2023/02/24 07:30:02
Welcome to the ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’. The ‘Moveable Feast’ is an open thread where readers can post wide ranging observations, articles, rants, off topic and have animate discussions of the issues of the day.
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Noting that https://warnews247-gr.translate.goog/pros-geniki-anaflexi-stin-moldavia-enischyontai-oi-rosikes-dynameis-stin-yperdneisteria-moscha-entatikes-proetoimasies-eisvolis-tis-oukranias/?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp It is said that Bye-don calling for arrests of VVP and selected other Russians is seen as a declaration of war between USA and RF. Period.
Mother used to say that it takes two to fight…
Saker’s decision and his timing are admirable. Though I never doubted that things would come to this pass.
Warm Regards and thanks to all y’all. Wonderful people.
Snowing @ Anoxia….cars everywhichway, power’s off and on…cops busy.
Best! P
Global Times editor thinks Donbas was tranquil before Russia fired the first shot. Dearest China, Russian lives matter.
Karl Sanchez doesn’t skip a beat.
There are times when I wonder about the naivete of the Global Times editor displayed in the opening lines of today’s editorial, <https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202302/1286147.shtml
"Time to jointly press stop button on Russia-Ukraine conflict":
"On February 24, 2022, when the first gunshot at the Russia-Ukraine border shattered tranquility, most people did not anticipate that it would evolve into the largest military conflict on the European continent since World War II."
"Tranquility"?!? With Ukie artillery landing all over the Donbas for years?!? The conflict had already become Europe's largest in 2014-15 which precipitated Minsk that was rejected just like all previous treaties involving the Outlaw US Empire. The remainder of the opening paragraph also has some other errors:
"A year later, the Russia-Ukraine conflict has profoundly changed the international geopolitics, and severely weakened the foundation for international cooperation. Its spillover effects in various areas such as politics, security and the economy have far exceeded people's imagination. This geopolitical conflict has become a microcosm of the turbulence of this era."
Most of those conditions already existed as the hybrid war against Russia preexisted the 2014 Coup that launched the Ukraine War–Russia's intervention didn't start anything as its aim is to finish it. IMO, the "foundation for international cooperation" has been bolstered as what was a disparate Global Fracture is now coalescing into two main blocs which will help to end the hegemony that caused it in the first place.
A further problem with the editorial is its belief that Ukraine has the ability to forge its own independent foreign policy when that's clearly not the case as Ukraine was invaded and occupied by the Outlaw US Empire via the 2014 coup. The editorial also fails to acknowledge the fact that NATO broke all three OSCE security treaties which Russia called out in December 2021 and has yet to be openly confessed, although NATO's behavior since provides enough of a confession. IMO, this statement is just wrong:
"It [the Ukraine conflict] is in itself a failure of the American and European diplomatic and security framework in Eurasia."
It's the deliberate outcome of that policy which sprouts from the primary policy to attain Full Spectrum Dominance!!! The Empire's Neocons openly confessed the aim was to embroil Russia is armed conflict so NATO could destroy Russia. I do agree with the following:
"Resolving the conflict between Russia and Ukraine requires the establishment of a universal and sustainable security concept, rather than a unilateral and hegemonic one."
However, as I've explained several times, the Outlaw US Empire will never willingly agree to any such treaty since its broken every previous one; thus, the need to form two blocs which the Chinese don't want to see appear, although IMO there's no way to avoid that. What China must understand to implement the GSI is it will require a series of steps to arrive at the goal–we're not just going to awaken one day and have it in place; it will take a struggle to implement as the hegemonic bloc must be contained before it gets reduced to its core.
Yes, it would be nice if a button could be pressed that stopped then reoriented everything, but that's fairyland thinking, not serious geopolitical reasoning.
gn in to check it out.
The alternative Reality of the West
One of the Saker-toppers (IMHO) is the article over the 5th and 6th columns in Russia.
They still seem to be very active, or maybe the Collective West is chasing them in order to get statements corroborating their wishful thinking.
Last week we saw the German Bild Zeitung with an article:
Putin has no nuclear bombs anymore
It is Russia’s most important asset: the nuclear bomb!
For weeks, Kremlin dictator Vladimir Putin (70) has again relied on nuclear threats to break Western support for Ukraine.
But now a former Russian intelligence insider is speaking out and questioning whether Putin is even capable of making use of his nuclear arsenal. THEN: According to the ex-spy, who served in the KGB at the same time as Putin, it is very likely that Russia no longer has any nuclear weapons at all!
