attack. Imo they should have launches strikes on this known buildup and beefed up the rear of the frontline before they attack commenced.
Another thing i am amazed about is that when ukraine attacks and looses 2 or 3 tanks they let the other fleeing armor flee unharmed. Why is there no form of airforce on standby to take out everything?
Another thing: a drone monitored artillery attack on a group of mercenaries leaves most alive. Then why is there no follow up attack to take out the rest of the mercenaries.
The bad optics of Russia seemingly failing to keep winning or having the initiative or controlling everything. Might have destabilizing factors in other conflicts like armenia vs azerbeijan. That are no longer impressed or in fear of Russia. Now that Russia looks somewhat beatable.
For the ‘West’ Russia looked always ‘beatable’, even after the ‘West’ took severe beats from Russia. It is really amazing. It is a refusal to look realities in face, blinded by a Manichean ideology which refuses to accept the very existence of a ‘Russian World’.
While psyops and disinformation have always been a part of war in general, you have to wonder if the Ukraine War is the first major application of a chilling new USA/NATO military doctrine: Cognitive Warfare.
This certainly might be true if one considers the tsunami of psyops that have defined this war like the Ghost of Kiev; Snake Island martyrs; the Bucha “massacre”; the “Russia is losing” meme; the #StandwithUkraine social media campaign; and the Two Minutes of Hate/Cancel Russia campaign.
According to this analysis from Ben Norton below, USA/NATO’s Cognitive Warfare doctrine is nothing less than a “battle for your brain.”
NATO military doctrine has traditionally conceived of 5 domains of warfighting: land, air, sea, space, and cyberspace.
Now, however, the United States and NATO seek to achieve “full spectrum dominance” (to borrow a Pentagon doctrine) over the ultimate domain of warfighting: the human domain.
As Norton states:
Now, NATO is spinning out an entirely new kind of combat it has branded cognitive warfare. Described as the “weaponization of brain sciences,” the new method involves “hacking the individual” by exploiting “the vulnerabilities of the human brain” in order to implement more sophisticated “social engineering.”
Moreover, the objective of US/NATO Cognitive Warfare is not to harm only militaries but entire societies by turning every individual in a society into a potential weapon.
Some of the quotes that Norton cites from NATO’s own documents formulating this Cognitive Warfare doctrine truly make Dr. Strangelove seem sane in comparison:
“Cognitive warfare has universal reach, from starting with the individual to states and multinational organizations… Its field of action is global and aim to seize control of the human being, civilian as well as military.”
“Moreover, cognitive warfare is potentially endless since there can be no peace treaty or surrender for this type of conflict.”
“This battlefield is global via the internet. With no beginning and no end, this conquest knows no respite, punctuated by notifications from our smartphones, anywhere, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.”
“Now the new objective is to change the adversaries’ ideologies, which makes the brain the center of gravity of the human. And it makes the human the contested domain, and the mind becomes the battlefield.”
As exemplified by its Cognitive Warfare doctrine, these NATO psychopaths are essentially spawning a dystopian world of Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace … where the human mind itself as the ultimate battlefield.
Behind NATO’s ‘cognitive warfare’: ‘Battle for your brain’ waged by Western militaries
Being someone of a Western background, living in a country that drinks propaganda cool aid, it is stories like this I seek out.
You talk about westerners eventually drinking the cool aid due to the saturation of psyops but there is a small portion of the world that just don’t believe anything anymore because they know its a game for our mind.
The reason for some of these westerners to believe in Putin and Russia isn’t so much because we think they (Russia) are good, it is because we don’t believe the lies of our leaders, it is because when it comes to rational discussion and fairness in the world, Russia and Putin excel in a diplomatic approach.
