2022/11/18 21:30:02
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This pertains to the execution of the Russian POWs from my last post on the previous cafe. Second text is the UN is now studying the video.
This happened in Marinka. A bunch of DPR soldiers came out surrendering, except one guy who decided to come out not intending to surrender. The gunman several meters away from the Russian POWs presumably gets shot down immediately judging by the response time in the video.
Although the DPR gunman only had a few seconds to shoot, it appears he managed to hit at least one ukie soldier. The soldier that got hit is mentioned by the nickname “Andriukha”. Although he didn’t die, just got wounded.
After the ukies respond to the DPR gunman in this video below, the video cuts. Allegedly the ukies decided to take revenge for their wounded friend “Andriukha”.
All DPR POWs got executed with a clean shot the head. Ukies tries to claim that gunners panicked and that they shot everyone but as you can see in the video, most have a clean bullet hole to the head, one even had his hand chopped off.
They were methodically executed. Two of the perpetrators have been identified. Arthur Bortnichuck and Nazar Mikhailovsky, both from Kharkov.
No further perps have been identified at this moment but we know that UA sits on more drone footage as they only released aftermath part.
The UN began to study the video of the execution of the Russian military
November 18, 2022, 21:11
Photo: Video screenshot
The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights received a video of the massacre of captured Russian soldiers, the video began to be checked, said Elizabeth Trossell, an employee of the UN press service.
“I contacted colleagues who say they know about these videos and are studying them,” Trossell is quoted as saying by RIA Novosti .
On Friday , videos of the murder of unarmed Russian prisoners of war appeared on the Web. The Russian Ministry of Defense stated that the Armed Forces of Ukraine killed over 10 servicemen of the Russian Armed Forces with shots to the head.
The agency indicated that such a massacre is not the first crime of Ukraine, they occur constantly with the support of the Ukrainian leadership. Kyiv’s patrons in the West are trying hard to ignore this.
The Ministry of Defense noted that the video of the execution of Russian prisoners speaks of the knave nature of the Kyiv authorities.
The Investigative Committee of Russia opened a criminal case. The HRC said that the video of the execution of Russian prisoners would be sent to international organizations.
Russia’s Human Rights Ombudsman, Tatyana Moskalkova, called the killing of the captives a disgusting crime against humanity and called for an investigation.
Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova called on international organizations to condemn and investigate the crime, and warned that no atrocity would go unpunished.
We have seen this before. Multiple evidence of Ukraine crimes. The nazis in Ukraine.
The problem is with ordinary “descent” people. Our good neighbours.
The majority of my fellow countrymen now qualifies as nazis.
Göbbels propaganda is still working. I hoped I would never live to experience this.
I am really afraid. I even don’t speak openly to my close neighbours now.
Democracy? Freedom? Human rights? We had some of that in a previous millenium.
My grandmother experienced WWII. I learned in childhood to not mention Germany…
As Martianov say, people don’t know about war.
Best for Russia not to bother with involving any Western dominated organizations in this war crime.There is no justice to be found with them. Turn it over to Russian military courts for trial and punishment. The gallows needs to be kept busy after the fall of Ukraine.The more Ukronazis sent to Bandera the better the postwar can be for the region. Don’t make the same mistake made after WWII.
While the prospect of nuclear war looms upon mankind ever greater with the war currently being fought in the Ukraine that at least one side wishes to perpetuate, I perceive an even greater threat hiding in the shadows which few politicians wish to even acknowledge let alone seriously address. That is the threat of dramatically rising carbon dioxide levels in the world’s atmosphere. The probabilities are higher, and the consequences for human catastrophe are as great as what a total nuclear war may bring on. I know few here do not believe in such a thing, saying that it is scam by the West, and indeed the West has turned the subject into a scam although the underlying technical problem is very real in my perspective as an engineer having studied the subject of rising carbon dioxide levels and their impact on our world and humankind for many years, Check out this short video recently released on Rumble media:
“The Die Back” https://rumble.com/v1tmzlm-the-die-back.html
We may not wish to admit that this subject does not enter the realm of world politics, but I’m thinking that much of the current politics in our world revolves about it. With the world breaking into two bi-polar spheres the problem is quickly becoming nearly impossible to address in any civil manner. Ok, whether it is real or not, that we do not care to discuss here, put your comments of that regard on the video blog, but as one well known philosopher of dubious reputation (George Soros) noted, perceptions form part of reality. As such, a thing can be real merely because somebody of influence thinks it is; at least in the social sciences. There is this thing called Pascal’s wager. It comes down to how lucky does mankind feel when discounting such a thing in our political calculations.