The mentioned KGB-agent is Yuri Shvets.
Wikipedia tells us: After publishing a book describing his exploits and ultimate falling out with the KGB, Shvets was banned from foreign travel. In 1993, he moved permanently to the United States, where he later gained citizenship.
A disgruntled Sovjet-citizen who might be in denial of the changes in Russia since the 90s,
Now I come across an article of the Daily Mail:
Putin knows he is in trouble
“Putin is ‘terribly scared’ and ‘knows he is in trouble’ after a year-long conflict with Ukraine left him in ‘such a psychological state he is clinging to any chance to win’, says former FSB chief Retired General Yevgeny Savostyanov gives a withering assessment of Putin.
‘With his own hands, he took and ruined everything,’ the ex-FSB chief said.”
Who is Yevgeny Savostyanov?
In January 2000 he expressed his desire to run for president of Russia. In February he was registered as a candidate for president of Russia. On March 21, 2000, Yevgeny Savostyanov officially announced his withdrawal from the presidential elections in favour of Grigory Yavlinsky, the leader of Yabloko, who was also running for president.
Thereafter he became Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Interregional Public Movement “Assistance to Russian-American Rapprochement”, established at his initiative.
Possible he might not be Vladimir Putin’s best friend.
Do the western media really believe what they are writing or is this all just wishful thinking?
It’s good to see some American voices broadcast on Russian TV:
TRUTH BOMBS – Vladimir Soloviev & Jackson Hinkle LIVE
Its clear by now, that the powers that be are preparing for war, an additional 25% of Russian distillate fuels will be diverted from the European theater and sent to India and China instead.
Strange signs from above and everywhere suggest major confrontations much earlier than originally anticipated, like this year rather than later, with strategic supplies running short, a loss say in Taiwan on their turf and debt clawbacks in the form of land here in the USA, could lead to a panic in the streets.
Media giants are trimming their workforce by 10%, which means fewer people to report on global confrontations.
If the chit hits the war fan i’ll go to twitter to get my latest local news items where ever the local battles are occurring, otherwise you may never have early warning of invaders seeking western political heads to bring to a war crimes tribunal.
[So I’m informing the White House (yeah there is a direct line of communication https://www.whitehouse.gov/ ) that I wont be defending anyone in this administration for war crimes, or of crimes against humanity, they will have to defend themselves or run for the hills once the ammo runs out.]
And people continue to talk about life during wartimes of the past, especially if the opposition is on your home turf, and just how much, (not only your home team military, but also the military of the invading army), these people don’t care about the civilian population during war time, they care about keeping their military boys warm and fed, (yeah your food and houses) so keep this in mind should resources run scarce until the war is over.
I know these are just signs, but when you are going the wrong way, you always have a long ways to go.
in the sumo ring
no hint of imminent defeat:
wrestlers parading
Author unknown
Hello, Saker and community. This is really 11th hour, but I finally carved out some time and space to let you know I’ve been a faithful fly on the wall, for many years, immersed in family caregiving since 2005, first my parents and aunt from 2005-2014, then for husband with complex and ongoing serious medical challenges, no work since just before Covid shutdown…Dancing on the head of a financial “SS income only” pin, as are so many, I’ve been unable to be an active participant, but sooo grateful to read and get a sense of you as fellow sentient souls. I’ve learned much, felt connected to the wider world–oh, do I miss concertizing and traveling–But having no means to financially contribute, I felt I shouldn’t post, and to honor your anti copyright policy, Andrei, I’ve effectively muzzled myself from from referring y’all to my recordings, sadly, as I have music creations of much comfort and solidarity to offer.
Therefore, as a thank you to all of you, especially you, Andrei, Amaranth, Col., sean the leprechaun, Dimitar, and Mr. P. (dear fellow Friend/Quaker) here is a greeting and sad parting bouquet of musical/lyrical gifts for you all, to wherever in the world you are.
One song which is a anonymous poem Miss Me, But Let Me Go” (believe me, I’ve searched for author) for which I wrote a sweet Celtic arrangement, has this refrain, fitting it was, for when your mother passed, Andrei, and others’ losses of dear ones, and now the closing of the blog here, and not knowing what’s ahead in the concentric rings of our common existence:
“Miss me a little but not too long, and not with your head bowed low…Remember the love that we once shared, Miss me but let me go…”.. .