It isn’t so much the people who lead, it is their approach to democracy and rule of international law that stands out amongst the lies of propaganda and endless bombings of countries and the selfish greedy westerners that pass laws against their own citizens turning countries into policed states so the rich can continue to steal from everyone and lived a life of luxury even if it costs blood to have it
Regimes and Dictators only exist when rich people who consider themself elitist and important try to control the fate of humanity for their own selfish interests at the cost of innocent peoples lives.
It has to stop and it has to be defeated.
in my opinion the originator of modern progaganda was bernays, not goebels
this is a very enlightening video
whom most of you have not heard of.
Edward Bernays – The Art of Public Manipulation 2009 (EN)
Arrogance and Stupidity
this short vid i believes describes the arrogant west
The difference between rhetoric and dialectic. Simple really.
It is the Trump derangement syndrome projected on Putin. Call it the Putin derangement syndrome.
Also notice, that the practitioners of both are the same circles.
There was the initial expectation that Russia would surround the Ukie advance and destroy their armour, now out in the open. Or take Odessa while all the Ukie forces are focused in the North.
However, it seems as though Russia has lost interest in military solutions. Maybe there is the patient waiting for ‘General Winter’, or for sanctions to reduce the euro nations to shivering refugees. Whatever, the hidden agendas are, the Russians are never strong on communication!
Meanwhile, Zelensky is selling the Ukraine on the US stock exchange. What a catastrophe! And I think Blackrock now owns 30-40% of the Ukraine’s black soil farmland.
Thanks for your extensive, thoughtful and insightful analysis. While reading it, all of a sudden that old joke from Czechoslovakia came up, shortly after the Warsaw pact entered it to remove Alexander Dubcek in 1968.
There is a man fishing in the Moldau. All of a sudden, he catches a beautiful fish, but the fish begs to be thrown back. In return the fisher may make three wishes. The fisher agrees and throws the fish back in the river, upon which the fish raises its head and asks what first wish is.
The fisher said: “that the Chinese will come to Prague and return to China”
“Ok, granted,” said the fish, “second wish.” !That the Chinese will come to Prague once more and return,”
“Consider it done said the fish, third question?”
“That the Chinese will come here and return.”
“Ok, that will be done, said the fish, but please, tell me why did you ask for the same thing three times?”
“Well, the fisher answered, what do you think the country (then the USSR) between Prague and China will look like after the Chinese passed through it six times?”
In other words, although at this moment China may be an ally of Russia, history shows that alliances are never eternal. This goes especially for unequal alliances, which the Russian-Chinese alliance is. There are 10 Chinese for every Russian, and that will sooner or later lead to problems.
Since Russia is European in culture, religion, “Weltanschauung” and by geography, its natural ally is and always has been the rest of Europe. Even if many non-Russian Europeans don’t realize this (due to incessant US and Anglo propaganda), it does not make the basic symbiotic relationship less real. After the upcoming winter of hardship, many Europeans still under US occupation will come to realize this.
Perhaps that might also be a factor to reckon with in the further development of the current events.
grande Andrey !
un grande grazie
When it gets cold in Europe and Western Governments start shooting protesters, Russia and the Global South needs to support the people of the West against their tyrannical Governments in every way possible.
Food parcels.
Appeals to the UN on behalf of the victims of police and military violence.
Actions speak louder than words.
This is just a tremendous blog and asset, and my conscience today has forced me to make my first monetary donation from my thin wallet and no regrets. I have been among everything else reading Batiushka over the past several months and passing those on everywhere I could, and so many other great analysis, and most recently that inspirational piece by Nora Hoppe, and this morning with coffee have read every word of the above and finished with listening to that gorgeous Russian song, so well done, took it to YouTube and passed it via email to as many friends as possible. I have said from the beginning We are all Russians now. Here in America we are all colonized people, the public largely bamboozled by the continuous lying propaganda, and the D.C. idiots have every right to be concerned about a populist uprising as they continue to victimize us as they do any 3rd world country, we can only pray that the Public will wake up and finally smell the coffee, as they say. What happens in Europe this winter, I am thinking, will be a stark warning alerting the US public to what is coming for them/us, nothing wakes people up faster than freezing and starving to death. Instincts will kick in.