The “global warming ~ carbon dioxide” myth has been debunked for many years now. The only ones following it are those behind an attention seeking show person named greta. The same kind of showmanship everyone is facing now by people who want to put the world on edge. And face a few nuclear winters.
On the bright side, a nuclear war will bring in a nuclear winter or two. And eliminate any myths of global warming overnight. And millions of people.
Pick a link up anywhere on the internet. There are dozens of climate anti-alarmist sites everywhere.
Yep, propaganda straight from Anal Swab at WEF
Well there is no doubt that the atmosphere is growing and along with it the larger and more destructive storms which bring hardship upon those who are least equipped to defend against it.
Some call it climate change and it is real, as are the people who don’t believe it and whom are not among those suffering the hardship or they would more inclined to complain about their new adverse conditions and the treatment they receive from those they believe responsible.
Some take the easy route and say there has never been a problem, some don’t say anything at all.
Some of the well informed, after perusing bonafide scientific information from say, Forbes (where investors galore are in fossil energy), will find that hundreds of thousands, even millions of years ago, carbon dioxide levels were sky high. Global temperatures were not affected. And humanoids hadn’t been invented yet. But glacial core samples speak volumes.
Climate change is the status quo for mother nature: one decade it’s hot, the next it’s cold. Worse yet, renowned climatologists predict we’re in for a “chill.”
Alarmists simply want to “alarm” others for no other reason than the sheer joy of watching the total shock effect they can instill in others. And are cut from the same cloth as the instigators of the missile episode in PU.
These deluded types get a “rush” out of acting stupid and take radical approaches when normal people relax.
“The global temperature maximum has been reached on Earth, and Earth’s global temperature will decline to a climatic minimum even without the Kyoto protocol.”
(Hint: by ‘minimum’ they mean mini ice age)
That’s all well and good, but the Earth’s temp will not be reduced unless the humans active environment changes dramatically, less use of energy per person, and fewer people using energy.
How exactly do you expect those glaciers to return to their levels before the industrial revolution, and what exactly shrank them to their lowest levels ever in recorded history.
Are you sure it’s not the denialist who are in denial, there is more than one check to see if this is the case.
Now you’re just parroting greta. A great contemporary denier of climate reality.
There were many more destructive hurricanes in the 1700’s, even earlier in the 1500’s before the industrial revolution was invented, that don’t have $ figures attached. And am sure there were even greater storms somewhere earlier in the earth’s 4B+ year history. Do some research and cite your sources, before spouting nonsense.
The past, other than stored energy history, has not much meaning to me, yes there were bad storms and bad years, but the collective damage from these were manageable, todays collective building and the storm damage that goes with it are no longer sustainable. Then once it goes political, its ruined but still can be judged with debt cards and service yards.
And guess what, there is nothing that anyone can do about it because its actually an act of God yet done by humans. Riddle me that.
And I don’t need your past history to see the where future is going, if you cant see it yourself, you might get caught off balance and could hurt yourself somehow.
Correct you are, punisher.
You know when scientists say ‘that they do not understand certain abrupt meteorological events that pop up now and then’ could the answer be found where no one cares to look, the Bible? It flabbergasts me that within her history and pages there is a huge amount of information on the subject of climate change but sadly it mostly begins and ends with the story of Noah. What a fatal mistake this is because well:
The Lord will cause people to hear his majestic voice and will make them see his arm coming down with raging anger and consuming fire, with cloudburst, thunderstorm and hail. (Isaiah 30:30)
Rain will come in torrents, and I will send hailstones hurtling down, and violent winds will burst forth. Therefore, this is what the Sovereign Lord says: In my wrath I will unleash a violent wind, and in my anger hailstones and torrents of rain will fall with destructive fury. {Ezekiel 13:11-13}
Could what we be seeing is the result of Divine Communication in relation to that other kind of pollution called sin?