Another one I wrote, “Connected at the Heart” , first verse is:
“Spirit is not bound by time or space…We can be together, though not face to face…
All I have to do is see you, tap into your soul. It matters not since last we met, nor how living takes its toll…
We are connected at the heart always…We are connected at the heart always… ”
And another: “Doors closing, door op’ning, doors closing, doors I’m op’ning…I am safe, it’s only change, I am safe, it’s only change…”
And another: “Tho my soul may set in darkness, it will rise in perfect Light..I..have…loved the stars too fondly to be frightened by the night…”
This defiant song I wrote while living in beautiful NZ, hence the sheep reference, ha! Shout out to Col.Farmer!
The empire strokes you, the empire chokes you, The Empire fills you with orgasm (or fantastic) lies…
You nurture and love it, and you never say “shove it”, and the big boys all know ya been had.
Now it works with precision, pursuing its vision of mast’ry and power, unbounded and free,
Freedom to use you, to squeeze and abuse you, and take you for all that you have.
It recruits the young ones and pitches the old ones, and hides all the angry ones out of your sight,
And if you accuse it, they twist and misuse it and take you under cover of night. Refrain.
Now patriotism is due for a schism, the sheep are beginning to re-reali-i-i-ize (make a baahing sound)
They’ve nurtured and loved it and they’ve never said shove , ’cause the wool was pulled over their eyes! Refrain.
And lastly, as a salute to peace-loving peoples of Russia and the world, and to honor family and the covenantal commitments that often require great sacrifice:
Poost Fseegdáh Boódyet Sóhntsuh Russian children’s peace song, words by Kostya Barannikov , 4 year old child in 1923 or 1928, music by A. Ostrovshova .
(Phonetic Pronunciation)
Poost fseegda’h bod’yet so’hntsuh,Poost fseegda’h bod’yet nye’hbuh,
Poost fseegda’h bod’yet Mama (Papa), Poost fseegda’h boodoo ya.
May there always be sunshine, may there always be blue skies,
May there always be Mama(/Papa) , may there always be me.
As Andrei/The Saker has written, we will know him by reading his writings, so, have I, you all. Hopefully, you will know and feel my spirit in the lyrics and sentiments I have shared. And final parting lyrics:
Live Up to the Light
Refrain: “Live up to the Light, the Light that thou hast, Live up to the Truth, and remember, my Child,
You are never alone, no never…Oh, live up to the Light that Thou hast,
And more will be granted Thee, will be granted Thee, Oh, live up to the Light Thou hast.
Thank you and God bless us all. Susan
it’s dawn,
I hold back tears –
you are leaving!
“Mr Z” seems to have a double> https://t.me/breege_time_20zz/17811 (brief video) and still frame shot> https://i.postimg.cc/zvvPgVZ9/image.png
There is also an elderly fella with the famous not-a-nazi nazi…fellow travelers in some sort of racket. But since we see one pair, can we not also expect two elderly dudes? >>>as in is the elderly fella a double…which reminds me of who’s on first… https://youtu.be/2ve20PVNZ18
@ Anoxia the snow is gone… But they say that both the fine not a nazi nazis like snow…just like the good ol’ days…
Best! P
Plane tracker dude was making some astute observations about the old fella that fell up and down the stairs to the plane, glass glare/flare suggesting the old fella in Poland was behind layers of BP glass, where as in Kiev, sirens blared, and they wandered like lost sheep, also noted, lack of, and abnormal security detail. Hollyweird body double? Dopelgangers are common in the theatre world…..what a strange world we live in ……the boy was just playing me AI voices of famous people, not difficult to spoof someone at all. If they can AI the body….Oy Vey!
Cheers M
Here, North of 49, still quite frozen -24C at 6am, but the equinox beckons….screw the groundhogs.
The Russians have Skyfall, check out the science.
Russia already has the Skyfall: an unlimited range cruise missile
By Boyko Nikolov On Feb 25, 2023
Use link for pictures
MOSCOW, RUSSIA — Earlier, several media, citing a source in the Russian Ministry of Defense, reported that Russia already has the 9M730 Burevestnik [NATO reporting name: SSC-X-9 Skyfall, Burevestnik is a Petrel in English] cruise missile. Moreover, the military department even showed the workshop where these missiles are assembled.
