2023/01/20 12:30:01
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“Jake Sullivan’s solo trip to Israel apparently failed to persuade Netanyahu to budge from refusal to give military supply to Ukraine; Bibi mindful of special relations with Putin, understands importance of being on the ‘right side of history’.” – via MKB
Israel remains major partner in Middle East amid global turmoil — Russian envoy
“According to Anatoly Viktorov, Moscow expects that the activities of the cabinet formed by Likud Party leader Benjamin Netanyahu will benefit the Israeli people, promote traditional partnership relations with Russia and strengthen stability and security in the Middle East”.
Watching monkeywerx a few days ago air traffic was kinda light everywhere, the day before there were dozens of KC tankers up over the US, indicative of a major fighter scramble which just coincided with the data hack and flight cancellations all over the US and elsewhere that day.
He covered Poland, the S300/400s in Crimea have created a no fly zone over Black Sea to the South it’s a no go zone really, even surface traffic banned. He pointed out the big US spy drones running east west in this area have stopped.
Air traffic over Poland itself was light, except there were what he thought might be Cessna’s flying training routes at around 2500′. I immediately thought, drone operator training, about 7/8 trips out and back maybe 4/500 miles round trip.
Next day, big big news, Russia deploys AA assets all over Moscow and other areas.
Covering the bases…..
Cheers M
this site is for parents, specially US parents but good to save for us euros to.
School counselors and social workers have operated with impunity because parents still believe them to be “guidance counselors” of the past. They are now the biggest purveyors of the Transgender Cult and critical race theory. We expose them using their own training materials”
Explosions in Odessa. It is reported that a warehouse with ammunition of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was hit. It might be an indication that Russia plans to take Odessa and hellish red lines will be crossed thus we see another “Pantsir-S1” installed on main building of Russian Ministry of Defense along with already deployed S-400s near universities and parks in Moscow.
If taking Odessa thrusts this into an even nastier war that would explain the transfer to the Russian Navy built for the GUGI OIS “Evgeny Gorigledzhan”. I am assuming Putin plans to cut some undersea cables.
The defense of Moscow, striking Odessa along with hitting incoming Western weapons and cutting cables could very well be related. IMO
Oceanographic research vessel “Evgeny Gorigledzhan”, built in the interests of the Main Directorate of Deep Sea Research (GUGI) of the Ministry of Defense, is being prepared for transfer to the fleet. This was reported by a source in the Russian defense industry.
The main purpose is “carrying out underwater technical works”. The OIS is capable of taking on board underwater and rescue vehicles.
I’m not posting this today to beat the religious drum, only that our faith does rise to national attention every now and then.
The title of this article is: “NHL’s Ivan Provorov Jerseys Sell Out Online After Russian Orthodox Christian Declined ‘Pride’ Colors”
See: https://sputniknews.com/20230120/nhls-ivan-provorov-jerseys-sell-out-online-after-russian-orthodox-christian-declined-pride-colors-1106521355.html
From time to time (there seems to be no rhyme or reason to it) i wake up and the first words on my lips is a person / a place / a country in which there’s going to be a big issue / event.
Thursday morning I woke up to “Bakhmut” I don’t follow the military operations that much – maps, MoD reports, etc as I come from econ background not military.
So delighted to read today “Russia’s Wagner forces have surrounded Bakhmut, linchpin of ‘Zelensky Line’ [Ukraine deployments in Donbass.] US media has begun backtracking on Bakhmut’s importance, anticipating its imminent fall into Russian hands & preparing opinion.
A crushing defeat for US-UK axis in Ukraine.” – via MKB
AFAIK I hope that this victory will open the road to Slavyansk & its capture.