In your linked video the narrator speaks about snow maggedon. Even that is described and told in the Bible. Explains it quite well in fact and the reasons for it. Indeed after seeing 9/11 I often ask myself if that Icestorm of the Century didn’t ruin those murderers plans of dropping the towers before 9/11 for as it teaches in Job ‘God stops every man from their labour?’
All is not right with the world and it has little to do with industrial pollution I’m afraid! I’ve seen and studied the subject for 40 years and come across to many numerous proofs and oddities to believe otherwise!
Even Christ spoke on Climate Change albeit not directly:
“For if they do these things when the tree is green, what will they do when it is dry.”
Droughts were a given promise to the ancient Hebrews. Look it up for yourselves!!!
Thanks for your thought provoking comment. I often wondered about why so many self proclaimed religious folk are also climate change deniers. I believe what we are ultimately talking about is man’s misbehavior that brings these sorts of things on. The same misbehavior happens to be also the cause of industrial pollution.
@ Robert Shule,
‘religious folk are also climate change deniers’
Not only that but how they miss everything that is taught in Scripture is puzzling beyond expression. How many times i have expressed what i know on the subject only to be shot down. I attended one church years ago now whereupon one of the board members with a BA from a Bible College wanted me banned from the Church. lol
What gets me the most though is the Creationists. 30 years ago after attending my first i was elated that finally we have the educated who can put down Darwinianism and prove once and for all the existence of God only to learn today they completely miss everything about climate change from the Biblical perspective.
It leaves me with the thoughts that something has gone wrong, terribly, terribly wrong with the entire Christian Church on this planet of ours. A failure of education on a scale that is simply mind-boggling? And to think i wrote a book on it which i didn’t do for either fame or money but it was required of me by Christ!!
If you want an interesting Christmas Robert Schule get the book and be dumbfounded or you can just read whats here as a primer on ‘misbehavior.’
Might I also say when it comes to ignorance look at what Lyndon B. Johnson wanted to do and that is control the world by controlling the worlds weather? https://youtu.be/qKB4L6r17FE
You know if one is going to swear on the Bible one should know what it actually says, yes?
Unbelievable!!! What i wouldn’t give to see the look on that’s mans face to learn that weather control is a tool of Christ’s and of especially His Father!!!!!!!!
Gerry, I’d be far more worried about Dr Tesla’s thoughts on ‘controlling the weather’. He left the plans. Maybe look into ‘cloud seeding’ just to see God’s hand at work and how far he has brought us. Couple that with powerful ground based arrayed antennas which have variable and controllable outputs giving rise to oscillating atmospheric pressure systems. Micro waves exist, humans have learned to harness and control them…..anyone see my tinfoil hat……..
Cheers M
Humans by nature are prone to panic. Those that don’t are rare or trained not to. War Of The World’s. Read out on the radio, at the time, had people so convinced, some killed themselves, many were panicked and frightened.
Awesome psyop, or inadvertent mistake?
Other than the good Dr, the first mainstream publication on weather manipulation comes from the 1996 Pentagon White Paper. Controlling the Weather. It’s discussed. Easiest form of war, like, way too easy, ask a Paddy, Famine. Famines are the cruelest form of war. Inhumane. Used for thousands of years.
Weather as a form of Warfare causing Man Made Famines. If, yes, if, it’s open to debate, it’s possible……I can see the bomb drop, I can grieve and bury my dead ….where do I go for retribution?????? I can see the bomb trajectory, I have a good idea….
When being attacked by the weather, lol, troll myself, where do I go for retribution, who do I tell, it’s open for debate, weather warfare, right….yikes how crazy am I. Lock me up with Ye:)
It’s hidden, in plane sight, under one’s nose, thumb up it in fact, and we are forced to pay for it. Famine ourselves, we, of the many poor. Poor we, interfere with the wealth of the rich few. I still remember Biafra……how many today even know where and what it was.
Cheers M
When the Syrian affair was going I well remember a US officer among the stench and ruin of a Syrian City asking an enlisted man “did you shoot the wounded?”…the reply? “Yes”…and the officer? “Good.”