« If Russian gov want our support , they MUST stop treating us as enemies, imbeciles and children »
Power comes from people , not from a god.
Information determines (drives) actions.
People’s powers are harnessed by information.
No or bad information collapses the system ( see soviet collapse and now Empire of lies collapsing under the weight of lies ).
But , relativity is universal and a strength is always a weakness.
Information creates democracy.
( the soviet-formed rulers hate democracy almost as much as the Davosians )
@ arkx Brasil on September 13, 2022 · at 7:27 pm EST/EDT
@Lone Wolf
“…Life has tragic choices. It is true that we make history, but we do not choose our circumstances. And choices are imposed on us by this unavoidable dynamic.
Dear arkx Brasil,
I thank you for your thoughtful reply, and for the short but magisterial lesson on Brazil’s contemporary history.
Marx said, (The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte),
“Hegel remarks somewhere that all great, world-historical facts and personages occur, as it were, twice. He has forgotten to add: the first time as tragedy, the second as farce.”
The quote has become a commonplace, with little or no application to contextual realities, as most people don’t understand why Marx said so, and most importantly, don’t understand the meaning of the quote.
I will not get into the former, too long to explain, will focus on the latter.
“First time as tragedy,” refers to an event that shouldn’t have occurred, but it happened, “second time as farce,” refers to an event that took place because the lessons history provide were not learned, applied, or assimilated.
I certainly hope the events post-Lula Brazil suffered, as much a personal as a national tragedy that engulfed both him and Dilma Rousseff, do not become a farce post-Bolsonaro.
I’ve been a supporter of shoe-shine boy Lula ever since he profiled himself into Brazil’s national politics. Lula’s fate, beyond that of a politician and a stalwart defender of the wretched of the earth, is akin to that of a prophet. He rose to the top of the world, then was slammed into prison by the usual suspects, from which he is rising like the Phoenix bird back into prominence. Hopefully, if he doesn’t get killed along the way.
Glad you’re here to keep us abreast of what’s coming.
Latin America is a victim of the “liberal democracy” mirage, and as long as they don’t break that pattern, as Iran, China, and Russia have done, they will always be easy victims of the bird of pray to the north. “Democracies” are supposed to function by means of regular “free” elections every so often, to avoid the installation or perpetuation of dictatorships.
That, in appearance, is the case for most Latin American countries, and I say in appearance because that is not the case, Latin American countries live under a dictator to the north, which exercises power via a comprador ruling class and the coercion of “a standing army and police… the chief instruments of the state power” (Lenin).
After a few years Putin was elected, I was afraid Russia was going to fall under the pressure of the Collective West greatest PSYOP, regular elections. Gladly, Russia was able to find a way to keep Putin in power, enabling him to lift Russia up and out from the morass it had fallen after the demise of the Soviet Union.
No human being has the capacity to turn around a country in 4, 5, 6 years, whatever the terms of the presidency in any country. The “constitutional” block that avoids the perpetuation of a ruler, is not so much on a piece of paper, as in the bayonets of the would-be tin-pot dictators, always ready for an opportunity coup d’etat.
As long as Latin America, and countries of the world living under the yoke of “liberal democracy” elections farce, are not be able to solve the “elections” conundrum, they will not break the chains of modern political slavery.
Lone Wolf
@Lone Wolf
I fully understand your admiration for Lula. I could even share it, because Lula indeed has admirable characteristics. However…
One could say that Lula is a synthesis of the Brazilian people and all our virtues, but with many of our illusions and weaknesses.
I have followed Lula’s trajectory since 1978, when he emerged as a union leader. I have also known his path since 1972, when Lula became the Director of the Metalworkers Union.
Lula is also an incarnation of the exasperating and repetitive cycles of Brazilian tragedies and farces, succeeding each other in our history without ever breaking this curse.
