2023/01/10 02:00:02
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Must see:
This short (5:47) clip explains why we hear so much of the terms “American leadership” and “rules-based order” these days. The US is determined to diminish, if not eliminate the decisive authority of UN.
Russian FM Spokeswoman Zakharova laid out the whole truth about the US and the UN on the table
(Eng. subtitles) https://youtu.be/h3AuWHNkyr8
My note: The UN Sec. General’s Office has been appropriated by the US State Dept – even his spokesman Stéphane Dujarric is from State.
We need to keep an eye on this:
January 9, 2023 The C-17A Has Been Cleared To Transport B61-12 Nuclear Bomb To Europe
“In November 2022, the Air Force updated its safety rules for airlift of nuclear weapons to allow the C-17A Globemaster III aircraft to transport the new B61-12 nuclear bomb.” – Federation of American Scientists
US House Speaker (& 3rd in line to the Prez, dont forget) Kevin McCarthy reportedly considering billions (as much as $75 billion) in cuts to Ukraine aid.
McCarthy’s Speaker Deal Could Stymie Defense Spending Next Year
– “His proposal would cap discretionary spending at 2022 levels
– Plan is likely to spur backlash from defense hawks in Congress”
A couple of good interviews about the Ukrainian struggle:
Scott Ritter: Russia is winning in Ukraine as Zelensky begs for Weapons
Ukraine War Predictions for 2023 w/ Brian Berletic!
A US Military Authoritarian Court proxy fighter was captured today.
A deal, or something gone wrong, caught the eye of local police and the chase ended not far from here.
It is doubtful the fighter will be released this time as the car was held in lieu of a possible crime.
That sounds interesting. Can you post a link about it?
No links, no shots fired so it didnt even make the news, he is in a detention facility until the mess is unraveled but this should send off some nuclear heads although I dont believe anything public will become of it.
Privately it’s a big deal, and further swamp critters might be locked up along the way.
Admiral Gorshkov now firing Zircons at targets in Norwegian Sea – NATO is watching
They may fire the missiles surrounded by friendly countries during drills and exercises.
“Exercises and drills are planned. Some activities will be held together with friendly foreign countries. The Minister also announced the holding of various firing exercises, incl. using the latest hypersonic weapons.”
Two texts
1…The first campaign and a great future: the deployment of Zircon missiles
Today, 04: 38
Last year, the Russian defense industry and the navy completed the development and testing of the Zirkon advanced hypersonic missile system. As a result of the measures taken, the missile and related instruments were adopted by the Navy and put into series. To date, the missile system has reached full operation – and for the first time went on a long sea voyage on a regular carrier.
On military service
At the testing stage, the carrier of the Zircon experimental missiles was the multi-purpose frigate pr. 22350 Admiral fleet Gorshkov of the Soviet Union”, serving in the Northern Fleet. Before participating in the tests, the ship underwent some refinement and received a set of new equipment. It was reported that this frigate would later become the first combat carrier of the new missile system.
To date, all necessary measures and procedures have been completed. The Zircon missiles went into series and are supplied to the fleet, and the Admiral Gorshkov is completely ready for operation and use of such weapons. In addition, now a ship with an updated composition of weapons can go to sea and solve real problems.
Last week, January 4, for the first time in stories of the Russian and world military fleet, a ship with hypersonic weapons on board set off on a military campaign. Due to the special significance of this event, President Vladimir Putin and Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu watched the release of Admiral Gorshkov via videoconference.
Frigate near Norway, January 6, 2023. Photo by Norwegian Ministry of Defense / Telegram-ChDambiev
During the event, the head of state called the first trip of the frigate with Zircons an important or even significant event. He also thanked for the work of the specialists of the military-industrial complex, who created a unique missile armament. According to the president, such weapons will provide the country with reliable protection against external threats and will help ensure national interests.
The Minister of Defense reported on the readiness of the frigate to go to sea and revealed some details of the beginning long-range sea voyage. According to the plan, the ship will display the flag in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. In addition, it is planned to enter the Mediterranean Sea.
During the trip, the crew will work out various tasks related to protecting the borders and interests of the country. Exercises and drills are planned. Some activities will be held together with friendly foreign countries. The Minister also announced the holding of various firing exercises, incl. using the latest hypersonic weapons.
2…Russian Admiral Gorshkov Warship, Loaded With Hypersonic Missile, Fires On Aerial Targets In Norwegian Sea
Sakshi Tiwari
January 10, 2023
pale misty trails on tangled limbs –
the wandering moon
A very good scholarly article:
Daniel Kovalik: Why Russia’s intervention in Ukraine is legal under international law
Kovalik teaches International Human Rights at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law, and is author of the recently-released No More War: How the West Violates International Law by Using “Humanitarian” Intervention to Advance Economic and Strategic Interests.
