2023/01/06 14:30:01
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Did someone or something seize control of the United States?
What happened to the U.S. border? Where did it go? Who erased it? Why and how did 5 million people enter our country illegally? Did Congress secretly repeal our immigration laws? Did Joe Biden issue an executive order allowing foreign nationals to walk across the border and reside in the United States as they pleased?
Since when did money not have to be paid back? Who insisted that the more dollars the federal government printed, the more prosperity would follow? When did America embrace zero interest? Why do we believe $30 trillion in debt is no big deal?
When did clean-burning, cheap, and abundant natural gas become the equivalent to dirty coal? How did prized natural gas that had granted America’s wishes of energy self-sufficiency, reduced pollution, and inexpensive electricity become almost overnight a pariah fuel whose extraction was a war against nature? Which lawmakers, which laws, which votes of the people declared natural gas development and pipelines near criminal?
Was it not against federal law to swarm the homes of Supreme Court justices, to picket and to intimidate their households in efforts to affect their rulings? How then with impunity did bullies surround the homes of Justices Brett Kavanaugh, Samuel Alito, Amy Coney Barrett, Neil Gorsuch, John Roberts, and Clarence Thomas—furious over a court decision on abortion? How could these mobs so easily throng our justices’ homes, with placards declaring “Off with their d—s”?
Since when did Americans create a government Ministry of Truth? And on whose orders did the FBI contract private news organizations to censor stories it did not like and writers whom it feared?
How did we wake up one morning to new customs of impeaching a president over a phone call? Of the speaker of the House tearing up the State of the Union address on national television? Of barring congressional members from serving on their assigned congressional committees?
[fz-mod: duplicated paragraph removed]
Were Americans ever asked whether their universities could discriminate against their sons and daughters based on their race? How did it become physically dangerous to speak the truth on a campus? Whose idea was it to reboot racial segregation and bias as “theme houses,” “safe spaces,” and “diversity”? How did that happen in America?
How did a virus cancel the Constitution? Did the lockdowns rob of us of our sanity? Or was it the woke hysteria that ignited our collective madness?
We are beginning to wake up from a nightmare to a country we no longer recognize, and from a coup we never knew.
Yes, Brother, it’s shocking. The coup had stages and set-backs…one might speculate that with Lincoln’s conspirators the vastly wealthy class, sutlers, and so on, began the first stage. The railroads added to the enclosures and great powerful fortunes… Several Presidents removed by violence or poison or intrigue…these being in the nature of “course corrections” As McCain put it with respect to the Kennedy boys (video scrubbed, I think). In my time the FDR 1944 coup by Paley that dumped Wallace for the pliable fascist Truman…thence the pliable Ike…the disposable error of JFK…the job done with “watergate” removed the unsuitable Nixon, the funny business with Bush/Gore (the Constitution does not provide for the Court to decide, ergo coup) and onto the more recent series, with which w’uns often speak.
But you posed the Question> “Did someone or something seize control of the United States?”
Everybody knows.>
https://youtu.be/xu8u9ZbCJgQ (Brother Leonard)
I’m trying to get Stumpy to take bets on the map of the former US… The Ruskie+ Chinese + the rest bigbig plan is kettleing the cancer, and reforming it… So?
There will be more coups…
Primo Levy tells of his associate after the camps and the Liberation by the Red Army…and tells of his “Greek” walking nearly barefoot on ice discussing war. Levy was immature, said the war is over… To that the Greek said> “War? There is always war.” as if to a child… And there are always coups in unstable dynamic structures.
My bet? Big population crash “Deagel! (or was it le?) Seething violent Regionalization. see Panarin Maps… all under the “guns” of Zone B…a boiling kettle… Which might be a sorta coup, or soup.
Blessings old man. Man ought not to fret about the Fates. Heaven’s
Thumb is on the scales…
apropos nothing but whim> “Wholly unprepared… we take the step into the afternoon of life; worse still, we take this step with the false assumption that our truths and ideals will serve as before. But we cannot live the afternoon of life according to the program of life’s morning—for what was great in the morning will be little at evening, and what in the morning was true will at evening have become a lie.” (attributed to C. Jung)
Best! P
The first half of life is devoted to forming a healthy ego, the second half is going inward and letting go of it.
– Carl Jung
Skip: “Did someone or something seize control of the United States?”
After the sinking of the 1912 Titanic, owned by JP Morgan (passengers reported the sound of explosions) killing the US’s richest & most vocal opponents of a central bank: Astor, Schwarz & Guggenheim (in spite of 700+ other rescues) the Federal Reserve (wh/ is neither ‘federal’ nor a ‘reserve’) was set up in DEC 1913, see: ‘The Creature of Jekyll Island’
W/i months WWI started. See: ‘War is a Racket’ – US 5 Star (twice awarded) Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler (who foiled the 1930s fascist coup, spearheaded by Prescott Bush, Dubya’s g/father, of FDR’s government) as banks loan monies to both sides.
Note: US Senator Ron Paul: ‘It’s no coincidence that in the century we got central banking was the century of total war’ (words to the effect)
See: Prof. Antony Sutton’s trilogy:
Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution: The Remarkable True Story of the American Capitalists Who Financed the Russian Communists
Wall Street & the Rise of Hitler &
Wall Street and FDR: The True Story of How Franklin D Roosevelt Colluded with Corporate America
Just to bell the cat, so to speak: B. Clinton, the Sunday before 9/11: “There are some people in my country who believe that America must always have an enemy”.
And an outgoing Obama, to Putin (I think?): “The United States has exclusive right to anywhere in the world”.
