2023/01/17 01:00:01
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Estonia‘s secret service is allegedly very concerned about Ukraine running out of soldiers and supplies.
While Ukraine is drafting 60 y.o.’s, Russia has not even brought the new batch of 200,000 into the war.
A Ukrainian collapse is possible in weeks.
Kollabiert die Ukraine in den nächsten Wochen? (in German)
Death Toll In Dnipro Apartment Strike Rises To 44.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky blamed Moscow for the attack which he called a war crime.
The Kremlin vehemently denied that it have struck the residential building in Dnipro.
Now the adviser to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky , Oleksiy Arestovych, have stated on National televison that the apartment block in Dnipro was hit by an errant Ukrainian anti-air defense missile which had been fired to intercept an inbound Russian rocket.
In the wake of his statements Arestovych were forced to apologized to the nation and stepp down.
from a distance;
her long black hair, as lean and
sleek as a swallow’s wing
There’s no turning back now that a #CriticalMass aka #TippingPoint of trading nations has been achieved
Ironically, by the US provoking Russia into war, its brought it upon itself.
Currency multipolarity is here to stay.
Just the facts
By the numbers: The de-dollarization of global trade
“Data suggests that $US reserves in central banks are dwindling, as is the influence of the US on the world economy. This presents a unique opportunity for regional currencies and alternative payment systems to enter the vacuum”.
Playing with Fake Currency; Why have the asset’s if you don’t have the army to protect them.. All currency’s in the world (Except in Russia, the Ruble is tied to gold) are Fiat currencies. When you borrow money to buy your house, car, boat, vacation, etc., it’s all Fiat. Your debt is also Fiat. That means we can print as much as we desire and it will still be Fiat, “worthless”.
Well, yeah, sorta…more like a racket running on a buncha rubes who actually believe the con. Oneamah shameful cousins wus credited as the inventor of Ponzi Scheme… Or maybe it’s a religion…if so they worship the…. (quiz friday) Recalling some Macedonian Serbs I got wasted with…values matter, bullchit walks… Just thoughts Dude. Best! P
“Russia impervious to Europe’s plans to step up arms supplies to Ukraine. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov punctures UK swagger: ”We evaluate and perceive [UK decision to give 12 tanks, etc] very negatively. We make no secret of our attitude.
“Britain, other European countries, Poland and so on, which are now speculating about their intention to start a new round of supply of new, more advanced military equipment to Ukraine, are incapable of changing the situation on the ground. They should realize this…
“They simply use that country as a tool to achieve their anti-Russian aims. The special military operation will continue. These tanks burn well and will burn just like all the others. The goals of the Special Military Operation will be achieved.” – quoted by MKB.
Some very beautiful music…
Valentina Lisitsa – Moonlight Sonata Op.27 No.2 Mov.1,2,3 (Beethoven)
These weapons are not for a local war.The Ru MoD announced the placement of the Yars missile system on “combat patrol” this is a nuclear intercontinental ballistic missile.
These missiles have been placed in Tver Oblast according to the MoD
Admiral Gorshkov is firing Zircons at targets in Norwegian Sea – NATO is watching, the Poseidon has been assigned to the Pacific Fleet, the deployment of Sarmat ICBMs has begun and Belarus is going nuclear with Russian help.
Must not forget Russian nukes will be controlled by computers.
“Even if our government was completely destroyed our nuclear missiles would be automatically deployed, we will put the whole world on its knees and screw it from behind.” -Ramzan Akhmadovich Kadyrov
Well thank you Lodesta, however, we have already been treated in a previous Cafe to Kadyrov’s westenized word descriptions of nuclear threat from Russia…Perhaps all things are fair in love and war, whether east, west, north or south, could be, notwithsatanding, perhaps I may contribute to the discussion with sommething a little more true to western thought, and herewith the Irish poet WB Yeats :
Long-Legged Fly
That civilisation may not sink,
Its great battle lost,
Quiet the dog, tether the pony
To a distant post;
Our master Caesar is in the tent
Where the maps are spread,
His eyes fixed upon nothing,
A hand under his head.
