2023/01/24 00:00:02
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the tommy robinson documentary i posted in the newsfeed is worth a look.
The End of NATO (38:55) Col. Douglas MacGregor & Scott Ritter i/viewed by Andrew ‘Judge’ Napiltano
From open sources ~157,000 UKR dead: 1 Russian killed for every 8 UKR killed
Also a discussion of introduction of German & French tanks
Good discussion, lots of tactical this, limited that, bit of an issue for the US is what lies beneath. Tracked US flights show constant sub hunting up and down the continental east and west coasts. Lots of work for disgruntled irradiated robots down the road should we, hmm, we’ll be gone…….but the Borg will still live.
Cheers M
Watching Rublev’s last match at the Aussi Open and his opponent is wearing a yellow shirt and blue hat — the Ukrainian colors. How much more petty can these people get? They’ve already banned the Russian flag but that’s still not enough for them.
The price of eggs… a Mall of America security guard threatening the wearer of a “Jesus saves” t-shirt… attacks on the US power grid… a worldwide obsession with pornography… another wave of nuclear threats coming out of Russia… a universal weakening of democratic institutions… a global reshuffling of leaders… threats of “civil war” in Israel… corruption in the highest levels of government across the world… weaponized Artificial Intelligence… deep fake audio and video enabling previously unimagined levels of deception… global economic chaos… and on and on.
What do these and hundreds of other things like them have in common? They are signs of the soon coming of Jesus. Planet earth is in the throes of the birth of a new world. It’s difficult — even excruciating — but it is also thrilling. We are entering the days foreseen by the prophets.
In this end-times world, we are increasingly surrounded by foolishness, rage against God, arrogance, and by people who devise and delight in evil. It’s important for us, our loved ones, our churches, and our communities that Christians respond well. So, how does God say to respond?
First, let’s look at how not to respond. Jesus taught us not to respond in kind. We are not to spew expletive-saturated vitriol at perceived enemies over social media. We are not to become fearful or violent. Fear and rage go hand in hand. Extreme anger often comes as a result of feeling afraid or threatened. That’s why it is so important for Christians to walk in faith. How can you win people to Christ while living in fear of them and feeling unrelenting anger toward them?
In Mark 11:22, Jesus gave us the answer in only four words — “Have faith in God.”
If your faith is in your own strength or the strength of your political associations or in a particular leader, you will naturally be afraid. You will be outraged by every potential threat. But faith in God allows you to exhibit and grow the fruit of the Spirit — “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.” (Galatians 5:22-23, NASB)
Don’t pass over that list too quickly. Consider each word. Don’t you want that? Doesn’t the world need that? Those words represent light in an ever-darkening age — “love… joy… peace… patience… kindness… goodness… faithfulness… gentleness… self-control.”
Proverbs 24:19 says, “Do not fret because of evildoers.” Social media and cable news networks teach us just the opposite. They want us to do nothing but fret over the actions and attitudes of others. If your concern is only for your own worldly well-being, then you will be obsessed with what evildoers are up to. But if you take God’s perspective, you won’t agonize because of evildoers, but over the future of evildoers. The next verse, Proverbs 24:20, says, “For there will be no future for the evil man; The lamp of the wicked will be put out.”
For that reason, verse 19 and many other scriptures admonish us not to envy evil men. They may be flying in lush private jets to conferences about the terrors of climate change. They may have celebrity and power. But unless they turn to Christ, eternity will not be a happy place for them. Meanwhile, the lowliest (by the world’s standards) man or woman in Christ will live in an eternity full of love, joy, and peace.
And we who have faith in God, can live in the same heavenly love, joy, and peace — now.
The ‘new Jesus’ – who might it be? Will it be writen in his passport?
To me the new Jesus has the name ‘Sergei and his friend is called Vladimir, meaning ‘peaceful ruler’.
And it’s about the collective Jesus, again and again till – in a coming time – or stll now? – the time has matured in parts of the planet, large
enough, to tilt the universal sucker for ‘a time and a half’.
The mundanastrologer about the New Time:
“In Focus:
the Current Archetypus of ‘man’ lost in the West-
And The New Time”.
While the rich still don’t understand why, the shift into inflation chaos was a smooth one, as we have just reached the pinnacle of one mass shooting a day for the year.
And we already know that after something reaches two times per day, it is completely forgot about and the latest and greatest one thing per day becomes the new talking narrative.
