2022/12/02 19:30:01
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Seems that Brother Medvedev has spiritual inspiration…
https://t.me/medvedev_telegram/222 “Kievian Satanists…current Ukrainian authorities have openly become enemies of Christ and the Orthodox faith. This is how the whole Christian world should treat them.
And of course, the Kiev Christ-sellers should remember the words of Scripture: “And My eye will not spare you, and I will not have mercy. I will repay you according to your ways, and your abominations will be with you; and you will know that I am the Lord the chastiser” (Ezek.sliding into Ezekiel 7:9 )
“My eye will not spare you…” and all of that.
I think he means it.
“Anatomy of the imperium. And of those who created it. ”
“Aaron Good’s excellent book American Exception: Empire and the Deep State,”
Video interview with Patrick Lawrence on Imperialism, and the difference between Exceptionalism and Exceptionism – lawlessness.
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov alleged Thursday that the US and NATO are now directly participating in the Ukraine war.
“You shouldn’t say that the US and NATO aren’t taking part in this war. You are directly participating in it,” Lavrov told a press briefing.
“And not just by providing weapons but also by training personnel. You are training their military on your territory, on the territories of Britain, Germany, Italy, and other countries,” he pointed out.
In California, if I tell someone I want them to kill my wife, and give them money to do that, and give them a gun and ammo, and tell them where my wife is going to be vulnerable, I’m at least as culpable as the hitman I hired.
I doubt there is any jurisdiction in the United States that considers the person who hires murder to be an innocent party, or any less guilty than the hitman. I can’t speak for the rest of the civilized West, who seem to have lost their morals.
The West was guilty of warfare since they first provided arms and encouragement to bombarding the Donbass.
I don’t intend any criticism of Lavrov, who, in my opinion, is one of the few stellar statesmen in my experience..
“In California, if I tell someone I want them to kill my wife, and give them money to do that, and give them a gun and ammo, and tell them where my wife is going to be vulnerable, I’m at least as culpable as the hitman I hired.”
You nailed it pretty much.
Like a failed marriage of two completely corrupt, self-centered entities, whose only solution to an “even split” is to chain-saw their entire estate in half. Just to make sure the other side doesn’t get too much enjoyment out of the split, for pure spite. In the meantime, the whole world suffers to pay a terrible price.
I wonder if US gets some scrap metal (the prize) of the destroyed weapons to… build some more. “Better. Faster. Stronger. ” ?
“War of the Roses” all over again. LoL
My cat demands that the western governments impose a price cap of $2 per kilo for Beluga caviar. He says this will punish Putin and assure that Mr Whiskers gets plenty of his favorite food because it will be cheaper than Meow Mush. He says this plan makes him as smart as the Harvard educated economists who work for governments.
I tried to explain to Mr Whiskers that his demand was unlikely to put any caviar in his dinner dish, Putin couldn’t care less, that Mr W might want to get used to the idea of eating cabbage, and since Harvard economists are dumber than cats, he should set his sights higher.
cats bring out the cat
in humans, humans bring out
the human in cats
… and if Putin doesn’t respond accordingly, then Mr. Whiskers has no choice but to take a dive off the nearest high tower, to send a message to the Kremlin and Putin:
“… don’t fu*k with Mr. Whiskers, or he’ll kill himself. And anyone else who stands in his way after that!!”
Love it Rusty… you just made my day!!!
River of Love
O’ river of love, river of love;
I’m parched and I’m dry
and in need of a drink!
I’ve loved and I’ve lost
And I’m paying the cost;
Now nothing’s the same
as I used to think.
Wherever I go and whatever I do,
The things that I knew
and thought were true,
Seem but pretence
and no longer make sense.
You beguile and you tease
Like a desert mirage.
Your face lies hidden
and camouflaged.
Your touch so soft
Comes back to haunt,
Your memory so dear
tempts and taunts…
River of love, o’ river of love,
What have you done
and where have you gone?
Giver of Mercy, Giver of Grace;
Please show me the way
to the river of love!
The railroad industry has the potential to be a victim of its own policy success.
Always leaning toward business rather than labor, the slimmed down efficient workforce has been approaching a burnout event that always leaves labor against the guilty wall of working or striking, and this fiasco is no exception.