On top of that I would suggest the Patriot Act wh/ “no one in Congress read” (H. Clinton) sidelined the US Constitution, and more recently the J6 controlled demonstration (wrongly designated an insurrection by US MSM) has put the last nail in the coffin.
See also: this good summary in vid clip of Greenwald (altho I’m no fan b/c of what he did to Assange) The Enduring Media Lies Surrounding January 6, 2 Years Later | SYSTEM UPDATE (8:03) https://youtu.be/sH_RYHJGlwk
Also: UK’s intelligence disinfo organ Bellingcat was on the scene w/i 24 hrs w/ a story on Ashli Babbitt, which confirms there was foul play on J6.
But, of course, Higgins and co. diverted attention from the agent provocateurs (plural), and highlighted Babbitt’s supposed connections to QAnon etc.
She was just an ‘All-American’ martyr. Her mother was arrested by police for jaywalking for protesting her death last night. (Note: the article is missing the important pics)
The above is really only the tip of the iceberg, but I don’t want to launch you on a new career path :-)
Biden to visit border as cartels shoot down plane-fingers crossed.
I really am interested in what heavier artillery they have, this appears to be gunfire, but what lies behind the curtain? The cartels do have drones and are unimpeded in sending them into the US.
Bag who you want but the flow of drugs will continue unabated.
Drug cartel militants shot down helicopters and a plane of the Mexican armed forces
Milenio reported two helicopters and a plane of the armed forces of Mexico shot down by militants of the drug cartel
January 6, 2023, 07:39Text: Anton Antonov
During the operation to detain Ovidio Guzmán López, the son of drug lord Joaquin Guzmán (Shorty), two helicopters and a turboprop aircraft of the Mexican armed forces were shot down in the state of Sinaloa by drug cartel militants, media reported.
Helicopters fired large-caliber weapons mounted on armored vehicles at the guards of Guzmán López. The plane was hit while landing at Culiacan airport, one of its engines caught fire. The dead and injured security officials as a result of these episodes are not reported, TASS reports with reference to Milenio and Radio Formula .
Guzman Lopez is considered the leader of a group that is associated with the Sinaloa drug cartel. He was detained in Culiacan, which led to shootings in the streets and blocking the roads with burning cars.
During Thursday, militants of the local cartel, according to the authorities, stole and burned about 250 cars, blocked at least 18 streets, stopped the work of three airports, RIA Novosti reports .
Now the situation in the city has stabilized. At least 27 people were injured, mostly Mexican security forces. The media reported the death of five soldiers and one soldier of the National Guard. Guzmán Lopez has been taken to the Altiplano Maximum Security Prison in Mexico City.
After the detention, the Mexican Ministry of Defense reported that Ovidio Guzmán Lopez leads the youth wing of the Pacific Cartel and conducts criminal activities in four states of the country’s northwest.
Recall that in 2019, drug cartel militants recaptured the son of the drug lord Shorty from the police in Mexico. The authorities then explained the decision to release Lopez by the fact that they did not want to endanger the lives of the security forces (several of them were taken hostage) and restore order in Culiacan.
Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has railed against his predecessors’ aggressive efforts to capture drug lords, but his administration bagged the high-profile cartel figure just days before hosting U.S. President Joe Biden, and at least in the short term locals were paying the price.
Interesting interview on the Gaggle. I personally lean more to Peter’s thinking about the “Odessa moment” issue. But we shall see about that:
TG 983: The Gaggle Talks To Scott Ritter
Thanks for the link. Peter is a cypher to us…and I always look for the dogs…
Well…my take was that the strategic goal is at a minimum as stated December 2022…thus the implied assumptions in gaggle dialogue seem to me to be in error. Scott is speaking of what I see as tactical..the Strategic Goal is global return to law and commerce…which seem to necessitate “great change” in Zone A…eg “revolution” or some terrible kind, a rather horrid process. Look like the process will take a time, but ya never know. Can Rus/Chin?Ind/?etc abide a pirate continent?
Best! P
It seems the BND has been infiltrated (was there a Rocky and Friends where Badenov… er, no that was the “Goof Gas Episode..) Der Spiegle > “Putin’s Man at the BND? German Intelligence Rocked By Russian Espionage Scandal ” https://archive.ph/O5PV4
Fairly long essay, fascist in political position of course, as the “organ” is “coordinated”, but well worth reading nevertheless, as BND admitted they do the same thing in Russia. Tu Quoque ? No, BND started it first… Anyway filled with gems rather muddied with spin… fine object for teaching rhetorical analysis. For “coordinated we might smile and say “Gleichschaltung” in remembrance of the Anschluss and those heady days of yore.
Gem>”Germany’s foreign intelligence agency, the BND, has been rocked by an espionage scandal centered around one of its staffers. The man, who is suspected of having spied for Russia, works in a department that provides critical intelligence in the Ukraine war. ” (didn’t VVP say “we know everything”? Why is BND surprised?)
>”The BND first moved to reestablish its own counterintelligence unit in 2017. German intelligence officers had to start from scratch in many places and undergo the painstaking process of acquiring new sources.”
>”Carsten L. also had access to a wealth of documents in his function as a unit head in the Technical Intelligence (TA) department. Investigators are still in the dark over how much information he may have supplied to Russian services and over what period of time.”
I note that spies motivated Moral Character are the most difficult to discover…this was also the case in the US during WW2. and on the bomb project.. And Many were never caught. And I note that it’s better to have many spies inside…
Oh well…back to watching Seventeen Moments of Spring… https://youtu.be/jtazv8uPvvA?list=PLbwJKFRNQRUaujKr0oWMG-nl6nGS0QVga Opens with fatboy… Sehr kool.