Like a long-legged fly upon the stream
His mind moves upon silence.
That the topless towers be burnt
And men recall that face,
Move most gently if move you must
In this lonely place.
She thinks, part woman, three parts a child,
That nobody looks; her feet
Practise a tinker shuffle
Picked up on a street.
Like a long-legged fly upon the stream
Her mind moves upon silence.
That girls at puberty may find
The first Adam in their thought,
Shut the door of the Pope’s chapel,
Keep those children out.
There on that scaffolding reclines
Michael Angelo.
With no more sound than the mice make
His hand moves to and fro.
Like a long-legged fly upon the stream
His mind moves upon silence.
That was also for a US board. They respond to their wallets and fear mostly, something like being intimidated by a blank canvas. Kadyrov, if I am not mistaken, is also playing in part to the West.
Very difficult to shake off Western programming especially when it tells you are number uno yet there is progress small but actual.
I like this poet’s conversation with a spiritual miracle. He is seeing
the symbol.
Currently we all are contemporaies of a symbol. It is the spirit of the humble father sinking bright roots into the proud black world of existence.
While a human spiritual double-harvest by Venus’ , our sticking & balance in the spirit of man.
I agree, Ruski not planning of return to status quo ante…not by a long shot. Actually, it looks like they’re taking the long view and planning for the days when the CONUS is not. This is going to take years, unless it doesn’t. Some say that the regions of north America will under terrible conditions appeal for assistance…Well, it’s happened before, eh?
Perimeter system, as I understand it, normally has a man in the sequence. The machine reminds me of an old story> “Robert Heinlein’s “The Long Watch” – Full Text” https://metallicman.com/laoban4site/robert-heinleins-the-long-watch-full-text/
The job description? “Whatever you do, never let go of this lever.”
It’s a good story about the moral law. Dated. But still shiny.
Best! P
I note intelslava “The President of the Russian Federation has taken a decision to increase the strength of the Armed Forces to 1.5 million servicemen.”
and some sod from French Foreign Legion> “A soldier of the French Foreign Legion Yevgeny Kulik was killed on the territory of Donbass.” I guess he was lost…
It is always interesting to examine propaganda in the context of its audiences… Along these lines, what’s on the car radio dial in the HQ… What’s a bit suppressed? What is being presented to the fellas an gals that toil, not very hard, for the Empire in the Capitol City?
@ radio garden put in http://radio.garden/visit/washington-dc/DIlWBUQt (DC stations…now look for “WZHF”… Ah! Zilch….vveeerryinnarrestin”
WZHF? try> https://onlineradiobox.com/us/wzhf/?cs=us.wzhf&played=1
The Sputnik station in DC…
So, why is this station not on radio garden, and what does this imply?
I note that WZHF stays within the Overton Window and seems to aim at subtle contradictions, which lead to doubts… If they were, for example, to simply state bald facts the DC audience would not listen…imagine if they spoke the truth about the virus, the whacks, or about “9-11”!
Best! P
Death Toll In Dnipro Apartment Strike Rises To 44.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky blamed Moscow for the attack which he called a war crime.
The Kremlin vehemently denied that it have struck the residential building in Dnipro.
Now the adviser to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky , Oleksiy Arestovych, have stated on National televison that the apartment block in Dnipro was hit by an errant Ukrainian anti-air defense missile which had been fired to intercept an inbound Russian rocket.
In the wake of his statements Arestovych were forced to apologized to the nation and stepp down.
My heart was looking for the magic bowl
When it was there, built in his soul
O mystic look in my clear wine
In it, you’ll see the image divine
I see in the tavern the glory of God
But everyone thinks it’s all very odd
He may be hidden but He is also bare
You also can see him, if you only care
Whether on earth or up in the sky
He never is hidden from His lover’s eye
And though Hafiz is poor and odd, and flawed
He has in his heart the love of God
– Hafiz Shirazi
If there were to be a missing link to anything, and there were plenty, like todays missing link between an ape caring for an infant human.