So if you blinked on this one you missed it, its officially here, political chaos appears next shoe to drop.
They say history has amusing rhyme, it does seems so…
So? Well a story about That Esteemed Fine Lady V, and Odessa, and longtimeago with Comrade Metelskaya-Sheremetyeva.
from> END https://www.theburningplatform.com/2015/04/20/once-a-mean-girl-always-a-mean-girl/
I guess nazi is as nazi does, eh?
fragment> ““In 1982 I worked in Odessa at a youth summer camp “Young Guard”. And, I confess, there I had a bloody fight with another American girl, also a counselor on exchange program, who amused herself by throwing sunflower seeds in the dust and laughing, watching Ukrainian kids picking up and eating the dirty seeds. I was kicked out of the camp for the fight and was officially reprimanded by Comsomol (youth communist organisation). I remembered her name “Vicky” for the rest of my life,” – said Inna Metelskaya-Sheremetyeva on Facebook.”
“And today I was surprised to read in the biography of Victoria Nuland, that in 1982, she worked as a counselor on exchange in the “Young Guard” and kept very negative impressions about the Soviet Union … I did not regret the fight then and do not regret it now,”
(evidently the fascist girl lost the fight…)
Our trees are showing spouting. Not much “winter” left @ Anoxia.
Best! P
And Miss Vicky is still throwing sunflower seeds into the Ukrainian dust for children to pick for.
@ Uncle Dave
Further to our exchange in the previous Cafe, perhaps there is yet another contender in this much-vexed guessing game, especially after reflecting on the unbelievably dodgy turn of events that accompanied our toxic rollout Downunder.
Prior to the NZ rollout, Commissar Vaccinder went to great pains to inform Kiwis that NZ would be deploying around 4 different labels of toxic concoctions. It was stressed that mRNA platform products would cause too many problems in remote areas, as they would have to be deployed in specialist extremely low-temperature transport and storage conditions.
In those areas, the more traditional products could be used because normal household-type refrigeration conditions were perfectly adequate to guarantee the “integrity” (sic) of this version of jabberwokery juice.
Then whammo… suddenly the entire story completely pivoted, at the very same time as BlackRock announced their new exciting new association with NZ’s sovereign savings fund, Kiwisaver.
Of course, the timing would have been another coincidence (after all, there are so many more coincidences that you could possibly wave a stick at these days) that Fizzer was suddenly awarded pretty much the entire supply contact, apart from only a token amount of AstraZeneca product finding its way down here – and only to be withdrawn a short time later.
The only other type of jibby-jab juice that made its way down here was the Novavax (this product is not an mRNA gene editing platform product either). This was not used though until well after most of the shouting was over… but once again it turned out to be merely a very token offering.
So how curious is it that the rules changed ever so suddenly with
BlackRock? This off-the-books division of the funny money FED, just happens to be one of the largest institutional owners* of Fizzer shares. They were at this exact same time given access to NZ’s sovereign savings scheme.
If you want to delve into the fact that NZ is also signed into the international bail-in laws (aka “haircuts for depositors”) then the entire saga absolutely reeks to high heaven. Just do a search with the words “Cyprus, Bail-ins, and TBTF banks”… you will see what I mean
Last time Vaxcinder the Terrible visited the big apple, she of course just couldn’t miss the opportunity to rock into 55 East 52nd Street just to cordially rub shoulders with Larry the Fink… and what a splendid day she was having. Well certainly far better than the 1000s of Kiwis that had already been maimed or murdered by a product produced by arguably the most fraudulent Big-pharma corporation in the entire history of the industry.
So you could well be right Davy, Vaxcinder could end up ensconced within a filthy wealthy financial corporation… if so I would hazard a guess that BlackRock could well be the dodgy recipient rather than Godman Sucks.
So watch this space
* The two largest shareholders of Fizzer… wait for it…ummmm, in this order Vanguard and then BlackRock Inc.
But wait a minute, this just got worse… lo and behold guess who is the #1 institutional holder of Vanguard shares… well, well, well, that’ll be none other than BlackRock… YCHMTSU.
Very interesting Col the Farmer.
I s’pose that I went down the path of globalist bank for Ardern was that she was an assistant / understudy(?) to Tony Blair – and we know how much he’s pressed into service by the zionist globalist ‘elite’ , as well as being a #WEF acolyte.
I’d love to know what they’ve got on Blair – he looks like such an unhappy man.