“History on the march! Scholz digs in after Biden refused Abrams for Ukraine parallelly! Leopard 2 rolling again across Ukraine steppe harks back to Nazi era. US insists, bent on destroying all prospects of Russian-German rapprochement. Will Scholz blink?” – via MKB
Germany snubs Ukraine’s tank request
“Dashing [Kiev’s] hopes of a breakthrough, Berlin said it was still considering the request for tanks to help an expected spring offensive.”
and now with republicans in control of the House & the debt ceiling being approached:
“Kiev bazaar says CIA boss personally transmitted bitter message from US, on Biden’s instruction that funds for military supplies to Ukraine may dry up by July and Republican control of House becomes problematic. No official statements so far.” – via MKB
US Official: CIA Director Recently Traveled to Ukraine
This is the 3rd i/view Ive seen of Arestovich arguing against UKR.
He’s definitely positioning himself.
Zelensky’s advisor until last week, Arestovich, argues it is unlikely that Ukraine can win and questions if Ukraine will survive. – via Prof Glenn Diesen (0:27)
“Dedollarization is becoming harder to ignore”
Great power conflict puts the dollar’s exorbitant privilege under threat
“The monetary order is already being challenged by dedollarization and central bank digital currencies …
But recently, the pace of dedollarization appears to have picked up. Over the past year, China and India have been paying for Russian commodities in renminbi, rupees and UAE dirhams…” – Zoltan Pozsar Op-Ed
As I’ve said before I’m not from a military background but given what I received Thursday morning re: Bakhmut, this strategic analysis of the next stage of the war, makes the most sense to me.
It’s a long read from Big Serge, @witte_sergei, but valuable for its historical comparison to Verdun & esp. the end analysis of where political power goes in times of uncertainty : Schelling Points.
If you make it to the end of this article you are sure to be richly rewarded IMHO.
Russo-Ukrainian War: The World Blood Pump – Gradually, and then Suddenly
“Britain is spluttering & drifting into oblivion in the camp of destitute countries where half the population cannot afford food. But no country feels sorry for its misery because of its horrible history of thuggery & hypocrisy. Brexit is God’s wrath.” – via MKB
We French feel a very German schadenfreude when we look at Brexit Britain
“Only a third of Leavers still see it as a success. So why won’t Starmer speak up?”
Note: Being of Celtic descent, I cannot wait for the day of Scottish & Welsh independence & Irish unity & Perfidious Albion returns to being a solitary geopolitical unit.
(If we cannot beat the City of London aka The City – the 1 sq. mile of banksters HQs – at least we can hope to contain it)
We can pick up a lot of intel from former diplomats eg @Bhandra @CraigMurray etc
Here’s a doozy!
“Mother of all paradoxes in modern history and politics … I was working in the Moscow embassy when Margaret Thatcher flew in to plead with Gorbachev to go slow on disbanding Warsaw Pact lest it led to reunification of Germany for which UK was unprepared. (March 1987)
Just heard this morning on BBC Radio a discussion persuasively arguing for German tanks for Ukraine! Brits by themselves have been reduced to a second rate power and hope to ride on German wings to fight Russia & are encouraging Germany’s militarization!
Similarly, Poland, which like UK, also got buggered by Nazi Germany like nobody’s business, has linked up with Britain on the issue, so that it too can reclaim ‘lost’ territory in any future partition of Ukraine. Vultures circling in the sky looking for carcasses!” – via MKB
Currency multipolarity is already a reality!
Brazil and Argentina to start preparations for a common currency [paywalled]
India & UAE in talks to trade oil for rupees. The Shanghai Petroleum and National Gas Exchange will get busier as the years roll on. Saudi Arabia & Argentina join BRICS.
Arestovich confirms much of what many have been saying re: the earliest phase of the SMO. Russia wanted a quick war and then a deal. It was the US who chose full scale warfare.
Oleksii Arestovych: Russia was planning and launching a bloodless Special Operation: “Somewhere in the first five days – smart war and pinpoint strikes. Such an elegant, beautiful, lightning-fast special operation eliminated the few who resisted.” (0:34; Eng subtitles)
So it’s official… we have one rabid eugenicist lunatic replaced with another…. yeeeeeeeh!!!