Another may just have been found, there are isolated areas naturally, but a large chunk of the world, set Russia and China aside, is seeing unrelenting local unrest overwhelming local law enforcements ability to respond to them all.
And if a generation were to have enough bad individuals to interrupt a smoooth transaction of economies and technologys, then the millenials appear to be that generation.
Having spawned out of one severe recession, and now being crippled by another, could they be the ones most struggling and the ones say who could tip the balance into a depression.
Many country’s resources are stretched thin right now, tempers over small items could send a not so common recession, into some kind financial depression that loops back into a greater unrest, and the street cycle continues.
Ah! Sweet dreams of occult grayness….empire’s insane will manifests feedback that happens…every time optimization approaches…this is especially exciting to behold within an arena of heated sands…that’s to say, chaos.And resolute civilizational States looming in the light of Heaven. Very pretty. God has a sense of humor, it seems. Granny would laugh and sip sherry. Well, that’s what I overheard at the bar…
Best! P
Time flies.
Time flies by when you are having fun,
time flies by when you are almost done.
Time flies by when its overtime,
time flies by when you are waiting.
Time flies by when you are jittery,
time flies by when you are owed.
Time flies by the week,
time flies by the day.
Time just flies.
So very true.
When Putin & the Ruskies say this is an existential war for them , they’re not bluffing.
After decades pf provocation going back to using Ukronazis to destablize the former USSR, its now kill – or be killed!
An Absolute war
“For the first time in history, Russia is fighting an absolute war. All previous wars were relative and prototypes, prefigurations of this one, which is the main one. Only this war is the final one, the last and irreversibly significant”.
Ritter – More Tanks & Ukrainians training in US (21:28) i/view by Judge Napiltano
Judge asks what happens next – and Scott for answers it.
Arestovich RESIGNS!!! Prigozhin Responds To Story Of Norwegian Wagner DEFECTOR iEarl Grey (11:48)
Arestovich wrote a letter of resignation: Арестович написал заявление об отставке
The Kremlin reacted to Arestovich’s decision to resign
Кремль отреагировал на решение Арестовича уйти в отставку
Arestovich after the scandal over air defense urged “not to fall into hysterics”
Арестович после скандала из-за ПВО призвал «не валиться в истерику»
Подробнее на РБК
March 2020 The far right, the Euromaidan, and the Maidan massacre in Ukraine – Ivan Katchanovski, University of Ottawa, Journal of Labor and Society
“This study examines the role of the far right in the Euromaidan in Ukraine, primarily in the Maidan massacre and other key cases of violence. The involvement of far‐right organizations in these crucial events in the Ukrainian and world politics has been politicized and polarized in Ukraine, the West, and Russia. This study analyzes various data sources, such as online live streams and TV broadcasts, videos, broadcasts of the Maidan massacre trials, the database of court decisions in Ukraine, media reports, and field research on the Maidan. The findings reveal that radical nationalist and neo‐Nazi organizations had significant but minority representation among the Maidan leadership and protesters. However, the analysis shows that the far‐right organizations and football ultras played a key role in political violence such as attempting to seize the presidential administration and the parliament. It reveals involvement of the Right Sector in violent clashes with the Berkut special police force during the highly publicized dispersal of Maidan protesters on November 30, 2013. The Right Sector and Svoboda had crucial roles in the violent overthrow of the Yanukovych government, in particular, in the Maidan massacre of the protesters and the police.”
There is no where to go,
there is nothing to do.
But still I cant wait,
to be with you.
Its dark all day,
its dark all night.
I want to eat,
but its quite a feat,
b/c all I can find, is fright,
and the bitter end, is in sight.