Best! P
Scott Ritter: Russia is on the right side of history (32:20) speaking at a Boston MA Church
China reports another monthly gold purchase. Multicurrency mercantilism seems to be forming around commodity, energy and gold-backed currencies.
China Extends Gold Buying With Fresh Flows to Central Bank
German retirees from the army rose by almost 500% in 2022 due to their unwillingness to become involved in the Ukraine war, according to the German Federal Office of Family Affairs and Civil Society Functions.
Some cafeistas may find this interactive map w/ descriptions of bases useful.
I’d add it your notes for reference if you’re talking to people in other countries.
USA’s Military Empire: A Visual Database
How many’s that now?
Venezuela’s Guaidó left twisting in the wind by his Washington neocon creators. The two Alex’s explain (13:34)
Juan Guaidó, another failed regime change reaches its conclusion
In my life I’ve had the great good fortune to have hosted Russian students at home.
One told me that after the copase of the USSR he & his family ate potatoes for 8 mnths as they had nothing else to eat.
Here’s Russia’s Maria Zakharova stating teh exact same thing and theat theyre not prpeared to ever let this happen again.
Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Zakharova on Russia after the collapse of the USSR: “We were starved … even I starved… we will never permit the return of those terrible times …. the hell of the 1990s.”
(In Russian, Eng subtitles, 2:08)
See it for yourself: https://twitter.com/upholdreality/status/1611365036794019840
Uncle Dave>
Juan Guaidó (the Alex brothers) What will become of the gold the Brits are said to have stole? (I myself rather imagine that they are “highly likely” to have lost track of it…)
Potatoes and the dubious “collapse” (treason) > considering the time-line, one of the secondary effects of the famine is the resolve Madam Comrade Zakharova displays… But I would bet that Margareta Simonyan, who evidently was sent to live at the time in America, is also an example of this. One might say that the treason and looting and famine stoked the forge and made a hard steel.
But to the gold…recalling (possibly inaccurately) the affair among the criminals in LA…Jack Dragna had the money and Micky Cohen took it. Jack never got it back… That’s the way it goes with organized crime cartels, er “banks and pols” in pirate states.
Best! P
Those brits stole plenty of stuff, gold perhaps among it.
But they missed plenty too, and its the plenty of misses that are driving them nuts.
gold we took and gold
we left behind; what goes around
comes around…
But if what comes around,
only comes around,
once a life time,
who has lost?
Who said it comes around once a lifetime, Al?
The problem we human beings have is that so often
we do not connect cause and effect. When we are
confronted with a negative effect, we often miss the
cause that was set into motion which resulted in the
effect (due to the time factor in between the two), and
are wont to put it down to ‘bad luck’ or some other
reason, and as there there are a number of different
types of karma, including past-life karma, many of us
never put cause and effect together until we have quite
a few lifetimes behind us.
Spiritually speaking, the Law of Karma is yet another
facet of the Law of Love, and its ultimate purpose is to
purify people by holding them responsible for their
thoughts and deeds, both to themselves and others.
Not all karma is negative however, there is also reward
for right or good action. The Law of Karma is in place
for all sentient beings/creatures, and its purpose is to
bring one into alignment with the Law of Love.
Noting that Change involves Rate as well as “mass”…thus Change, at a Rate of change that’s, say, 1,000 year period and which is small, is to most of us is hardly noticed until, perhaps, near the conclusion of the event process…which is a good reason to study the past.
Not long ago when the several subspecies of humans were far less technical, living in a pre-industial world what was relevant was weather and water and nourishment…which lent itself to fairly short-term Change. Humans are pretty good at noticing and dealing with Rates of a few years. But because they mostly don’t live very long, their ability to predict based on memory is also limited.
This means that the young who listen to the old people, and take the lessons of the old stories, tend to survive better…and thus a nation comes to exist.
Listen to the lessons of the past, act in accord, and Karma gets better. IMHO anyway…
Most of the lessons are, these days, available in print…as T R said, reading allows dialogue with the dead. And as Papa Hemingway said, “you need a BS detector”…. Read critically. Test the claims. Craft beliefs slowly and with cautions.
Best! P
…who has lost?
Sorry, missed this part… no one loses. If we take
the example of say a murderer, who got away
with no seeming negative effects for a very long
time, and then finally ends up on the gallows, that
particular Soul, even though he is paying with his
life for his nefarious deeds, would gain spiritually
b/c his death by hanging would register very deeply
on Soul, and so he would hesitate repeating his actions
in the next life. Whereas, had he lived a life w/out any
seeming negative outcome for his murderous sprees,
he may well continue with even greater evil in the next life.
Make sense?
Perhaps no one has lost, perhaps everyone has lost.
There is a needless war going on, it could have been prevented in any number of ways over the past 15 years, it wasn’t, God did not prevail.
A lot of people have lost something thing b/c of warring party’s.
Something they would not have lost if the warring party’s were not so organized.
So now even more people, even the ruling class, are right on the edge of the cliff of loss, and they don’t lose anything until many others have lost just about everything, their health, their dignity, their retirement, their kids future.
All these people have the opportunity to be negatively affected by the lack of preventing war, maybe not you or I so much, but a good many folks, scared, not heard from, who have lost hope or may soon lose it due to what appears to be the greed of the ruling class.
