2022/11/29 08:00:01
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I have to admit, I expected Russia’s SMO to be over by winter’s end, i.e end-FEB
Fmr Indian diplomat MK Bhadrakumar thinks otherwise:
“Wading through the 18,000-word transcript of an hours-long meeting that President Vladimir Putin took with the “soldiers’ mothers” last Friday in Moscow, one gets the impression that the fighting in Ukraine may continue well into 2023 – and even beyond.”
Recalling Sun Tsu and the women, the principle there is discipline and lines of authority. In that story it is the domestic authority that creates discipline… However… However it is better that the enemy create the discipline to forge a mighty army with a foundation in the Moral Law…giving not only discipline, but will and resolve to destroy the enemy. In the matter of SMO/ATO/404 the nazi army has, especially since 2014, forged the Russian will and resolve and discipline, and this essential process continues…with disloyal men running away (good!) and loyal men joining a vast army…an “organic” process…factories adapting, economic relations conducive to war being made, and so forth. It’s an elegant “judo” to make a mighty Red Army…what Master Sun Tsu would do if he had time. Use the nazis’ crimes to forge the antinazi army…it’s the dao of war.
very good point Mr P. That’s exactly expalins Putin’s success as a national leader.
Meanwhile Ursula von der Leyen dropped a truth bomb, that has the internet truth eradicators working non stop.
It seems Ukraine has suffered 100,000 casualties.
Skip, Australian Defense Minister, Richard Marles, said a couple of weeks ago now: ‘The Ukrainians are now largely fighting with reservists”.
Which begs the question where have all the regulars gone?
Also, fmr US Douglas MacGregor: has repeatedly said in i/views that the Ukies are taking causalities 10:1 or 7:1 in comparison with the Ruskies.
will VVP continue this a war until NATO move to 1997 borders …seen to me is a goal VVP & gen. Armagedon….
The Cafe picture minds me of a story heard in Rome, 1962 or so…about the nazi period in Vienna…musicians were permitted to play jazz, but not to sway to and fro in the style of the “Negro”…fella that told the story was an eye witness, Jewish too, and a prominent American judge.
Speaking of judges….minds me of the US Court…and a case most odd> https://docbrown77.substack.com/p/interesting-scotus-case-hit-the-docket
“Interesting SCOTUS case hit the docket: Brunson vs Adams, et al. We have never seen anything like this before.” ( https://www.supremecourt.gov/DocketPDF/22/22-380/243739/20221027152243533_20221027-152110-95757954-00007015.pdf )
“…What remedy are they seeking? They are asking that all 385 defendants be charged with Treason for failure to uphold the US Constitution, they be incarcerated for a period no less than 5 years, be fined no less than $10,000, they be removed from their government seat, and banned from ever holding a political position ever again….”
Essay and petition worth a read, imho. Recalling Carlin’s “Freak Show”.
Evidently the Supreme Court really really wants to put in the final fix, whatever that might be….recalling that they have in the past ignored obvious law and obvious facts.
Another fascinating essay on the nazi biolab history> “Ukrainian Biolabs and a Kansas City Connection? Part 2/2 in the history of Ukrainian bioweapon facilities. ” Seems Barky-the Trained Seal Oh Bummer has his finger in the crime…https://docbrown77.substack.com/p/ukrainian-biolabs-and-a-kansas-city?utm_source=direct&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web
I have no idea who or what or why in re Jennifer Brown…
Best! P
RIA Novosti in Russia reports that the Russian Kherson authorities have said 39 civilians in the reoccupied territory that the Ukrainian troops came back to have been killed as collaborators.Shot,beaten to death,burned alive,and thrown alive into concrete mixers and buried alive. With another 74 seen being taken away to “unknown” locations by Ukrainian fascists.That means at least 113 new Russian civilians have been murdered ( at the very least) in that area.