Speaking of chaos…About the time somebody set charges in the federal building and did a sloppy job at it, about the time all the “Whitewater” records were coincidentally destroyed, about that time in either the “Atlantic” or in “Harper’s”, best ah recall…they modeled crowds and cops…an essay on the matter of the boffin’s scientific works. It was discovered the obvious…even with one cop per person, even with cops like shadows, like stink on chit, it’s not difficult to find the situations, “solutions”, where the crowd riots. In reality, ahsuspicion, the cops become the crowd…a commie kinna thingy. Their work ignored this instability, or properly, latent metastasis.
Speaking of situations> “Our subscriber from Netherlands just sent this message:
Look at what is up in Vlissingen Netherlands.
Bradley IFV
1275 vehicles
M1 abrams
They even send multiple inland ships. (For on rivers and smaller lakes
Loads of support verhicles
They are enroute to Poland.
Currently all parked in the harbor
Not a state secret and widely propagaded. Half our army is helping with unloading. 75 men lol”
Looks like there is going to be a riot…
The Dugan telegram… ” Regardless of how it ends, preparations for the Last Judgement are in full swing. The watershed is cutting across the planet: on this side or on the other. Humanity is torn apart. History is a movement from one to two. In the beginning there was only one Adam. In the end there are two: Adam and his black double.”
In flying…long time ago I had a pal who bought an A-26… 400 galls per hour!…anyway he told flying stories…which give lessons. His buttress Dugan’s
Flying under low cloud, daydreaming at 100 kts and “navigating” by following a highway…pilot suddenly realizes that he is approaching a mountain. He does not have space to turn, nor power to climb out … it may be perhaps a minute, but he’s going to hit the mountain. (This really happens, and it had just happened when we chatted.)
So? Stupid, then smart, then lucky as can be…pilot flew into a railroad tunnel next to the highway. Took off the wings of course. I believe he and his family walked out of the tunnel. They say it’s not easy to fly into a tunnel, but that Cessna will fly at a pretty low airspeed…40kts or so…so I suppose he had flaps down and throttle back.
So? We all might get lucky…of course the wings are going to come off…but with luck…
About the Maiden ruckus… I well remember that the Polish snipers were interviewed, they were high on dope, (speed, I think) and paid…it was they wot murdered the cops and the people..shooting into the crowd…so it was said back then. There was a video and interview.
Best! P
Ukrainian AD shot down Ukie helicopter with Ukrainian Minister of Internal Affairs and his deputy onboard.
The helo crashed in residential area, killing 16 people, incl. 2 children.
A. R. tweets with video https://twitter.com/afshinrattansi/status/1615660198613450752
They say that the 404 rank and file fellas have begun to ferret out precisely who their enemy actually is…rather reminds one of fragging, Lieutenants, mostly…in the good ol’ days…
Clear and frosty at dawn…
Best! P
Upon further reflection, there are several parties that might have wanted the helio job. Zeeman who thought he might get one in the head from the goodfellas? Rank and file…ok but Polish, French, US…and about motivation…bribe, anger, professional? They say that a proper assassination job need patsies…in the instance there seem to be several… Ah suspicion Mr Z might be on his way to Florida…jus’ a hunch.
Best! P
Colonel Cassad forwarded this message from “Joker DPR” a well known hacker –
“The Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine has long known that the leadership of the Ministry of Defense is selling Western weapons that come to Ukraine in the form of assistance in favor of third countries, and this process is directly supervised by the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate Budanov. By the way, this information has already surfaced somewhere. The leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs wanted their share and began to collect data through their structural units, which are associated with intelligence and outdoors. As a result of this, they managed to obtain evidence and blackmail began. The military commanders promised a share to the police leadership and the first tranche was paid. But it was pointless and unprofitable to pay further. Plus, the audacity of the Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, who climbed into the wrong garden, strained the military elite. And now the day has come when the kids from the GUR were able to demonstrate their skills. But that’s not all. The sanction for this was personally given by Yermak, who is also in the subject in secret from the supreme narcissistic clown Vova.”
Colonel Macgregor i’viewed by Judge Napolitano
More Tanks & Ukrainians training in US – Col Doug Macgregor (18:51)
says Ratio of KIA UKR : Russia 8 : 1
1 hr ago pepe Escobar on VK
“We have to keep comin’ back to the same Big Picture point.