The gist of what I am saying is that, despite personal losses
of one kind or another, the upshot is spiritual gain. That, at
the end of the day, is the purpose of life. Man does not incarnate
to accumulate and hoard. He incarnates to learn the laws of life
and to adjust his behaviour accordingly. To this end, Soul is given
the kaleidoscope of experience in order to bring It emancipation
from all material attachments. There comes a time in one’s
spiritual unfoldment when everything unnecessary for
Soul’s spiritual journey is taken away from It.
’Tis Then
‘Tis when the heart has been forewarned,
‘Tis then the mind is finally turned.
‘Tis when the Soul stands unadorned,
‘Tis then the lesson is finally learned.
‘Tis when the sacred grove is found,
‘Tis then the dark gives way to light.
‘Tis when one hears the sacred sound,
‘Tis then ill gotten gains take flight.
‘Tis when the gift alone sustains,
‘Tis then the eye no longer strays.
‘Tis when love’s rite alone remains,
‘Tis then the truth begins to blaze.
I’m always a bit thrown back by the greater call of another.
One who is here for awhile, then gone, then back again. People like the creators of the language, the namers and spellers of things, the historians.
Constantly creating a sense of invisible urgency, (doesn’t even have to be soul), but only felt on the periphery. And now compound that invisible interest, the time they were gone and maybe even back again.
Then suddenly make it seen to all the wrong people, and the slow train wreck that could have been averted, does indeed arrive, along with the consequences that follow.
This is the weakest gvt ever seen in the history of the states, a small group of individuals can now hold the gvt hostage to any number of issues, like an irrelevant treasury, a very weak fed, a strong desire to reverse and save the system rather than the train wreck in plain site.
I don’t see an easy way out of this.
Good question re the gold Mr P. It will be interesting to see how the Brits extricate themselves from this mess. I’d say because it was a court decision they’ll find a higher court to reverse the decision onappeal – dragging it out for as long as possible of course.
I really don’t know if it matters, except for Venezuela of course. The Bank of England holds the gold reserves of 37 countries.
China, by comparison is stockpiling gold at an impressive rate. If China’s doing it, you’d expect the Ruskies will be as well.
Mexico-Broken Truce with major implications.
A labyrinthine of reasons and effects – call Cousin Vinny on this one.
Broken Truce
“When I was young I wanted to be a surgeon, but my hand was shaking a lot, although not as much as it is now.” Well then: with an equally trembling hand, and perhaps speaking more, just like the hairdresser of before, I say that from now on the good and wise people will no longer be enough to take care of the security of President López. Very surely the bad guys will feel that AMLO broke a kind of tacit pact when he suddenly changed the hugs for bullets and had Ovidio Guzmán arrested on the eve of Biden’s arrival
in Mexico. In matters like this there are no coincidences, and everything indicates that the new arrest of the delinquent was now a kind of tribute to the US president on the occasion of his visit. It has already been seen that organized crime is highly organized, and has a great capacity to respond when attacked. The two “culiacanazos” prove it, with their blockades of streets and highways, their burning of vehicles and now, extremely audacious, their shooting at an airliner. Security measures must be maximized during the presence in Mexico of Biden and Trudeau, the same as the care of the person of López Obrador until the end of his six-year term and beyond the end of his term, since in such an abrupt way he broke the four-year truce that he had granted to the drug cartels, a truce that It gave them time to reorganize, arm themselves more, increase their activities, and extend their rule over vast portions of the national territory. Maybe I’m talking about more and inventing things, like the teacher Milo, but I think we’ll have to be careful. They are no longer friends, as before, AMLO and the bad guys… THE END.
The following three facts are the most compelling, there are others.
Mexico has changed to a Military Dictatorship, Russian influence and a threat from the UN/US to send troops to Mexico. A broken truce can with accompanying violence can bring on a Mexican invasion by the US.
1…Meanwhile back at the barracks. The following is from an unfriendly site and only amplifies that Obrador wishes to be a dictator but nothing is mentioned of a US takeover of which Amlo has previously complained in the amount of money and support given to his opponents by the US.
SIMON: Why does President Lopez Obrador want the military to be more involved – at least, what’s your surmise of that?
HOPE: He sees them as an alternate to civilian bureaucracy, which he distrusts significantly. He has openly stated that he wants all this projects and all this companies to be run by the military because it would be harder for any future government to privatize them.
2…The Russian GRU has more people in Mexico than any country in the world, influence? sure
Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador reiterated Monday that his administration has entered into a space agreement with Russia.
But he recalled that it was signed in September 2021, several months before Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine and denied that it will be used for espionage purposes.
The agreement specifically provides for the installation of Russian GLONASS systems – Russia’s equivalent of the US Global Positioning System (GPS) – and an electronic optical system for the prevention of dangerous space situations in Mexico, the document says.
3…UN troops to Mexico, making the case. Enforced disappearance is an extremely serious charge.
Why now, the cartels have been rampant for a long time.? I would venture that this has just as much to do with the GRU being in Mexico in far greater numbers than any other country along with the cartels, drugs and violence.
Mexico Denies UN Accusations of Enforced Disappearance Impunity
Published 14 April 2022
On Wednesday, Mexican President rejected the critics made by the UN Committee on enforced disappearances.
Andres Manuel Lòpez Obrador, Mexico’s President, rejected criticisms made by the United Nations committee which called on the country to take action in light of the increase of reports of enforced disappearance.
“No international organization is going to put us in the dock if we are acting legally, humanely — if we do not allow corruption or impunity,” said the Mexican President. According to the report made by the UN Committee on Enforced Disappearances released on Tuesday, “organized crime has become a central perpetrator of disappearance in Mexico, with varying degrees of participation, acquiescence or omission by public servants.”