According to the declared characteristics, the Burevestnik missile with a nuclear power plant operating on completely new physical principles is supposed to have a pulsating nuclear air-breathing engine. The missile also has an extremely “special” warhead and a relatively unlimited flight range at a speed of Mach 0.9-1.0 with the ability to patrol certain areas before moving to the target on command.
It is also known that the missile flies too low to the patrol site – at an echelon of 30 to 60 meters, bypassing all lines of enemy air and missile defense, which affects its stealth and the impossibility of being intercepted. This was stated personally by Russian President Mr. Vladimir Putin in 2018 during his message to the Federal Assembly. At the time, Western experts unanimously claimed that it was science fiction and “Putin’s cartoons.”
Today, however, US intelligence agencies, closely following the latest Russian weapons tests, have changed their irony and rhetoric about Russia’s combat-ready Burevestnik to concern.
On February 21, during the announcement of the message to the Federal Assembly, Mr. Vladimir Putin announced the suspension of Russia’s participation in the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty START-3. He also shared that he had previously signed a decree to put the latest land and sea-based strategic systems on combat duty.
India’s Wio News reported that according to a report by the US Congress, Russia currently has new “super killer” weapons across the country, including NATO-coded Skyfall Burevestnik missiles. The report also highlighted that the US Strategic Command has stated that it does not have such types of weapons and is not in a position to create one in the foreseeable future. For this reason, it does not make sense to continue the previously signed START-3 agreement with Russia, and it will be necessary to sign a new agreement that includes the latest Russian strategic models.
That is, Washington is already preparing a new treaty that will be beneficial only for the United States and limit Russia’s opportunities, writes Wio News. However, it appears that both the old and the new US START treaty are now covered with a “copper basin”.
The other day, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said that they regret the Russian decision on START and are ready to negotiate with Russia on arms limitation at any time. But whether at this stage it is necessary for Russia to even consider this proposal of the White House, the question remains open.
How does the Skyfall work?
There is still no clear understanding of exactly how Skyfall’s propulsion system is arranged. There is only a version that is a gas-phase nuclear rocket engine with a working fluid of atmospheric air, written N+1 magazine. Simply put, we are talking about a small reactor whose controlled chain reaction heats the air passing through the air intake and pushing out of the nozzle.
At the same time, the same air acts as a cooling element of the reactor. Therefore, such a rocket can “exist” only during high-speed flight, without cooling it will immediately begin to melt the reactor.
Most likely, “Burevestnik” has a solid fuel engine to accelerate the rocket, after which the reactor is activated at a certain speed, nuclear technology expert Mr. Valentin Gibalov and military expert Mr. Alexander Goltz explained on the radio Svoboda.
Russia already has the Skyfall: an unlimited range cruise missile
Video Screenshot
The world community is actively debating how much such a propulsion system will pollute the atmosphere. Burevestnik is supposed to have a closed reactor, in which the air does not have direct contact with the reactor core, which means that the radioactive footprint of such a rocket would be very small.
They call it “The Flying Chernobyl”
The military expert from the Arsenal of the Fatherland magazine Alexei Leonkov calls the “Petrel” a weapon of retribution. “Weapons that will be used after the warheads of the intercontinental ballistic missiles “work out” on the territory of the aggressor. “Burevestnik” will complete the destruction of all objects of the military and civil infrastructure of the aggressor country, leaving it no chance of survival,” wrote Leonkov for Rossiyskaya Gazeta.
In addition, Burevestnik probably has a navigation system at the endpoints of the field. The product memory contains images of terrain objects along the flight route. At a certain time, the rocket makes a “jump” at a height of several hundred meters and “inspects” the terrain. After that, the navigation system compares the “seen” with the established standard, Izvestia writes. Thanks to the correction system for extreme points of the terrain, Skyfall can go around obstacles.
Tests and mysteries
Until a few years ago, there was still no official information whether Russia had conducted Skyfall tests. Two years ago, the US claimed that the missile would not be ready until 2025. However, there are incidents where Russia is believed to have tested the missile. For example, in 2019, when a “mysterious explosion” off the northern coast of Russia was detected.
However, in 2020, several sources confirmed that Russia had successfully tested the missile. The intelligence of Finland, Sweden, Norway and the Netherlands confirmed this. Immediately after the tests, European intelligence said there were elevated levels of iodine-131 isotopes. Moreover, according to the intelligence services, these isotopes were artificial.