It seems that NATO / nazi policy is to shoot the wounded or surrendered…seems the nazis were following “procedure”… “training”…
I think this is called “mop-up” in the nazi circles… It seems to be Policy…Einsatzgruppen, castration, rape, all the traditional sports…
But it’s not limited to battle…see film> https://rumble.com/vtbst0-the-midazolam-murders.-a-good-death-jacqui-deevoy.html?fbclid=IwAR0wDf2gAMN3S39gkBTCGXQxOFzRD4xvKJMMvGqazkym1qYFJuUIOZiqOgw
Then there were/are all those “biolabs”… And the Governor of NY emptied the convalescent wards, did he not?
Aktion T4 against the helpless and sonderbehandlung against the wounded… Quite familiar… Now where have we seen this before?
During Iraq war 2 a video emerged of a US soldier in a mosque casually murdering Iraqi wounded as he walked past them. His excuse when questioned: they were going to die anyway.
A good video about Russian artists who have answered the call to aid in their nation’s struggle:
Poets on the Frontline | Voices of the Donbass art scene
Belarus prepares for takeover. The special unit will operate within the framework of the CSTO in Kazakhstan. This being a good reminder of what is in store for Kazakhstan, how easily they forget. The encouraging news is CSTO involvement. And from a previous post it is the Poles who will train Belarusian dissidents for a violent seizure of power in Belarus.
In Belarus, a special unit is being created to act in case of an attempt to overthrow the authorities
Today, 20: 00
In Belarus, a special unit is being created to act in case of an attempt to overthrow the authorities
In Belarus, the formation of a new special forces unit is beginning, the main task of which will be to fight saboteurs and members of illegal armed groups in the event of martial law or other emergencies.
The new unit will enter service before the New Year, it will include officers and contractors with experience in operating within the framework of the CSTO in Kazakhstan. In addition, the fighters will necessarily study the course of hostilities in Ukraine.
We are creating a large part, a special-purpose battalion, which will be located in Minsk, but will also carry out tasks to combat sabotage and reconnaissance groups, illegal armed formations, if necessary – to conduct military intelligence, electronic intelligence
– said the commander of the internal troops of Belarus Nikolai Karpenkov.
In addition to the stated tasks, the new unit will be involved in solving others under martial law or a state of emergency, the fighters will be required to ensure legal order. To date, each brigade of the Internal Troops has a special forces company, there is also a special rapid reaction detachment, but they are not intended to act in case of attempts to overthrow the legitimate authorities. A new unit is being created to operate in precisely such conditions.
In the near future, literally before the New Year, this part will exist. It will seriously enhance the combat potential and combat capabilities of the internal affairs bodies.
– said Karpenkov.
Photos used:
Ministry of Defense of Belarus
Previous post
Violent overthrow of Belarus planned
In Poland, more than 800 fugitive Belarusian dissidents have registered as mercenaries, whom Poles will train for a violent seizure of power in Belarus. This was announced by Alexander Azarov, the representative of terrorist organization BYPOL, from its headquarters in Warsaw..
Good coverage by the colonel
War Monitor
??#BREAKING The head of the KGB of Belarus announced plans to introduce military contingents from Poland into the country
11:59 AM · Nov 1, 2022
Sonnet 116
Let me not to the marriage of true minds
Admit impediments. Love is not love
Which alters when it alteration finds,
Or bends with the remover to remove.
O no! it is an ever-fixed mark
That looks on tempests and is never shaken;
It is the star to every wand’ring bark,
Whose worth’s unknown, although his height be taken.
Love’s not Time’s fool, though rosy lips and cheeks
Within his bending sickle’s compass come;
Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks,
But bears it out even to the edge of doom.
If this be error and upon me prov’d,
I never writ, nor no man ever lov’d.
Becca Stevens; “True Minds”
“Hell is empty and all the devils are here.”
― William Shakespeare, The Tempest
Not sayin’ the blog is devilish.
When the Lover’s Love is True
O’ life is fresh, life is sweet,
When the world is at your feet.
When youth is young and spring is sprung
And the ways of love are just begun.