Reported today among other news here:
Came across a point of law…art 6 and 7 UNCharter>https://legal.un.org/repertory/art106.shtml and https://legal.un.org/repertory/art107.shtml
107 >
“Nothing in the present Charter shall invalidate or preclude action, in relation to any state which during the Second World War has been an enemy of any signatory to the present Charter, taken or authorized as a result of that war by the Governments having responsibility for such action.”
Well now, that would be…I imagine…Germany, Austria, Romania, Finland, Croatia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, and Ukraine.
That’s in addition to art 51…
They say that his greatness António Guterres was surprised…
Forwarded from Colonel Cassad :
The head of the Republic of Buryatia, Tsydenov, spoke about the racist comments of the Pope of Rome about the Buryats –
“The Pope spoke about the cruelty of Chechens and Buryats.
Warriors from Buryatia perform their duty with honor and are an example of the best traditions of the Russian army.
Fearlessly, with honor and dignity to defend the interests of their country. To protect and protect the civilian population, as well as treat prisoners of war with humanity and mercy – this is how the Russian army fights, where there are hundreds of nationalities, including the Buryats.
Hearing an assessment from the head of the Catholic Church about the cruelty of specific nationalities – namely the Buryats and Chechens, protecting the civilian population – is at least strange.
History knows many examples of the destruction of cities, countries and even peoples by those who consider themselves representatives of civilized nations. For example, the Indian genocide in North America. Or someone will say that the Crusades were full of virtue?! You don’t have to go far into history. The capital of a European state – the city of Belgrade or the whole state – Libya were bombed without the participation of the Buryats, Chechens and other peoples of Great Russia.
And of course, the Pope knows about it.
The Russian army, including the soldiers of Buryatia, protects their country and civilians. The inhabitants of Donbass lived under shelling and died in hundreds for more than 8 years, and they were terrorized by Ukrainian nationalists under the leadership of a criminal regime and curators from “civilized” nations.
And if our soldiers were noticed, it means that they are doing their job well. Guys, we are proud of you! God is with those for whom the truth!” (c) Tsydenov
Is it possible, since his Popeness lacks any divisions, that he’s simply petulant and jealous…and wishes that esteemed divisions of Chechens and Buryats were his own?
My trusted and well educated Italians have long told us that The Pope is a mere puppet for the highly powerful cardinals AND the Vatican Bank that is very closely tied to the US/EU Financial System.
Actually, that’s not a revelation. For several decades, The Papacy has felt animus towards Russia, for decades. Some part of that goes back to when Christianity segmented into the Orthodox, vs Roman Catholicism.
I’ve said it before – and I’ll say it again – the Vatican is as much a geopolitical player as the City of London & the Pentagram
Has been for centuries in trying to reel back in the Orthodox Church.
More recently its anti-Slavic / anti-Orthodox activities have become more pronounced since the death of Pius XII & Vatican II – that, quite frankly, has played all traditional Roman Catholics for idiots!
Have vague memory of Papal scandal His Popeness Pius #11 about to publish encyclical “Humani generis unitas” died (February 1939…thus preventing publication and, I assume, also preventing the encyclical from entering the body of canon law. His Popeness Pius #12 had substantially different views…
Gasp! I am shocked! Naturally we assume that the death was entirely natural, after all, heart failure is almost always “natural”.
Pius #12 issued suitable decree> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decree_against_Communism
Others know much more, I have only vague ideas in re.
A very good recent 29 Nov 2022 video by Oksana Boyko, of RT’s English language program Worlds Apart w/ Dr Gilbert Doctorow, on aspects of evolving situation in UKR war and political impact in Russia. Doctorow notes change in Russian public discourse since state terrorism instigated by Kiev began in September (TK – esp Dugina murder, Baltic pipeline, Kerch Bridge) towards conservatism and realism. He notes there has been a large exodus from Russian cultural life of people who had been ‘sitting on two chairs’, covertly slowing the movement away from previous pro-Western orientations. He notes the honesty and realism in public discourse on the war that has taken hold in recent months in Russia after the false intel based on the 2014 Crimean experience, that victory would be easy after the 24 February SMO began.