We also have our 18th Brazilian Brumaire: 》 Brazil has returned to what seemed resolved only to start all over again, we seem to have overcome our enemy only so that it can gain new strength and rise again, aggrandized.》
I quoted in the previous post the period in Brazil between 2013 and the 2016 coup making a direct analogy to the France of 1848 and 1851, as well as a less obvious reference to the situation in the current in Russia.
Yesterday Zelensky posed victoriously at the head of the troops in Izyum. What was Mr. Putin doing? He exchanged phone calls with Macron and Scholz.
Slowly a deafening indignation is heard among Mr. Putin’s own supporters. And, of course, Imperium not only follows all this furor, but effectively influences the course of events.
There will be no diplomatic solution to the war in Ukraine, which is but the inevitable consequence of the Minsk Agreements.
Not only is the military route inescapable, but it will lead to the brink of nuclear armageddon. The other alternative is Russian surrender.
Here is Mr. Putin at a tragic crossroads: here is Russia, jump in!
PS: I have been having some difficulty with the posts, in case it doesn’t come in I will insist.
short a mod today … herb
arkx Brasil on September 15, 2022 · at 4:40 am EST/EDT
@Lone Wolf
PS: I have been having some difficulty with the posts, in case it doesn’t come in I will insist.
You’re not the only one.
Either the net is lagging, or the Mods are overwhelmed, posts resolutions are taking time.
One aspect of your critiques we disagree on, is related to your sources. You seem to rely a lot on Telegram, I don’t trust Telegram at all. I use it to double check reports/info, but they are not a reliable expression of Russian people as a whole. They are an elite, have their connections, most of them publish the same information/maps/reports/pictures, an incestuous media relationship.
Russia has serious journalism, newspapers, magazines, with serious analysts and opinion makers, head and shoulder above Telegram.
What’s wrong with Putin talking to Macron and Scholz, for example? Nothing. Clown Ze was visiting Izyum? Good, enjoy it while it lasts. Drawing geopolitical conclusions from events such as those, routine in the daily life of a head of state, is a waste of time, IMHO.
To be cont’d…
Lone Wolf
A comment on the Russian language blog sit “Putin”, very pertinent to the discussion, both of the effect of certain psyops on Russian people, and those of the West who make their stupid negative comments about something they know not one damn thing about.
Sorry, you do need an on board computer translator. I can do a copy for those without, just not sure how happy Mods would be about that.
However, I was pleased to see this paragraph : “”First, do you REALLY think that in a really critical situation, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, would go to conduct exercises in the Far East? NO, REALLY? I’m sorry, but even the most frostbitten haters do not consider Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin an idiot”.
Take that, Mr. M. :-))
Thank you for this detailed and articulate essay. Of course there may be mistakes in form but your substance comes through loud and clear. We (and forgive my use of the inclusive) are beginning to understand the SMO is an existential war, one in which Russia is on the front line but a war against the forces of subjugation that intend their yoke for “free” people everywhere. You are not alone Saker but certainly very much in the minority, yet I believe however naively the truth will prevail. This most valuable element, truth, has proven a commodity pushed toward extinction by the ruling class but we “simpletons” will continue in the fray with Virtue on our side.
When it comes to the importance of psyops this view from a Russian perspective might carry some value, . I’ve done a copy and paste because many might not have a good computer translator
“vents in the Kharkiv region occupy the front pages of all Russian media outlets for several days. Our team doesn’t give a damn about the rest of the World. Your allies will support you anyway, and your enemies will let you do whatever they can. Much more important is what domestic journalists, analysts and ordinary citizens write. We were silent for a long time and now we want to say a few words.
Dear fellow citizens, present and future. We will not build versions on the topic of how much and who made a “blunder” or implements a “cunning plan”. There are enough people here who have seen life from its most unsightly sides. Let’s just say.