But life’s a quiz when it lacks the fizz,
When to fill the hour is all there is.
When the flesh is heavy and the heart is too,
And the ways of love are hidden from you.
And life is bitter, life is tart,
When the sting of defeat tears you apart.
When the pain of loss cuts your deep,
And the ways of love make you weep.
O’ life is precious, life is gold,
When the winter winds blow cold;
And you’ve found the freedom that’s always new,
When the lover’s love is true.
Are the Ukronazis signaling they are plotting to murder Putin? That’s what I gather from this talk of a “black swan event” inside Russia. I hope the Russians take this talk seriously:
“Your enemies will be them of your own household.”
Ukraine and Russia? It’s a family affair mostly yes?
As for a threat against Putin its only common sense that he and his entire cabinet would be targeted.
It’s always family that are our greatest enemies. Those nearest to us who know us the best are the greatest enemies.
Christ knew it well, all to well I’m afraid!
What boggles my mind is how can anyone deny that humans are having an effect? We destroy everything we touch, we civilized people. We destroy the whole forest system which effects all other system connected. We have used the oil product called plastic and destroyed the ocean and water systems around the world. We have built armies to use massive amounts of carbon to slaughter other humans. Not to mention the distruction of every place oil is moved out of the ground. We in the west are running out of water, we have an agg system that poisons our food and water. We eat way to much beef they 2 destroy our water system. It is easy to pretend some little kid is the cause of all this climate scare, it is much harder to talk to farmers fishermen, ranchers rangers firefighters, hunters and fishermen, about the reality of what they are seeing. Having been a climber , and outdoors person all my life, having had 3 friends loose their homes in massive un heard of wildfires it is pure fear or arrogance that makes people think climate change is fake. Do the corporate prostitutes use it to make more money and power for themselves ? OF Course! As tucker said if they were really serious they would ban their private jets. If the us government was serious the would ban the MIC. China is doing more then all other countries in the world to make changes for a better climate the USof A yabbers and bombs nothing more.
Good grief how can private jets be banned? Our world cannot go back to horse drawn carriages and neither can we go back to sails traversing the oceans. Perhaps if we did the world would be a better place no need for a one world government? But alas whats done is done. It actually reminds me of a docui about some people who as a social/scientific experiment tried to follow in the footsteps of the first settlers in their horse drawn carriages out west. The difficulty was so immense they didn’t last even 3 days.
As for forest fires you ever wonder who put out forest fires when man wasn’t around? Reminds the words ‘a land flowing with milk and honey, a land the Lord your God looks after.’ I guess there were no lighting strikes, no hurricanes, no tornado’s etc until that is man showed up and boom they got it all as in the 6th Century when God wiped Jerusalem as a man wipes a bowl?
But the more important question is what does the future hold?
I was just thinking of volcanos and all the soot they spew into the atmosphere……good soot I suppose, versus human soot. And yes, no one mentions who put the forrest fires out thousands of years. They did have them …..?
Cheers M
What bothers me is the amount of soot Africa emits…..they should pay for all that industrialization….oh, wait, they have a multi billion carbon foot print bill to pay off on behalf of international industrialists.
Follow the sheckles….trail always leads back to the grifters and their 10% hanger ons.
Holy chipcrap Batman…..seen a vid posted from late Oct from a disused speed way in the States, the place hasn’t been used in over twenty years. From the aerial shots looking down the parking lots were full to the max. Row after row after row, all Heavy/Super Duty F250s. Base price runs about $60k with high end models going for over$100k. Forty thousand trucks……parked.
40,000 F250s
Parked in a row
40,000 F250s
No chips to show
40,000 F250s
All dressed up
40,000 F250s
No place to go
Cheers M
Gonzalo Lira has a new video with an interesting new theory on the missile strike in Poland:
2022.11.20 About That Missle That Fell In Poland . . .
PS The Poles buried the dead from the missile strike with military honors. I wonder what Poles think about that:
In Poland, a farmer who died from a Ukrainian rocket was buried with honors
Could be pay involved with that, and you know how trickle down economics works.
@Saker : Maybe one remembers the Swiss Geneva BCCI CIA bank that funded the Afghan mujaheddin provocation for the USSR invasion back then. BCCI’s collapse was spectacular!