A really nice animation of dominant official reserve assets. Gold is making a comeback as the world shifts to a mercantile mode to avoid US sanctions risks:
Throughout history precious metals have made up the majority of global international reserves. In the 1990s, a fiat currency, the $US, firmly took over from gold for the first time.
The dollar standard thrived because the world was relatively stable in terms of war, US financial markets were deep and liquid, inflation was low, and the US was the military superpower through which it could impose on the world the use of the dollar. But things are changing.
Money printing has elevated inflation, which is likely to be sticky, the war in Ukraine and the consequent freezing of Russia’s foreign exchange assets by the US is accelerating dedollarization in the East and higher interest rates are causing nations and central banks to risk insolvency.
This new reality of conflict, inflation, and solvency risk is driving more investors towards gold and changes how gold has been priced in the past 15 years to the upside. In this chart we can see the correlation is weakening:
Speculation: Possibly, the gold price will rise to such an extent that gold’s share in global international reserve reaches the historical average.
Just my seculation/2 cents worth Uncle Davy, but I think the time has come where we must now dispense with the old paradigms both pre-1971, and also the post-period when all currencies effectively became fiat as the U$ dollar decoupled themselves from its historical gold-backed status.
The petro-dollar backing filled the 50-year gap from 1971 until 2021, but that was ultimately untenable too. Consequently, that inevitably went up in smoke too. The last straw was when the KSA signed a new trade/security deal with, wait for it, shock and horror… RUSSIA!!!
The old gold-backed system wasn’t working leading up to 1971 and as such it will most certainly not work now – that would be akin to a 50-year walk back in time.
Besides, there is a new game coming to town which solves the problem of mass redemption of a single commodity, and the fact that this system is ultimately untenable – but more especially in a new highly technical financial world.
This is a multi-commodity-backed currency system that solves the problems of both mass redemption and stability, by using as many as 20 tradeable commodities including within the mix PMs such as gold and silver.
Given that gold and silver, both retain almost identical purchasing power as they had 2000 years ago, the apparent wild fluctuations in their values have never really been about increases in their values per se… the real story has always been the exact opposite effect… over a period of time it is the erosion of successive currencies that is the real story.
So too in the extremes of hyperinflation, where the price of PMs appears to be rising exponentially, it is in effect the nose dive of the currency which is the true dynamic.
We could see this again and gold and silver could temporarily go “no bid” on some exchanges simply because our fiat currencies have completely unravelled. Personally, I don’t think this will happen, and certainly not for all platforms, because these multi-BRIICS+ initiatives provide an alternative parallel system that has had ~20 years of lead time to test out these systems.
These new multi-commodity hard-backed currencies will provide the backstop that provides some level of stability for gold and silver prices. The corollary will be the highlighting of the death of the currencies that hung onto their doomed fiat fairytale casino system.
The hard-backed currencies will rapidly emerge as the new global paradigm and this will save at least that bloc of the global economy from a debt-induced death spiral.
I don’t want to repeat myself so this is a link (below) to my theory of why things could turn into a very wild ride any day now, and why the traditional oligarchs realise that 2023 probably heralds an existential threat to their once comfortable financial/security hegemony.
Again, thanks for that Col. I remember reading your comment in a previous Cafe – but w/ everything else going on haven’t really had the time to reflect on it.
I’m open minded about it. I’ve thought we can’t possibly go back to a gold standard and agree w/ you re: a basket of currencies.
It is really astonishing how the shift away, i.e. currency multipolarity, from the $US is accelerating. I really thought we’d be looking at this trend over 30 years – I’m now thinking it will be almost complete by 2030 (with some stragglers)
I propose a law for the United States:
“Any government official who enters a bunker in anticipation of protection from a nuclear attack immediately forfeits all civil right and property.”
Discussion between the two Alexes
“What’s going on in Transcarpathia with people of Hungarian ethnicity and how a lot of these men, it seems to me these are the reports that I’m getting that the Ukraine militant, the Ukraine authorities are aggressively sending men of military age from the west of Ukraine to the front lines. To me, I look at this and I say, hmm, it seems like like they’re moving ethnicities out of this area.”