On the Ukraine situation, he says much depends on whether there is mass 10 million refugee exodus to West – leading to destabilizing emigre nationalism. He implies that Russia is still holding back on total infrastructure degradation, trying to prevent such an exodus. He notes that the extent of necessary Russian territorial advances into Ukraine depends on whether ironclad security guarantees can be secured from the West in a peace treaty, of a Ukrainian rump state neutrality and demilitarization .
A very sober and fact-based discussion, thanks to both participants
Fmr US Col. Douglas MacGregor on the Russo-Ukraine war i/viewed by Judge Napolitano
“10 UKR casualties to every 1 Russian casualty”
Ukraine Russia War Status update – Col Doug Macgregor (24:07)
Very worrying: the US is trying its hardest to transform NATO into an anti-China alliance.
US ambassador to NATO: “Allies [will] move from what we call assessing the problem to addressing the problem.”
The “problem” being China…
A US-Europe military alliance targeted at Asia: this is not a replay of the cold war, but a replay of colonial 19th century…
In a few decades we’ll probably look back at this period in history with just as much disgust as we do the 19th century. We just don’t learn…
The difference this time is the ability of the formerly colonized to stand up to this round of Western colonialism.
US steps up pressure on European allies to harden China stance
Good interview :
Russia’s on the right side of history
With pleasant anticipation looking forward to RT series> Russland danach – Roadtrip in einem gecancelten Land https://de.rt.com/russland/155874-russland-danach-roadtrip-in-gecancelten/
6000km roaming ’round Russia in somekinnajeep…Die erste Folge erscheint am 1. Dezember um 05:30 Uhr auf RT DE. Alle Folgen werden nach der Ausstrahlung auf unserer Webseite hochgeladen – damit Sie jede Folge auch später noch anschauen können, falls Sie “Russland danach” im TV verpasst haben sollten!
(The first episode will be released on 1 December at 05:30 on RT DE. All episodes will be uploaded to our website after the broadcast – so that you can watch each episode later, in case you missed “Russia after” on TV!)
………I note that RT begins transmissions in Serbian tongue> https://de.rt.com/international/154461-rt-startet-rt-balkan-als/
……….@ Anoxia the leaves are mostly fallen, frost arrived, and snow is suggested…while at market we see all but one door locked and a flatfoot guard…as otherwise people simply take and walk out…chatted with flatfoot….still “processing” garden products…and chubby dogs sleep by the hearth.
Best! P
brightest spirit
fife earthly givens
in the wisdom of the son
insightful into multipolarity
to all success
US switches to war with China then Russia. Something similar to Uncle Davy’s post.
I have been getting the same thing, US going after China first, I expect the West to keep up the same rhetorc for the masses but behind the curtain the US has switched from Russia to China.
Here they admit they cannot handle Russia.
The Sirius Report
Nov 28
One aspect to Chinese protests is that closet right are exposing themselves, which has nothing to do with democracy and rule of law.
Right in US believes if they can crush China, Russia will fold and multipolarity will die. They are desperate to preserve unipolarity, like left.
The Sirius Report
Looking increasingly likely at some point the US will disassociate itself from the European Commission in terms of the Ukraine war.
To this end we have-Absentee surrender: Zelensky took the last signs of statehood to Poland
November 30, 2022 12:42 pm
Federal News Agency
Assuring the common population of the invariable victory of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Ukrainian elite is hastily preparing for capitulation and transporting all institutions of statehood to Poland.
A few months ago, it became known that Kyiv had evacuated its gold and foreign exchange reserves to Poland. As it turned out, the National Bank of Ukraine is also moving there. The main office of the Ukrainian regulator will soon open in Warsaw.
Zelensky’s second office will soon be opened, where the latter will secretly run away as soon as he smells fried, as was the case in the spring of 2022.
This ‘right’ that is going to war with China mentioned in Sirius tweet is that Trump? If SA the Arabs and others throw their money behind him they might be able to give Soros and friends a good game. The election coming in two years could already be over so they prepare now.