This report is beyond anything imagined!
FTX on Steroids: Is “Tether” the Biden World’s Crypto BCCI?
The FTX collapse AFTER the mid-terms, is only the tip of the iceberg, or the lid on the Crypt.
We know already Ukraine laundered Democrat money through FTX.
My take – Maggie Thatcher’s Al Yamamah (Dove of Peace) deal with Saudia provided the slush fund for terrorism,including 9-11. Are we looking at a Crypto slush fund to make Al Yamamah doves fall right out of the sky in awe? Is the entire Crypto coin circus a huge 3-letter-word scam?
CIA did same in the coup against its ally Australia in 1975. It set up the Nugan Hand Bank. There are even reports that money was funneled *not to the opposition leader (who became caretaker Prime Minister) but to the Deputy Prime Minister (the leader of a junior coalition party).
The final tidied-up version [after big-tech and god knows who else used every trick in the book to try to nobble the entire event] of this amaZING Brynderwyn Skyline Counterspin Meeting.
This is arguably the most important, profound, and heartfelt gathering of outrageously victimised Kiwis since the Parliament grounds vigil was scuttled so cruelly.
An old farmer from Matauri Bay [your’s truly] asks a somewhat curly question first up in the questions from the floor at the 1 hour 55 min-mark. This was to endeavour to highlight the fact that there will be no white horse-riding saviour coming from overseas to help us end this tyranny.
It’s actually up to us… forget about these so-called “Whitehats” and the imbecilic blathering dude with the terrible hairstyle. This is our responsibility as a society to save our own arses.
Cheers to all cafeistas’
Geez, these cafes come around quick. I’ve been pondering this question a little while now
For those who’ve also been wondering …
So the question is, is Russia happy about sharing [with China] the influence of Central Asia? Will Central Asia become the bone of contention between China & Russia once the China-US relations stabilizes?
“[With Kazakh elections on] Russia and China wish to see a stable Kazakhstan, and they play different roles: Moscow works with Kazakhstan on security and political questions, while China generally plays a financial and economic role.
China & Russia have a shared interest in the stability of Central Asia which is the ‘soft underbelly’ for both. Russia has acute limitations in mustering investible surplus of capital, and is a net gainer if China continues with that role, eg the upcoming Power of Siberia 2 gas pipeline project.
China has been very careful to accommodate Russia’s legitimate interests, & is conscious its ‘soft power’ is simply no match for Russia’s cultural & historical legacy. Make no mistake, Russian is still lingua franca for the region’s elites & will remain so for the foreseeable future.
Western propaganda told us Russia & China can’t have congruent interests in Central Asia. But 3 decades showed the ‘Shanghai spirit’ has not only survived, but effectively prevented predatory Western moves to contain Russia & China. Things may change only if the West abandons containment strategy.” – MKB
Multipolarity shows up in Kazakh steppes
My 2cents: And thinking of the current intervention in Ukraine, while China will benefit – its Russia who will have the victory!
What a cheap date-MBS immunity oil prices down
US grants immunity to MBS over Khashoggi killing and down come oil prices. The S&P 500 energy sector index tumbled 4% to its lowest level in four weeks as oil prices slid more than 5% after the Wall Street Journal reported Saudi Arabia and other OPEC oil producers are discussing an output increase.[O/R]
Wall St weighed down by energy shares, China curbs; Disney supports Dow
REUTERS – 21-NOV-2022
6:06:00 AM ET
By Ankika Biswas and Shreyashi Sanyal
‘Jamal died again’: US grants immunity to MBS over Khashoggi killing
Friday, 18 November 2022 9:15 AM [ Last Update: Friday, 18 November 2022 10:14 AM ]
The US Department of State has given Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman immunity from a lawsuit over the murder of Jamal Khashoggi despite Joe Biden’s earlier promise to hold the de facto ruler accountable for the crime.
In a statement on Thursday, the US State Department announced that it “recognizes and allows the immunity.” Citing its constitutional authority as well as customary international law, the department said, “Prime Minister bin Salman as a sitting head of government is immune while in office from the jurisdiction of the United States District Court in this suit.”