I posted this late last year, if I remember well, with a few modifications. Here it is again, a few hours before “Liver Sausage” Scholz’s address to Davos.
Both the Russian & the Chinese leaderships – from Putin and Patrushev to the new Politburo – deeply understand that the fate & inalienable sovereignty of Russia and China are joined at the hip for at least the next 3 generations.
The challenges will be immense. They will have to tackle a – shared – existential danger, coming from a rabid, cornered, decaying and extremely destructive hegemon.
This means that all past divergences between Moscow and Beijing have been put aside – no matter what imperial shills may say (just wait for the “peace” Davos panel late afternoon today, including NATO’s Jens “War is Peace” Stoltenwurst.)
Putin and Xi, for all their faults, are thinking statesmen – and very much aware of it all.
In a rational world, Russia would have kept her European “partners” and Europeans would keep getting the engine of their prosperity for these past few decades: cheap Russian gas.
Credit Suisse’s Zoltan Pozsar famously calculated that $20 billion in Russian gas were transformed into $2 trillion in manufactured goods. A whooping leverage by a factor of 100.
Now imagine a Germany-Russia-China trade alliance – as in back-to-back Eurasia integration.
That remains the ABSOLUTE NIGHTMARE for the Kakistocratic Anglo-American combo.
And that explains where we are now.”
Yes, a story that has been told multiple times to not be news anymore, although whether it’s common knowledge is unknown.
Meanwhile someone we know still insists that the USA, unlike Europe, is honorable and can still be negotiated with. Even though it’s only one or two people maintaining it, versus the many others aware of the USA’s malign influence with or without neocons, it’s still kinda jarring.
Currency multipolarity on its way!
The Bank of Russia begins to set the official exchange rates of the ruble to another 9 foreign currencies:
•UAE Dirhams
•Thai Baht
•Vietnamese Dong
•Serbian Dinar
•New Zealand Dollar
•Georgian Lari
•Indonesian Rupiah
•Egyptian Pound
•Qatari Riyal
Sheik Rattle an’ Roll is having an auto da fe … or so it might be thought… Sambuck goes “poof”!
Raven wrote> “And now it looks like Andy was right: it appears Saudi Arabia has just issued a death knell to the exclusivity of the petrodollar as we once knew it – the first of several dominoes that needs to fall before the U.S. is exposed financially as an emperor with no clothes.”
Best! P
The shortest distance (air line) between Odessa and Tiraspol is 58.38 mi (93.95 km).
Are the Russians under Odessa?
The catacombs of Odessa are the longest underground passages in the world with the estimated length of approximately 1,553 miles (2,500 km). The catacombs are not completely mapped as a large part of the passages remains unexplored. While located under the city of Odessa they extend to its outskirts in Ukraine. Accordingly, the catacombs are not just passages, easy to walk through, but an entire underground city. There are so many caves, corridors, and labyrinths that, in order not to get lost, a qualified accompaniment is compulsory.
Tiraspol a mere 58.38 air miles away also has underground tunnels and if accurate an underground airport or perhaps they mean a large parking lot for planes. Additionally this seems an awful lot of digging just for trenches. imo but have nothing to base this on.
“The XIV Army (current GOTR) is preparing to fight. Their soldiers are digging trenches and they only have permits of two hours a week to see their families,” a source close to a member of this detachment told EL PAÍS. “They have orders to be ready at any moment for war and they have old ammunition, but a lot of it. They even have a large underground airport”, the same source claimed.
Transnistria is located along much of Moldova’s eastern border with Ukraine. Moldova, a landlocked Eastern European state between Ukraine and Romania, is located south of Ukraine. In Transnistria, Russia has around 1,500 troops, which is a significant presence considering the breakaway state’s military has around 5,000 soldiers.