As Biden ‘re-evaluates’ ties with Riyadh, Saudis working to get Trump re-elected
Wednesday, 12 October 2022 4:14 PM [ Last Update:
After slashing oil production, Saudi royals are working to get Donald Trump re-elected as the US president and are also making efforts for the Republicans to win the upcoming midterms in the US, according to a report citing experts.
“The fall of Bakhmut will signal that Battle of Donbass, Russian special military operation’s leitmotif, is entering its final phase. The Ukrainian defence line in Donbass is crumbling. Russian control of Donbass is at hand in a conceivable future.” – M. K. BHADRAKUMAR
Conflict in Ukraine is doomed to escalate
Note: if you happen to be on twitter I strongly recommend you follow this fmr Indian diplomat. Very objective.
Its inconceivable that anyone would even say this, much less think it. Thanks to NATO there may be nothing left of Ukraine to save. Poland is just waiting to step in and take over West Ukraine which they think is theirs.
Ukraine Reconstruction May Cost $1.1 Trillion, EIB Head Says
If you read these 3 excellent backgrounders of US ambitions for world domination in conjunction, you’ll get the full picture …
May 25, 2022 The WWIII that Biden and All Other Neocons Are Leading US Toward
“In other words: the neocons’ aim to destroy Russia so fast that Russia won’t be able to destroy America in retaliation, is hogwash that’s probably funded, ultimately, by corporations such as Lockheed Martin … “
November 18, 2022 Why US Is Committed to Conquering Russia Before It Conquers China
“IN OTHER WORDS: the US Congress is going to pass legislation to open the floodgates for weapons specifically to defeat Russia in Ukraine, and NOT for weapons to defeat China in Taiwan. Think about that, for just a moment:”
In the article below, Eric Zuesse supplies more detail behind this strategy, explaining WHY the conquest of Russia must come BEFORE the conquest of China, in order for the US regime to stand much likelihood of conquering EITHER nation.
November 12, 2022 America’s Plan to Defeat Both Russia and China
“US strategy against Russia must succeed in order to make success of US strategy against China possible; Ukraine is the US proxy against Russia, and Taiwan is the US proxy against China. Ukraine became a US ‘ally’ or vassal-nation in 2014, but Taiwan isn’t yet officially a US ‘ally’ or vassal-nation.”
Note 1: The recent Local Government Elections in Chinese Taipei may have dented the US’ ambitions but we will need to wait for the General Election in January to see if this outcome will translate province-wide.
(But as we all know – rust never sleeps).
Note 2: For those who are unfamiliar with Eric Zuesse, he’s an investigative historian
Recalling that Zelensky campaigned on a “peace platform” and won election…
Alex the Elder spoke of this yesterday in the context of China Island T…pointing out that reactionary forces are, well, reactionary… It’s, I suppose, obvious that the reactionary Taiwan fascists are and have been for many decades under strong US fascist influence, similar to Zone 404. Like His Popeness Pius #11, a move toward peace sometimes result in a coup…sorta a “JFK Routine in Dallas”. I think the Chinese Quisling reactionary fascists have some time until the bigbigelection.
The Chinese fascist state was moved to Taiwan by the US 7th fleet…of course there were already numerous Quislings on the island… This move prevented the Commies from liberating the Island, so far.
Re: Assange & calls from leading global newspapers for his release:
(from Aug 11, 2019): Consortium News LIVE! Mark Davis Wikileaks Revelations (21:08)
Mark Davis is a multi-award winning Australian journalist who was an eye-witness to the entire preparation of the Afghan War Logs, submitted in 2010 to Wikileaks by the whistle-blower Chelsea Manning. Davis had documented the process in a film called ‘Inside Wikileaks’, which showed the Wikileaks editor-in-chief, Julian Assange, working alongside journalists from the New York Times, Guardian & Der Spiegel. At a recent Sydney event entitled ‘Julian Assange & the Alliance against the US Culture of Revenge’, Davis revealed details of the interactions he had never spoken of publicly before.