With missed work penalties approaching the unaffordable verses risking leaving a sick kid at home to not miss work, the workers have reached their last nerve.
The big problem is business cant afford any idle workers so with a missed day and no quick replacement workforce, the chain of efficiency breaks with every lost link, to the point of say 100 lost links actually being able to shut down the rail system.
The systems answer is always more money, but the workers want a buffer to cushion the sick leave penalties also, business believes more money makes for better performance and less need for sickness (juggle paying a quick baby sitter), but the burnout rate is ignored and talks always end in a standstill.
So can 100 wildcat strikers bring the rail system to its senses, or does labor walk the lake of fire in the hopes of not being the next industrial burnout.
This one’s for you, Al.
The devil fools with the best laid plans.. NY.
The Fiddler and the Devil
O’, where on earth, young man, did you find,
That fiddle so light that you play with such flair?
I’ve travelled the length and the breadth of this land;
Never have I heard a more haunting air.
My father he made me this fiddle and bow.
My mother she taught me this tune so spare.
I live by my wits in the eye of the storm –
Of nought but this fiddle am I the heir.
Your clothes they are ragged, your feet they are raw;
Let cruel fate itself forswear!
I’ll make you lord of kingdoms of awe –
All for the price of your fiddle so rare!
When the raven turns white and the egret black,
When the grindstone blossoms into a tree,
When the camel passes through the needle’s eye…
Is when I’ll give my fiddle to thee.
death and the pilgrim;
a hundred thousand years
wandering wilderness
To Dimitar, Russian Snowy, Amurrican Alabama, well heck, and everyone
When I play on my fiddle in Dooney,
Folk dance like a wave of the sea;
My cousin is priest in Kilvarnet,
My brother in Mocharabuiee.
I passed my brother and cousin:
They read in their books of prayer;
I read in my book of songs
I bought at the Sligo fair.
When we come at the end of time
To Peter sitting in state,
He will smile on the three old spirits,
But call me first through the gate;
For the good are always the merry,
Save by an evil chance,
And the merry love the fiddle,
And the merry love to dance:
And when the folk there spy me,
They will all come up to me,
With “Here is the fiddler of Dooney!”
And dance like a wave of the sea.
Hi Idols of Despair. Thanks for posting Yeats’ poem,
I know it and it’s an enjoyable one. Regards, D.
The devil hated to see me,
he had just lost his job.
he had it for quite a while,
and was on top of the pile.
He didn’t know what to do w/himself,
the thrill was now all gone.
Maybe another hood,
as little red is a short ride from here.
Railroad reminds me of a joke…a cartoon long ago. Seems the boss of a big parking lot had to call the crew together and accuse them of wasting parking space by leaving too much room between cars…”Damitfellas! We haven’t dented a fender in a whole month!!”
History suggests that the company accepts as a cost of business that train wrecks and burnouts at some defined rate… (5%?) are indicators of optimization of the system. Thus desired.
History also suggests that such optimizations are unstable…strikes being an example of an unpredictable feedback.
If we now begin to see sabotage as “work-to-rule” and lawfare, possibly with falseflag rodeos…well see
https://www.academia.edu/31593588/Labors_Untold_Story_pdf (a very good book!) History suggests that violence is quite likely. One might suppose many work errors, water in the lubeoil… These sorts of feedbacks are also unpredictable…what if a FF rodeo is BigBig…thousands and is used…
Big Ed Snowden received his Russian passport, so should be free to travel, but the question is, will He, and where to? A very tricky decision for him.. Where could he safely go, without finding himself trapped in another airport; in diplomatic limbo? Would Russia save him in that situation?
Edward travelling on a Russian diplomatic passport would be a sight to see.
If Snowden leaves continental Russian air space his plane would be interdicted and forced to land……F16s be like that.
Traveling by land he’ll be renditioned to a Black Hole Site ….bye bye Ed.
What a feather in a western cap pickin of poor Ed. His fate is sealed.