Brother Karlov1 (Karl Sanchez) has posted the translated (machine) text of Patrushev Interview at his VK
see https://vk.com/@580896205-the-full-patrushev-interview-they-want-to-turn-russia-into-m
Naturally one ought to read the entire context, but this stuck me as especially salient> Q>”Are you saying that even the US authorities are not pursuing an independent policy?—
(A) In fact, the American state is just a shell for a conglomerate of huge corporations that rule the country and try to rule the world. For TNCs, even US presidents are just extras who can shut their mouths like Trump. All four murders of American leaders are linked to a corporate trail. It is no coincidence that an increasing number of Americans say that Republicans and Democrats are just two actors in one play that has nothing to do with democracy.”
Does this statement not telegraph to the Powerful individuals who control “Trans-national-corporations” that the Russians 1) know who they are, 2) know where they are, and 3) that they themselves are in “rifle sights”… such that they are on notice? mene mene tekel upharsin, as Dan read it…
In a related arena, I note a phase change, so to say, in editorial choice and tone and style @ RT…and along these lines, Peter L (Crosstalk) to-day hosted three fine fellas…one of whom, Aaron Good…has posted a deep thesis>
And some fine work with Peter Scott>American Exception: Hegemony and the Dissimulation of the State
The fellas at Crosstalk> “Kiev’s Fascist” https://www.rt.com/shows/crosstalk/569635-nazi-problem-west-silent/
Aaron Good was new to me…
Best! P
Thanks for the links Mr P. esp Patrushev i/view as I’m not on VK.
Will take me a little while to go through them.
Will Kurdish activists be used to take down Erdogan? Will this affect Turkiye’s plans to leave Syria?
Kurdish activists are regaining consciousness and Turkiye has purchased 8 German gyrocopters for guarding urban areas and ensuring the security of Turkish residents.
Preparation and security-two excerpts
1…Kurdish activists from Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland and Belgium arrived in buses, escorted by police, and joined fellow Kurds from France in a peaceful march through northeast Paris. The demonstration was timed to mark the 10th anniversary of the killings of Sakine Cansiz, Fidan Dogan and Leyla Saylemez on Jan. 9, 2013.
Cansiz was a founder of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, or PKK, which Turkey, the United States and the European Union consider a terrorist group.
Kurdish activists suspect the Turkish intelligence service was involved in the killing. The suspected attacker, a Turkish citizen, died in French custody before the case reached trial. Turkish officials suggested at the time that the killings may have been part of an internal feud among Kurdish activists or an attempt to derail peace talks.
Marchers carried banners bearing the victims’ portraits, as well as flags for the PKK, which is banned in Turkey.
The PKK has waged a separatist insurgency against the Turkish state since 1984. Turkey’s army has battled Kurdish militants affiliated with the PKK in southeast Turkey as well as in northern Iraq, and recently launched a series of strikes against Kurdish militant targets in northern Syria.
2…Turkey purchased 8 German gyrocopters for guarding urban areas
By Boyko Nikolov On Jan 2, 2023
ANKARA, TURKEY — The Turkish Gendarmerie will guard and monitor traffic in rural and urban areas with eight gyrocopters. This became clear after the Minister of the Interior, Mr. Suleiman Soylu, announced the order for eight gyrocopters. The supplier of the “pioneering solution” for the Turkish gendarmerie is the German company AutoGyro, and the chosen gyrocopter is Cavalon.
The eight aircraft will be assigned to the General Directorate of Security. They will have to cover a wide area of the country’s cities and rural areas. Road traffic monitoring and ensuring the security of Turkish residents will be at the core of the functional operational capability of the gyrocopters. Currently, the General Directorate of Security operates with various helicopters.
The Cavalon gyrocopter is powered by a Rotax engine producing 145 horsepower. Cavalon is designed for two pilots side by side on the principle of the helicopter cockpit. Turkish gyrocopters will be equipped with surveillance cameras.
Large areas will be scanned.
JMF, thanks for this.
Sweden Hustled into Military Pact with US
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on JANUARY 10, 2023
Somewhat serendipitously, noting the list of Great Men – the roster, for Davos…where Swiss protect them with soldiers and guns…
list see https://dossier.substack.com/p/exclusive-the-dossier-acquires-confidential
1) https://dossier.substack.com/api/v1/file/832b9d08-23dc-4036-bbd9-0fdfb80bc465.pdf
2) https://dossier.substack.com/api/v1/file/f2036535-45cc-46b3-9859-32cbc2d88bab.pdf
Like VVP said, “We know everything”. And recalling the interesting views expressed in Patrushev Interview.