I’m sure “our” Head Of State, King Charles (the turd), Klaus Slob’s #1 cheerleader will be happiness filled, and will be literally drooling at the mouth in anticipation of formerly swearing him in
Chris Hipkins assumed office as “NZ’s” (sic) Prime Minister yesterday. Given that he was the single nomination it looks very much like the Labour party has some sort of cunning plan in mind… god only knows what that is… only time will tell.
We will now await with bated breath as to what sort of creature will be installed as his deputy… no doubt the main criteria will be LGBT/race/WEF homage, and general all-around degenerate idiocy.
Kiri Allan, I would hazard a guess, is an absolute shoo-in for this title. She comes with the distinct added bonus of being a sibling of a brutal murderer…
Of course, Hipkins is well qualified to take the reins over from Commissar Vaxcinder in this blackest of black pantomimes that I label “Mass Murder Most Foul”. Hipkins was the Minister of Health during the roundup where the Labour Govt was dead set on getting 100% of Kiwis jabbed up to the eyeballs with mRNA gene editing toxins.
He didn’t achieve that of course and only managed to con a mere ~75% of us into the pen and risking death, or at the very least varying degrees of permanently debilitating medical conditions.
Nevertheless, this abject failure to meet the target is spun as a roaring success and he is now rewarded with the top job of overseeing the ongoing business of mass human butchery.
He is great at making threats too, as MO”H” Hipkins gleefully bragged about hunting down those of us who were not sheepish enough to voluntarily roll up our wool (err sleeves) for the mass killer cool-aid program. The work of Commissar Vaxcinder and her jackbooted comrades would have made even the late Jim Jones envious… you know the one… the murderous 1970s nutjob from Jonestown Guyana.
… a video of threats made by this dangerous baby-faced pillock back in July 2021…
Oops… and after all that I neglected to include this gem.
The Commissar is renowned for setting all manner of benchmarks… wait for it…
“Jacinda Ardern will need ‘more ongoing protection than any PM in NZ’s history!”
Thanks for the links Col the Farmer.
Was not completely unaware of NZ politics but Hipkins was unknown to me.
Ardern must be so ‘on the nose’ that the only way NZ Labor thinks it can win the 14th October poll is by changing leaders, is my guess.
But watch where she goes next.
If its a globalist bank e.g. Goldman Sachs, we’ll know she’s been bought off.
Just my guess Uncle Davy… a very hasty exit stage left, headed straight for the Big Apple, to hide under the wing of her mentor/deranged fellow WEF lunatic Helen Clark for a while… until she gets run out of that city or thrown under a large bus.
Interesting though, the Goldman Sucks hypothesis… GS huh, aka the Devil’s Lair.
No doubt she would be right at home there too… comfortably ensconced amongst that band of thieving private banksters.
Care to bet a good bottle of Scotch my friend?
Nah, I think you’re more on the money Col, with the Clark angle – she’ll follow her WEF mentor esp. after the Finland PM, Marin’s recent visit, now that I think more about it.
If the guy down at the Dew Drop Inn said that> “Jacinda Ardern will need ‘more ongoing protection than any PM in NZ’s history!”, I’d understand it as a bet. But if the bigbiggonzo sez it, it sounds like a threat…
“Talk to your friend, tell him what it is”, and so forth.
Best! P
Probably one of the most passionate speeches on socialism in recent times
Michael Parenti on the Cuban Revolution (4:36)
“The revolution that feeds the children gets my support … and the Reaganite government that tries to stop that kind of process and tries to keep those people in poverty, illiteracy and hunger gets my undiluted animosity and opposition”
What a wonderfully heartfelt and passionate speech Uncle Davy… thanks so much for sharing this with us.
Kind regards
We attended a few Parenti lectures, kool fella. http://tucradio.org/ has a considerable archive of Parenti material.