First, let’s not build conspiracy theories. The counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was predetermined by a number of reasons. First, if Nazi Ukraine spent months slaughtering untrained conscripted reservists, this was done for a specific purpose. And the fact that the selected Bandera thugs trained by foreign instructors “disappeared” somewhere was also a significant moment. And one should not think that the Russian intelligence service “missed it”. We’ll explain why below.
Now, what we have already written about: without a counteroffensive, Ukraine remained bankrupt in the eyes of the sponsors: there was no evidence that the weapons sent were working. It wasn’t even about any results. It was about a large-scale “glow” of the sent combat systems at the front. This was not the case from the point of view of American and European sponsors. On the other hand, weapons and equipment sent by the United States and Western European countries appeared en masse on the “black market”. There were common questions: is there anything left in Ukraine at all? So, now Ukraine shows “product-face”.
Secondly, and even more importantly, Bandera’s Ukraine was in a stalemate with regard to the population by the beginning of autumn. The fact is that fairy tales about “bloodthirsty Rusna” somehow stopped working. To the horror of the Bandera and American propaganda machines, it became obvious that ordinary Ukrainians were fleeing in rows and columns to the territory controlled by Russia. The only way that was seen in Ukraine and in their sponsored terrorist organization, temporarily not banned in the territory of the Russian Federation-the United States, is a). demonstrative punitive operations against “apostates”; b). new fake “sensations” a la Bucha (which are now being prepared en masse). But it was impossible to do this without seizing part of the liberated territory. That is why now Bandera’s Ukraine is knocking out a “video studio” at any cost.
During the night, a column of Ukrainian refugees lined up on the border of the Belgorod region. Fairy tales about the “bloody Rusna” stopped working. Bandera members and their American owners are trying to “reanimate” these fairy tales at any cost. PHOTOS FROM OPEN SOURCES.
Third, did you really think that the US terrorist organization, which is not temporarily banned on the territory of the Russian Federation, would simply give up its last key position in the post-Soviet space? No, really? After the enchanting OSCE… er … fiasco of the United States in Afghanistan, at the moment when the throne of the US protege Sandu in Moldova is bursting at the seams, when Japan starts its game with Russia, South Korea “sends” anti-Russian sanctions, and North Korea has declared itself a nuclear power (and after all, it can” bang”, and not “bang”).then”!), Ukraine for the United States is a Great Last Chance to somehow keep its system from collapsing, proving that a country with a scavenger on its coat of arms can still do something. That’s what the US proves. They caught up with all the hired infantry that they could pull up to the APU. Intelligence was activated. They threw in all the cash reserves.
Fourth, remember the excellent Soviet TV series “TASS is authorized to declare”. The situation in Ukraine is developing according to the same scenario: as in the African-fantastic Nagonia, in the real – Bandera Ukraine, Ukrainian property remained like a dead man’s: a penny in his teeth and a nickel in each eye. The rest is American investment. The main erogenous zone of an American is the wallet. And on this erogenous zone firmly flew Russian berets. Naturally, the United States does its best to cover up the innermost.
But we have a lot of people who are already raising the cry “all leaked!”. All right, let’s watch without repeating what real professional military personnel have already said. And without saying what you shouldn’t say.
First, do you REALLY think that in a really critical situation, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, would go to conduct exercises in the Far East? NO, REALLY? I’m sorry, but even the most frostbitten haters do not consider Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin an idiot.
Secondly, all the “victorious” videos distributed by TSIPSO lack one significant detail: the bodies of the killed Russian soldiers and soldiers of Donbass. But on the rollers of Russian witnesses, the corpses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other Bandera shushvali-enough. And even-in quantity. The Russian military is concerned about the preservation of personnel, and they are getting it.
Third, no matter how you turn it, the full-scale offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was successful in a narrow sector of the front. Yes, the situation in this area is difficult. but… it’s not a broad offensive. This is a narrow breakthrough. Greetings from Grandpa Paullus. So rather than panic, let the military do its job.