Oh! How we must pray for the safety of these Great Men… will Jesus come to them in their dreams?
But now that the roster’s published, will they feel safe?
(Me? Well, if asked, I’d suggest skipping the party.)
Actually I rather imagine that the rosters becoming public and Patrushev interview are not entirely an accidental coincidence. https://youtu.be/yiS5Zmlk2XQ (The Man in Black)
Best! P
Mundane-Astrology ist the bird-sight down on the mundane world. Astromundane diaries accompany their times consciously. Mundo does it in English since 8 years in German since 16.
This is
Mundo’s report and deliberations about the second week of 2023. His general view: no change on the strategic level before February 9.
A square between Venus’- keeping borders – and Uranus – lifting borders –
General reflections on ‘the middle position’
Brother Medvedev telegrams about the outcome of SMO so far as the disagreeable sector>
Zee sold out to the Poles?…coke? Instructions from Langley? Such is the way of things… Lviv, which will again bear the name Lemberg, … Well, yeah.
eng mach tranz>
“Dmitry Medvedev
Three poor people from Warsaw, Vilnius and Kiev, suffering from imperial ambitions and phantom pains caused by their battered history, gathered in Lviv. And they pray, as it turned out, for tanks. There are all sorts of “Leopards” there, modernized by our enemies T-72, which I spoke about yesterday, is still some kind of English illiquid.
All this iron, in any case, will soon become rusty scrap metal and will not save the artificial country falling apart.
And in Lviv, which will again bear the name Lemberg, they met in order to properly attach the western Ukrainian regions to the new (former) owners.
“Дмитрий Медведев
Трое убогих из Варшавы, Вильнюса и Киева, страдающих от имперских амбиций и фантомных болей, вызванных потрепавшей их историей, собрались во Львове. И молятся, как выяснилось, на танки. «Леопарды» там всякие, модернизированные нашими врагами Т-72, о которых я вчера говорил, ещё какой-то английский неликвид.
Всё это железо в любом случае скоро станет ржавым металлоломом и не спасёт распадающуюся на части искусственную страну.
А во Львове, который снова будет носить имя Лемберг, они встретились, чтобы западные украинские области правильно пристроить новым (прежним) хозяевам.
Best! P
I have been following several (non-anti-Russian) online SMO news sources since February, and I’d like to know Russian perspectives on Karlin’s pessimism. His arguments make sense (especially his belief that the Russian authorities need to commit more resources to the mission to make it successful), but his “powerful takes” have strong blackpill vibes. Thoughts?
Joe. Can you be specific about “Karlin’s pessimism”? (I am not Russian, of course.) I don’t know Karlin’s arguments. url(s)?
Perhaps there’s a misapprehension about “goals”… Rousing up a modern military to fight a global war seems to my American eye like a very big project, of which the affray in 404 is a minor but essential beginning. Goal? Well…VVP and the fellas don’t confide in me, but the partition of the US mainland and liberation of it from the grasp of the global elites that control it, as Patrushev strongly implied, would be, I’m sure, the opinion of MacKinder. Mrs P and I expect the conflict to require about 20 years, and that it’s run, so far, about 10. For Heartland there can be no remaining pirate operating bases, and no “TNC” rule, as otherwise the war would fail.
(I see rather bitter criticism at the vk site of the prohibited unmentionable fella from Huston, who lives in Donbass…he’s looking at one tree, not the entire forest, I think)
Bringing a Nation and an Army to scale starts slowly, and compounds off the enemy’s energy, like Judo…and we seem to be at the phase where the speed increases rapidly, the knee in the curve.
Best! P
Thanks, Mr. P. The Karlin in question is Anatoly Karlin (https://twitter.com/powerfultakes). He basically thinks that Moscow is pursuing the SMO in a half-hearted way and as a result may lose not just the newly joined republics but Crimea, too, along with the resulting political instability in Russia itself. He advises a war economy and a large enlistment.
Response to the the Rothschild-controlled publication The Economist – The West should supply tanks to Ukraine
“Allies have been too cautious in giving it the means to resist Russian aggression”\\
This [article] is valuable because it shows how British strategic establishment thinking views the current situation in the war. Of course, The Economist is indifferent to – enthusiastic about? – more Ukrainian conscript deaths. They are slavering for a bigger war. They fear a continued stalemate becoming a de facto Russian victory. Which, of course, it will be.