A amusing rhyme from 07 January 1944…https://youtu.be/sssDQxSjt4Q
Red Army 27 miles from Poland…
How things do follow the old courses…
………….Loadstar> Most interesting… People say the dope cartels are more or less “licensed” by the dark “intelligence” organizations see eye eh goodfellas… Indeed, it seems that this means a sort of civil war in Mexico, shall we come to see vague similarities with 404…? Of course, there is at present no meaningful border…which rather implies a transnational “civil” war…or plainly, sort of proxy war between US and Mexico with many treasons…
Very traditional.
Best! P
“And don’t think the garden
loses its ecstasy in winter.
It’s quiet, but the roots
down there are riotous.”
– Rumi
Music by Armand Amar –
in the arms of love;
hidden meanings come to light
Well, well, well isnt’ this interesting? See this in the context of MKB’s recent article of the G20 having become obsolete after Russia’s SMO & confiscation of her foreign reserves & sanctions imposed.
India is president of the G20 in 2023 & hosting a ‘Voice of the Global South’ summit next week
“India’s G20 presidency will be shaped in consultation with not just our G20 partners, but also our fellow-travelers in the Global South”
India invites 120 countries to ‘Voice of Global South’ summit
Read more at:
Don’t you just hate politics?
Australia in the grip of wokeness, mirroring the US BLM movement,
with the aboriginals assuming mythic status.
Shocking article revealing how aboriginals treated their
women (routinely beaten, stabbed, raped) their children, enemies
(Feeling hungry; how about the flesh of your vanquished enemy?) etc.
I am not anti-aboriginal, but as time passes I am beginning to wonder if
there is any hope for those who are quite willing to sell whatever shred
of integrity they may have had, for political/personal gain…
Its called tyranny and so far it doesn’t appear to be illegal, crosses many red lines, has many cases against it, but as far as cracking the whip and whipping up some legislation against it, don’t hold your breath.
This could go on a lot longer than anyone was thinking.
Very well said, Al.
What the elites are doing is turning Europe in EuroAfrica to suppress real wages i.e. wages adjusted for inflation.
Same as the “illegal aliens” coming over the US-Mexico border.
In Australia, they invoke a 60,000 year old culture, no personal possessions, no rights to property, for exactly the same reason, i.e. lower real wages.
There’s always a reason!
the flock will always
be fleeced by the wolf
in sheep’s clothing
the wolf
devours everything save
her money pouch
Why on earth would any other nation want to subordinate the,selves to this absolute barbarism?
‘It never stops’: killings by US police reach record high in 2022
Data reveals:
• 1 in 3 victims was fleeing
• majority were routine encounters turned deadly, incl traffic stops, mental health calls, no crime alleged
• major surge in killings by Sheriff Depts
“Law enforcement killed at least 1,176 people or about 100 people a month last year, making it the deadliest for police violence”
Now on top of that the US has the highest number of incarcerations than any other country incl. China w/ 1.4billion & India w/ 1.3billion people
They say that the Israelis host US cops for special training… so does F be eye… And since my youth, when the cops were just cops, the US cops have changed doctrine…now “force protection” is their paramount priority… In a long life of roguish adventure not once has a desperado threatened me with a gun, and there were many desperadoes, and they all had guns… But, cops have threatened me with guns many times. And accidents happen…as does bald murder. I have found myself facing screaming intelligibly, badges and midgets and girls shaking with fear and with guns leveled at me.
They say that under the law in the US there is, technically, a right to resist an illegal arrest.. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bad_Elk_v._United_States) Good luck with that…
(The coincidence of Titanic event had escaped me, many thanks! Noting that some coincidences are more coincidental than others…)
Best! P
Can’t be long now …
Former head of the Central Bank of Ukraine asks for political asylum in Austria due to accusations of embezzlement of $5.6million
Kirill Shevchenko, who left the post of head of the Central Bank of Ukraina in October 2022, requested asylum in Austria. The reason for the flight of the head of the main financial regulator was fraud in the commercial Ukrgasbank, on which the official earned $5.6 million.
Kirill Shevchenko has led the monetary policy of Ukraine since July 2020. The official reason for the resignation was “health”. Although there is a version that his relationship with the head of the office of the President of Ukraine Andriy Yermak deteriorated.
As I’ve said before I find Mercouris overly legalistic, but …
Alexander Mercouris: Russia On Brink of Capturing Soledar, Ukraine Bakhmut Defences Crumble, West Rushes … (55:00)
I thought you might be interested in this Skip? What really happened on J6 two years ago
The Bullet that Broke the Nation – THE MURDER OF ASHLEY BABBITT (with pics & vids)
We discussed the latest book by professor Nicolai Petro: “The Tragedy of Ukraine”. Professor Petro was US State Department’s Special Assistant for Policy on the Soviet Union under Papa Bush
Prof. Glenn Diesen, Prof. University of South-Eastern Norway, & Editor at Russia in Global Affairs. Research: Geoeconomics of Greater Eurasia and Russian conservatism
“The Tragedy of Ukraine” w/ Nicolai Petro, Alexander Mercouris, and Glenn Diesen (1:11:45)
The South African National Defense Force (SANDF) has confirmed its participation in trilateral maritime exercises with China and Russia scheduled to be held 17 – 24 February.
Ukrainian Defense Minister Reznikov admitted that the Armed Forces of Ukraine are carrying out the mission of NATO.
-“We are fulfilling the NATO mission today, without losing their blood, with the loss of our blood, so they need to spend their weapons,” Reznikov said
(Eng. subtitles)
watch this!!!!