Russia has amassed mass troops on the Crimean Peninsula, a southern Ukrainian region with a Black Sea coast, which was annexed by Moscow in 2014. Moscow also deployed a significant number of troops in Belarus, a pro-Russian state located north of Ukraine. Eastern borders of Ukraine have been already compromised with heavy Russian military presence.
As a result, while it’s a tiny state, Transnistria, located southwest of Ukraine with a 400km-long border line with Kiev, can help Russia put a nearly full military siege over Ukraine from south, north and east.
Transnistria matters
In the case of a full Russian invasion, Moscow can use its military presence in the breakaway state to join its forces between the Crimean Peninsula and Transnistria, cutting Ukraine’s access to the Black Sea coast and effectively rendering it landlocked.
Russian air defense now in Moscow. How much worse can this get?
Russia deployed S-400s near universities and parks in Moscow
I have previously posted that the weapons Russia is scattering around the world are not little nor for local use.
This makes the picture even darker.
By Boyko Nikolov On Jan 17, 2023
MOSCOW, RUSSIA — The S-400 air and missile defense systems are located at several locations in Moscow. City officials and the Defense Ministry have not previously made any announcements.
Russia deployed S-400s near universities and parks in Moscow
No one in Moscow was aware that such actions were planned. The information comes from Russian independent media and Telegram channels.
Launchers were spotted in the area of Timiryazev Agrarian University and near Sokolniki Park, including near residential buildings.
According to assumptions of some analysts, the S-400 systems can protect the military airport in Shcholkovo near Moscow, Russian sources reported.
On December 31, the last day of 2022, the Ukrainian portal UNIAN reported through Russian media that almost 2,000 people were on duty in Moscow on New Year’s Eve. In the first days of the new year, until Christmas in the eastern rite on January 7, a total of about 20,000 duty officers were scheduled to be called in the Russian capital. military.
Outside the Russian capital, wide-ranging precautions have also been put in place. In Belgorod, a city near the Ukrainian border, residents had to get maps of air raid shelters, while a ban on the use of drones was introduced in the Volgograd region.
As reported by the Russian independent site Meduza, this is already the 11th region of the country where such restrictions are applied.
As I listened to all the EU speakers at the WEF talking about how Russia “must” lose and “will” lose this war. I thought to myself what I’d be thinking if I was a Russian official. I’d be thinking that it was time for private meetings with those EU leaders. And I’d be saying to them that they should think that they need to “internalize” among themselves that Russia will not lose. And that they need to understand that. And that unless they do there will be punishment coming for them. And that that is what they need to fully understand and stop thinking and talking nonsense.
One reader says:
Really? I’ve been told that Putin was Christian, not Jewish, and that Russia isn’t another USA. Has revanchism, as implied by “an eye for an eye”, solved anything? What am I missing here?
On another note, I guess there’s never a better time than now to quit following RT comment sequections. I’ll stick with sites where e.g. Israeli crimes against Palestinians are well-documented and imitating the USA/Israel is discouraged.
“Los Chapitos” hitmen attacked a US drone that was monitoring their operations in #Sonora.
They don’t understand the hell they have unleashed.
“NZs” (sic) Prime Minister AKA Murderess Commissar Vaxcinder just resigned within the last hour
Whoop, Whoop!!!
Lets hope she’s not replaced by another Klaus Schwab WEF Young Global Leader i.e. globalist managerial class who have little to no loyalty for their own country or its people.
UK news and headlines are full of her resignation, hands up among the 68 millionof population who even knew her name or who she was, or if they did cared or were interested.. Just keep pumping news and information to its by now well zoned out, harassed and bewildered masses as reinforcement backup, to stop people thinking.
She looks exhausted poor thing, it’s global political circus.
People speak of Nato in a vague way as though refering to an unknown force or monster, it does this, that, and the other, and exercises a strange power.