Cheers M
Just a smidgen of hunch says that Brother S, now that he’s a citizen, is eligible and qualified to take on some technical jobs for his country… If that happens he’ll travel to an undisclosed place…
war and terrorizing, invading hordes are not new on earth, but the global, vile and sacrilgious defamation of women, whether overt or manipulated to appear unseen, this has never been as today.
words also, can rescue us from cultural eniromental extinction, and used as a mantra, are unfathonable to the masters of evil, and therefore have power to preserve the human spiri.
just saying, anyway here’s one:
strive for peace
live in peace
love the peace
A happy, cheerful song by
Otava Yo (Отава Ё)
“The Tale of Ivan Groove”
Lyrics :
Oh Ivan, my dear Ivan, where you’ve been all night? Where you’ve been all night?
You haven’t been to your darling’s place…
Haven’t been to my darling’s place, didn’t see my pals, my sweet girl, don’t be angry with me
Don’t be angry with me, that I didn’t come to you, that I didn’t make it over, I found myself on the street, playing fiddle all night down on the street!
fmr US Col. Douglas Macgregor:
UKRAINE NEVER WON THE WAR !!! | 540,000 Russian Troops Stationed Around Ukraine (8:18)
Jimmie Moglia: Decline of the West. Analysis and analogies between the decline of the Roman Empire and the most significant events linking critical events, starting from the French Revolution, with the current historical-political dynamics of Europe. (38:51) https://youtu.be/KzHIqevpyuk
(In Italian, use Settings cog bottom RH screen to select your language)
It’s either a ruse to get Russia not to start its Winter Offensive, or are the Europeans finally catching on?
Quite frankly, I wouldnt trust the Europeans as far as I could throw them!
Reuters: ex-Rothschild bankster Macron says West should consider security guarantees for Russia. French President Emmanuel Macron said, if Russian President Vladimir Putin agrees to negotiations ending the war, the West should consider giving Russia guarantees in the future security architecture.
DEC 2021: Russia Proposes a New Security Architecture in Europe and Beyond
If I were Putin, I’d take the whole of the country over these next 3 months and then say to the collective West: ‘now, lets talk turkey’ (as the saying goes)
This is what systems of value flow do, when faced with damaged or blocked links and channels.
And so it is with global energy. Russia has in 2022 purchased 103 tankers to transport its oil to its customers, beyond the reach of Transatlantic Sanctions.
Sanctions tend not to work. They don’t usually achieve their intended effects, and often lead to boomerang impacts on those seeking to impose them in the first place.
In March this year, Prof. Warwick Powell mused about the emergence of two energy markets in the world: a high cost European one (with ultimate feedback loops on the North American and allied markets), and a low cost market involving the Global South.
Look like he was on the money!
Russia assembles ‘shadow fleet’ of tankers to help blunt oil sanctions
Europe itself is increasingly becoming fractured.
Poland’s Kaczynski slams Germany’s ‘dominance’ in Europe
“The leader of Poland’s ruling party has been increasingly using anti-German rhetoric in recent months, straining the already prickly bilateral relations over the past few years.”
India to ignore price caps and sanctions as it continues to buy Russian oil. That it does so with impunity speaks volumes about the West’s diminished “powers of persuasion”. It’s a further sign of multipolarity as it unfolds.
Price caps are unlikely to have any immediate impact on the global oil markets.
India will continue to buy Russian oil, as it has done all through 2022, taking advantage of significant discounts. China and others will too.
Russia has invested in a growing fleet of tankers, undermining the effectiveness of Western sanctions.
Indeed, India and China are already buying at prices less than the price cap (US$60 / barrel). The likely immediate dynamic is more of the same: Europe won’t buy direct from Russia – instead, it will pay a premium for Russian oil to be handled by intermediaries.
All this speaks to the ineffectiveness of sanctions and now, price caps. Outside of the G7, who’s going to pay any attention to the cap? The G7 meanwhile have chosen to pay premiums instead.
The policy regime makes profiteering by arbitrage a center-piece of the existing setup. No wonder industry and households in Europe are now seriously feeling the pinch. The symptoms: deindustrialization and relocation (US subsidies are very attractive) and suffering under rising cost of living for households.