At the minimum, Russia must take Bakhmut, Kramatorsk and Slavyansk – which will enable full occupation of the original 2 rebel Donetsk and Lugansk oblasts since 2014 . Then, possibly, retake Kherson City and Zaporizhie city – meaning full occupancy of those 2 eponymous oblasts mostly occupied by Russia in Feb-March 2022, making these 4 Russian-speaking, etc oblasts securely and permanently part of Russia.
You would not know this from The Economist, but Putin just reaffirmed to Erdogan (Kremlin announcement):
“…Russia’s openness to dialogue on Ukraine, when Kyiv [sic] fulfils known requirements and takes into account new territorial realities. Putin also spoke about the destructive role of the West, which pumps up the Armed Forces of Ukraine with weapons, and provides Kyiv with information and target designations.”
Translated into American-speak, Putin is saying to Kyiv (I note he has started to use Ukrainian spelling , which sends a courteous message to Kiev in itself) – “Get used to the fact that we keep Crimea and the four new Russian Federation oblasts, and stop uselessly killing more of your people in an American-controlled and American-supplied war on your land. And we could then talk peace.”
Former Aust Ambassador to Poland & Cambodia & author of Return to Moscow , Tony Kevin, Canberra 12 January 2023
Surely the world is starting to see how evil the US empire truly is.
US/CIA expertise at fomenting unrest & uprisings in foreign countries at the behest of the US Government. As seen in these declassified documents, they’ve had over 50 years’ practice in Ukraine.
In this 1966 declassified document, we can see the noted objective of Project AERODYNAMIC at that time.
It notes that the underlying objective is ‘Nationalist flare-ups’ in widely scattered areas of the Soviet Union, particularly in Ukraine. (6 pages)
https://www dot cia dot gov/readingroom/docs/AERODYNAMIC%20%20%20VOL.%2035%20%20%28OPERATIONS%29_0039.pdf
No doubt it will be the usual suspects
Deadly ‘Suicide’ blast outside Afghan foreign ministry in Kabul killed 20. ISIS claims responsibility.
The blast reportedly happened when a Chinese delegation was meeting the Taliban at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The suspected suicide bomber killed himself outside the FM in Kabul. It’s believed he had planned to enter inside but failed. His target probably was the Chinese delegation.
First Pakistan, now Kabul. China & its BRI allies need to beef up security & protection.
– alJazeera
Quid pro quo? Did a Russia/proxy cyber attack on U.S. NAS computers trigger what in effect became establishment of a disruptive No Fly Zone over much of North America on Wednesday? Is so, expect the Washington war leadership to vigorously conceal the fact. Bad optics for them if the long and stinging reach of Mother Russia ever became known to the American people. Bad business for them if the American people begin to experience negative consequences in their own homeland resulting from U.S. participation in the Ukraine war. Better for Washington and the MIC to blame the ground stop on the incompetence of some lowly FAA computer technician, whether true or not.
The answer is no.
And it was actually Russian Air authorities that helped the USA with flights over Alaska.
Useful reminder:
Ukraine 2014: Retracing the steps. DOCUMENTARY
“The constitution says: ‘Regular armed forces cannot be used within the state’. But they didn’t care, they gave the order’.
In 2014, the conflicts and contradictions that have existed for decades between Ukraine’s agrarian west and industrial east turned into civil strife and then into war. The differences in mentality, language, and traditions were too irreconcilable.
As a result, the Euromaidan movement, which began as a struggle for Ukraine’s integration into the European Union, rapidly veered towards outright nationalist ideas. Radical groups started to play a leading role in Maidan. The regime change, which occurred due to Maidan, was seen in south-eastern Ukraine as a coup d’etat. Check out the video to learn more.” (7:47)
This author was recommended to me by an international relations analyst, Benjamin Abelow’s How the West Brought War to Ukraine is a vital corrective to ‘mainstream’ misreporting of the Ukraine war.
The e-book version is just 59 pages, if you have the time over this w/end.
“Misguided American and NATO policies created the Ukraine crisis. Now they risk nuclear war.”
Preface: If you prefer to read this essay as a book. This essay is now available, slightly modified and revised, in book form — Paperback, eBook, and Audible. You can read about purchase options, and find additional information about my work, at my website. A German-language edition is available in all markets, including in Germany, for example, here, and a free German edition — beautifully illustrated with landscape paintings by the artist Archip Kuindschi (1841–1910), for whom a museum is named in Mariupol, Ukraine — is available here. A Slovene translation, which is being published by the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, is in progress, and a Polish edition is being published by a commercial publisher in Poland. Translations into other languages are being explored.