This monster with eyes is assuredly, according to Wiki, an international military alliance consisting of 30 member states from Europe and North America. 28 of these are European countries, not States. That’s right, 28 individual countries with histories and languages going back centiries. The other two are in North America, well, who’ would have thought it. No wonder there’s rifts between the member countries. states that is. The Americanization of Europe. Actually it’s an economic power alliance hidden in the war-power monster with eyes. Follow the money, never take your eyes off it, ever,
What prompts this comment, Ukraine of course…
Sergey Lavrov Speech – ENGLISH TRANSLATED – Russian Ministry Of Foreign Affairs Press Conference (2:55:50)
Watch the 3 hour speech given by Sergey Lavrov on the 18th January 2023 as broadcast on https://mid.ru/en/press_service/video/
Russia’s ambassador to US Anatoly Antonov: “It should become obvious to everyone: no matter what weapons the Americans or NATO supply to the regime of Zelensky, we will destroy them. This was the case during the Great Patriotic War, this will be the case now.
“The appearance of tanks with Nazi symbols on the territory of the former Soviet Union unequivocally aims us at overthrowing the neo-Nazi regime in Ukraine and creating normal conditions in the region for good neighborly relations between peoples, as in the old days…
“Think about the theses of Vladimir Putin… It is simply impossible to defeat the Russian Federation. Victory will be ours.”
– via fnr Indian diplomat, MKB
Not content with unnecessarily killing his own people, Zel is busy auctioning off a state-owned port used to ship grain out of Odessa for just $5million
State Property Fund Sells Ust-Dunaisk Sea Port For UAH 201 Million
If you recall, following the USSR’s collapse, Western financial services raped Russian state owned industries & resources. It’s what the US would like to do to Russia again. The war hasn’t even ended & a similar process is already taking place in Ukraine. Debt slavery awaits Ukraine.
E. Wayne Merry Chief Political Analyst US Embassy Moscow (1990-94): https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FmxobfHWQAYEa6D?format=png&name=900×900
Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal declared that privatization should start en masse in Ukraine. The government approved a list of 420 state-owned enterprises that will be transferred to the management of the State Property Fund for privatization & liquidation.
The Cabinet of Ministers to launch the mass privatization from September 1
“The State Property Fund of Ukraine (SPFU) plans to receive from 600 million UAH to 1 billion UAH from privatization by the end of the year.”
Ust-Dunaisk seaport was put up for privatization for UAH 60 million
The Kiev government has run the company and the Ukraine in general into the abyss. “Today, the company is going through difficult times: in 2013, the cargo turnover of the port was 900 thousand tons, in 2019 – 71 thousand tons, in 2021 even less – 64.3 thousand tons.”
“It is interesting that the decision to privatize the port was made at the end of 2019. At the same time, we remind you that the list of objects to be privatized includes two more sea trade ports – Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi and Skadovskyi.”
This day has come-Ukraine sells the port
“Regarding the upcoming privatization, Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal made clear that the sole purpose of the new legislation was to make sure all privatization took place as rapidly as possible under the guise of “job creation.”
Ukrainian government uses war to enforce privatization, passes new anti-Russian laws
A vulture capitalist is a type of investor that scavenges off distressed companies for profit. Vulture capitalists are, in a sense, overtly aggressive venture capitalists, going to extreme lengths to generate profits for themselves and profits for their clients.
-via @Oswald1933
The selling off of assets may not be valid in contract law. In any case there may not be a successor state to recognize or repudiate the contracts…rather, especially in Odessa (which may be expected to be Russian pretty soon) the Russian attitude probably will not abide the graft.
Meantime? Well the Ruskies fought over this before…
for fun, listen @ 3:13:31 + see> https://youtu.be/Znn2mZr3z4o
They’re not going to let a bunchanazipervertsand dope addicts keep what they stole. Not after all the trouble they’ve gone to.
Best! P
Good to see you have working security, i just got a 403 forbidden message on one of the ip`s my vpn uses.
A quick cookie clean and changing the connection is all i needed to do fortunately.
The Crowder vid in the newsfeed is worth to watch.
He was offered a “big conservative aka bigcon” contract but instead of signing he fights back as usual.
A rare gem online, Integrity.