Watch this!!! Vlad lays a wreath at ground zero.
Brother Larry Johnson has some thoughts about “What Is Ukraine Hiding in the Bakhmut Salt Mines?” Germs, perhaps? Business “papers”…some radioactive material, or gagets?
https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/01/ukraine-hiding-bakhmut-salt-mines/ (“Ah suspicion” (as they say down South) the feller’s onto something…)
The famous and highly esteemed dynamic friends of whatever, Condoleezza Rice and Robert M. Gates, evidently realize that those Ruskies are not fooling…and “Con-Bob” cry for bigbig weapons to 404 “not in months, but weeks! https://archive.ph/lbGR1#selection-297.0-319.1 “Time is not on Ukraine’s side” (Just when did these Great Minds twig?) So, let’s say less than two months and so it must be weeks…so more or less 6 weeks… Are these people really that clueless? Their plan is fubared… Are they at the Goof Gas again? Or is it “flour”?
Then a very queer tale> “The Gay World War? Inside Putin’s warped reality” ( https://thehill.com/opinion/international/3784875-the-gay-world-war-inside-putins-warped-reality/ )
excerpt> “But what of the countries outside of pernicious Western influence, like Russia, China or India? Here, he said, the elites’ plan gets even more sinister: bioweapons. “A COVID with a 100 percent mortality will come to them and cut down everybody,” Kovalchuk predicted.
According to him, all this was a long-term plan crafted by the Dulles brothers — Allen, the former director of the CIA, and John, Eisenhower’s secretary of State — “together with their Rockefeller buddy.” Kovalchuk claims they created the World Health Organization “not for curing people. But to control the health of humanity in many parts of the world, to influence it with vaccination.”
So, did you get it?
It’s not against Ukraine the Russian army is fighting. It’s against a New World Order of Bilderberg and Davos elites trying to genetically engineer a subservient humanity with gay marriages in the West and killer viruses in the rest of the world. With Rockefellers, Dulles brothers and WHO thrown into the mix.”
end quote.
Brother Kevin has an opinion> “In any case, Putin has real reasons to be concerned about the dozens of American biowar labs scattered around Russia’s borders. Whatever one thinks of his opposition to transhumanist attempts to separate sexuality from reproduction, and his contempt for the Davos and Bilderberg oligarchical elites, Putin’s “conspiracy theories” about the threat of US biological attacks on his nation are obviously well-founded.” (No chit!) see> https://kevinbarrett.substack.com/p/is-putin-a-conspiracy-theorist?publication_id=314817&isFreemail=true
Brother Turner claims another 500,000 mobilizing into Red Army, and of course we all know what the payback for the Xmas truce hits on the fellas cost> some 1,300 hit in 404 and… payback for truce violations. Your guess as to how many are taking the long sleep…
Rate of Change and “Mass”
Motis in Fin Velocior Gunna be a very special year…
@ Anoxia the sun’s bright, the air breezy…
Best! P
The Middle East map is going to be redrawn.
While we are all, rightfully, worried about what’s going on in Ukraine, those sneaky Russians are shoring up their situation on the south shores of the Black Sea and Eastern Mediterranean.
As reported last week the meeting between Russia, Turkiye, and Syria took place between their Defense Ministers where they all described the talks as ‘constructive’ towards solving multiple outstanding issues like refugees and the backing of radicals.
This meeting was put in motion by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan as the Moscow Times article notes:
In November, Erdogan said a meeting with Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad was a possibility, after cutting diplomatic ties with Damascus throughout the 11-year conflict.
In mid-December, he indicated that he could meet with Assad after the two countries’ defense and foreign ministers meet.
“We want to take a step as Syria, Turkey and Russia,” [emphasis mine] he said at the time.
The issues discussed are especially important for Erdogan as the protracted war is sapping his popularity at home in the face of an ongoing pull out of western capital from Turkey that has seen the lira go through what can only be described as a hyperinflation since 2018.
With elections on the horizon and Erdogan’s position tenuous for the first time in his political career, moves need to be made now to improve things. Allowing the millions of Syrian refugees the opportunity to go home would be a big win for Erdogan politically.
This is also a good use of Sergei Shoigu, the Russian Defense Minister, since he’s not in charge of the operation in Ukraine and hasn’t been since October, with good reason.
Shoigu, I’m sure, has been preparing for this meeting for months, laying the groundwork for talks between Turkiye and Syria that are long overdue.
As Alex Mercouris pointed out in a recent Duran video, Turkiye’s president Erdogan set three steps for a resolution of the conflict between it and Syria. This meeting of the Defense Ministers is the 2nd of them.
The Foreign Ministers are now clear to meet. Presumably, after that, Erdogan and Syrian President Bashar al-Assad will meet with the Russians as negotiator to hammer out an official end to Turkiye’s involvement in the Syrian War which began more than a decade ago.
Without Turkiye’s involvement in Syria, the Neocons’ goal of strangling Russia on gas imports to Europe never happens. This was the main impetus behind the Syrian War in the first place. To get him on board, Erdogan had to be bribed with a massive land grab, which he’s tried to accomplish.
But when he didn’t do enough to start a war with Russia in November 2015 after Turkiye supposedly shot down a Russian SU-24, he was rewarded with a coup attempt against him led by the CIA and US military out of the Incerlik airbase, by all accounts.
He was saved, apparently, by an early warning from Putin and ferried out to Iran to issue his counter-attack orders to the Turkish military on the night of the coup attempt.
This was the beginning of the end of Turkiye’s relationship with NATO and the US.