With the aid of his own archival footage from inside the Guardian’s “bunker”, Davis describes the high level participation of the collaborating news outlets in the creation of the publication the New York Times described as “a six-year archive of classified military documents [that] offers an unvarnished and grim picture of the Afghan war”. It was the Guardian technical team, Davis informs us, that built the searchable database and graphic user interface. His images of Julian Assange and Guardian journalist Nick Davis working together to analyze the “impenetrable data” support his assertion that there was no professional distance whatsoever between the journalists. With disdain, Davis reveals how the New York Times, presumably to avoid blowback, set Julian Assange up as the unwitting lightening rod by urging his small start-up to “scoop them” and publish first. This would enable the NYT (we hear the late Gavin MacFadyen comment in an exchange with Assange) to simply report on what Wikileaks had published.
Most shocking in these revelations is Mark Davis’s account of how the Guardian journalists neglected and appeared to care little about redacting the documents. They had a “graveyard humour” about people being harmed and no one, he stated emphatically, expressed concern about civilian casualties except Julian Assange. He recalls that Nick Davis, a long-time critic of Assange, had only expressed concern to David Leigh about the the Guardian mentioning a particular name, and being deeply disturbed when Leigh replied: “But we are not publishing this”. Julian Assange had subsequently requested that the release of the Afghan War Logs be delayed for the purpose of redaction, but the Guardian not only insisted on the agreed date, they abandoned him to redact 10,000 documents alone.
The Wikileaks publication was delayed however, due to a technical problem. That is why it came to pass, Davis explains, that the MSN media partners collectively lied for two days to the public about the War Logs having already been published. As it turned out, the New York Times and then the Guardian, were the first to break the story. Of the 91,000 documents submitted by Manning, some 17,000 were withheld from publication to minimize harm to individuals, largely due to the redaction effectuated by Assange.
Davis paints a picture of a “naive” Assange being set up to “walk the plank” and then “fall off the plank”. The second phase of the plan was to condemn him, very much in line with the US’s claim that Wikileaks “had blood on their hands”. It was soon seen to be a false claim however, since no individual had been harmed, and Wikileaks went on to publish Cablegate.
What happened next beggars belief. In January 2011, the Guardian journalists David Leigh and Luke Harding published a book entitled: “Julian Assange’s War on Secrecy”, which contained the password to the entire database of unredacted material. Realizing that harm was now certainly on the way, particularly to US informants in Afghanistan, Wikileaks responded by publishing the lot in a manner that would not only be accessible to governments and intelligence agencies. It would give people a chance to escape. The Guardian lashed out again in condemnation of Wikileaks, but the result is that no one to date has been harmed by the publication.”
In related matter> “John Young, the founder of the Cryptome website, has asked the U.S. Justice Department to also indict him as he published un-redacted State Dept. files before WikiLeaks did, reports Joe Lauria. ” see https://scheerpost.com/2022/11/30/cryptome-founder-asks-to-be-indicted-with-assange/
see> https://cryptome.org/
Danny Haiphong i/views Pepe Escobar
Pepe Escobar: Ukraine War Has Accelerated the DEMISE of the EU, Rise of BRICS
(17:54) https://youtu.be/EqMq3tGJDNg
Why did the very ambitious Newsom back out of the presidentail race? This from a really bad egomaniac / politician backed by Soros but popular to the Dem regressives. He in my opinion running against two losers, Biden and Harris, stood a good chance. Unless the coming race has been decided and he knows it.
“even if Biden doesn’t seek reelection” is a gift to Newsom so there is a plan.
Newsom says he won’t run for president in 2024, even if Biden doesn’t seek reelection
California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) said he won’t run for president in 2024, even if President Biden declines to run for another term.
Now we get two more questions. Obama wants a female black president, did he call off Newsom? Second question why are the Arabs giving the Trump clan mega dollars if he his future political clout is diminished?
There is a quote out there regarding the “Torpedoing of the Trump Peace Plan Cost Israel Dearly” but this quote can be used in other regards. In this case MBS is livid and the Arabs count big time.