The U.S. will deploy 20 thousand additional troops to NATO’s eastern flank — US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin
The Russians can count on Belarus and possibly Iran for help.
Most importantly India’s Wio News reported that according to a report by the US Congress, Russia currently has new “super killer” weapons across the country, including NATO-coded Skyfall Burevestnik missiles. -from previous post.
I highly rate the original thinkers who came up with these advanced weapons.
The troop part is factual but would not suggest reading the other garbage.
The Great Intellectual “Bolton” chattering along in his fantasy…well! Sounds to me like incitement to murder, which is generally a felony…”The West should ‘threaten Putin’s life’ to stop Russia using tactical nuclear weapons | John Bolton” https://youtu.be/15WnFZdfSXs One might suppose also “conspiracy to make a war of aggression”….is the Fine Fella nuts or criminal, some might ask…
You may well be correct with respect to especially the (Surprise!) atomic missiles. These, I suspect, have deep roots in Soviet designs, which with modern electronics and materials have become practical…there was for example an air-breathing sub-orbital ram jet “ICBM”… This particular machine was discussed at some length @ MoA – maybe 3 years ago…I don’t remember when precisely. And the Soviets flew an atomic powered bomber…yewbetcha they learned a lot. I’d personally suspect that the ran-jet ICBM ties to the atomic know-how…and has thus become the atomic cruise family of machines.
The long list of Soviet and Russian original thinkers is indeed astonishing…smart people.
As to to-day> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Y8Aeu4HG_g “…at least one Polish Battalion…”
Best! P
Browsing through google, I find after earning a four year bachlor degree it takes another two years to train and qualify to fly a jet fighter plane. So, should the Ukraine be getting jet fighter planes from NATO countries here in the next six months or so, probably won’t happen, but maybe so, maybe they already have some, the question is who is going to fly them? Chances are, pilots will come with the airplanes. I do not see many Ukrainians flying these airplanes, especially in combat; training time is too long. And what happens when the Russians shoot some NATO pilots down?
I recently watched a near-time interview with the gentleman from Texas who lives in the relevant place. In this he claims that the field-radio chatter from the not a nazi nazi side is polyglot and that “NATO” is more or less already fully present…or so I understood the fella to have said. The Russians say> see my above re Polish battalion.
As to aircraft, I don’t know the support/logistic “load” necessary to fly an F-16 in combat…>250:1?< but of course if airplanes are sent to the not a nazi nazis all the support load is prerequisite..and it's not just being able to fly…they say combat comes with a very steep learning curve..a fella and his machine had better be in top shape and experienced. There are interviews with Soviet pilots who flew in Korea…but in those days the Soviets were very quiet, circumspect, and did not fly very far south. FWIW the business with 404 doesn't remind me of Korea…more like 1914.
Given Russian AD and EW and ongoing combat experience one might ask a mercenary not a nazi nazi pilot how much they pay a fella for suicide.
Greetings & welcome Susan!
Sean, the AI audio raises some thoughts…imagine how an unscrupulous prosecutor might finagle "evidence"…and play damning audio to a gullible, credulous, jury, or judge, or anybody else…why the blackmail possibility alone… !
Best! P
All gung-ho at the Cafe and business as usual, it appears at any rate.
Surprisingly pehaps, one thing I have learned over the years on my visits to this site, concerns that of human relations, a beginners guide to the galaxy, so to say of how to, and how not to, and ‘galaxy’ meaning in the figurative sense of a ‘brilliant assembly of persons’ including the Saker naturally, among other notables.
Social relations have as much to do with limits of understanding as anything else, and can challenge comfort zones, personal agenders, and possibly laws of human conduct considered fixed and final,
Thinking of what met Jesus in defiance of such laws some 2,000 years ago, and the death and resurrection the world moves tenuously towards celebrating once more, is the following.
An old wise saying goes, ‘if you dont have a virtue, assume one,’ and so today, either expand limits of known understanding, pray for divine intervention, or, assume the greates virtue of all, love, and we may get there….
Just saying momrades, better days and hgher love on the way..