The road between Turkey and Russia to this point has been incredibly rocky. Putin has been exceedingly patient with Erdogan over a dozen issues, his back-pedaling and, at times, double-dealing.
But the reality is that, like him or not, every year since Russia’s move into Syria Erdogan has acted in his interest, creating leverage on the ground by taking territory in Syria, making outrageous claims against the Eastern Mediterranean, while playing the West and Russia against each other on NATO expansion, refugee policy, and his support of Azerbaijan and Ukraine.
I’ve even come to the conclusion that his repeated violations of Greek airspace, something that no one else does in the world and the Greeks are well within their rights to stop with force, is likely part of his whole “Crazy Sultan” schtick to keep people on edge.
As I’ve said many times Erdogan plays both sides, dropping a white or black stone on the Geopolitical Go board when it suits his agenda.
And his agenda today is nearly complete; an independent yet still pivotal Turkiye.
So, against that backdrop his making nice with Syria is a bombshell that the West shouldn’t be surprised about since Erdogan has been throwing wrenches into their works since the beginning of the Ukraine War in February.
But the timing of this is the most inconvenient for the US/UK neocons who are clearly ramping up a 2023 regime change operation against Putin in Russia.
When you put it all together — Erdogan facing stiff opposition in the polls, hyperinflation, unrest at home, and an election later this year — ending the war in Syria had to be tops on his to-do list for 2023.
It won’t come without consequences. And while he’s tried to play ‘possum on his real intentions for years, is anyone really surprised that he’s making this move now?
At some point everyone runs out of room to maneuver and you have to not only choose your side, but announce it to everyone and take the reaction to it.
So, John Bolton’s mustache is all aquiver over this and he wants Turkiye booted from NATO. Clearly this is because Erdogan is blocking Sweden and Finland’s accession which apparently is more important to Bolton than maintaining supply routes to US troops trapped in Syria and Iraq should Erdogan expel the US from Incerlik in response.
Con Coughlin at The Telegraph has come to this same conclusion in a screed that reads like a prelude to another attempt to get rid of this agitator in Ankara.
Turkey’s decision to press ahead with the Russian purchase [S-400’s] has not only put it on a collision course with Washington, which is threatening to scrap the F-35 deal at the end of the month; it also shows Ankara’s utter contempt for the Nato alliance, an attitude that key European member states such as Britain must demonstrate they are no longer able to tolerate.
His conclusion, Turkiye’s contempt for NATO, which I can’t really argue with, is grounds for its dismissal from the alliance.
But, as I said, this kind of reaction is exactly what Erdogan needs from the West, who have treated him and Turkiye as a fifth wheel for a long time. The neocons can frame his antics however they like but have they really thought through what happens after that?
Knowing the neocon mindset, I don’t think they have. They are so focused on Russia and convinced of the outcome of their war against it that they can just kick one of the largest armies in the world to the curb with immense geostrategic importance in the crotch and it won’t matter.
Without Turkiye’s backing in Idlib, the rebels there won’t survive in the long run. Erdogan will ratchet up his attacks on the SDF Kurds in the east backed by the US. This leaves Israel in a more tenuous position as well, surviving really only on Russia’s continued good graces.
Because the recent reports of US troops coming under intense missile attacks in Deir Ezzor where they are protecting the stealing of Syrian oil are a signpost that both Syria and Iran have had their shackles taken off by Putin in confronting the US in Syria.
In light of Angela Merkel’s admission of the Minsk Accords being a ruse to arm Ukraine, I don’t think you need further proof that Putin now has his legal ducks in a row to take the fight directly to the US, knowing that conflict is inevitable.
Think of it this way. Before Merkel’s admission, the West was able to credibly compose the narrative that Putin unjustly invaded Ukraine. Guys like Con Coughlin still calling Russia ‘a rogue state’ is ridiculous when the pretense of diplomacy is gone. You can’t put that genie back in the bottle and still declare Russia’s move into Ukraine on 2/24/2022 was wholly unprovoked.
With a viable Minsk document in place it gave Putin’s new ‘allies’ a public reason to point to when stabbing him in the back if Russia faltered on the battlefield or their proxies like Syria.
Now, with that narrative blown up — not for the normies, but for the Heads of State of the Global South — Putin is justified to no longer play footsie with the US through proxies.
There is no reason to not cross redlines that were always there as olive branches to form the basis of future diplomatic efforts. The current crop of morons and psychopaths leading the West with their prep school antics are irredeemable in the eyes of not just the Russians, but also now the Turks, Iranians, Chinese, Pakistanis, etc.
There are consequences to bragging on Twitter like Michael McFaul that as an ambassador he openly lied, or worse former Sec. of State Mike Pompeo making it effectively State Dept. policy to lie because that was his training at the CIA.
Need more proof? Putin just sold Iran dozens of SU-35s. This was another implicit redline to placate the US he just crossed, casually I might add. As long as Iran had a joke of an air force Putin could maintain at least the pretense that he was listening to the US.
But, now all of that is out the window.
Iran is selling Russia drones to wipe out the Ukrainian army and Russia is sending Iran SU-35s to end the threat of Israel doing any more long-range bombing runs in Iran.
The old stalemates are gone.
Given everything that’s happening is it any wonder that the newly-resurrected Bibi Netanyahu in Israel has stepped up the bombings of the Damascus Airport, apparently now shutting it down? Are we surprised that he is really saber-rattling against Iran?
But at the same time his new defense minister is having second doubts about supporting Ukraine. How do the British neocons square that position with Russia being the rogue state here?