“Why try to outsmart the prime minister, the White House and the Arab rulers?”
This direction if it proves viable can change the course of so called programmed events.
Bin Salman’s affinity for Trump is hardly a secret. Trump broke with presidential tradition by paying his first foreign visit to Riyadh, where he inked a record $350 billion weapons sale to the autocracy.
He also repeatedly defended MBS amid reporting, including by his own CIA, that the crown prince had ordered the brutal murder of the Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi.
“I saved his a**,” Trump reportedly said. “I was able to get Congress to leave him alone” — referring to three times he vetoed Congressional resolutions blocking billions in weapons sales to the Saudis.
The cozy relationship between Trump’s circles and the Saudis persisted after the president left office with a ton of money flowing to the trump camp.
Having read https://www.indianpunchline.com/conflict-in-ukraine-is-doomed-to-escalate/ and followed by reading from his suggestions…this seems remarkable>
” The neocons invariably win the turf battles in the Beltway, especially under a weak president. If the Republicans step up the investigations on Biden, his dependency on the neocons will only increase during the period ahead. ”
“. The neocons’ aim, as the investigative historian Eric Zuesse put it succinctly, is “to destroy Russia so fast that Russia won’t be able to destroy America in retaliation.” The sheer absurdity of the thought is self-evident to everyone but the neocons. So, they are going to argue now that the cardinal mistake the US made in Ukraine was its failure to put boots on the ground in that country in 2015 itself. ”
Their delusion founders on the facts of Ruskie System “Perimeter” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_Hand The foundering might be very ugly.
Recently Douglas Macgregor remarked that it was clear that the US military brass are afraid of the neocons’ plan for Zone404….specifically hizexcellency Milley, chair of JC, leaking … “never before in US history” Mac said. Thus telegraphing the nature of things, and direction toward the unthinkable.
“The Coming European Economic Apocalypse”
This is a very lengthy article that delves into the extremely dire situation for Europe today. The Europeans, along with UK and the US, played their trump card (banning Russia from using SWIFT and seizing the assets of the Russian government and of Russian citizens worldwide) and failed to win the game. Things are just going from bad to worse.
The overall conclusions of the article :
Europe and the US made a giant mistake in deciding to sanction Russia. The West mistakenly thought that their economic sanctions would cripple Russia. The West failed to understand Russia’s inherent economic resilience and also failed to understand the extent to which Europe, in particular, depended on Russia. Europe is now at risk of de-industrialization and mass unemployment. The root cause of the West’s miscalculation has been the failure to understand that the monetary value of Russian fossil energy is not high and never was, but its practical utility to Europe was and is extremely high.
This is why sanctions on Russian oil and gas are a huge mistake and have hurt only Europe and not Russia. There are no short-term solutions for Europe. The only thing that can save Europe is for it to end the Ukraine conflict on Russia’s terms.
Any efforts to further intensify sanctions will deepen Europe’s crisis. Attempts to expand the trade conflict by sanctioning China for its help to Russia will utterly ruin the West.
History is replete with trends and tipping points. Great shifts in power take place gradually and often imperceptibly, only bursting upon the public consciousness when dramatic events occur.
The Ukraine war will go down in history as one of those dramatic events that exposed a fundamental shift of power — from West to East.
The sanctions on Russia will be seen in hindsight as Europe’s Stalingrad as well as its Waterloo.
Some time ago the female known as “AOC”…a typical person of her class in the US political arena, explained to her public audience her wisdom and good sense. She said “We don’t need farms because we have grocery stores.” (Yes, she said that)
Similarly, it seems that the Quislings running the EU, and their “neocon” cryptonazi masters, believed something akin, like perhaps “We don’t need oil wells and gas wells because we have gas stations and factories.”
At some level, perhaps the top of WEF, they understand precisely…it’s a repeat of Aktion T-4… “Green Agenda” sounds pretty, but it means “culling the population” and “poverty” and “cold”…
Quislings do as they do to stay in the job and get rich – but they’re taking orders.