India To Keep Purchasing Russian Oil After Sanctions Go Into Effect
Reading Carroll Quigley (here’s some good bio> http://www.carrollquigley.net/biography/Carroll_Quigley-Some_Aspects_of_His_Last_Twelve_Years.htm
And naturally also “Tragedy and Hope” (see pdf https://archive.org/details/TragedyAndHope_501/mode/1up )
Quigley, in T&H, around p 600 – 650 is especially interesting, as he discusses the sanctions then used against Japan, among other matters.
Since his time much more has come to light.
Yet again, the US proves that it has no ‘friends’, only interests.
The US formally ends shady case against Meng Wanzhou & makes a fool out of Canada.
British nurses must sacrifice pay demands for the benefit of Ukraine. Isn’t globalism wonderful.
Tory chair Nadhim Zahawi urges nurses to drop pay demands to ‘send message to Putin’
Looks like the EU is self-destructing. It can’t come quick enough for the sake of their citizens.
Germany bans farmers from fertilizing own land to serve E.U.’s ‘green agenda’
“We won’t let China shape their region” – US Defense Secretary Lloyd ‘Raytheon’ Austin
Now that would be authoritarian, we’ll shape it instead!
“The temerity of a country wishing to “shape” its own region! That aside, the emerging reality seems to be growing multipolarity in Asia, in which nations seek to build on common interests while managing points of difference.
The common interests of countries across Asia are peaceful economic prosperity. This means more infrastructure interconnectivity, improved cross-border transactions convenience and expanded trade & investment flows.
It means a multilateral architecture buttressed by strong bilateral relations, in which issues can be addressed through dialogue and patient negotiations. This has long been the Asian Way, i.e. Asia refuses to be ‘America’s Lake’.” – Adjunct Prof. Warwick Powell.
FYI. Because [China] didn’t want to become a target of the US’s containment.
Can and Does China Fudge Its Statistics?
70 years of online statistics tell an interesting story.
Here’s a fascinating incidence:
In 2015, the IMF said that China had surpassed the US in PPP GDP.
Anyone with a basic understanding of geopolitics knows that the US would try to sabotage whoever is #2 and a rising power. So, if you were China, would you report smaller numbers than the truth or exaggerate the GDP? This is why Deng Xiaoping famously said that China should hide its strength and bide its time.
“My suspicion is that China has been under-reporting its growth for a long time. But now I am 100% certain that, moving forward, China will be “reverse lying” – i.e. playing down or hiding all sorts of good news about its economy and scientific achievements. So, if China says that its Q3 GDP grew at 3.9%, my guess is that the real number was 4.2%.”
America has Lost its Proxy War in Ukraine
“French leader Macron released an astonishing statement today: “One of the essential points we must address – as President Putin has always said – is the fear that NATO comes right up to its doors and the deployment of weapons that could threaten Russia.” Talking about NATO expansion being a threat to Russia? This simple truth has been the geopolitical sacrilege among Western elites. Plus, how it’s “President Putin” and not brutal dictator or other hysterical terms. By the way, this comes after Macron met with Biden at the White House and after German Chancellor Scholz spoke with Putin. Hence, the new approach is a clear sign that seismic changes are happening in Washington and European elite circles. So what went wrong and why is the great American proxy war faltering?
Here are 7 things that went wrong in the grand US/EU plan to defeat Russia”
Lost the proxy war, still on path to win a guerilla war, able to strike strategic sites deep in Russia, it’s only a matter of time before they get long range GPS rockets.
Comments from Ukie leaders still say Russia must leave Crimea and give back all conquered territories …..who lost what war???????
Cheers M
Sadly, four five or six days MSM were publishing pics of all those fancy birds strung out on the runways, like a huge sign, Here We Are. I be thinking Ukie planners stayed up all night planing on attacking those ‘stuck in yet face’ ‘hit us, if you can’ birds, just waiting to be picked off. Bad operational planning but then, some people didn’t learn from the Crimean airfield mistakes.
I’ll make easy for any war planer, if they can see you, if they can locate you, if you display your hubris, they can most certainly kill you.