“There’s been reports, we can’t confirm but they do seem to be based on Ukrainian public sources that in Transcarpathia there is now a great anguish because so many of these young men, or men some are not so young, have died in the fighting and that there’s even claims that half the men in one Brigade have been killed. You know we can’t confirm these reports, they may be wrong, but you know it does seem that rumors are circulating in Transcarpathia … is that an occupation force into a particular area? And you fear that if an occupation force might encounter some resistance, well you might want to transfer them away, the young men or the men who might be the resistors to some other location, to make it easier for you to occupy that area and to limit the resistance you might encounter in that particular area.”
But also:
Going thru a purge in the middle of war, seen in the context of BoJo’s, (Zel’s personal friend) visit to Kiev & CIA’s William Burns visit on the quiet last week
It’s about isolating Zelensky! Victims of purge in Kiev are all Zelensky’s longtime associates – cant be a coincidence. Aristovich, in particular, was known as Zel’s soulmate. Semi-official Kiev media warning him to keep mouth shut, or else …
Isolating Zelensky. Collective West builds intervention force for west Ukraine (46:38)
(As usual Mercouris takes 15 minutes to say what could be said in a sentence, hehehe, but persevere).
Russian MoD shows video footage for the first time of the cutting-edge frigate Admiral Gorshkov cruising the Atlantic Ocean practicing an electronic launch of the Tsirkon hypersonic missile …
“against enemy surface target at a distance of over 900kms … [and] confirmed the missile system’s designed characteristics demonstrated during preliminary & state trials.” Gorshkov will visit the base at Tartus (Syria) & sail to the Indian Ocean to join drills with China & S. Africa.
– via MKB
I am unsure about the cruise of A. Gorshkov, RT just said “Western Atlantic” as the present position area…while Ritter has a relevant view. ( https://www.scottritterextra.com/p/90-seconds-to-midnight ) .
With re-supply at port calls and/or at sea maybe she’ll be on a long cruise…depends on the machinery and the politics. It’s a new ship so I’d doubt that there will be insoluble problems keeping in good form.
I have read that the ASW boys flying the US East and West coasts are pizzingthemselves searching for Ruskie subs.
On RT just now it was pointed out that the Germans are in violation of Potsdam, German Basic Law, and the UN Charter… the implication being that in Law, right now, WW2 resumes between Russia and Germany. There are more such terrible things being spoken of. Well, it does. Potsdam was a ceasefire, not a peace treaty. They forgot art 106 and 107 (if I remember rightly) of UNC…WW3 it is not, it’s WW2.1 or somesuch term.
Anoxia? T-shirt warm. A crime wave of a sort of mummering is ongoing…the destitute simply try one door after another, until they find an unlocked door….and just walk in…it’s a very old custom, and evidently a natural thing more than mere custom…as these wretches never heard of the custom.
Sure looks like a shootin’war fellas.
Best! P
Observed is the petty attention of thought police’ on my criticism of sister Nora’s article. All’s fair inlove and war it is said, taking the high road over the low, of which to the former belongs debate, feisty or otherwise! (The whole world and its dof wants a piece of Russia it seems…)
I meant dog, sorry, ours is called Dof, and does have something of a universal nature, even if I say so myself…
EU patrolling in Armenia close to Russian patrols. This puts the EU right on top of Iran and Turkey.
Meanwhile Russia, Syria reopen airbase after providing it with AD systems
1…”Experts in Brussels say that the establishment of the mission has a special significance amid the EU’s confrontation with Russia as it will help strengthen the European Union’s influence in the South Caucasus.”
23 JAN, 07:44
EU establishes civilian mission in Armenia — statement
The two-year mission will be mandated to “conduct routine patrolling and report on the situation, which will strengthen the EU’s understanding of the situation on the ground,” the statement says
© Leon Neal/Getty Images
BRUSSELS, January 23. /TASS/. The EU foreign ministers have agreed to establish a civilian European Union Mission in Armenia (EUMA) to promote settlement in the Caucasus, according to a press statement posed on the website of the European Union External Action Service (EEAS) on Monday.
“The Council today agreed to establish a civilian European Union Mission in Armenia (EUMA) under the Common Security and Defense Policy (CSDP). The objective of the Mission is to contribute to stability in the border areas of Armenia, build confidence on the ground, and ensure an environment conducive to normalization efforts between Armenia and Azerbaijan supported by the EU,” the statement reads.
The two-year mission will be mandated to “conduct routine patrolling and report on the situation, which will strengthen the EU’s understanding of the situation on the ground,” the statement says. “The Mission will also contribute to the mediation efforts in the framework of the process led by President of the European Council Charles Michel.”