Ah lustig – momrades! I am a mother as it happens, and love hats and elegance too… chats with friends,. Komrades, serously, will the story be told of the laughter and the clatter of plates, recipes and clinking glasses, forlorn passer byes, happy drifters, of rants and fury, love and
Dear Hal Turner…hysterical and divorcing and ill with heart disease of both kinds…we’ll whisper a prayer for him… Meantime he says all sorts of stuff is hot and afoot. EW jamming in Europe. This site may illuminate Hal’s claims> “gpsjam.org”…there is quite a bit of latency in the dot org map. But it does show some confirmation to Hal’s claims. Taken altogether the scene conjures the famous “lamps” quote>
“A friend came to see me on one of the evenings of the last week — he thinks it was on Monday, August 3rd. We were standing at a window of my room in the Foreign Office. It was getting dusk, and the lamps were being lit in the space below on which we were looking. My friend recalls that I remarked on this with the words: “The lamps are going out all over Europe, we shall not see them lit again in our life-time.” (as per wiki)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=apAq5Exphyo Andy Boreham reports briefly from Zone China about two “manifestos” (as I’d call them) these remind my vaguely of the things that precede conflict.
In Nature to raise a potential in a space is also to create a counterpoised reality…here the thinking model is electronics…but the logos applies to sociology and plumbing and dogs…everything in fact, so far as I have been able to prise. We may conceive “anode” and “cathode” – a polar pair. Brother Dugan, the good man whose daughter was martyred by one of the poles has two essays that I noted as worth saving for reflections. These are titled> ” George Soros’s last speech: the “open society” wars and climate as a combatant in the conflict” and > “From special operation to full-scale war”… Withal the relevant site is to my thought well-named. In the metaphysics too, the diode couple defines the simplest conflict generator…there are numerous more complex forms…these are a hobby interest to which I’ve given a lot of time and thought.
Maybe someday I’ll be able to understand “4th Political Theory”…
Recalling Faulkner, my “Anoxia” story seems to be entering a new fiction-truer-than-fact paradigm or phase…what with the end of the Cafe an’ all that… this set me to make some jottings>
Nearby villages> Aphasia, Catatonia, Circadia, Agnosia, and the county name is, maybe, Ganzer… Brother AHH will no doubt smile. There’s a collection of names for various characters, some of whom have been introduced… Officer Hicks, “Wrongway”, and “doe-eyed Sally” and so on… So? So I may actually write my novel as a consequence of the damned war and the closing of the realms, and Cafe. A few bits here came west by covered wagon, the first microscope west of the Mississippi, grandfather’s desk, and walls of books…these things keep telling me to do the novel…and tell the History.
Best! P
Biden was here in Poland a couple days ago.
My take (short video)…
Stumbling in here was a relief
Other minds, views, ideas,
Outside the paradigm box
Been rowdy at times
Shit happens……..
……gonna be weird, surreal, hopefully paths cross in other fine establishments…..
Thanks to Andrei and the Saker team, I personally believe this site has made a difference, if nothing but to show, the commonality we share…..we are human.
Cheers De Lepre
Shout out to Sandra in Edinburgh, hope you are well, amarynth, for your patience and guidance and to everyone I’ve had the pleasure to interact with on the Saker site….
….and to everyone who has passed through the Cafe, present, and past, ioan…….adieu!
Dear Moderators, thanks so very much for posting my Message, and thanks Mr. P for the greetings! . I’m wising to have email contact with Mr. P and Col Farmer. How do I let them know that and authorize them to have my email address? Would surely appreciate your assistance. You folks have done a superb job of Moderating, I was remiss in not mentioning that in my Message, apologies. It’s been a critical practice for protecting the conversa-tional space. Thanks-you. I shall watch and pray for means for further contact. Blessings, all. Susan
Hi Susan, please contact Herb his details are: saker-webmaster@yandex.com
He can facilitate this for you. Mod.
A farewell msg.
I will miss this site
I will miss Hr Mazaheri`s writing and a whole lot more of you contributors, no one mentioned no one forgotten.
The profound influence this site had on my life is unmeasurable.
I learned that The Real Church still existed, i have dedicated my life to that Church and as soon as my duties as a son is over i will enter a monastery.
Until we meet in the afterlife i wish you all the best and may God have mercy on our souls, i see no point in commenting on internet sites anymore..
1 of 10 is not deleted or marked as spam, so why bother🤷♂️
Flower in the crannied wall,
I pluck you out of the crannies,
I hold you here, root and all, in my hand,
Little flower—but if I could understand
What you are, root and all, all in all,
I should know what God and man is.
Hello everyone, long time no see / talk.