But I want to speak to “democracy”…peel away the cant and slogans… Introduce an idea.
Let us assume for example a simple imaginary dictatorship exists in a quiet valley.
The dictator may be a monster, or a saint. Let us assume he’s a saint> If so, then who rules the dictator?
It seems to me that in such a situation the valley is a democracy, as the good of the people rests heavily on the shoulders of a man who works according to the Moral Law. We might say that Moral Law and God are closely coupled.
Similarly, if the dictator is a monster, then the valley won’t be quiet.
Form of a State matters less that the Character of the people and especially the Character of the “leaders”…”leaders” in quotations because the leaders are themselves led by their love for the people, the Moral Law.
Voting may or may not be significant…what defines “democracy” is the love of the people and the ruler for one-another. Of course we assume a rational situation. If it’s irrational there cannot be “quiet”.
Just some thoughts challenging the concept of voting as the defining feature.
Best! P
6 hrs ago: Mercouris claims Seversk has been captured by the Orchestra. Opens up possibility to capture Krasnoye (in Russian)
Russia Advance Bakhmut Siversk Zaporozhye; US Tells Ukraine It is Losing Attrition War Leave Bakhmut (59:21)
Ref: U.S. officials advise Ukraine to wait on offensive, official says
This could make for an interesting head butt, i’ll point to this first, in the first article,
“The law also includes about $270 billion in tax credits for electric vehicles, home solar panels and other climate purchases that will be overseen by Treasury, which has made Yellen a pivotal climate figure in President Joe Biden’s administration.”
And then the corresponding problem after the treasury has the money, and we wonder just where does the money go? Well, no one knows for sure.
“Thanks to political games and the fossil fuel lobby, Washington is shooting itself in the foot on clean energy”
And this is what political dysfunction is all about folks.
Thought Mr P might get something out of this
“The Maxwell’s family story does not begin with Ghislaine.
Robert Maxwell (born Ján Ludvík Hyman Binyamin Hoch), father to 10.
His life is a story of man who rocked the newspaper world in the early 90’s as his publishing empire collapsed. Maxwell was a British media mogul and former MP, whose fraudulent business activity only became public after his death.
For the first time ever, George Galloway sits down with old friend & former employee of Maxwell Ron Mckay, to share their battle scars with Maxwell & what they believe happened when he his body was found floating in the Atlantic Ocean after supposedly falling off his yacht ‘The Lady Ghislaine’ in November 1991.”
Maxwell The Monster (1:14:14) https://youtu.be/Fg1rIOfWliw
Thanks Uncle Dave! I’ll check the video, but I think I’ve already watched it…still, it’s always fine to review, re-read, etc.
I have formed the notion gradually that Maxwell’s Ghislaine – in the obvious matter of her hypersexuality, was as a child imprinted by sexual stimulation, and the obvious idea that the prime mover in this sexualization was her father. What we might call him? Quiz Friday.
It is reported that the German tanks are in 404 now>
❗️ German Leopard tanks appeared in Nikolaev
German Leopard tanks have already been spotted in Nikolaev. With reference to his own sources, military commander Semyon Pegov announced this on his Telegram channel.
According to him, tractors with tanks, most likely, moved to the territory of the Nikolaev armored plant.
“The increased activity of the European media on the topic of the supply of German tanks is caused by an attempt to drag out time to amend the Kriegswaffenkontrollgesetz arms law, which does not allow third countries to transfer or sell German weapons without Germany’s permission,” writes Pegov.”
(I always get a kick outa the German tounge> ” Kriegswaffenkontrollgesetz ” !!)
Best! P
Unsure how reliable this source is.
Hungary is decontaminating its army from NATO
Hundreds of high-ranking military officers sacked in Hungary
Over 170 generals and high-ranking officers were fired in a matter of a couple days. Something big is occurring in the Hungarian command, purging those that were deeply socialized in NATO.