2…Russia, Syria reopen airbase after providing it with AD systems
Years after recapturing the base from ISIS militants, Syrian and Russian officials hope to use the base to defend against Israeli air force attacks on the country’s north
News Desk
– January 24 2023
Jarrah Base, Syria (Photo Credit: Tacc)
Russia and Syria have restored the Al-Jarrah military airbase in northern Syria, Russia’s Defense Ministry announced on 23 January. The airbase, which had been destroyed during the Syria conflict, will now host both Russian and Syrian warplanes.
Russian forces have also deployed Buk M2E and Pantsir S1 air defense systems inside the airbase, with the aim of defending Syria’s northern border and closing Syrian airspace to Israeli warplanes, which have regularly bombed Syria since 2013.
US regime domestic hypocrisy at it’s finest,”firepower for me,but not for thee”:
Second Amendment a Suicide Pact?
Yes, hypocrisy of course…but does the video not also telegraph that the Great Man is afraid? Now then, how can that be, since he’s so popular and so honest?
Only gangsters travel that way, but of course, the ruling class has become indistinguishable from the criminal class.
Naturally they’re not only looting, they’re using the country as loan collateral and stealing the swag…
Pretty soon they’ll probably run away. So History whispers…
I’ve glad I have never tried to advocate…the baddies are doing a fine job, ain’t dey?
Ah darn’t venture to interfere…why would I?
Didn’t nusance swear the oath? https://californiaglobe.com/articles/california-oath-of-office/
Which circles ’round to the unification of Rulers and gangsters…which came with the bomb…
Best! P
Germany ‘at war’ with Russia – FM
So this happened, it is not from the Onion.
Medvedev states Russia is going for Odessa. Putin knows that Ukraine’s fate, its access to the sea and its grain exports hinge on Odessa. Soon if Kyiv has no sea at all Ukraine has no need for submarines.
https://t.me/s/medvedev_telegram Jan 25
Dmitry Medvedev
They say that appetite comes with eating. For those who suffer from an eating disorder in the form of bulimia or compulsive overeating, the feeling of hunger is endless. Constantly want to eat!
So the worthless bosses of Little Russia all the time want more and more. More tanks, cars, guns. Now some schmuck has said they need planes and…submarines. Okay, the planes are somehow understandable. True, there are practically no normal runways left, and the Ukrainian sky is closed by us. But submarines are very strong. Especially taking into account the fact that soon the Kyiv regime will have no sea at all. Then you will have to sit in a boat right in the middle of the Dnieper, learning the immortal We all live in a yellow submarine with musical curators. Although the submarine will, apparently, be yellow-black.
Black and blue,
and free for you.
To Fight or to flight,
when you know you are right.
Time is the powder keg,
the fuse the arm & leg.
To be riot, or,
to be quite.
Is the only unknown.
Hold um or fold um,
The Mayor be told.
We wake tomorrow,
cold or sold.
Good one!
The thought about riot/quiet https://youtu.be/9yL89sTITZQ and the consideration about an “ugly thing” set me to ask, does nature work the other way as well?
That’s to ask whether an ugly (enough) thing creates a riot, as well as a riot creating ugliness. Perhaps the couple “RU” is a two way function.
Seems to be. Or maybe they’re the same thing from two viewpoints.
I was shocked by the things “ah seen” yesterday, and rather dread what may be seen tomorrow, which promises to be a whale of a riot, since it’s quite clear that WW2 restarted yesterday…Baerbock. What a gal! Die Rote Fahne erobert wieder Berlin?
Best! P
Haven’t watched it, but others may get something out of it:
EXCLUSIVE | Interview with Viktor Bout | The real truth behind the case of Viktor Bout
“On episode 20 of the show we are joined by Viktor Bout, a man whose life story is quite worthy of a film adaptation. A polyglot, entrepreneur, graduate of the Soviet Military Institute of Foreign Languages. In the West Viktor is portrayed as the “lord of war” and the “merchant of death”. A Russian businessman, a case against whom was fabricated by the American intelligence services on the basis of a provocation they carried out against him in Thailand in 2008.
After extradition to the United States, Bout was sentenced to 25 years in a maximum security prison. He was eventually released back to Russia in December 2022, in a prisoner exchange between US and Russia. Upon his return to Russia, Viktor had decided to start a political career joining the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR).”