Sean the Lep / M, I had to post a reply yo you. I was so touched that you thought of me as you signed off – thanks so much M, you’re very kind. As you may have guessed, my mother went into her final decline – and died just before Christmas. It has been a challenging time to say the least – so I’ve had nothing to say for while.
I too would like to say goodbye to all at the blog and thank everyone so much. Most especially though, the cafeistas – a group of people typically displaying a mixture of wisdom, kindness and humour. Where else would I find this ?? I felt a real connection with some in the cafe – and a real fondness too. I don’t want to name individuals in case I miss someone out. :-) You know who you are I’m sure.
As for the blog generally, it is a great loss – it has been a haven of sanity – often saving me ( and I’m sure many others ) from succumbing to despair at the madness in the world. However, we still have another Andrei – Martyanov, – and Pepe Escobar and Larry Johnson and some others – but I will miss the Vineyard very very much.
So may I offer this old Irish blessing – I think it’s hard to beat as a farewell. Sean/ M you will know it I’m sure :
May the road rise to meet you
May the wind be always at your back
The sun shine warm upon your face
The rain fall soft upon your fields –
and until we meet again,
May God hold you in the hollow of his hand.
Bye everyone,
Sand. :-)
Yes, I second all you’ve said, sand. May the blessings of life be, to all the friends we’ve had the joy of meeting and getting to know. Sand, I have been wanting to contact you and will do so privately in due course. Otherwise, I can be contacted here ( or should be able to should anyone want to say hello down the track )…
Dimitar Contact; http://valenis.net/contact.php
Condolences on your mum’s passing, sand, btw.
Cheerio Sand
Lovely Dimital and Fionnbarra, ( Anomalous as was – so good they named him twice ),
I have thought of you both often over the months, and have intended to write to each of you privately. ( Pamela too ). But, without going into detail, my mother’s last months were very difficult and I just couldn’t get round to it. I do think of you as my friends :-) and I will be in touch soon.
So once again, thank you and goodbye for now to all at the Vineyard. It’s been an absolute pleasure.
Good to hear from you…..it’s tough, lost my mom at Christmas ’21……leaves a hole, a huge void…..
May the light of God be your guide……blessings to you.
Cheers and all the best
De Lepre
To Mr. P.
A greater Anoxia novel Great idea!. Maybe at certain points readers can be invited to take up the story. Sounds like fun. Theodora
I am so saddened that The Saker is saying goodbye. I’ m sure it was very difficult decision, but it was his decision to make. I will miss all the great commenters and the writers posted on The Saker. I will miss them all, but I really Jorge Vilches’ postings. Does anyone know where his writings can be found in future? God bless Saker and all of you.
Hi Catherine, you can still contact the Saker and he maybe able to guide you. Mod.
Thanks so much. Is there some place I can find his e-mail contact?
Its at the bottom of the website page where it says “contacts and info” or the very top where it says “contact and donations”. Mod.
Ok thank you!
Hello & goodbye.
There’s a long history as to how we got to the US becoming a belligerent hegemon.
I wasn’t going to comment again but this cropped up and having alerted Cafeistas to England’s 1290 Edict of Expulsion of jews (& in many other kingdoms throughout Christian Europe) for their use of Usury (loaning money at interest) & the so-called 1688 “Glorious Revolution” parachuting Europe’s financial center’s William & Mary of the House of Orange onto the UK throne (in lieu of the rightful Stuart heir) the establishment of the Bank of England 1694 & Bank of Scotland 1695 (central banks) & the reintroduction of Usury and how it left the Atlantic Isles (Ireland was already a colony) in:
“the scheme, the cunning, the crafty, the deep scheme has produced what the world never saw before starvation in the midst of plenty” (quoted from William Cobbett A History of the Protestant Reformation
its only fitting that an explanation of how international banksters (centered on the City of London (a 1 sq. mile of bankers’ HO’s & an entirely separate jurisdiction to the rest of the UK), see: The Lord Mayor and the Mayor of London
gained control of the US (after the 1912 sinking of the Titanic* in which the US’ 3 richest & most vocal critics (Astor, Guggenheim & Schwarz) of the establishment of a central bank drowned in spite of 700+ passengers being rescued & the passing of the Federal Reserve Act (1913)
The Money Masters – How International Bankers Gained Control of America
Transcript of the 1996 documentary The Money Masters. After you read it, you will understand the cause of ALL wars. They have corrupted every aspect of society and are the root cause of the problems we face today. They are the face of evil.