But also:
Defence minister discusses defence cooperation with Serbian counterpart
Franco-German Joint Declaration, Paris, Jan 22, 2023: “To support our Eastern allies, our armies will organise joint exercises of the Franco-German brigade in Lithuania and Romania
“In addition, we intend to conduct a joint Franco-German exercise as part of our deployments in the Indo-Pacific region, in order to illustrate both our will & our ability to support the international order based on the rules of law in this important region.”
– via MKB
As the bankrupt Kiev regime collapses, the jackals are active, stealing aid money. Latest scandal over food for the army.
Parliament summons Defense Ministry leadership following corruption allegations
I love it when high level Federal officials go to far away places to discuss moot issues.
Like Yellen going to China to insist that they help a country of 19 million people in Africa, restructure its debt.
This leads me to believe that it is more than a few Zambia’s type country’s that are having to chose which bills to pay, and she wants these creditors either to forgive debt, or prolong the payment period so as to not trigger a debt default that would result in late payment fees and credit rating adjustments.
This comes from the same people who inflate their long term debt away on the backs of the newly created young strong tax payers.
I’m wondering what they(and or someone, anyone) are going to do once their system of models fails, the foundation upon which they were created.
Interesting story…evilruskie not playing by the rule! UK fellas say>”A top British think tank has revealed Russia’s cyberwarfare dominance over Ukraine – why has Western media ignored its report?
The UK’s Royal United Services Institute admits Kiev has been completely overwhelmed by Moscow, despite having the best NATO tech
On November 30, the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), an elite military think tank, and lobby group, with deep ties to the UK government, published a landmark report entitled ‘Preliminary Lessons in Conventional Warfighting from Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine: February–July 2022’. While desperate to portray the operation as a failure, even the normally Russophobic RUSI can’t ignore Moscow’s total cyberwarfare dominance over Kiev.
Complete superiority…”
Waaalllhowabout that…
(makiecopy? Thingies go poof…)
Best! P
Looks like the wheels are coming off.
45 mins ago:
BREAKING Ukrainian media claim that the deputy head of Zelensky’s office, Kyrylo Tymoshenko, wrote a letter of resignation.
Also, the heads of the Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporozhye, Kherson & Sumy regions of Ukraine resigned.
This is the 3rd member of Zel’s regime to resign / be killed in a week.
Blundered upon a few things of general interest….
That Fine Gentleman aptly, perhaps, named … and quail… no doubt great sport followed on…https://archive.ph/FR4Om (not salacious, simply sad…the family B getting a job done on themselves. Like Burroughs said, the mark inside is the mark you cannot beat…) Adios, like Nixon…
Some legal stuff…like the 2+4 … since Germany’s violating the treaty, does the DDR come back?
https://www.cvce.eu/en/education/unit-content/-/unit/1f5d29d1-bc79-44af-ae41-6fdb3f41608e/589b565a-2b59-4152-8773-3d687eee25bf/Resources#5db0b251-c5bf-4f5a-b5d0-2047f829c19a (relevant treaties)
https://archive.ph/95uFn is better
(sorry about the long url, my incompetence) https://youtu.be/wlgOBXNIjRU (Back in the DDR)
Crime Scene Baltic Sea> https://www.german-foreign-policy.com/en/news/detail/9122
It may be that the Germans are starting to turn…and can it be that some European types feel a foreboding chill at losing, throwing away, their arms….like Jefferson said> “No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.” So since they send the weapons to the Ruskie trash compactor, do they wish to be slaves?
Quiz Friday…
Best! P
Best! P
Erdogan has stated that Sweden can forget about any support from Ankara for their NATO bid after the Quran burning incident.
And recall that Finland has said it will wait to see what Sweden does.
German general, top ex-NATO, warns Ukraine war is lost, accuses US and NATO for “exposing Germany to Russia” at John Helmer’s site.