Cheers M
George Szamuely and Peter Lavelle sat down for another one of our regular long conversations with military and intelligence analyst Larry Johnson. The discussion was, as always, fascinating and highly illuminating. (1:27:16)
Note While George has a forensic mind, I would welcome any feedback on Larry Johnson
Santa’s Gift to Putin: Victory
“Of course, the people of Western Ukraine are as brainwashed as Germans or Japanese were in 1942, What to do about that? In mass societies, much brainwashing is herding—it is all about direction. You can change the direction of the herd. The cows don’t know or care as long as they can munch some grass. It’s when they get hungry – or frightened – that you have problems. The herd doesn’t have brains to wash; only guts. We call propaganda bullshit for a reason. ”
Looks like the Western herd has no brains to wash – and empty stomachs cannot live on frozen bullshit propaganda, even when served by Master Chef Z .
When long term interest (swap lines) meets short term liabilities(dollars owed), somebody runs out of money fast, let hope its not you.
$80 trillion in short term debt coming due.
And it has the smell of non payment.
Some challenging news coming out today. First was the report on RT that Ukrainian drones attacked 2 airbases deep inside Russia. Which points to negligence in air defense. Something that needs to be corrected immediately:
“Three killed in Ukrainian attacks on airfields inside Russia – MOD
Two airbases in regions far from the border were targeted by drones, Moscow says”.
Second is that Polish media is reporting they are mobilizing 200,000 troops. While other reports are that the US is shipping into Poland large amounts of military equipment:
Monday 5th December 2022 – LIVE
“Mass conscriptions to the Polish Army begin. 200k people are expected to be called out.”
I’m not a military analysis. But as a long living American I think I can understand what the US is doing. I’ve seen it done over and over again in my lifetime. Any American should be able to recognize the standard American MO. They are step by step moving the weapons equipment into Poland just like they did before the First Gulf War into Saudi Arabia and later Kuwait. And then again during the Second Gulf War. And the shipping of vast amounts of weapons just before Libya,Syria,etc,to get ready for fighting. Russia needs to wake up to this. And not fall for the “baby steps” they are doing. Just because they aren’t openly moving all of that equipment there like the Germans did with Barbarossa, all at one time. Doesn’t mean that they aren’t stupid enough to make the same mistake the Germans did. That would also fit in with those drone strikes. They may be probing the Russian air defenses to see how easy it would be to get by them for coming massive strikes.The fact they got through easily is not a good sign.
Ritter: Merkel Reveals West’s Duplicity
“War, it seems, was the only option Russia’s opponents had ever considered
Recent comments by former German Chancellor Angela Merkel shed light on the duplicitous game played by Germany, France, Ukraine and the United States in the lead-up to the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February.
While the so-called “collective west” (the US, NATO, the EU and the G7) continue to claim that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine was an act of “unprovoked aggression,” the reality is far different: Russia had been duped into believing there was a diplomatic solution to the violence that had broken out in the Donbass region of eastern Ukraine in the aftermath of the 2014 U.S.-backed Maidan coup in Kiev.
In an interview last week with Der Spiegel, Merkel alluded to the 1938 Munich compromise. She compared the choices former British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain had to make regarding Nazi Germany with her decision to oppose Ukrainian membership in NATO, when the issue was raised at the 2008 NATO summit in Bucharest.”
Note: Merkel’s comment here (in German): https://www.spiegel.de/thema/angela_merkel/
Even the West is beginning to understand the amount of sovereignty lost to outsourcing and globalism. Problem is, they’re just a few decades too late, hehehe!
Rare Earth Supply Chains Are In Chaos
http://OilPrice.com https://oilprice.com/Metals/Commodities/Rare-Earth-Supply-Chains-Are-In-Chaos.html
#ICYMI Ukrainian Agony. The concealed war. Full Eng. version by Mark Bartalmai (1:42:02)
“This film is based on the personal experience of a German journalist and reflects his version of the events. Most of the material for this documentary was shot on the spot since July 2014. Mark Bartalmai stayed in Donestk and the surrounding area for for the next 9 months”.
I warned several moths ago that the failure to create a cross border security zone similar to what the Soviets created at the Afghan border during the 1980’s. And the failure to create a Smersh organization similar to the one the Soviets used to combat nazi elements inside the USSR during WWII,was a mistake that would harm them in the near future. With these drone strikes ever increasing we are seeing today the truth of those warnings.