WWI followed in June 1914 – and WWII only 20 years later
US Sen. Ron Paul: “It is no coincidence the century of total war coincided with the century of central banking”
Also see: War is a Racket – Smedley D Butler
*Both the Brits and the US held inquiries into the Titanic’s sinking. Witnesses reported the sound of explosions.
(Note: Its important to understand that one of the tactics of the Elites is to commit a greater crime to obscure a lesser crime. Another exampele is the Soviet shootdown of KAL007 which had entered Soviet airspace & was carrying US Sen. Larry McDonald)
As I’ve said before its been an absolute pleasure conversing with you all here at the Cafe – and I will miss you.
Good health and good luck to all.
Uncle Davy
Thank you Dave. Good health and good luck to y’all as well!
Thinking of Titanic (and the sister ships in the Olympic Class of liners) and the idea that the ship was sabotaged…(a new idea for me) You set up the question in mind of what sabotage consists of.
For example, work-to-rule can lead to systems failure. Bad rules..or pretend to work, can result in systems failure. An example might be using subspecification steel in a bridge (which I am personally assured was the case in the “New Bay Bridge” in ‘Frisco). One might recall also the auto-destructing features of the souped-up 737 airplanes…built in sabotage…right from the factory.
Yes, perhaps Titanic was fitted with explosives. I once rode a liner across the Atlantic… I cannot imagine sailing even further north and without radar, except at dead slow. That class of ships was powered by coal, very narrow to get a good hullspeed, and the boilers were hand-stoked, the coal brought by wheel barrows from longitudinal bunkers…the doors to the coal left open in the hellish dusky bowels of ship. They say that the steel was substandard, brittle, the operating rules were insufficient and actually impractical… Which is to say…
That it seems to me that merely demanding a very high speed, which White Star management evidently did, was enough to result in a probable disaster…er, “coincidence”… A form of sabotage. Like Dallas…who set the speed and course? Is it sabotage is build a 100 horsepower 350 pound motorcycle and let a 16 year old ride it? Titanic was >50,000 horsepower, without radar, having only crude spark gap Morse radio. A blind hot-rod…
I note that both the captain and the naval architect of Titanic died in the wreck.
Note that Titanic sank 1912, Britannic 1916, while Olympic lasted all the way to the scrapping in 1935…the class was not terribly successful.
I also note that it’s an error to stop with one “solution”… If I wanted to wreck a ship I’d want to make sure – so sure! Plant bombs and demand a record crossing, Suspenders and belt…why not?
Or magic airplanes and lots of special military explosives…
Best! P
One more thing:
Full doco: The Money Masters – The Rise Of The Bankers (3:29:20)
There is some grumbling in the quieter streets of Europe, some talk in hushed tones. People have second thoughts and see the contradictions and the talk without substance of our leaders. For many this is only subliminal. Public figures like Sahra Wagenknecht and Alice Schwarzer have rallied crowds. Important books have been written by Stefan Baron and Daniele Ganser. The Social Democrats and the Greens have disowned and discredited themselves and the World Socialist Web Site has taken the wrong side and revealed itself to be utterly in error. People will notice all this and the struggle for justice worldwide and against deleterious imperialism will go on.
Several > I note that the crowd protesting Ramstein held aloft “Who explodes pipeline must leave our land” (my translation) Anyway, yes, the change of perceptions bodes political change, and probably violence. Recalling the resonance the German nazis found with “stab in the back” – the pipe job was a big stab in the back, and changes everything. Takes time for solute to form crystals…as in for the people to come to a consensus and sometimes resolve… (I bet Stumpy the occupying army would depart Ramstein at midnight…date yet to be determined…)
Noting the Georgian Biowar labs article and video> https://ren.tv/news/v-mire/1078953-amerikanskuiu-biolaboratoriiu-v-gruzii-ulichili-v-opytakh-nad-voennymi And recalling that doing biowar in 404 were one of the decisive factors in the decision to do SMO-404… https://archive.ph/6mK2V So? So the “reach” of nazi weapons is now defined as manifesting as the military technical force necessary to create space to prevent attacks on Russia…
What is the range of a biological warfare agent/vector?
The implications abound…
Sister Susan, I’d be delighted, and honored.
@ Anoxia the boffins tell us to expect more snow. So far it’s been the heavy wet sort, and hasn’t totally fubared the fruit trees’ blossoms. It was the first snow ever for the dogs…fun to see that.
Best! P