(45:50) https://youtu.be/aLOzzuByYzc
Mercouris has described this Irish Times article as ‘one of the finest articles anyone has written about the war in Ukraine’.
West risks war with Russia over escalating military aid – Geoffrey Roberts (not Godfree Roberts)
“Putin’s restraint in the face of massive western military aid to Ukraine has been remarkable but his forbearance may not be boundless”
Since Germany has repudiated the Peace, right back to Potsdam, a legalistic matter arises> Does the relationship ‘tween Germany and Russia now revert to the Yalta agreement positions? How would such a reversion operate at the UN? A very fancy philosophical can of worms indeed!
But for every such toy, also a real thing materializes.
I see the Brother Hal T claims that those pesky Ruskies sent a telegram to nazi HQ>
“Russian Navy ship in the Atlantic Ocean near Bermuda, conducted a simulated launch of a ZIRCON Hypersonic Missile against a “nautical target 900km away.” The Simulated launch involved the use of Electronic Warfare that actually JAMMED U.S. radar, cellular phones in the Mid-Atlantic USA, and even disrupted digital internet traffic for 34 seconds!”
Past my pay-grade in physics, but I can’t understand how jamming as described could happen over such distances… Then let’s remember VVP saying “new physical principles…” Indeed! Looks like it.
Hal> https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/world/bulletin-russian-navy-ship-conducts-simulated-hypersonic-missile-launch-off-u-s-east-coast-electronic-warfare-jammed-u-s-radar-phones-internet-for-34-seconds
Best! P
Russia will respond with nukes to the Leopard 2 tank, as well as the Bradley and Marder BMPs, as these tanks are dirty nuclear bombs with uranium cores.
By TOC On Jan 25, 2023
MOSCOW, RUSSIA — Russia has said that Germany’s Leopard 2 tanks are equipped with sub-caliber armor-piercing shells with uranium cores. Their use in Ukraine against the Russians will be seen by Moscow as the use of “dirty nuclear bombs”. This was stated by the head of the Russian delegation Mr. Konstantin Gavrilov in Vienna at the OSCE Forum on Military Security and Arms Control.
“We warn the Western sponsors of the Kyiv war machine not to encourage nuclear provocations and blackmail,” Mr. Gavrilov said. “We know that the Leopard 2 tank, as well as the Bradley and Marder BMPs, are equipped with sub-caliber armor-piercing shells with uranium cores, the use of which leads to contamination of the area, as happened in Yugoslavia and Iraq,” the Russian diplomat added.
Russia threatened
In the case of supplying Kyiv with such projectiles for NATO’s heavy military equipment, we will consider this as the use of dirty nuclear bombs against Russia with all the ensuing consequences.
According to Gavrilov, Western countries forced Germany to make a decision on the transfer of armored vehicles to Ukraine.
“The Allies initially threatened Berlin with international isolation if it refused to hand over the Leopards. Then none other than the representative of the US State Department, Ned Price, announced the “urgent news” about sending the German “beast” to Kyiv. This is how transatlantic “solidarity” is forged, the representative of the Russian Federation was outraged.
According to Gavrilov, Berlin made a conscious choice in favor of “German tanks with crosses on their armor to attack Russian soldiers again.” The head of the Russian delegation threatened to destroy these war machines, as well as other NATO weapons.
The meeting in Ramstein
On January 25 Germany announced that it would send 14 Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine. Germany also approved the re-export of Leopards from third countries. All this happen after several months of discussions and another meeting at the Ramstein base.
Germany’s new defense minister, Mr. Boris Pistorius, said that Germany could provide Ukraine with the first Leopard main battle tanks in about three months, and before that, it would start training Ukrainian soldiers to operate these tanks.
That Wise and Respected Lady Frau Baerbock would, since German tanks to Ukraine will bring Russian soldiers to Berlin.. Well! the Lady would enjoy the song from the good old days…https://youtu.be/t1XTDpouggk
( Wunschkonzert für die Wehrmacht)
Best! P
Interview with Col. Douglas Macgregor VotumTV: Heretics
(Polish i/viewer Michael Krupa) (34:05)
35mins ago:
“And again today Russia takes control of another village. Russian troops took Belogorovka (Donetsk region). Almost everyday for the last 2 weeks Russia is taking villages. This is hidden by the western MSM. Why?”
Patrick Lancaster (reports from Ukraine) @PLnewstoday