The point is that Putin had to hold out hope for diplomacy and not cross a line until the US/EU came clean with their lying and duplicity. It had to be public before he could do this, otherwise the fragile coalition he’s formed to combat the West could collapse.
In this respect, Merkel did him a favor. She also did Davos the favor of framing the US for all the troubles now.
Now he’s crossing them all and Erdogan is following along.
I get why the neocons are pissed, but they have no one to blame but themselves for being sucked into a war with unreliable European partners, who have a very different agenda.
Remember, also, Erdogan’s very troubled relationship with Merkel over the migrant issues and EU accession. The EU dangled that in front of him for years while he threatened to flood Europe with more migrants.
That standoff broke down a couple of years ago and now Erdogan has to allow the Syrians and the Lebanese a path to going home, if only to unburden the Turkish economy and social fabric.
So, Erdogan has always known who Merkel really was. She’s exactly as Mercouris has described her in the past, someone juggling all of these balls with the intent of maintaining the status quo. That status quo was buying time for the Davos agenda to mature. That’s all it was.
I’ve always maintained that Putin and his staff utilize parallel-aggression to counter the neocons’ implacable commitment to being on offense. They push in one theater, he pushes in another equally.
And what’s interesting here is that at some point the whole ‘Putin is the aggressor’ narrative will collapse in normie space when the stakes get high enough because the people of the West aren’t committed to why Ukraine or Syria is our fight.
These deals were never really sealed.
It means that Syria will shoot down an Israeli F-16 at some point and Israel will have to take it. Or it will provoke Bibi to do something so rash that no one will be able to spin it in his favor.
Davos is hanging Israel out to dry at the UN, driving the Neocons to the point of alcoholism.
Either way, what Putin has done here, with Erdogan’s help, is turn the entire power dynamic of aggression on its head.
Now, the Russians can allow Syria and Iran to ‘defend themselves’ while keeping his hands mostly clean there.
Now the real ‘bluff calling’ phase of this situation begins.
Now, we’ll see how long “Biden” will keep troops in Syria, stealing oil and enforcing sanctions that Turkiye will make redundant in a few weeks?
Expect regime change operations in Turkiye this fall. Expect stepped-up Israeli aggression against both Syria and Iran until such time as Iran’s IRGC air force is strong enough to defend itself.
The timer is ticking on all of the conflicts in this region: Syria, Iraq, Yemen.
And the key to it all was always getting Erdogan to flip them all on their heads by helping expose the mendacity of this generation of ‘leaders’ in the West.
Brilliant summary, Skip. Thankyou for that.
The profound reverence towards General Soleimani expressed by every layer of Iranian society – from the grassroots to the leadership – has certainly translated into honoring his life’s work by finding Iran’s deserved place in multipolarity, writes Pepe Escobar.
How General Soleimani kick-started the multipolar world
“The consensus among future historians will be inevitable: the 2020s started with a diabolic murder.”
Note: Personally, I find the title to be hyperbole as multipolarity was well on the way due to the Russia-China Double Helix (as so brilliantly explained by Larchmonter445)
In retaliation for the deadly attack on Makeyevka in Donetsk, Russia’s armed forces have killed more than 600 Ukie servicemen in a massive rocket strike on their bases in Kramatorsk – Russian spokesman Lt. General Igor Konashenkov.
Russian forces eliminated over 600 Ukrainian troops in retaliation strike
“Some NATO members – including Germany – seem to want to put an end to the fighting in Ukraine as soon as possible, even if the country would have to make territorial concessions. Poland, on the other hand, wants to weaken Moscow in the long term – Russia must ‘lose hard’”
“It is one of those sentences that are typical of Polish leaders: In this war instigated by Russia, there can only be one outcome: either Ukraine wins or the whole of Europe loses”, said Mateusz Morawiecki –
The crack in NATO is evident in Germany and Poland – WELT
(In German)
‘All the airfields and training areas of the Air Force and Air Defense Command of the Armed Forces of Belarus will be used during the tactical Air Force exercise.’
Belarusian-Russian Air Force exercise to begin on 16 January
“MINSK, 9 January – A joint tactical exercise involving Air Force units of the Armed Forces of Belarus and Russia that belong to the aerial component of the Belarus-Russia regional military force will take place on 16 January – 1 February, the press service of the Belarusian Defense Ministry told BelTA.”
Russia releases the world’s first action movie filmed in space. Very cool
Вызов – трейлер Trailer (3:16) https://youtu.be/PKBKmaOFlsg
Swedish Prime Minister: “Turkiye has requirements that we cannot fulfill in order to join NATO”
Sweden says Turkey asking too much over NATO application
Pax Sinica in the Middle East? New hope for Palestine and Iran?
“In 2022, the China-GCC Summit was one thing, and China’s strategic partnership with Iran another, but both Saudi Arabia and Iran applying simultaneously to multipolar institutions – BRICS and the SCO? Plus the idea of a BRICS Coin as a commodity-weighted neutral reserve asset that encourages members to pledge their commodities to the BRICS cause? The combined force of those four changes may prevent inflation from slowing and interest rates from falling in the West until 2030. Zoltan Pozsar, Credit Suisse.
It is difficult to exaggerate the degree to which China has transformed the Middle East from a region of squabbling, unstable states into a semblance of Mohammed’s ummah, a supra-national community with a common history and a shared destiny. All it took was decades of diplomacy, promises kept, and a trillion dollars.”
An extremely interesting article on RT about the reasons and how Russia lost the border regions of the Ukrainian SSR and Crimea when the USSR broke apart:
The ghost of Lenin: Why didn’t Russia and Ukraine sort out their border issues when the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991?