Fourth, ah, you don’t like the “information vacuum”? There is such a thing as secrecy. Useful stuff. Which our people are not accustomed to observe. For since the 90s, he has been burning up with freedom and considers it his duty to take a picture against the background of running equipment, and even fasten geolocation to the photo. And he is genuinely surprised when he “arrives” under the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. So it’s easier to just keep quiet. Guys ,the “information vacuum” is payback for your overly talkative tongues!
The task of the soldiers of Russia and Donbass is not to conquer Ukraine, but to make it a safe place for normal people. The same thing was done by the Red Army in 1944-1945.PHOTOS FROM OPEN SOURCES.
Fifth, the current situation is a direct consequence of the modus operandi of the Russian army. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the country’s leadership from the very beginning adopted the format of action not a war with the total destruction of infrastructure and communications, but their own with an attempt to maximize the preservation of everything that is on the territory of Ukraine. Including the local population. It was a conscious decision. And accepting it, the leadership was well aware that it was pretty much tying the hands of the military. That there will be hundreds of Bandera bastards who happily take “humanitarian aid” during the day, and at night — pointing the APU at our fighters. That there will be no rapid “blitzkrieg”, but a systematic slow “digestion” of each piece of liberated territory. And this is the time for Bandera and the Nazi USA to prepare “counter-attacks”. All this is true. But you can’t do it any other way. Russia’s task is not to conquer the territory of Ukraine. That would be easy enough. BUT Russia is working for the future. For the long term. Russia is going to have a lot of hard work to clean up the brains of the population that has been “washed” by Nazi propaganda for 30 years. yes, just say, ” you can’t do anything with them.” But then what? Conduct genocide? Not our method. Russia is not Pindostan or Bandera’s Ukraine. And there is only one way out: make sure that the Ukrainians RUN to the territory controlled by Russia. And after all-it began to turn out, which drove the Bandera people and the Americans into hysteria!
And now for the last one. There are still thousands of arguments and thousands of explanations. However, each of you can see them for yourself.
We’re just asking for one thing. STOP WHINING AND LOOKING FOR SOMEONE TO BLAME. Anyone who today accuses the intelligence/military / leadership of the country is working for Bandera. Everyone who today wrings their hands and shouts about their fears-works for Bandera. Anyone who tries to pretend to be an analyst is working for Bandera. Anyone who tries to “convey information that is being hidden” is working for Bandera. Because any doubt is contagious worse than COVID. Because fear gives rise to doubts, and doubts give rise to inaction, which is impossible and harmful in a critical situation. Because the right analytics are food for the enemy. Because the information that is being hidden is hidden for a reason.
What else can we do? Believe in your army and your President. Help your army. If not on the battlefield, then-volunteering, donating, helping refugees, exposing fakes, JUST BELIEVING, DAMN IT!
And remember the words of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, said in a similar situation: “Our cause is just. We will win.”
Learn more: quis-quaeritis
1. Well said, Saker. Russia should find some way to pay you, the Unz Review writers, Occidental Observer writers, MOA, Larry Johnson, Andrew Anglin and all the rest of us longing for Mother Russia to free us from our oppressors. Heck, even I would try writing the stuff if there was a dollar in it for me.
2. Yes, Sputnik and RT are useless for our side as the you-know-huze run them, as they run all media.
Well, the stupid West would like the Russian Defense Ministry to report what it intends to do, preferably a week in advance. Regret bloggers who ask for information “because people are not children” or are stupid to be traitors. Having a minimum of intelligence, we should know what the military’s actions consist in – surprise, confusion, disinformation. The Americans in Iraq or Afghanistan could afford to inform about the intended actions due to the lack of an adequate response from the other, much weaker, party to the conflict.
The idea they would have to ‘feint’ is worrying for Russians. That is a dangerous gambit. If you are in the ascendancy you don’t need an ingenious ‘feint’ and a powerful and confident Russian military should be in the ascendancy.