ISIS(Daesh) says its leader al-Qurayshi killed in battle, names replacement Abu al-Hussein al-Husseini al-Qurayshi.
According to imperial propaganda, the terrorist group known by its pejorative Arabic acronym Daesh announced, on November 30, 2022, the death of its mysterious leader and his replacement by the rather bizarre ‘nom de guerre’ of Abu Hassan al-Husseini al-Qurayshi.
It does seem that the Arabists of Langley or the MI6 lack both intelligence or knowledge and have invented such a name that is singularly lacking in originality.
After all, Hassan is one of the sons of Caliph Ali Ben Abi Taleb (1st century AH/7th century AD) and a revered figure of Shiism; Hashem is the tribe of the Prophet and the clan to which the kings of Iraq, Hejaz and Jordan belong; Quraysh was the very powerful commercial confederation which controlled from Mecca the caravan routes from this locality to Greater Syria and Anatolia, which then fell under the Byzantine Empire to those going to Yemen and Abyssinia before the advent of Islam. These three names are well-known in the Muslim world.
The Daesh spokesperson announced that Abu Al-Hussein al-Husseini al-Qurayshi was succeeding him. Al-Hussein is the name of the second son of Caliph Ali, killed with his brother al-Hasan near Karbala (Iraq) during the first Muslim civil war (7th century).
These ‘imperial’ ignoramus have despised the collective intelligence of a marginalized humanity, and in cruder terms, they don’t give a damn about us now.
The EU countries have entered their final stage of self destruction.
The Dutch government closing 3,000 farms is not about the climate. It’s about bankrupting the farmers and controlling the food supply
The regime-changers in Washington are all writing memos to file saying that if only we had done this or that, we wouldn’t have lost the Ukraine war. That’s how to read Adm. Stavridis’ column.
Putin Will Carpet-Bomb Ukraine Unless the West Acts
New global standards are consolidating for currency multipolarity & dependable data.
One payment card for all:
“the “jungle” is breaking away from the European “garden” with a vengeance. May the fracture persist, as a new international payment system – and then a new currency – will aim to halt for good the Western-centric Age of Plunder.” – Pepe
The Global South Births A New Game-Changing Payments System
re: Skip’s comment on Von der lyin’s truth bomb of 100,000 Ukie casulaties, the story has been picked up by some MSM:
Ukrainian military casualties are big trouble for Biden
“Ukraine may look as if it were winning. The truth is the opposite because Ukraine is running out of manpower it cannot replace. It is losing by attrition on the battlefield and, with the Russians systematically destroying its infrastructure …”
More common sense on Ukraine, like Crimea being much more part of Russia than Alaska is American.
The Chris Hedges Report:
The truth about Ukraine with Medea Benjamin (34:27) https://youtu.be/4fTxHIVUjRc
Lavrov says Russia, PRC step up partnership in response to NATO moves in Asia-Pacific
Lavrov: West’s provocations over Taiwan “carries threats & risks” for Russia, being “close to our shores & our seas as it is to China. So, our military cooperation with China is developing … These are precautions that show our readiness for any eventuality.
Putin Discussed Ukraine in Scholz Telephone Call: Kremlin
Russian and German leaders Vladimir Putin and Olaf Scholz held a telephone conversation in which they discussed ‘various aspects of the situation around Ukraine’
According to the Kremlin, Putin explained in detail the fundamental Russian approaches to conducting a special operation, as well as:
▪️ highlighting the destructive line of Western states, including Germany, pumping weapons to the Kiev regime.
▪️ calling “pinpoint strikes on Ukraine a necessary measure”, from which Russia has long refrained.
▪️ urging Scholz to reconsider German approaches in the context of Ukrainian events.
– RT
The only way people are getting food in Kherson (and probably other places), is if family members send it by mail to their kin.
But the people (whos lives are in decline) would rather be cold hungry and free, live lives that are short lived and in questionable health, than in the hands of the healthy long lived Russians.